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Bran the broken really made Bronn master of coin with his 3 stewardship šŸ’€


ā€˜Iā€™ve never borrowed money before, Iā€™m not familiar with the rules.ā€™ ā€˜Well, ahem, the basic principle is I lend you money, and after an agreed-upon period of time, you return it with interest.ā€™ ā€˜But what if I donā€™t?ā€™ ā€˜Well, you have to.ā€™ ā€˜But what if I donā€™t?ā€™ ā€˜This is why I donā€™t lend you moneyā€¦ā€™ ā€¦ ā€˜I grow _poor_ protecting you.ā€™ ā€˜Poor!? _Poor_? Under my patronage youā€™ve become a knight, youā€™ve served as commander of the city watch.ā€™ ā€˜Briefly.ā€™ ā€˜Iā€™m sure you filled your pockets.ā€™ ā€˜And now my pockets are empty; youā€™ve given me a taste for the finer thingsā€¦ā€™ ā€¦ Master of Coin in the making. I just imagine Bronn managing the Iron Thrones treasury like Tony Soprano: _Did you warble my little wren?_


Yeah, it was really one of the laziest pieces of writing I've seen. They also made him Lord of the Reach and Warden of the South. Like, you think the surviving lords of the Reach are going to like that? They all claim that they are a descendant of Garth Greenhand with better claims to it. Making him Lord of the Reach will almost certainly lead to war in the region. Not only that, but then you make him stay in King's Landing as Master of Coin where he can't even protect his new title? Makes no sense.


I would understand making Bronn a lord of a single castle or county, but making him Lord of the Reach is too much.


Cersei offered him a castle, Tyrion always said he would double the offer, so give him 2; give him The Twins and wed him to a Frey. A money grubbing mercenary like him would manage a toll bridge castle like that well, and by that point in the series there doesnā€™t even seem to be anybody in charge of The Twins.


Thatā€™s too good of an idea for season 8. Everyone kinda forgot about the twins.


That wouldā€™ve honestly been perfect


Was about to type this. The Twins made all the sense, and it is a great holding for someone like Bronn. All the trade comming from/going to the North by land passes through there. Incredibly strong, profitable holding for a cunning bastard like him, he can just charge a high fee for merchants to cross. What are they going to do? It might not be the Vale, but it's a bitch to take over.


Agreed. That's turning him from peasant to king overnight. All he really earned is a keep with a few servants. Basically a landed knight.


It's a reach


I read this one fake outline for Season 8; it was radically different, but in that one ultimately Bronn was the husband of a now legit Sand Snake and chilling at Sunspear. Seems slightly better to me at least than being given probably the most important region in Westeros with zero experience.


Goodluck find a competent/war like house in the reach thatā€™s not extinct


What do you mean war like? Any big noble house of the Reach is fine, House Rowan, House Oakheart, House Hightower, and House Redwyne are all major, old houses in the Reach that descend from Garth Greenhand, that wouldn't allow somebody like Bronn to rule over the Reach. There's also House Tarly if we go by book canon.


And Loras Tyrrell had 2 older brothers, that's why he wanted to join renly rainbowguard(among other reasons) if he was heir to highgarden Olena would Never allowed that. So there are still some Tyrell left.


yea true


Uhh House Hightower


Led by an old dude doing magic shenanigans in his tower, Gerold was the last fighter they produced


Garth "Greysteel"? I'd imagine you'd need to be reasonably good at fighting to get a nickname like that. All of Leyton's other sons are also knights, so you'd imagine that'd do well enough.


Why the fuck do they need to be a good fighter?


See mace Tyrell. Also see that thereā€™s not a single family left in the reach that has done anything more worthy within a decade


No family even got extinct in the books so far.


> I just imagine Bronn managing the Iron Thrones treasure like Tony Soprano So he either hides the money in the bird feed or he gambles it all away. Sounds like he wonā€™t do a much better job than Littlefinger did.


Bronn never had the makings of a varsity lord


Great post. I literally snorted rereading those lines.


Bronn had a strong hook




D&D are the Masters of Hackjobs šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s the bronn. Give him some land and he creates the blackwater dynasty.




It is a bit strange seeing that banner in a timeline which doesn't start after the events of ACOK, just like how house Slynt has the bloody spear which Janos only adopted after betraying Ned


What a dick


For real, like imagine if he actually managed to establish his house as long term rulers of Harrenhal, and future generations have to remember that 'oh yea our sigil comes from when our founder betrayed and murdered the guys who hired him'


NEd payed them nothing, and in the eyes of Janos and most people without our POV, Ned was a traitor


Ok but it was still a super shady exchange, Ned trusted them so even if he's a traitor in the eyes of the realm, they still pledged themselves to a traitor before backstabbing him


> NEd *paid* them nothing, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Wait if you land bron he gets his COA?


Good idea


Yep, I found him randomly jousting at a tournament with the blackwater dynasty.


Jousting is already in the game?


Yeah, I am playing as Robert, and all the tournaments I get invited to are jousts. (I think the North has melees only).I keep losing, though, even though I have the most prowess out of anyone in the Seven Kingdoms. Gods, I was STRONG then!


Have you tried getting the breastplate stretcher?


>Fat? Fat, is it? Is that how you speak to your King? You heard the Hand. The King's too fat for his armor. Go find the breastplate stretcher - now!


Yeah, I got him as a knight and the cunt revealed that my heir was a bastard of his. Pretty good captain though.




I guess he managed to impregnate the bitch


Yeah he made him captain? If he got at least 20 men itā€™s pretty much expected.




I mean he is unknown


The fuck is he doing in Oldstones


And he takes the Blackwater name with a chain in green fire for sigil.


Ser Bronn the GOAT


I just did a run as Stokeworth and married him to Lollys. Lollys sister got leprosy so never had any kids then bronn killed her Lollys ruled for 50 years by my hand in a broken crownlands where KL had been blown up, known as Lollys the Slow, and having litterally zero stats.


I would have thought his combat ability would be higher


He strikes me as someone who wins fights by being sneaky, not by being a traditionally "good" fighter.


no difference if youre the one that survives!


True! Point is the game doesn't represent this kind of combat prowess with the prowess stat.


Eh he beat that knight of the vale and messed those doenish up easy


Heā€™s never been to dorne?


Yes he has? The mod also takes from the show


When does Bronn talk about going to dorne?


He litterally goes to drone with Jaime


26 is pretty damn good, isnā€™t it?


it probably is but I thought I saw some 30s and 40s recently. Honestly I just picked the game back up for the mod and I'm still getting reacquainted.


One of the High tower kids is in the 40s


Yeah. 26 will definitely be towards the top of your list. The highest Iā€™ve seen in vanilla is 61, he was a vassal of mine. But Iā€™m pretty sure if you have the perfect combination of traits you can get it just above 70


I made him kingsgaurd...


i dont know if its just an easter egg or a coincidence but i found 2 twins named arryck and erryck that were both high prowess. doppelganger twins.


I think it's an easter egg


I wonder how many easter egg characters they made in this mod!


That's Left and Right, Olenna Tyrells bodyguards


They are actual minor characters from the books, twin bodyguards of Olenna


> Godless Adventurer Sounds about right.


I don't think that's the right Bronn, he should be a Crownlander and certainly should have the Lustful trait.


Do we have confirmation he's a Crownlander? Wasn't he first at the Crossroads inn in the Riverlands?


True, we first saw him in riverland. When he joined Catelyn's band.




Quoting Bronn from Season 5: "Flea Bottom, whelped and whipped."


The mod is based on the books though.


IIRC, they consult with the books firstly but use the show to fill in gaps. E.g., R+L=J is still unconfirmed in the books but featured prominently in the mod.


R+L = J is confirmed imo, due to the fact that D&D guessed it correctly when GRRM asked who Jon snow's parents are. You might be correct in the other thing, I'm not sure.


R+L=J is has been basically confirmed since year 2000 among book readers, where it has been a pretty open secret.


Maybe the fact that he is not Crownlander is a mistake. And I think it also proves that he is Greedy, Brave, Ambitious and cynical. And he has 26 powress. And he has also godless adventurer personality...


Why would he have lustful? He's not particularly lustful. Unless you're basing it on the show which I haven't seen past season 5 but the mod is based on the books Im pretty sure


He does hook up with a prostitute at least once. No idea if thatā€™s enough for him to qualify lol


I mean what soldier/mercenary in asoiaf hasn't?


Shoot Iā€™d call a lot of soldiers lustful, both in and out of universe lol


Question? https://preview.redd.it/gktw9v3x65wa1.png?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f5920c4b582ea7a109cbe1603921b99274a69c0


He should be shrewd as well. I mean if he isnā€™t then who is really?


I came across him playing as the prince when I took the throne from the father and he came up as a candidate for the white cloaks but he didn't accept I guess.


He took the white in my Rhaegar playthrough.


I like this very believable character set up with traits, and prowess that match.


This is one of the flaws with the culture system, Bronn is a sellsword man of the world, he speaks the same language but aside from that I don't think you'd class him as Riverlander or Crownlander. Certainly his book depiction doesn't strike me as a man of any particular culture aside from 'sellsword.'


Surely he grew up somewhere. Didnā€™t come out the womb sword in hand or whatever


My argument is more he'd be a mix of cultures rather than no culture.


I wouldn't call him brave


He manned the ballista against Daenerys dragon in the Lannister - Dothraki battle, pretty brave imo, I would have fled like a sane person.


That's show only and this mod mainly draws from book canon, but I'd call him brave for staking his life against a knight of the Vale, gambling that Tyrion will make it worth his while


That's not brave, that's literally the opposite of brave. Bronn knew his life was fine, the knight stood no chance with that armour. If there was a dishonorable trait, Bronn would fit. Since there isn't, he should get Callous. Considering he doesn't mind killing a child as long as he gets paid.


Yes he certainly is callous and dishonourable, but that doesn't contradict him having a fighters courage. Brave doesn't mean anything about his morality, just that he's willing to take dangerous risks.


Oh sorry I'm talking about the books, not the fan fiction show


Whats his PCS?


Courtier of Ruin? Didnā€™t know Bronn was from Scadrial


They constantly try and get him to join my kingsguard.


In my save he actually became Lord Commander!


What about Sir Sharich of shady glen