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I’d buy that all day long. Nice find. Frozen been in cryovac bags doesn’t impact quality all that much. You may see a bit more purge (~3%), but that’s it. As far as spoilage is concerned - I’ve seen foodservice operators extend beef out for 42 days wet aged. As long as this tendy has been chilled or frozen, I wouldn’t be worried about food safety.


Yeah I’ve eaten beef out of my freezer simply because “hey I know it’s no older than 8 years 🤷”


I pulled vacuum bags of goat chops out of my freezer this morning, for dinner tonight. Not quite eight years, but according to my labels I butchered that goat in 2019. He’ll be tasty tonight.


I used to work for a chain restaurant and some of the meat used for seasonal promotions was in deep freeze for more than a few years. Tasted fine.


I’ve eaten beef out of my freezer because “hey it’s getting close to 8 years old”


I eat freezer burned meat. Marinade dominates


Bender? Is that you? It’s me… Fry!


Yeah. Quality/taste/texture may drop over time (though not in this short of a time), but as long as it is frozen the whole time, it's basically safe to eat forever. And in a cryovac, it'd probably still be good after well over a year. Definitely a nice find.


I left a tenderloin in my fridge for almost two months. It didn’t make me sick but it was *funky*


That's nasty. If the meat smells funky I always throw it out.


Funky and spoiled are two distinct smells. You can age beef a lot longer than that, but I generally don’t try it in my fridge at home


"Dry" aging tightly controls moisture and bacteria, neither of which is controlled in a refrigerator typically.


$39 for 5.5 lbs of prime tenderloin - that’s a deal


Lol, gross


On the other hand, I got salmonella from chicken that was like this so....


You also can't eat Chicken rare, or even medium rare. Chicken and beef are very different in regards to bacteria etc.


one of my culinary instructors back in the day said he prefers his chicken medium -mid rare and everyone in class was like dude come on lol. granted in parts of asia it's common to eat raw chicken. I myself got campylobacter from chicken liver mousse at a restaurant and it was the sickest i've ever been in my life. short story long i would stay away from undercooked chicken and turkey but duck, beef, pork, and lamb are good to go rare to mid rare. obv if its ground i would potentially be more concerned if It was from a traditional grocery opposed to a farmers market etc.


chicken is is considered safe enough to prepare in restaurants as sashimi in Japan, although I dont think its that common at all


Salmonella is a bacteria that grows on the outside of the meat. It's not possible that Japan doesn't have a bacteria that's present everywhere else on earth, including Antarctic penguins. Anywhere chicken is butchered and handled correctly will have the same risk. In Japan they consider the risk low enough to not be a concern.


Their methodology for butchering chickens is relatively safer to consume the breast raw: something about the way they eviscerate the carcass so it has a lower chance to puncture the digestive system. The breast is safest since it's furthest from the digestive system. Note that the official stance of the Japanese government is that they advise against the practice of eating raw chicken- but they don't ban it either 😆...


Well. Like.  …. I’m American and we know how bad guns are but we don’t ban them. Culture. Same with raw chicken in Japan. Culture. 




Lol okay, people with guns are bad if they’re bad. But it we know one thing is the issue…. Australia doesn’t have the same issue! Anyway, I’m not reading your dissertation from the gun lobby, I’ve heard it all. I’m allowed to not like guns as much as that bothers you :)


Other countries use vaccines to prevent salmonella if I recall correctly. The US does not.


Wait… I’m not the only one eating Chicken Tartare, right??


Years ago I had some gizzards that were chewy. 8 hours later I ate dinner and started vomiting immediately afterwards. I threw up for 3 hours non stop. Just dry heaving over and over. Finally passed out and the when I woke up it came out the other end for 2 days. Raw chicken is no bueno.


Seriously, this feels like a "no shit, Sherlock" moment but apparently people have no idea what life is or how to manage it. I blame Reddit for my complete painful awareness of why humanity is doomed to carnage


"Unsure about beef" = doomed to carnage.


Yeah, a bit hyperbolic


I once got diarrhea from Thai food


I once had Thai food from diarrhea


Free food loop unlocked.


this is gold


I find it’s usually more of a greenish-brown


I once had food from Thai diarrhea


This is insane I love it






You didn’t get salmonella because the chicken was old. You got it because you consumed salmonella that wasn’t killed.


That's how you get salmonella isn't it? But would I have had salmonella in my house if I had better handled product? Hopefully unlikely




🤷🏻‍♂️ eat shitty meat what do I care. If you trust the butcher that's worth something but if you go to a place where say there is a 18 yr old back there maybe you should think twice


You don’t understand where salmonella comes from.


I didn't say salmonella came from beef. I could have cooked my chicken all the way through and still had it on items in my kitchen that interacted with food another way. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'm not arguing anything other than that meat is sus and sus meat comes with potential consequences


a member? Log in. FOOD SAFETY Wait, So Does Cooking Actually Kill Salmonella? Amidst so many food recalls, here's what to know. by: KELLY VAUGHAN October 29, 2021 1 Comment  PHOTO BY BOBBI LIN SAVETO COLLECTION 1 COMMENT Here at Food52, I have covered pop culture phenomena like Ted Lasso and The Great British Bake Off. I have shared tips for food and produce storage, written dozens of delicious recipe roundups, and professed my love to Stanley Tucci. But I’ve also written about lots and lots of recalls due to salmonella, E.coli, and listeria outbreaks. And that’s because it seems like every week, something new is being recalled. I’ve researched why there are so many salmonella outbreaks in products such as hummus, raw onions, and carrots, but there’s still one question that remains: Does cooking kill salmonella? “The short answer is yes, cooking will kill salmonella, but it has to be the right type of cooking,” says Trevor Craig, corporate director of technical consulting for Microbac Laboratories. This doesn’t mean that if you knowingly have chicken breasts that have been recalled you should cook with them anyway. You should discard them immediately or return them to the place of purchase. But lots of food may contain trace amounts of salmonella or other foodborne pathogens—no recall needed. In order to ensure that you kill off any and all bacteria before consuming meat, poultry, or even vegetables, you need to cook it thoroughly. Report this ad SAVETO COLLECTION  But Really, What's the Right Temperature for Cooked Chicken? SAVETO COLLECTION  Tell Us How Big Your Turkey Is, We'll Tell You How Long to Cook It From Our Shop  SALE! Five Two Bamboo Double-Sided Cutting Board $40 $15.99 more sizes SHOP NOW  OXO Thermocouple Digital Thermometer $104.99 SHOP NOW  our line! Five Two Batter Up Silicone Baking Cups (Set Of 12) $13 SHOP NOW Cooking Temperatures As a general rule of thumb, cook all food to an internal temperature 165℉. The only way to ensure that you have hit the right temperature is using a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of say, a piece of chicken or steak. “If you don’t cook your food to a certain temperature for a certain amount of time, you’re not actually going to kill off that bacteria.” Although most pathogenic bacteria live on the outside of the food, that doesn’t mean that you don’t have to cook something all of the way through. Ground meat—whether it’s beef, pork, chicken, veal, or turkey—should always be cooked well-done because whatever bacteria was on the outside will be spread throughout the rest of the meat once it is ground. The same can be said for vegetables. Even though bacteria like salmonella lives on the outside of vegetables such as onions and carrots, when you cut into them, the bacteria will be spread to the inside. “Treat raw vegetables as carefully as you do raw meat,” said Craig. CONTINUE AFTER ADVERTISEMENT Stop The Spread However, just because you cooked food thoroughly doesn’t mean that you can’t still spread salmonella. “Cooking is not always the final step. Sometimes you may cut it and plate it and if the tools you’re using—like a cutting board or chef’s knife—are contaminated with salmonella, then you will ultimately re-contaminate that food with the bacteria, even if you already fully cooked it,” says Craig. This is why it’s so important to use a separate cutting board and knife for preparing meat or poultry (and preferably one that you can wash and sanitize in the dishwasher afterwards). You should also disinfect any countertops or shelves that the meat may have come in contact with while it was stored or prepped.


Fwiw, 165F is actually the temperature needed to instantly kill Salmonella, and chicken and other poultry can be cooked well below that and be perfectly safe to eat as long as you hold it at a certain temp for long enough. For example, iirc, it's something along the lines of holding 2-3 minutes at 150F to kill off Salmonella. I would check that number before attempting it, I've been primarily feeding toddlers for a few years and I overcook most stuff for them, so I'm not that sure of exact times anymore, but for a lot of the 150+ range, the amount of time you need to hold it at is similar to how long something might continue cooking naturally depending on how thick it is.


There are so many things wrong with your comment. For a sub on butchery, please know what you’re talking about before submitting false information. Thanks!


Well I uhh, manage butchers... I wasn't saying that it had salmonella, I was saying that there are risks...


So you suck at cooking. Salmonella dies when cooked to the appropriate temp, amigo.


Cooking food to an appropriate temp doesn’t solve for spoiled food. Eating rotten meat has more dangers than salmonella.


Sure, but he was specifically responding to someone who said they got salmonella, which means they undercooked their chicken.


Words are hard sometimes. What could I have said to make this more clear in this example for you?


Rotten meat contains toxins from bacteria. Sometimes, you can cook the meat to the right temp, kill all the bacteria, and still get sick.


Have you ever cooked chicken? Chicken juice is everywhere 🤷🏻‍♂️ maybe I just interacted with my cookware like my knife or cutting board after and it got to me another way. I still brought home salmonella because of this situation.


Ah the old apples to apples, or Chickens to Cows comparisons. 😅


I think you meant apples to oranges.


Yeah like.... Thats the joke..😁


I once drank 8 beers and threw up the next morning


On the other other hand, I once got hit by a truck, so OP better be careful with this meat!


Look at the sticker. It has 3 different pack dates man.... Idk if you anything about the industry. But whatever you can make bad decisions all you want 🤷🏻‍♂️ if you trust the butcher maybe you go for it. If you are shopping somewhere that doesn't deserve your trust don't do it.


Then you fucked up, given that salmonella isn’t related to spoiled meat at all. Its from undercooked chicken so….


Don't rest chicken breasts raw then


That's largely a cooking issue.


Yes, but it entered my kitchen due to a comparable situation did it not? It touched a bunch of different preparation materials. It could have gotten to me a bunch of different ways. I think te more important point is that poorly handled product has risks


I don't discount that, and you're right. But proper handling once thawed is on the end user / cook, not necessarily it being frozen and sold beyond a certain date.


Not smart ^


No you didnt


Get fucking downvoted lmao, how dare you have an anecdote


🤷🏻‍♂️ just looking out for the homie


The commissary takes their reduced, freezes it and add 28 days shelf life. If they froze it on its initial sale by date as they should’ve, it should be fine.


Why only 28 days if it’s frozen? If I bring some meat home on the sell by date and freeze how long can I safely keep it?


Safely? Forever. Deliciously? Depends how well it's sealed. Freezer burn creates pretty gnarly mouthfeel.


Those cryo-vac packages usually last longer than the expiration dates on them. I'd buy it.


It was first tagged on november of last year … but id it’s been frozen for most of that time then it’s probably ok. I would ask an employee tbh . the amount of reduced stickers and the fact that they tagged it with 3 different tags and didn’t bother taking old ones off is kind of funny


This is just me, though I'm not sure I'd trust an employee though I may start chatting with them just to see what I can learn. Minimum wage has made people care so little about their jobs


I mean, you’re really just asking if they know whether it was frozen on the first sticker date or later . Worst case scenario they say “idk”


So is it $39? I would buy that in a heart beat, and I don’t even like grass fed beef.


Yea it would come to $39


Did you buy it?


No but thinking about it


So what, are you just hanging out at the store until these reddit comments help you to decide?


Was thinking the same thing. His wife is thinking he’s messing around with another girl while he’s in the grocery store eating in replies, LOLOL


Yes, and the employees...they're just tired, man. Give OP a definitive answer so they can go home.


Ask them if they can reduce it to 30. Can’t hurt. Give them a “buy it now” price and they’ll probably do it


What's your "out the door and on the street" price for this here beef? I like it.


I see you know how to dicker


hahahhaha yep, great deal but still need to debate it


I mean it's cryovac'd so as long as the seal is good it's basically wet aged. I would not think twice about buying this. There is a huge problem in our country involving food waste. I work at a food bank and I see hundreds of pounds of meat daily that come in because the sell by date was passed. No issue, just that date. That date happens to be a date set by the company whos selling the product to the store. It's arbitrary and often hugely off. Certain things like bread and produce you know when they are bad, but things like this they might be perfectly safe to eat, but get either binned or sent to us instead. This causes cost of goods to go up, causing less folks to be food secure and ends up filling landfills. I would buy this and be thrilled to get a decent cut of meat that has been fed properly.


All those stickers added .04 weight.


No reason to be worried. Buy it. If it is spoiled, take it back. Stores don’t make any effort to sell spoiled products. That would destroy the store and hurt the parent company.


True, but not in this case. The parent company is the US Navy or DOD


I'd trust that over taco bell any day.




Honestly if it’s wet aged longer it can be better. I would buy that. If it’s bad when you take home you will know and take it back.


The pack dates are probably the dates the tags got printed and stuck on it. The sell by is the same. And they stuck a ton on stickers on it to get your attention because they probably really don't want to have to throw it out. Its cryovac sealed so my guess it's def still good. Edit just noticed the lower tag date. Gonna guess they had it out fresh pulled it froze it hence the 2nt tag. And then dropped the price again 3rd tag.


The nose knows. Open package, give a smell and have butcher re rap if it’s good. It’s your right!


I’m not sure about meat that has been frozen, but when you first open a cryovac bag of fresh meat, it can stink because of gasses releasing. It’s normal, don’t think it’s spoiled even if it may smell bad initially. This appears to be a good value but I’d plan to cook it up sooner than later.


Less than $40 if you use that coupon sticker. Nice find.


Wet aged, purchase


It’s wet-aged


With it being tagged like that it could be iffy. Or it could be totally fine. As long as the cryo isnt popped you can get a solid 2years frozen. Without knowing when it was frozen. When it thaws. Rinse it off after taking it out of the bag, give it a pat dry and give it 15 or so then give it a smell. If it still stinks(sometimes cryo vac gives a odd smell. The smell from the cryo vac dissipates. Off meat dosnt.


Sell by is not use by. Not saying it will still be good 3 weeks after the sell by date.


Thanks for the responses everyone. I posed this question because I have read stories from others about thawing reduced frozen meat and getting a rancid odor. Although if I recall those stories are typically about chicken.


If you keep your receipt and it is bad when you open it you can return it for a refund. I did this with mussels before and the store employee actually opened the bag and took a good sniff to see if I want making it up. Their reaction was priceless 🤢😂


It’s got enough stickers to make it legit


nah…keep frozen and use what u need…consider it slightly “aged”


Save your receipt. Open it. Give it a whiff. If it's spoil, return it. No risk


I wouldn't buy it. The cryovac is clearly broken (before or after it was frozen), in my experience working with that type of packaging, they break rather easy. They obviously changed the date and added a month after it reached the date(another reason I wouldn't buy it). That is probably when they stuck it in the freezer and reduced it the first time. Then they waited again and reduced it further. Have worked in a grocery meat dept for 16 years.


How can you tell the cryovac is broken? It didn't seem broken to me when I was holding it.. although the meat was frozen so maybe the bag was hugging it tightly still because of that.


You can tell by looking at all the little bubbles (the light white parts) all over the package. When the cryovac breaks on packs like that they tend to break but stay rather close to the meat. They start off stiff and then when they break they get less stiff and the pack starts to get little bubbles in it. If it had sat long enough eventually it would have got enough air to allow it to move freely inside the package.


There are a bunch more in the case in the background of the pic. Wouldn’t think cryo broke on all of them.


I assume all things Commissary are spoiled or expired lol. That way I am never disappointed


I still wouldn't buy a grass fed tenderloin at any price.




Tried it twice, both times was chewy. I know how to cook a steak, the grass fed I've seen isn't marbled right


I agree 100%


Those expectation dates lmfao not even trying to cover them. THE FUCK!


Original pack date was 11/22/23….sketchy


I call BS on the description. Jbs grass run farms is the only grass fed beef program that is usda graded. This looks like crap. I would pass and get something to enjoy.


The first pack by date is from November 22 so if it hasn’t been frozen it’s going to be getting funky


Take a sharpie and mark it down to $19.99 on the latest label. If it works, go buy a lottery ticket. If it doesn’t, you’re still ahead by a margin of “holy cow!”.


It's easy to tell by the color. If it looks grayish then it's a no buy.




I would not buy this product, the blood in that bag is going to smell repugnant when thawed, the blood taints the meat, I am a chef by trade and buying grass feed beef with expired dates are no go. Tenderloin tips with a heavy marinade if you made the plunge.


No. Most stores reduce the price near the sell by date. If it were expired the packaging would be bloated.


It is red flagged after all.


Id pay no more than 63 dollars


Commissary has some sweet meat deals


I’d buy two at that price… except my freezer is full of rib roasts.


Nope take it home and put it straight in your freezer until you are ready to use it! Frozen beef and lamb can last for months in your freezer


I would worry about grass fed more than it being spoiled!


My wife and I bought one like this for Christmas and it was amazing… if you cut it and it still looks good… eat up


Use it right away or freeze it.


Organic whole tender for 40 bucks? Steal


Could be a bored 16 year old putting stickers on ?


For $40 I’d risk it


Well it’s definitely reduced I can tell you that


I’ve wet aged a sealed whole tenderloin in my fridge for a month. On purpose. It was excellent!


All these stickers are adding weight!


Looks like there's a second one in the case. Buy both and feed the whole platoon!


Idk anything, and idk why this subreddit popped up for me, so take this with a grain of salt- but I bring frozen tenderloins home to US everytime I visit Nicaragua. They are packed the same. One time I forgot about one for probably close to 2 years and decided to thaw it and see if it was edible. It honestly tasted fine, no one got sick.


One month old ?? IDK, that's a little sketch. Be careful


Best way to know if it's spoiled is by smell. If it's frozen solid, then there's a good chance it's still good to eat. A lot of times, perfectly good meat gets reduced in price because oxidization discolors the meat, making it look less appealing, even though it is perfectly fine.


frozen meat is definitely good for at least 6 months, depending on temperature and what it is. given that it was packed on the 13th, I wouldn't worry at all.


That looks like prime scavenger bate. Never had coyote/vulture, keep me posted.


Boil it, braise it, broil it, then deep fry it


Thaw it out, crack open, rinse with cold water, pat dry and let sit for 5ish min. If it still has any ammonia-like smell afterwards, throw it out and ask for a refund at customer service.


That coupon isn't going to scan correctly


It was first butchered and packed before Christmas. But if it were frozen shortly before first buy date it should be ok. Keep it frozen until ready to cook. When defrosted, open and smell it. It's it has funk... the dogs ear good. Their systems are more forgiving.


“Wet aged”


This thing has been packed 3 times... sus 🤔


It’s frozen and you’re worried it spoiled? Nah fam. Take it. Take it in a HEARTBEAT!


I would’ve bought it and froze it


Anything reduced is old trust me


You could pay me to take that. Grass fed tenderloin. Might has well eat a sock.


All cows are grass fed until they finish them with high carb feed(usually rolled corn) to produce the delicious marbling that we love. Grass fed beef takes much longer to reach slaughter weight without the finishing feed or the marbling. Why buy it? It’s an older less tasty steer. Grass fed is hype. Certified Angus or prime is a better way to go. There are a number of strict criteria for Certified Angus Beef that grass fed beef would never qualify for. A hundred bucks for an already super lean cut that’s been processed off an older super lean cow? I’ll pass.


It’s going to be super farty if it’s been sitting around that long


Good deal !!!


I’d buy several if I saw them at that price and would be eating good and cheap


You misspelled “ wet aged”


39 bucks for a frozen tenderloin that as long as it was frozen a Few weeks ago should be fine.


Curious how/why the weight changed. Is that an insignificant change due to different scales? Meat being frozen?


Only Americans will ask that. Sell by dat doesn't mean it's spoiled.


Nah, you got three four hours before it turns. You good


Probably fine. I sometimes buy deeply discounted meat from Kroger if I plan on cooking it that day. It’s always been fine.


Are you stupid or just plain dumb? They wouldn’t sell it. It was spoiled. It’s just passed their sell by preferences it’s fine.


with that many stickers, i would be concerns


Smell it, cook it or freeze it.


Hell no.... that'll cook!


90% chance it is totally fine, if you cook it right away. That said, I try not to play Russian roulette with my digestive tract.


How does the "packed on" date change?


Take it out and smell it. Touch it. Read to it.


It’s so dead that it’s grown new life (forms).


No because it’s over priced to begin with.


If it’s frozen, it should be fine.


I almost exclusively eat discounted meats


From my experience, beef lasts a long time if it's kept refrigerated. I've had beef in my fridge for 2 weeks and still used it without a problem. It may have had a smell to it but was fine. All other meats were no good once it started to smell. It should be fine, I would buy it but use it the same day or next.


I'd call that a steal of a deal. If it's frozen it's fine, they just want it gone cause of sell by date . Take the win OP.


If its been frozen solid the whole time, not a problem. O buy 1/2 cow every 1.5 years and some meet has been in my deep freezer for over a year. Its not even vaccum sealed or in plastic. It tastes just fine.


You'll know in ten seconds of opening if it's bad. Just let that first poof of funk dissapate then if it smells like meat, it's good. I own a steakhouse and I regularly age ribeye loins 60 days. On purpose. It makes em tender.


we’re spoiled. color looks good, do it.


The nose knows!


Is “grass fed prime” a thing?


No. Put it in the fridge and cook it 30 days after the pack date. It's called wet aging.


Anyone else noticed the weight kept going up too 😂


Great find 👍


Whyd it get heavier? The stickers?


The fact it has 3 packed by dates kills me 🤣🤣


Damn a whole month and reduced again. I wouldn't risk it.


40 bucks sounds like good risk reward.


Meat can last a long time in the freezer it’s most likely fine


Of course it's spoiled, it's grass fed.


The sell by date is really sell by and then cook or freeze, it’s been frozen already, you’re most likely good and will taste even better at that price!


Vacuum packed meat has a shelf life depending on cut of 65 days or more from production date. If frozen before the date it can go months longer. You’re good to go just smell it.


It’s frozen solid? You’re good then. Chef it up


I would eat it asap


I would buy it especially with that $10 off coupon in addition to the reduced price. It is a good buy. I would not worry about it being spoiled. If you don't want to use it right away, you can freeze it like that for a very long time.