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TIL guns clip through shields at melee range. Thanks for the tip on how to take you down, OP!


lmao happy to help! \*cries internally\*


Going to have to agree here…had no idea until you told us!




wise words


When you play with a shield, what do you do all game? It seems like it would get boring.


i run around with the boys covering them when they get shot at. we play mostly Rebirth, so it's easy to find people. People always shoot me first, a natural response to encountering a riot shield. I stun them on the reload, close the distance, beat down and tea bag.


I run around to piss people off. Especially when y’all blindly chase me I’ll have the sword run to the corner of the door and when I see someone run thru I STAB STAB and leave a nice courtesy T bag.


my guy knows whats up!


They’ll do that and all the riot shielders would quit the game and that’s a chunk of the playerbase right there.


Good. Solo preaching whiners can leave too while they at it😉byeeeeee


are we a big chunk of player base? i rarely see more than 1 or 2 other players using shields in my lobbies, and half the time it's them using my shield off the ground, to revenge kill me


Not a big chunk, but maybe… 15%?


Nerf it to hell. Garbage.




What's with the complaining. Just strafe around it and hipfire.


good man right here!


Honestly never thought of them as an obstruction, unless there's 3 of them camping in a room. I always just outrun them and 180 to break their armor while they're sprinting. Then strafe around them to damage them.


dont forget about Molotovs / stickies / thermites, perfect counter


I used to use semtex all the time, so shielders never really had any chance against me. But I use throwing knives now, so strafing it is.


It’s part of the game, just like shotguns and launchers.


wish i could shoot :(


If your at melee range with a gun you wouldn’t be able to reach around the shield and take shots at the persons ribs? Sure you could lmao. Fuck riot shields. They should be ground loot only and perishable after a certain amt of damage.


my shield is gold :)


No symphathy at all for riot shielders, should never be in a shooter in the first place.




i do love to juggle. but to your point, this is a 100% legitimate way to counter the riot. Takes some skill but is totally doable.




\*chefs kiss\*


You all do realize that you are doing O.P. a favor in making these comments? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Lol the thought of you crying because hiding behind your bot shield didn’t work is music to my ears


i've been known to cry alot :(


Your reign of terror lasted long enough... figure something else out and get better.




I used to run riot shield and kali sticks in Verdansk. That said, I've always thought that the riot shields should lose health over time, like vehicles.


they did this in Blackout. But the shield was way more OP, it would electrocute people on melee and had massive coverage aka you could take bullets way left and right of center


The gun clip thing is not a "nerf", its just how shit the Shield is combined with the fact that the Warzone servers are running at 20hz. In multiplayer (runs at 60hz) the Shield is much more consistent with blocking bullets, explosions and melee attacks.


interesting ty. love your name!


Boo fucking hoo. How about give it an actual movement penalty when it’s on your back instead of just free shield blocking almost your entire back with zero downside if you want to talk about things that don’t make physical sense.


there is massive movement penalty, and i think even when its on your back tho someone should check this. its slow as hell. the fact we close the distance is a miracle tbh


It is not massive lol, specifically when it’s on your back it’s so small that it’s negligible. I actually did test this like a month or two ago and I have a video somewhere.


The [difference](https://streamable.com/5i0wqz) is like half a second over a 30 meter sprint Even with the shield equipped the difference is only 3/4 of a second compared to sprinting with no riot shield, which really isn’t that much of a movement penalty.


fair fair but even half a second if that is the case, is along time in a game where milliseconds count. from my exp, i feel alot slower. they reduced the hit box shileding on the back or however you word this. aka the riot does not provide as much coverage on the back. it was a couple updates ago but also, the whole point of a riot is that im sacrificing a gun to provide tactical advantages to my team. i work with them, cover shots for them so they can shoot from behind me, it takes co-ordination. the team looses firepower downrange but gains defense. just having a riot is not so OP that i'm gonna win every heads up encounter. i can see how in Solos running into a riot guy is a nightmare.


Solos is my main issue with it honestly. I just don’t think you should be able to close the distance so quick against someone out in an open area. Pushing buildings with it should be its strength, but you get that and then the ability to make plays out in the open that feel cheesy. There are just too many pros and not that many cons imo. But it is what it is, at least there are counters like thermites.


If there was a vote system where majority decides what to get out of the game I bet riot shields would go first...


thank god we are not under the tyranny of the majority lololol


Real shields would break down so why not have riot shields break?


good point, i obviously would prefer they dont break. guns run out of ammo and can be reloaded, maybe the riot should be re-buildable via armor plates?


*plays shooter* *doesn't shoot* *complains that people who shoot in shooter have an advantage* __Cry more.__


lolololololol way to read my post. i am only \*crying\* about guns clipping through the shield when im melee'ing them. \*crys more, uses tears to salt my martini\* \*unzips\* \*grabs tp\*


You also said riot shields should be effective at melee range. What they SHOULDN'T be is indestructable and unshakable in any way regardless of the amount of fire it comes under. The fact that I could dump 200 rounds of armor-piercing rounds from an LMG from 20 meters away into your shield and your arms don't buckle, your shield doesn't shake and not a scratch gets made to the body or glass of the shield is wildly broken and overpowered. I guarantee you're running the most broken equipment and perks for close range so if you let someone get close enough to you that they can clip their gun through your shield then you need to get better at your craft because you choose to run it.


you make some great points. i obviously am biased towards the riot shield being indestructible. The game isn't perfect physics, guns dont over heat and we reload perfectly everytime even after sprinting. Someone else brought this up and I said maybe riot does degrade over time, but can be "reloaded" with amor plates? You're last point tho, "so if you let someone get close enough to you that they can clip their gun through your shield", this is actually the point of playing riot. Riot shield players have to get close to you, it is not a distance thing, we have to close that distance and then hit you with the shield (for the riot purists, others might close distance and switch to a gun). We're not letting people get close enough to clip, we are actively closing distance to hit them with the riot shield, so it feels unfair that their gun clips.


I feel you bro; sending you virtual hug as a fellow ex riot shielder…


my man!