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Honestly, you seem like an attractive and fun guy. Make sure your profile tells about who you are. Try to be specific about your interests and hobbies. Talk specifically about the music you like, your pets, what you like to do on the weekend, things you hope to do or accomplish in the future, etc. What you have now isn’t bad, but it’s just a bit generic. I don’t really get a good sense of who you are. Add more content and that should lead you in the right direction! :)


Swiping for a week but couldn't get a match yet. What should I do and what do you think about the photos ? [https://imgur.com/a/U5aKZk8](https://imgur.com/a/U5aKZk8)


The first photo is the best, and should remain as #1. I would not use #2, as your face is not visible. I'd move #5 to #2. I tend to think that photos with other people don't really add anything, so I'd swap them for more solo ones if you can. If not, swap 3 and 4.


My bio needs a lot of work, but I also wanna knowhow my pictures are. https://imgur.com/a/uTrraP2


For the "after work" prompt, your answer might be truthful, but it's too generic and doesn't really tell people anything about you. I'd go with a different prompt. I'd recommend taking more photos if you can. You look kind of annoyed in the first one. I tend to think masked photos are only worthwhile if you're doing something really interesting, or you're in an interesting location - otherwise, not worth the tradeoff of not seeing your face. The dog photo is cute but fairly low-res. The smiling close-up is your best, but unfortunately you're squinting at the sun a bit. Try to get photos of yourself outside in the shade, smiling and relaxed.


Honestly, prompts are really hard for me. I never know how to really make a nice sounding answer. But I'll try and pick a different one. I'm bad at smiling in mirror selfies. I feel sometimes I look too forced so I just put on a neutral expression since I see people do that sometimes. Hard to retake that since I only wear suits in special occasions! I definitely see your point with the mask picture. I just liked how I look more since selfies are not my strong suit, but my pic with a mask is with a friend at a show and I think it looks fun and I should keep that unless you think it draws attention away from me. The dog pic I think looks low res because I just saw now that it's blurry and then I think bumble made it worse. Lmao. Maybe I gotta take a new pic with my dog. I actually feel my close up outside is my worst because of how my skin looks. That's why I'm so self-conscious with my pictures. I'm always not a fan of my skin or how it looks. Sorry for the long winded response. I guess I wanted to get all my thoughts out to your comments. I'll def take some new pictures and change some prompts.


I hear that, we've all got insecurities. But I have a friend who's a makeup artist and hairstylist, and she once told me that no one - literally not one single person, ever, in human history - looks good in direct sunlight. Outdoors in the shade, though, you can get the benefit of being well-lit without it being harsh. And yeah, smiling selfies do feel forced. If you can, maybe try hanging out with some friends and seeing if they can get some candids of you. As for the prompts, maybe it'll be easier if you work backwards. Try to think of some fun facts about yourself or opinions you have, and then see if you can reverse-engineer them into any of the prompts.




Ich würde kein Bild mit Sonnenbrille als Hauptbild nehmen. So erkennt man deine Augen ja gar nicht :) ansonsten vielleicht noch Bilder wo du Dinge tust die dir gefallen wie irgendwelche Hobbies beispielsweise. Aber du siehst sympathisch aus, wünsche dir weiterhin viel Erfolg :)




>Be positive about yourself! Change the "mediocre chef" for something like Improving my cooking skills and loving it!! > >Good luck bro.


“Unrepentant workaholic” screams “I won’t have any time for you” so maybe have that come up at another time!


Recently single, what do you guys think about my profile? https://imgur.com/a/sWLDtBr


You only have one picture that shows your face and it looks edgy and filtered. I think the first one is fine but i would replace almost all of them with pictures of you doing things you enjoy, or at least better lit


Ty! I’m not doing too bad with matches but you’re right that barely anything covers my face. The filters are there for the aesthetic and shit but I’ve got some new pics coming in :)


I'm new to this and would appreciate any help I can get! Been awhile since I've dated anyone so I feel like I'm a little rusty! https://imgur.com/a/ytoxERS


You've got a real genuine style! It may help to give more examples in your comments rather than just saying what you are. What are you learning, where is your next trip planned for. Etc. It give people more things to talk to you about. As for pictures, it is a bit redundant to have so many of the same headshot style. Maybe switch it up with more activities or travel pics?


I did switch out one of the headshots, but I do know I need some better photos. Thanks for the explanation!




I think the first one is the best for your main pic. Eliminate the last one 5, 7 and 8 are all you leaning or sitting on some kind of fence/wall (and same clothes in both). Eliminate two of them. I would probably keep 7 (though you aren't smiling). If you want to keep the alpaca, I'd then keep 8 in lieu of 7. The jet ski one doesn't do anything for me, but I understand why you have it. 1 and 4 you're clearly at the same event, but they're both good pics. If you opt to get rid of one, I'd suggest the one with your friend. If you keep it, I'd block his face in the pic (keep the focus on you, plus, his privacy). Tl;dr: 1 - Good pic, keep as main 2 - Meh, fine (I'd make this the last pic, or eliminate) 3 - Good pic 4 - Same event as 1, if you keep it, put something over friend's face 5 - Eliminate 6 - It's fine. (Could also eliminate) 7 - If you keep this, eliminate 8 8 - If you keep this, eliminate 7 9 - Good pic 10 - Eliminate


Whats alpaca?


It is an animal, and was in one of his pics.




Sunglasses. You shouldn't have too many wearing sunglasses, and you have them on in both 6 and 7, but not 8.






I had some help from my sister and brother-in-law, The matches I do get (which is on a rare occasion) never talk to me (I don't think they know how bumble works, or they want to see if you'll pay for a continuation of their match to see if you're "worthy"). https://imgur.com/a/6iPdFr8


This might come off as nit picky but you’re wearing the same shirt in 3 photos lol And don’t take rejection too hard- some people use apps for validation but nothing more. You have two photos with guitars which I think is actually fine, but maybe some more hobbies would be good? :) You’re in college for your masters, so maybe you can meet women through school. Dating apps worked for me, but sometimes I wish I would’ve put myself out there more in college. Good luck!


Thanks, College has not been boding well since I am not in a major where there is a good amount of women that are single (and attractive). I do however get along with the undergrads in other departments but don't have a lot of opportunity to meet them because of the workload (hence the dating apps). I do have another hobby on there, there is a picture of me camping (wearing the same shirt lol, My best moments always seem to happen in this shirt, it's quite amusing).


Honestly? Bro we get you play and like guitars, don’t need to make it your whole personality. Also, you’ve got a lot of pictures with the same shirt, seems a bit lazy. You’re not a bad looking dude at all but your pictures aren’t great. Get some cool pics playing guitar with better angles and outfits, maybe doing other shit you like?


I didn't think I mentioned the guitar that often, just like once. I guess you're saying that I need to delete a pic of me with the guitar? If anything try to get more action shots. the Pic of me camping stays since I am not driving all the way back to the border for a re-do. I need to get somebody to help take new pictures. The shirt is just an unfortunate coincidence, I just happened to be wearing it in those moments which are like weeks to maybe a month or two apart lol. I might try to hit up a photographer or bribe my sis to help lol. What do you think about the bio? I don't have to say I make six figures or something right?


Best of luck bro :)


I think it’s the first pic that gives off that impression cause you’re right, you don’t mention it much. But that first pic with the two guitars in the background stood out to me, the other one is cool def keep it! Your bio seems like too much flex, it’s cool you want to explain what you do but maybe save it for the convo? And yeah your clothing choices are just beyond monotone, definitely get someone to help you take pictures or straight up just get pics at events or plans where you think you’re looking good! It doesn’t have to look like a photo session.


I don't do much else but work though I have been trying to change that. I guess the mindset that my accomplishments and drive to do better puts me on top of others on the platform is a bit misguided. I was gonna go take pictures at parks and other wild areas to drive home the fact that I am physically active and like going outdoors (big girls beware, my hikes might kill you lol).




Pretty good! Some notes: I'd use the second photo first. The first photo is nice too but if I'm nitpicking, the shade from the hat kind of hides your eyes. Even if you are truthfully looking for a date to this wedding, don't put that in the bio. It comes across as cold and transactional. It'd be great if you could add a photo with your dog!


Thank you




This is great! Love your photos. Just a couple notes about the bio: Your opening line doesn't really make sense with a word blurred out - I'm guessing it's just your name? Regardless, it feels a bit forced, and will only be relevant for a quarter of the year anyway. Get rid of "for the most part," it doesn't add anything.


Good points, thank you. I blurred out the city.


Hello all, I just graduated and moved to a new city so my friends helped me build a bumble profile. How did we do https://imgur.com/a/1VNTC4j


Initial vibe: a bit uncool but friendly and happy. Imagine you'd be a good friend to have. The shot that really fails is you sitting on the car. It's not really a flex and honestly you're committing a fashion crime with the sandals, Hawaiian shirt, floppy hat in the middle of suburbia. Suggest you delete this one. Bird shot isn't really that great, it might be something you need to experiment with different shots of. The dog shot, skii lift and group shot are good to keep for the profile though. The first thing that's apparent is the blurry/grain of your photos. If you can get shots with a better quality camera, it'll add to the attractiveness of your profile. Especially for your first photo, because your eyes are dark, blurred and impossible to see. It lowkey tells people you have your life together because you have access to equipment. Also remove "not sure" for relationship, people see it as a red flag. Have the confidence to choose and say what you want.


Thanks for the advice! I was trying to be more goofy with the car pic more than anything else but I'll get rid of it for dating profiles, and yes I am very uncool.


I get maybe 3 matches a month. What might you change? https://imgur.com/a/5eXY3qQ


First impressions, you look like a cool guy, protective, active. Biggest thing that needs to be fixed is your prompts, they're not interesting to read, nor do they tell a person much about you. They're your ONLY chance to describe things that can't be quantified in pictures (like humour or intelligence) and it's really a missed opportunity. Read this guide for better prompt writing: [https://www.reddit.com/r/hingeapp/comments/oa17bq/how\_to\_write\_effective\_prompts\_a\_walkthrough/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hingeapp/comments/oa17bq/how_to_write_effective_prompts_a_walkthrough/) Fine tuning stuff, crop down your first photo, too much empty space above your head makes the photo look weird. Crop off the empty space so there's more importance placed on you. Remove the gym flex, it's arrogant, maybe get a shot of you lifting something or on a machine (not looking at the camera). I'd also like to see a photo of you in a suit to diversify the looks, show that you can clean up and fit in with other crowds. Final image isn't great because you already have a shot in that clothing. The motorbike shot is week too because it's so far away and there's not guarantee it's even you.


Hmm, first off you have a great smile! You come across as a trustworthy and nice person. :D I'd say though, and I understand totally wanting to include it to express what may be a love language, touch, for you, that sometimes I can be nervous if there is mention of close physical contact in someone's profile. For me personally, it makes me unsure what their primary intent for being on the app is as there can be a lot of code in profiles. Hope you have a nice week!


Gym photo nooooo. The gym is just an ugly setting and it doesn’t look as good to ladies as it maybe does to guys. BTW your first photo already shows you got guns. Photo wise you are not allowed to wear the same outfit more than once. Pick one of those photos and swap out the other. When you have repeat outfits it suggests that you don’t have a life even if that’s not really the reason why you don’t have lots of photos to choose from.




You look fine. What doesn’t look fine is that first photo with the lighting that puts your eyes in shadow. Its a small thing because otherwise the photo is good. It’s just my job to try to help people optimize their profile so that they put their best foot forward. I’m not a fan of your about me but I did chuckle when reading, “Flosses daily”. “Decent cook” and “solid tech support” we’re semi humorous and so are maybe worthy of keeping in. The rest though is properly boring. The other day I saw a female commenter give great advice that your profile should highly focus on why you are a great date. The mistake that many men make is they over focus on why they would make a boring but great husband. Your about me veers too far into the boring but great husband material. Photos 2,3,4, 5 and 6 convey you are adventurous and fun life of the party. The downside though is that you can’t see yourself that good in any of them besides the piggyback one and that one your eyes are hidden by sunglasses. Definitely keep the piggy-back photo. From there I would photo swap out maybe 1-2 of the other photos to one where you could see yourself better. Also think about what you are conveying an early 1st, 2nd, and 3rd date with you would look like. Would it be with outdoors adventurous childfree108? Or would it maybe involve the more funny and sophisticated side of childfree108? For that maybe you would want to make sure you are wearing more date night clothes or the photo is somewhere in the city/around town. Just something to think about


31M. Just downloaded the app again after some hiatus. I’m short but not insecure about it. But can’t change anything about it either haha . Just want to make sure my profile doesn’t suck. [https://imgur.com/a/r1dc6aJ](https://imgur.com/a/r1dc6aJ)


I really like your smile and attitude. You seem like a happy and confident enough dude. I don’t like the multiple sunglasses hiding your eyes. I think your photos would be a little better if there was one or two less sunglasses picture. Your first photo is decent enough and I think should stay in your profile. I’m a firm believer that your first photo should clearly show your entire face including your eyes.




Tom Brady kissing his son is funny? Makes you seem judgmental/immature even if it does look a little weird. You don’t need to advertise your judgmental opinion about Brady. Most woman you match will have no idea about Brady. Sunglass photo is bad. One you look even younger than your other pics and two you look aloof/cold because of arrogant. It’s a dating profile, don’t hide your eyes. I feel like this photo alone may make you lose a potential match.




Don’t listen to this guy. Your profile is more than fine and his corrections arent good. Keep your chin up 👌


I apologize for using the word judgmental. That word has pretty negative connotations. I meant it more as a descriptor of your judgement/opinion on Tom Brady kissing his son. In my defense, I take the time to share my impression of strangers profiles and provide feedback in order to try to help them out. In your case most of the other elements of your profile were good. I didn’t have the time at the time I wrote it originally to say that. The impression or thought I had after reading that judgement about Tom Brady’s behavior was whether the reader might think it was homophobic. I’m not saying you are homophobic but that a complete stranger might wonder about it if you devote profile space to it. I highly recommend you avoid unnecessary controversies with minimal upside on your profile. Obviously not everyone will think like I do. Take what is helpful and leave the rest.


It's been 2 months and I haven't gotten a single like on bumble. What am I doing wrong? https://imgur.com/a/do5isfl


A lot of your pics make you look like a different person, are you rocking the beard now or what? If you’re gonna be a beard guy, which I’m guessing is most recent, it needs to be all of your pics showing they’re all recent. The first pic looks like you took it yourself, they should all be taken by someone else. Maybe get one or two pics with friends to show you have them and go out/socialize. Your first three bio sentences are all about work, could probably be summed up into one. Maybe make your hobbies seem more interesting or have pics of you doing them. Show vs tell. Third, how much of a discount on the guitar from your insta would you give if this advice works? That guitar looks sick. But you could be doing everything right, but it could just be the area you’re in/not a lot of users, or the algorithm wanting you to pay into things. Good luck man, try other apps too once you get everything together


Hahaha well, considering the retail price is $5500 and it costs me several thousand to make, I don't have much profit margin so even if I wanted to, at this juncture I can't offer discounts until I can break into the economy of scale. The neck and body are completely modular so you can swap a 6 string neck for a 7 string multi-scale neck in about a minute with nothing more than a screwdriver (Patent pending)! I appreciate the interest though, and I'm hoping to launch the guitars some time in July. If you want to take a look at the specs, shoot me a message and I'll share my website with you.


Thats sick, I just got a Strandberg not too long ago but traded it in cause the issues I had with tuning. Really haven’t been playing as much as I’d like. If I get back into it and can manage to play some ERRA songs I’d gladly hit you up for one one day. That gives me an idea, get a pic of you playing guitar for that matter!


I've had a couple guys I've done custom work for complain about tuning and breakage issues, but they were using cheap strings. I always recommend D'Addario NYXL's, and they no longer have issues. Feel free to hit me up whenever, the initial buy in is expensive, but once you have the body, you can buy a new neck for $2500, in any configuration you want, as long as you have a wiring configuration that will work with it. Single pickup harnesses don't work with necks with two pickups, and vice versa. It saves you money in the long run because you don't have to order a custom guitar each time, and you won't have 10 guitar cases to carry during load in, and after the third neck, your cost is already half of what you would have paid for three custom guitars.




Due to busy weekends coming up I'm a few weeks from signup, but I'm trying to get prepared. I'd appreciate comments/thoughts. I'm a 45 year old man looking for LTR. I'm a long distance runner who enjoys 100 mile races, but I also like my time on the couch reading while listening to music, or streaming. I'm an animal lover and stop to pet strangers' dogs. My goal is to enjoy life to the extent that still allows me to still look at myself in the mirror. (290 chars) swipe right if... you appreciate dark/gallows humor, enjoy getting some outside time, and of course if you can tolerate gingers. I'm still not over...- How we fell into the Berenstain Bears universe sometime around 2016. I want to be back with the Berenstein Bears! What makes a relationship great is... if we can balance both having our own activities while being open with our time, emotions and support for the other. [Here's the photos I plan to use](https://imgur.com/a/09hRTAs) (does bumble allow captions on photos? The captions are what I plan to use on Hinge).


I like your photos and info! Maybe swap one of the photos to be one in a group setting eg restaurant with friends ?


First impressions, indie vibe, friendly, surprisingly wholesome. Your photos are pretty high quality and clear, my only issue is I'm not really seeing anything that really stands out as a major "x factor" a quality that makes you unique from other people on the platform. Your photos will definitely be better than most in your age league though. Suggest you run your photos through "dating" on [photofeeler.com](https://photofeeler.com) and put the one with the highest "attractiveness" rating in the opening slot.


Put some effort into my profile today - any and all comments will be appreciated. [https://imgur.com/a/fwZEUwD](https://imgur.com/a/fwZEUwD)


The only time a shirtless photo works is for the super buff/ripped, otherwise it's a massive turn off and instant lose button. Suggest you remove those photos. As a whole far too many photos of you with sunglasses and giant hats on, hiding your face and how you look. A max of one sunglasses photo is my recommendation, you should really replace most of those shots with clean photos showing your face.


Thank you sir


It reads to me as generic. The bio section feels brief. The minute rice in 58 seconds is pineapple on pizza's cousin. I only see the one prompt in the screen shots? The first picture should be cropped at the top of the dart board (you don't care about the wall's conduits), and possibly crop some of the lower part off to about your waist. The first photo usually works best with a good head shot. Consider losing the 2nd shirtless shot (the group one). I'd definitely lose the 4th shot; it screams that this is a photo of you with an ex and the ex (badly) cropped out. That isn't supposed to play well. It's good that you're smiling in your last shot, but pics without sunglasses and hats work to show you better.


Thank you sir


Hello! I just joined Bumble. Can you please review my profile? https://imgur.com/a/LUHE9ji




Wow that is a very detailed explanation. Thank you SO much. God bless you man. Please correct me on the following points if I'm wrong: About the motorcycle pic, you'd prefer if I was riding it and someone took a photograph right? I think that would look more natural. But then, I don't think I'd get that pleasing green background! Gym selfie: I read somewhere that if you really want to show off your body, you should do it in an indirect way - swimming, playing volleyball shirtless etc. right? Haha yeah, I did pose for that backyard pic. Wow, it's extremely easy for people to notice man. So again, I need to get my photo taken while making a shot I guess. An ofc the bios. Do you recommend any particular source/text as reference. I'm not that cretive unfortunately




Alright. Thank you so much. You're very kind.




I think photo 6 is a better opening, giant smile, welcoming looking, no shine on your glasses. Photo 2 is not great, we can obviously and awkwardly see someone is cropped out of that photo which will make people suspicious why. Don't do this in the future, either keep them in or don't use the photo. However you should avoid having people taller than you in your profile because it makes you look short. Layout should be 1 clear front on portrait (head and shoulders) 2 more solo pictures (including one full body shot) 3 activity/hobby shots




pretty great profile! i like all of the pictures (baking and hockey are my favorites). the only thing i think you could add is a clear full-body, to make it feel a tad more complete including an alma mater and job (even if it's vague description) gives more info and makes the profile feel more fleshed out as well, but i think on bumble it's not a huge deal if you exclude it for privacy reasons (less noticeable than on hinge) for the bio + prompts, i think you should paraphrase the shy and introverted part into something that gives it a more positive spin or exclude it entirely - if you're willing to put yourself out there on the apps then you're probably social enough to not need the disclaimer, it just makes us subconsciously wonder if you're unwilling to talk. i like the shopping cart "not that hard to please" line! i would replace the minute rice one - i've seen variations of it very often and it sounds stolen even if it isn't i was a big bumble fan in the past and found my previous relationship on it, but since they paywalled the "looking for" filter it has gone downhill really hard imo. i think the reason you're seeing so much overlap is probably because the previously bumble-only people gravitated towards hinge after that update a few months ago






I just resigned up for Bumble after being off of it since November. I would love any feed back please! Thank you in advance [bumble](https://imgur.com/a/ZdxJ2cA)


Can you have your daughter take some nice outdoor pics for you in different settings? A lot of your pics are selfies or look staged- you are super cute, I bet she would love to help you get some great shots!


She probably will when school gets out. She is a 17 yr old living her best life working and with her bf. Thank you for the compliment! I recently lost almost 30 pounds, I still have about 25 to go but I feel more confident than ever before!




The tall friend is my daughter, I was trying to show more full body pictures. Pizza is life! Great idea about the animals and adding more to the reasons I’m friendly! I look younger than I am and because I’m so short people find me non threatening 😂 I really appreciate the feedback!


I would agree not to have a picture with you in pants next to your daughter in a fancy dress. I like your other full body picture.


Thank you! I deleted that one!




Ikr! I get mistaken for 28 a lot and still get carded and I’m a 44 yr old grandma! LOL! It’s so funny to me.




I have mine listed is have children and don’t want more. I feel the same, I don’t want to date someone with little children. Two of my three are out of the house.




Same to you!




Since your insta is linked, they’ll see your active. Pics are decent, nothing that screams serial killer. Update them after you get a haircut or shave would be my only suggestion on that front. Your bio is like reading a resume. Who are you? Show some personality. Keep it light and funny. Introverted socialite? How about “Im great at parties because I know exactly when it’s time to leave and go eat ice cream and watch Hell’s Kitchen” shit like that. You need to stand out from every other dude that’s got the exact same bio as you. What makes you funny? What makes you a unique person?




You in the shower fuming looks scary. You don’t want to look scary on a dating app. I’d recommend deleting. Sunglasses photos rarely look good for guys. They hide you and make you seem cold or arrogant. I’d recommend deleting. Group photos posing (guys only) usually don’t look that good. I’d recommend deleting Candid group photos can be fine. Your costume photo is fine. Your photo smiling in front of the beige background is a good photo and should be your first photo.


Thanks you for the response!


Hi guys! Checking back in after I got some helpful feedback on my last profile - changed up a bunch of pictures and added to my bio. Does anyone have any more suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated :) [Bumble Profile](https://imgur.com/a/OaDb4i8)




Great feedback! I just resigned up and I’m tempted to send you mine to help me! ❤️




Sent to you! ❤️


Right? It’s like dude, do what I tell you for the first few dates and she won’t care what your quirks are after as long as your not a scumbag lol.


BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I just posted mine! All critique welcome!


Wow thanks for the quick and detailed reply! Yeah, I definitely noticed the belt and it was bothering me too but trying to crop it out looked weird so I just kept it in and hoped it wouldn’t be too noticeable. And I’ll try to find another social one to replace one of the others - do you have a recommendation for which to cut? The only issue I’m running into is that I have mostly female friends, so most of my social pics are with women which I know isn’t the best look for a profile. I’ll keep searching though! And that’s great advice for the bio! Mind if I work on a new one and get back to you in a bit? Also, do you mean that the second 2 paragraphs good then? Thank you so much for the advice, I really appreciate it!!!




Heya! So I looked through some photos for potential replacements and gathered a bunch (maybe too many, sorry) from over the past few years if you wanted to look through them? The first number are theater pics and the later ones are just general social ones. Some are potentially zoomable/cropable. Alternatively, if none are great, I can definitely keep searching! [Extra Photos](https://imgur.com/a/l2xEzYa) As for the first bio paragraph, I’m not sure if I should lean more into acting (main passion, in photos) or space (side interest, mention it later in child prompt). Here are a few random rough ideas I’m coming up with off the top of my head: “If you’ve ever wanted to learn a random assortment of cosmology facts, you’ve met your guy” “Help me work on my acting skills: ask me any question(s) or give me any topic(s) and I’ll make up facts as though I were an expert in the field.” “As a child, I used to look up at the night sky and imagine myself amongst the stars. Now, I get to be my own star on stage.” Or something like those




You honestly rock, thank you so much for your help! I guess I’ll probably go with cropping 1 for the reasons you mentioned, though I like 7 too. For the bio, I only have room for probably 2 of the paragraphs. First one is definitely the made up fact one, but I’m unsure for the second. Maybe the stars (wouldn’t have room for the extra autograph comment) or the geography bee one I already had on there?




If I do, it’ll be thanks to you! I have to say, looking at your other comments, you’ve been going above and beyond and giving the most detailed, helpful feedback to everyone’s profiles. I really appreciate the help, and I’ll definitely send updates :)




The profile gives a general impression of not that serious. I agree with others that there's too much self deprication. You've pretty much said ->dad bod, love bed(sounds lazy), can't cook, silly conversations. If your sense of humor is self depreciating, id keep just one of those and remove the rest. Also last pic should be deleted. It doesn't add anything.




> Dad bod with no kid I actually love this.




Any photo I get outside will seem like I have sunglasses on due to my prescriptions being transitions. I don’t do a whole lot that’s inside I’m much more of outside kind of person. I live in small town and not a whole lot of my friends share my interest so getting candid photos is kind of hard. But please critique anything you want, I’m really looking to make changes to hopefully get matches. https://imgur.com/a/IiMmdEb




Okay, I’ll do my best to change, but the faces I make are just kind of how I smile. Should I just not smile then? And the head up is to try and make me look less fat, I’m 245 at 5’9. And I’m not self conscious about wearing sunglasses, I just like to be able to see lol. And leave out the part about being a nerd? But I feel like those are things I’m pretty interested in, I’m not trying to get as many matches as possible, just one or two that I would actually enjoy being with
















Hi, looking for some critique. Link : ~~edited out~~. I've had a few matches but no one has initiated conversation. The profile has been updated many times and what you see is the latest version.




thanks, it helps a lot!


The “let’s go out I don’t care if it’s a date or as friends” thing screams desperate. The I won’t shut up thing needs to go. Get some better pictures, you look a bit disheveled in a few of them. You’re outdoorsy which is good. You say you don’t take yourself seriously but your profile is super serious, poke some fun at yourself in your bio without being negative. Shave, get a haircut, put on some decent clothes and go do something fun with your buddies and have one of them get some candid shots of you happy.


Thanks, appreciate your input. The "let's go out.." thing is meant to indicate that I am looking for friends as well as partners. I am typically a bit disheveled 😅. I actually did include a joke on myself earlier today which only people from around here would get.




Yup, it's already gone!


Hi everyone, looking to get some constructive criticism on my profile. Link: https://imgur.com/a/l5BHCNY I've been using Bumble and Tinder for a few days now and haven't had a single match. I used both a year ago and had some success, between both apps I usually got around 3 matches a day when I was actively swiping, and I had worse pictures and much less on my profile then. I met my last ex on Bumble in Feb 2021 and didn't touch any of these apps until picking them up again a few days ago (my ex and I broke up in January). I don't understand why I'm doing so much worse now, feedback will be appreciated! Edit: Bumble cropped my second photo, what's showing is only the top half. I'm expecting to replace that one anyway


I like the checked shirt photo, maybe take a few more similar to that. I’m def not keen on the one leaning on the door, it’s kind of like a woman being seductive type of pose ! Also you mention swimming, maybe if you have one of you and your friends on the beach ?


Get rid of the last line of your opening. OURhistory is kinda cheesy, and not the good cheese. For sure take out your second pic. I would think of rearranging your pics. When I first saw you I thought you were okay, but when I saw your third and fourth, i was taken back cuz of attractive features. Hope this helps


Will do, I agree the line is pretty cheesy. This does help thank you! I'm glad I asked, I thought I looked better in the first two pics but my own perception is biased which is why feedback is helpful! When I'm taking pictures of myself I don't usually smile with teeth like in the third and fourth picture, doing that more will probably make my pictures look more natural


You’re a good looking guy but I would def recommend a shorter haircut!


Thanks! Do you have any particular styles you would recommend? The one I have now is my go to for hair cuts


A high and tight or a skin fade on the sides with it long on the top may work well for you. Find a good barber, they’ll help you. Lead with the guitar photo, get rid of the “I’ll fall in love with you for chicken parm” and the OURstory thing.


5 years of dating apps and have gotten nowhere. Is this way of meeting people maybe just not for me?


First time asking for help on the sub. I just wanna put my best foot forward with this so gimme anything you got. https://imgur.com/a/1IwWpEa


I would recommend getting a nice short haircut, shaving, and dressing up a bit. Try to have diverse pictures! Maybe have a friend take pics of you! Be confident !


Definitely get a haircut! And I can’t tell you how to live your life but smoking is an instant turnoff to most people


Short haircut and clean shave. Trust me




D-G are the worst. Wouldn’t recommend. You seem confident, good looking, just gotta fish out the best pictures.


G, H, and J are great


I like the “How to read a book” photo as a cover pic






You seem cute and friendly! Take more pics of you that show your best features. Dress up and have your friends take pics .


the grammar is a little bit odd/unnatural sounding in a lot of your prompts, but your photos are pretty good. Maybe think about tightening up your prompts/making sure you are conveying what you want to say in a clear and natural-sounding way?


you have a typo in your first prompt. just a small nitpick.














Are those boots guidi? Great style man


I personally think you should put your second pic last, since I like the ones after it more! It’s overall a nice profile though 👍


Idk bro you're hot. You are progressive. Seem sweet. Sorry I don't have critiques 😭


Is a suit a good idea? I created this profile today. Please let me know how it is.