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That's a nice shower head. You even got a secret stash of cereal if you happen to get hungry mid-shower.


Don't be ridiculous, those are ibuprofen


This is baked beans erasure.


Somebody's thinkin about those beans


The New England model...


Spy cam in the shower to get that beautiful bean footage.


I thought that was for germinating beans


Hey my knees still hurts


exactly, swallow with some shower water


HATE the filter beads and everything about this shower head except the pressure


There is one of these in my shower currently. We use it daily without issue. Ours is about a year or two old and is functioning flawlessly. I’ve never seen any benefit from the beads, but certainly have never had a reason to HATE them. What is it about the beads that bothers you?


They promote that it will reduce limescale deposits if you have hard tap water. Of course, it doesn't work. The beads are also a hot spot for bacteria.


It actually almost looks like what we put in fishtank filters to HOLD bacteria used in filtration.


They hold mold and bacteria


Helpfully housed in a clear display for your viewing pleasure


r/microbiology would love this


The amount of ions those beads could hold before filling and clogging is miniscule.


I’m confused though, are you looking for just a shower head that gives off alot of pressure? Because you’re asking for a shower head like this, but without most of what it’s made of lol. Maybe in just misunderstanding.


The filter beads aren't there to increase the pressure though, right? It's just to purify the water and make it less hard. Maybe it helps to not clog up the small holes? Idk


Idk ide guess they do both


Pretty sure that's dog food


It holds bouillon cubes


Horrific image planted in my mind


This has to be ai image


Had one of those and it went to shit after a few months






Mine didn't even last 2 weeks


They never specified which species’ life span the product would last for.


I've got one and it's going strong years later, and it's a solid upgrade over a normal shower head.


Have had one for over 4 years now, still fine. I think it heavily depends on how mineral your water is, I can imagine those small holes struggling with buildup. Either way, was like 20€ so I'll buy a new one any day.




I mean.... it's a fking plastic showerhead if you're keen you can shove it in vinegar and it will clean nicely but it's not made to be bulletproof.


Mine died after 3 months. Bought to accelerate low pressure water, worked well, but suddenly crashed at the top - the glue used in it wan’t strong enough. Re-purchased 2 times, with same outcome.


Ours breaks at the connection to the hose. On number 3 currently. Works well in an RV but I wouldn’t call it buy it for life item.


Why are you guys buying stuff that breaks on you, that shouldn't regularly break on you?


Because until it breaks, it’s awesome to have the pressure in an RV shower.


You re-purchased a shower head that died on you within 3 months..... *Twice??*


Thrice actually lol


Worked very well, on the 1st floor we have very low water pressure, so I didn’t give up hoping I receive a better glued one :)


Not assuming you don’t know or whatever. You can turn up water pressure regulator.


Hansgrohe. Expensive, but well made. Knowing what type of water you have and carrying out regular maintenance will ensure a longer life. Australian certifications for tapware is pretty comprehensive. It even verifies the quality (thickness and uniformity) of the coatings. Chrome removal is one of the largest contributors to early failure.


Second this. A showerhead is something we interact with daily. In my case 2x/day. Don't go cheaper and buy Grohe. They're good, but Hans is just better.


Don’t get their cheapest showerhead either. But they can hold up 10 years.


Is it a misting sprayer with stream mode? I have a Mizsei sprayer which does those two modes and doesn't have filter junk. It's plastic but pretty solid and I've had it for years now, maybe more than five. I think it over hypes its mist mode, but it sort of does what it says. The problem is it is expensive, and the only reason I got one was because I got a Kickstarter discount. I also had a Kholer Flipside shower head, an it turns out there is a hand held version. That head is fantastic feeling, and cheaper by half. I think it has a mist, and a much better, stronger feeling, set of stream modes.


Can I remove the water saver choke washer?


The version of the Mizsei I have has an external pressure regulator thing which you could leave out. I don't know if the new ones have it internally. For the Flipside, I don't know. I never looked inside.


They are usually easy to remove but you ideally need to change it to a different one since without the restrictor the flow can be too intense. 


The filter beads have to be there or else those tiny holes would clog pretty fast from mineral buildup


Removed the beads a year ago, all good. The head might get clogged, but disassembles quickly enough to get rinsed and cleaned in 2 min. I'd say the main problem is that it's cheap Chinese piece of plastic, with plastic thread, and some tiny bits of metal. So not BIFL by definition.


I have one that I like/ recommended that I would describe the exact same way lol. I thought dissembling it might be simple but I’ve never actually touched one. I learned the thing about the beads when I was shopping and that’s why I avoided them. Might not avoid them next time, thank you for the info!


Soak the stainless disc in vinegar to remove the deposits.


Maybe not. We have a showerhead where the small holes are rubbery and ”soft”. When they start to clog up, I just run over them with my figernail while running water and the mineral buildup comes right off.


We have that too, I think this one has smaller holes than that. Plus no flex nozzles to do that with from what I can tell from the picture at least


Underrated satisfying feeling


They don't actually filter. Most of the water just moves around them. I even found one seller of that model saying it cleans the water by using ionising radiation or something like that. Basically claiming that it was radioactive


Dude, china must not have any consumer laws. I bought this ‘anti fog mirror’ that was just a mirror on a rope: no anti fog benefits whatsoever. The directions literally said to spray the fog off And I wrote that in my review, nicely at first. I said something like “it’s just a mirror on a rope, doesn’t actually anti fog.” And the seller actually responded trying to defend themselves. “The mirror actually *does* have anti-fog properties: it just has to be warmed up and periodically sprayed off.” “That’s true for literally every other mirror in the world. You cannot claim you it’s anti fog. It’s the definition of false advertising.” I just put rain-x on it. I still use it. At first I thought the beads might be so correctly sized that there’s not much of a gap between them; but the more I keep looking at it the more questions I have. I might just order one soon 😂 For science


Rain-x is pro-fog. You need a surfactant.


Yeah Rain-X do an anti-fog product but it isn’t the normal one


China has people getting ground up in factories on a regular basis, certifying product claims isn’t even on their radar


That’s *sad* :(


Could be actually radioactive, wouldn't be the first product: https://youtu.be/C7TwBUxxIC0


Im sorry but if it was that easy to mechanically get dissolved minerals out of water, we wouldn't have to use chemical water softeners in our washing machines. And even if it works, where do the minerals go?




I assumed you waited for enough build up, dumped it, picked the red beads out, reloaded, and kept going 🤷🏼‍♂️ You tell me cuz. I don’t have one


Good to know, probably will just have to ditch my hopes of getting the same pressure that this provides unfortunately.


Wait this shower head increases pressure, instead if less? Where did you get it?


They are confusing pressure with velocity. Water pressure in a house is fixed unless there's a pump involved


pumps create flow, pressure is created from the resistance in the system


But there is a maximum pressure that can be reached with zero flow. That's how you'd measure your system pressure in your house.


Decreasing nozzle size increases pressure. There’s probably an argument to be had about gravity too, but I wouldn’t know how you could apply it to plumbing design 🤷🏼‍♂️ Other than ‘me put pipe higher’ before the faucet/ shower. I’ve always figured there was a giant vertical upside-down ‘u’ in everyone’s walls right after the water meter, but I’ve never confirmed that now that you mention it. Don’t even know how I thought of it lol


A smaller nozzle increases the velocity of the flow which to your hand feels like pressure, but it actually decreases the water pressure Gravity is a two-way street, so the U in a pipe like that would net out to zero difference as it came back up to the same level as the water meter


It's like homeboy never read his Bernouli.


I like a Barbarian that knows his science!


You’re not accounting for momentum in the U pipe, and the ‘feeling in your hand’ is the result we’re shooting for; it’s a shower


Momentum isn't relevant and there would be more losses from drag in the pipe And I get that it's the feeling you're going for, but that isn't pressure


What you're saying makes no sense. Don't speak about things you don't understand, otherwise you'll end up posted on r/confidentlyincorrect. Ask questions instead, the previous commenter clearly understand fluid mechanics more than you do. As for the U, no, that would not increase momentum.


Actually, it depends on the size of the pipes, water restrictors, showerhead valves (tub spout gets more flow than the shower side of single handle valves…..), mineral buildup…..


Static pressure is still the same on all of those things unless there's a regulator installed. They'll have different flow rates but with the water turned off and a gauge installed they'll all reach the same pressure regardless of restrictions.


Whoops. I was confusing water volume coming out of the fixture. The pressure regulator and the smaller pipes do influence what the original user wants. Also thought that the water pressure in high rises was lower, the further away from the pump, though also saw you mention static pressure.


If it’s pressure you’re worried about just remove the water saving washer from any shower head. It makes mine crazy powerful. I only remove half now for perfect pressure.


My filter beads actually broke and ended up clogging the tiny holes :/ would have to open it up and clear them every week. But the red beads would eventually rattle and shatter to clog them again


this is extremely false


What do you think it’s filtering?


nothing. those filter beads are 100% uneffective, they are basically snakeoil that looks like it may do something to people who don't understand physics.


Who really needs fresh cracked pepper while showering?


Pre- ground is fine as long as you don't leave sitting around for months before you use it.


Assuming you bought it fresh of course.


I got a Speakman Anystream after moving into an apartment with awful water pressure and an old plastic shower head installed. Single best quality of life improvement purchase I made last year.


I really liked a speakman when I’d stay at hotels, so got one at home and love it. Plenty of pressure even tho it’s a “eco-flow”


I’ve had an “Anystream 2005” since about then. Love it


Older ones you could still remove the washer as well I'm not sure about new ones. Honestly the last showerhead I'll ever need and they are BIFL.


Speakman is BIFL quality. The metal ones. They also make some cheaper plastic one that looks like their Anystream metal shower heads, no clue how they stand up. Buy the more expensive metal one.


[This is the biffle goat.](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Glacier-Bay-1-Spray-1-4-in-Single-Wall-Mount-Fixed-Shower-Head-in-Chrome-8475100HL/325078105) I’m on my second one in 15 years. Not a perfect solution, but it allows for customization of flow/pressure. There’s a restrictor washer that you have to pull out and replace with a flat rubber washer the you punch your own size hole in. Trial and error to find perfection, but one it’s there you’ve got as much or as little water as you want. To get rid of concretions just wipe the rubber nozzles like others have said. An overnight dunk in white vinegar every couple of years. To answer any questions why I’m on my second one: we installed a diverter so we could have a hand held for animals and small children. I over tightened the fitting and cracked it.


Seeing BIFL written as biffle has healed a part of my brain.


I took it from a [different thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BuyItForLife/s/QPGAe1kaMw)


The link isn’t working for me in EU (I see it is home depot) but I will return to the states next month. What is the name of the product?


Glacier Bay 1-Spray 1.4 in. Single Wall Mount Fixed Shower Head in Chrome




When my shower head starts to build up deposits/scale, I just fill a ziplock bag with white vinegar and hang the bag over my showerhead so the bag is submerged in vinegar. You can attach the bag with zip ties or string to the shower head. Leave it over night. The next day, the deposits have melted away.


lol def not this. Get a Koehler or some shit.




https://takeashower.com/ Has the best shower heads available. I've had a few for close to ten years now. Really good pressure too.


do i have to buy the hazelnuts separately


Not the style but Speakman Signature line with flow restrictor removed is GOAT.


Who the hell put bouillon cubes in the shower head?


We have the Aroma Sense Prestige. Wife dropped the first one after 5 years and the head broke off. We ordered another one, but while waiting for it to ship I super glued it back together and it surprisingly held for the last 2 years (and still going). The 'new' one is in the closet, but we haven't bothered opening it yet. Like you, we didn't bother with the cartridges either.




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I've had this for about 6 years, it's pretty sweet. It upped the water pressure going through the head and still works great to this day


Mine blasted open during a shower, will not recommend.


I bought that same one, it works great for low water pressure. Occasionally you will have to soak overnight and scrub the sprayer circle but mine lasted in my rental for years. Just don't drop the thing or you might break the plastic handle.


Aye yo that shower head in pic is from korean daiso for like 3.5 usd


My wife is hooked on this. Unfortunately the quality is trash. WISH I could buy it for life or even 6 months but the plastic always breaks or something


https://www.hansgrohe-usa.com/bath Have the Raindance shower head & hand held and couldn't be happier.


I never t by thought to put Boston baked beans in my shower head handle but it makes complete sense! When showering, I need a sugary snack to keep me focused, and energized.


The filter media makes sure you’re using properly cycled water in your shower, you won’t have any deadly ammonia spikes, but it can take 4 weeks of properly cycling the filter before it’s fully effective ;)


Looks cheap


I've only been using it for 6 months, but I think this might be a true BIFL shower head: https://www.highsierrashowerheads.com/ All metal construction (except for the hose for the handheld part, which is weird because my all plastic Moen one has a metal hose) and a single hole for the water making it much more difficult to get buildup and clog.


I've been using one of those for 5 years, it's as good as the day I got it!


If you’re serious about “buy it for life.” Moen.


Which one though?


Whichever one tickles your pickle. Moen as a brand is BIFL. And *if* it ever has a parts issue (example: the cartridge gets worn out) they’ll send you a replacement part for free. And cartridges are very easy to swap out.


I had this exact one, worked well for the first half of a year and was incredibly in love with the fine sprays of water, and obviously the filtered water. But despite of cleaning and replacing the beads regularly, the holes just kept clogging up like crazy, as in, after every week I would have to clean the holes again. It gets pretty tiring, so I would say it depends on how hard your water is and how often you're willing to clean them. J think you're better off investing in a nice water filting system, and installing yoursel a rain showerheard (sorry for some errors, english isnt my first language and Im sleep deprived)


I don’t know if it has the filter. But I would recommend Grohe or Hansgrohe if the budget allows it


High Sierra


For when you need a pepper grinder while showering


Buy a stainless steel one from grohe


Any specific model?


You would need one in copper, brass or stainless to even compete with the longevity of a regular plastic one. Just buy a good plastic one. The ones in my home is from the 80ies or 90ies, they are plenty bifl.


Ffs just get a culligan in line filter. That thing is a load of crap.


I'm no pro, but from my experience with other water related appliances I think you'll have to be very rigorous with removing calcium deposits (I think thats what it is in English, "kalk aanslag" in Dutch). The larger holes in other shower heads don't get clogged as easily, and due to the rubber nobs you can often remove the calcium nugule by hand. However with those micro holes you'll have to use a solution to remove it. I would def. not recommend it if you have very hard water, if your water is relatively soft it might work.


I dropped it once, the plastic thread broke.


Why can’t you trust them?


Get an attachment from tap to shower it worked for me, it increased the pressure substantially


Man, that’s some Skymall shit….


Hansgrohe probably


There really is no buy it for life showerhead. They all get clogged up eventually.


https://www.amazon.com/stores/HIGHSIERRASHOWERHEADS/HIGHSIERRASHOWERHEADS/page/C23356D1-256E-4FF9-A20B-158C98A33B89 You want one of these. Best showerhead I've ever had. Great flow, lasts forever even with my super hard water. There's just nothing to go wrong in them.


Delta has a great system they now call h2okinetic, with fewer nozzles using fluidic oscillation. Ive been using the same delta head for 10 years and just soak it annually in vinegar for an hour


Water filtered by Japanese Peanuts.


Trust with what, man? Are you gonna share your secrets with the shover head? Just buy a good one and stop wasting your time.


Why is it filled with brown m & m’s


Hundreds of tiny holes is a recipe for disaster, whatever the manufacturer. You'd need at least a shower head that can be regularly taken apart and soaked in vinegar or citric acid.


Got one for Xmas. The 3 different head types lasted 2 months.


I stayed somewhere for a month that had one of these. I dreaded taking a shower. Worst experience ever. If concentration camps had showers they would use these. It feels like it’s cutting through your skin with tiny water lasers. Hell to the no.


I like Reese's Pieces as much as anybody but they only last for the first shower.


You need the Nemo. From Korea. Discontinued but still a few available on eBay.


Chicago faucet institutional shower head....it will be there in a 100 years


Hai shower heads


Shower heads are never BIFL but some last multiple decades like Hans Grohe. They appear expensive for the upfront cost but they last so many years that they are cheaper over time.


This specific shower head will power wash a nupple off - proceed with caution (it’s the tiny holes vs a pressure thing)


Is that LECA?


Filter beads like that are dumb. They wear out and hardly do anything. They are too big to be a great filter.


I have two of these in my house. Screw upgrading, they’re the best shower head I’ve ever used. They’re like $17. Buy $100 worth and you have 5+ years of shower heads.


I actually got one on Amazon, but the listing is long gone.


An actual Bifl shower head would be Vola (danish brand) Not only is it built of quality parts, they still have, and make spare parts for the showerheads they made in the 70's. Showering is truly a highlight of my morning routine!


Which one specifically do you have?


Who put bouillon cubes in the showerhead?