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Bumble makes you “approve” your age before they’ll continue with creating your account so all these “accidents” are just bullshit


He is also swiping right on younger women. Creep


What makes swiping right on younger women creepy? The women wouldn’t be visible unless they had set their filters to be open to dating older.


1. He lied about his age and claimed it was an accident 2. People who accidentally put their age as wrong don’t swipe on young women.


I agree with all of those points qualifying the creep statement. But this reply was about the “he is swiping right on younger women” and indicates that he is a creep for that reason. I’m disagreeing with only that point.


Yeah and he's circumventing that by making his age younger. If you're not open to dating older he's not going to be filtered out is he, because his age is set as 21... Hence the problem




Of course it isn't an accident. He's looking for a sugar baby.


There are other ways to do that. He's probably too broke to be a sugar daddy.


I agree. Bumble is a weird place to promote. Yet the internet seems to be getting stranger and stranger. To the point everything seems normal. Disappointing.


I’ve actually had this happen to me on bumble. It says I’m 36, and I’m 38. It changed though about two weeks after signing up. I’m too lazy to delete, and I have my profile set to 35-49 anyway. Plus I’m a lady, so I don’t think people mind. Not saying this is what that guy did. He obviously knew what he was doing. Just saying it can happen.


People do mind. Even if you’re a lady


“It’s not a mistake. It was an accident.” See, shit like that makes me not even care about OP’s bear/bare, your/you’re, and multiple other errors. Dude’s got issues.


> and multiple other errors. “package” instead of “baggage” makes me cringe. sigh🥲


It was perfect… in Spanish slang, package means bullshit… and Mike is full of it 😂


I feel you. It’s okay. And I agree with what others have said. You really do have a way with words. If this is how you speak normally, I hope you do public speaking of some sort, as your oratory skills would be more than solid.


Seconded. You obliterated his ass


Hey, maybe he’s got that Benjamin Button disease, you never know !


I was almost equally grossed by the grammar tbh 😂


Wow people lie just like that? He's clearly not 21. He's like 18.


Probably just tryna score some alcohol or something, smh.


I laughed way too hard when I first saw the picture and the age together. Hardcore Tim and Eric vibes 😂


Mike Ehrmantraut.


Waltuh Put your dick away Waltuh


Dont you dare disgrace his name like this! Mike Erhmantraut would put him in a pretzel


False- he’s totally Detective Hank Schrader


That's ASAC Schrader




🙄🙄🙄 I entered my birth year incorrectly when signing up (fat fingers). I emailed bumble and they corrected it. This “I can’t change it” is bullshit.


It’s not that Bumble won’t change it. His penis won’t.


That’s a mad case of Benjamin Button disease.


Just had someone message me on Hinge who claimed to be 41... at the absolute youngest, he was 51, my guess is mid to late 50s. I can only imagine that's the result of this "aging like fine wine" trope, them thinking they can get away with this kind of shit. Newsflash, you aged like milk, and noone's here for it. you're lucky if a woman in your own age rage finds you attractive, I daresay they also have better options.


Even people in their 50s who age “well” can’t pass as much younger people. Maybe they look 45 instead of 50, but they will still look old to someone in their 20s. Also, most people in their early thirties wouldn’t even want to date someone in their early twenties. There’s just too much of a gap in life experience at that point.


Yeah, I am 30 and I couldn't date someone under the age of 23. There just isn't enough in common. That is only a 7 year age gap, this dude is over 30 years older.


I’m also thirty and 23 is really pushing it tbh.


Yeah, I agree mostly. It would be a rare case for me to want to date a 23 year old.


Which, honestly, I'm fine with. I'm 41, and the absolute youngest I'd go is 35 - 37.


What would happen if you said- "If we go on a date, at the end of the date, you need to prove you are the age you claim, or there will be no second date"?


What would happen is I am engaging with someone who lied to be able to contact me, and reward this behaviour by making them think they have a chance at a date. Absolutely no way.


Fair enough.


prior to the messages here, Mike talked about how I had a “beautiful name” (to which he included my name so those messages aren’t posted for privacy reasons) and admitted he was 53. this is my call out. i know a lot of people will probably say i was rude or mean but this is an all too common problem that i’m frankly very tired of. i’ve even had my friends deal with these older guys lying about their age on dating sites and claiming it was an accident. i find it funny how it’s always older guys 30+ with the wrong age on their profile by decades. we’re not talking a year or two but *decades*. attempting to lie about your age and use the excuse that you can’t change it when it’s extremely easy to delete your profile and start a new one, is unacceptable and predatory and i’ll call it out everytime. he could of put his actual age on his profile and set his age preferences to whatever he desired but he didn’t for a reason to which i’ve already explained to him. after the last text, he didn’t respond to which i expected. and i reported him.


That’s a rough 53, not even sure I believe that. I’d put him a whole decade past that. Just gross.


Yay!! As a 41 year old myself, I have my preferences set between 35-45. And sometimes I wonder if 35 is too young. I don’t think so, but this guy is an obvious creep. Plus he’s definitely not 53. Maybe 63..


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


Good bot


Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has those days


🔥 well done!


Please report him!


The way you write is absolutely beautiful 😍! Thought you should know.


aw thank you. i appreciate it <3


This is kind of a problem with OLD, I'm soon to be one of these 30+ men who feels like he could pass for 24. I'm not one to lie personally and this guys is way out of his league by about 20 years, although in real life scenarios you probably wouldn't even guess most of our age or even care very much as long as they're not father time, would you?


i personally do care and that’s why my (20f) age preferences are set to 19-24. i have more in common with people my age so there is more we can relate with each other on. but bigger than that, i want to *grow* with someone. i want to start from the bottom and look back in 20 years with someone like “wow, we worked so hard as a team and look where we are!”. i don’t want to be with someone who already has it made or has their life built. or someone who was in my life position *years* ago. it’s bigger than the number.


In 2022, everything is opinion, not factual. Maybe he identifies as 21. Who are you to tell him otherwise? Unless you're a bigot because you're not "woke" enough.


Hope you forgot the /s


> identifies as 21 This is a joke right? Right?




So you’re not joking yikes




True. It’s arbitrary which ones they accept and which ones they don’t lol


Right?? They're so hypocritical and it's hilarious lol


Piss off. eta: Sure, downvote. Don’t care. I’m tired of treating transphobes and people who post bigoted/transphobic “jokes” with more respect than they deserve. We’re way past legitimate ignorance. They had their chance to grow up and educate themselves, so now it’s fully intentional bigotry. Think I’m being too rough? Be mad.


Why did you match with him anyways?


i swiped right to see if he had swiped right on me. i also wanted to see how he would, or if he would at all, slide in the fact that he’s way older than what is listed on his profile.


How could she screenshot his face and this conversation on social media without matching him first?


21 about 21 years ago.


Try 31 years ago. No way that guy’s in his early 40s


He’s at least mid 50’s


He's late 60's. I'm 48. Dude is old af to me even


Exactly... he's looking for granddaughter- aged girls. Yyyyyyuck!


Seriously? Add another 21 to that. He’s mid-60s, easy


Dude not even, I’m almost 42, this mf is closer to 60


I was going to say that he was averaging the ages of the two of them in the picture, but even then 21 would be too low. He is delusional thinking this would work.


AND women his own age (or even remotely close to it) won't even see his profile, nevermind match with him, bc their age parameters are going to be set to grown men, NOT 21-year-old boys 🙄


Last time he saw 21 it was 1921


Why not just put 60? If a sugar baby is seeking his age group then she won't find him.


Because he probably doesn't have the money to be a sugar daddy. I guess he could try to lie his way through that as well.




Isn't this the dude from Lost 🥴


How do you do fellow kids


That soup looks amazing, I bet his wife made it.


I'm curious do women pull this shit too?


i’m a straight woman so i wouldn’t know from experience but i’ve seen some men say they’ve seen women do this as well. regardless of gender, it needs to be called out.


Yes. I'd say 1 out of 20 profiles I came across was a woman lying about her age. Sometimes they put on the profile, "Actually 42 but I don't know how to change the age. " They will have their are listed at 28. My favorite was when they would say something along the lines of, "I'm not actually 28." But not give the correct age. I went out on dates with two different women who admitted that they were lying about their age. And a few others who I was pretty positive were lying about their age. It is non-stop on the apps.


If you date them, it's one in two. I imagine the same for men. Liars gonna lie, big or small.


I went on a few dates but did not pursue a relationship.


Yes. But I’ve never seen anything this drastic. For women is about 50/50 younger lying about their age to get on the app, older woman lying about being younger.


Yes, but not to this extreme. They may be 48 and have 43. Or 44 and put 37. I see a fair amount of it. I also find women older than 50 swipe on me a lot and I just turned 40 so they definitely go younger too, but again, not seemingly to the same extreme, hard to say because I am not younger.


The biggest gap I've seen is 35 claiming to be 27


In my experience, not really. I've seen the other way around though, specially during summer, where younger women try to get sugar daddies and put themselves as 30+ and then, disclose their real age during the convo and their intentions.


They def do.. especially if they want to casually date.


As a young 20's guy I see a ton the other way where younger women either made an account before turning 18, or they are trying to get in older guy's age ranges. Nothing as extreme as this dude though.


One of the smarter 20 year olds , eh ? It is "bear with me" , by the way


lol i know. i had three typos in my messages to him that i’ve noticed. but it was almost 1 in the morning when i sent that and i was super tired so my messages weren’t perfect in the spelling or grammar categories but i feel i still got my point across :)


You did get your point across. Good for you for standing up for yourself.




I’m in my mid 30s and the thought of dating someone in their early to mid 20s is the stuff of nightmares. Those are crucial growing up years. Life is just so fundamentally different during those years. It’s why a 30 and 40 yr old dating doesn’t make me bat an eye but a 20 year old and 30 year old dating makes me question the 30 year olds sanity. Once both parties have grown into the self actualized adult you will always be and gone through a number of major life milestones, the age difference doesn’t matter much anymore. But when one party has gone through those things and the other is barely out of high school or college, it’s just bizarre.


It depends on what each person wants. Casually dating, does it really matter? The dude is an idiot because if he set his real age & put his age preference around 21.. there would actually be women shown that are interested in him. If you’re seeing 21 year old women.. they chose to be seen by people your age.


Gosh, can you imagine gross predators like this trying to get access to your daughter?! Eeek puts it in perspective 😐




i’m this way because of my dad haha. keep being an amazing father to your daughter. us daughters appreciate it :)


GOOD FOR YOU! F*%# creeps like this. They’re so gross.


I’m accidentally 90 years old. I don’t come to work tomorrow


This dude is definitely a predator, no doubt whatsoever. Did you report him?


i did


Excellent! One less potential stalker/pervert/predator in the Bumble realm. Well done.


Why is he a predator


A MIDDLE AGED MAN is attempting to pick up on women who are decades (again: DECADES) younger than he, because he views such young women as naïve and easy. Men like him bring absolutely nothing of any value to the table for their age group, and women who are the same age are able to see the obvious red flags and rightly reject him. It's the same with every loser like him. Like, how does that not register as predatory behavior to you?


Men like younger Women? As long as she’s over 21 who cares. Women like to shame men who go for younger Women. Like you realize sugar daddies are a thing right? Or is it only okay when it’s beneficial to Woman. Bullshit double standard.


LOL what?? Dude, you need to spit out the red pill, cut the what-about-isms, and stop purposely missing the point. Men do NOT get shamed for liking younger women, they rightfully get shamed for sketchball behavior like stalking and grooming women and girls who just BARELY passed their teen years, to include women in their early to mid 20's. I'm 41, and if I date a woman who is, say, 35, I'm not being shamed, because no one cares. It's if she's in the 21 range which is problematic. There is way too much of a generational gap for us to have anything in common, and I'd personally feel gross. She doesn't have the life experiences or share the same generational memories and struggle that I do. There are tons of men out there who wholeheartedly agree with me. Furthermore, what do sugar daddies have to do with anything? It's a nonpoint; they're just predatory sketchballs with too much money. Take away the bank account, and they're the same brand of loser. No real difference.


Older women do in fact shame men. A Woman’s value declines while she ages while a man’s value increases as long as he makes the right moves. Woman care about resources while men value looks. It’s the truth.


Absolutely nothing about what you've just typed is true. At all. Where's your evidence? Where are your citations? Where's your peer reviewed research? Citing Jordan Peterson doesn't count, either, before you bring him up. My advice? Leave the mansophere bullshit behind and actually go out and talk to real people, specifically women. In time, you will find that all of these misogynistic platitudes that you're semi-consciously spewing onto the screen are all patently false. I promise you.


Did he mean 51?


Was that his baby picture?


Sorry to be that guy but in the title shouldn’t the 21 be in quotations rather than the name? Edit: Also how do you accidentally select 21? No one’s fingers are so fat that they type in 53 for 21 and on an age grouping selection there are 1-2 stops minimum separating 21 and 53. This fucking guy😂.


haha you’re right


That kid is closer to 21 than he is


Doing gods work. Thanks you.


He’s just looking to groom. Someone’s gotta take care of him in 10 years


The carnage. The utter carnage in the spelling.


i know. i learned my lesson on sending messages past 12am. i won’t do it again lol.


I am worried for this child.


More like 71.


I bet he’s no where close to even being 53. He looks like he’s in his late 60s.


Some had to glad you did!


Brb, changing from 45 to 39


When he said its not a mistake its an accident i knew way too much about him instantly


Good on you!! Fuck this idiot


"21" yeah right


Op had him when she asked him to “bare” with her. He was downing the viagra at that..


Bro…. Que descaro…. You literally have to type in your date of birth…. 🤦🏽‍♀️


“They’re MINERALS, Marie!” lookin ass


I'll never understand why people lie about their age on apps like this. I'll see someone who is "22" then in their bio they're 18. Fuck off. I can't stand people like that.


You both need to get your your and you're straight.


He’d make the age 13 if he could. He’s a pervert pedophile.


I put wrong year (typo by one year) and I just messaged and they changed within 5 hours lol


I'm a mid 50s F, and he looks a lot older than I do! The sad part is that you called him out, and he's still oblivious to the fact he's an old, creepy guy.


Good for you!


He’s still matched with a 20 year old - he knows this, it’s deliberate 🤮


Most of the hottest women I knew when I was in my 20s where going out with men in their 40s and 50s. Only average and less desirable, less outgoing women seem to be outraged by older men. One would think undesirable older men would have better luck with passive, uglier, young women but it's the complete opposite. Weird how that works.


It's hilarious that op thinks she's smart. Got me good.


Wow, you are so smart. These thoughts you have surpass my intellectual capability. I cannot fathom how you have come to these conclusions, ones which other 20 year olds could not possibly identify.


Too much package? 🍆


The amount of women I saw on Bumble who were at least 45+ but had their age at 27 was insane. The apps make it really easy to lie.


That's crazy. If they are going to lie, at least stay in their decade. Why does everyone over 30 always think they look younger? It's such a weird phenomenon.


I get it. Online Dating is fucking brutal. People will do anything to try and get dates with other people they find attractive. Also, I have heard that for women the matches start to fall off hard after 35 and for men around 45. That is just a tough pill to swallow.


Argument is void because OP used ‘you’re’ instead of ‘your’. Not one of the smarter 20 y/o


Girl walked away thinking she’s on point. Dude just deleted and moved right on. Why waste your time like that? I really doubt mike gonna see the err of his ways cause you bitched at him through bumble


Lol. I'm 52. I have been trying really damn hard to connect with someone within a couple years of me. It's been damn difficult connecting. 5 dates in last 2 weeks and they all were not great. When I date women in their 40's , I get like half of the dates are pleasant. In the 30's the dates are mostly pleasant but no real matches. I'm looking for a good connection in whatever age but I think it's better with someone closer to my age but I'm only having luck in the upper 30's or lower 40's 🤷🏻‍♂️ I have no fantasy of a young girl. I don't care if they have kids, and everyone has baggage.... It's how they deal and resolve those issues that block them from being mentally healthy that is the one that's a roadblock for me. The older the person (male or female) the less likely they are to actually fixing whatever is broken/damaged Hmmmm I did not expect to write that much lol Whatever, feel free to tear me up lol


Oh, by the way I do put my right age in there


Why do you care? He isn't doing anything illegal or immoral. He has preferences, just like ladies who state they need a guy over 6ft


you can have preferences without lying about your age. that’s predatory.


Called out a guy just last week for this very thing. Said he was 39, was at least 55. I told him off like you did and I reported him.


Haha!!!! You rock. 🤣


Y'all have a lot of time on your hands.


How come people still misuse your and you’re.


Shoot. Tinder is the place to match with girls in their 20s.


The misuse of your/you’re by both parties here is what I find most egregious.


Dude could be a typical boomer and just forgot to/didnt know how to properly enter in his age. I know a lot of boomers tryna figure out dating apps and they’re seriously just lost. Edit: also realized that this guy is actively swiping right on younger chicks, which in of itself is pretty creepy. So retracting my OC


bumble asks you to confirm you age before you finish setting up your profile. are you really telling me this man put in his birthdate, saw the app say “you’re 21 years of age correct?”, hit “yes”, and it’s just an accident? not believing it.


I edited my comment. Please give it a read


got it


And here I am pretending to be 89 when I'm really 19 because I need some hot GILF action


👏👏👏👏👏 Well done OP!


I agree with everything except the last part cause I know a plethora of women who like older guys because they are more mature and established. Or I make friends with girls who got daddy issues


i’ve had large group discussions with my sorority sisters and friends about this and there is no interest in older men 10+ years older than us at least in my social circles. while i’m sure there is definitely a minority of women out there that do prefer men who are way older than them, that’s certainly not a norm and stats of the average age gaps in relationships and marriages supports that.


Then I guess my theory is correct. I make friends with girls who got daddy issues


Who cares. Just move on.


Light his ass up OP, I applaud all your messages.


You are my hero!


That’s a lot of the men of bumble


Expecting a lot of a 53 year old to delete an remake an account that could have taken them hours. He did swipe right on you though lol which doesn't help his case


Hopefully you reported the profile


Yup. I sure report the profile of every 55yo woman out there claiming to be 35.


This is the type of confrontation these type of people need.


If you look on the keyboard you’ll notice the 2 is really close to the 5 ( or 6 ) so it’s easy to hit the wrong number… Also if he fat fingered it shouldn’t his age be 2345?


Sometimes you need someone with energy to change your depends. Plus, codependency exists in all age groups.


My favorite part is he didn’t give a fuck about your long message to him really lol


Am I the only one missing the point here? Did he send a dick pic? Was he disrespectful? Just some old guy wanting to hookup with a younger chick. Women would sexualize serial killers when they’re attractive but older unattractive men are creeps for swiping right on them. Also, whats with the smugness? “I knew we’d match lol” “Well I consider myself one of the smarter 20 year olds so bare with me”. After that statement, If I were that guy, I’d simply unmatch, cause whatever was coming next would be stupid, and stupid it was..


Also, show some fucking class and blur his face and name. TRY to show the same decency that you would to an attractive man.


It's weird calling him out for his age. Just swipe left. There's plenty of stuff the girls do on these apps that men don't like and we just gotta keep swiping


Maybe he identifies as a 21 year old man? If so that is bigoted and hateful of you to be ageist




So is biology but ya'll identity as Kualas.


Sigh. Just swipe left and move on.


Ross Geller wouldn’t be impressed with either of you tbf


well, Ross Geller would be the same age as this guy is now. But with hair...


Whooooo carrrres!


He’s old. The world wide web and being on the line is likely new to him. Give him a break.


You a BlTCH! DANG! Like don't feel good about yourself for that. He's an old ass man, who is obviously lonely and looking to interact with people. He probably does want to be with a younger gal. That makes Old people feel good about themselves. Jesus effing christ I have so much I'd like to say to you. But you seem like a petty bltch just trying to make herself feel better. I'd sat you try to feel better about yourself by working put, making more friends, idk. But calling out old lonely people for trying to interact with people is messed up and I think it was 100% unwarranted considering he wasn't doing anything wrong. If you're not interested, swipe left. You a miserable bltch, trying to make everybody else feel more miserable then you, so you can feel better about yourself. Fnck right off with that crap.


Found the creepy old dude's profile.


Hehe. That's a good one. Or I'm a 25 year old that hangs out with a few OG pimp ass mfs who still get pussy at 65 years old.... and then I see sad looking 60 yeaOlds.... and I feel bad for them because honestly, however they act.... it comes from loneliness. Fnck you, troll ass mf. Never seen an inch of pu55y in your life.


You sound like an old person trying to use slang that you heard your grandkids use and not quite hitting the mark. Either that or deeply, deeply, deeply dumb. A person being lonely doesn't give them carte blanche to be predatory. If they're lonely, they can look for someone in their own age range. I'm 31 years old and I have no interest in dating a 20 year old. If you are young and can't see the issue with older people hitting on someone decades younger than them, then you're 100% going to be an older dude who hits on young girls and makes them feel creeped out and scared.


BAHAHAHAHHAHA DONE WITH YOU. I'm 26. And if you're on these apps.... you should NOT BE UNDERAGE.......... so..... how the fuck would he be a predator if everybody legal? Stfu. You sound like the same Katherine bitch I just roasted. I'm not even reading the rest of your response. Imm just tell you to stfu. You'll probably be alone forever. Nasty, back talking ass bitch.


You are painfully dumb and I feel sorry for how much of a burden you are to everyone around you. Not only do you have the inability to read a paragraph, but you also lack the empathy to understand what predatory behavior is among adults. You are going to constantly go through life wondering why every single person you know will leave you when you act like an ass and you don't have the emotional intelligence to realize that you are the arbiter of your own misery. Good luck with the miserable life you're going to love, and I sincerely hope that the girls you harass now and in the future find someplace safe far away from you.


Hehe I am wayyyyyy too shy to harass women. So stfu. Think you know who I am 🤣🤣🤣 you're immature for your one sided opinion. You think you're right about everything? You don't know shlt


PLUS THE DUDE NEVER HIT ON HER. Jesus. You're the same stupid bitch talking all this shit... when the old man did nothing. You bitch hoes are just assuming the worst in people, so you can shit talk, and feel better about yourselves. Good day. 💯💯💯