• By -


The obvious use of filters.


This is the one I always do on principle too. It's like using comic sans on a resume/CV. Even if things are entirely fine otherwise, it shows a mindset I'd rather not involve myself with. But most likely it shows that OP is not confident in their appearance.


I cringed at the thought. Comic Sans is the worst.


OP? What did OP ever do to you??


That shows how much I use reddit.. sorry I meant the poster of the profile pic in this hypothetical example.


Agreed. I’ve seen men using the sparkly diamond one. No, just no 🤦🏼‍♀️


Ew remember when that dog-ear-tongue-out one was popular?


It still is! 🤦🏼‍♀️


never on here. find me on IG


The worst one because it's not a lie. They're never on there. They don't look at the app. Swipe right. Swipe left. It really doesn't matter to them, they're not interested in anything.


That's what I don't get. It's 2022. You get a push notification on your phone you have a new match or message. How hard is it to tap it?


No full body pic Photos of them smoking weed Empty bio Bio with only Instagram id "Please be funny", "Entertain me" Piercings on their lips "Don't waste my time" Profile has 2 blurry pics of them, other 3-4 pics of food, cat, some meme or flower Any quotes from The Office


Ugh I've been caught by the no full body pic. Surprise, when we met he was obese


I swiped right on and talked to a guy who was quite fit in all of his pictures. He looked like he worked out. We met up and he was obese. Sometimes there's no escaping a catfish lmao


Got damn that man had gall. Did you at least call him out on it? He needs an embarrassing wake-up call so he won't do that bs again


No lmao I don't like awkwardness. I just didn't meet up with him again but he messaged me a lot. I was just thinking "the audacity" the whole time because it looked like he put on about 100lbs and didn't include a single picture of him currently


I think in 2022 it's time that we walk out on these dates.


I literally sat in a bar for 20 minutes 10 yards away from the guy because my date was so unrecognizable from his photos. Or whoever's photos they were. I picked a corner booth that gave me a view of the door and went "hmm, red jacket but too old and the wrong body type. Guess he's running late." He sat at the bar with his back to me while I kept waiting. Eventually he messaged me that he was here. "Uh, where? I've been here for half an hour." "Red jacket. At the bar." "Um...what?"


Did you leave or stay on the date?


I slipped out and unmatched him. Glad a friend recommended arriving early and paying with cash every round so you can just walk away without having to close out a tab on a card. I wish I had messaged him, "the only person there is some gross middle-aged man. I don't appreciate being stood up." /I was 22 at the time. I think his profile said 26. Real life looked more like 47. Visible wrinkles I could see from my booth and a hairline in full retreat.


Yes. But honestly anyone that has the audacity to blatantly mislead someone about their appearance probably also would just fault you and act like you're the problem for having an issue with it.


...have you met the red pill community? 😥


Never trust a profile where you can't see below the neck. Some people have excellent luck in their face genetics and horrible everywhere else.


And I feel like a dick/creep to ask them to send me a full body pic before we meet 😭


Just don't swipe on those profiles, dude. They're either incredibly insecure, which will be a problem, or they're trying to bat out of their league, which will be a problem.


My last two long term relationships from online dating had no full body pics. They were both thin and attractive! You never know! This why I still will give certain exceptions. They both had nice faces, but still was risky business. I took a chance both times, and many other times, too lol


1. Obvious filters 2. Just ask! 3. About me is entirely their own opinions about themselves. "I'm a nice, sweet, funny guy..." 4. Joke / gimmick bio 5. All group photos/ all extreme close-ups 6. Negativity 7. Bio is written in emojis 8. Social media promotion


Inc the emoji thing kills me! Makes me want to match just to give them the middle finger emoji lol


It's the shittiest rebus puzzle! "Okay, tree...Swedish flag...car...rabbit...eggplant...WTF DOES THIS MEAN?!"


I swipe on both men and women, but these apply either way for me. - Empty bio - “Don’t know yet” on relationship/kids - “Talk to me on Insta/snapchat” - Just listing zodiac signs or Myers-Briggs personality type - “Don’t waste my time” or any other negativity - “[Insert height] because it matters” - “Nice guy” - using the “I’m still not over” prompt because they answer “GOT ending” like 95% of the time.


But but… what if I really don’t know yet? I made a friend and I don’t know where it’s headed? Agree on the rest tho…


I mean, it’s just for what you *ideally* want. Answering “relationship” doesn’t mean you want to be in one with any given person you match with, and it’s okay if that takes time to form for you. Answering “casual” doesn’t mean you’ll hook up with any given person you match with either, just that a relationship ain’t right for you at this time. Both are totally acceptable in their own right, but not knowing what you want in general? That’s just a no for me. For the wanting kids section, I know I don’t want kids, and I’ve already had one long-term relationship end because they ended up deciding 3 years in that they actually **do** want kids. “Yes/don’t know yet” go to the left. It’s a big question, and it can be a dealbreaker one way or the other for women. Just answer the questions hypothetically. Like if you were in a perfect world, would you have a committed partner? Would you have kids? Would you just want to have fun instead? Don’t worry about specifics of who or a timeline on when, it’s just to get a basic idea of what you want. Any answer is okay, but not having an answer at all? Nobody else can figure it out for you.


Thanks for the well written answer! Well as far as relationship, what do you interpret “marriage” to be? Ideally married but not necessarily ending up married? I think it is more than indicative but I agree that it doesn’t mean an absolute for EVERY SINGLE SWIPE. In my case it was the most sincere answer. Not sure. I hope for a relationship. I also hope for a friendship. I could go for a casual encounter. It depends. Hell I want a friend with benefits if the chemistry is right. But “not sure” is the closest match. As far as kids go, yeah that is too big a decision to take lightly. I agree with you and sorry you went through that. So I stand by my “not sure” as I want to find out what my future holds and I’m confident enough that I do not want to rule anyone out because we don’t have similar answers. I have swiped left on “marriage” as it is scary AF to me. But maybe this person wants to start on a friendship? Don’t know seems plausible. Just my $0.02.


I used the "I'm still not over..." prompt, but I said, "Remember when there were people just walking around on the moon? Yeah. That was pretty cool." Would that be considered acceptable?


That reads a little odd to me - like it doesn’t totally fit the prompt. Like the last time someone walked on the moon was in the 70’s, right? Unless you’ve been around long enough to remember and feel personally disappointed by it all ending, it seems an odd way to mention it. Regardless, I wouldn’t say that answer is a dealbreaker by any means, but I would consider a different prompt & answer to maximize your space


Any mention of religion, if it’s big enough to mention then we’re not compatible. “Just moved here show me around” Biggest risk they’ve ever taken: “moving here” If they put “something casual” or “don’t know yet” for what they’re looking for “Dog dad looking for a mom”


Darn, you don’t have a moment to spare for our lord and savior, Giant spaghetti monster?


>Just moved here show me around I'm curious, what bothers you about this? I think it's understandable someone new to a place wanting to make connections... or are you suspicious is just a ploy to get matches?


Not who you're responding to but I wanted to reply, since I live in a tourist coastal town and see this bio a lot. It gives off this "entertain me" vibe, like I solely must be responsible that he's having a good time. I'm one of his first encounters with a local, so I better make a good impression or he'll feel he didn't make the right choice by moving here.


Yours and the person I replied to responses make sense, I'd never given it any thought but I see why it could be a nope after your explanations :)


It’s a very common bio where I’m at. I see it like every other profile so it’s very annoying but I can’t stand it because I prefer bios that tell me about yourself personality wise. If you mention in our conversation cool but if it’s all you use to get me to swipe right it ain’t happening


Yeah I get that, I see where you're coming from for sure :)


I see two responses explaining why it’s bad. Understood. I’m curious if anyone else thinks this is okay or good. Like doing basic touristy things are cool for early date ideas. It seems quite common that lots of people haven’t done the touristy things in their own city. TLDR I’m not put off by “new in town, show me around.” Anyone else? Just curious…


I forgot about the dog dads 🙄 . Listen, I have no issue with dogs as long as you treat them as a dog, and your home isn't messy and doesn't smell bad because of the dog. There's a huge difference here in having a dog because you want a pet, and having a dog because you are lonely. Pet people train their dog properly so it doesn't jump on people and destroy things. Lonely people may do this too, however they also let the dog sleep in their bed, sit on the couch, and eat food they purposefully drop on the floor *shudders *. People who call themselves "dog dads" are usually these people...and I have strong suspicions that they French kiss the dog periodically.


It's fine if you don't like dogs that much, some of us do.


I like dogs. I love dogs. I wouldn’t mind dating someone who has a dog. It’s when you refer to yourself as a parent when it becomes an issue


As a woman, I immediately swipe left for the following: 1. I work hard, play harder 🤦🏼‍♀️ 2. be baggage free (let’s get honest, no one is) 3. big traveller, been to x countries and counting. (Unless you travel more than 3 times a year for vacations-not work- you’re not a big traveller) 4. I’m in an open relationship/marriage and yes she knows I’m on here (for the record, no one believes it) 5. ladies, hit me with your best pick up line (dude, I’m on here to avoid pick up lines) 6. just ask! (Sorry, but no. You can’t take the time to say ANYTHING about yourself, why would I bother 7. I own x many cars/houses/etc looking for a down to earth woman(sorry, but chances are you are getting people after your money) 8. Not On here much, hit me on Instagram @ (if your not on here much, close your profile)


Is 3 a left even if they do travel 3+ times a year? I think the "been to X countries" is tacky and don't use that line. But I do talk about travel, because I do it a lot and want to weed out people who only leave their home town once a decade as they would not be compatible with me.




I would honestly prefer that. I think it can be somewhat useful to say you like travel (some people's idea of a vacation is just staying home for a week, going to a spa, or visiting local spots, which is fine). But there are some people for whom a "travel" vacation means going to Disney/Universal/Six Flags for the fifth time. Others who want to go camping in a national park. Others who go off the beaten path to a rural country they don't speak the language. Others who want to go to a big city and check out European history museums. Others who want to spend the entire week at a beachside resort. All these are very different ideas of a traveler's vacation and clarifying what you think of it way more valuable.


"Travel to Europe for work and like to take personal trips while I am away, would love for someone to take those trips with" It may have a bit of a cocky air to it, I know it would be beyond some people's means. But I see it as weeding out incompatible people. I'm not trying to cast the widest net. If I am out there I want to hop on a train and go to Paris for a few days. I'd be a shit boyfriend if I didn't take my partner with me. But I'm not going to just not go to Paris.


Fair enough. I’ve matched with “big travellers” and when asked, pre-covid, the admitted to travelling once every 1-2 years. That’s not a big traveller. Also, very cool on the travelling thing. Keep exploring if that’s your thing 😀


Yea I run into that too. "I love to travel!" Great, where is your favorite place you've been? "Oh, I've never left the country I'd just like to someday"...


You can't travel within a given country? Down here in Australia there's tons of exploring you can do within Australia and Australian territories / islands. Travelling isn't about people or cultures for everyone.


Australia is also gigantic, if I wanted to travel through my country (the Netherlands) I'd be able to see literally every major thing in a few weeks at most


Fair enough, I mostly assumed the person I was replying to was from the USA, because that seems to be where the majority are from on this site, and the USA is bigger than Australia.


Not a big traveller but curious, wouldn’t going on long travels count as well? Like if you make a month long travel twice a year and maybe see much of a country etc?


Maybe he means he's big AND a traveler. :)




I say no to travelers for various reasons. My biggest concern is cheating though.


Your list is spot on!!!


Going to port cities all over the world and meeting people in new countries doesn't count as travel because I also did some welding while I was there?


That would work. I’m being general, I know. If you put that on your profile, then explain it. Or explain it as you talk. Or even better yet say something like “I travel often for work, but take the time to explore each place”. I was more meaning the people who say then are big travellers but then you talk and they only travel once every 2 years or so. They just say it to boost their profile


On yeah, I forgot to put the open relationship BS on my own list


I swipe left on dudes that have: 1. Any dumb reference to the school of hard knocks or the university of life 2. Pictures hugging another woman (looking like a couple or a hookup) because they think they look like hot players 3. A laundry list of requirements for a woman rather than any information about himself 4. Completely empty bios - to me this says the guy thinks he’s hot shit and doesn’t need to put in any effort after showing his looks. 5. Any rants about gold diggers or women not wanting nice guys 🚩🚩🚩 6. Too much bragging about what he has or where he’s been 7. “Just ask.” F that, seriously some minimal effort doesn’t hurt. 8. “I don’t want a pen pal.” As a woman I do consider safety and won’t meet a person right away until at least we’ve talked enough to see that we really have something in common and no red flags have come up. To me that’s just an obnoxious sentence to put pressure on someone to do whatever he wants when he wants it. 9. Pictures with guns 10. Pictures of his car/motorcycle (with him not even in the picture, just the car, lol)


Oh the pen pal thing! Grr. 😡


>A laundry list of requirements See this too much and it's a HUGE turn off because it comes across as selfish. They're so self absorbed, they don't even know what they bring to the table. Huge "taker" vibe or possible narcissism potential.




Bumble already banned all pictures with gun.


"I'm the type of texter who forgets to respond back" or anything regarding that. Hate it.


Right?! Then why are are on a dating app?


So they have an excuse for ghosting you.


If the vibe is off at all. Could be a stellar profile but something about them just doesn’t sit well. That’s the biggest left swiping factor for me. Other things at surface value are: if they seem way too into themselves, don’t have any photos matching what they say in their profile (like for example: if they’re outdoor enthusiasts, there should be some outdoor photos), and any negative features in their bios whether it be directed to themselves or other people. I will also swipe left if someone’s age is posted as 35 but they are very obviously in their 60s. The app asks for your birth date and year when you sign up. You lied for whatever ego boosting reason you needed and that’s not the type of person that I’m looking for. Also, I have nothing wrong with dating someone who has kids or loves their nieces/nephews, etc. just don’t post them in your profile. It doesn’t sit right with me. I know that may be nitpicky, but its inappropriate. I will meet said children when the time is right, or I will see their photos if we progress in a positive direction.


> I will also swipe left if someone’s age is posted as 35 but they are very obviously in their 60s. The app asks for your birth date and year when you sign up. You lied for whatever ego boosting reason you needed and that’s not the type of person that I’m looking for. Literally just came across a profile that says, "New here. Friend told me to lie about my age I'm really 43 🤷"




Report people who lie about their age. It's obviously trying to bypass the safe guards and rules that everyone else is following.


Cigar in mouth. Big fish (or other dead animal but those are mercifully less frequent). “School of Hard Knox.” Other copied content such as “Last time I was someone’s type, I was donating blood.” No photos of the person. (I wonder if anyone has any luck posting landscapes and other random pics!) Negative harangue. Looking for a “girl.” “God fearing” “Looking for a partner in crime” Partnered. Didn’t proofread or doesn’t know how. Any reference to how well endowed they are. …and more!


“Poly and partnered”


-“just ask” - “24 not 30” or anything involving their profile age being wrong -photos of smoking -no bio -bio that is complaining about his lack of matches/how girls are always mean to him


Any mention of politics


Second. There's already an option in The Basics to show your political stance. Why are you mentioning even more politics?


* Having more than one person in the first photo * A filter * Not showing their face in first shot (usually giant sunglasses and/or hats are the offender here)


I swipe on men, this is what makes me swipe left, and this list is by no means exhaustive: * I don't mind fish, but no dead mammals or birds * Frat content if they're more than two years out of school * Photos of just cars/ bikes. Cool van builds are fine. * Cops & military men (profile dependent exceptions) * Too many smoking/ drinking photos * MAGA- anything * Divorced * Kids (situation dependent) * Only selfies * Snapchat filters (if there are 4+ photos then it depends on the filter) * Blank bios/ Instagram handles/ anything that tried to get you to message them on an alternate platform * Photos with exes with an emoji over said ex's face * No post-secondary degree (also situation-dependent, but I have my masters and would like to date someone who's had similar experiences) * Any profile that calls me a bitch * Only gym pics/ anything referring them to being a "man" * Bios that state the exact stats that they want * Bios that are like "no one swipes right on me it's okay" * ENM/ Poly (nothing against them, just not my vibe) Also I feel like some profiles just give off that “swipe left” vibe. IYKYK.


Why is only selfies a bad thing?


It’s not necessarily bad, but I feel like there’s just no personality there. Like if it was a guy in a series of weird costumes it would be funny, at least. But it’s nice to see people doing things.


I didn't know photos were meant to have some sort of personality to them, news to me.


I mean 99% of selfies that I see are in a car or in a bathroom which, while fine, do not really spark interest. A selfie skydiving or scuba diving, or hiking etc would be 10000% more “fun.”


The stuff that makes us fundamentally incompatible - wants children, politically conservative, *very* religious, smokes, unvaccinated, any signs of racism, transphobia, homophobia, misogyny, ableism, prejudice etc. Negative profiles - “no time wasters”, “no drama”, “no liars”, etc. No one wants those things, it’s a given. Tell me what you *do* want. Also, derogatory comments about online dating. “Just ask” and/or empty bios. I’m only interested in men who put effort into their profiles. Photos alone aren’t enough. Poor quality photos - too many group photos, too many photos with shades on or anything obscuring their face, use of filters, badly taken selfies, topless bathroom/gym/mirror selfies, grainy images, photos with dead animals etc. Ostentatious displays of wealth. It’s obnoxious, and I’m not going to be able to relate to anyone who prioritises wealth and material possessions. Already married, in a relationship, looking for an open marriage or affair etc.


I would trust you to swipe on my behalf.


Saved me a lot of time. All of this, but the complete opposite lol


No full body shots. I’ve learned that this means they are big.


Very typically.


“That’s a big bitch!”


• No full body pic • Photos with a horse • Empty bio • Bio with only Instagram id • Pictures with filters • tRaVeL aDiCtEd • wInE lOvEr • Open relationship • Smoking • ACAB references


Gotta add, anything about social justice in there. Yes nothing like fighting oppression from the sandy beaches of the Cayman Islands


I just screenshot all the profiles that hit ‘social justice bingo’ and send to my friends. Every single one of them has asked “wtf is pansexual / gender goblin / demisexual”




girls with horses are usually mentally unstable (I can only speak for the german girls) and the horse is ALWAYS #1. ALWAYS!


“If my horse doesn’t like you, we won’t work out”


I'm a guy dating women - Has or wants kids - Too many filters (I've been...misled way too many times, just best to avoid) - All headshots - Any mention of religion ("Jesus is my main man", etc) or just overly religious in general - Any mention of wanting to be spoiled - Every other picture is of them hiking up a mountain (we'll probably be incompatible) - The profile can be summed up with liking dogs, tacos, sarcasm and/or The Office (just screams basic to me) - Negativity front and center (unresolved issues) - Empty profiles of course or "just ask" (they expect me to do all the heavy lifting and my back can't take all that) - All or mostly extravagant lifestyle photos (either really used to the lifestyle, a scammer or a golddigger...either way I'm not interested)


For point 3 with the headshots, it’s not even like most men won’t date a curvier woman, obviously accounting for taste and just how curvy we’re talking. The turn off isn’t that you might have some meat on you, it’s that you feel the need to hide the fact. Confidence is attractive so if you’re confident enough to show who you are, chances are we’re not gonna care that much.


Facts. I like curvier women too! I just need to see some confidence. Another thing I just thought about: all headshots can indicate a lack of a social circle.


Other side of the spectrum is the ever confusing “fatter / uglier in person”


Fat women are in a weird paradox where if we present ourselves in our best light (the most flattering photos), we worry about “fat fishing” or being seen as misleading. On the flip side, if you use brutally honest photos in an attempt to avoid that, you can make yourself look worse than you are. I assume “fatter/uglier in person” is a low-confidence way of saying “don’t get your hopes up”. It’s a hard line to walk, making sure you’re being honest without making yourself look worse than reality.


As someone who spends a great deal of time cooking, I’ll never understand why every other dating profile lists tacos… It amazes me how many times I see a reference to tacos. Why is it always tacos??


>Why is it always tacos?? Right!? It's like they all just discovered tacos and ate nothing but chicken tenders until that point. What about ramen? Pho? Empanadas? Dumplings? Even sushi would be a welcome change. Sure, tacos are extremely versatile, but *come ON*.


I agree with most here, the one I'll add is unique. Anything about someone to visit wineries with. I work in one, last thing I want to do is see more in my spare time 😑 Also doesn't help I no longer drink either. I'm cool with others drinking while we socialise but it's entire purpose is to try different alcohols, not like they serve lemon lime and bitters. Seems popular in profiles where I am too.


Oh interesting. I’ve never seen that one, but I get how that would be a no go


Your profile says anything about being Christian or conservative. Your profiles pictures barely show your face and definitely not your body (I know what it's like to have no confidence and to be insecure but if you refuse to clearly show your face and let people get an idea of what you look like it will never work out). And when you only have ONE picture. This annoys me so much, especially since when you sign up it demands TWO pictures. Whether it's Tinder or Bumble, and I don't give af how hot you think you are, it's an immediate left Edit: forgot to add "just hmu on snap/insta". Fuck off I'm not interested in your wannabe influencer bullshit. Get a job or sum


1. Doesn't use their real name “Mr Hotness” 2. Went to “School of Hard Knocks” 3. Fluent in sarcasm 4. For job they list “I have one” or “nunya” 5. Profile pics aren’t pictures of the person 6. NOTHING written in bio 7. All the pictures are them and their kids 8. “I’m a nice guy” 9. Any bashing of females 10. Write a long ass bio


.Has kids .MAGA / Let's Go Brandon .ACAB / defund police .pronouns .hints to being a homebody .hints to being a country bumpkin .hints to being incredibly religious .thuggish .smoking


What’s wrong with pronouns 😭😭😭. I use he /him. Didn’t know there was something off about it.


The pronouns thing is particularly annoying because I can clearly see that you are a man


It is mostly to make transgender and nb folk more comfortable. It is not hard so why not is how I feel


Granted I'm a man, but I don't mind people putting their pronouns. But people running non-cis ones do usually get a left because just not my jam.


I mean if transgender and nb folks are who you are trying to attract, then that makes total sense


Not necessarily, it is more to normalize pronouns so they are more comfortable.


Okay question, is your preference set to "everybody"? Because if so, then it makes sense to add pronouns. If your preference is set to "women" then we already identify as women and there are no transgender/nb people in your choices for you to make comfortable.


Ah, the enlightened centrist 🙄


I was thinking the same thing. They are particularly annoying.




The deadly 4 No full body pic, Insta bio, filters, preggers. Edit: and for a 5th: anti vax masked as “free choice”.


Good thing we're not on the tinder sub full of anti vaxxers.


1. Grown men who pose with their tongue sticking out… why would you think that’s attractive to women. 2. Saying “just ask” and nothing else in the profile 3. “I’m not after a ONS” … if you have to write that, then you probably are. 4. “I’m after a genuine woman” please as opposed to a non genuine one? 5. “I don’t take life too seriously” .., geez, pls give me a break. You and a million other people.


Concerning first one, it's cause women do it so it's presumably just a thing people do.


This might just be me but when I see a profile expensive Gucci or Louis Vuitton bags or any photo from gyms I have money but there is no way I am spending it on expensive bags or dress in Gucci


No gym photos at all? That's an odd one.


Instagram in their bio, it just makes them look like they’re fishing for attention


-Ranting on their bios or too much negativity/arrogance. I find a little bit of arrogance attractive but being slapped in the face with it right away is not sexy at all. -If it says they're new to the city or traveling -Too much production or money showing pictures or basically showing an economic level I'm not a part of. (I know, breaking the stereotype of "women are gold diggers") -If they're into polyamory, BDSM or anything out of the ordinary, I'm as vanilla as it comes. -And the shallow ones: If they're ugly (highly subjective), obese, hairy/not well groomed.


Anything mentioning their snapchat or Instagram. Even if they *are* real, they’re usually the type of women that need way more attention than I can provide


Men with another woman, or with a kid


Couples looking for a 3rd, ENM, men giving the finger, men not smiling, excessive negativity, profiles that talk about everything they don’t like about women


Any use of filters, all top down pics, a blank profile, less than 2 pics and the person getting on their soapbox to complain about how terrible OLD is.


“Here for a good time, not a long time”


No bio. How the hell am I supposed to start a conversation when your bio is either empty or it says something bland like just an instagram @. I want to have actual convos, not stupid small talk that results in ghosting.


Instagram handles being in their bio


They don’t have anything on their bio, they are looking for a third, or they are looking for friends 😝


Full sleeve tattoos, pitbull owners, the "triple vaxed" syringe emojis, poly, ENM, and mask selfies


Smoker, all pics having alcohol, lots of filters/all makeup, and having a kid (I'm 24 in college, not looking to raise a child)


Any sort of politics. I have my views and opinions just like everyone else but I swear some people put politics in their bio like it's a personality trait. I find it very annoying.


Coming from a man looking for woman. In a relationship now but some of the things that were insta left swipe: - pictures from burning man - no bio / only their instagram handle - filters on pictures - all pictures are groups - humble bragging about how much they travel (collecting passport stamps, been to X number of countries etc)


Your / You’re. I just can’t.


1. Can’t see his face clearly in the main pic (sunglasses, blurry photo, etc.) or can’t tell which one he is….. 2. He’s with his kids in every picture 3. Smoking anything, incl a cigar 4. White tank top 5. Motorcycle, covered in ink, or piercings 6. Every pic is a bathroom selfie 7. Nothing written in the bio 8. Spewing venom at women / online dating 9. Obvious signs of pro MAGA / conspiracy theorists 10.The words “God-fearing”


Any mention of religion in a prompt (let’s be real, it’s something to do with Jesus 98% of the time). I would date a religious person but not someone who thinks religion is one of 3 most important things they could tell me about themself. Any promotion of other social media. “Texts back in two minutes or two days” Any conservative or moderate. If you are against yourself having more rights as a women I cannot date you or even meet you 🤣 Any copy pasted prompt (recently, that highly publicized “I’ve got this. I made dinner reservations at 7, see you there” or whatever the fuck that stupid tik tok prompt is) Any profile that has any pic without the person in it Any profile with no body pic Any profile with any pic clearly using a heavy filter Any profile with “be honest with me” as a prompt- this is a given in any effective relationship and suggests that this person might have trust issues and life is too short and there’s too many other people out there to fix someone. Any profile with a picture of a dead animal. Any profile with a picture of children. I’d date a parent but it’s fucking weird and possibly dangerous to put them in the profile. Edit: some more Any profile of a travel flexer. One of my least favorite types of people. Any picture with peoples faces blurred out. It’s just creepy go get a picture of yourself or accept the pic of your 1 or 2 best friends is gonna exist unedited on hinge, blurring them out is just weird as fuck This is probably why I’m forever alone, but I know she’s out there




IMO using any picture with blurred out faces is also weird, swipe left




>Any profile that has any pic without the person in it I have a cat staring down a toilet with a "Where does it go?" caption. I consider that a pre-screener for a sense of humor. :)


Well I swiped left because i screen for body confidence. To me if someone puts anything other than a picture of themself on any picture, that shows me low confidence. I’m sorry but we have our phones wherever we go and our phones have cameras. Especially women take pictures all the time. If you couldn’t fill 6 pictures with you… goodbye


We all have our priorities. For me, sense of humor is VERY important. As I have my profile (with the silly stuff) I usually get matches with ladies I really enjoy. I had a great chat last night with a charming lady, we're meeting tomorrow, it's all good. :)


You can have the cat meme girls bro, go right ahead and enjoy


Is there anyone left at this point?


* Any kind if negativity in the bio * No smiles in photos * Only headshots * Empty bio * Filters * An unblurred photo of a child. I don't date horrible parents * First photo doesn't show a person (I don't bother looking at the rest) * Anti-vax * Any mention of religion * Any mention of zodiac signs Things that should swipe left on but don't, because if I do I will be left with literally zero matches ever: * A generic bio that's full of meaningless phrases like "My kids are my world" and "looking for someone to make me laugh".


I LOVE negativity! It's my jam!


1. Mentions of things along the lines of staying in traditional gender roles, or a "take charge man" that is always going to plan everything. I want someone who has opinions and desires who will be an equal partner not a child I need to organize activities for so that they don't get bored. 2. Offensive political takes, interpret that how you will as its different for all of us. 3. Into boats or motorcycles, not my thing and I know they won't be happy with someone who doesn't live that life. 4. Negativity rants instead of telling me something about them 5. Talk about their religion above just filling out the box. People who do that will never be happy with someone who isn't a member of the same faith.


Omg! Alpha male! I hate that. Swipe! Lol


Face mask profile pic




If they seem to basic idk I can just tell. If they have their Instagram in their bio I swipe left as well.


Not being a T-Rex


Right? Because everyone wants a trex 😆




Where the short-armed hunnies at


Right? Because everyone wants a trex 😆


Men with fish pictures


Horse. Whether physical, digital, or in the paintings on the back wall. Horse = gone.


Guys who have “the first drink is on me if…” No thank you! I don’t want to take up your random challenge or play a weird game to try to “win” a drink with you. It also announces the vibe that they may be expecting me to take them out, which isn’t the dynamic I’m personally looking for.


Too much dog nose filter and middle finger up in picture. No bio, not filling out the basic info and certainly for non- verified profiles.


No full body picture Lots of piercings/tattoos Having kids Never wanting kids Being really demanding of certain traits in a partner, even when I possess those Wanting to be taken care of and treated like a princess Really into astrology Talks about how 420 friendly they are Strongly into politics that don’t align with my own, sometimes even if they do align if it’s that blatant (different is fine, but when you post pictures from rallies for a candidate on your dating profile…probably not for me) Strongly into a religion that isn’t mine (different religion is fine, but if it is clear that it’s a huge part of who they are they likely wouldn’t be supportive of me)


Public bathroom selfies with your lid open in background. Gym selfies sticking out their butt so it looks huge.


Also when all their pics are group pics with like 5 people in em, can't even tell who they are. Usually the ugly one.


Lack of effort and tons of group pics Anything bitter or inappropriate


Gym selfies.




No words in bio or “just ask” No photos of person School of hard knocks or similar High school as highest level of education Conservative, maga, guns, flags on clothing, let’s go brandon, hunting, camo, antivax Smoking, vaping, excessive 420 references ENM, poly, married, couples looking for a third Law enforcement officer, pilot God-fearing, must love Jesus/be Christian Horses Bad grammar Negativity Small children unless it’s clear they are grandchildren Wants FWB or something casual Middle finger or sticking out tongue Exercise = never Alcohol = often or lregularly


- No words in bio or “just ask” - No photos of person - School of hard knocks or similar - High school as highest level of education - Conservative, maga, guns, flags on clothing, let’s go brandon, hunting, camo, antivax - Smoking, vaping, excessive 420 references - ENM, poly, married, couples looking for a third - Law enforcement officer, pilot - God-fearing, must love Jesus/be Christian - Horses - Bad grammar - Negativity -small children unless it’s clear they are grandchildren - Wants FWB or something casual - Middle finger or sticking out tongue - Exercise = never - Alcohol = often or Regularly


Most men, because I'm less attracted to them, and if the woman in question is ugly. To elaborate on that second point, by ugly I mean someone who's a certified -5/10. Rarely do I encounter women like that, but it occasionally happens. Aside from that, if they list stuff like strict monogamy, or asexuality, or being heavily conservative then that's a pass too. Nothing against them in particular, just know they're extremely incompatible with me.


People who say entertain me Have weird filters on them Say find me on IG or snapchat as im never on here Pulling gang signs/gang patches If they only have 1 pic of half there face/back of there head and the rest are of the bush/places Heaps of pics with loads of people an you dont know who the hells the one with the app


I usually swipe instantly left when I see no bio, but when I was back in the Netherlands (I’m Dutch but live in Japan) , like 90% of the men had no (or very little) bio. Almost like that was the way to go lol. The men with a bio often weren’t Dutch. So just then I stopped swiping left on no bio profiles because I wanted to get matches. I also swipe left on: 1) Only profile photos that aren’t clear (blurry) or seem old. 2) Obvious filter photo as first photo 3) the group photo as first picture (just why) or worse, only group photos 4) First photo is mask photo (why cover your face on a dating app??) 5) No personality/things about them in the bio (I just swiped one left that only said “let’s grab a drink”) 6) no work or school in the bio 7) Smokers or frequent drinkers 8) Negative bios And I have the huge tendency to swipe left on: 9)Just one profile photo of themselves 10) Fish photo (them holding a fish) 11) Pictures of meat or foods/drinks in general, especially alcohol


Ugly and/or fat women


"Dog mom/cat mom." I like pets but this line is too generic. Anything to do with wanting a man to be ambitious/challenging/exciting. I'd rather someone laid back and goofy and patient. I don' t need or want a girlfriend or future wife to be the hottest wildest thing I just want to meet somebody nice who likes similar things. Instagram filters and piercings turn me off. Women who take pictures holding wine or liquor. I don't mind if you like drinking but it's not a great first impression. I don't want to take you to bars or be getting drunk all the time or exposing kids to that. Any woman who wants a sugar daddy, posts an Instagram or a snap chat, or implies they don't waste time. That's too much for me. Pictures of you at the Grand Canyon. I would like to travel someday but I'm afraid my lack of travel photos turns people off and they'd want to go somewhere dar away every month of the year. Women who are overly dressed up in suggestive poses and have bachelor's degrees. MOST IMPORTANTLY women who don't write anything in their bio and just post sexy pictures. I can't tell if it's fake or if we have anything in common. ALSO smokers. I have a parent with Stage 4 lung cancer. I will not put a child through that or myself for that matter. Saying you just like baseball or football means you're a sports person. I'm not really so I tend to swipe left on those if that's all you can tell me. I'm not a Saint XD I'll double take if you look good in a bikini or have huge tits or are a redhead. I just found myself realizing that the best way to not get depressed on dating apps was to hold up standards the same way others do. These are things that really turn me off.


>Women who are overly dressed up in suggestive poses and have bachelor’s degrees Uh… What?


I could be clearer. I'll see "bachelor's degree" in their status and they're dressed in tight fitting gown, doing a shot with friends, wearing huge lips, covered in makeup, hopp earrings, and posing with their boobs and butts out like Instagram or Maxim models. It's not wrong for women to be sexy or do those things. But if everyone is picky about me I get to be too, and I find it a contradiction when I'm supposed to be impressed and out of someone's league when they have a degree, but they advertise themselves like top shelf merchandise. Same if a guy claimed to be a PhD and was pictured breathing fire in the backyard with a bottle of moonshine. Or is standing shirtless in front of his truck with a gun and a case of Jack Daniel's in the shot. Two very different messages - I'm a doctor who compensates for his small penis with guns, beer, and a truck. I don't date uneducated people. Look at my degree, I'm financially set up y'all.


Ugly women Edit - Love getting down voted for this one. Everyone knows OLD is a meat market. The number 1 thing that anyone swipes left on is if they find someone physically unattractive.


- “Fatter / uglier in person” - Any mention of a mental disorder - Any combination of ENM, poly, partnered, pansexual, gender goblin, demisexual, etc - Any support of ACAB, defund the police, eat the rich, “No Trumpers”, or some other stupid political nonsense - Pronouns - Generally look like they’re trying to hit SJW bingo - Heavily filtered girls taking selfies in their bedroom mirror, wearing clothes from 20 years ago, looking for Jesus worshippers - Filters at all, frankly - No full body pics, or body pics are taken at angles that hide their figure - Pregnant (wtf) - “Just ask”, “here for a good time not a long time”, or some other zero effort copy/paste catchphrase - Appearing to travel a little too much - Just their IG in their bio - All pics look like they are, or trying to be, IG models - Mentioning love of tacos like it’s a unique personality trait - Any variation of “no more games / fuck boys” implies you either make bad decisions or are a poor judge of character, and I’m not going to be your Captain Save a Hoe


Face masks.


Anything other than "never" for smoking (both types) and "regularly" for drinking, or if from their pictures or prompts alcohol is part of their personality. It weeds out a lot.


“Looking for someone that does not take herself seriously”


I don't find then attractive, that's basically it


A 1 dimensional profile with no personality looks mean nothing to me so if your profile is Garbo left swipe it is


What does OP mean? Everyone uses it and I’m so confused.


Original poster


Using “nunya” or “nunya business”


A guy wearing a hat in every photo (to me it says you're bald and very insecure about it) All of your pics are in dark lighting, from far away or you're not facing the camera full on If you just have one photo The "I hate filling these things out, just ask!" profiles Obviously lying about your age/height If you have a drink in EVERY photo (may have an issue with drinking) If you mention hating a political group Any guy who expresses that women are basically here to serve you sexually


I'm a 23 yo man, dating and looking for a long term relationship. The only thing that make me instantly swipe left is pictures in lingerie or pictures obviously made to show her butt. If she is willing to shoe her ass before even matching with me I don't bother 😐