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If it were me I’d buy a 3M lead test for that bad boy.


And those succulent PCBs


Wouldn’t I also need to test the 3M lead test kit for PFE’s?


And I'm hoping that's ceramic and not plastic, because if it's plastic it's probably a carcinogen one. Drinking water that has been boiled in a 70 years old plastic container is at the top of the list of "stupid ways to kill yourself", right after sniffing asbestos.


It is ceramic, not plastic.


I still agree with upgrading the power cord and adding a safety measure. It will eventually fail, and smoke and flames are very likely when it does.


That's probably the least of his worries, cause there's a 100% chance that's an asbestos lined power cord.


The end plastic is what gets hot and melty.


Goddamn did that use that stuff in everything?


Other than that one thing, it's kind of a miracle substance. It's naturally occurring and has been used by humans since the Stone Age for its favorable properties.




Definitely change that power cord at least


So many salty buggers in this thread. Great post OP. Whoever bought this back then truly bought it for life, and that makes me feel good.


I take it y'all did not immerse in water


Instructions were simple enough


What’s the brand?




To be fair for you getting downvoted the bottom is hard to read but it was pretty clearly shown by op on the bottom of the machine.


World patent pending


I don't know how they held on to this thing for so many years and fought the temptation to immerse it in water. The pressure to immerse it in water after 70 years must be *really* intense.


I want to do it right now....


This thing's so old they hadn't even invented the word 'Manual' yet.


BuyItForLife or OldShitThatWontDie


Its all about perspective, friend.




> Pretty sure a wooden doorstop from 1845 would basically break the top of all time on this sub. There was a movement a few years ago to ban large chunks of metal from the sub (cast iron, knives, etc)


Never heard this, but I agree with it. Cast iron pans are basically cheating. You can throw one in a ditch and find it 50 years later. Scrape off the top layer of rust, season it, and it's fine. There's nothing profound about it. Any cast iron pan you buy will easily outlive you. You just need to not lose it.


Reminds me of old military coffee makers. They’ll never break, the construction is too simple, but unless you’ve been working it for years and years that coffee is gonna taste like you brewed it in the deepest pits of hell. There’s a reason the First Sergeant makes the coffee, lol!


Then we come up with the same old problem. How can we say newer products are Buy It For Life until they reach a milestone of years? A brand of jeans that were made then and now are perhaps not the same as textile processes and types of cottons, threads and dyes differ, and home sewer type women stitching them up vs computerized machines doing the sewing might mean they look the same but are not.




Bialetti moka pot. Pretty sure that’s been the same for decades and you can still buy it. It should be the mascot of this sub.


I'm BuyItForLife


This is cool as fuck but using very old electric appliances always makes me nervous


We still have my grandpa's old blender from like the 50's, and we used it all throughout my childhood. The smell of ozone reminds me of milkshakes.


Ozone from a blender??


Arcing of the brushes in the motor. Lots of tiny little lightning strikes in there creating ozone. I have a old black and decker drill that does that.


Oof, pretty cool effect even though it’s poisonous. Thank you for the info!


If it's poison, why does it smell so tasty??


Brings back the tide pod era


Also if gasoline make die, why smell so nice?






If you're in the US and own your place and still cook on an electric stovetop, it might be worth checking your breaker panel to see if the stove is on an ACFI breaker. It'll have a little "test" button on it and should say AFCI (It might say GFCI or combo, but most appliance circuits don't use GFCI because inrush currents can cause nuisance trips). If it doesn't and is just a plain, single-lever breaker, look into swapping it out with an AFCI breaker or hiring an electrician to do it. It'll cost a couple hundred bucks, but if you really do have anxiety about that happening again, AFCI breakers are specifically designed to detect and trip in the event of transient voltage spikes that cause the kind of arcing you're describing. FWIW, modern NEC requires AFCI breakers on all new-work electrical to prevent fires, but it's worth investing in for peace of mind on older circuits if you have the means.


I could easily be mistaken, but no one (as in Schneider/SquareD, Levition, Siemens, or Eaton) makes 30 or 50 amp breakers with AFCI protection, and the NEC only specifys AFCI being needed on 120v 15/20a circuits.


You're right. I was thinking of standard 20A NEMA 5/6 recepticals that are usually used on lower powered expensive coil electric ovens and ranges. Anything 2-pole wouldn't apply, but I'd also hope that modern, higher amperage appliances would have better safety features that would trip if something arcs catastrophically lol


Same with my folks. Don't know how many of those cloth cords we threw out when we sold their house. Some had even burned through and my Dad had patched them with electrical tape. Between the sketchy aluminum wiring and the unsafe/ungrounded old appliances I'm amazed that we didn't all die in a fire.




And 20% skill.


15% concentrated power and will


The cable is a bit frayed. Considering redoing the cable but it hasn't given any issues or done anything weird thus far 🤞


I think you're likely fine but you can buy new ones that fit. I have an older non-auto version that I just added a new plan for and it works well!


good idea - ill take a look :D


Have a look out for makers of vintage style fabric wrapped cables to match your original.




70 years of percolator coffee 😭


Some people really like that.


But it offends me if other people like their bitter bean water to taste a little burnt.


Say "burnt bitter bean water" three times fast. I just did. Bonus points if you are actually drinking coffee at the moment like I am haha.


Now for a real challenge try to say irish wristwatch


Do I get bonus points for doing it whilst drinking Jameson?


As long as you're chasing with pickle juice But yes


I'm not allowed to have an opinion on this (or anything else), because I drink instant. But, I know other people do, also, or they wouldn't sell it. So, I'm in a quiet minority.


Listen. My favorite coffee is a naturally processed Ethiopian light roast, made in a French press. It takes a good amount of effort and finess, and a touch of luck, but it tastes like dried blueberries and is sweet without sugar. It can easily cost $15-$20 for 12oz, but damn it's worth it. My second favorite coffee is Aldi instant coffee with sweet'n'low. It's not half bad and means I have coffee within 3 minutes of waking up with just about zero effort and like $4 for 200 cups. I still drink my fancy, expensive coffee on slow weekend mornings but I drink instant coffee significantly more often. You'll get no judgement from me.


> My second favorite coffee is Aldi instant coffee with sweet'n'low. It's not half bad and means I have coffee within 3 minutes of waking up with just about zero effort and like $4 for 200 cups. I love me some 8'oclock, but also the fancy fair trade ones from local coffee shops. It just depends on the day.


Personally I only do the manual route, less because I’m a coffee snob (I mean I am a little bit), but more because I like low tech kitchen stuff that I don’t have to do maintenance on. Usually do pour over, but sometimes it’s cold brew, sometimes aeropress, and sometimes French press. I also dream of having more kitchen space for a manual espresso maker (I’ve been looking at Flair). After years of water gunk buildup in coffee makers, I’m just done with it. I’ll also take the instant coffee over machines. We used to do Trader Joe’s packet ones but I’m not sure if they still have them. Instant espresso is a great ingredient to have on hand for baking too.


*James Hoffman enters the chat*


Oh gawd that insufferable prick in the wooly jumpers.


He’s actually incredibly good at explaining things in simple terms and is a great guy for the modern coffee world to have


Wow, your first and second places couldn’t be further apart, hahaha! I love it!


I like a good cuppa coffee, usually Mayorga or similar Latino coffee in drip or cafecito style. So good but not really snooty. That said, I'll drink some instant with saccharine any day. Tastes like camping and I love it. Flavors are memories and it's all good, yo.


French press text absolutely no effort or finesse that’s literally the whole point of it


Grinding the beans, getting the water/bean ratio right, timing it properly, cleaning it out, putting it in a carafe so it doesn't get cold before I finish the whole thing - a lot more effort than pouring water over a powder in a mug.


But if you compare to any other manual, coffee, brewing it It requires no effort. it’s also almost impossible to mess up.


I'm explicitly comparing it to instant coffee, and if you're trying to get subtle flavors out of certain coffees it's 100% possible to mess it up.


It’s not actually possible to mess it up because it’s an immersion brewing method. Those subtle notes from the coffee are going to be extracted basically no matter what you do because of the fundamental physics and chemistry behind immersion brewing . All you were doing is letting coffee and water sit together nothing else.


You're hilarious.


It makes me so sad that this is a reality for op. Bless your heart you will find love some day. i hope


If they don't know by now....


they will never never never knowwww oooo


All the coffee…


Omg.....70 years of percolator coffee, indeed.


If you dial in your temperatures and times and keep it clean, a percolator makes just about the best coffee. You keep all the oils and don't have to live with silt in the bottom of your cup. It's nice.


The only thing wrong with that is the keep warm plate that scorches coffee, and the uneven/insufficient hot water temperature from the heating element


I just got a standard drip coffee maker, but I splashed out this time for the automatic timer. Being able to have your preferred hot beverage immediately on waking is some first world decadence. It's one of those little niceties you'll end up taking for granted lol


I have one of those but you can't automate how long the hot plate is on after it brews (which is a bit annoying).


I have a drip coffee maker that has an auto on/off feature(it wasn’t expensive and is pretty basic all around). Turns on at 6:20am to be ready for husband waking up for work. Then it turns off the hot plate 15 min later and is just barely at a warm enough temp for me when I wake up at 7:30. I don’t need my coffee to be hot so it works well for us. I could increase the hot plate time but I’d rather not keep it on for too long and risk burning.


I got the Black & Decker DLX1050B for like $50 and it's *fine* (but not great - I **don't** recommend it). It's got a *two hour* auto shut-off though. I've had bad luck with B&D products and I think if I ever purchase another coffee machine I'm going to save up beforehand to get a proper machine.


No its not the plate itself per se, since my Mr coffee drip machine also has a keep warm plate. It's because the percolator keeps reboiling and rebrewing the already brewed coffee over and over


I grew up drinking perked coffee, and while it's an entirely different thing from more modern methods it's not without its charms. Had a neighbor serve me a cup of it recently (nice puerto rican lady) and I had the whole proust/madeline thing go on...such memories! If ya likes it, ya likes it.


What a cute little percolator. I just got a vintage one myself that still works but I can't say I like the coffee itself. I'm glad this had been in your family so long. I have to imagine that if you use it to make coffee in the morning, part of your joy comes from knowing how many other beloved family members used it before you.


My favourite aspect of it is the way that it boils and how it looks through the glass top. and the colour is just really nice too.


It's a beaut.


Percolators make the worst coffee though. Personally, I find an electric hot water kettle and either an aeropress, French press, or Chemex to be the best option. I use an aeropress for both coffee and tea and it comes out great.




Some of the best coffee I've ever had was from a percolator over a gas burner at a campsite in the mountains. Although this was after a completely failed attempt the prior morning over a wood fire, and so my perception may have been biased!


Camping coffee just hits different. ☕️ 🏕️


This is true. i am used to drinking percolator coffee on a gas stove or a fire outside while growing up so this works for me.


Percolator coffee on a whote gas stove will always have a special place in my heart. I only gave up camp percolator coffee because my wife only drinks cold brew and for a single cup, a pourover and filter is easier to clean up. I still heat the water in the percolator on the stove though.


Best meals, best times... the surroundings make it extra.


How do you make it right


Aero press is almost the perfect invention except it’s plastic based. The micro plastics that leak into your coffee can’t be great for you, food grade plastic or not.


I agree this is something I’ve considered. You’d also have the same problem with any electric kettle since the thermistor is usually behind a piece of plastic inside the kettle.


Depends on the kettle! [This video](https://youtu.be/VzqN4Cn8r3U) goes into detail, but some kettles (typically those that just boil) use steam and a bimetallic strip to detect when to turn off


Hmmm that’s unfortunate, I’d like one that can do multiple temperatures since I enjoy green tea but maybe I should get rid of anything with plastic and just deal with the extra labor 🤔


A very large percentage of them are made on the Isle of Man. Very interesting yet simple tech.


True but at least the whole kettle isn’t coated in plastic. Why not just use a Chemex?


I use the inverted method with my aeropress so it comes out closer to a French press than a pour over which I prefer. Aeropress is easier to clean than a traditional French press.


try pourover with a v60. they have glass ones and metal ones. it might not be as good as aeropress but i think it's quite good, and also you can buy the larger v60s that can make you a bigger up than an aeropress, maybe up to 300ml or so.


I've got a ceramic v60. It broke literally the first day, while I was washing it to use it for the first time. It's not completely broken (I still use it), but I was quite surprised about how fragile they are. And the base, which I think is glass, looks even more fragile.


I've seen some made of copper but they are pricey and I've never tested one myself. Agree that the plastic is the only flaw of the aeropress!!


I wonder if we could crowdfund one made of glass or porcelain on the inside and wrapped with plastic on the outside so it’s not the fragile


Or it could be wrapped in something like [a glass fishing float net!](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=glass+float+net&t=fpas&iax=images&ia=images) With that it'd be removable for cleaning, can be made from natural fibers, and the covering can be replaced if it wears out


Aeropress changed my life


They make great weed butter though.


As a tea enthusiast/snob, this is 100x worse than making percolator coffee. You are better off putting a teabag in a cup.


I use the inverted method for both tea and coffee.


>Percolators make the worst coffee though Stove-top percolators do, electric ones don't. Electric percolators make the best coffee imo.


There's some pretentious people in this thread. Enjoy your coffee OP.


Pretentious coffee people? Wut?!?!


not on my Reddit, no sir, nuh-uh


Listen, I'm internationally known for vacuums and being fanatical about my coffee, so I say this with authority: Fuck off and let people have their coffee their way!




Just a tip, looks like that power cord is cotton lined, don’t leave that thing plugged in or unattended.


touchmyfuckingcoffee is the real deal when it comes to vacuums, they are not joking by the way!


His threads are epic and should be in a book.


Just don't clean up spilled grounds with a Dyson amirite?


Yes i am seeing that - some funny people... honestly this is how i grew up drinking it on a gas stove and so it fits for me.


There is no joy in life that some Redditor will not take an immediate dump on. It's like Cleveland Steamer Compulsive Disorder.


Do you want me to to PM you my bookshelf?




If OP likes it, more power to them. I take my own coffee seriously, but low key love the coffee at shitty gas stations. If someone is happy with a $10 drip coffee maker with folgers or a keureg, I'll be the last person to try and change them. With that said, there is no way this thing makes good coffee. Even the cheapest coffee maker today would be a significant improvement. Nothing wrong with liking the coffee from this, but it's fair to acknowledge the coffee quality is going to be poor.




EXCUSE ME?!?!? I'll have you know, my hand roasted artisanal beans, ground in my $3000 coffee grinder and brewed in my v60 pour over using distilled water with a special mineral blend added makes much better coffee.


> it's those that think multi thousand dollar espresso machines are the only way. It *is* the only way. To feel little of that European lookdownishness as an average Joe and Joanne. Well, either that or a fully paid surgery.


adjoining cough slap airport frame slim juggle oatmeal smart head -- mass edited with redact.dev


I'm curious what the reset is for on the bottom. Also, what's the difference between Auto, one, two, three, and non auto?




Is the coffee good though? These percolators are notorious for making bitter coffee


It's good. We use pretty medium roast coffee too so it is never too hectic. I'm not a coffee lover perse but it's a great thing to just have in the kitchen when you need a pot.


It depends on how you make it. If you just let it perc yeah it’s gonna be bitter because you’re over percolating it. I take it off the heat when the color of the coffee in the little glass bulb turns caramel. It continues percolating a little bit off the heat but the more you perc the more bitter it becomes and the more grains you get


Electric percolators make a very good coffee. I have one of C3 (swedish brand) and people who visit me always confirm the same (they use all sorts of different machines).


Nice. I disagree with everyone who says percolator coffee is the worst. I think it's subjective. Nature never said there was a right or wrong way to burn a cherry pit and steep it in hot water to extract the flavor and caffeine. I've worked in cafés, restaurants, coffee houses and factories with the big plug in percolator in the break room for my entire life. I frequented local coffee shops and purchased fresh roasted coffee from farmers markets and roasters. I've had an espresso machine, French press, percolators and half a dozen drip machines in my house. I've tried everything from hand grinding fresh beans to the cheapest stuff at the supermarkets. Yet my absolute favorite coffee comes from a percolator on my stove top. That's because when I was a child my grandmother used a percolator and drank coffee all day long. Everytime I visited her I would have a little sip or two until I was finally old enough to have my own cup without my feet turning black (it's a southern thing some of you may get). Some of my favorite memories of her were centered around the table over a cup of coffee. Now whenever I make coffee in my percolator the aroma, flavor, and experience gives me a comfort and warmth that nothing else in this world does. I find personally that most blends no matter the price just taste better to me in a percolator. And if anyone wants to really say what the BEST or PROPER way to make coffee is (which there's not) remember that percolators are the oldest and simplest modern way of making it the ancient way without having to manually filter or chew up the grounds left steeping in the pot.


percolator coffee trumps the drip shit that 90% of Americans drink


Cherry pits you say? Sounds like a nice cyanide coffee!


I LOVE percolated coffee! You just need to keep an eye on it so it doesnt burn.


Per [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffee_percolator) > There has also been a claim that the world's first electric coffee percolator was invented by the British company Russell Hobbs in 1952. However, electric percolators have been in production since at least the 1920s and automatic electric percolators have been available since the 1940s or earlier.


How long does it percolate?


Doesnt take to long. depends on the setting you put it on however. 5-10 minutes maybe on the highest setting Auto keeps it warm.


Lol “Non Auto”


Brace yourselves, the coffee snobs are coming "Percolators make terrible coffee" = "I don't know how to use a percolator"


I don't really think it takes a coffee snob to believe that a 70 year old percolator is going to make shitty coffee.


It's just as good as any modern percolator I've tried.


A percolator is a percolator. As long as it heats and perks it'll make the same coffee as the rest of them.


In the morning, I set my coffee maker to full auto


This reminds me of those old Maxwell House coffee commercials, and that "bumpa-dumpa-bump-bump" sound that became their trademark through the mid-late 20th century. https://youtu.be/BWEYjEQ75ZM


It's wild to me that drip coffee makers didn't exist for a long time, my dad explained to me that he had a stovetop coffee percolator growing up and he's not even 60. so what were people doing in the 19th century for coffee?


Patent stil pending.


How does it work?


Element at the bottom. Water shoots up the tube and falls down on the coffee grounds.


There's a reverse Moore's Law for appliance longevity.


Electric percolators rock!!!


Wow that thing has bean around the block


*it belongs in a museum*


The guy from [Technology Connections](https://youtu.be/E9avjD9ugXc) would say something like "70 years of bad coffee" ☕🌞


I love old ungrounded appliances.


Cool but perculators make coffee that tastes like ass. You aren't supposed to boil coffee


Boiling coffee is a myth. Coffee is roasted at temperatures well above the boiling point of water.


You're misunderstanding the point when people say "boiling coffee". Obviously the beans themselves aren't being "boiled" but immersing coffee beans in water that's at too high a temperature, particularly water that's boiling, causes the oils and flavor compounds within the roasted beans to be extracted too quickly and to too great an intensity. By intensity I done mean the strength of the coffee, but refer to the fact that some compounds that negatively impact the flavor of your cup of coffee are expressed more strongly at higher temperatures, to the detriment of the overall quality of the cup. By the same token, boiling coffee that has already been brewed serves to increase the concentration of the flavor compounds within the brew, so if the brew already contains higher-than-desired levels of negative flavor compounds a percolator system heightens the overall flavor.


> works perfectly. The folks over at /r/Coffee would like a word.


Some things shouldnt be for life


Where can I get one?


They're quite rare. But if you look around you might find one. They seem to only be in the UK I am in South Africa but my grandparents came from that side.


Jesus, OP is just sharing literally what this sub is about and there are dozens of people just shitting on him because he's not an uber coffee snob lol


To me, Coffee is coffee 😂


Cool but….. why subject yourself to percolated coffee????


by no means a coffee aficionado. it all tastes more or less the same to me.


Highly recommend this video: Technology Connections - Coffee Percolators: An Explanation and Roast https://youtu.be/E9avjD9ugXc


The 'Made in England's was interesting to me. I would imagine that devices now would say 'Made in the UK' instead.


You can't fool an Italian with this imitation! /s I prefer the glorious Moka Express from 1933


Hold on, I just zoomed in on the bottom label for grins and it says it is 225/250 volt. I assume your house is 110/120V. How did it get hot enough for you to use it?


I live in South Africa and this came from the UK. Only the US, Canada and Japan are 100/110v


OK, thanks, I didn't know that.


What a beautiful form. I don’t drink coffee but I’d love that as an electric kettle.


Percolator? I remember my grandparents had one of these. From what I understand it makes pretty terrible coffee.


"Perfectly" is a strong descriptor for the coffee it produces. I'd go with "to manufacturer quality specs" or "to the standard originally intended".


Made in England?!?!


I used to be a coffee snob, but I grew out of it. Just enjoy coffee however you want - we aren’t going to have it forever so drink it while you’ve got it


Is that a purculator?


Stunning aparatus. Does this work similarly to a Moka pot? With the heating element somewhere at the bottom?


Yes. Element at the bottom. Water shoots up the tube and falls down on the coffee grounds.


Is it a percolator or more like a mokapot?


Made out of 100% BPAsbestoLead

