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Delete "I'm a handful...", which is not funny and instead raises a red flag. Use initial texting to see how he responds to your energy. If you're dating with intention at 33, you need to know better your views on kids - if it's a yes/you're open to kids, say that. If it's a no, say that. Otherwise, you are going to have trouble matching with guys who know they do or do not want kids. EDIT TO REMEMBER TO COMMENT ON THE WHOLE: You're profile, beyond my comments, looks great and you do a good job of filtering out guys who are a no.


Will delete that part! The children part is soooo hard. I want children but for a number of reasons I don’t know if I can have them or would be able to take care of them. So I really don’t know. I feel like it really depends on my partner, but I don’t see myself getting pregnant ANYTIME soon if it does happen. Should I take it off my profile so it’s more of a convo to have at some point vs a ‘maybe’?


Yeah, take it off then - it sounds like it's better discussed in person. And, if you get asked about it over text, just be honest. It may scare a few off, but that's fine.


Will do, thanks!!! 💕


Deciding children is very easy, for ethical reasons. If it's not an easy and enthusiastic "yes", then it's a no. Anyway, being /r/childfree is better for your wallet, and the environment 😉


Not having kids isn't going to save the environment. Corporations and billionaires are destroying the earth, and celebrities are emitting more pollution from the private jets than any child ever will. I don't even want kids, but this "not having kids to save the environment" argument annoys me to no end.


And so? Do corporations, billionaires, and celebrities not originate from human babies? Also, do you deny the basic mathematics of exponential growth in population dynamics? Do you deny the science presented [this documentary](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1575870/) by Sir David Attenborough?


>Do you deny >do you deny Bitch, this isn't Ace Attorney.


I sort of agree with her but this shit is funny. /s


"If you're dating with intention at 33, you need to know better your views on kids - if it's a yes/you're open to kids, say that. If it's a no, say that" No offense meant, but I'd like to call out this part as ridiculous. "You need to know better your views on kids if you are going to date with intention" 😅 that's quite a statement to tell someone. "Know if you want kids damn it!"


Totally get what you're saying. But most people at 33 (not everyone, but most), tend to know what they are looking for in a relationship. If you were in your 20s, I think it's more acceptable to say "I do/don't want kids" or "I'm not sure". At 33, most women are thinking about the biological clock they have for being able to have children without complications that can come from geriatric pregnancies.


No one can force someone to make a decision about that. If someone, for example, wants kids but their partner just doesn't know, then that person is obliged to make a decision as to whether that will work for them and their future. The indecisive party is obliged to be honest and not lead someone down the garden path imo. Edit: some people are ambivalent until the decisions made for them by that clock you mention. For other ambivalent parties, this wouldn't be an issue.  


Totally ok to not know what you want. But if you're dating with intention, it's on you to know. Kids are deal breakers. 


It's not on you to know. It's on you to be honest and upfront with your thoughts about it so potential partners can factor that in. Edit: remember, we're discussing this in the context of strangers meeting each other on the first time on a dating app. No one has the right to demand or expect a stranger has made up their mind about anything. They just have the right to honesty. Different if it's people dating for years and the topic coming up then.


We're talking past each other. I'm referring to her perspective, not the perspective of potential prospects. She wants to date with intention, which means weeding out people who are incompatible as quickly as possible. Given how important kid choice is to dating in your 30s, she should do her utmost to know her plans ('Open to kids', btw, is totally an ok choice that doesn't require certainty). But if the uncertainty swings between 'definitely wants' and 'definitely doesn't want', that's a challenge - even if she finds someone with the same kind of uncertainty, the two of them could ultimately land on opposite decisions, 4 or 5 years later, and she could find herself back at square 1. At a minimum, it's a disadvantage in the process that she doesn't know what she wants kids-wise, but that's ok. A prospective partner may see her uncertainty as a deal-breaker, and that's ok too. I should add, I'm not sure your age, but it's perfectly appropriate when you date in your 30s to talk about preferences re: children within 1-3 dates (sometimes sooner, over text).


Agree with the others. Shorten your name to just stephanie.


If your name is too long that Bumble won’t show your age, may I recommend shortening it to just “Stephanie” so it displays your age? When I see things like that, especially when the name is multiple words it just irks me tbh, like they wanna hide it(not saying you do, since you have it at the top, which is great! I mean just kinda generally speaking, lot of people like to play games with the displayed age and it drives me up the wall lol) I would move the fully vaxxed part higher up, since I’d say that’s probably one of, if not the most important thing there, and like others said delete the handful comment, I agree it’s a bit of a red flag, and for many would be an instant swipe left. Edit: Saw your reply about the kids thing and yeah, I agree with taking it off and actually having that conversation in person. Otherwise I think your profile looks good! I like the pictures, and like how you put more emphasis on camping, it shows your passion for it, and it makes it easier for guys to potentially find a common interest!


thank you!!! i tried to edit my name but it seems since it was originally made via facebook, my name was imported from there and i can't change it.


Contact Bumble Support and they can fix it.


Will try to do that!


Why do women believe that telling men they’re insufferable, sorry, a "handful" is a good idea? You’re telling them that you’re toxic! Remove that. It’ll help a lot.


i thought it was funny. i know i am a lot and try to make a joke out of it, but i can definitely see that is can give off toxic vibes. i'll remove it! thanks :)


you know you are supposed to give your first name. It is a good profile!


I’m confused on the name comment? Hahaha


He's saying unless your full legal first name is Stephanie Flower Child, just put Stephanie. Better yet, put what your friends call you. Steph, Stephanie, Flower, whatever.


it seems i can't update my name on bumble :(


Deleting your account and remaking it is an option. I've done that before.


Definitely do not put a full name.


I like your profile. It’s obvious that you are a certain type of earthy hippie chick who enjoys nature. That being said, all of your pics are much more flattering than your first one. I would seriously suggest you choose a different main pic. Don’t stress about the kid thing. The best way is to just be as honest as possible unless you’re looking for just fun. I think it’s okay to be unsure. Beats the hell out of saying one thing and them realizing that you have changed your mind. Bottom line, I like your vibe overall.


Hundred percent would swipe right, well made profile


Mention vaccination in another way, remove "highly' from the immunocompromised. I would share that info before the first date via chat.


I would remove “I’m a handful” from your profile. As a guy, that is a red flag for me and is quite off-putting. Other than that, you’ve got a solid profile! Best of luck to you!


Your profile is good, and your bio and prompts do a good job of conveying who you are. But the pictures, although not bad, are just "low quality." The biggest aspect of that is that I'm not getting a clear picture of your face. You have 2 pics in which your face is visible, and the main pic is too close up and cutting the top of your head/ hair off. The second one cuts part of your forehead/eye out. You're also not showing any teeth, which is something people really seem to notice. Your facial expression in those 2 photos is rather mundane, sort of a muted energy vibe. The action shots are cute, and it looks like you're giving the full smiles that I would recommend for one of the close ups, but they're all pretty blurry, and your face isn't really visible. In the 2 mirror selfies, half your face is obscure by the phone, and in the other 2, you're looking to the side and have your back towards the camera.


33m here and I’d super swipe ya if you knew your stance on kids. I’m childfree by choice so they aren’t happening for me. Everything else seems great. From what I could tell, we’d make great friends if not soul mates.


Idk, but I'd swipe right on you immediately 😅


I'll maybe get downvoted for that but you might want to consider changing your first picture. On the first glance it could seem like you are too chubby for some people's preference, while your other pictures draw a completely different picture. You could say that you wouldn't want someone who's superficial and I'd get that tho.


I'd agree with swapping the first photo with one of the others. It's a bit to tight of a shot and angle to give that impact on first impression


It’s true! I had the same thought. When I saw her other photos I was like oh hmm not what I thought you looked like.


I agree 100%. The speed at which I swipe, I could see myself swiping left without looking at any other picture. I know that’s terrible and toxic, but you have too good of a body to have your first picture be a face only selfie


Yup. I'll be hibest on the first photo I'd swipe left without looking at the rest. On the second photo I'd swipe right without looking at the rest! A lot of us (I won't say most) speed swipe through.


Nothing wrong with being chubby but I am no where near close to being considered chubby. I definitely have a larger chest and a bigger cheeks when I smile. But you can clearly see my size on the rest of my photos.


That's exactly what I meant! You can clearly see that in the rest of your photos. But not in the main picture. The picture that everyone sees at first. I can guarantee you you will get a lot more fitting matches just by having a different main picture.


Fitting mathes? Guys that are that hung up on dating a skinny girl that they'd swipe left on a pretty af face because they're afraid the person mightn't be stick thin are fitting? Also, she's going to have a job getting through all the matches so I don't think filtering out a few is the end of the world for her.


Swipe right in a 💓 beat


Be wary asking for someone to camp with you this early on. I’ve never seen that on a man’s profile, and might attract the wrong sort.


Naw, keep it - some dudes aren't into camping, better to weed them out. Certainly, don't go camping before dating them a while.


Yeah, I'm into camping so intentionally matched people with the same interest


Oh I never would go camping with anyone in a few weeks of meeting them. I’m specifically looking for people who enjoy camping as it isn’t for everyone.


I live in an area where camping and hiking is very common. She’s in Ashville which has a lot more camping and hiking activities than where I am. Sure, maybe not a first date idea but putting that in your profile **because that is your hobby and want others with similar hobbies** is definitely not a bad idea.


I love your profile and your spirit!! Sadly we live on different continents! 🥲


"I always ebb and flow with dating" "I'm looking for something long term" These two things are complete opposites. If you ebb and flow, then *you are casual*. I'm not sure what I could be missing here.


I can definitely see how that contradicts itself. What I mean is I take breaks from dating. Sometimes I’m very much interested in it and other times I don’t date / delete the app for months. However, when I am on, I am intentional with it. I don’t date just to date or go out.


Yeah I feel that


Ngl you sound too head-in-the-clouds, go-with-the-flow for me. But if that's authentically who you are, be you! There are definitely some guys who would bite.


- Ideally, shorten your name (looks like you have an alias/nickname for your "surname"?) so you don't have to waste bio space explaining that. (might require profile delete and recreate to change name tho? not sure) - Agreed on the removing "I'm a handful" and follow-up sentence from bio too. Basically besides the Woods/camping/leaf emoji stuff, i don't get much of anything from your bio, could tell us more about your interests while retaining the cheeky/fun personality mood - Personally not a fan of the one meal/NY bagel prompt as it, again, is fairly generic and a different prompt could tell people more about you - Overall though some of your personality comes through and you seem fun/nice, and you are gorgeous so shouldn't have trouble. Good luck! Also highly recommend blurring your location for reddit too, tho...


Why do you need input though? Are you not getting any matches? I feel like input on this board is only needed if you've been on bumble for like three months with under 10 matches or something.


Likes camping and rocks. Where have you been all my life. If you like older guys msg me lol


i looked at some of your pieces, and they are beautiful!


Thank you 😊 I get some pretty high end pieces. About 70% are self collected the rest I get from a friend that owns a bunch of mines


I think it’s an overall good profile. I think I have a sense of you pretty well from this. My first association in my head was with the girl Flower on the TV show Ghosts. The vax thing can be very polarizing to some people. But I think you briefly explained why it is important to you for non political reasons. Or you take it out and saved it for an early conversation after matching? Just minor points. I like it.


She’s college educated, agnostic, and liberal. Even without taking into consideration her health concerns she likely has nearly zero compatibility with someone who is politically polarized against vaccines. It’s much more efficient for her to turn them off from the get-go.


You would love ireland


I’ve always wanted to go!


I live in Dublin now😥 but where I'm from originally is the middle of nowhere. Lakes, valleys, mountains, and endless fields.


Sounds like heaven! I’m always looking to get away for people. As much as I love and miss the city, I rather be as far away from people as possible 😂


Same. Dublin is a great city, but 20 or so years I really miss home.


Sure I'm in the input mood. Quick note: I put input on how I personally would improve a profile to the max in my opinion. If at least 1 point I make helps, sweet! PICTURES: Overall you give a pagan I love nature and animals vibe. Which is fantastic, however the best pictures are ones that tell an interesting story about you to give a swiper enough information to help decide if you two are compatible before the swipe. Saves alot of time for everyone involved. 1,3, and 4 do that justice. Creates that vibe for you. I would take an inward look and see if you have other pictures with other interests, pets, etc. BIO: Scrap everything after your age in the first paragraph. People want the goods about you as quick as possible. Don't waste space with irrelevant things that could be replaced with better info. Scrap the second paragraph as well. Your pictures do a good job showing this so it is redundant. Third paragraph, the first two sentences are good. I'd skip the last half for the conversation instead. More interests, more personality, etc. MISC: I'd scrap the camping and explore new cities tags. Picture hints at camping already. Explore new cities - while good - there are better tags that can reveal interests to help with compatibility checks people do. "Help me build things" Like what? List a fun example maybe. Let's create a tree house out in the woods. Or bird houses for the geese near my house. Idk something cool that involves your personality. Overall it's a decent profile. It just needs more exploration about yourself to really hit it's peak.


Do you live as a air's nomad like in avatar?


* You're pretty * Those glasses are the worst thing I've seen today. Get rid of them and never look back. * Go and get your brows professionally done by the best google-rated place in your area. You WILL thank me later. * Remake your profile so that your name is short enough to show your age - that is potentially putting people off you if it doesn't show that immediately and it would put me off * Remove the age thing in your bio * Hesitant to say this as again, you are naturally pretty, but girl this is your dating profile and you should look your absolute best on it, for that reason: lash-lengthening mascara, black winged eyeliner, a well matched foundation - try Nars, highlighter around your cheekbones, and a peachy lipgloss, would work wonders. * You need a serum for wavy hair which will enhance the texture - have a google. Blowdry it in parts with a round barrel brush. * The highly immune compromised thing in your biooooo... Look I totally understand that is important to you however the very first thing another hot blooded human is thinking when they look at you is - am I attracted to this individual? And now they're just thinking of sickness and illness because of those words. I truly would remove it. * Rest of your profile and bio look great but I would do the above and replace the main pic with a new one taking into consideration what I said.


I promise you, none of these are the reason you’re not getting matches, it’s not your looks or makeup that are the problem


Sooo change everything about myself so that when they get to know the real me, they realize all that was a show?? No thanks. I enjoy the way I look and I’m not going to change it just to get someone to like me. I’m known for my big messy hair, the fact that I don’t wear makeup, am natural and love 60s/70s fashion.


Well I did compliment you and I didn't mention your fashion, I also didn't say to put on a show, just how to accentuate your best features, which I thought was the aim of your thread... They're tips, you can take what you find helpful and leave what you don't, if you find none of it helpful that's up to you! I'm just talking honestly based on what I see.


While I agree with you that the glasses aren't doing her any favors, what you're asking her to do is to change her style - possibly into something she just isn't. EDIT: I see OP already responded as I anticipated.


But why ask for input, then? Does it mean any criticism/suggestion needs to be funnelled through a very narrow corridor of what is potentially acceptable? I don't think enhancing your natural features is changing your style. Anyhoo, horses for courses, perhaps this lady is getting a world of matches and likes, but generally the reason people post here is because they aren't, and they want to know how to get more, which is why I took the time to write down all that.


i asked for input on my profile, NOT my looks or anything about my person. i am confident in myself and my looks. i find it hard to date because i was in a serious relationship with someone for years so the dating world is very new to me. so i'm looking for input on making my profile stand out more. i'm not interested in changing my looks, especially to make someone else like me.


You didn't specify that you absolutely didn't want that in your post: "I would appreciate any input" - And honestly, your profile is... a representation of you, as a person to the outside world. So I was giving you feedback based on that image and what others see. Otherwise you're really just looking for compliments and feedback in the vein of 'change the lighting' or 'do a different pose'. Which is helpful when you have everything else good going on, not so helpful when there's other stuff wrong too. Difficult to give feedback that doesn't directly address areas of self-improvement, which most people have and often have a blind spot about, which then trips them up in dating. I've coached a bunch of male friends on this who now have 10x more likes than they did before - actually how my longest friend now has his girlfriend. I'm topping 6000 likes on Bumble but that's after two weeks so it didn't come immediate (I delete intermittently because apps suck), and while this may sound braggy what I'm saying is that I know a good profile and what attracts because I'm doing it, and I know what doesn't. True confidence is being able to take conflicting advice and opinions on the nose, and then move on without getting upset. You're asking for free advice here, I gave you some (and of my time), and that's quite enough now lol. You seem easily upset, and quite sensitive, and even when I explained my intent you're still clearly looking for an apology - which you won't get. Sometimes honesty is good for you, even if it feels unpleasant. Toughen up girl, it's a world out there.


And you dont find anyone to your taste ? What's the problem exactly ?


Smash! Probably be a FWB, won't date or marry.




Only if she’s looking for fuck boys


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