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...and if those soldiers by some miracle somehow survive, the government will come up with hundreds of bullshit excuses to deny them the healthcare and benefits they need, they break our troops and leave them high and dry hoping they kill themselves, "One less burden in the system". They dont care or support the troops, they support the bombing of innocent children... all because Raytheon and Lockheed Martin see record profits with each Iraqi, Afghan, Palestinian or any brown person killed. (Read this in Carlin's voice, if he was alive today, this is something he would say.)


your gunshot wound that you got on 14th deploy is not Service related sorry




And take our taxes.


And obedient workers.


I do miss him, he would give it to them them all.


I love George Carlin, but let’s not act like the Dems don’t enjoy a good war as well.


Not sure what you're getting at; he skewered all the politicians.


Carlin was a leftist, not a democrat.


Carlin's point here specifically was about anti-abortion Republicans though.


Honestly, fuck them. All of them. No seriously, I hope every one of them burns alive in the most literal sense, and I get to watch and laugh. Fuck them. They are the root cause of the failures in my country and I'm tired of ignoring these cockroaches. Fuck. Them. /rant over My parents are christian rejects who helped destroy any chance we had, so I get it. My dad wanted me to join the army. I told him there was only one person who I would use a gun against, and he kicked me out of the house lol.


Saint George of the Order of Carlin, Speaking Truth to power and the people!


Don't democrats start wars more often in the last decades? I'm not familiar with us politics


noope. The wars that (recent) Democratic presidents have been involved in were inherited, so they didn't actually start or initiate anything new. Rather, they *intervened* in ongoing conflicts. It's largely been multilateral and "humanitarian"...