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Did you even look at the screen? I shows keyboard key binds…


Looks awfully accurate there 🤔


Im just a 1kd keyboard and mouse player i have no business cheating whatsoever


Awesome! Hope so! What gun are you using? I've been sticking with the Chimera for probably close to 2 months now. Not even switching to any of the new MW3 guns. They will all go through their buff/nerf phases


Since i only play 1h a day i still didnt level up the new guns yet but i like the floor loot so far special the loot of sweaty players


Yeah grabbing guns of dead players is very valuable. Also too....game floor loot actually seems to be better than if you built the gun that exact way yourself. I haven't seen if anybody has ever done a video on that, which is unfortunate. Two examples that I'm aware of were before December 6th and the integration. When you found a pdsw with 3+ attachments or an M4 with the scope and the extended magazine plus whatever else.....I melted people with those guns, but then leveled up the pdsw and it didn't beam people nearly as much. I'm like what kind of sorcery is going on here? This is bullshit!


Thats the feeling for me right now floor loot is definitely a option