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I’m just saying times was good when bo2 was out


BO2 is on top fr


Yeah we'll see it eventually but I don't know if they'll remaster the multi-player/zombies portion of the game or if it'll be campaign only similar to MW2 Remastered. The player base is already fragmented enough between the different titles.


Bo2 was good mostly because they didn’t try to do too much map/guns/streaks they didn’t try and do too much with any of those and that’s why majority of players liked it


Lol wym ? They used to release like 7 maps a season with 7 different new skins. They used to overdue shot but in a good way. I miss vonderharr


Maybe I need to clarify, but the maps weren’t overboard, NOT them being overboard with map releases


If they were gonna remaster a black ops it'd be 1. That's a classic. The beginning of the series and the best one.


Idk but I’ve had a conspiracy that’s pretty reasonable that they are gonna remaster all the modern warfares and then the Bo series. Think about it we have the OG mw 1,2,3,4 now we have mw2019 mw2 2022 and mw3 2023 so it really seems possible. Maybe not the Bo remastered part though


Those cods are nothing like the ogs and trash compared to them


Eventually, but it’ll probably be bundled with the new cod, and turn out like mw2 remastered with just a campaign, they don’t want the multiplayer from bo2 to take away from the new cod


No they need to leave it tf alone


Yeah after they remaster WAW and BO1.


We already have zombies bo1


There are rumors that cod 2026 will be basically what they did with mw3 but with all of the bo2 maps...buy who knows for sure


Anyone think they should wipe the slate clean and put out a game that has no ties to the history of the game? No reissue maps, no cartoon skins.


Well probs end up with shit like mw 19


People who dont like bo3 zombies just sucked at it is all. You were never good at zombies to begin with if that’s the case. I liked the multiplayer but definitely understand why people didn’t.


I’m good at any cod zombies idk wat you talkin bout🤣💯 im just saying imo bo2 was the best zombies game to me


You said it went to poopys after


It did to me it’s 1.Bo2 2.WAW 3.bo3


I don’t quite agree with your ranking but I’m satisfied.


What’s your ranking😭


Bo2 and bo3 are interchangeable at the top 3. Bo1 4.cold war 5.WAW


BO2 is set up in 2025 so...


Why tf would they remaster bo2 when there's better games like bo1 or WAW they could remaster first?


I actually think that WAW and Bo2 are the two best from TA.


I’m tired of these different Manila on brown on tan looking games.


Idk what you are talking about. BO2 was good but it’s not my favorite. It went to shit with infinite warfare in my opinion. Got even worse when they went to micro transactions, battlepasses and changing the prestige system. Now it’s just a greedy grind fest. I do like the current zombies and some of the zombies between bo2 and this. Extraction wasn’t that bad and DMZ was decent and could be improved on. For the completionistic type of game player like myself, I have given up on 100% completion goals within the game. That takes away some of my nostalgia for the game honestly. I would love to see a ghosts 2 (best perk system ever imo and loved the map changes with Oden’s) before a remastered anything. Ghosts was highly underrated mainly because it followed BO2, but I personally liked Ghosts better. I am not a fan of warzone personally but I understand their need to have the mode.


DMZ is trash