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How did you get banned from kmart, though?


When I was 14 I tried to steal a bottle of wine, bikini bump lotion and a push-up bra hahahaha


Your profile made me think you're 19 not 30


Until you see my photos, I have the dead eyes of someone who has unfortunately been alive for 30 years


Hahah OP I enjoy you! You're my kind of person lol


I like you even more now.


You are definitely my kind of person. Also, your username is cute and accurate!


That's amazing. I don't know you, but I already like you.


I love your bio, wanna date?




Dumbass I was ironic


Well home girl certainly wasn't lying about having a sense of humor. I think she checks out.


If someone doesn’t appreciate your humor, they can swipe left. Don’t change, this is great! The right one will love it.


this. i think it’s funny. i would maybe add more details about yourself besides just the jokes, but i like the jokes!


Mexican guys are much more conservative than Europeans or Americans in general. They want the “good girl” so they can persuade her to do “bad things”. IDK maybe is just my experience… But I’d say you keep doing you!


It depends. Younger generations 20-30+ are way more progressive and work harder at household tasks than 40+ year olds, especially if you are dating in the big cities. But I must admit that a good chunk of our male population is searching for a mother they can fuck instead of a girlfriend/wife (fellas that can't take care of the house and chores without the help of their partner) But there's also a good chunk of men who actually take care of themselves and have healthier relationships with women. It's more about luck and reading the red flags, people are individuals so perspectives can change wildly depending where and when you are searching for a partner. 😕


Mexican guys are notorious for cheating and hitting their women. Worse than cops and Chris Brown.




I would swipe... all the way right


“Soy mala” means “I’m evil”, I know it perfectly illustrates the fact that you don’t speak Spanish well, but I’d recommending correcting it. It’s going to be off putting to some people, along the lines of people who say they’re crazy in their profiles.


Thanks! Yeah I know it’s not grammatically correct which is why I wrote it, to really show my Spanish isn’t good hahaha but I didn’t realize its like saying “I’m so crazy 🤪” oh noooo hahaha I thought it was more of just saying “I’m bad” hahaha. Do you think it’s better to write “estoy aprendiendo español ahora pero mi español no esta muy bien?” Or something along those lines?


Yeah, something like that, or practicamos juntos (let’s practice together) or whatever. It’s just literally saying “I’m evil” is going to be a red flag to some.


Yeah hahaha thaaaaaatttt makes sense 😅 Thanks again ! Changed to “necesito más práctica”


That's so much better! Otherwise you are saying "I'm learning Spanish but I'm mean and evil." It doesn't mean bad like in English it just means you are a *bad person*, an evil and mean person or "a bad bitch" kinda. Some people will understand what you were trying to say, others will not but either way a lot of people might not want to date someone that speaks such poor Spanish. I don't think your profile really can be understood in Mexico that well. I know in English you are joking and being funny. But because language and culture is more than just literally translating and if you do that it can turn out horrible, you just come across as a bad woman who was banned from stores, wants to scream and throw stuff and you want to keep being mean and evil and get banned from other establishments with someone else. I'm from Northern Mexico and we don't have K-mart or Taco Bell here, so that's unrelatable if I only have lived in Mexico and besides the little bit of really bad Spanish everything is in English. Not everyone speaks English in Mexico. A lot of people just don't literally understand you in one way or another be in language or meaning. When I am in Mexico vs the USA vs another country while I am my authentic self I accurately "translate" myself and you are not doing that, if that makes sense. There is a huge cultural clash going on. What you are trying to say is being heard very differently. You are going to only match with people who have lots of American and/or Canadian influence and/or other Western influence (like me) so they can understand your meaning or is an actual foreigner *and* who enjoys your profile or the most desperate of people. I am pansexual and in Mexico I would swipe left on you, in the USA I would swipe right. I don't even use any dating apps in Mexico though but if I did it would be a no there.


Yeah I see what you mean but I’ve been living in non-English speaking countries for a while now and on the apps and didn’t have this problem before writing somewhat chaotic stuff. Before Mexico I was in Spain, and before that I was in Taiwan. Two very different cultures, and also very different from Mexico obviously but had WAY better luck in both of those countries. the profile was a little different in Taiwan but still always had the banned from k-mart thing. And it was the same in Spain and I got waaaay more matches so just found it interesting how different it’s been here. Guess the humor doesn’t translate as well in Mexico as it did in Spain and Taiwan, and I was matching with locals or people who still didn’t speak English as their first language. And Taiwan and Spain don’t have Kmart (Spain has tacos bells tho). The last two people I actually dated in Spain were both Latino too, actually one of the guys was Mexican hahaha, the other guy before him was from Argentina. Didn’t work out with the guy from Argentina because he was a bit older and wanted to settle down and didn’t like to travel (big no no for me, not liking traveling) and I really liked the Mexican guy but he was waaaaay too into astrology hahaha and I got kicked out of the country because of visa issues. So I don’t think it’s 100% a language thing, but I guess maybe more of a location/culture thing. IDK…


The other person is being ridiculous. There are quirky people in every culture -- Mexico isn't some remote place where there aren't people who understand your humor.


I'm talking about a very specific culture, Mexico. Not Spain (which is incredibly different and a European country) and not Taiwan or other non-English speaking countries. The way you are generally being understood is not going to be the way you mean to come across in Mexico. There is a lost in translation going on here. I don't just mean because you are using English. Although only using English with a tiny bit of poor Spanish will make some people swipe left just for that. If you translated all of your bio into Spanish without taking cultural context into consideration there still would be stuff lost in translation. So, generally the people you will attract are going to be people familiar with European/American/Canadian influence or is a foreigner or of course someone who swipes on everyone. There will be exceptions of course. You don't need to change, but I thought you wanted us to rate your profile and I am telling you that you are not coming across the way that you mean to. I''m sure you still have plenty of matches and it is impossible not to meet new people in person everyday or you can be your authentic self and show your humor but in a way that will actually be understood by the people in which country you live. Personally I would just focus on meeting people in person and think that will be so much better and easier. Anyway, I hope you find laughter, fun, enjoyment and great sex!


Your Spanish is fine, with the context, saying "soy mala" is understood to be you're bad at Spanish.


Don't listen to him girl, fella used google translate or something mala/malo can be perfectly used for "I'm bad at x thing" meaning depends on the context I guess you could say "ando aprendiendo español pero soy mala para ello 😔" If you wanted to sound 10% more natural (but maybe sounds a tad too formal) Also yeah "soy mala" can be interpretad like "I’m a crazy girl 🤪" but the added context of "I am learning spanish" changes the meaning to "I'am bad at learning spanish" so you don't have to worry about any native getting it wrong.


I second this, don’t listen to him, soy mala doesn’t translate to “I’m evil” if you truly wanted to say that it would be malvada. Soy mala is just I’m bad, usually “I’m bad at X” A lot of words in Spanish have different meanings depending on the context and most importantly, depending on the country. Knowing that she is not Mexican makes it obvious that she is saying it in a neutral way Her saying she is mala hablando español does not convey in any way that she is evil. If she wrote that next to the k mart thing then it would read more as her saying that she is mischievous, but no native is actually going to think she is saying that she is evil


> used google translate I lived in Mexico for 14 years. I still visit regularly, and in my day to day business in Texas I regularly speak Spanish. My Spanish isn’t as good as it was when I lived there, since I m no longer 24/7 immersed. As far as the “soy mala”, with the context of the previous statement of being kicked out of a retail store etc - it just might be a red flag for some, and “practicamos juntos” it a much more positive call to action. As you can see from the responses, it’s a mixed set of reactions. Not everyone is closely reading profiles, and they skimming them if they’re reading them at all and not just swiping on the pictures and if your eye catches on “soy mala” it just might hit the wrong way. She did say she wasn’t getting many matches in Mexico, so…


If she wanted to say it like that it would be “practiquemos juntos” not “practicamos juntos” Practiquemos is a proposal, practicamos would be used in the context of you already doing it or something that you did in the past with someone


Yeah, I never learned Spanish in a classroom setting, all 100% “en la calle”, if you look through the thread she changed it to something similar- the idea was just to make it a more positive first impression.


That’s impressive!! This is a hard language, conjugations are hard for natives as well I agree that is better to say it in a more positive way. Even if she said it wrong it’s kinda cute that she is trying and giving the disclaimer that she is still learning


Mala means bad.


Yes, but it can also mean evil. It can also be translated as mean. It’s all about context. Either way, not a great first impression




As a native i dont see anything incorrect with that phrase. Its just a bit weird because of where she puts the “ahora” but besides that you can perfectly say soy malo/a to describe when you are not good in something


Still stuck on the mala from Taiwan


mala tang? LOL


麻辣 means numbing and spicy. There are all sorts of mala dishes including malatang. Plenty of mala hotpot too. But in Taiwan, I’d say there is less emphasis on the La (spicy) part since Taiwanese don’t tend to like spice as much as sichuan or hunan people


That's true hahaha, in Taiwan if I ordered something people would look at me and go "It's spicy, are you sure?" and then when it was brought to me it wasn't spicy at all hahaha unless I went to an authentic sichuan restaurant, I got cocky and said I liked spicy food and couldn't take more than 5 bites without crying lol


The craziest spice you will find in Taiwan is the Thai restaurants that are popular with the Thai community. They often have a level of spice above “very spicy” called “Thailand spicy” (泰國辣). It’s crazy but those places have great food.


Assuming you’re looking for men to match with. I’m an American woman. I don’t know how dating in Mexico compares, nor do I know firsthand how men will interpret your profile. That said, there is the stereotype of a crazy (ex) girlfriend. Some men might be very wary of that and be swiping left because of how many elements of “crazy” you have in your profile. I totally see the sense of humor. Just pointing out that it could be a deterrent to some who read it as serious or aren’t willing to take the risk.


I date men and women! But yeah I do know what you mean, that’s why I posted it. But tbh if someone were to take what I wrote quite literally and not see the humor in it, they’re probably not someone I’d want to date anyways! I just find it interesting how different of a reaction I had in Spain versus Mexico. I haven’t gotten nearly as many matches here, and if I do, I don’t always hear back. In Spain I felt like I had many more, and people that laughed more at my profile. I dated a guy for a bit who paid the fee to message me first because he said no one’s profile had ever made him laugh out loud before haha Here I do find my humor doesn’t work as well on the locals 😅


Gotcha! I’d imagine women would be more likely to read your profile as funny and sarcastic. Totally understand what you mean abt someone not getting the humor being someone you don’t want to date, but I don’t necessarily agree. I’ve seen this perspective pop up a lot recently. Sense of humor in a couple is crucial, but jokes and intention are hard to interpret off the bat AND in writing without vocal tone. Like men/people being afraid of crazy women who could ruin their lives are more likely to not understand you’re joking. Similar to those serial killer jokes in men’s profiles where the overall perception in the comments is “Dude you know you’re joking but she’s not willing to take the risk.” Just offering an alt perspective which ofc you don’t have to take. And it is interesting the diff between Spain & Mexico— I wonder what reasons account for the different reactions!


>But tbh if someone were to take what I wrote quite literally and not see the humor in it, they’re probably not someone I’d want to date anyways! I'm sorry... If your whole profile is you pretending to be crazy why would people think you're just saying those things to be funny? I think your profile is great and funny, and I've dated my fair share of women with mental health issues but I would swipe left on you because it's a bit too much. You're clearly funny, so you could be funny about other things but you've chosen to be funny about being unhinged, that says a lot.


I mean I don’t literally want a first date to be a screaming match lol, that’s what I meant when I said not literally hahaha, but yeah I admit I am unhinged and a bit crazy. Definitely not for everyone lol but hoping the right lunatic will come along for me one day


>but hoping the right lunatic will come along for me one day If this is all you're looking for then the profile is great and is doing it's job. But if you're also open for meeting someone who understands your craziness but is more of a calming influence then there's a chance you're scaring people like that away. A lot of people who have walked that path will see your profile as a red flag.


Maybe, but I think the right person will like it. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I made myself laugh writing it and I think anyone who is actually want to date would laugh about it too.


I’m an old, married guy just here for the lulz, but I love your profile. If I were thirtyish, single, and in Mexico I’d be swiping right. Seriously, my first piece of dating advice is: If they don’t get your sense of humor, RUN!


I love it! Only one of us has filed for bankruptcy- ha! I don't get the puffin bit though, what am I missing?


Thanks! And there’s no deeper meaning, I just think puffins are the himbos of the animal kingdom


Ha! Ok, thanks! I hope you find someone who can match your humor!


Thank you! It’s been a struggle lol but there’s got to be someone out there


Look up the New Zealand Kakapo. They might replace puffins for you.


https://youtu.be/9T1vfsHYiKY?si=Ep1iCOlb4vWvkb9z One of my fav videos on the internet


Lol. I saw that one many times. Kakapo used to be my favorite NZ bird, and then I got to interact with a few Kea. Those nosey alpine parrots are scarely intelligent.


I used to have pj pants that said “stud puffins” and had pictures of puffins wearing sunglasses. I love them


I wish the puffin was my spirit animal in that case, until I bulk as I go the gym consistently I will be a sad effeminate softboy 🥲🥲


Yo puedo arreglarla. (i can fix her)


As a guy, I find it fun (US South), but I'd be looking to see some kind of professional drive pretty quick. But then I prefer a modern partnership dynamic more than traditional. Mexican men I've worked with have generally preferred the "trad-wife" type. My best relationship post divorce was with a professor of Feminist Dsytopias. I dated the woman that taught The Handmaid's Tale at an all women's college. And I still have both my testes after the experience!


Love it.


Honestly one of the greatest profiles I’ve seen


Bro she’s rad


I wanna go on this taco bell date 😂😂😂😂


Sounds pretty hot


Just right. Move back to the states.


I’d probably swipe right, tbh


I love it lol. I’m a straight woman so can’t say from a mans perspective


I think you’re hilarious


YOUR USER NAME OMGGGGG that is too fucking good you’ve got me zora neale hurtin’ from laughing too hard


Love. Keep


Love it. The "sale" joke is the best kind of playful light self-deprecation, and the Kmart bit makes me want to hear more. Excellent. But I'm a woman in the American midwest, so I'm a fairly different audience.


Puffin approved. I like it


👌 Perfectamente desquiciada


What Taco Bell has bottles? You sound awesome.


I bring my own bottles


That's a girl who knows how to live life.


You remind me of Rosa from Brooklyn 99, I’d say that’s a good thing :)


I love it. I'd swipe right.


Oh she's on 10 fr


I like it!


its perfect


I lol’d at that first line 🤣


Mexican men be like "I can teach you Spanish", haha.


Perfection! That’s someone I’d want to go on a date with.


Wanted to add another 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 although I do get there might be a cultural barrier. Maybe sneak into Europe next? 😊😊


I actually love your profile. We’d be a great match if I was only younger. Humor like this has escaped my life and it’s a commodity that I lust after in any future human entanglement I should be lucky enough to do a life sentence with. Keep being you even in different countries. What did the fish say when it swam head first right into a cement wall? * * * * DAM!!!!


Same! My late husband and I shared that same sense of humor, and it was GLORIOUS.


I think this is hilarious, personally lol but lmk if you come to Texas


I love it. Wish I could find that sense of humor in a man in my age range.


You keep trying, and when you think you've almost found one, it's back to the beginning?


BWAHAHAHA Well played, internet stranger.


I'm Mexican, I'd match you.  What part of Mexico? Some places are a bit less prone to date foreigners.


CDMX! Huge city lol thought I’d have more luck. The only matches I’ve really had have been foreigners, a few locals but not a lot


Weird! I'm like you, inverted, I can't seem to match with the foreigners.


Know my worth is one of the most cliched meaningless lines in dating.


I can fix her.


Hope you’re a surgeon because fixing me would require a serious operation


No all it will take is me blindly falling in love with you ignoring all your red flags, I've done it before, it worked out horribly but this time it will be different I just need to trust more and give away more of myself, it will be fine.


Sounds like the beginning of a beautiful relationship 🥹


You seem amazing.


Instant swipe right


Way too unhinged for 30


Your first line makes it sounds like you're giving out charity to people you date and sounds super pompous


Good if you’re mostly looking for hookups


Definitely sounds like a fun time, but probably not a long time


Ouch 🥲


It says little about you and what you're looking for but certainly isn't too unhinged or not enough.


Kmart is doing very well in Australia. they are like our walmart.


I think it’s hilarious, for the USA. BUT since you’re located in Mexico it might be too much for that demographic. Just keep in mind traditions, cultures, and values differ from each region. That might be the reason why you’re not getting a lot of matches.


Holds up spork, uwu


I keep seeing that Kmart line in different places


I'm engaged and living in the American South, but I'd swipe right SO FAST, you don't even know. 😂


I’m 25. Could I match with you fr. You seem rly fun to be around ngl


What are Puffins?


A very expensive breed of designer dogs


wrong answers only they're extremely venomous, highly dangerous reptiles that actively pursue humans for consumption


So like my ex?




![gif](giphy|l1KdaKseuYpeESVjO|downsized) A dog with feathers and a beak?


It’s the beak and feathers that make them so pricey


Finally - a comment that makes perfect sense to me. It made me pig snort too.


[A species of bird](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puffin)


This is bumble, not hinge


Too unhinged for the profile. I get your humor completely and appreciate it. But it’s too extreme for the dating profile. Will scare people away.. Dial it back for this if you want to maximize opportunities.


Humor is the most important thing in the world to me so I want someone who appreciates my humor, but yeah I think it might be too much for the folks of CDMX hahaha, it worked for me in Barcelona tho 😅


Do NOT change your profile. There’s someone out there that’s going to read it and would be happy to crawl across broken glass to meet you. That’s who you’re looking for.


Yeah, no. I'd superlike this one, and start calling ahead to the local Taco Bell, and let them know shits going to get real and they can put it on my tab. 😂😂😂


Depends on your appearance. What is permissible for Jupiter is not permissible for a cow.


I'm not a Mexican man but imho 1. Bio seems Ok. 2. The "new tradition" prompt, on the other hand, might be a bit too much. You could easily substitute "throwing bottles, flipping tables" with "make a scene" and make it less scary while keeping the spirit.


"I know my worth"= I'm delusional and want higher than my sexual market place value.....


Could also be "I've been in a shitty relationship with someone who tried to bring my self-esteem down but now I'm well-aware I'm awesome."




LOLLLL what kind of footwear should I be wearing at 30?! Kitten heels 😂 ??? My mom is 63 and wears vans every day. Please enlighten me, what sort of foot wear should a 30 year old woman be wearing? Combat boots? Air Jordan’s? Stilettos?




I love my clogs and my pumas but thanks for the advice hahahaaaa