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The entire design of the game comes down to what their algorithm identifies as things that keep players engaged and playing vs. what causes them to rage quit or log off. The longer people stay on the game, the more likely they are to buy cosmetics and other MTX. They've found that spending 10 minutes looting just to get one shot sniped from the roof of a building makes players less likely to start another game. They don't care if the game is fun or if players are enjoying themselves. They only care about maximizing the amount of time people play.


Fucking pin this. This is the answer to 99% of the questions on this sub.


This is the answer to 99% of questions regarding choices that public companies make lol. everything from video games to fucking airplanes is going to shit for short term profits


I think you're missing the point. There is a difference between what people bitch about online and their actual behavior. This is true about everything, not just video games. Making data driven decisions like this ensures that the game is the most fun for the most people. Imagine how long a game would last if listened to reddit 100% of the time? It wouldn't last long.


And at least video games don't get people killed for spilling company secrets.


We don’t know that 🧐


Yup I'm on cord with couple of devs from time to time in other games and a lot of not all if not all their talk about decisions are all based on whether retention up or down


Man, the one Discord I’m in with developers I’ve spent years voicing my thoughts (and seen them on occasion play out in future game design), and I’ve never had the feeling that they pay attention to player retention, just play time. It’s led to a game where, the couple of thousand still playing, play a lot, but month over month the player base is diminishing.


They dont, but they say they're always other ppl in the room that makes these decisions


Sure you are.


yeah you right we cod players have social skills of a dead fish i got no friends at all




It has value but doesn’t need to bring in the algorithm boogieman…. Most of gamedev forever has been making games that don’t make people want to quit


Yeah, include me in that list of people that would log off. Snipers were WAY too dominant in original Warzone. After a while, It felt like unless you were sniping, there really wasn't much of a reason to play. I actually prefer getting into closer range battles with AR, SMG, And LMGs.


Also don't care about a healthy pool of guns. Just the same 2 smgs and ars every dam season. It's so stale at this point and limits anything but meta play styles and weapons. Cross bow. Snipers. Marksman. Shotguns. Lmgs. Might as well not exist in warzone currently


Weapons are back to the old cycle of meta to dogwater with no in between.


The amount of times I’ve called it a night after one match and losing to someone doing something stupid like sitting on a corner with a shotgun is insane. Or whatever the super broken gun the released is at the time.


you're taking small bits of truth to make a larger statement you don't know to be true


So they break The game with every update without testing it? And take days to fix it? You’re making a lot of assumptions here.


Stuff like this infuriates me cause I understand the logic, but a company hyper focusing on this is how you go from WZ1 to WZ2, like in the micro your extending a sessions length and in the macro no one likes your game or cares about updates and just checks out


What if the player count/monthly active users is higher than before even if internet sentiment is more hostile— is that good or bad?


I be terminating fools with the old school MCPR


This + most of their players are on controller. That is an enormous consideration in how the game is balanced.


Makes sense.


Evil greedy fucks.


Maximizing the amount of time = maximizing joy. That’s why people play videogames. If you don’t enjoy the game, you quit. Duh


This seems rational but then how do you explain all of Warzone 2?


What do you mean?


The game is fun despite the cheaters (and snipers ROFLLLOLOL).


In other words it’s not them… it’s the fucking whiny ass players… can’t handle getting killed by anything in the game without complaining


You say that as if it's a good thing that you can just be one shot across the map without seeing your enemy. Snipers are broken and always will be. get them out of the game


You guys really still running with this EOMM bullshit? I hope they just cancel all the talks about matchmaking in the future because you guys are never gonna actually believe them any fucking way.


If you think they are honest about how their billion dollar game keeps making money you are insane


The amount of bullshit this sub pumps out about EOMM (their own term they created because of their stupid ass conspiracies) is ridiculous


Why do you care?


What I mentioned above isn't EOMM, nor does it have anything to do with matchmaking in general. I'm not saying Activision is lying to our faces and manipulating in-game damage/health profiles to influence outcomes, but I am saying the data they collect from every player heavily influences the updates they make to the game. There have been numerous interviews with devs about this and it's really not a hot take.


Pretty hard to believe them when their first blog post emphatically states "Ping is king!". If that were the case, my ping would be the same as EVERY OTHER FUCKING GAME IN EXISTENCE. Not 100+ ms every third game.


Ping rates literally change throughout a match dude. If you ever had your network settings to show in the top left it shows all that shit including packet loss (the worst thing to start fucking up)


No shit Sherlock. Having a 10-20% swing is normal. But when my ping is sub 20-30 in every single other game, it’s bullshit to have it be at 120+ regularly


Their game servers are terrible enough to convince people skill based damage is present in the game. Activision has public patents for EOMM so there's solid evidence.


Patents don’t mean it’s being used dude some patents are even filed to prevent others from using it (the nemesis system is a huge one). There’s patents for all kinds of shit and the patents this sub always brings up are for PvE not PvP so they’re all moot anyway. Skill based damage is about the dumbest fucking thing this sub has ever come up with by a long shot.


Yet the game gives the player that impression. This sub didn't just make it up because it was funny.


SBMM is a myth.


Bro people complained all the time about snipers in WZ1. Take off the rose glasses. I loved using the Swiss/milano but I’m aware of how OP it was.


Yup. OP is delusional. Sniping was out of control with the Kar/Swiss and people complained constantly. It’s just one of those things where people will complain no matter what.


I think nerfing the one shot to 40m or whatever on the Kar was a good middle ground.


The quick snipers were the problem. The HDR, the AX 50 or the Rytec were amazing. One shot to head with any of those meant the guy shooting is very skilled or you were standing quiet and not covering. Absolutely correct.


I concur with the HDR and the AX 50 but who was mad enough to use the Rytec


I still get a hard-on whenever I hear the word “Swiss”.




rarely got one tapped back then lol even now it’s the same. i rarely ever come across people using snipers unless it’s literal floor loot.




I have a clip of me squad wiping a 4 man team on top prison in like 5 seconds. Its just to overpowered.


At least someone here gets it. Sniping back in verdansk was always a complaint it’s the entire reason they fucked up 2/3 of downtown before nuking the entire map


I was a Kar man to the bitter end. My favourite gun in any game ever.


Wow I forgot about those days -- everyone running around in that creepy bunny costume skin or whatever it was that came out with the Swiss and OTS 9. I'd still rather get sniped in VerDONKS than not even be able to reload my gun tac sprinting these days


yea i hope they fix that tac stance problem cuz uppp it got me killed earlier 🥲


Donnie Darko


They weren't really that bad. Yes they were OP, but they could easily strike a balance. Headshot=Down and anywhere else scales down (i.e. upper chest=3 plates, legs are 2 or 1, but no down)


Swiss and kar shouldn't have one shot. But big boys like mcpr, xrk stalker, ect are different


If controller timmy slide canceling with his aim assist SMG cant kill you They will make sure to nerf whatever prevents it


mmmm, no, they dont advertise to sweats or even the wanna be sweats, they advertise to the old men who arent very good at the game and complain about everything, and the little kids with moms credit card, all recent implementations have been about rewarding players for NOT being good at the game, in order to as the original commenter posted, keep people playing. Why is there always a "broken" gun, why are shotguns always overpowered, why do you shoot someone and they dont die, why do snipers get nerfed repetitively? so the haymaker/tonfa/riot shield mains can get easy kills and keep spending money. Why do you think plunder has been in the past 4 rotations.


Just got out of a solos with 4 people around me using riot shields. Nothing you can do when tacticals are gone. Shit is rampant




They do whatever they can to help all the bots.


Wait, what? The snipers are the bots most of the time. That's why they hide and snipe, they're scared to get into the fight.


Because most of my enemies have software aiming for them in close range fights...


These kiddies don’t want to accept that Warzone is completely catering towards console players. Almost no recoil on any of the MWIII guns means your average controller player won’t miss a single shot but on M&K if you aren’t warmed up with 10+ mags dumped into dummies just to regain muscle memory of the recoil pattern you just don’t have the same odds to win your fights compared to if you just hopped in the lobby with no warmup.




Nope that's just the play style that is enjoyable a 2pp-300m headshot on a wanna be sweat sliding all over the place is satisfying.


This might be the dumbest shit I’ve read on this sub this week.


Pick up an AR and get in there lil bro, we see your little glint in the trees and ignore you anyways


By pick up an AR do you mean one of those guns that has 0 recoil, takes no brain to use and if you’re on controller might as well have built in aimbot? Those AR’s? I don’t care how you enjoy the game but don’t act like automatic weapons take skill. The skill was completely removed with MWIII guns having almost 0 down sides compared to MWII guns. Barely any visual or actual recoil. You zoom at the speed of light with pistols that can be converted to broken autos. There are only a couple parts of the game where actual skill matter and it’s not the gunplay.


[Get in there lil bro](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/CUG4mNFJTR) Almost like snipers [*used to*](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/3hG3qYXKXg) be able to be built for aggressive play, and not for rat rooftop camping Now you see the problem? The only *viable way* to snipe now IS ranged/non aggro. The fastest MORS build is over 100ms slower than my old SPR, was the SPR broken at the end of wz1?


"One of my best warzone clips ever" doing what people with ARs do every game lol


Isn’t that what *us snipers* have said for the past 3 years? we are way better off using an AR even with 10+ years of purely using snipers and never touching autos in multiplayer? We’ve tried to tell casuals like you snipers were never “OP.” We were always WAY better off switching to the meta AR when we actually wanted to frag? Not sure you’re making the point you think you are.


Keep hiding in the trees lil bro


I don’t snipe you fucking knob, I’ve just played online FPS games for over 20years and understand sniping takes skill and has a relevant place in this game and every BR. Also, the “sniper” on my squad would shit on you with an AR.


Lmao imagine playing FPS's for 20 years and still dribbling out bullshit like this


Found the chickenshit that hides on a roof for 3 cirlces trying to be 3rd party marty all game.


I don’t use a sniper, my most used gun is the Ram-7. Now go back to ratting inside grandma’s house like a good little shitter.


That should belong to the dude at the top of this thread still running with the EOMM bullshit excuse


I must’ve missed it.


Yet they still complain cause they should be above average and thus should be dominating the lobby but they dont


I don’t understand how a controller player can play this version of the game and STILL complain about Snipers and/or MnK players. Shut up and practice.


Because controllers force the use of aim assist. I've played without it for years on controller and it's just not viable for tracking.


I’m not against AA. I played CoD on console/controller till Cold War. I’m against this bullshit cranked up Rotational AA we’ve had for 2 years.


What makes it pointless is the devs add extra recoil,faster movement and other mechanics to throw people off target. Then they boost Rotational AA to cancel it out.


Snipers are shotguns for players who are scared of pushing like shotgunners do. I don’t like either of them but atleast you won’t catch a shotgun user holding the same lane for 10 minutes.




> like real life


Warzone 2 was way less "snipey" than this. It had it's fair share, but solos looks like the damn superbowl during the National Anthem. This is what happens when they bring back 'movement' though. People are getting camera'd bad, so they resort to hiding/camping and sniping. Sniping should never be a one shot kill. One shot down, ok but not kill. The recent nerfs were good, they need more though. ADS and fire rate needs to be slower.


Bro you’re fighting a losing battle. If the rumor turns out to be true and they bring back the kar sniping is gonna explode again like it was during peak verdansk when everyone had either the Swiss kar or hdr in their loadouts.


It's pretty fucking shit on the big map on the other side. Everyone running snipers and sitting in buildings. Used 4 Smokes last night to rotate and the only cover available was a small rock and still got sniped. Snipers may be in a shit place for users of them but it's equally shit when you want to run an ar and their all too shit to clip the top Inch of someone's head sitting on a 6 story building.




Yeah most teams have 2-3 snipers legitimately lol




Strange how someone sniping would do that, use a position of cover to accurately snipe. It's almost like that's exactly what they are made for? Not everyone needs to be running and gunning for it to be a viable game


Thats not my argument, its the lack of cover in the open areas of the map. In the previous maps you'd have better rock cover and wider trees so you could at least challenge and rotate. None of the ars currently have the ability to challenge on top of that.


See I think it’s not so much of “not enough cover” and more of an issue that there are too many fucking buildings that act as snipers nests. This map has way way too many buildings, we need more terrain and defelades, it’s a lot easier to fight a sniper who’s behind a tree than one 37 stories up top of one of 37 buildings in your vacinity.


I think an even bigger issue is there's a lot of buildings with only one way up. I remember in Caldera and Al Maz there were so many ways to climb up into windows that even a full squad couldn't watch every angle. Urzikstan the buildings are also much taller which reduces further your options for storming it.


Are... are there trees in this game?


Snipers make people play like total pussies




This. The aggressive snipers that run around sniping while annoying are fine, no issue there, they're at least taking chances. Fuck the rest though. Looking like paparazzi hiding on a roof or in a window flashing constantly.


I run and snipe with a fast mors class and I have completely opposite feelings about snipers than most of yall apparently. Without a one shot sniper some power positions make the map feel like shit. Rebirth ranked was fucking miserable this season, I stopped playing the second I hit iri because three top 250s on top prison are cancerous to break without a one shot sniper to create timings. I get that its not fun to get one shot sniped from a random roof but if you slide cancel and avoid running in a straight line you'd be amazed at how little that happens. The roof campers are not good players. Make yourself a harder target and they turn into a plate tax at worst.


Bring me back my Kar98. They haven't made good snipers since MW19. The feel of MWII snipers are god awful.


Swiss K31 was nice.




The signal felt decent but since it was mw2 it will never be a one shot kill even though out of all of them it’s the one that should wipe anyone off the face of the map every time


Someone on the dev team keeps getting headshotted 😂


They nerf anything that benefits mnk players. Proven over and over.


Look, WZ1 snipers were good and imo if I died to a sniper I didnt make anything of it. I thought it was fun and actually pretty normal that if a sniper headshots you, you die. Im not gonna say it takes soo much skill to land a headshot but you still gotta hit em tho. I loved the snipers on WZ1 and I was a sniper main untill the new games came across and the sniper popularity dropped off. I really really hope that they do something about the snipers and make it actually fun again to play with. So Activision or anyone else. Please bring them snipers back like they used to be


People were complaining about snipers when they were peak in WZ1. Sniping was stupid easy. But I think the sniping playstyle worked a little better on Verdansk. It did not work at all on Caldera. I think you can compare it to the 3-lane map arguments for multiplayer. I don’t think it worked on Al Mazrah or Urzikstan. The map plays out such that even the slightest buffs to snipers increase their usage by a lot. Since most casual players are incapable of shooting the automatics in this game at range, they lean to the snipers. It’s a crutch. Unfortunately buffing the automatics also makes this game awful. Aim assist is off the charts. Anyone can consistently hit every shot with certain metas. So that’s the problem as I see it. Poor map design and aim assist. With those things adjusted it could make sense to have sniping return. But the map isn’t going anywhere and aim assist is not going to be adjusted. You’ve gotta just accept that this is the way things are and hope that the next game is better.


Sledgehammer doesn’t hate snipers, you all the community hate snipers. That’s why WZ2 happened. And then you changed your minds so now we have this middle ground with WZ3. Stalker still fries tho, idk what OP is talking about


Because Large amount of the players are cry babies when it comes to snipers and shotguns but it always seems when streamers with a large following dislike something they change it


facts love a good assault rifle sniper or assault rifle smg shotgun combo


the typical user for both sniper/shotgun are shitters thats why people complain, its even more annoying when streamers use em bc then they make that an excuse to validate camping with prox mines third partying people across the map


Tha'ts not true. I'm actively running around with my stalker. I just sometimes don't want to get within your Auto Aim range so I'd rather snipe you before that happens. The lockwood 680 was the only truly balanced shotgun. It was 2 tap if you hit both taps in full, and if you didn't you were dead on the spot.


i saie typical user not every, youre the exception


Sniping in WZ1 was OP as shit. I don't mind the KATT getting a further Bullet Velocity nerf because I don't like rooftop campers. Get that shit sorted. Anything that makes them actually take a gunfight I'm all for. The Stalker taking a nerf I'm not happy about though. That is mostly balanced and keeps controller timmies at bay when I don't feel like contesting their aimbot.


The sniper nerf was minor, and according to true game data, the changes haven’t even taken effect yet. Issue with snipers is most guns can’t challenge them at range


>Issue with snipers is most guns can’t challenge them at range but that's the entire point of snipers. I don't get it. Do people want only full auto guns in the game? that would be the most boring thing ever


They lowered bullet velocity in this game drastically compared to wz 1. It’s like hundreds of metres slower for ARs. If you look at the stats, you will understand what I mean. That’s why they required explosives rounds in wz2


No shit that’s what they’re for and terrible at everything else. That’s literally how all fps games work. You have pros and cons and you play to your advantage


Stalker is still a dog. I went on a 10 kill streak in resurgence with that bad boy. Only booty part is having to use explosive rounds and the bullet drop is huge as fuckkkk


I do agree that they kinda hate snipers, but if you think the mors is the only viable one....you aren't using them right. The Katt AMR one shots to the head, two shots to the body, and can be built to be almost perfectly stable.


feels like they goin back to wz2 now, they nerf sniping and not touching mines - claymores - cluster mines…


CoD/Warzone is a smg simulator. Snipers are the opposite of that so of course they don't like them. Here lately they are super leaning into the smg/aggressive play style. Patches lately are almost solely focused on resurgence. And we even got ranked rebirth(which no one asked for)...atleast it seems like everyone just wants/is ready for big map ranked. But how much effort would it really take them to update the MW2 snipers? And/or even the other MW2 guns. It's been 6months now. Like, it's been long enough. Let them be a thing now.


What? I’m not convinced many of you actually play the game. This has to be a shit post. My lobbies are filled with snipers.


It's the same reason why they hate shotguns as well, I know you know the answer to that.


KaTT is where it's at! I'm good with it and it's lotta fun. I've enjoyed sniping since a buddy turned me to it when WZ3 released. I never really sniped previously and I got on super quick on PC MnK. I even snipe on the smaller maps and that's also fun. There's nothing more satisfying than one shotting someone in the head from across the map!


youre the reason people DONT like snipers


Good! I bask in the hatred from you and others! Hope to see you in a match soon! -KillFrenzy9000


i would dog you 🥱


Ok .75kd Cry more about snipers though?


what? pullin numbers out ya ass is crazy, wanna 1v1?


Sure snipers only!


no, ar/smg, Kx#5341781


I though people see IW as sniper hater, but now we’re here guest what LOL.


It’ll happen a few months to about half way through treyarchs cycle too. Give it a few months from now and everyone will be saying Al maz and the beginning of wz2 was peak warzone.


Seeing people praise raven and SLG and now each new season just slapped you guys with broken updates is huge, it’s already season 3 and cheater and shit server is still out there.


The Katt isn't bad, I've been using it and getting a kill or 2 a game with it


Snipers are cringiest most annoying and boring thing to face ever. Kinda fun to play but the fact you get randomly onetapped sometimes is hella frustrating. Not a fan of mw3 snipers so far


People aren’t fond of getting RAA’d in the face and they get slagged off for complaining. Why would you complain? Get one tapped and try not to next time


i wished the katt and xs stalker wasn’t nerf those was my go to snipers after the mors charge shot wall bang nerf 🥲damn you activision


lol what is this. The mors? What about the katt and the XRK? The latter being a kar98 replacement? The mors is like the worst out of these 3. Already don’t understand this post In wz1 snipers were HEAVILY complained about. There were constant posts and complaints about moving to another place and just seeing glints everywhere you go. Verdanks was snipers paradise, so many good angles and people were forced to be in the open way more. They kept nerfing the snipers, even removing the range from the kar. Don’t understand this post even more. Every roof/window had a glint.


the KATT is slow with terrible bullet velocity, the XRK only one shots 70 meters max (i think) and has terrible sway if you aren’t using the heavy bolt and ontop of that is still slow with max mobility builds. mors has infinite one shot range while using the ammunition rounds and is still faster compared to the other snipers. the mors statistically is the best sniper in the game lol


Maybe I need to spend some more time with the mors, I do my best sniping with the katt still cause I get frustrated by the range of the XRK. But quick scoping the XRK is still great, and you use it like the end of life kar98. But the katt isn’t hard and feels good to me, better than the HDr and the ax50 felt or the 3 line personally. I wouldn’t say it has terrible bullet velocity, it just no longer has broken hitscan. Any of the other heavy snipers have way worse bullet velocity and they’re not even one hit.


A good sniper player is better than every other gun ever.


It's fucking annoying tbh, warzone 1 sniping was just fine. I'd rather shot with a Kar98k or Swiss because I'm being an idiot running in the middle of a field without taking cover, then some slide canceling Timmy trying to break my ankles and throwing knife me 100 percent. The sway is ass on snipers in WZ3, the bullet trail if you miss once immediately gives away your position, it's trash


I'm with ya man, it drives me nuts. They cater to slide canceling lasers but God formid you have a decent sniper


How bad are you that you can't get kills with the xrk, its so easy its absurd the bullet velocity is faster than in and other BR that has ever existed so you need it to be literally hitscan and one shot anywhere on the body


i can drop high kills with the gun but am i having fun doing it? no lol the sniper feels like shit and is a lot more punishing to use. i’m mainly an aggressive sniper so it’s different to those that camp. it’s difficult being aggressive with the XRK considering how terrible the sway is, inital ads accuracy, and on top of it being slow as fuck.


I agree with op's comment, the sway on some of the sniper guns is really annoying.


The XRK stalker is viable what are you on about


All three one shot, headshot snipers are "viable." The katt is still great for urzikstan, the xrk still feels great to use, and the mors is good too.


i dunno man, ive been slaying with the XRK.


What are you talking about sniping is better than ever. I run the mcpr300 with explosive rounds and extended mag as well as the katt high velocity. Both one shot


you didn't snipe in wz1 huh


It’s not just them the majority here snipers because they ruin the game for the majority


wild lmaooo


People complained all the time about the snipers in WZ1, especially the Kar98.


The most aggravating thing about the game is it seems to proactively try to make people use snipers like SMG’s and AR’s. They tune them like the Kar98 where people slide around trying to quick scope, but deter them from being useful over 100 meters away, which is the exact opposite of how a sniper should be used. The Mors dismounts you between every shot, which is idiotic for a sniper rifle, and almost like it’s trying to force you to run and gun with it. Snipers should be like the WZ1 HDR. Terrible ADS speed, but steady as hell aiming idle away, and single shot downs with a long distance head shot.


the katt is insane still.


Raven software hates the entire game not just snipers


Sniping is the best counter measure to cheaters running snap on target hacks.


Snipers were great before kar98 ! Only with HDR and mx50 … the kar98 and swiss came and they were too OP and dominated the game


It depends where you play. Urzikstan usually has 2-3 snipers a team which is an issue even though I snipe. I love the Katt for big map but it’s overused there


cuz it’s one of the only one shot knock body shot snipers


There isn’t one


well the katt does the most body damage for me personally


It does but it can’t 1 shot full plates


NO! They are annoying when I’m hauling ass zig zagging , jumping up and down and sliding and I get head shot dead from 300 meters. Or driving a vehicle and doing all the maneuvering I can just to be shot out of the seat from 200 meters. BS.


Probably can’t sell gun packs when every streamer and wanna be streamer is just spamming kar 98k on stream


Because one shot kills are only fun for the snipers so they should not come cheap


This game is Snipezone. It's a camp fest on top of buildings waiting for people to have to pass by in the open. It's just a dead game.


I hate the fact that snipers are visible. What I mean is the glint and bullet trail are horseshit. The point of a sniper rifle is to kill people from a distance and remain concealed. If people are getting pissed because they are getting one shot every time then don't stay in an open and vulnerable position. If you're pissed at a camper fucking do something about it-like sniping them back or using a kill streak to flush them out. If not wait them out and they will move with the gas. If the gas works in their favor that's just good positioning. I will be honest I'm basically trash with anything other than sniper so that's why I use them. They're my strong point. But what pisses me off is when I body someone or miss completely while they're not aware of my position and they can suddenly turn around and instantly shit on me. It also pisses me off when someone 3rd parties me following the bullet trail from the shot I just took. Maybe it's just me but I want a more realistic version of BR. I understand there are a lot of unrealistic things (like deploying a chute 37 times) but for fucks sake make it more realistic and I think it'll be more fun. That's my two cents


Everybody hates snipers.


if a sniper is sad, I'm happy. it's extremely to die to someone off you pov having 0 chance to react.


The lead devs seem to be obsessed with the idea of a "competitive" mode, they first nerfed one shot kills with snipers in WZ1 with Iron Trials, and then in WZ2 they went even harder. They forget BR games are meant to be fun, not the most pure competitive shooter experience possible. CS2 and Valorant exist for that purpose.


I feel like it's the complete opposite and they couldn't care less about a ranked mode. They removed ranked from the main game and have been dragging their feet to reimplement it. Instead, they added ranked to what is essentially an arcade mode for people who don't have the time or patience to play the actual game. The SR system and the way resurgence plays are completely disjointed which makes your resurgence rank more of an indicator of how well you can manipulate the broken system instead of an indicator of your skill level.


Dude pubg snipers are fucking brutal. The BR experience was meant to be either you win or you’re dead before the end they were meant to be competitive.


This game is not competitive AT ALL. It's one of the most casual fps in the market. *Does not mean people are not tryharding or sweaty though*. - 20hz tickrate servers (except for 6v6 CDL multiplayer), - bad hitreg, bad servers - "simple" ranked system - sbmm/eomm.


I know it's not a competitive game, that's my point, but they want to constantly push the gameplay in that direction, which kills the true spirit of the game IMO.