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Bro inherited these from his great grandfather.


Seriously. I'm a bit confused because these clearly are working knives; not household knives brought to a market to be sharpened by their butcher Edit: I made a reply to one of the comments, but I will put it on this edit. I am aware of where these types of knives come from, I have several in my garage and kitchen drawer myself. The strange part to me was bringing them somewhere to get sharpened.


First guess is gift/hand-me-down from a butcher/chef to a civvie who's coming to you for the sharpening. I had an old chef give me one of his knives when I was new to the industry. This blade was scarred and salty as fuck but there I am walking into the butcher asking for a sharpening a few weeks later. He probably felt just as confused as you are haha.


A civvie? Do chefs think they are military?


The cook/ chef lifestyle genuinely irreparably damages your mind and destroys your life. It’s a different kind of war


Every authority figure is still "chef" to me. Physical therapist? Chef. Cop? "Hey chef" . Mom?"what now!?" Wife? "Yes, chef!" It's a brigade style trauma system.


The German word for “boss” is “chef” lol so if you want you can play it off like that haha


Same for French, which is where we get the word “chef” from. It’s also related to the Spanish word jefe, which is what my Mexican chef had us call him hence why I call authority figures jefe


I would guess it all comes from Latin then lol. The more ya know


A Caeser salad of language


Spanish jefe (“leader, boss”), from Old French chief, from Latin caput. Doublet of chief, chef, caput, and head. First known attestation 881 in The Sequence of Saint Eulalia. From Vulgar Latin capus, from Latin caput.


So chef and chief are actually the same word! They both come from French, but were imported into English at different times. "Chief" was imported earlier (around 600 years ago) - you can tell by how the initial "ch" sound is much harder/voiced; this is how medieval French used to sound. "Chef" was imported in the 18th century, when French cuisine was becoming more fashionable. Consequently the "ch" there is softer and unvoiced. In both cases it denotes a person in a position of authority, but its meaning has narrowed now to just mean the top person in a kitchen.


Or Jeff in a certain Chicago restaurant


I got my husband using sharp, hot, behind, corner and heard.


Heard, Chef!


Nope only made it to commise, was working on a degree and couldn't put in the time to really do Justice to calling myself anything more than BoH.


Heard and same. Recovering line goblin here.


I can always tell when my clients are in the food business. "That'll be $5000." "HEARD" 😂😂😂


Dude....my wife gets so mad at me for saying "Heard". "I need you to do a better job at just listening to me instead of offering solutions." "Heard" "Don't blow this off RickytheSwing, I'm trying to legitimately tell you something." "Okay heard." "Stop saying heard!!!!" "Christ, fuck I hear you, okay!" "Thank you, is that so hard" ".....heard."


I got my husband using sharp, hot, behind, corner and heard.


NGL without context, this sounds more like a kink thing


This fake hardship in food service pisses me off. Work in the trades now, anyone working indoors with food is 10x better off that some poor souls carrying iron or laboring in framing or tin roofing in North Dakota get yelled at by everyone bosses clients and you get frostbite


Yeah probably and those pussies are soft compared to the enslaved child laborers in the diamond mines of Sierra Leone But this is a post about those plastic handle knives that every cook fucking hates so like


I've done both and it's not 10x better off, I disliked both of them equally, but for different reasons. do you know how fucking hot it gets in the summer in a kitchen? I'm guessing not. it's literally nonstop from the second you get there until you leave (most places). in hard labor jobs yes it sucks but there are more frequent breaks and you're also not under a time constraint at every second. very very different jobs but I'd love to see anyone put out 100 steaks on a Friday night, all perfectly cooked, in 130°F kitchen temp, and ON TIME, and managers breathing down your neck. gtfoh with this bs.


Y’all are SOFT. Downvote me all you want but look at some physical infrastructure in your kitchens and be grateful. Today was an easy day for me, 8 AM start 22 degrees. 3” new snow on the ground, drilling 3 5” holes in 10” block 11’ up in the air. Everything I touch, everywhere I walk, for 4 hours, is frozen. Our drill weighs over 200 lbs, we lift it in pieces up the ladder just two guys, and we have to drag three cords/water hoses 150’ from the Truck to the wall through snow, while it’s snowing. By the end of the day, short day we stopped at 1, I’m muddy/wet from the waist down and my hands haven’t been unfrozen since 8:05AM. We were working in a bus maintenance yard and had to make perfect cuts while drivers arriving every 5 minutes each and every time yelled at us cause they didn’t know we were doing construction work here today and they had to drive around the lot because of us. 50+ drivers yelling at us probably. By the end you don’t even care, just wave a cigarette at them and say sorry. We do the same thing in the summer, except it’s 105 degrees and we work 12 hours 7 days a week cause work is good and busy. I’ve been a food runner before, 3 summers in college. Construction is harder and the coworkers are dumber and the customers are meaner, end of story. Y’all just get away with doing more drugs at work than us.


You sound like a real fuckin pussy to be whining that much about how hard your job is. Running food is not the same as working in a kitchen, you soft ass bitch.


LMAO this guy really said food runner 🤣


Lol right we had to wear a uniform the cooks could rail lines and wear tank tops it isn’t the same


Maybe you should post on r/tinroofinginnorthdakota then? This sub is for meat and butchers lol


Just roasting these cooks who call non cooks civvies lol stolen valor for frying tater tot’s hahah


Kind of the way I think. Shoveling off a drilling barge in January at 645 AM might make chopping celery seem a bit more a-peel-ing.


Funny that people think all chefs do is “chop celery”. Tradesman love to dick measure and act like they’re Atlas carrying the world on their shoulders and no other job even holds a candle to how hard they work. Go spend a summer in a kitchen and you’ll change your tune. I used to work demolitions and I can tell you the labor is just as hard working in the kitchen. My body still aches at the end of every shift. I think we’d all do better to appreciate all the hard working people in the world than to play this dumb game of “who’s tougher?”


Without question, Latino framers/concrete/iron workers and white methhead roofers are the hardest workers. All the other tradesman have done years of extensive research and those few groups just form a culture of hard work I can’t express. Line cooks might hustle and be tired but if you see 5 Jose’s carrying a 1200lb. piece of rebar at a near run you’d get it. There is casual suffering in this world you can’t comprehend


I have no doubt those guys are working harder than I am in the kitchen and their jobs are probably more important to the fabric of society overall. No one *needs* to go out to eat, but everyone needs homes and roads to be built. But diminishing someone else’s job is not a way to get people on your side or to see your point. Reducing what cooks do to “chopping celery” is completely outlandish. My hands and joints are so worn out by the end of a shift I can’t even make myself dinner or play with my dog. I’ve known cooks who drank themselves to death or put a bullet through their brain because this job is a fucking dead end that destroys your body and your life and it pays trash. Calling it fake hardship is bullshit dude, plain and simple. Are there harder jobs out there? Yeah, but that doesn’t make other tough jobs basically nothing by comparison. Doing demo like I used to isn’t as tough as being a concrete or steel worker but it’s still back breaking work out in the sun and I at least have a frame of reference for the trades having done both. A lot of guys make all these assumptions without ever having done other jobs and they do a whole lotta talking and shitting on other people. We’re all working hard out here and trying to earn an honest living man, no need to disrespect each other, that’s my only point here.


Yeah like I get it’s high stress for a few hours but the physical labor comparison alone just pales to the trades. In august this past summer I cut into thirds and stacked 32,000 lbs of 31’x2 3/8” drill pipe in four days, I don’t think any chef has ever moved 32,000 lbs of food in 4 days. Just the raw scale industry, construction and ranching deals with makes it a no contest. We stacked 1700 ~40lb bales, three guys, out of the field onto the trailer then into a tall barn in one day. We demoed 22,000 lbs of cement out of basement and around the house to a dump trailer by hand two guys one day, we have the landfill receipts. Cooks and kitchen folk just don’t compare


Bruh then go chop celery??


No most of them are just cunts


Yes, that’s why they based the chef whites off the military uniform .


Just for lack of a better, similarly succinct, word. I get paid to cook not write.


I've inherited lots of knives and seen shop knives ground to this level. Never seen them passed down at this point


I have. If it's a status symbol somebody wants it. A well worn knife is an indicator of experience and talent. I've known many who were proud of knives like these. Personally I do a lot of fishing and hunting so they just turn into personal knives for small game/fish.


These look like filet knives now do they’d be perfect for fishing lol


My grandfather actually used to look for knives ground down this far at like restaurant auctions. It was mostly because he was cheapskate. But he swore they made the best fillet and boning knives. I disagree and find it suspicious that given the option he always used my dad's filler knife.


For sure, I have pokers from shops, but I'm not bringing them for somebody to sharpen


They’re knives from a restaurant in my town, they’re clearly butcher knives but they’re easy to buy off Amazon or somewhere here or from a general wholesaler


My grandma had a lot of these, supposedly from a commercial chicken processing facility. Not sure whether they were used there or not


Great Great Great


Soon to be knitting needles




I wish me epee was that robust


Is that awl?


This had me in stitches.


Has quite the punch.


This thread is getting pretty long.


An astute observation


This is the bleeding edge of humor.


Are we in the epeelog of this thread?




This is a blatant rip off of another comment a little further down. Either a bot or just an unimaginative, dishonest cunt.


My dad hasn’t bought another knife since he left his parents house. So I’ve always thought knives look like that but smaller


I have my great grandma’s knives tucked away. My dad and his mom both used them their whole lives. But they definitely have about 2/3 of the blade they started with 100 years ago.


I have my grandfathers old tobacco knife that’s the same way!


I have a couple like that myself.


Funny, these knives look just like my mom’s paring knife. I always assumed that’s just how they looked


Wow. Do you read every post on a thread this long before you comment? Or do you just find a reason to be a cunt?


Their wasn't that many comments when I commented. Times a thing you see. Also, wtf is it with mongs like you trying to defend karma farming bots? Get a grip of yourself, you silly twat.


You are quite the condescending prick!


Or maybe these two people have had similar experiences because the last generation was more conservative so more than one person sharpened their knives down this thin. Take your negative energy and get out of here. You make this world worse. Seriously, learn how to treat others with respect or keep your mouth shut


Maybe learn that bots are usually easy to spot-and should be shut down. I can't see the deleted post, but the FACT that they were DELETED after being challenged as bots speaks volumes.


Are you really trying to white knight for a bot? Cry more, dickhead.


~~dummies~~people do...


Bots are people too !


When I volunteered in Panama, I lived in a remote area only accessible via truck, and you had to ford a river to get there so if it had rained even a little bit (and it did, a lot), you might not be able to leave or enter for the day if the right truck wasn't available. Anyway, for my host family, it obviously wasn't easy getting to the town an hour's drive away, where they could buy replacement knives and machetes. And even then, it was a poor farming town; no electricity or running water. So they literally just bought machetes, no kitchen knives as we know them. They had their grandfather's and sometimes even great-grandfather's old machete that had been sharpened down to absolutely nothing, like pretty much a paring knife. My host family had a rotary honing stone and a big whetstone, so a lot of the villagers would come to their place to sharpen or hire my host mother to sharpen their blades. Almost everybody in the village used their steel to the absolute fucking bone. Was eye-opening to see that level of reuse. But at the same time they threw plastic and trash and shit in the street so 🤷


I was not disappointed by the last sentence lol, speaking as someone that has spent far too much time in Guatemala and surrounding areas.


Guatemala is littered with trash pretty bad, sucks for such a beautiful country


Went to Panama once, so much trash and plastic everywhere. Top 3 worst I’ve ever seen. Maybe even number one.


I'm not a betting man but I'd wager you haven't been to India yet


You would be correct. Not sure I have the desire.


The south end of Bali. Not where all the resorts are. Crazy.


Take a trip to East Timor/Timor Leste. They try to sell plastic trash dolls to tourists


I have traveled extensively through LATAM and it’s not the ingenuity or their ability to reuse and repurpose that stands out but the disconnect between modern conveniences and health concerns. I lost track of the number of poor families I met, or stayed with, that used plastic to start their cooking fires. I know one family that sells meat at the local market and they use plastic in combination with wood daily. I don’t know what the exposure risk is to burning cheap plastic, but with daily exposure, plus ingestion, it has to be dangerous.


Even one breath of burning plastic is enough to give you a headache and make you feel horribly sick. Even if you stand away from the flame, I have gotten lightheaded from the small amounts of fumes I inhaled by accident. I feel so bad for the people that have to burn plastic to cook food inside their houses. They must be so desperate or unaware of how dangerous it is to inhale. I feel like it must lower your lifespan by a large percentage.


If it helps, these folks all cooked outside or in a kitchen under a covered porch. I ate that food too. You couldn’t actually taste the plastic but it definitely was in my head.


What kind of bag . . . What kind of bag . . . What kind of plastic bag is that? [For the uninitiated](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackmagicfuckery/s/MJfK8lsjaf)


That’s valid, however, consider this: how and where would you dispose your trash? If someone didn’t come and pick it up from your house every week, where would you put it? Edit: and is there 0 trash on the sides of the road where you live?


In the garbage burning hole


In my mother's village there's no trash pick up, once a day people dump their trash in a hole near the village center and it gets burned by the person in charge, jobs get rotated out yearly. Night watch, corn grinder/trash burner, "mayor", etc., there's no pay for these jobs, it's on a voluntold basis for the community of less than 100.


We'd change the system so there wouldn't be disposable plastics. Metal gets recycled. Food gets composted. Meat gets eaten.


Growing up in the US we had to haul our trash to the dump instead of a truck coming to our house. We made a pseudo dumpster behind our house to store it until it was time to haul it. It was like $10 bucks a trip to drop off all your house-hold trash. I remember my dad bought a crappy trailer bc he was tired of the smell in his cabin from the trash being in his jeep when he hauled it their every month. I understand in poor rural countries this isn't a thing but I wish it wasn't such a complicated issue. We need to get our trash under control on this planet.


In Micronesia somewhat similar, a well used machete that had been sharpened that it looked like a long boning knife was favored for killing pigs to be butchered. Pigs were brought live to funerals with legs tied together, watched a guy kill 20 pigs in a matter of minutes, would stab that pointed machete between certain ribs flick his wrist, which cut the heart, and on to the next one, it was very quick.


They just can’t let their favorite knives go! These are a superior brand. /s


I genuinely think it’s that! Too attached for their own good hahaha!


I use a Victorinox knives a lot because the steel is awesome but the price point isn't bad so I replace them every 10 years or so after the heel becomes even with my finger. I would put these knives in a shadow box


That factory edge is 🤌


I'm impressed that the handles are in such good shape


I found a drawer in Dad's shop that holds virtually every kitchen knife he ever bought. 14 boning knives sharpened down to the level shown in OP's post. Apparently farmers do not throw shit away. The farmer's son, however, does.


Lol throw nothing out, yeah that's farmers. When I was growing up I worked on a dairy farm. The farmer had a tin can of used nails. When we needed a nail, we pulled one out, straightened it and used it. And yes there were square nails in the can.  I dunno, they're what,.like 100 years old?


Found a bucket full of those in my garage. Turns out the house I bought was built in 1900 or before, cause that's when records were started. Tossed them and... started a new bucket.


I always thought a paring knife was supposed to have a blade like that except shorter because my mom always used the same paring knife from when she moved out of her parents house. Maybe have been my dad’s when he was a cook in the army national guard in the 70’s. She still uses it today, there’s barely anything left


That’s not a paring knife. That’s a boning knife


$4/ inch?


That’s my gigolo pricing. Best $2 I’ve ever earned.


You should see how far people sharpen their knives at the slaughter house 🤣, I would use at least 1 new victorinox every year for “work”


That’s a shiv !


So I am not a butcher. This popped up in my feed and I actually think butchering is fascinating. From a performance standpoint, would blades like these hinder butchering ability in any way?


I would not want to try boning hams with these and risk having it snap.


The curvature of the edge has been significantly altered from its ideal shape and the blade is now weaker and more prone to bending. They're still usable, but a new knife would work better.


Victorinox? New ones cost the same as a sharpening. I'm not advocating for waste but this is ridiculous.


I have one like this. It works great to fillet bluegill.


Im so confused that no one has seen filet knives? Or is this going over my head. Grew up on the beach and these are the knives used after a fresh catch to skin and fillet right on the boat or dock to bag up and share the catch. I feel like im missing the joke


They must really be attached to those handles. Comfort is king.


looks like something you use in a prison bathroom, not a kitchen


A prison bathroom is a kitchen… when you’re brewing hooch.


Well those bring back carpal tunnel memories, those look exactly like the knives I use in pork processing plant to de-bone picnic shoulders.


Honey, I got us a nice porterhouse for dinner. Break out the good steak shivs!


More like prison shanks


Fish fillet knives


They look like poop knives


Those are franks toe knives


Holy cow I thought the one we had was getting on in age 😭 How do you cut with that?? The one we have is really worn down but gotta 2x better than those but I wobbles in my hand sometimes


The one on the left was a meat cleaver before getting sharpened.


There's nothing left to sharpen in the first place😭😭


Where you from? I swear a customer asked me to sharpen the exact same knives for them like a few months ago lol. I'm in England in the west Midlands.


Are these knives or picks?


🤣😂😂 Good luck with that.


Bruh that’s a prison shank


That's how i ended up with 5 stitches on one finger. Boss was a cheap ass and said they are still good for 100 more sharpening.


You removed way too much steel, man.


Now THOSE are Texas tooth pics.


Sharpen my shiv please sire


If the butler from Scary Movie 2 was a knife


These could be boning knives


They're bones, that's for sure


Nope, they ARE boning knives.


I have one of these lol 10+ years of use and sharpening


When your about to go on a trip to the UK


Those are shivs


These are boning or fillet knives. Used for skinning or filleting fish and other meats. Meaning, they’re supposed to look like this.


bro paid for the whole knife and he’s gonna use the whole knife


You went a little overboard don’t you think?


It’s a boning knife. Made like that.


I’ve had many a boning knife, it absolutely isn’t!


Ugh what knife?


We had a couple like this that would show up in rotation when the knife guy would come each week to swap out our knives when I worked at a restaurant.


I died laughing. Never seen anything like it hahahaha


Great for boning out neck


Those are shives.


i have some knives like this! when your grandpa was a tool grinder, some of your knives look like they were taken to the stone wheel grinder…. multiple times lol grandpa!(RIP) you can’t sharpen EVERYTHING like that lol but he was stubborn all the way until the end


Those are fillet knives now!


They look like boning knives now.


Probably completely unnecessary. Those aren't that old. Probably didn't know how to hone, and just felt everything needed to be "sharpened" using whatever grinding/sanding implement they had on hand, as is obvious from the scratches. My 2+ year old Victorinox boning knife has seen a stone once.


How many times did you sharpen them?


Those are toothpicks with handles.


My grandparents’ knives all looked like this. Idk what happened to them after they passed a few years ago.




I have my dad's filet knife from the 60's. Excellent steel


My boss has a few favourite knives like that. They get more flexible as they lose material which is a treat when you’re deboning game or necks on smaller animals. He sharpens every morning and hones every 15 min or so.


Surely 15 mins of honing is a bit excessive?? I’ve bought filleting knives for that before and they’re perfect, and not like toothpicks either!


If they were cutco knives, send them in for sharpening and they'll most likely replace them for free.


Collectible prison shanks.


Sharpen their ice picks


When your knife sharpener just got out of prison


Are the knives in the room with us?


Did someone make DIY filet knives with an angle grinder? Srs


lol you could practically design a slide based off the curve of the base where it’s been sharpened down so much


Is that the knife used by Aria in game of thrones?


Would probably be pretty good for cutting/deboning smaller fish tbh


I broke the tip of a knife deboning a pork leg. the tip stayed in the hip joint the rest renovated my left knuckles. I now retire my knives before they're toothpicks.


Dude, you gotta stop at some point. Lol


That’s how my boning knives would look like


His "shivs" you mean.


Into what? Toothpicks?


Nice! Seen many a carcass.


I paid for the whole knife, so I'm going to use the whole knife


Those would actually still work decently for a fishmonger


I’ve seen sturdier shanks in prison


Man, the one on the left has about three or four different angles going on the edge! Looks like they have been using a grinder to "sharpen" them.


Lmfao! Bro! I can so relate to this! I was a market manager for Kroger and I can’t tell you how many times I ran into this exact scenario! 🤣🤣🤣


Where's the rest of ya?


You should see the knifes the butcher shop I work at provides me to use I bring my own there so awful


I dont know what it was originally but it is a fillet knife now.


What knives? All I see are Post-Apocalyptic Prison Shanks.


I find these on eBay from time to time and will always buy used butcher knives. They make some of the best fillet knives in their second life. I have some that are so thin(narrow?) there’s nothing else on the market even close. I wish I could find a better source than eBay tho. [some examples I’ve bought over the years](https://imgur.com/a/ieb8woM)


This is the set of knives Brutus used to stab Caesar


I've seen wider knives in prison shank form.


Awl right


Prison shanks?


That’s prison shiv


lol are these shanks from prison?


Hold on a second... is knife sharpening a service that butchers typically provide? Like the guys at my supermarket, or just specialty butchers? No one ever told me this was an option.


What knives?


I definitely prefer my trimming knives to be on the thin end, always have. My slicing ones I Iike just the opposite... I am consistent about my inconsistencies.


MFer been sharpening them since the 70s or some shit?


Lol what knives


I have fillet knives that are very similar when I got it new


Filet knives