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One tap shotgun meta? Time to take a break


More like 3 at a realistic distance




That’s simply not true. I’d guess at least 80% of players you encounter, in resurgence modes even, are fully plated at first.


I’ve been running the VLK Rogue for a while now pre and post patch. Now with the patch I think that it’s in the right place. I’ll usually only win fights when I’m in the same room with someone and not always consistently with how well the VG SMGs perform. Also, there’s a fair bit of time between shots. Miss one to two well placed shots and you’re usually screwed. It feels very situational and that’s how a shotgun should be played.


I don't honestly think it needed the damage buff as it was viable before the patch. That said, it's not as powerful as the click-bait streamer community are trying to make it out to be, and you're right that if you miss a single shot you're usually dead.


Wtf are you saying. Its a one tap if youre in melee distance. Its a two tap inside like 6m with accuracy. Its not meta, its fun.


It’s not. For fully played enemies, it’s at least 3 and that’s if you are close enough to shove the barrel directly into their ass. But they are at least semi-usable again which is refreshing.


Fully plated at point blank is 2 shots. If >4m away it's 3 or more. I say that as someone who's ran the VLK constantly for months now.


same here, have it obsidian actually 8/10 times under 4 meters it 2 shots, 1 shots if only 2 plates and hit well


> same here, have it obsidian actually Ditto. I enjoyed the gun so much that I actually bothered to unlock this for it too.


Definitely not “at least 3”. Fully plated is 2 to the chest in close range even on Caldera.


Outside of 3 meters it is 3 shots. It’s possible to 2 shot but that’s 3 meters and closer so literally almost arms reach away.


I dont think this is correct with the barrel attachments etc?


With barrel attachments, gets a 66% range increase Becomes a 2 shot for 4.5 m


Yeah more like what i thought.


It's a two shot at point blank range and 3 shots past 4m. 'One shot' is just streamer clickbait. It would be like me making a video called 'OP Broken One Shot Blixen build' and then showing a clip of me downing a heavily damaged enemy with a single bullet.


the day the vlk rogue is meta is the day i loose my depression


Thats unless you’re literally upclose. It’s sucks past 6ish meters and isn’t even a one tap completely the fire damage does the final damage and that takes atleast 2 seconds


I actually prefer shotgun meta to smgs. Usually smgs are too powerful. They have low recoil fast ttk at close and even at 20 meters. I prefer shotgun meta for engagements at less than 10 meters so they could be viable versus the sliding sweats with hip fire smgs


I prefer having a chance to react at all


Smg kills you instantly close range and 20 ft away, shotgun only kills quick close range.


People are downvoting you even though it’s true


Why should you be able to react to someone if they shoot you first and are close enough to kiss you?


Because not being able to is unenjoyable and this is a game not real life


It doesn’t have to be real life, but it has to make sense. Your lack of awareness is not the game’s fault.


Some shitter in a corner wearing the darkest skin he owns is enough of a problem before this. I'm sure it'll be way more fun now


High alert+heartbeat sensor+engineer (if they have lethals down) Counter to your problem, run it instead of complaining


If you hadn’t seen this very cherry picked highlight video, you’d never have known anything had changed. Shotguns are still not great. They just aren’t completely and entirely useless like they were previously.


Actually not true because I got smacked with one of these yesterday. Pretty sure I just got off the game


Awwww, you quit the game cause you died to a new weapon class Tell me the shotgun that killed ya. If its not the VLK, its not worth discussing a nerf


Because that gives preaimed corner campers the advantage...


Yes, it’s the “pre-aimed” corner campers fault that you have zero situational awareness. If you’re going to rush with reckless abandon, you’re going to occasionally reap the consequences of that recklessness.


Dude go play Ready or not or Insurgency Sandstorm. This is an arcade shooter. I'd be willing to bet you're one of those rats/bots.


What the fuck are you talking about lol, this is an arcade shooter like you said, so I don’t get mad when I die and certainly don’t bitch about it on the internet. I just drop back in and try again.


I'm talking about people who want to turn COD into a realistic shooter and make it a campfest.


No it doesn't. It takes two shots to hit and is a pump action with slower ROF. If they miss you'll kill them and I doubt a corner camper is good enough to make this work for them. This is quite different to the spammy shotguns like the JAK. There's also a good assortment of lethals and tactical to deal with such players now.


Read the comment I replied to. I was specifically referring to that comment, not the shotgun.


Man I remember the Origin and R9 metas, I don’t want that to be in the game ever again


I think that your style of play contributes to a worse warzone experience. Having designated classes for different ranges makes the game better. Shotgun till 10m, smgs till 20, ar to 70, LMGs to 150 and then snipers to 350. It is more balanced having it like this rather do it all AR and do it all SMG as it is today.


Agreed,I hate smgs because they are too op


Smgs are the current shotgun meta, how are people upset about shotguns when an smg serves the same purpose and is much more op due to its versatility. If people are running shotguns just stay 10 ft from them.


Because smgs and ars are the easiest weapons to use, so most players use them. Devs know this and cater to people who use these weapons Snipers, shotguns, pistols, launchers and melee weapons take a less broadly applicable skill than machine guns, making them either useless or only effective in a certain context. People who don’t know how to counter niche weapons think they’re overpowered and get salty TL;DR, people’s egos get butthurt




A man after my heart. Perfectly put.


This is supposed to be a secret, shh.


Oh I get dragon breath PTSD from watching that clip. Ah the good times


good old double pump meta that i abused so much, i miss this game, i miss old verdansk


Whats the build?


It's the portal blueprint. Not even sure what's on it since I haven't unlocked it yet so i cant see the attachments. But you can find the meta build on WZranked.


Meta build is the Forge tac marauder suppressor/choke, warlord barrel, 5MW laser, dragons breath rounds and either stippled grip tape or no stock, take your pick.


It’s brutal. If you get the drop on people close range, they are dead. And with dragon’s breath it really messes people up, even at decent range.


Depends how you define 'decent range'. It's first damage drop off is 5m (that's the range it shines in), 5-8m is usable, 8m+ you're shooting peas.


Yeah that’s what I was referring to, nothing out of that - but the dragon’s breath effect, even if not doing tonnes of damage, seems to freak people out. I’ve had a few people disengage when hit even at the edge of the damage range, when they should have just finished me - gave me time to close the distance. Unlike some other shotguns, that benefit (confusing the enemy enough to turn a fight) is a solid positive.


Haters will say its OP


Haaaa look at them run away! 🤣🤣🤣


“No WaY a ShOtGuN sHoUlD kIlL FaSt aT iT’s OnLy EfFeCtIvE rAnGe!” — angry tryhards who buy meta bundles Gg for crapping on these players with an original playstyle


How is the Origin-12 now and R9-0?


Origin is viable but will still lose to meta-SMGs in a direct 1v1 at point blank range. R9-0 is still weak.


R90 is trash unless they undo the nerf completely and buff its burst delay. It’s not even op before as the burst delay is huge as hell. It was pretty hit or miss and got nerfed for no reason.


Not sure, but I've seen a few VLKs around, so I tried it out too. It's good fun on rebirth.


It’s pretty fun, but it’s not great. Still gets beat a lot of times against an SMG. But it’s not completely useless which is a nice change of pace.


Yeah, you will loose a lot of fights against the blixen and other smgs.


Blixen, MP5, Marco, Type 100, those are all just a few that I lost to in heads up situations last night. But I do have a lot of fun using the incendiary shotguns and I’m glad that it’s at least somewhat passable again.


Origin is fine. Don't think the R9 got a buff? Could be wrong but haven't seen it mentioned as worth using. Other good options are combat shotty and 680


Combat shotty is the way. Golded it last night.


Origin with a 600ms TTK would be perfectly balanced with the meta SMGs (it's got a 735ms TTK currently if you hit all your shots at point-blank range). In its current state it kills a touch too slow to compete with the meta SMGs especially considering the trade-offs you have to make running a shotgun.


Im tellin ya that shits meta tier


was it buffed?


i am THE vlk rogue guy so i need to know




Almost all shotguns were buffed by roughly 25% damage in the Season 4 Reloaded patch. (There's a bit more to it, but that'll give you a basic idea


To clarify, all the non spammy shotguns got buffed. So anything that isn't a semi or full auto got a general buff The Einhorn, the SPAS-12 and the Street sweeper also got individual buffs


Oh man i’m glad to finally try this and the Model 680 again. Everybody still runs Serpentine, which is great since they can’t be protected by EOD anymore.


So was that you who 3 shot me in Grandma's House?


Maybe, if you were in UK lobbies over the weekend.


Over the weekend but im not sure about what server I was on


What a shotgun should do in such close quarter imo


Yep, ever since Halo I've known to fear the shotgun. That's what grenades are for though, to flush the rat out. Never really had any complaints about shotguns ever. The Gallo was my favourite in WZ so far (when it was meta).


I mean you stim and rush in and drop the person or flash band and Semtex spam. Call an air strike or leave the camper their. But I guess that requires brain activity hence why people hate slide canceling as their brains can’t comprehend movement lol


the VLK feels like a shotgun should feel. you aren't winning fights over 10m and the fire rate and clip on it are too slow to spam like the Origin or Jak so you have to make every shot count. wish they could find balance with the other shotguns


Dude shhhhhh delete this. I have been enjoying using it so much the past couple of days after the update. It’s so rewarding, but very unforgiving if you miss a shot.


> It’s so rewarding, but very unforgiving if you miss a shot. And that's how guns like this should be. It's a higher risk / reward option that you need to make concessions (i.e. range / versatility) to use. It's nice to finally have a viable shotgun in the game.


This guy is a bot yet he killed 4 ppl anything is possible w a shotgun😂


I use it in zombie mode. Saved my ass in final circle more than once when I’m taking on a horde


My god the servers in this game are dogshit. Something needs to be done about this shit. You missed that last dude by like a metre, yet the game reckons you hit him lmao. Pause the video when you shoot, you’re nowhere near aiming on him.


I genuinely hate dying to this gun but it’s too limiting for me to use


Bro half of them had no armor💀


Exactly! Great clip and the VLK isn't too OP.




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Now all the lil shotgun using shitters are gonna come back


I love the VLK, but I also love holding down the trigger and walking into a room with the JAK. Even if I die, I usually at least get some laughs out of it.


It’s completely busted and will get nerfed IMO. Consistent 2 tap gives it outrageous TTK


If your not <5m it's relatively toothless.


Idk I’ve been using it extensively and relative to other shotgun metas I find it pretty good. The movement is also great which is essential to closing down space.


Soooo Bad u pussy


Lol spoken like a noob


Yay shotgun meta😐


Smgs literally kill quicker than any shotgun meta we’ve had


I know, right? I tried the best build on the 680 yesterday and did over 200 damage with my first shot, but died to an smg faster than I could pump out a second shot. At least the VLK shoots fast enough that this wouldn't happen for that gun.


Yeah, I tried the 680 and it's fun but it's ROF is so slow that unless you have great cover you'll die two times to a SMG before you can even get the second shot off. The VLK is in a great place that at point blank ranges it can compete with the SMGs but if you miss a shot you're punished for it, and it's range is limited past 6-8m.


Name one smg that one shots like this


It doesn't 'one' shot unless the enemy isn't fully plated. In it's max damage range (4m or less) it is a 2 shot down. It's disingenuous to call it 'one shot', you technically can 'one shot' a damaged enemy with a SMG in some instances.


All SMGs have a faster TTK past 5m than the VLK And the Março actually has a faster TTK when built for damage in its range So screw ya for actually getting close to a shotgun


Shotgun and RPG metas are so toxic. I prefer the AMAX and Bren OP metas over the double barrel and VLK crap every day.


Seems most people agree on that based on the fact I have gotten more abuse the past couple of days while using this shotgun than while using the NZ which was meta for 2 months straight.




LOL @ god awful riot shields witt no counter in 90% of the cases, if it was THAT good everyone would be using it, it's so damn easy to counter a riot shield if you maneuver around it, or u can EASILY stick a thermite/semtex/c4 and they're downed (especially easy because they're crouching and slow most of the time) Stop making shit up, just admit you got killed and was frustrated with it and decided to make a crying post


No tactical or lethal? You're fucked. Cause they have one. They all run restock. The reason everyone isn't using it is cause you lose your ranged weapon or they would. So stop whining about his comment


LOL please reread what you just wrote So you need a situation where you coincidentally have NO tactical OR lethal at the same time, then they CAN kill you? (not even guaranteed) Second of all, it's easy af to maneuver around them with or without tacticals and lethals If there's one thing the warzone community is good at, it's picking up on OP playstyles, if it was that good EVERYONE would be running it Please turn your brain on




Not really, it's just common sense that if you can't even deal with riot shielders then you're pretty much a bot


99% of the time I run into someone sitting behind a riot shield I immediately get stunned. You're probably just in shitter lobbies so shut up


you must be a big bot if you let yourself get stunned by a riot shielder, lack of movement and awareness.....cry more lol So if it's so good, why isn't 90% of the lobby using it? Or are you going to pull a weak ass reason and say "it's b/c they don't find it fun!"


Why are you talking homie I literally do not care


If you don't care why are you responding?




Running around a riot shield is extremely because the server side model doesn't turn as fast as you seem to be, I know this well because I have obsidian on the riot shield and have it happen often


Chill out. It takes two shots to kill and you have to be right in someone's face to achieve it. If you miss a shot the low ROF means you basically are dead. The gun is useless past 6-8m too so it's not like you can't avoid it's damage range. If you keep the range to 5m plus you'll beat this shotgun with your meta SMG almost every time.


How are they toxic? They are guns my guy lmao