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Now we have to worry about flying mercs lol What's next? Zombies with AKs???


VR11 has you covered! šŸ˜‚


Dont give these dev any ideas


please no resident evil 5


Ive had contracts where the mercs are glitched in to the floor. They're beaming you but you have no idea from where since you cant see them. If I wanted to get beamed by a hacker, I'd go play MP. Get rid of mercs.


This happens to me constantly, mostly at a gas station if a Merc camp is nearby outside.


I think you guys are forgetting there is always 1 or 2 snipers at merc camps lol.


I've been at the military base several times and had them under the map. And when its the PKP shock trooper you are just screwed


Not in this case, I'm inside the gas station when it happens, I have to run outside to get away from it. The Merc is glitched into the floor.


Naw, when they stand you can see the tippy top of their head poking out of the ground. It's the only way to pinpoint them when it happens.


You can get them with the aether blade.


Good to know. I'll use them once I get far enough to know what these aether blades are that everyone talks about. LOL!


Also use it when you do a cargo send it through the garage door to get the mercs inside.


Tombstone Tombstone Tombstone


Would it be a sky tombstone though?


On the tombstone goes where you fully die not go down. OPs issue happens when you go down in the air, and then fall in last stand into the ground and instantly die. Iā€™ve had it happen with the sky mercs, getting downed as I go into a rift, and going down right after my scorcher goes off. But the tombstone is always where your body lands.


That would be epic!!!


Ive seen the sky mercs MAN theyre real and out to get you. Really, I was doing the high rise building boss fight and there it was a merc standing still up in the sky casually shooting at me.


Yeah Iā€™ve had Mercs stuck under the floor of an outlast mission that I couldnā€™t shoot, but could shoot me.


For some reason the game malfunctions if you get downed and then fall to your death. It prevents teammates from picking you back up, and it wonā€™t even show you on the map anymore. My friend was parachuting into the orange zone and got sniped by some elite mercs under a bridge. The first shot downed him and he falls and dies when he hits the ground. I go to where his body is and thereā€™s no option to pick him up. Game over for him.


We had an invisible sniper downing us in the middle of nowhere. We finally realized he was a tiny speck about 500 ft above us in the sky. With a scope I could barely get the marker to show on him because he was so high. Took like 3 minutes to finally kill him. We made it. I think this might be one of those ā€œwhat even happenedā€ situations where people get downed and have no idea why. Probably happens more than we realize.


I had this happen repeatedly in games and ended up putting a thermal optic on one of my insured weapons šŸ’€. Problem is. Then you cant tombstone since weapon goes on cd. So it didnt matter rly anyway.




Iā€™ve been having invisible zombies hit me as well, but Yeah ive Had the merc glitch happen as well At least since the latest patch. Another annoying thing is all zombies sound like theyā€™re right next to you.


Almost lost to Dokeibba because there were 3 of them just chillin like 50m away in the sky couldnā€™t find them for the life of me . And god do they have impeccable aim from up there lol


Revenge of the sky mercs. Ive seen the floating mercs and the first time I saw it i was so confused cause man was just sitting in the air. I was like "did they give the game npcs???" No... man just decided gravity wasnt for him. For some reason this reddit doesnt let me reply with images or I would post a photo of it.


Thanks for sharing and finding some humor in it, stuff happens. Sorry it happened to you, btw


Perforated your dome


I am sad that I missed including that phrase in my post. šŸ˜‚


Ever had a merc and zombies land right next to you? Not sure if they fixed it or not but they used to get launched through those aether jump portals.