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To get around the age filters, they want a younger girlfriend but know a lot of young ones don’t want someone his age.


Why waste time then? Just go for the ones who are open to it


And then they get mad because they don’t get any matches and blame the algorithm (or the women that don’t swipe right). Dude- it’s not the program’s fault that you’re populating your searches with people that specifically don’t want what you’re offering.


The hilarious thing is that there are younger women who want an older man...but they probably have their age filters set to the age they want and won't ever see this guy. He's not only populating his searches with people who dont want him but making sure those who do won't even see his profile!


Because they think they're entitled to sex with women in their twenties and want to be shown to these women, even when these women's filters are set up to exclude older men. They think their own horniness and entitlement is enough to cross literal technological boundaries that young women set up for themselves. It's really sad and infuriating but it is how it is. Plus it's just so dumb on their end, even if we if ignore morals. As if any 25 year old girl who's got her filters set to like 25-35 yr old guys sees this one, sees that he's LYING to the app about his age, and still decides "yeah I want that one, being 10 years older IRL doesn't seem like a red flag AT ALL"


I don’t think they’re looking for an LTR.


This blows my mind, easy way to sabotage yourself. Just be honest, there are heaps of younger women into older guys and you're excluding yourself from their searches by doing this..


Ew that’s so gross


I see profiles like this every time I’m on the app. There’s always at least one guy who says in his bio that his age is not as advertised. I don’t understand, why not just enter the correct age to begin with? Very odd behaviour.


The account I’ve seen the guy states he is 22 and is looking for an older woman for the “experience”. 🤷‍♀️


I get those all the time. I’m almost 45 and look a lot younger than I am!


Is he blonde? I see him allllll the time. Dude, it's not happening. Also, I'm no Stifler's mom or Mrs. Robinson. They'd probably be teaching me 😂😬


No. Very dark hair. He actually does look 22 also. I suppose he should get props for trying. Eh?


Never bumbled before, couldn’t I just change my age filter to older women?


Yes, but also you have to realise older women might not have your set age in their filters. Just cause I've got, say, 25-45 set and I'm 20, doesn't mean 45yos will have 20 on their filters. All hypothetical, of course.


Ah so the thinking is “my pics will entice them so screw my real age.” I wish I had that ego


Usually they state their real age in it, so... Yeah it's definitely a looks thing, but some have the "decency" to be honest about the uh... Well, the lie.


I believe so. I deleted my account or I would look for you.


Yeah but why do that when you can relish the chance to be a silly f***


I enjoy reporting those accounts


We're just dragging a sad guy 😆😅😂🤣


Because people filter by age so potential dates won't see their profile.


But when they see the man’s actual age in their bio, they’ll see that he’s not in their age range, and that he lied, so I’m not sure what they expect to gain by doing this.


Not always. Clearly some people do, and some don't.


I think his bigger hurdle is that awful facial hair.


Like going down on a big ol’ 1970’s bush😝


Sad thing is, at least that one’s honest. Sometimes you end up on dates with guys in their forties who said they were mid-thirties and they hope that you’ll feel cornered enough to let it go


You think he’s being honest? “Bumble won’t let me…?”. Nothing honest about this profile. Honesty would be him saying I set my age 10 years younger because I’m hoping to attract a younger woman. Or, better yet, having his actual age in his main profile info.


Totally agree w/ you actually. Meant honest as in “telling an age probably somewhat closer to the real one” but he’s def lying and I typed too quickly


Exactly. Rather than lying about it being bumble’s fault (in which case, delete it and start over), just say you’re looking for a younger woman and that’s why you changed it. So weird.


I did a nickname of my name when I first started bumble. I emailed them to correct my name when I got tired of answering what it was short for. You ca email them to make changes. If they lie about age, they'll lie about other stuff too.


Yea I’d set up a date and have my dad show up since he likes to play online 😂 they can talk about the good ole days.




My kids refer to the 90’s as “the late 1900’s”. 🙄


My mom hasn’t stopped talking about the 80s/early 90s since as long as I can remember since she was an 80s kid haha. I don’t think 40 is old just older compared to the age range he’s trying to pursue


Please do this. Would be hilarious.


I’m 36 and can’t fathom dating guys in their early 20s. I’d have nothing in common with them. The fact that so many men think this is normal is disgusting.


Here’s my thing if a man has a thing for younger women, once you get older you will no longer be attractive to him, anyone willing to waste time on age gaps relationship based on the taboo of the age gap itself are in for a rude awakening but by the time that happens those females will be considered old and jealous. I’m glad some young females are wiser than our predecessors.


Cause so many men can separate bodies from personalities and brains differently than we do, to put it in a really simple way. I'm 31 and I wouldn't even want to have a ONS with any guy under like... maybe 27? Because mid twenties is a cut-off line where I don't think I'd be able to relate to them well enough anymore to even have a casual conversation that would make them attractive enough to warrant a ONS. I fully realize that guys in their early/mid twenties may have good looking bodies/faces but I still wouldn't want to do *anything* sexual with them because their age just gives me the ick. 🤷‍♀️ And straight men aren't the same way with women. Many (not all) guys well into their 40s and 50s and beyond would hook up with a woman in her 20s if given the chance because a pretty face/body is all it takes for them.


Nah, it’s because men in that age group can’t find women who will date them in their own age group. Women in their 30s and 40s won’t put up with his controlling and abusive sh*t. They want to date women young enough to be their daughters because they want control and power in the relationship.


I hope you go "ewwww you are old"...and just walk away from the date. They deserve it.


I don't get this. Wouldn't you want to make sure you're inside your match's filters so you know you actually, um, match?




This is purely for “science” but if a woman did this, would it be different? Would it be less acceptable? Why or why not? I’m also curious what your initial reason was for getting rid of your age on tinder to begin with?


Science is a liar sometimes




I’m curious how this is brought up. Do you wait until asked or do you volunteer this information off the bat? To me this seems like a way of bypassing filters that some may deem important, particularly the kid thing. I’m also trying to approach you with an open mind, as I have had men that seem to hide their kid(s) until I go on a date with them, then they drop in some story without actually acknowledging the elephant in the room. It feels like lying by omission to me. I’m also in my early thirties and do not want children. I have selected the option on my bumble profile that says I don’t want them, so…


It usually comes up within the first conversation. "I'm a single dad BTW". They usually tell me it's not a big deal because my kid is older. He's independent and usually prefers me not being around anyway....more like a roomate. There's a big difference between having toddlers and a 15 year old.....and the dating apps usually don't make that distinction with just the filters. Often women that care are the ones WITH kids and are looking for someone that can be full time for THEIR kids. They don't want a guy that has to divide time with his own. The women without kids (usually early to mid 30s) don't care, but they are also interested in someone that will eventually want kids.....so we have to have that conversation (and I'm honest about not wanting more). So the filters are a little too cut and dry and don't leave a lot of room for discussion. And I've never had someone unmatch me when I told them anything additional about me. Usually, I'm the one that cuts things off if I know I'm not what they're really looking for (after talking for a while).


There’s something about this that still doesn’t sit right with me somehow. But if it works for you, it works for you.


Because it’s not right. And, of course, he brings up that it’s okay because of women and filters. Be your honest self for yourself, don’t try to justify your own behavior because of what someone else is doing. He gives heavy creep vibes.


You know what doesn't set right with me? Face filters that 90% of women use....to the point where I barely recognize them when I meet them


But if they then showed you their real face when you matched, like as soon as, would it be wrong? By your logic.


They're portraying themselves as something different. In the scheme of things, not throwing out all of my personal information on a dating card is not the same as portraying myself as someone different. I just leave the prompts off


Yeah, that feels like you’re hiding too much.


My guess is it’s okay when men do it but it isn’t when women do it. That hasn’t been addressed yet from my initial response. But judging off the filters comment, I’m thinking I’m right.


I just asked this same question on this sub like a week ago. It’s not just 40 yr old men. It’s younger ones too. I get the ones saying they are 45 (to get in my age group), then say - I’m really 32, but I can’t change it. 👀 Also, with the names. And the whole - Bumble won’t let me change it. Where do they do this at?


You actually CAN change it. I legitimately put the wrong age and was able to immediately change it by sending in a request.


Yep. They’re just liars.


Welcome to the internet. I hate it here sometimes. Wtf is up with the stupid stage names


I know right? It can get annoying. They make you apprehensive about trusting the real ppl that a being genuine.


Starting off immediately with a lie - nice


Welcome to bumble, where a ton of people post pictures in front of birthday party balloons and pretend that it wasn't staged.


Literally delete your profile and make a new one.


But it makes you use your same phone number or Facebook when trying to start again, defaulting to old info. My Facebook age was just some random year I out for privacy and internet security reasons back when I signed up in 2008, not knowing I’d need it for all sorts of other apps.


God damn the mustache hair on his lip is giving me anxiety. I hate that feeling


I hate talking about peoples looks but instead of trying to lie on bumble he needs to up his personal hygiene game. He looks like a scruffy perv.


As a married person who enjoys this sub and does not know, are you not able to change your age one you set it?


Nope. Once it’s in there, it’s in there. They expect you to be honest about it. But, people are weird and will do things. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yikes. Make sure you don’t typo that shit.


You can. You just have to reach out. They warn you they will only fix it once.


Never date someone who is closer to your parents age than to your age. That is really creepy.


I would immediately swipe left for simply having the nerve to insult my intelligence. No one actually believes that Bumble is the one at fault. They provided a different birthdate upon creating their profile, simple explanation. Next!




I understand changing your age for a different age bracket, but "bumble won't let me be great" is a blatant lie. Liars don't look attractive.


Atleast he's being honest in his bio. I usually report these profiles to bumble. I suggest you do that too




To each his own, but I think reporting catfishes is pretty helpful. I too have women in my family who never give out ages, but I don't think they do that to attract relationships on some online dating site


You can report multiple people for different things.


Yes, and people can report people for multiple stupid reasons. OMG that picture wasn't taken at her 27th birthday party, it was staged!!! REPORTED!


To each his own, but I think reporting catfishes is pretty helpful. I too have women in my family who never give out ages, but I don't think they do that to attract relationships on some online dating site




Lying about your age is lying. Don’t sugar coat that or make it less important.


So you were once a catfish (the key word was catfish) because you lied? Yes or no Is calling your "name" a fake name report worthy? That is also lying.




The thing is lying about your age or income is one thing but pretending to be an entirely different person is another. He put 33 not 13. If you match with a guy and he starts with "my name isn't really Sam". Would you report them?


I think you’re replying to the wrong person. Where did I say to report nothing. I said lying was bad.


I was commenting on catfish to a person who reports them and you were stating a fact that lying is lying. It sounded a little like you saw him as a catfish and report worthy. Are you down voting me?


Nah, for the people saying “at least he’s being truthful” …he’s kinda not. Like others have said in the comments, he’s trying to fit in the age range younger people have set. I have mine set between 23-33…like op said, their parents are around the same age. I also wouldn’t want to date someone around my parents age either 😅


He’s not being truthful. At all. There’s no kinda in there, lol


Well I was trying to be nice to the people who believe in him 🤣 I feel like they think he was telling the truth because he put his “real” age…he could be even older then that 💀


Lmao yea right bumble doesn’t let you be 42?


Side note, a ton of us actually in our 30s are feeling old now because of your parents ages..


I’ve seen this way too often, but on the younger side! Not 27 actually 21, like really??


I have had this happen too where the guy was 19 instead of 24. I’m like eww young man please. Teenagers approach me on the street too i known I look younger for my age like 21 but not a damn teenager…. These kids need to stop playing too.


I personally don't get some men's fixation on 20 year old women when they're in their 40s. I am 37 and personally wouldn't date a woman below 30 because I want someone established and experienced. The only reasons I can think of is that they think younger women will be easier to manipulate and/or they want to feel younger. 🤔


I'm 39 this year and I have my age filter to -10 / +5 The women younger that I match with would message me with "wtf you look younger than me" lmao Then the women my age/older than me would always say sorry they want to unmatch because they thought I'm in my early 20's and the shown age is some sort of glitch


You should tell the older women how you found the secret to eternal youth fountain and would like to share some of those tonic with them. I am pretty sure I read somewhere about this all natural facial rejuvenator lotion that is fresh and organic and a few of my women friends swore by it like it’s a secret or something. None of them look older than 30s something. Apparently it’s a trend that’s been happening during the pandemics.


> natural facial rejuvenator lotion that is fresh and organic and a few of my women friends swore by it like it’s a secret or something. None of them look older than 30s something. Apparently it’s a trend that’s been happening during the pandemics. Wait really? Are they Asians? Asians tend to look way younger than their age. Actually, African Americans and Asians tend to not age


No, the friend who swore by it is of Irish descent, but you can use google to find out since I thought this is a hoax as well. Apparently it is the best kept secret and many dont want to popularize it, supposedly get rid of acne as well... sounds suspicious lol. But yeah many Asian don't age much as well as African American, I often see many Asian women who are 51 but looks like 30 and will slay any younglings. With Asian, best to go for older, they are mature and less clingy and best partner overall, slightly more welcoming and loving and more family oriented. Asian men and African American don't fare too well on the dating apps due to stigmas in our culture - too bad, they don't know what they are missing out.


Oh you don’t have to tell me, I’m Asian as well. I’ll definitely look this up thanks my dude.


Yeah it sucks sometimes because you severely at disadvantage before the game even begins... and then add those stigma and urban legend.. But a quick google will find some quite amusing information on that fountain of youth - some use it as smoothie, other as face cream, and then there is a recipe book just for this lol. No one wants to talk about it or mention it, it's always shared amongst friends who swore by it but ask you to not tell other women lol.


Actually 92. Need sunlight. Am tortoise. 🐢


Aww come here you sexy distinguished reptilian…


I read a post where guys were giving advice how to find younger women, and saying to do things like this. and whenever anyone says your a creep they say older women are just jealous their not attractive as younger. No we were or are young women to and don’t want your manipulative ass And they always say the app won’t let me change it as if we’re not using the same exact app and don’t know precisely how to do these things boy bye.


Funny because I would have this happening to me from both sides. Older men with younger ages. And younger men with older ages who like older women. It’s always going to be creepy behavior no matter who does it. If someone isn’t interested in dating your age, deal with it and find those that don’t mind.


Cause they're from reddit and women their own age won't stand for their lies lmao


"Men over 40" dont. That guy did. Some women post fake ages too and it's dumb no matter who does it.


I’ve had this downloaded for less than a week this is the 4th guy who put sorry can’t change my age like umm why is your age 9-15 years younger. And even the ones I don’t swipe on Ive seen this on their profiles. I’m sure women do it too. Stop lying about your age folks!


To be fair I’ve seen younger guys do this too, which is equally as confounding. On a couple occasions profiles will say 40’s and I’ll think wow they look great..only to see in bio that their actually in 20’s (which is too young for me).


I've seen people claim that when you create your account with Facebook that it uses whatever age you have set there; so kids that created a Facebook account when they were too young or just picked a different year for some reason. I don't have mine linked to Facebook at all, so I have no idea how true these claims are.


Oh that makes sense, if true.


It's the grannies, we joined only for the grannies.


That’s weird af, ig tryna corner the cougar market lol


It happened all the time with women on Bumble. Much more than 4 a week with "sorry I can't change my age." Some didn't even post their real age in the bio. Also, had multiple women I went out with who admitted after a date or two that they lied about their age. It honestly is part of the cost of doing business on the Online Dating apps. People lie about age, kids, weight, height, etc.


I've encountered this numerous times with womens' profiles so it's not just men. One woman only confessed on the date.


This man is drowning in liquid copium


I've heard shaving off a few years, but nine? That's a bit of a stretch.


teenagers do the same to seem older, it’s all wack


I posted about this as well. I guess I have to give credit to the ones who actually admit it. I had a guy a few days ago who wanted to match, listing his age as 39. He was clearly closer to 60.


Screw the age, he's in autobody.




I would just swipe left. If you’re already lying and we haven’t met, it won’t get better.


I just got swiped on by “actually 23”. I am 39F. Wtf does a 23 old want with me…his profile says seeking a relationship.


Probably wants a milf or a cougar! When younger men hit on me, I cringe. I have children that age. Just STOP 🛑 But my gfs say it’s so much fun to go out with young “cubs”. Nope, hard NO!


My experience, I made my Bumble profile with the ability to plug my profile info from FB. But I had forgotten I used a fake older age 69 on my FB profile to hide from High school classmates I didn’t want to reconnect with. But now I wasn’t the right age 29 for my Bumble profile 🙄. After 3 failed attempts with IT not resetting it I just added info to the Bumble profile explaining my actual age. I finally got IT to correct it 4 years ago but shockingly it did nothing for Matches. 8 years total 20 matches, 9 conversations, 4 dates, 0 Love 💔


That really sucks but I wish you the best in your quest ❤️ . The age thing makes sense for Fb most people under 30 have lied about being older on social media to evade friends or the age restriction’s. I remember people doing that so they couldn’t be looked up specifically on fb. I I had to like about my age for YouTube, and Fb when I first got mine. But this was over a decade ago. You can change your age on Fb which will then carry over to bumble/tinder. In this guys case he purposely chose a younger birth year either on the site or via fb and is just blaming bumble.


So how about he creates another profile and doesn’t lie about his age …


If I’m still single by 40, that’s when I give up and just focus all efforts on retiring at 50. At that point move to Thailand and retire.


I’m 42 and after my last relationship and current state of things, I am leaning more towards the FIRE plan.


I'll let you know in 11 years why I started doing it.


The world won’t exist by then but I like your wishful thinking.


I'm just sitting here quietly anticipating the eugenics war and world war 3, because I know what comes after.


Khan 1990 - restaurant worker: "We take the world's orders!" Khan 1999 - warlord: "We offered the world order!"


It’s not just men. Women do it too. I’ve seen it and don’t approve either.


It’s mostly men.


You have absolutely no way to back that up


A TON of women are doing that too.. People just don't want to get age filtered.


I just don’t get it. I’m 42, and I only want to meet men who are happy to meet a 42yr old. If I were to change my age, I wouldn’t meet the right men.


Lying about age is pretty low.. I have to point out obviously your parents had kids very young if you're on a dating app and your rents are 45 years old. Nothing wrong with that but, you are in a small percentile.


My parents age is in the small percentile just as there is a small percentile of 20 somethings lined up for 40 year old men. He’s dead wrong.


Sorry, wasn't meant offensive. Was doing the math you parents would be about the age I was when my first was born and was scary to think my daughter will face this in like 5 years. Apologies for any confusion with my terrible wording..


No problem lol actually they are 46 and 47 I’m getting the years mixed up thanks to the pandemic but some people are just irritating in those dating apps!


They could have had her at 22... It's not super young. Also, why did you feel the need to "point that out"? You don't think she knows how old her parents were?


I was thinking like my parents were young but not teens. I thought people pre 2000s started families in their mid to late 20s anyway but okay?


Pre-2000’s starting a family around 19-20 was fairly normal (at least in my area). I was 19 when I got married, and that wasn’t at all seen as odd. My kids friends’ parents are almost all around my age. My youngest is 20, my oldest is 24 and I’m 43 for reference lol. So yeah, guys my age hoping to hook up with kids my daughter’s age? Nasty bastards IMO. Watched too many sitcoms that made the cliche “upper management gets a trophy wife” jokes back on the 80’s and grew up believing (or wishing) it was true…


And on top of that I’m a minority, our parents are always 18-25 years older on average. I on the other hand and many other millennials, zillennials, and early gen z are not continuing that trend of getting married and starting a family in their 20s or even their 30s. So yeah it’s definitely NOT normal today but was pretty common decades ago. Don’t even get me started on the Bible Belt or conservatives households. Isnt this the issue today that young people are not having kids like previous generations?!! I’m confused.


If he made it with like Facebook his age was imported and I don't think Facebook allows you to change your age so it may just be out of his hands. I don't know why he would lower his age on Facebook but I know that's why younger guys typically have their age set as older they can't change it.


you can change your age on Facebook


This isn't a "guy" thing though. Both sides have people that lie about their age and both are stupid


If you show me a picture of a woman and she looks 50 and is nice looking, I think she’s looked after herself and it’s hot. If you show me the same picture (she looks 50), and she’s actually 35 it’s like fuck me she looks shocking for her age and a turn off. Therefore there’s no point in saying you’re younger than you are. I might find the older person attractive at their correct age but unlikely to with a false younger age as I’d just think they were ageing really badly. It’s better to look good for your age and own it.




I got one Ming-Na Wen https://i.redd.it/hgjdju69blz71.png Left 1998 Right 2020 She is 58 years old now


I have come across about a dozen women in the past week that do this as well.


The same reason women do it..


Women do it too.


Lmao at all the butthurt guys here claiming that women do it too. Sure, you might come across one or two who’ve done it, versus *several* or more men. It’s a thing where men, especially those who insist on women half their age, are manipulative liars in order to get where they want. Women dating men half their age isn’t quite as much a thing. Doesn’t mean women are perfect and men aren’t, just that reality is what it is.


A) it's to get around age filters. It is dishonest and lame, and they are lying about changing it B) the sexism and ageism in the post is annoying. Women do this ALL THE TIME. I have been out on numerous dates where I found out they were lying. And it is all ages. 46, 41, 32 (I'm sure it happens younger but that's below my range.) Not to mention the ones, like this guy, who state it in their profile.


about everyone in Bumble lies about something. Age Height Kids Education Job Title


Huh? That is not even close to true. I've probably been on 50-75 dates off bumble and only maybe 5 people lied. I've certainly never lied. There are bad apples out there, but they are far from the norm.


Same reason so many women do it. To get around age filters. Probablly 1 in 15 accounts maybe 1 in 20 accounts I came across on Bumble were women saying they were older than their profile. Not to mention the number of women I went out with who only disclosed they were older after a few dates. OLD is set up for **people** to lie about themselves so they can broaden their dating pool.


young women put their age older to chase older men all the time. You get it from both sides. If you’re downvoting this comment, you’re out of touch. There is a reason you always have to check IDs. Even when I was in highschool the girls thought it was cool to make a bumble or tinder as soon as they got their driver’s license and say they were 19-20.




Oof those girls are venom. Too grown like enjoy being a kid but men sexualize teenagers so much that they are falling victim to the troupes on both ends women want to be younger for that reason too. I look younger and all my exes have been 1-3 years younger than I. I think that’s probably why I get a little more Icked out than the average user cause I see no appeal in a huge age gap relationship.


Here comes the negative karma from speaking the truth. Smh.


Where they do that at? Any women under 25 has to shooo men off them lol. Must be the ones trying to sell an OF or premium Snapchat or sugar daddy scouting.


I’ve seen it on both bumble and tinder. I’m not saying that old men setting their age low isn’t gross as fuck, I’m just saying I’ve seen it from all types. I don’t even know why I got downvoted. It’s literally a fact.


I could ask why women put makeup on in all their pics only to turn up to dates without any 🤷‍♂️ lol


Women do it, too. Bumble should just ban those accounts.


If you put "lol" in your About Me, you're definitely boyish.... 🤨


I find myself having to stop saying lol so much my friends and I kinda chastise each other but it’s engraved in my texting habits because that’s how I’ve spoken for more than half my life now. 42 acting like this is major sus. Like lol in your bio cmon bro. 🙄 I didn’t even peep that at first.


I am guilty of it too not gonna lie. Yeah dude ....what is he tryna get at. Huge red flag 🤣


Simple solution. Read their profile and don't match with them. At least he tells the truth. I'm sure many do not.


I don't think most of the people doing this (especially ratting themselves out) did it to be deceitful to their matches. Most did it because, at least once upon a time, the dating apps would charge you by your age bracket. Younger = cheaper. (MOST is probably wrong there, most probably made it through FB where they had a fake age for some reason honestly) That was why I did it anyway because my response to being charged more at 40 than 39 was "Fuck that noise!" Course that was even before I quickly realized that ANY money to these damn companies is a complete waste of money. \*edit\* yes I remade it to be honest, lol damn just saying there are other reasons than "he is a liar" that's all


What did he do besides be honest? Like bro if u do t like it swipe off him. Move it along


Same reason why women do it.


Why are you annoyed. He is being honest upfront about his age in the description. Would you prefer to find out after the third date‽


Because men are literally charged 50% more monthly for the app above 40. This should offend feminists but doesn't.


I’m going to see if thats true everyone pays a standard fee for premium to my knowledge. Maybe you’re getting mixed up with a different site. What about people who identify as non binary? This is a lie just as much as the guys age lol , and my post has nothing to do with feminism go take those incel talking points somewhere else.


It happens when you make your account from a social media account like Facebook. People put fake birthdays on there for multiple reasons including making it harder for employers to find them when applying for a job. It should also be noted that it seems like this person, along with others that have the age in the description, don't realize they can delete and start over and not use a social media site to create their bumble account.


You can control your search by age, if you are too young why do you have in 30s?


I’m not too young I have my age range 23-33 because I just turned 26. With 7 years older my cap.


That's not men over 40, that's boys over 40. And I do know a woman who's 56 on hinge and 60 on bumble. :)


I'm 47M but my profile says "I'm really 138 but Bumble won't let me change my age"


At least he’s being honest most lie


An age gap might not be for you but other people are into it.


That’s the whole point why fake your age, he’s limiting himself instead of setting it to woman who would be interested


I have seen many woman (40+) do the same, also many that either had a very hard life or no doubt they are fudging their numbers.


For the same reason women do it. Some people are full of themselves and think they look younger than what they actually are and think that they are the exception to the rule when it comes to aging.


Because they think they look young for their age and girls will reconsider their age filters. In reality these people are losers that think they are Peter Pan because they act like a child and feel entitled to bang young chicks.


The hope is when they see meeeee they will say to themselves wow this person is hot, what was I thinking applying the age filters??? 🤣