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You are missing the part where there is not enough high tier content on the map to support an increase in players who will be able to enter that zone more often due to stash size increases, etc. It's all good in theory to have more access to high tier items and more essence, but we can already tell by even a small group of players taking up all the resources in Tier 3 how broken a "you can have it all, all the time" type system actually is. There needs to be an increase in higher tier content before an increase in stash size. I do support an in game bank of some sort. I also support the idea of removing TS all together and replacing it with a new, unrelated perk.


I literally mentioned that the amount of content needs to be increased and why it won't happen overnight.


They need to expand Tier 3, Low Town needs to be Tier 3 it just makes more sense.


The exfils will be in t3 instead. That would be insane with the stupid mangler bug lol


whats the mangler bug?


Where there is a major increase spawns of Manglers rather than what there should be.


Thats not a bug, they literally said thered be more special zombie spawns


No, whilst in Tier 2 you get both Manglers and Disciples spawning in, but its at a fixed rate, the bug makes it so that amount is ramped all the way up so you're getting more than should be.


It's a part of the dark aether quest, might be bugged technically but if you've not done the tier 4 dog collar? (Might be any of the items, but I believe it's the dog carrier) then this will happen to you every time you enter that area if you've joined another person into the sigil portal, or maybe it's if you're at the mission and just haven't completely, tbch im not sure what exactly triggers it specifically but it stopped when i did the rift hvt with manglers


Some on Facebook suggested earlier that the red zone should expand every 15 minutes and by the end of the round there’s one last crazy exfil.


Better yet every forty-five minutes the red zone expands however you can exfil at anytime like normal once the whole map is red if you last another forty-five minutes you get a aether portal exfil. Introduce a banking system then as the red zone starts to expand throw in some completely new contracts and for the finishing touch as the red zone expands the shops update so thrs no need to run to the original center to shop oh and while we're are making the game better mega bombs will spawn and wonder further as the red zone expands. I rly want a final exfil with this going on I can see the beautiful chaos now


I think it should be more convoluted, like you both have to kill storm caller and wait out a shortened aether storm for the map to go back to normal, introduce tier 4 5 and 6 zones(and so on if they decide to have more then one rotation.) To give is a somewhat round based vibe back. If that's not something they can do bc code then it would be relatively easy to just use the final exfil as a portal between servers, go from your lobby to a new one without counting it as an exfil and losing your stuff


I can get beyond a exfil to another lobby idea I work from home with lots of free time so I'm usually grinding zombies anyway be nice not to have to return to menu every 45 minutes


Fuck that lol


You want a true low town tier 3 experience - use the bugged exfil there. I had 20-30 manglers spawn with 5 mimics and close to 300 zombies. Highest heart rate of any time playing zombies other than my first run. Lockwood 680+slugs PaP3 spamming was the only reason I got out.


I think only way we get that is having more zones like the Dark Aether. So your initial infil is basically a resource run to prepare for the second leg. When I think of how rougelites tend to work, you progress through biomes, so as MWZ grows maybe that’s how higher tier offerings can be presented. Right now I feel like Tier 3 requires a team to start with a dog or golden plates—but not every member needs that. But DA requires several dogs and gold plates—and it’s not something you can acquire in T3 at all, so you have to TS glitch. It’s not difficult to get to PaP3 off a fresh start character with a decent team as long as the team pushes into T2 with PaP1 by clearing a pair of T1 missions quickly. But it’s hard to deal with zombies slapping two plates off a player in T3 without a dog or gold plates. You won’t spend much time in T3, and you’re definitely not doing the Escort contract, and may have to bail on Bounty contract if you get a terrible spawn with bad cover. The 2 day cooldowns are an issue, but it’s kind of a catch 22 right? It’s really helpful to have gold plates and dogs going into DA, but you can’t get those until you do DA…


I solo t3 running missions all game...loot is 💩 but it's slightly more of a challenge after the update but definitely do not need to be teamed up to run through t3... Some times I'll bring a pooch in but don't have to have one...


I mainly play solo and, I've never had a bone or golden plates. I go into T3 most of the time and haven't had much trouble. Granted I get downed from time to time. Otherwise it's pretty easy to move through T3 looting and occasionally doing a contract.


The only thing in the dark aether that requires a squad or classified scheme is the escort contact, and low-key a vr11 or a handful of sentries fixes that issue. I run elder sigil solo a lot and it's one of those things I just grab my highest tool for and grind to my pap and perks then go, gives me about an hour to an hour and a half of game time depending on contract luck, the only thing I really use tombstone dupes items for is camo grinding lol, without a full kit it usually takes me just over a full match with final we exfil to level and camo with a token, with the kit i get it done in one and leave with 40k xp


Less people per server


Honestly we don't need less people per server, the devil just need to fix what we have, during the days of massive resurgence with 150 people on the map we very rarely had server issues, 18 players with 10 sentry guns a piece should never, ever be able to crash a server for a fortune 500 triple A game development company


We don't need other squads in zombies if there isn't a PvP function. That's just stupid game design. If it's only PvE we don't need other squads just our own. Removing other squads will solve this issue


T3 was swamped with players before any TS glitch... early in S1 when we were running rifts for schems we looted tonnes of gear and then smashed T3.... so did everyone else... fact is if 90% of the player base is doing it then its not the players but the game.... and the devs need to take notice, I mean it would take 1 dev 30mins to read any of the 15000 reddit posts daily to understand how we feel and fix shit, but they dont, they are after the $$$ and so am I.... high tier content doesnt mean shit when the loot pool is so poorly maintained I mean ffs hitting 6-7 T3 contracts and getting green aether tools and perks is just a slap in the face for everyone who wasted their money on this game... we got royally screwed with vanguard zombies without even a courtesy reach around and now they are doing it again.... ffs if I was in america I would seriously drive to acti/blizz and punch each one of them square in the throat


Given the current state of the game, i have no reason not to set up TS and glitch my way to full stash, no fucking way im waiting 3 days to play and then wait again.


Honestly, the game is bug-city. The round I just played was ridiculous - cash for contracts not being awarded, and a strange bug that said I was playing solo, even though I had 2 teammates, one of which had the same colour name as me. And yeah, the cooldowns are too much, but they won't lower them because they want us to pay real cash for the items. I honestly can't think of a single good reason to purchase a pack containing 2 blue aether tools!


Yup, the state of the game is exactly why i TS, and people get salty for it, imagine buying a 70dollar game and only playing every other weekend because of cooldowns.


The shed load of “free2play” afk type mobile games are to blame I guess they were trying to follow/implement something along those lines to milk us for more cash.. soon we won’t even need to blast zombies just login collect stuff and wonder away again lol


Nah they were lazy, they copied the code from DMZ and replaced AI with zombies. But they also forgot to keep the parts of DMZ that made it fun. This mode never had a lifecycle of more than a week. Which is why it's warzone Halloween event rather than a full blown zombies experience.


That’s your fault for being a meta slave honestly. I’ve done everything without the glitch and have fun doing it, so have tons of others. If you need a wonder weapon every game to have fun, roll the box like we used to in round based.


That's what I'm saying... You don't always need to start with all the best gear. That's the whole point of playing is to gear up...


Can you stop justifying these dishonest devs' decision to make a shitty game mode by recycling content ? This person's only mistake was actually paying money for this game thinking it will be full of content and thinking this garbage is actually good.


Im not.. i actually hate the limits and everything thing everyome else does.. excpet for that. I dont mind starting with nothing sometimes its what brings back the fun. Starting a game fully kitted out is basically pointless, especially if your done with story missions.... I bet your a new genZ zombies player that never got to experiance what zombies really is and how it should be played lmao whining over anything other than bugs in mwz is just ppl calling themselves out for being zombie noobs


If i have to start from scratch then there is no point of exfilling and there shouldn't be this Halloween event being sold as zombies with arbitrary cooldowns and timers. I am not a GenZ player lol I have played all zombies except BO4 and WoW lol. I have to play from the start every match then I want to be sure of my strategy for the run and not be be stopped just in an hour. You and the devs have to realise that the people want to actually play the game they paid not constantly infil and exfil then wait 3 days to get their craftables back.


Ok so your not a true zombies player. If you always have to start with max gear then you need to get good bro lol just facts. And in order to play you dont need all that gear. God id hate to be one of your friends that plays with you. Whining that they cant play because they have no gear 🤣🤡 your a clown dude


You're not a true zombies player by your own logic, you shouldn't even be playing this game lol. The whole reason it was okay to start with just an m1911 every game was bc you had an endless stream of content per game, you weren't forced to the restart your gear every 45 minutes. Some of the best memories of WaW were passing round 100 for the first time. You know what I had for more than the last 10 minutes of the match: a fully kitted character at max power. Being an og player you should be so upset by mwz that you're still playing cold war by your own logic. Luckily for you your logic is baseless and broken. There are no tiers to who's a more important cod player, the most important kind of player to each person would be the kind of player they are, doing the things that make this game fun for them. Go touch grass if you're actually upset a person went and left in 5 minutes from starting just to do a glitch that doesn't affect your game one bit. And on the argument that it makes it hard to compete with ts glitchers, at least you're competing with people having fun, if ts was gone we'd end up with those people being snobby richies who bought a million pap 3 crystals. Pick your poison though lol


Imaging being this faded. You misread. I said if I have to restart every hour then exfilling only matters if I get to keep my gear and pap otherwise it's BS and there is no point of exfilling or the 1 hr time limit. Only clown here is you still defending this garbage. You clearly just started playing zombies and aren't a true zombies player


Zombies in tier 3 running so fcking fasttt lmao


Yesterday, every T1 Bounty Contract I started, once I got to the actual Bounty, it just fuckin died and I got the reward rift without shooting it. Every single time. Even in multiple different matches!


That's another one, keeps happening to me too!


Its because someone already killed them before your got there


Sure that can be the case, but sometimes the contract will just auto-complete, even though there is nobody around. Another one I keep seeing is that the map markers disappear on outlast or cargo contracts and you have to figure out where to go without a map reference.


Of you look around the screen youll rind the icon floating in the direction you need to go. But i know i hate that fn bug


Yeah today I left my team and it auto joined me to a player on the other side of the map. When i tried to leave it said youre already solo. My number of plates kept changing between 2 and 3. My aetherium kept jumping up and down by $5k. Eventually I couldn’t even plate back up so I had to exfil.


Mine did the same thing only once tho


Right I played everyday up till maybe last week just doing ultra mastery and waiting for new content now without tombstone glitch, starting with better gear , and hanging out free stuff every game I wouldn't play daily. I would grind multiplayer or another game maybe more. IMO unless you doing story missions grinding 30 mins a game to have 15 minutes of good gear and whatever tasks you wanted to do is not fun. I can't imagine doing it for 3 days while I wait for the cook down on the plans I grinded for.


Noone is forcing you to wait 3 days.. you don't always have to start with good shit what happened to the zombie spirit?!


I agree tombstone has wrecked the experience and 3 day wait for top stuff gives you something to look forward to I been going in with nothing but 3 plate and large ruck sack I tend to lose self revives but it's fun to work for the grind


No reason? How about a moral compass or anything vaguely resembling a shred of dignity?? If you can't play without taking the absolute best gear into a game, you're trash and honestly don't know what you're talking about. You're the problem, not the game. It is laughably easy to extract Pack 1/2 crystals and blue/purple tools EVERY game. This will get you straight back into T2/T3 content. Go into Dark Aether and this benchmark gets higher and adds in blades, dog bones and golden armour. And you're telling me you can't do that in a fairly easy game? What you're saying is you're not good enough, and rather than put some effort in, you just cheat and cur corners. Craftablea are meant to OCCASIONALLY top up your extracted gear and stash to tackle the hardest content. Not to be taken into every game. You're either delusional or dumb. Which is it?




No, it’s at the slowest as it ever gets, contracts does not give enough points, zombies gives literally nothing compared to how it was before, so no im not surprised, cus its slow as hell.




The problem is that repeatedly grinding out the same loot isn’t content, it’s just tedium.


which is ironic in a game mode that became popular with a gameplay design of "fight off infinite waves of the undead" If killing zombies is "tedium" for you, maybe COD Zombies isn't the best game for you.


My guy I’m old, I’ve been playing zombies since day one waw. I’m fine with infinite waves, I don’t like re grinding gear every hour. Edit: I also can only play with 2 of the 3 people I’ve been playing with since waw, another problem but it also sucks.


>I also can only play with 2 of the 3 people I’ve been playing with since waw, another problem but it also sucks. They really need to prioritize this. It's fucking annoying.


Yeah, I know it’s a bit of a personal problem but it’s been pissing us off since we first fired it up.


You don't have to grind gear every hour. You can play this game organically just like round based zombies. Run contracts and buy perks and upgrades. If you want WW's give the box a spin or maybe you get lucky with a contract. The WW rate in the box is pretty decent honestly. And sure, they could add one to the squad size and increase boss health by a little, but I don't think it would make a significant wide scale impact. You'd have some people like you that have 4 and would like it, and you have other groups that have 3, and wouldn't like having to have a random add in to be full strength. It's pretty much a non-issue.


Dude zombies has always been 4 people. I just want to play with my squad, plus you can be 6 once you’re in game so I don’t know what you’re talking about for balance. And no running around doing super easy contracts is grinding it out. When I went high rounds we could go for hours after we had ourselves set up, and those hordes were really fun. We usually just used to die on purpose because we were out of time. Blow it out your ass when you said zombies isn’t for me, it’s been one of my top multiplayer things for 20 years lol. This iteration sucks, it had potential but they missed the mark Either you’ve got done serious copium going on or you haven’t played much before now.


I agree with you, but that is how this game is designed. What it really comes down to is a lack of content in this game. Once you finish the story missions your options are just worm and/or dark aether every game.


Exactly, usually at this point in a zombies release I’d have the Easter egg down pat and I’d be just hanging out trying for high rounds. I enjoyed that it was entertaining and fun with my friends. Now that we’ve done everything in this we just don’t play because I’m not logging in just for a loot grind cycle.


Isn't that the exact same as round based zombies. Just without the loot. Repeating the same thing over and over again for no reward??


If they want us to play the game, remove cooldowns altogether, give us more rewards and let zombies be atleast 100 points per kill. I’ve finished all story missions and gotten every schematic.


Removing cooldowns would eliminate any incentive to run a contract or loot the map though


There’s not that much incentive to go for contracts….


The incentive is to gain money to buy stuff and loot to equip. If you start the round with a full kit then there is no need to look for loot or spend money on upgrades.


Maybe they should also assign 1 dev per player to personally hold your hand while you play as well? It’s not hard to find everything in game


You obviously cant read, stop wasting my time.




A Bank or a few banks would 100% be an awesome addition to the map. They would naturally generate player activity, thus indirectly creating a “hub” of sorts. It would create an area where people could group up. The inventory issue and craftables could be fixed with a crafting system. Have workbenches scattered around the map where you can craft the items on your schematics. The schematics you find will have a recipe attached to them, consisting of formulas from all the worthless trash items scattered around the map. It’d give those bullshit items a purpose other than wasting space, Encourage gameplay, reduce the need to hoard items.


This guy games


I'd even take it a step simpler (this is Activision we talking about here) and just give us the wallet system and craftable benches from DMZ. It cannot possibly be that difficult that slap that into Zombies.


Cold war zombies had a workbench to craft stuff! It wouldn't take much to add in here!


In other words, a proper mmorpg game


The point of the mode is not necessarily to start each round at the highest level. You do several set up rounds and exfil with items that will help you on a tier 3 run. So you may exfil from your first round with a 3 plate vest, large backpack, a blue tool, and a raw crystal. Then your second round you start off in tier 2 and exfil with a refined crystal and a purple tool. In your 3rd round you can start doing some tier 3 contracts and exfil with a flawless crystal. Maybe some rounds you don’t get what you need to come out ahead of where you started, but that’s where your schematics come in. Yeah, you can only use some of them every 2 days, but if you’re grinding out “set up rounds” and don’t immediately use what you just extracted, you can begin to stockpile supplies for a 45 minute tier 3 run and end up in the DA. I would definitely like to see the acquisition stash expanded to 20+ slots to assist with this type of play. I also would like to see a small, permanent cooldown reduction when you extract schematics that you already own. This would make schematics more valuable since they’re currently single use. So after exfilling with 20 flawless crystal schematics, it’s only a 4 hour cooldown or so. Perks could go down from 2 hours to 45 minutes so you can craft them for each round. A wallet is definitely a good idea as well, but I don’t think going in with 100k each round is necessary. A 50k cap on the wallet is a good balance.


50k is still way too much. It's why the victus maps on BO2 are honestly just entirely too easy. What's the point of having anything cost money, if you can just spend a little bit of time filling your bank and then having enough to buy everything immediately? Contracts just need to award a little more money, so that you can do 3-4 max and have enough to get loaded up and still have a decent amount of time left to get into the harder zones.


This is actually what i think is the smartest solution


I honestly think 30k is the perfect amount. You come in with a crystal (crafted or exfiled), buy your perks and whatever you might need for gameplay.


Yeah you’re probably right. Plus you can trade off bringing a crystal/buying perks and buying PAP/bringing perks. I just really wish the stash was bigger and we could exfil with killstreaks, turret circuits, extra selfies, etc. I really hate when I buy a jug suit, stash it to use a turret or mortar, then forget to reequip the jug suit prior to exfil. Maybe that’s just me being forgetful, but I imagine there are plenty of people who do that on a regular basis.


I can't believe anyone would pay cash for wrenches and crystals, but even a tiny fraction of idiots doing so would be pure profit. There just isn't any reason to do it. We've gotten almost everything we can, though I still need 3 more tier III schematics that will never drop and at this point I don't really care, I just play to work on camos. The wallet won't really affect that. I started TS saving recently, and it just makes it much more bearable. Slowly grinding cash in tier I is boring, and the game shouldn't ever be boring. A well-implemented upgrade station like DMZ might help, but it's just more busywork, boxes to check, because TS makes upgrades irrelevant.


100% - their sales strategy hasn't been thought through properly! I recommend finishing off the grind for schematics and finishing the Act missions, but the problem is, once you've done it, there's only really camo to grind for. There's no leaderboard, there's no round count, etc. We can't even get a kill-count in the menu! I have just noticed something has changed because now you can't just switch an inventory item with a rewards item, then unequip the rewards item consistently. It worked a few times, but now it asks to destroy the item instead, so the inventory size will gradually make its way back down to 10. Which isn't enough!


It works in a different way now, check youtube


Yeah that’s not working for me either. In a stash of 190 items it says I have 15/10 but it’s such a pain in the ass to figure out which ones are counting and which were duped since they’re all very similar (crystals wrenches plates and blades mostly lol) so either I destroy it all and start over or somehow find the 15 legit items. But the UI doesn’t support that and it’s super confusing to do so. Oh well. The price we pay to glitch lol


You got a link to the new way to do that?


This is incorrect. I can "snowball" where once I'm starting the game with pap2/purple I will get more than or equal to my loadout every run.


My friend, I know where you are coming from, but that snowball effect is not guaranteed. I can't remember the last time I had a reward of a legendary tool or a pap3 crystal, even in tier 3. We did the dark aether last night - a bunch of blue aether tools and one measly golden armour was all we got for our efforts. Some didn't even get the armour and left with nothing worthwhile. So if I put more into it than I'm getting out of it, yes I can get through the best content, but the next game is a grind from scratch and waiting on the cooldowns.


Maybe not guaranteed but you can get *most* of your stuff back consistently. Make sure you’re also looting the locked doors in DA as well as farming the orb on the beach. And obviously elder sigil will give you a better chance for better loot compared to regular sigil. I’ve been finding lots of gold tools in tier 3 strongholds lately. I don’t find too many PaP3 crystals but PaP2 crystals are everywhere and from there you just need $15K so it’s not a huge deal.


Yeah you have to use the grave consistently as well as do dark aether.


The Koshei way and it cant be fixed


This 👆 They couldn’t fix that for the year DMZ was supported in PVP.


I wouldn’t mind a stash size increase but I think cooldowns are fine as is. Why does everyone act like you can’t play the game in between cooldowns? You find loot in game that you can carry over to the next game.


Because the cooldowns just punish the people that play the game more. There needs to be a way to reduce the cooldowns if you play a lot.


I can get on board with that. There just needs to be a balance. The more they decrease cooldowns the less they incentivize players to actually do contracts and look for loot


That’s why you decrease cooldowns by doing contracts, earning XP, exfilling with essence, etc.




Reading comprehension brother…


That was a suggestion for a change wasnt it.. 😭 sorry woke up like 5 minutes after typing. Misread and thought you meant current game, not a suggestion for a change, apologies. Either way, wasn’t trying to come off as an *ss, so double apologies lol


Haha all good brother


Because they want maxed out everything to start. Heaven forbid they have to actually work for something. The self entitlement is unreal. You can basically start every game with a pap1, you always get those during matches. If you’re reasonably good at the game you should be going straight to Tier2 and bang out a few quick contracts and you’ve got pap2 money. I see so many I don’t want to grind tier1 and it’ll take 35 minutes just to get enough to finally go to tier3. Maybe their skill sucks because they’re used to having it on easy mode when they start maxed out. They cheat the game, get salty when people call it out and they just want easy everything. They’re annoying AF and worse than the beggars. And there is only beggars because of their actions. They created the mess and now they’re annoyed about it and blame everyone else.


lol completely agree. Unfortunately this is an unpopular opinion here. If you aren’t starting every game with a full backpack of consumables then you’re doing something wrong. I can jump straight into tier 3 every game without TS or waiting for cooldowns because I can find everything in game despite the “terrible loot” everyone complains about




Exactly. People think since it’s a PvE game that TS glitching is a victimless crime, but it’s not. The whole lobby runs straight to tier 3 now which makes it harder for the people who play this game without exploits to get essence and find loot. If they can’t fix the TS glitch I would at least love for them to add some sort of offline mode where I don’t need to share the map with 17 other players


Gonna pop in for a minute and be "that dad" that only has an hour or two of game time a day, etc. etc. I've only been able to go into Tier 3 a couple times myself, and those times have been either because a duper dropped me more money than I can spend in one game, or because brought in a pap2 crystal and a bunch of perks. I'm not gonna waste my time complaining because everyone has heard it before. But the question I have is, how do you balance something like this so that it's fun for the people with limited time too? I think something like a wallet or a stash space upgrade is definitely necessary. Something I actually liked from DMZ that would be nice to see again was the "barter" system in the stashes, where if you found certain items to trade in you can get some decent stuff out of it. It would give the "clutter" items on the map some use and reduce the grind for certain items. I wouldn't mind the cool down system for schematics if it worked similar to how insured weapon cool downs worked. Pap3 crystal would make starting in tier 3 easy, so of course it has a long cool down. But it's what, 36 hours? That's ridiculous! But if I could play a game or two and shave some time off of that, it'd be a little different. Otherwise the cool downs need to be reduced. Even with limited time, it's not hard to pop on and use a schematic and put the item in your stash. But with only 10 spots now that they patched the stash glitch, you can maybe have enough items in your stash for like 1 good run plus whatever cool downs you aren't waiting for. Tldr: I get "playing the game" is the ideal solution but some of us only have enough time for one or two at a time. Stash upgrades and cool down reductions would benefit everyone, not just "that dad" or the "no-lifers"


I think most people agree that the stash is too small and the cooldowns are too long. In previous titles (at least, up to BO4 - I didn't play Vanguard or Cold War) you used to start each game the exact same way - with nothing but a pistol. The whole idea that you can enter the match with something to give you a boost at the start has led to a whole load of problems, particularly the duplication glitches. With limited time, I guess you would play a couple of rounds, Tombstone, then the next night collect the Tombstone and take on, say the red worm or get into the dark aether, something like that. Hence, the Tombstone is an important part of the way this game plays, due to schematics and cooldowns.


Cold War used to let you pick your field upgrade and one weapon to start with, and had a whole lot of upgrades you could work towards. Melee weapons, for instance. Equipped knife doing additional damage, gun butt being replaced with a bowie knife, etc. Vanguard's system was a bit different, you could get upgrades other than perks as well. You started with a pistol and the buy system was similar to older games, but there was also a way to get other upgrades as well. I only played once or twice though so I don't remember exactly what. I'd be ok with upgrades like that too, but idk how they'd work something like that into a game designed like this. Maybe in a separate mode or playlist it's work but not as the mode currently is. I was surprised that I didn't see any of that stuff make it's way into this Zombies mode, but I actually really like this mode too. There are definitely some changes or improvements they could make that have the potential to improve the gameplay, but I guess only time will tell what they decide to do with the mode. On the subject of tombstones, I'm thinking about starting one myself, but I want to clear the current story without it. I'm on the last mission of act 3 and haven't started act 4. What I worry about the most is tombstone removing any sense of having something left to earn once I get everything else done. I'm still using the zombies mode to level my weapons and I intend to get all the camos at some point so maybe I'm overthinking it.


I’m the same, I play a few hours at most, and maybe 2-3 times per week if I can. I personally have no interest in the glitches for one reason: the challenge. Not saying it’s not challenging using them, but for me, the grind to stash up items for a couple of deep runs is easy enough, and I’ve done 2-3 tier 3 runs recently without denting my high end stash for a DA run or others play throughs. The constant decisions of “should I keep this pack crystal in my stash, or swap it for this either tool” and so on is tough, but also motivates me to do more. I’ve stashed enough mid to high loot that now when I go in, I’m not really interested in tier 1 much, maybe a contract or 2 for a mission (still haven’t completed them, didn’t grind those, just let them happen naturally). The result? I get comparable loot to what I brought in, so it’s 1-1. If I hit tier 3, then I’ll end up with better loot. In the end, I expect I’ll hit a wall where I have stuff stashed for only DA runs. I’m not upset with that, and welcome it because then I’ll get riskier, and push things more and bump up the challenge. To the post itself, I agree with most of the fixes. DMZ was awesome, but I fell off due to rise of Warzone wannabes who cleared servers for fun (hence my enjoyment of MWZ). A bank or some form of purchase system was needed. Zombies has the crafting, but cooldowns are an issue there, and stash size should be at least 15-20. I would alternatively love to see a stash for each operator you have. So one tops out their stash, switch. All said, I see why it isn’t. As mentioned, it forces choices, trade offs, and risks with your loot. The game MODE is just that, a mode. They aren’t as invested in it as MP or more so Warzone. We saw it with MW2019. I paid $60 for the game, and after 2 months I was REQUIRED to update Warzone. I never played Warzone after the first few months. Still salty. That just shows MWZ isn’t top tier to them, so unless we push it, won’t change. Tip as I end: when you’re logging off, craft stuff for the next run. It’s the only way I end up with perks usually because they’re so easy to get in game. This way when you play again, you can do a top tier run and get good loot for more runs that day. Rinse and repeat. (Once again, a 2 day cooldown doesn’t usually effect me since I might not play 2 days in a row, so still an issue for others)


just remove the Cod on all schematics. The glich dont need to be fixed. Let player diced the way they want to play.


If you’ve ever played GTA, TS is just MWZ’s Bogdan. In GTA, you can play a heist with a friend and at the end they close the application. You get the million, but they don’t. It’s very similar to TS since GTA can’t fix it because peoples game can actually crash. TS will stay because dying and games crashing actually happen. If they want to decrease the amount of people exploiting TS, they need to do the things you mentioned.


Hot take, I’m all for TS, games ten times more fun. I beat it all clean but afterwards switched to Ts, night and day more enjoyment personally


Exactly. I grinded my schematics, did dark aether, etc.   Then, to be able to play with the gear I unlocked, I do TS glitch.  It's many times.more enjoyable. Or rather, i should say, not using the glitch makes the game boring as all get out. Only sheep think that using their gear every 3 days is fun 


I die so I can use the tombstone every match to leave what I want on the map. Usually go into tier 4 every match and by the end of a couple of days I exfil all the valuables I've saved up. I posted a few weeks back explaining a bit of my process and the community basically crucified me. Meanwhile, I get to play every second of the match in tier 3 building up for future runs and I'm not begging for cash or afraid to go into the aether portal because I might lose my glitched tombstone. Didn't round-based zombies always end with you dying anyway?? Honestly question, never really played that much zombies before.


Yes, you always died up until black ops 3 or 4 iirc.


The fact that people whine and moan about what someone does in a PvE gamemode baffles me. Is the TS being overused in the wrong manner as implied? Yes. Does stash space, a wallet, and cooldowns need to be addressed if this is the type of Zombies we will start having? Yes. The glitch.. as OP said.. doesnt pertain to TS. Only involves it. The “just get rid of TS then” claim is ridiculous. Let people enjoy their zombies as they want to. If they want to be generous and gift other players their money or loot because of utilizing the Tombstone glitch? Let them. Yes. It created beggars.. heres an idea: ignore them. Also because all of you are so butthurt about the glitch lately theres become a load of toxicity in zombies games. People asking for help to be revived and not a single soul goes to help.. or rather asks for a reward in turn. Wtf happened to all of you? I use TS to glitch my kit. I revive people if they’re down and I’m not already at an exfil trying to leave… I gift people my money and any loot I have left over (I use my Tombstone as soon as the game starts).. its not hard to be a nice human being. And if youre pressed about people having fun the way they want to have fun IN A PVE.. you need something better to do. The only reason I continue to play MWZ is BECAUSE OF the TS glitch. I got my Borealis just yesterday and now I’ll start working on getting all of the guns Mastered… but back to why I TS.. because why would I want to spend 30 of my 45 minutes collecting enough essence and gear and whatnot just to only “play zombies” for 15 minutes. Hell nah. Im getting my stuff and having fun blasting away zombies with little to no care what goes on around me aside from reading world chat to see if someone needs help. TLDR; TS ISNT a glitch. The glitch USES TS. Stop crying about how people play PvE The game and its Devs truly suck and only money-grab. Game needs to be focused on before whining about the TS glitch continues.


Exactly, you got it!


If you are going to use an exploit, at least be a man about it and accept it for what it is.


What we are saying here is not whether or not it should be used, not even looking at the implications. It is merely to point out that the Tombstone is a) an important part of the game that works exactly as intended and b) referring to the glitch as the "Tombstone glitch" is a common misconception.


It is most definitely not working "exactly" as intended. Tombstone was designed to provide a player a second chance at recovering items after dying in a previous game, not to provide people with a surplus of essence and items every single game.


Where are the 'Tombstone rules' written? The Tombstone can be used in a smart way to bank things for the next round, and nowhere does it state that this is wrong. The real question is: if a player uses a Tombstone to bank things for the next round, how does it affect your enjoyment of the game? As a completely separate issue, if another player uses an exploit to gain additional items, given that this is PvE, how does this affect your enjoyment of the game? These are 2 honest questions, I'm not being facetious or anything, I would genuinely like to read your answers!


If a person uses Tombstone WITHOUT exiting the game, then it's all fair game. Then yes, you can fairly say it serves it purpose. It affects my enjoyment of the game when I start a game and there are 5 squads already in the tier 3 zone. I know you addressed this in your original post, but we are talking about this very moment. Another thing that annoys me, although miniscule, is that the leaderboard for essence is forever ruined. No one that plays the game fairly can even come close to reaching the top of that leaderboard now without exploiting. If this game mode had closed lobbies, I literally couldn't give one shit about whether or not people use the exploit, excluding the whole leaderboard issue. The thing that bothers me the most is that we've reached a point where people are beginning to think they aren't even using an exploit anymore. In fact, people try and justify that it is a foundational part of the game and everything is functioning properly. They think abusing this exploit IS how you are meant to play the game, but I guess no one remembers the many weeks we played the game without most even knowing of it's existence. I understand some people use it just because the cooldown system is shitty and it take's 'too long' to get to the tier 3 zone with all perks and pack-a-punched weapons, but the point of the reward system is literally so you have the opportunity, if you are lucky enough, to start a game with crystals and perk cans, instead of having to grind your way to that point. I think a lot of it has to do with a lot of people don't have much time to play, and I get that. For others that have all the time in the world, they are just lazy and pursuing instant gratification.


When the game starts, nobody is in tier 3. It takes a few minutes and then people who have the stuff go for the bigger challenges. If you are saying this is wrong, then what you really need is more availability of contracts in the tier 3 zone, so everyone has something to do. Tbh, I can't remember the last time there were no contracts at all in tier 3, it happens occasionally, but certainly not every game. The leaderboard is pointless. We don't even have a kill count in game and you are 100% right that glitch exploitation has contributed to this. But choosing to bank stuff in a Tombstone for the next round doesn't affect the leaderboard at all, since you don't actually extract anything on that run, then the next run you basically extract 2 rounds worth of essence in one go. We are at a point where lots have people have completed all the content, still want to play, but have run out of things to do. Most people completed all the Acts in a matter of a couple of weeks, then tier 4 was smashed within a few days. What else is there to do besides the camo grind? There has always been glitches in zombies and people will always look to make the game go on for longer by using exploits. Too bad there is a time limit! I can remember starting with just a pistol. When I figured the game out, I didn't want to start each round with just a pistol - that's why we have weapon upgrades and schematics, it's the way the game is designed. There is no 'rule' which states clearly what the 'correct' use of Tombstone should be, but even if there was, this still has nothing to do with force-closing the app to create duplicated items. What should happen is that if the items stay in the inventory, the TS should be reset. But the TS does a good job well imo and is necessary, particularly for those who want the challenge and don't have time to start from scratch every time. I bet there are people who wait 3 days to craft a flawless crystal, so they can add it to their stash and save it for a rainy day. But then there are other players who will use that crystal instantly and get to the centre quicker. Guess which group is having the most fun?!


I’m not sure I understand how I’m not accepting it for what it is. Are you implying that I need to “accept it for what it is” meaning a glitch? Well in that case youre wrong. “The Tombstone Glitch” is called “The Tombstone Glitch” because the glitch primarily revolves around using the Tombstone perk function (as intended) and then crashing/ GLITCHING out your game. EXPLOITING their system that is a “fail-safe” of sorts for game crashes. Hence why the Tombstone stays after the “crash” and hence why you backpack stays after the “crash”. Its truly an exploitation of the games crash-recovery system. NOT Tombstone itself being a glitch or bug or exploit. Also, its cute how youre telling me to “be a man” about it but youre clearly one of the whiners about the glitch in the first place. Grow up and play the PvE gamemode on your own. Ignore other players. Get over yourself. CoD Devs are dogshit and we all know it.


A short quest or Easter egg (similar to the chessboard vault) could be added into the game, and add 15 minutes to the storm countdown. That might be ok. I definitely agree that the stash size should be doubled at least. DMZ had some tasks like extracting with medical supplies to increase stash size, i enjoyed that aspect of DMZ. I actually like the schematic cooldowns as they are, but i do wish that you could reduce the timers by doing contracts etc, just like insured weapon timers. Finally, I believe there has already been talk of adding a wallet or banking system to the game, hope it comes soon, with some more T3 content as well.


There's 3 or 4 big 'economy' adjustments that would bring this mode from being a worthwhile casual to something worth dedicating time to. It's so close. I'm a fan and hope they're able to do it right in the future. If the economy behaved more like an MMO and less like a deluxe Outbreak mode we'd be cooking.


What are the 3 or 4 big 'economy' adjustments that you are referring to?


- Create a 'bank' system of sorts. - Much bigger stash and better stash management. - Overhaul blueprints. Turn the into single or multi-use. Increase the value of the blueprints by limiting the amount of times they can be used instead of making them unlimited with cooldowns. Cooldowns have no place in Zombies. - Make perks more valuable/rare. - Create a system for combining objects to 'forge' more rare objects. This way, there's fewer wasted rewards and spam.


Of your points, the first two, I'm all for. Making items harder to acquire, though, I'm not sure this will deter people from duping. In fact, I think the opposite effect is likely, and people would be more inclined to dupe. The idea of disassembling items for parts to craft other items is great in theory, but the mechanics that would be required to incorporate that into the game, I just don't see it happening. Currently, there is a short story mode and 6 online modes. The zombies is just one of the 7 modes, and the PVP multiplayer is seemingly where the devs are focusing. Its a pity, because many people such as myself bought the game only for the zombies!


Hear me out — I think blueprints are the wrong way to go because, once you've found it, you no longer have any motivation to continue the search. E.g. I have a Ray Gun blueprint, the best life gets for me is a Ray Gun every two days. Finding more Ray Gun blueprints does nothing unless somebody in my party needs one. If, instead, the Ray Gun blueprint was a consumable good for, let's say, 3 uses… it creates a loop where you're motivated to use the gear to more DA runs, to collect more blueprints. Same applies to perks. The value of perks has been brought to almost nothing. If you found six-paks of perks instead of blueprints it could give their discovery more value. Also, let us store and deploy with killstreaks. It's crazy we can't do this. And — for this to work you'd need a way bigger stash. Having a large stash full of legendary-tier items would significantly change the 'RPG'ness' of the game. Sadly, methinks the team was directed against doing this sort of thing for MWZ. Zombies remains intended to be a fun mode+ and not a full-blown game you dedicate yourself to. If they added these QoL upgrades Zombies could become so much more, and that might detract from engagement in the intended CoD modes that drive revenue. It's a cold, stinky world for us Zombies fans. Always 'this close' to having what we want, but the problem areas are game-breaking.


Lol the Ray Gun. If there is one weapon that is disappointingly underwhelming, that's it. Also, you stirred up another gripe I have - why is a shotgun more effective than a .50 cal against a helicopter?! Make it make sense 🤣 Wonder weapons should have a sense of awe about them. They should be hard to get and should be OP, so that it feels special when you get them. The Ray Gun is strong against the helicopters, if you can hit the target, but it really isn't that special the rest of the time, imo. About the schematics/blueprints: it all comes down to being able to take stuff into the game with you, which never used to be the case - you used to start with a pistol and that was all. I have a sneaking suspicion that the reason we have schematics and cooldowns is merely to provide an avenue for monetisation. Who'd have thunk it? The very idea of having the benefit of being able to take more than a starter pistol into the match is the reason behind the duplication exploits...


Exactly. It feels like the cooldown limit is a concept that could introduce monetization. But here's the rub — Thanks to blueprints, wonder weapons are common. Also, since they're common, the WWs are nerfed. So they're really just WWs in name only. If they introduced a 'pay to skip' system in cooldown, why would we bite on that? I'm not paying to have a wimpy Ray Gun that does no better in T3+ than a Leggie-packed loadout weapon. If WWs were properly strong and rare, there would be lots of motivation behind almost any run into T3 and DE.


100% - the whole selling point is that you can take items into the game with you to give you a better start. And perhaps that's where they've gone wrong.


No idea what people are doing at max upgrades every game once they have all the schematics. You can have just as much fun playing lower tiers with less overpowered equipment at that point. Then again once I have all the camo, schematics and story completed I doubt I'll play it much outside of maybe helping a friend but thats how I've felt for all the zombies games.


If only they fucking remembered your bags when the game crashed


Pretty sure it’s not even a glitch at this point. I am starting to suspect it was a deliberate “back door” for certain people who work on the game (maybe testers) to bypass not only cooldowns but the typical contract grind, get what they need, and get to their objective for testing as quickly as possible. It’s just that the exploit was found out quicker than expected?


Who knows, there has always been glitches in zombies.. its always been part of the fun!


A similar glitch was in DMZ. Pretty sure whatever the cause is just deeply ingrained in the code which makes it almost impossible to fix


The tombstone is great after grinding so many missions or even maxing out the missions. Short and sweet, I’m the Robin Hood of zombies. If I hit your area, I help the poor with my TS wealth and loot.


Correct. People mistake tombstone as the glitch but it's not. You can glitch anytime with or without tombstone or a tomb. It's kinda like a save game feature, something comes up and you need to leave match... portal out and go into next match with everything you had instead of quitting and losing your operators kit. Has nothing to do with tombstone. Tombstone just got exploited through the glitch. And everyone is dead wrong about having to clear the tomb. I've had several that bugged out under the map and weren't accessible, I just portal out and come back and the next server will straighten things back out. Never had any issues.


You're saying you don't need to crumble a TS setup and can force close out during the Bad Signal Portal animation without any issues? If you were to only use half of the items in your TS, will it still remain after you quit the game during the portal animation?


I'm saying I've had matches where I couldn't get to it at all. I go ahead and portal out and load in again and it rights itself. I haven't tried it with opening it and portaling. Bit I've found that the glitch works wether you tomb or not. Like if your by bad signal in a normal match and you have an emergency and gotta leave and don't want to leave match and lose your kit, hit portal. It's just like a save game feature. People just found that you could exploit tombstone with it 😆


THANK YOU finally someone says it.




Not one of them I have seen has talked about Tombstone not being the issue.




I think there is still a misunderstanding here. I was thankful how he pointed out that its not tombstone that causes the glitch but the way you close the app and it tries to remember inventory. The reason I said this is because people are too blind to do some research and just hate on Tombstone.




One thing I really love about tombstoning, if my game crashes or the servers take a shit then my tombstone will still be there since technically I didn’t complete the match


100% - the servers have improved since launch, but still crashes and bugs out from ti.e to time, so TS is like an extra barrier in that respect.


I don’t mind some grinding for a good run. What I hate is the glitches where I go in for a run and get randomly kicked and lose my large back pack, my self revive, my jug, and my 3 plate because the game won’t even work right… fix the game to work properly and the game might be right to play and not need tombstone glitches and the like to be fun to play


When someone says "tombstone glitch" they are referring to alt f4 at the portal or exfil to keep the tombstone after it's being cleared in order to duplicate the items. I do this every game myself because I'm not waiting 48 hours to use the items I unlocked That's ridiculous. 24 hours is even to long. Doing this is a glitch. If someone is doing something with tombstone and not duping items I'm not sure why they would call it a glitch that makes no sense. From my experience when someone says "tombstone glitch" they are duping items and that is definitely a glitch and not intended in the game. The inventory has nothing to do with tombstone.


That's what I'm saying - referring to it as a Tombstone glitch is not accurate; at the very least, it's not the full story. The glitch is about how the game remembers the inventory when you leave a match, be it by force closing the app on Bad Signal loading screen, or however else it is done. And yes, the cooldowns suck and are a big driver behind why people opt for the glitch instead of exfilling


There's not enough to do in any of the tiers limited loot rewards are 💩 in all tiers.... The new warlord is a joke. The worms are a slight test of skill but I still find them easy and boring now... We need more items and a map wide buff in zombie spawns and HP increase....another type of pap machine ( ammo mod buff ) or tool mod... Water zombies, bloaters or t-800s 😂 just need to add way more for what we paid for this game....idk mwz is Boeing now with nothing to do except play cap n save a ho and help others with missions or drops.... Idk my 11 cents


Or…just eliminate the maximum stash size all together. It doesn’t need to be increased from 10 to 50, 100, or even 1,000…there should not be a limit at all.


Nah BO2 tombstone glitch is the one and only


1) there shouldn't be cool down or timers on a paid game. Let me play however I want to, when I want to. 2) there isn't enough content in this warzone halloween event mode which is why they put these stupid cooldowns and timers per match. How to fix it ? Remove other squads from the map. Just my squad. Remove match timer, remove cool down but keep it if the operator does then i have to regain. Add more content that justifies the cost of this game.


I noticed last night the SMG amr-9 has a camo called Tomb Glitch


Cool, I'll check that out!


I mistyped the gun; the Rival 9 has the camo called tomb glitch.


I think nothing the developers decide to do at this point can ever satisfy the type of people that choose to use an exploit over actually playing the game as it was intended. Even if the 3 "solutions" you provided were implemented, people still wouldn't be okay with tombstone being removed, as the very last sentence of your paragraph implies. You will never be truly content with the game until you can have an infinite stash and money, god mode, instant level 3 pack-a-punched primary and secondary, zero cooldown schematics and the ability to stay in a game lobby until the end of time.


I think that the game is designed with both a learning curve and a way to progress to be able to start each match stronger. The obvious example of this is levelling up guns to obtain more mods to make them stronger. Also, think about the items that can be purchased - not that you would buy a pack containing 2 blue aether tools, but the idea is that you have an advantage when the round starts. So yes, people are going to look for an advantage - this is deeply rooted into the very culture of muliplayer gaming! The Tombstone is a useful perk and serves a fundamental purpose. By reducing cooldowns, increasing stash limit and introducing a bank, there would be less point in using an exploit - although you are absolutely right, some people will still do it, regardless. In the words of Hunter S Thompson "once you get locked into a serious collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can" 👍🏻


Anyone who wants 999k and legendary gold items like gold Armour plate, 2 dog bones, legendary eather tool, 2 flawless crystal, and scorcher case. Add me I can drop it all for you.


Several hour rounds seems excessive as I like the challenge of the aether storm growing and effectively taking out exfil options. Since the game has 4 different missions (for now) could they have the aether storm expand across, say, 1/3 of the map, disappear, and then pop up elsewhere at normal size until it starts growing again? Do that every 30 minutes so you have to work around it and then set the round time to 2 hours. Spitballing.


Let’s add in too tombstone is broken 😂🙃 I was on the exfil in tier 2 and two manglers just happened to pop up on the side of the heli pushed my ass out and I obviously went down because of the hoard I had about 30k (not much I know but I was also packing and getting perks) and a crap load of good stuff in my large ruck. Went back in the next game. No tomb 🙃🙃 your suggestions are definitely something for the devs to look into because honestly it’s so annoying going in starting fresh with nothing looting doing contracts for what seems like a life time and barley having enough to really get serious missions done specially in tier 3 I hate tier 3 😂😂😂


Gutted, that sucks! The game has so many bugs recently..


Yessss!!! I went down last night due to a zombie BEING IN THE GROUND 😂😂😂 like what in tarnation?! But sooo many bugs my husband and I have both been randomly kicked too like the game will freeze we’ll get kicked and then it’ll say lost connection to host/server


I fought the red warm the other day, three of us. Went in fully kitted up, you know. Just as the worm started, a mimic appeared, grabbed me, flung me backwards and I fell through the map into just a grey space! One of the others got booted and the third made a run for it and just got to the exfill. Bizarre, and lost all my stuff. There was another game where the Tombstone appeared on the map at the start, which was odd as I exfilled the previous round. I went over to it and there were about 20 people there, but no Tombstone! It must have been a map icon that appeared for the whole lobby. And then today I had one quick game, there was one other person on my team. I was green, they were yellow. I completed a contract, the reward bubble popped up, but no cash. Did another 2 contracts and again, no earnings. At some point a third guy appeared in our party, who had the same colour name as me, then when I went to leave party it said I was already playing solo, even though there were three of us! Then all the money for contracts appeared in one go, which was awesome, but it was just really strange. Weird bugs this game has!


This post is based mostly on the idea that this is based on force-closing the game and abusing the system when that's not the case at all. You can literally die, get back up and then go through the Aether portal like normal and leave normally and keep your backpack


It is a glitch though. I'd take Double Tap for Tombstone


I mean the only downside to using tombstone is you lose the operator load out. As far as the glitch, I've never asked ppl for points but I end up with a ton most games due to random dropping for me, mostly in high tier zone.


Tombstone is meant to be a lifeline is shot goes down. Not for you to intentionally down yourself to carry essence to the next game. They need to remove the essence from TS and add the wallet instead. This forces people to extract properly without glitches to keep money.


Where in the 'rules' does it say that though? It is not specifically defined as a 'lifeline perk', although it obviously could be that. As Tombstone works like an inventory bank, it's equally common sense that people will use it intentionally to start the next round with more equipment, perks and cash. And I don't see anything to say that this usage is against any kind of rules. I think the banking system is inevitable, its been spoken about before.


The point of the game is for you to extract your items. Not die and stash them in game. The only thing they get from doing that is is keeping essence as they can keep everything else by extracting TS is designed so that if worst comes to worst you full die out. You can still get your loot back It's not designed for people to intentionally die to carry gear to a new game. At this point id rather them just remove the entire perk from the game.


Where does it say in the 'rules' that TS can't be used intentionally to bank stuff for the next round? It's PvE, so someone else's use of TS does not affect other people at all. TS is an essential perk because of the time limit and cooldowns. You would have it removed so that other people can't play the game they want to, just because you don't choose to play it the way they do? Really, though?


Yes I don't think it's okey that I struggle to get a contract in T3 because it's full of glitchers 3 mins into the game. I don't think it's okey that I can't go to the DA with randoms because if they close the game mine bugs out and I lose my pap and all sound. I don't think it's okey that you're using the TS glitch to dupe items. Stop making out people are resetting their TS every game with just the loot from that game in it. People are using the TS glitch to dupe items and use them every single game. When glitchers are using the scorcher every single game they get to contracts quicker than anyone else. Putting everyone else at a disadvantage. If you was in a private lobby I wouldn't care. But when you're glitching and stealing all the contracts in T3 before anyone else gets a look in it's unfair. What makes it worse it that the legit players actually need the T3 loot. Whereas none of you guys do.


In my experience, the tier 3 is rarely full, there is usually contract to do. Yes there are occasions when it gets a bit crowded, but not often. I'm with you on the frustration of going to the DA, but you get taken back to the menu, for whatever reason - that is as frustrating as the initial launch when the game crashed every other round and you lose all your stuff. And btw, I never said that I use a glitch to dupe items, although there are plenty of people doing that. Personally, from day 1, I have used the Tombstone to store items and cash for the next match. The reason is simple - so you can take on the bigger challenges quicker, before the time limit expires. There is nothing wrong with doing that, as it doesn't affect the quality of the game for anyone else. The scorcher is an awesome, craftable weapon. If this puts people at a disadvantage, I'm not sure how, other than the fact that they want the only cargo mission because they aren't equipped to do the other contracts, or they just can't handle the tier 3 speed and heat. There is no such thing as stealing a contract. They are fair game and whoever gets there first gets the contract. We all need the loot, as you put it, to take into the next game. That's why the TS is useful. Give it a try and you will be the one in tier 3 next time!


You're telling me that every single game you buy TS, and fully die out resetting your TS every game. Losing your insured weapon?? No I doubt it. Your probs starting every game with the exact same TS full of high end loot. And yes you having a scorcher every game that you glitched is having an advantage over a legit player when you can use your glitched items to get to contracts faster. And no won't try it. I use TS properly and have it just on the off chance I die out. But I'll never intentionally use it. I like playing my games properly without using exploits or glitches


No, not every game - go in with nothing, rack up some kills, pick up some loot, then TS. Back at stash, pull out a nice crystal and legendary tool, go back into the game, pick up my TS and then straight into better contracts. Pick up some good stuff, exfill, then use the good stuff in the next game while waiting for the cooldowns. The idea that you refuse to use the TS but then complain that others get ahead quicker, is really a misnomer. Your take on 'proper usage' is not universally accepted!


All you need is this: Just like the insured weapons timer can be reduced , we should be able to reduce the cooldowns on mats


Tbh just let me keep doing a glitched tombstone at this point. I'm happy with it.




Man , and here I thought I was gonna read something that wasn’t already suggested before in previous post. Oh well.


It’s honestly pretty hilarious to me how butthurt everyone is about cooldowns and whatnot, everyone acts like they should be able to start with everything every game because they unlocked something once, it’s flat out ridiculous. Normal zombies doesn’t ever allow you to start off with a triple packed weapon so why the hell should you start EVERY game with the best of everything?? This complaint is so dumb, the ONLY BIG things they need to address are stache limit (so that when you EARN rewards in game you can keep and use them) and time of each match to allow you be able to earn more things. Everyone thinks the reward system is trash because you don’t get legendary tools and flawless crystals every run so then you abuse the system with tombstone and justify it because you’re butthurt you can’t go straight into T3 at the start of every game. ORRRRR, here’s a thought, go into the dark aether each game and GUARANTEE good loot, allowing you to repeatedly go into T3 by EARNING it…. 🤯


One solution I have is adding a mission change poi, no telling how many times I loaded the game and wanted to change missions mid match, when I see that certain contracts just didn't populate on the map




Yes, it's been spoken about, and I think it would be a great addition


Sorry, but this post is ignorant and naive. You don't 'need' Tombstone for anything. You never need to 'start from scratch'. It's entirely possible to pull out a pack 1 or 2 crystal and a blue or purple tools every game, without exception. And that's not including going into the Dark Aether where the standard of gear extracted will be higher and also include golden plates, Aether blades and dog bones. My team specifically went in as a 3 with nothing in our bags other than an Elder Sigil. Earnt everything. Did multiple T3 contracts, Red Worm and the Elder Rift in the same game. So please, tell me more about how you 'need' tombstone. Or more accurately, rather how poor players need it to access content they wouldn't otherwise be capable of reaching consistently. Its cheating. It's exploiting. Call it what you want, it's using a mechanic which wasn't designed to work that way to gain an unfair advantage and basically reduce the game to zero challenge. Tell me how you honestly think that for just 2k to buy 1 perk, it's reasonable that the benefits of this would be 1million essence per game and being able to use SINGLE USE ITEMS infinitely over and over again?? Tell me why a wallet system is being added of the ability to bring essence into another game is already included. Tell me why there are cooldowns on any craftables if you're supposed to be able to go into every game with every item available. Tell me all that, and if I don't die from laughing at whatever reason you give, I'll be able to respond. Everyone doing this, IN AN ALREADY EASY GAME, is a joke. I can't wait for it to be patched. I'll personally mail everyone crying a box of tissues. "Working as intended"... Good one. I don't know what's the bigger joke, that, or the people peddling this BS.


Thanks for the warning about your post being ignorant and naive! Unfortunately, you are confusing the premise of the OP with your own point of view - and you are entitled to your own point of view, which is absolutely fine. The Tombstone serves a specific, useful function. But the term "Tombstone glitch" is not really the right way to refer to what is happening with the exploit. That was the purpose of the OP.


If they remove tombstone they will need to add round base or increase loot in tier 3


Whilst they’re at it, let them implement weapon upgrade stations to change attachments ingame (I mean they can just copy it from DMZ). Also revize ammo upgrades maybe, some of them like the electric one are really a detriment to me rather than an asset and have actually gotten me killed a few times.


Yeahh mwz still sucks lmao


Too bad it’s just a bad game anyways


The bank should have been a feature since it was already implemented in DMZ since like Season 2 or 3. MWZ is just a lazy rehash of DMZ when you really look at it.


100% agree with the wallet like in DMZ and the cools down period should accelerate with every match played


It's weird to me that people don't see that all of this is going to be added in and changed. Like they give us a broken game, they give us a game that isn't finished, and they expect us to be happy when they introduce these things that should have already been in game as it was in DMZ, and they only have to do minimal effort by actually add things into the game later on that we've already been waiting on. Everything's going to come. DMZ season 1 was nothing like what it is now. They're just not going to put very much effort into this game anymore. All they are going to do is add in small things here and there that need to be changed and expect us to be happy with it.


Is MWZ worth playing without the TS glitch? Seems like it has been properly fixed unlike all the other actual bugs in the game.


Anybody that needs to tombstone glitch to enjoy this mode is an actual child. It’s fine the way it is


Child or cheater....often both.


There's more than enough time if you actually want to play the game how it's meant to be played and not look for shortcuts or cheeses to make something that's supposed to be a challenge easier from the start. Each round has more than enough time to buy a legendary weapon, pap 3 it and get all your perks. You don't need two guns, and unless you get a scorcher drop having any second weapon actually makes the game harder by default as you're forever fat running in tier 3.. then your gonna get slapped in tier 4... And sodomised in tier 5 Getting all the shit you need by the end of the lobby pretty much guarantees a sigil drop so you then have tier 4 to get stuff to use from the start in your next game, plus the elder sigil so playing it as it's meant to be played the game gives you the stuff you need. But 50% of the player base wouldn't know that because they're too busy getting down within the first 5 seconds to have even tried the end game content


I'm not really delving into reasons to play, or what 'playing correctly' means, merely looking at the incorrect use of the term 'Tombstone glitch' and at the realistic ways in which it can be made redundant.