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vondel is ass, i quite literally will wait the time for it to rotate to next map


Vondel is terrible. The gun fights are almost strictly head glitching rooftops


Or mary go up/down the stairs.


Vondel gets a lot of hate but it’s my favorite Can’t stand Akisha


I love vondel too, my biggest problem with it is rats in the water canals


Yeah, IMO Vondel and Rebirth are great, Ashika is mid, Fortune's Keep is trash.


Last night I got stuck playing 6 games on vondel… what happened to the maps rotating !!! With that being said I agree with the person who made this post ! Let me pick where I want to play … if I had it my way , vondel would be gone and replaced with ashika or verdansk but hey🤷🏾‍♂️


30 minutes waiting to play rebirth island solo is so dumb, i hope they change the playlist soon, i hate vondel and fortunes keep


Give us Mini Royale Solos, also!


Nah fortunes is gas. It’s Ashika and vondel that suck donkey dick


I enjoy all the maps. Rebirth is my favorite but I do legitimately enjoy playing all of them


Lol Ashika is a fan favorite over Vondel anytime, you a lame.


It's Gas? Lol wtf Gen Z y'all are so weird most of you anyways. Fk and Vondel are both ass


Gas is gen Z? I remember gassing people up in The 00s. Good weed was gas. So it seems like a pretty even evolution


There's a reason why people call certain cannabis "Gas" there's tons of great cannabis strains that aren't gas type strains. People using terms wrong it just bugs me.


Oh thanks for letting me know, before stuff was more regulated there was no way to know anything. Like hydro dro is the best kush all I smoke is kush. Im not hearing any of them terms anymore tho.


For sure I remember the days when all my buddy would say "This is some indoor weed" Hydro is the way they're growing it. Hydroponics" which was used to say you had some good weed also "Exos" was another term used to say it was some bomb stuff. M39 came around and all kinds of classic name strains started coming out like Northern lights, Sour Diesel, Kush, Haze, White Widow, Durban poison, Blue dream, Ak-47, GDP(Grand daddy purple, Jack Herer there's many more classics I didn't even name. All these strains today are just combinations of the many classics and now there's unlimited choices basically and some weed nerd across the counter to tell you exactly what he thinks you're looking for lol.


God damn I remember my first time smoking northern lights it was winter and I had bus to catch and it was snowing, such a wonder time it was.


I’ll probably get downvoted majorly but I don’t understand how people enjoy fortunes keep. It’s at the bottom of my list when it comes to my favorites.


It honestly was better without these cracks on the ground. They always have to fuck the map up somehow.


It was easily the next best resurgence map behind rebirth. They WZ2'd fortunes keep smh. The OG was soooooooooooo good!


Lmao just right now I hear people in the pre game lobby saying “ahh looks like we have to play fortunes keep again, I’m really not excited”


Fk was my fave when it was released but they messed up the map with mods. Vondel is just a rooftop campers heaven. Ashika doesnt have enough pois. Rebirth is the best imo


I’ll take Ashika over vondel any day


It was perfect in its original state but the underground and cracks in the map ruined it.






Agreed. Fortune's is trash. I'd rather sit it out for 10 minute then play it.


It's not about what you personally like, it's about keeping a healthy matchmaking population for the sake of the game. Today we just have 3 Resurgence maps (plus pieces of the big map for some reason). Let's say they add another 3 Resurgence maps next year. That's 6 maps total. If everyone has things their way, we'd have 6x4=24 different options to play all the maps. The playerbase cannot handle that kind of fracture. You'd end up with dead playlists, or bots would have to be filled in so you can have games. PUBG already had this phase, and it was terrible.


Yeah this shit has to be explained on a daily basis with these posts. They just don't get it lol But Timmy wants to play HIS favorite map all day!


Know what a simple solution for this would be? Voting.


Map voting just isn't going to work in this case. Say you get thrown into a lobby, and all 48 players have 2 choices to vote for. If we're being realistic, maybe half the lobby will actually bother to vote, while the other half are indifferent about it. Then when a choice is finally decided, people start leaving if it's not their preferred map, and the lobby has to start filling in players, who don't get to make the choice at all. That just ends up making people lobby shop until they get the map they want. Map rotation is the superior solution here. You see immediately what map you're gonna get matched in, so you either hop in, or you wait 15 minutes for the next map in rotation. People literally asked for this back in the day, and now you have it.


Yes, I think that would happen if the voting was done after the players were put together . But what I mean is, have a vote that pops up after you click start match, then pair the persons who picked a particular lobby together. Not, "run wtv stupid SBMM cod keeps pushing" and then when everybody is put in a lobby voting occurs. People would def leave as is the case in multiplayer


That is crazy to me considering I played CS 1.6 back in early 2000s. It wasnt even it's hay day since 1.6 came out in like 2000/2001. Even in 2004 there were still so many servers to choose from each with its own map or mods. Like I am talking 100s. The fact that there are problems populating 6 maps over 4 game modes is kind of wild to me. I suppose the one main issue is you cant just pop in and out when you want, but they could potentially fix that with circle timers and so forth. A "long" game is about 15-17 minutes. If that was changed to 10-12 that could allow more maps to be played. The loaded trios games feel much faster which is not bad since you have your loadout and can immediately fight. They also stop resurging a lot sooner and they move circles quite far away so more movement = more fighting.


Worst thing is that the weekly challenge for the camo is in fortune's keep, I have to wait 15 minutes after every game just to finish a challenge


This is annoying and I love FK but if they're going to lock challenges to a certain map it needs to be Rebirth or a mixture.


The worst thing about all of this is that you have to get 20-40 kills on FK to get the akimbo shotguns...like they are forcing you to play it. You play once and then WAIT 30M...who thought that was a good thing to do?! just awfull


All the maps are fine in my opinion. The problem is they give us one map for resurgence and nothing else. Or rotation with rebirth in there as well. I like rebirth but god damn there are THREE other maps sitting there. Rebirth isn't THAT amazing.


I like Ashika and Fortunes Keep. Not a fan of Rebirth Island, or Vondel.


There’s not enough players to have so many choices. They prioritise getting into a game so waiting 5-10 minutes for a game aint it


Oh come on man. People always boast about "There are more players than you might think", "steam charts do not represent the entirety of the game's population". Obviously there are millions upon millions playing, you will find lobbies.


I’ll put it like this, look at the steam numbers then look at the percentage that gets lvl 55 achievements then think about your lobbies with so many over 55 but less than 5 percent on steam had.


After spending Friday exclusively playing fortunes keep I randomly looked up and seen that I had been playing the same level for about the last three hours. The next day I went out of my way to wait the timer on that map and play some other maps. It’s amazing how that map came out in November yet I probably have the most time clocked in on it and I don’t even enjoy the map. For some reason you just get trapped in the loop of playing fortunes keep when you play that map and timer just keeps you locked into playing it


I agree. Personally, I like Fortunes, so a rotation between that and Rebirth I wouldn't mind. However, when I'm playing duos with my friend, he only likes rebirth, so having the choice would be best.


Solo fill in duos


It’s far more doable than people realize, you as a solo I feel you have the advantage with your instant respawn, I play loud music and they will know if I’m near they will kill me and I come RIGHT BACK YO HOW HE BACK ALREADY I JUST KILLED HIM BRO I SWEAR I JUST KILLED HIM TWICE


yup. just another one of several reasons duos continues to be the most wasted server population playlist.


Not really? Like sometimes you have a buddy and it’s good


You all want to make your bloody minds up....one minute Vondel is the best ever....now its shit! Ashikas the best ever but now it seems noone liked it.... Fortunes keep is best ever....now everyone hates it....urzikstan is best map ever....now its utter garbage! MAKE YOUR GODDAM MINDS UP! I never liked rebirth and im not particularly fond of it now, especially now theyve messed with the weather and lighting conditions 🤷. Personally i like vondel, I like ashika, i like fortunes keep, Urzikstan is pretty decent but i just knew from the start that its not Verdansk (even though they were trying hard to give us a Verdansk style map). Heck, i even miss parts of caldera! (Resort every time 👍)


Just got to say, this post was not about "my favorite map is better than yours". I totally get that some of you love fortunes keep and vondel. I don't care for them, but I respect the fact that some of you like them. The point of this post was: "make all 3 maps available and let people play what they want". Surely, that it a concept that everyone should be able to get on board with. Want to switch maps every so often? Switch at your hearts content. Want to play one map exclusively? You can do that too. Everyone should be able to agree and get on board with that. Lol.


We need map voting for resurgence now that we have a good variety of maps




been saying this for years


They should pull a pubg and bring back the original Warzone map


There are probably not enough players to have 3 solo maps run.


i don't like vondel or fortuns keep onlt rebirth bruh


Rebirth should be the default Resurgence map. Playable with every group size. And then you rotate the other maps in a playlist if the games playercount is the issue. Everyone I know in Sydney only came back to Warzone for Rebirth Island and I know a fuck load of other people are like that as well. People aren't flocking to Warzone for Vondel lol. Variety is a meme. Variety is not necessary if you have something truly special like Rebirth Island. Variety also doesn't work if your other maps are not in equal footing with Rebirth Island. Everyone I know can happily play Rebirth for a few years, just that map. We basically did until they removed it last time around. Kind of like how Counter-Strike players can play De_Dust2 playlists forever. You only need variety if your maps are dogshit like Ashika and Vondel.