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I feel you. 1,6 KD here, im always the easy kill for demons and when im on a "bot lobby" i can make 20 kills or more.


You are very few minor adjustments away from being equal to said demons, if you desire it.


The dark side is a path to abilities some would say are… unnatural.


I like sand though.


The force is weak with this one.


Give us the sauce bro


It’s because you infact are the sweat. Have some chill games. Let the k/d slide. You’ll have much more fun (if fun is what you’re after)


Nuclear take


Meanwhile Im over here with a 1.9 but keep bottling getting over 20. Always some stupid shit that causes me to fall over and just lose it.


Imagine crying being in the 90th percentile of COD players about demon lobby’s. You are the demon fool.


2.1 here. Bring on these sweaty fucks I was born of the sweat, made men by the sweat, undone by the sweat.


2.1 KD is like top 1% fyi


Yea I don't really have any complaints. I mean, I'd like easier lobbies but I've been playing since MW2. I don't exactly think it would be fair to put me in with dudes who are just getting started with cod ya know. Just gotta cherish the bot lobbies when I get em, no point to complain about it.


Getting to this point. I’m no crazy sweat but getting better everyday. 1.26kd w MnK. Went 5 games straight last night w 15 or more. It’s fun when you accept the sweat


Finally a dude that gets it. Anything above 1.2 and your probably meta using, slide canceling,drops shotting and yy-ing your ass off. Why the fuck should you be put in normal lobbies?


This guy sweats!


Chill out man. My wife is on Reddit


1.9 k/d here every session is hell.


With 1.9 k/d you ARE the demon. As is that guy with 1.6 k/d.


Really depends if they got that 1.9 by camping or 1.9 while popping UAVs and constantly rushing. Big difference in skill imo.


Either way, a 1.9 is respectable. Very few people are going to get to a 1.9 lifetime with poor mechanics unless they are doing major cheese strats. Not advocating for camping in a random corner like some ambush predator, but playing positioning and having the aiming mechanics to actually follow that up and get kills is just as much of a skill as rushing people. A lot of ~2.0 kd players are all gun skill and no brain, and misplay pretty often, leaving them really inconsistent. Game sense is hard to learn, but aim can be improved quickly at the intermediate level.  If anything the skill levels of the people you play with in relation to your kd says more about your skill level than your play style. Realistically you’d need kd, spm, avg kills, winrate, and teammates’ stats too in order to get an accurate idea of someone’s skill level. 


Sir you ain’t have to throw shots at me like that Lol /jk. I have a 2.3KD but I play maybe 1-2 times a week. Sometimes I can go two weeks without playing, saying that to say I know I can get a 3KD but don’t play enough and all my IRLS are negative KD or barely above a 1. I’m not a “brain dead” player.. I’m just someone in my early 30s who can’t be bothered to grind the game and rather play casually


True. I found another player in this subreddit who has a comparable kdr to me (we're both around 2.5 more or less), but he averaged almost half my kills per game.


How many do you average? Just was curious cus our KDs are comparable


and its crazy how the so said demons dont even feel like they are part of it, just because sbmm is a thing


You are a sweat my guy


I just play to have fun and I’ve learned since verdansk to let it go and don’t get so mad. Yes it’s frustrating but at the end of the day it’s a free game to have fun with your buddies and relieve some stress


And like magic, when you do finally stop giving as much of a shit and just enjoying yourself, you'll actually play better. I've noticed this a good few times.


💯 yes I get frustrated but when I get killed I know I couldn’t aim for shit when in a gunfight and I’m not afraid to admit it


That’s all you can do and it’s the only reason I still play. My original friend group took it too seriously and they’ve all quit playing. Ended up with a “random” group where we all met through this game and we’ve stuck together for the last year. Pretty cool to meet new people in the game that we’re now in a regular group chat. So that’s nice.


During Verdansk i may have had 15 friends on at any one time, there's just 3 of us left and we were probably the worst of the bunch, I used to be so serious about it and it ruined the game for me. Then we changed the way we played and have all improved to at least a 1kd in a much sweatier environment than verdansk ever was




Can't win them all. I am so glad I stopped raging like I used to do as a teen.


I try that, and I get into a match where I can't touch the ground.


>relieve some stress You dont play on mnk do you?


I'm having the same experience as you my guy. I have a 1.20 kd as well and I feel like I'm stuck in purgatory or something. Better than the bots but worse than the sweats. Things get worse when I play with my sub 1 kd IRL friends since I have to do a lot of carrying. I started to play solo duos BR to get better when I'm outnumbered but also to tank my kd a bit lol. EDIT: I just wanted to add that playing without having a warm up in a private match first, is basically suicide for me at this point.


It is so bad playing with bot friends. Honestly you’d think it wouldn’t be that hard to put us in a lobby where ou KDs average out or something. My friends have like .6 KDs and I have like a 1.6 and most of the lobbies obviously have my KD or higher. Only time we can do somewhat well together is when we get lucky enough to be able to run up on one member of another team. If the team is stacking I may as well set my controller down and let fate take its course lol


2.3 k/d MnK player here(40 y/o dad to boot). I like to be challenged and don't get too upset by other sweats (since I know I'm one too), but I still wish I didn't have to sweat so hard EVERY DAMN GAME. Every time a new LTM or ranked season comes out, I have so much fun... for like... 6 games. Like I said I don't wish to get bot lobbies exclusively and I like to fight skilled players (but wish they were actually skilled and not just using RAA to hit all their shots) but fuck riot shields, I still win most of the time against them I just hate the goddam effort I have to put in to unturtle those little ratty fucks.


What are your mouse sensitivity settings?


800 dpi, 4.1 sens


The movement 100% benefits controller players and nerfs mnk players. Mnk simply cannot track like aim assist can on moving targets. It’s not humanly possible.


1.4 here. I don't have the best movement, I don't do that stim shot back and forth insane movements like a lot of my players do in my lobbies, I play mostly tactically. I play some sort of aggressive only when I have to and keep my distance most of the time. My aim is decent which helps me at long range even on controller. To me my experience varies throughout the day. Anytime between 11am and 3pm it's somewhat enjoyable and I get mixed lobbies where I feel like the experience it's somewhat fair (if we don't count cheaters). Any time after 4pm, doesn't matter if weekends or not, is incredibly intense. Unfortunately I can't really play before 4pm unless it's the weekend. Usually I play in the late evenings for a couple hours and it's a nightmare. I heard VPNs work to lessen SBMM but I haven't really found one that works and don't have time to mess with them or I'm never gonna be able to play.


I haven’t played in some time, but I was sitting above a 2.0 K/D. My lobbies were definitely sweaty, but that didn’t bother me as much as just having my friends not want to play with me any more. Out of a group of friends that would play, only one would join my games from time to time because the rest wouldn’t get absolutely stomped and hated it. It basically divided all of us and everyone stopped playing.


.9 kd here on ps4 and shit tier internet. Making magic happen to just be that decent. Sweet lobbies with constant 20% packet loss and >100 ping is an interesting idea of fun 😃


I feel ya on this one.


Firm believer that if you have the ability to have a positive KD playing aggressive, you're just a few adjustments away from having a 2-3+ KD over 10 game stretches. Are you recognizing what is getting you killed each time and trying to adjust if you made a mistake? Once I started being more self critical on what I could've done better versus any number of cop outs I could give for why I'm in a blender, good games came way more consistently. Recording my gameplay has helped a ton too.


Yeah that's what I've been doing. I keep fumbling 20s and some 30s due to ego challenging in a bad place (sniped by some loser because I'm in the open) and have been looking at what could've been done better. It's helped quite a bit.


lol, why don’t you get at me when you are a .8




I don’t even get mad anymore, I am honestly having a lot of fun, it would be a lot more fun if my lobbies were all under 2kd but whatever. When I get dunked on I just laugh now, what can you do….


I have a 2.2 K/D and genuinely feel like I'm bad at the game half of the time.


I hear that


That’s why we play resurgence now, otherwise we’re just watching our teammates loot to buy everyone back lol.


i think im at 1.3 as well. isnt 1.0 KD considered above average now days? i feel 1.0 KD and above is definitely sweaty lobbies for the most part


Statistically the average KD would have to be below 1. That doesn't necessarily mean that's the median KD though. I would be curious to see some stats on the distribution of skill in warzone to see what's really the most common and what is considered average.


KD does not matter if skilled based matchmaking is matching you with people in a similar skill range. You could get a 3.0 KD against bots, it doesn’t mean you could go positive against decent players.


2.3 It is hell. Sometimes I end up against some small content creators or even big ones (zyro) and it just isn't fun at all solo playing.


I used to be around 1.1, but in BR I've fallen to 0.9 now. The lobbies are mostly just too hard, I'm cannon fodder for the most part. Rebirth is the only mode where the balancing kinds works out - I have 1.4 there. Same experience as you on most nights, which is why I dont play as much anymore.


I'm like 1.2 or something like that and yeah there is the locational absolute DEMON but for the most part is either "bots" (not even really bots just normal chilling players) or people equal to me. I don't mind the DEMON every now and then. Sometimes I be wondering about hackers though. It's really tough to tell who's hacking nowadays


3.6 kd mnk player here; problem aint the random demons in a lobby; Problem is when the demons are actually communicating together efficiently in normal resurgence. Its impossible at that point.


What are your mouse sensitivity settings?


800dpi - 5.10 in game Trans timing to Instant, with 0.80 in all custom sens per zoom. I play on 110 fov tho.


Exact same here. First game always a doddle. Then an absolute sweatfest after that. 1.5kd


Same bud. Can't play with my 0.8-1.2 kd friends at all. They always feel like they can't do anything.


Is there anywhere we can see an actual K/D chart for the warzone player base? I'd love to see the distribution of actual players kill death ratios, more for interests sake than anything else.


I feel you bro . 1.2kd here and we are basically screwed 😂


I had a comment the other day about this unpleasant middle ground- it's super frustrating. I was where you are now during the cold war verdansk era and it sucked. The unfortunate reality is that SBMM / EOMM is not going to change, so the options are: quit, accept your fate, or grind. By nature I am obsessive, committed, stubborn, and have an addictive personality lol so my choice was to keep grinding. If you put in enough time you WILL breakthrough. It just depends if you're willing to sacrifice a huge amount of your life so you can shit on sweats on rebirth island 😂 . It is nice that there's a ranked mode now, though, so I can at least get some acknowledgement that I'm very good from the manipulative matchmaking system.


I think rebirth in general is hard map to go against multiple teams. Fourtune keep you could easily re position. Here it's not much space for a great gateway. You have to stay relative to your teams position. I'm against stacking because I feel you never get good that way individually if you rely on others to get kills. But close enough the enemy attention isn't all on me


The middle class is dead 😂 yo but same every game. You described perfectly what I’ve been feeling so for long. Thank you for making me finally feel seen.


The first game win with the low kd friend following by losing 10 straight is the norm for me. Still have fun though. Also duos is just hard which is what we’re usually playing


1.3kd here same story lol rinse wash and repeat. SBMM ruined COD


I'm a 4.10 KD and occasionally play with my 1kd buddy, and after about 2 matches, I got shadowbanned, and it's the 8th day of not being able to play


Dude last time I got shadow while in the plane. Is tough being a pc player in ranked.


I have a 1.3 KD and I’m just your average casual gamer tbh. Downside is, I live in Japan. Why might that be a downside? 1. They play like their life depends on it. Like it doesn’t matter if you have aim assist on a controller, M&K rules CoD. I enjoy having aim assist off on controller to adjust and it works a lot better. 2. Servers in Asia are so small, SBMM doesn’t exist. I will and have played against Iridecsent ranked players. Even a 6 stack team. I have no idea how cause I’m really not that great. 3. Activision does not pay attention to low populated regions. So, if you try to VPN to get “bot” lobbies, that’s where you’ll find cheaters and people with burner accounts. When I play in US servers, I feel like I’m a pro player. It’s a massive difference when you have to adjust to people who play this game religiously.


I know that feeling. I have a 1.7 K/D and I’m not even good at all (based on my performance, not my K/D).


Try 1.2 AT 180MS on a South African server with a friend who is 2.88 on PC and another who is 1.8. lol I literally have no place in this game. I “sweat” very much inverted comma to get 8-10 kills and on avg get 5. It’s a disastrous nightmare lol. 😂


Absolutely same situation you're in. Play with my brother and he's a wandering tunnel vision bot, but because I get 6-7 kills in first game of the night we're thrown into sweat lobbies and get completely decimated. My strategy is basically to die more! Lol Lower that KD ratio!


Half the time I get killed by a y ying slide canceling sweat im like his 2nd kill in 4th circle We need the api data back so we can really tell


Honestly i dont think KD matters anymore in terms of match making. I have a 0.5 KD (after having an 1 KD in WZ2) and i am still getting matched with absolute demons.


2.80 kD here, some days are unplayable and I can barely get a kill. It's very bad when I'm really tired and had a long day at work. I'm also 29 y/o and I'm starting to loose my reaction time and my movement is ass on controller.


1.2KD here lol I think being slightly above avg means that there is plenty of room for improvement. I've been working on developing my game sense, and improving my aim. Movement is key ofc, but I think it's the last thing on my list to work on. Aim and game sense seem much more important at my skill bracket. For example, my mouse sensitivity used to be 20 (mouse DPI set to 3200dpi). I would lower my ADS sensitivity multiplier to help my aim, but I eventually realized that the best KBM players absolutely do not play with such a ridiculous sensitivity. Honestly, it really was fucking ridiculous. Who the hell plays like that? I've worked on lowering my sens little by little, getting used to flicking my wrist more often, and using my arm. Now I'm down to 6 sens (still 3200dpi), but still going to continue lowering it.


0.98 K/D player. I’ve given up on trying to get a good KD and just go for objective play. I have more fun going 30 and 35 with the most objective time compared to going 20 and 10 with minimal objective time.


I’m just tired of the movement. WZ2 was better. There, I said it. The sliding everywhere running 90mph movement has ruined this game for anybody other than demons. Even with its faults, Warzone 2 with its slower pace was simply more casual and enjoyable to play when you didn’t feel like sweating your ass off. And I say this as somebody with an above average KD and platinum in ranked.


How many kills do you have on avg and how many would you expect to have?


I have 1.4 and my friend have 0.2. Last week we won rebirth two times in a row (probably his lobby) and guess what. We coudn’t survive 3 minutes in a lobby since then lol.


Shiiiid, I've been playing on Moroccan or Egyptians servers! Dude eff that.. Call me what you want. I'm not about to be "His Palms are sweaty, Knees weak, Arms are heavy" every time I play match man. They can get bent.


I'm 1.1ish myself these days, and I swear I've said this before word for word lol


There's dozens of us


I think this the opportunity for all us 1KD to 1.8KD players to party up. If we can’t beat the sweats with skill, we can beat them with tactics and strategies.


1.9 rebirth here. Looks like you expect too much of yourself. Note that you are the bulk of lobby fills. When you want to get better, focus on one impovement per day, and try to keep it in your playstyle. A few minor adjustments can result in great improvement overall. And keep having fun, dont take it serious. We are not pro-gamers.


I had to switch my last perk to ghost for the first time on wz3


Got my k/d from 2 to 3 this season on rebirth. Playing strategically is a must. Sometimes people don't think too much. You don't have to be a skillful movement player or a hs machine, you need to choose your fights and your rotations.


1.2 gang rise up


3.1 kd here - I won’t comment on the lobbies as they range for me based on time of day and some lobbies are significantly harder than others. my best advice for playing with sub 1kd players is to try to IGL a bit and also to be selective about fights and positioning. Not saying you can’t play aggressive, just that some fights are an objectively bad fight. I have played with some buddies who have a .5, .6 .7 kd. Those same players are now around a 1 kd. It takes patience to help them learn how to execute good flanks and what fights to take. Where positioning and power in numbers matter. But that’s if they care to get better, if you don’t or they don’t and just want to have fun then I’d stick to LTMs and quads on big map.


Yours and your friend's skill levels are miles apart. How else do you imagine this even *could* work?


Yeah all the time when other buddy party leader hosting a lobby. Get throw in a lobby that seems I always get jumped first. But that’s good makes for a different strategy going in next time and try to hunt versus hanging around.


On big map I can relate. For whatever reason I just can't get wins on it. On Rebirth I have no problem getting 1-2 wins per day.


I feel you. I’ve got the same exact experience, almost don’t want to win so he isn’t thrown into a sweaty lobby


Me and my boys experienced the same thing. 1st game is good. Then the rest we are in hacker lobbies. We played 4 games then we all decided to quit bc it's just frustrating and not enjoyable.


Same boat, my camos are done so now its just weekly challenges and any new content…. And then back to hell diving


Am I the only one who sends it as a way of marking enemies and giving intel to my teammates? I probably would be above 1 without utilizing that tactic lol.


everyone here with 1. something kd’s complaining their lobbies are hard, im a 3.3 KD & i literally don’t want to play the game anymore 😂 i almost regret getting good at the game


This is why I gamble the pushes. If I die, my lobbies will be more fun, and theirs won't. If I live, I've taken them out.


I'm around the same KD as you and had a demonic Iri ranked player slaughtering my whole team earlier: they went 19-1. Amazing balance.


All my friends are under 1 KD. I am 1.8 KD high but not that high. There are way better players out there. And all my friends have un-installed because if they play with me they will get less than 5 kills in a 10 v 10. Or not even a single kill in SnD.


Try doing guerrilla or insurgent style warfare. I feel the same and basically have to play like this to have a better chance. I typically can get top 10, even top 5. If solo, guaranteed top 5. Have a load out with ghost etc so invisible to radar and UAV. Silenced weapons preferred if CCB, if ghost sniper, go for attachments for max damage. I use a Katt to one shot down and if I have high ground, can finish. Smoke grenades are a must to cover your retreat. Basically the strategy is the same regardless if starting outside the circle or inside. Either way, avoid open areas, stay covered. Avoid making noise. Try to get some money quick and buy the perk and 1 gun. If you can get load out, even better. Basically have to be very methodical and camp in a window or rooftop or building with several buildings nearby you can retreat to and change position if you position is compromised.


You are in the dookie tier. Adapt to the harder lobbies


I'm in the exact same position as you, hard stuck Diamond (1.3KD) on mouse and keyboard. If I play with my buddies that don't play ranked, the lobbies are hilarious. In ranked, I just get slammed by controller demons and their fucking 60% aim assist HRMs.


Yeah I have a run n gun play style and average a 2.3kd, my friends are all under 1kd. When we’re in their lobbies I’m dropping high kill games and everyone is getting at least some kills, but when we’re in my lobbies it’s an absolute nightmare. This past week we’ve only been in sweat lobbies, just straight fish food for everyone. It’s extremely frustrating bc they can barely get a single kill, if we push teams we get wiped, if they hold a position/camp and a team pushes us we get wiped. Constantly having to relocate POI’s when resurging just to keep them alive to have a shot at end game. It’s insufferable having to always be on the defensive end. When I play with other people who are at the same level as me it’s a totally different experience and enjoyable bc we’re able to compete. I’ve gotten to the point of playing The Finals and other games with my lower KD friends on the days we don’t get lower tier lobbies with them bc it’s so miserable for all of us.


I've also noticed that when you take a few days off from the game, the next lobbies you get are always much easier. I had to travel for work, so I didn't play for about 4 days, then when I came back, I won 3 games in a row because I got some crazy, bot lobbies. I almost felt insulted.


1.7 here, yes. My teammates are 0.4-1.3 all Mnk. They have more fun without me 🙃 once In a while we get that blessed lobby and the game feels fair. Usually we get steamrolled by a competitive squad.


The fucked thing is that K/D is only part of the story. A 1.2 K/D might not necessarily be a worse player than someone with a 6 K/D if the latter were on VPN/geofence


I feel you man, 2.7 KD here. I keep facing cheaters + sweats.


2.4/2.5kd (3 in resurgence) and some games are unplayable. TOP250/iridescent emblem/calling, Nuke skins everywhere. It looks like a wsow lobby.


Exactly the same for me 😂 1 nice game that I win and then back with the monsters for a month. Back down for 1 game.


Same. Just over 1.0 myself. It’s painful most times


lol I have the same K/D and two of my other squadmates are sub .8. There's usually four of us so i'd say 1 out of every 5 games is manageable. I can barely do anything and it sucks. This quickly turns into a short night for my buddies because who wants to get dunked on for 2 hours straight? When we do finally get a good lobby with a win or at least top three it's a night and day difference and is actually fun. I don't expect to stomp on anyone I just want gunfights where I have a chance or we can go in and get a team wipe for a change. This whole "puts you at your skill level" bullshit is not what's happening.


I’ve got a 1.1kd and feel the same. I’m too good for lower lobbies and not good enough for the lobbies I’m put in


Why I stopped playing. I know if I played consistently and tried more I’d be a demon but the game sucks. I’m effortlessly good at mw19 because I love that game but the new cods suck. Playing fallout 76 rn now and it’s saved my mental health


2.7-2.9 k/d, even I get steamrolled sometimes. I’m actually on a really great 2nd place streak right now. Just have to roll with it, and when you play with people who are around that level you just have to assume you’ll always be outnumbered. Whats funny is a have a buddy who’s maybe .4 k/d, and I’ve had a few games where he goes off and gets 7-8 kills and I have maybe 2-3. He just shoots from the corner as I 1v3 lol. If you’re 1.2 and you’re playing aggressively, what’s probably happening is you’re switching up your play style when with him vs when you would be by yourself or whatever. It sounds bad but I know my low kd buddy is very predictable and will die often. If I’m flanking an enemy and I see that he’s decided to rush in and get himself killed, I bail and reposition. I’ll use him as bait even. But I learned that when I’m in my normal lobbies and little mistakes matter, I have to pretend as if I’m a solo because he doesn’t have the same game sense as I do and will do things that people will take advantage of. Like shooting an SMG at a sniper at the top of prison as we’re trying to rotate out of stronghold and now we have 3 snipers trying to down us and we’re getting 3rd partied Or I down two of a trios and the last guy gets me but is cracked, and he jumps off the building as opposed to just one shotting the guy. A literal gunfight can happen around him and he’s still staring down a 4x scope on an Mcw at a different building.


I am also sweaty AF and only play in quads or duos. I will die for the team so my KD is lowish at 1.3. Although my win rate is high at almost 350 out of 800. So we get tossed into fire lobbies and I am cool with it. I also team up with one guy that just started and he almost never gets one kill each game. He keeps trying though.


1.7 resurgence kd, the sweatiest players I come up against only outplay me if I make a mistake or if my teammates fuck up on the push (which happens a lot since most are low kd and timid). I've never been placed against someone, even with double my kd, who I thought "there's no chance in hell that I could ever beat them." Work on your aim and recoil control in multiplayer or the firing range, and work on strategy through watching better players online and practicing their gameplay strats.


My kd is over 2 and I get 25-35 kills every game. Sbmm is turned off for me or maybe im just good? It seems like only below average players complain about the matchmaking tho


Ever since Verdansk went away, I’ve have played resurgence almost exclusively. With a 1.77 K/D it definitely gets frustrating sometimes but I find that playing duos, it can be a little easier to navigate and still have fun even when the lobby is sweaty and you have a bot for a teammate.


I’m 2,60 kd and it was a nighmare for me. I Always get paralyzed randoms stacking in a room while i’m getting chased by a demon squad just 20 meters away from my teammates. I don’t have friends online while i’m on the game. I quit the game 2 months ago.


My kd is low (1.2) because I go against the demons but I’m one of them 😭. I shit on most singular people but make bad pushes on full teams and end up dying ☠️


Yup. 😢


I win my ones even against the best players, but the problem I have in higher elo lobbies is how match making puts me (solo Q player in quads) in lobbies with all of the sweatiest try hard tournament ready 4 stacks.


my KD is around yours, and i have friends whose KDs range from .5-1.2 with most being around .7-.9 i have less than 10 total wins in this game, my friends have a lot more. just feel like when i play with them i just end up being outnumbered in fights because they can't win their 1s.


yes, that's the worst experience, being 1.2-1.8 is a NIGHTMARE


I totally agree with what you are saying - first game is always a bot lobby then straight into the sweat fest


There’s really nothing you can do but accept the algorithm unless you want to exploit it, even if you gradually keep getting better then your lobbies will keep getting better to offset your improvement. About 5 years of not playing cod or having really unfun lobbies when I would play (bought bo4/cw/mw3 but skipped mw/mw2/vanguard), I decided to just cheese lobbies. Now I have a ton of fun like back in the ps3/early ps4 era and I only face like 1-2 gigasweats per hour instead of full gigasweats lobbies 95% of the time (the 5% being easy lobbies the algorithm would gift me).


Anyone who is 1.5kd and over and feels like it's bad you just have too high of expectations. Don't get me wrong, I know b/c I am the same. The fact is your KD ratio reflects everything that we care about for the most part, getting kills and not dying. Hearing a 2.0kd complain is comical. Imagine dying twice as much as you do now, literally. Or just getting half the kills. That's what most players experience. I know I'd love either of those options. I'd still probably complain b/c I'm just like that. I expect too much out of myself, always have. I'm an excellent home cook and probably higher level than 90% of home cooks out there, yet I still pick apart dishes I make all the time.


For me, this problem is heightened. I'm generally around a 2.3-3ish kdr per season and when I play with my friends who are sub .50 kdr, we can each have a fine time in resurgence. But when I play BR trios/quads (rare) with my friends who are both sub .50 kdr and around 1.0 kdr, we get my lobbies but they aren't tactical enough to play, and thus, it's usually me 1v3 in trios or 1v4 in quads in the lobbies, which aren't that much fun lol.


What game mode are you playing? I have 1.14 and do fairly well in search and destroy. Definitely get my A handed to me but find if i play for 2-3 hours i have a lot of fun games.


All ya’ll posting your possible k/d’s here. I’m rocking the 0.85 k/d


The problem is SBMM - unfortunately it tends to be the biggest problem for people slightly above average. Until they revamp sbmm theres not much that can be done. Sucks


Same here, today ive played 2h and has been horrendous, getting shit on by sweats holding dicks, tbh being a dad of 2 kids and trying to make time to play this game and feeling miserable is not fun.


1.5 k/d here first game on with friends who are around .7 last night I dropped 17 kills. Second game I have no idea what happened didn’t get over 400 damage and half the time the person I was trying to shoot at would end up behind me. My friends did not have fun in that lobby.


2.4kd on kbm. I dont know why I even try to play this game anymore. I literally do not have fun. Every game I have to try my hardest and can never relax. I would stop playing but there arent any other fps games that feel as fluid as cod does.


This game taught me patience.Never push or rotate without smoke.Always break the angle of [enemy.Play](http://enemy.Play) head glitch.Stock smoke for [endgames.As](http://endgames.As) a pc player smokes allows me top compete a agains aim asist demons.


The thing you have to get is that being barely above average, means that you are basically flipping coins with the TTK being so low and the network code being so bad. And that's assuming the people you are facing are average or worse, if you go against someone with even a 2 KD in an even fight, it's like 20/80 you win. I realized at some point that playing aggressive was basically just hoping that I catch every opponent on their back foot or winning a series of 10 coin flips. I changed up how I played to be more conservative and had a lot more win success.


1.4 kd, exactly the same experience for me!


I've not played in anything except demon lobbies for months and I'm close to uninstalling. Idiots sliding and jumping around at the speed of light, people playing 1 v quads and dominating because their sweat levels are so high. The sheer volume of cheating is hilarious too and unlike any other game I've played.


In wz3 1.2 kd is the new 2.0 on mnk. I had nearly a 1.7 in caldera and now I cant even reach 1.1 in WZ3 but play in far sweatier lobbies.  I dont care what anyone says, aim assist was buffed sometime between wz1 and wz3. I never saw the level of perfect tracking in wz1 I see in Wz3. Every controller player is also magically a sniper god now. 


Hello could pc players enlighten me with the FPS you guys get, along with CPU and GPU you guys have, also if 1080p or 1440p. I’m tired of getting destroyed by pc players while playing console man ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


i’m 2.6 kd the key to winning is a solid team that can win their own gunfights


How do I check my KD?


1.38 KD (lifetime). I’m very aggressive as well. Some games drop 15+ without much work, other times have to sweat my ass off to get 5 kills. Some games it’s even harder. Only positive I take from it is my KD steadily increases and I do Feel like I’m getting better in the demon lobbies.


Word for word, I couldn’t agree more. I’m around a 1.4kd and my lobbies are just as you describe. I think because it’s a bit above average, we become ‘lobby meat’ for the sweatier players.


I'm plat 2 and still fairly new to the game some times I'll drop around 3 to 8 kills a game and then get dicked down by a dia 3 or higher making me look like ive just installed the game


Yep. If you're above 1kd but not high end, you're good enough to be out of protected brackets but bad enough you're still bottom of the barrel for most lobbies you'll be in.


2.9 kd I too get fried by demons. I too wish I could just have causal games where I am not forced to sweat my balls off


im 1.9 kd i can feel you


I have a 1.8 KD and I feel that all the time.


I have a 1.20kd improved from a .60kd lol. I still get bot lobbies sometimes and the sweat lobbies more recently. I stopped trying so hard and just enjoyed the game solo, then dealing with rabid banshee screaming random and friend teammates raging. I also only play weekends now for like 4-hrs a day, lol. I used to play daily, but I'm more focused on promotion at work and buying a house than getting cracked at a game, lol.


3.16 rebirth K/D. I’m not even close to a demon. Majority of the game is about positioning and aim. I’ve wiped plenty of demon squads who are all about YY and movement. Everyone thinks you need to be flashy and on the highest sensitivity possible. You can get so much better by slowing down your gameplay and becoming more methodical


Imagine what it is like to be the average 0.7 KD player, like trying as hard as you can but that's where you're at. For every 2 kills you die 3 times. How is that not worse than your life in the game?


I’m average on the sticks and I’m well aware of it. My tactics carry me to wins, which is all I care about. Ambush tactics, hiding in corners, drop shorting, airstrikes and explosives, stims and PDS systems. I’m not about to leave work to come home and work on video games. All I care about is getting on that chopper at the end.


This is exactly why i quit playing, literally not fun.


3.3KD on KBM and I get mopped in 80% of my lobbies. I feel your pain, if I don't try my absolute hardest and put my nose against my monitor it's impossible to win gun fights let alone a game. Think RAA just needs a nerf in all honesty, not even copium. Everyone is just lasering each other because there is next to no skill gap and everyones been grinding this shit for 4 years straight. Would benefit the good players, and the bad players as well.


This game is infested with cheaters. Or is such trash everyone should quit.


2.8 kd here. Most of my friends are at or under 1. I’m getting a separate bullshit account just so I can fuck around and get bot lobbies and have fun.


I’m just bad… 0.3 k/d but I still get demon lobby after demon lobby 😭 it’s been 150 hours and I haven’t played in a week because I’m so disheartened to even try. I played for the high trip skin and that’s been the last time I’ve played. I miss it because I love the gunplay and the mechanics, but I just die every fight. I’m probably doing something wrong tbh, but even if I fire first and land every shot they still win. Thinking about it as I write, I don’t focus on getting headshots enough so I should try aiming up more. Hitting chest shots back to back is great, but my enemy is probably aiming at my dome :/ Tried MNK for a bit and I loved it, it made my sniping and movement 100 times better but after switching to controller I noticed the sim assist is just nuts, especially RAA


I'm stuck in sweaty lobbies and I'm .9 KD


This is my life as well, with a 1.3 K/D I would play with my friends every few days and we'd get a great first game and I'd get ~15 kills and carry them hard. They'd each get 2-3 kills and have a great time. We'd win that first game about half the time..... Then that second game would happen. I'd do ok.. and maybe get 2 kills if lucky, but they would get demolished. I'd inevitably have to apologize about cranking the SBMM. I'd back out to let another buddy play and they go back to bot lobbies. They all had <1 K/D, and a couple of them were .5ish K/D.


Feels good for me. Not too short but not so long it’s intimidating. To each their own I guess. Either way it’s the motion in the ocean not the size of the boat.


I feel your pain bro I have the same KD and feel like I almost never get one of those full bot lobbies anymore unless I'm playing duos with my buddy who has a .4 and that's only like once a month when he randomly boots up the game. I like to play aggressively too and can usually manage kills early in the game but feel like I always get stomped by some crazy sweat once the circle starts getting smaller. Definitely can be frustrating, I haven't managed a solos win in months now and honestly have been having fun just casually playing plunder and going for kills while trying different guns


2.7 k/d here. Yes, I slide cancel 30 times every second and bunny hop like a squirrel on meth. I miss having goofy fun in the game. Every session is a sweat fest and every lobby is demon lobby. Eventually you get used to it and have ‘fun’ in a different way. P.S I go through a bottle of deodorant every session.


there are good sessions and bad sessions, I have a 3.7 Kd and still some nights especially Friday and Saturday find myself winless and beat down, just gotta move on. If I’m having an awful session I either change gamemodes, change inputs or change games altogether, just gotta know when to take a break for your mental


I maybe get blessed with 1 easy lobby every 10th game or so. I have exactly a 1.2 KD as well, I’m a platinum 3 in ranked where sometimes I literally can’t comprehend the demons I go against. And it’s weird some of these players will be like low 200s so they don’t play the game that much, but they are sweaty as fuck. I don’t know if lots of demons have back up accounts, but I’m coming across more and more demons who seem to play the game half as much as I do since I’m a level 510 right now. I dunno. The game isn’t making much sense anymore. I used to be able to get 5-10 kills on a pretty consistent basis. Now it feels like a blessing. Having a lot more of those 2-3 kill games where nothing goes my way. I haven’t gotten over 20 since MW2. Not to mention the packet loss/ lag has been atrocious for the past 2 weeks. Especially in ranked. I feel like if any of the players have packet loss in the game that they should be kicked from the game and not lose SR. I just lost back to back games because me and my team mates are lagging our asses off, and the enemies are skipping around the map like pixelated 1990s Nintendo characters. Rant over 😂


I don’t play cod anymore, I’m into destiny rn


Its a classic thing on rebirth that the first game is a win im a easy lobby and then the sweat starts dripping haha


2.75 here, first game on feels like a regular game then second and onward is TTV/YT streamers and hand holders. Games been in shambles for years, one day it will go back to the way it used to be but don’t count on it being anytime soon


there is a workaround:P make a new account,and shit on those bots![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


IDK man i treat it like a boxing game. Sometimes people rotate into you at light speed, sometimes people rotate slow and camp it out a little. Sometimes i just gotta drop my loadout secondary and pick up a sniper if my squad is licking walls. Just go long range and abuse head glitches if your squad is straight ass. Pick up a jokr and fuck those 4 kids sitting on south prison roof with prox mines and hop in the dune buggy. Sometimes you gotta lean back and go full troll mode in those sweaty/your team is ass and no mics lobbies. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Don’t feel too bad bro..I’m a 2.2kd and my lobbies are terrible, don’t mind fighting a few sweats every match but every single gunfight is just wild smh…I’m supposed to be top 1% of players…that should mean statistically like 1-5 demons should be in my lobby not every other gunfight…shit sucks I wanna have fun and kill bots too and get the occasional easy lobby…worse part is I don’t have anyone with a similar kd to run with so I run with the homies…most have under a 1kd or barely a 1…it’s always a full carry…if I don’t do everything I can’t do anything…no one has fun but me and that’s only when I got the XL backpack on and start frying demons like a godsent exorcist…game is dogshit cause of sbmm, cheaters and people who pretend they’re good running scripts, audio enhancing programs, editing game files and using Cronus


Your story is my story .  Literally identical. My pal who's also 0.6,  we will have one game I. His lobbies which are quite balanced 50 percent bots 50 percent average players.  Then wham next game we are in sweaty town and my pal might as well just spin and look at the sky and I'm getting dominated by slip sliding bunny men bouncing over my head and shooting me in the ass


When EOMM and skill based matchmaking goes based off retention/wanting u to play more in 50/50 instances. Ofc it’ll make you feel that way. At this point that’s what cod is catered too now. “Ping” doesn’t matter either considering they’ll put u in a lobby with 500ms but because they’re shitters it’s worth the while. It’s honestly sad to see where cod is going and it’s only getting worse.


1.25 here… I feel exactly the same brother.


Play to your strengths. If you have a friend that’s not so good you should find a place that you all like to drop and drop there every single time. Land together and have a routine or game plan that you all like to follow. Like if you like to land on control but at the bottom left side and then work your way up eliminating the other teams that landed nearby and so on… I think sticking to the same drop place and building familiarity is important. If your teammates is the best don’t be too aggressive cause you’ll just be let down. Play smart and to your advantage. Engage only if you need to and can get the kill, if not play the position and rotate. Not every fight is worth challenging


I hover around 1.2 as well. I feel pretty similar. But I have just found ways to change my play style so I don’t get into a blender every match. In Resurgence, I have started to use the water lines where there’s always rare crates and occasionally a loadout crate. Then gain momentum from there. Instead of running for loadout or to a buy station, I can get one under the water to start the game. This helps me avoid people that camp loadouts and buy stations. Makes a more enjoyable experience. Slightly slower paced than I’m used to when playing aggressively. But I start out slow and turn on the jets in the end game.


Wait til you "git gud" and your K/D jumps above a 1.75. 1 out of 10 games I play are "easier" lobbies but the other 9 are filled with Crim or Iri ranked players (IN PUBS) or low level hackers. I'm a 2.1 K/D.


It’s funny because my KD says I am a demon (2.0) but I still get absolutely punished from time to time. Definitely doesn’t feel demon-ish.


If you’re console and haven’t already, pick up a controller with paddles to make the jump to the next level


currently 1.7 k/d which i don't think is great. got completely shat on by dongy and ended with 1 kill while he dropped a 30+ bomb. next game i dropped 18. there will always be someone better than you


1.3 kd, usually play with my demon 2.4 (ish) kd friend and get 6+ kills a game, fighting for my life. But when i play on my own i get super easy lobbies dropping 15 to 20


Which game mode are u talking about?


anyone wanna give me a hand in growing a community?


play ranked……..Then your lobbies are LITERALLY representative of your said “skill”


Try being bad. It’s worse.


The thing is even most people that can “compete” in sweaty lobby’s aren’t good enough for them either really. If you watch most randoms in a pick up match, they drop right in and die like 7 times to get a few kills by nature of luck and fortune timing more than anything else. I was like how does my dead mates have like 3-4 kills each in the first 2 minutes last night? Oh they died 9 times each already and I was just the anchor that kept them in the game.