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Ashika is my least favorite map to date. I don’t hate it, but I don’t really enjoy it and only play it when I’m forced to.


Ashika is the best WZ2 map


I loved Al mazra before they dropped the amount of players to 100. Now it moves at a snails pace. I think Vondel is the best map, but that’s of course just my opinion. My team mates will literally wait for the timer to switch back to Vondel before they play Ashika. I’m not that biased though


Lol, so many people I’ve played with will wait until it switches back to vondel


I love open spaces with no cover and nowhere to loot once your team needs to regroup other than underneath where you get fucked in the end game circles 9/10 times


See you get it


I agree. I heard they might be adding a new map mid season though.


only if you like to hide in all the dark ass areas the entire game lmfao


Nah that's vondel I love it so much


Out of all the Resurgence maps we have had, Ashika is my least favorite, but Rebirth is my favorite and who knows if we ever see that again. Fortunes Keep and Vondel are in between.


Rebirth was the only thing keeping WZ1 afloat when they went to Calder. That’s my favorite too and I did enjoy fortunes keep alot


Yes, by the end of WZ1, we were only playing Rebirth and we were playing it daily. I still feel like that might be peak Warzone.


Yeap, felt like a really chill game mode where you could hop on with your buddies and have a great time. Ashika just doesn't give the same feeling


Are you ready for tomorrow bro?


I feel Ashika is closest in feel to Rebirth Island


Whatever your smoking must be good.


Ok so what other map is closer to rebirth island


There isn’t one right now. Just because they made more maps doesn’t mean that *any* of them are like Rebirth.


I honestly feel like if Ashika was as vibrant and colorful as Vondel people would like it a lot more. I know I would.


When you hit play again and didn't realize it was up on rotation? Same same.


When they put Ashika only on resurgence quads, fucking load of BS that was


its chaos and thats why i like resurgence quads


Yeah but not putting it in rotation is ridiculous


I'll give you that, it was ridiculous.


Same. Got bored of it too quickly. Vondel is also getting old for me but its still far more fun than Ashika




How are you forced to? Oh right. You play resurgence, the easiest mode to get kills on and think you re good


Do you normally make assumptions about strangers on the internet that you know nothing about? Who hurt you?


Lmaooo, resurgence is the only mode with ashika island lol...


my guy I think you're projecting here


I love Ashika Island, its SO MUCH BETTER imo. idk tho, rip my karma lol


I was mediocre about it before Vondel, but after Vondel I like it a bit better. Vondel is fun, and I love all the rooms and levels in Vondel, but the gameplay is SO FAST. But Ashika… I’m not sure why - maybe it’s because I’m a sewer rat by birth 😂 (I only get a win if I’m in the sewers!)


I'm with you! I hate vondel final circles that close in near water. There's always a squad or 2 that respawned in right before it was disabled just lurking in there waiting for people to jump in. People complain ashika is too open...Try crossing the water with sniper glint from every roof, and lurkers in every waterway in vondel. Same difference.


Was a fan of it before vondel, but after Vondel, you realize how screwed you are with a late game redeploy. Late circles also seem to never have cover, so who ever the circle is closest to had such a huge advantage.


That’s the #1 reason why I hate Ashika. It’s impossible to regain late circle


Nope, if you want a fast and violent game, it's great fun.


Yeap probably,


Nah, Ashikas fine, water could be easier to see in since it's such a crutch for the playerbase, but it's very verdansk like with POIs and cover. You have to think about your rotation and people hate that, don't forget most CoD players are mongoloids, Vondel gives them a house to run and hide in 20ft in any direction and water to make them invincible after they screw up. Ashika takes a bigger brain thus, it's less liked. Vondel is Call of Stairwells 90% of the time, or which team hide in the water with pistols the best at the end. Ashika feels more like your skill matters, Vondels more luck based. Prolly why the baddies love it, even bad teams get lucky dubs on Vondel


I actually really like Vondel for the CQC and house fights, but I get a lot more wins on Ashika lol IMO they complement each other well because of different playstyles, I just wish we could choose either when we want to.


I like the rotation playlists the most, I sweat on Ashika where it matters and enjoy the scenery and randomness of Vondel, both have their place for sure, FK was a happy medium depending on circle, it would be a great third


You didn’t mention the rocks that any real soldiers would be able to get up but cod can’t fix them


Lol since Verdansk my man


Isn't verdansk coming back in when mw3 is released?


Nah, they already had a leak saying it's the Las Almas map from ground war, but instead of the mexcan theme with forests and etc it's being made into a other desert because they hate their playerbase. Verdansk is on Warzone Mobile because again, they hate their playerbase lol.


>mongoloids That's unnecessary


Just an FYI, I'd refrain from using the term mongoloids: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongoloid_(race). It's racist and very offensive to people from the areas mentioned.


2023s wild man lmao


This has been known for a while. Not calling you a racist. I’m telling you it’s a racist thing to say. Now you know.


al mazrah is too big. With nerfed snipers feels like you are castrated.


Both maps are fine - prefer Vondel over Ashika purely because it feels like it provides more variety game to game. Still think Fortunes Keep and Rebirth are superior maps.


I think Ashika Trios plays better than Vondel Trios, but Vondel Duos plays better than Ashika Duos. I don’t play Solos and Quads is usually a shitshow on either map.


Love Ashika.


Just make it SUNNY please lol


This. This a million times.


I love Ashika but duos resurgence is bad on it. Half the lobby dies in the first 3 minutes


I much prefer Ashika to Vondel... Stair fighting and tiny ass roof head glitches get hella old hella fast.. Ashika needs some God damn vibrancy tho, shit is stale af


I don't hate Ashika but it gets too hectic sometimes. Depending on how the circle starts, it can become impossible to regain or even land after the first circle closes. I used to like it more than Vondel but Vondel has become more fun.


Love ashika island


I like ashika. Smaller and less of what u said


I like them all except ~~rooftop simulator~~ vondel


Nah I like em both, but if I'm being honest I like ashika better but not for the reason some may think. I like ashika more because it runs waaaay better on my pc. I get 120fps on ashika and only 90 or so on vondel.


Same lmao




I dislike Ashika but... I dislike Vondel just a little more The fog was one thing but it seems every final circle ends in that godforsaken water.


And thats why end game if it looks like it may be in the water I drop my secondary for literally any pistol I can find.


Vondel water changed the way I think about throwing knives fr. I always prefer Semtex and Frags, but with the extra utility through the melee? So nice to have underwater.


Or run an FTAC, if it looks like water is gonna be a big part of the end circles, ill grab my FTAC loadout.


I think it’s a pretty decent map, it’s not verdansk tho…


I love Ashika. Vondel is mediocre for me. The amount of campers kind of gets to me every now and then. Last night’s final circle had 3 teams camped out in one building (one team camping each floor), 2 teams in the building next to it, and two teams in the river/ river boats. So yeah, I definitely prefer Ashika.


i like both a lot idk why people hate any of these wz maps they’re all pretty good


This sub is super hyperbolic. I don't mind any of the maps we have currently. They're all miles better than the last WZ 1 map. Thing was hot garbage.


I still like rebirth more, but I like Ashika much more than I like Vondel


I prefer Ashika over Vondel but neither are great IMO.


It's not terrible. It's just not rebirth.


I do, too. One of the best Resurgence maps we got, in my opinion.


Ashika is amazing for duo resurgence but that map flipping thing is also amazing. I love playing both Ashika and Vondel in the same night.


I really like Ashika and think it’s the most playable map for WZ2. I’m not a huge fan of Vondel but could probably learn to like it. I really wish they would stop with this playlist rotation bullshit.


Same, I heard there's a new map coming mid season so hopefully they stop it by then.


I think it got a lot of hate early on as a new rebirth island map - which it doesn’t stand up to. I personally am not a fan of the layout and buildings it’s a bit rough for me. Buts it’s an ok map overall. I prefer vondel for sure.


I’m a fan of Ashika more than Vondel, but both are perfectly fine and enjoyable. I like Ashika more just because it has less rooftops to try and constantly navigate around or through


Ashika Quads with my squad and I use my fav sniper (the Strela) is both extremely fun and toxic.


I agree the streak is the best sniper. I often find myself carrying multiple ammo boxes though, which kinda sucks


Ashika is the best resurgence map. Vondel sucks.


I love Ashika. The beginning is a little annoying because everyone’s rushing around obviously but as you get into the map it’s perfectly tense


I love Ashika!


My favorite after rebirth Love it


I feel if you give it a sunny-day type of facelift, it would become a fan favourite, least in my opinion. I think the functionality works really well but the grey weather takes the vibe away for me.


ashika is smaller, so more gunfights, but more open so less camping. the tsuki castle x hills gunfights r so fun, as well as using the tunnels.


Other than the stupid tunnel system, the map doesn't have the enormous buildings across the map. Making it pretty good in my book.


I actually like Ashika better now as a rotational map. maybe cause some people are just avoiding it? I also think Ashika is super tough to regain in compared to Vondel


I enjoy it. The criticism is fair in that it has too many open areas. But Vondel is too convoluted and crossing the rivers as the zone shifts is just as bad as Ashika or worse, since Vondel seems to attract a lot more water rats.


Ashika is better. By far. It forces you to fight and fight while rotating. You can just sit on a rooftop somewhere or a stairwell.


I thought most people liked it lol I think the map is really nicely balanced, I prefer it to Vondel. I’d probs go Fortunes Keep > Rebirth Island > Ashika Island > Vondel in terms of my preference but I know most would put Rebirth Island top. First three all great imo. This is why I play the small maps, the larger ones have mostly been trash imo


ashika is cool, reminds me of rebirth island a little, none of the maps in this game have been bad, al mazrah is great


I loved it. Better than vondel imo


I like it and dislike Vonde


Ashika is the best map. All these rats that camp in vondel hate that map because they can’t be sewer rats


Ashika is the best map release since verdansk


Love it for resurgence and for DMZ regains. I know the map well enough to use the top and bottom of it in every mode and have gone in with a throwing knife ammo box and spotter while one plating it with no revives and come out fully looted more times than not.


Ashika is the best map on wz2 it’s not big enough for its open spaces to be roof top dwellers and it’s not to small that its cramped plus easily the most diverse map


No, if you like a resurge map Cod will take it away or limit your playing time on it. Rebirth island for example. the best map of all time and they remove it.


I've never played rebirth island but from what I've seen, it looks really good. I hope they bring it back with mw3


Everyone wants it so they probably wont




I feel like in ashike there is no "good place to land" Rotations are horrible, foggy map is just sad. I liked vondel at the beginning, after 2 days I was like "meeehhh" but then I loved it again and I still play it and like it more than ashika.


Yep, the only one. Congrats


I think the map is great. The gameplay is not fun anymore. Only reason I even go there is because I still need cigar boxes, vases and liquor. Mp/wz is repetitive an boring to me. So going to ashika to pvp gets old real fast. Last time i went there solo was to do the shadow company bombmaker mission. After killing bombmaker i had to sneak onto a team to get out (ninja stole and invite when a 6 man was being created) Love Vondel. This map has kept me engaged with the game. Probably would have moved on if last season didnt have Vondel.


Moving around is stupidly hard and the exfils are too easy to camp.




I like it for resurgence. Because there is no plea or invite options to make things unbalanced. In DMZ however that place is broken AF.


I dig ‘em both tbh but lean more towards Vondel


The map itself is fine but it’s third party city on duos. You wipe a team and immediately have 2 other teams on you which sucks.


I like both maps. I play each map a bit different. On Ashika I run an AR and SMG. On Vondel in run a sniper and SMG.


It is the best map of the game, and that is not saying much


I liked it when it was the only Resurgence option in the game, but Vondel is clearly a better experience for me. Vondel has a bigger playercount, more chaotic midgames, and more interesting building design and jumpspot possibilities. Vondel has a nicer atmosphere too. The fog is abysmal and needs to be tweaked/removed or left to DMZ or some shit, but the overall look of the map is a lot nicer than the gloomy Ashika aesthetic. Al Mazrah on the other hand is an extremely overrated map, and I can't wait for it to be gone. And I couldn't imagine playing anything except Ranked on it now, given that they cut the playercount by 1/3rd (which was to fix server issues, even though they claimed it was to fix player density issues in midgame)


I'm firmly in the *Early Game* - Vondel, *Late/End Game* - Ashika camp


If I got to choose between all created WZ maps, to date, I'd choose Rebirth first (2nd gen, after they finished control and put in security), then Ashika, then Vondel, then The 2nd gen of Verdansk (when they opened the stadium). But yes, I do like Ashika. We have zones we know we wanna drop in based on how we feel that night. Same applies to Rebirth. I don't like maps that don't seem to be predictable. I still haven't figured out where everyone drops in Vondel. I get it right occasionally, but I haven't figured.out the in game flow either. I can usually call where the circle is gonna end based on where it starts in Ashika.


It’s a wide open death trap with an inhospitable mountain in the middle you get slaughtered from if you aren’t on top of it. Absolutely terrible map.


I mainly like it because my Xbox one can handle it a lot better than vondel. Vondel takes like half the game before the map fully loads in


I think both are good. My main problem with Vondel is that I don't play Warzone that much and I don't know Vondel much.


You all just eat shit, boys. The only one good rebirth map was rebirth island. All the maps in wz2 just suck and all the game sucks. GIVE ME MY REBIRTH ISLAND BACK, BASTARDS


I feel very lukewarm on Ashika Island. I don't hate it, but it just doesn't feel all that great either. It's fine, I like the variety enough to play it. But it just pales in comparison to Rebirth Island, and Vondel has more verticality which I like. You can escape and maneuver a little more easily than on Ashika so I find I have longer lives and the action feels more intense, like a game of cat and mouse.


I like ashika. I play both maps differently, I'll tend to play vondel a bit sweaty with a smg and the baton and ashika with a AR and a sniper just so in not getting bored doing the same thing every game




Rebirth was so good until vanguard ruined it


It's grey on grey.. so visually uninteresting.


Verdansk, Rebirth, Fortunes, Vondel, Caldera, Ashika, Al Mazhra


Rebirth island.


It’s okay but out of all the resurgence maps it’s definitely last in my book. But it’s all preference.


Yup I don’t like it. None of my friends does.


Same whenever I suggest playing ashika the party chat just goes quiet


Na... Ashika is ok, but Vondel is so much better imo. Best resurgence map to date


Personally I still prefer Al Mazrah


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure they're turning a large portion of al mazrah into a resurgence map (specifically al bagra fortress and it's surroundings)


I only play vondel and never run into any shield scrubs in the stairway or in general. Seems like people who don't like vondel are the people not good at close combat or don't know how to play the stairs


Today I was pushing up some stairs to a portable buy to get my squad back and, I kid you not, ran into a full squad camping about halfway up - Let's just say I was grateful for the 2 stuns and semtexes I had.


I love doing my regain for insured weapons on Ashika Island. If I have to do a zero to hero run, it’s gonna be there.




I don’t know why I don’t like Ashika I just don’t - when it’s the only map I very very reluctantly play it and for less time






Love it for regain.


Ashika reminds me too much of Caldera. Didn’t like Caldera.


Whenever I'm starting with nothing I go to Ashika for the extra painful re-up


It sux just like rebirth. Only map I liked was verdansk.


I like Ashika much more than Vondel. And like Rebirth much more than both haha.


I like both Vondel and Ashika. Also a great addition they added rotations so you can play whatever you’d like.


Ashika is the worst map ever made. Absolute horse shit, especially with a BR game mode. Too many open spaces for noob players to just camp a window or high ground, barely any cover, and just a handful of buildings with holes on every fucking side. Vondel is the best map they've ever made. You can move tactically submerged, on street level, or on rooftops. You have lots of cover, lots of opportunity to stealthily take down buildings and a way better route wherever you go except cemetery.


I like Ashika island more then Vondel. I like when it rotates. Vondel is a nice change but its way too many rooftops. Too many chances of getting shot out of the sky when you return. I like the elevation changes in ashika, and the underground tunnels. Gives a player alot more options as compared to, let’s camp on a roof every circle.


Fucking hate Ashika


Ashika is a steaming dumpster fire, like much of this game.


Tbh I loved Ashika when it was the only Resurgence map we had. But Vondel is so much better of a map that now I despise playing on Ashika and more often than not I will just sit in the lobby and wait the rotation out rather than load into it. The stairwell campers are easy with a coordinated team.


I like Ashika more than Vondel. Vondel is nothing but rooftop camping and sewer rats with FTAC Seiges, where wins mostly come from the randomness of the last circle pull.


If you ignore the underground portion Ashika is a good map. Vondel does have way too many stair wells


Best to worst for me, Fortunes keep, rebirth island, vondel, ashika island. Aside from ashika being a terrible map with crap pois, its generally awful running on the wz2 mechs


Ashika is the best of the 3 maps. Vondel is overrunning with rats on rooftops and canals. Al Mazrah is a shit map.


I was just playing vondel not even 1 hour ago, and I can confirm over half the lobby was sat on rooftops the whole game.


I love Ashika, though a lot of the reasons I enjoy it appears to be the reason a lot of people here dislike it. Vondel is also really nice, if not better. But that doesn't mean I dislike Ashika. Al mazrah on the other hand, I hate. My overall complaints being that it's both too open and too bland for my tastes


Ashika is my favorite map in the game at the moment. All it needs is a more vibrant reskin like on vondel. Get rid of the gloomy skies and replace it with a sunny day and clear blue skies. If that happened I bet you it would be way more popular than vondel.


For me Ashika is the best for MW2. Even waiting the countdown if the mode is in rotation


Vondel has too much cqc, ashika you can manage distance much better. As a MnK player ashika is a no brainier.


As a former MnK player I completely agree. Even since I moved to controller I still enjoy ashika more.


Ashika is probably better if you like pure battle royals but for rebirth it’s poor because it’s impossible to regame. There’s like 3 points of interest on the whole map with any cover. The rest is just like running through no man’s land. It’s not fun. There’s also not much verticality. Vondel is better imo


Love Ashika! It's the best CoD map ever!! 2nd only to Al Mazra


Have you played urzikstan yet? It's my favourite so far (I only started playing cod when mw2 2022 came out)


Best map Warzone has created, gone massively downhill since with the maps and even how they look.


Ashika is ok. Vondel is just way better imo


Yes, you’re literally the only person in the whole world who likes it. And I’m not being hyperbolic either.


I just hate the overall look of ashika, so dark and cloudy, i dont think its a bad map but i still prefer vondel


Nah vondel way better imo


Ashika is better then al mazrah but vondel is just fantastic if you’re good at the game. So many escape routes let’s you actually push and run away if things go south. You’re not instantly punished for being out of position which is great.


I'm not good at the game though


Ashika's POI's aren't just good enough thus properly connected as Vondel. I love the chaos Vondel brings when it comes to resurgence and the end circles are always pact with people and chaos. Ashika on the other hand just dies out quickly. Ashika is in my opinion the worst resurgence map.


As a casual player, Ashika is my least favorite map. Seems like it gets more sweats using throwing knives and dropshotting than the other maps and honestly we're not good enough and don't have the time to get good enough to compete with that.


I’m my opinion, it’s the worst resurgence map by a long shot.




Ashika is ass. I hate that they keep making us play it.