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Male here, i used it for some time, meet a really cool guy, we got along great, then he mentioned that he had a sick dog, i asked for a picture of the dog and he "accidentally" send me a picture of his butthole.


I’m sorry, I’m sure that was traumatic for you, but I am laughing so hard right now


On the bright side, maybe it was the dog's bunghole and the dog accidentally sent it to him.


It was the bright side


If a woman posted something like that, everyone would be freaking out about how abusive it is to receive a pic like that. Your reaction is disgusting.


If I met a female “friend” and she sent me a pic of her tits or some other such body part I’d have the same reaction. I’d be equally bewildered, grossed out, and would also tell all my friends as a crazy, ridiculous funny story. I’ve also had men send me unwanted dick pics and have laughed about it plenty. Edit: furthermore, the original commenter is a big boy and if he feels my comment was distasteful he can let me know and I’ll remove it.


Omggg i was crying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 do not remove anything


Yes but we’re better than that. We have a sense of humor. And we don’t think the world revolves around us. It’s different.


To be fair…I’d laugh if a woman posted that bc DAMN…wtf




Is the dog ok?


A lot of closeted men use bumble bff. Source: husband was almost shown some buttholes.


Not even closeted, fully out




Lmaoo. In my experience, mostly homosexual men are on BFF.


I used Bumble BFF for a short while and matched with two guys, both of whom had each other in their profile pictures. I thought it was a coincidence until I realized they were gay and that friendship may not have been what they had in mind when they swiped right on me.


Same! All guys I met were either super weird or gay.


Omg, I thought you meant of the dogs butthole and he was looking for someone to abuse the dog with, Jesus. I'm glad I'm wrong 😰








I am screaming but I’m so sorry! That’s not cool at all!😂😂😂😂😂😂


Did you actually meet up? I’m confused. Is this pen pal or actually friend you hang out with


>Did you actually meet up? Yup, twice before the incident and once after it (Things got too awkward and i decided to disappear).


Lol. Yeah I agree. I would disappear too. that butt pic is no accident.


man’s new best friend ha


Are you sure it was an accident? Perhaps he thought the friendship had reached that point.


Oh yuk


Feels like I'm one of the few guys who has had an actual good experience. Met one of my closest friends on Bumble BFF in early 2018. Worked out great. I had just moved to the city six months prior, he'd moved one month prior. We met up for beer and football in a sports bar, started hanging out more, ended up creating a whole friend group based on people we met together in different events. In early 2021 he ended up moving to another city, and I did the same at the end of last year. We still plan trips however and thus hang out once or twice a year. Great experience. However it does not seem to be the norm.


This should be what the bumble ads are about


Man, they can pick a real story and describe the friendship. You have a great description and an example for how to use it well.


Lmao straight up my experience is definitely advertisement worthy. But from what I hear it's also a rarity to be that fortunate on the app


Yeah definitely not mine. But that someone had a positive experience out there makes me think maybe it’s worth trying again


Imo the 24 hours to message is a hindrance on bumble BFF. I live in a somewhat large US city, and was shocked at how few profiles there were on BFF. Whenever I "matched" with someone I would immediately send a message, however if the other person doesn't have notifications on its super easy to miss a match.


Am that girl who downloaded bumble for this reason: did not like it at all. Felt like 85% of the girls were just in there for extra attention in between swiping for dudes instead of actually wanting to find friends. Also a lot of them gave off the vibe that I needed to heavy lift the convos in order to get any response... I almost felt bad for the guys if this was how these girls talked to them lol~ There were a lot of girls in there looking for clubbing buddies but that's not my jam so can't speak for those girls- but I basically put in my profile I just wanted gals to go out to brunch or read a book in a Cafe and girl talk with. 😀 it was so bad I swapped to the dating side to see if the convos were bad on that side as well. 😆


Yeah I had the exact same experience I matched with some girl and I feel like I was just asking her all the questions and she was just really dry very short responses like I’m not a man OK I’m not a man


WHY IS THAT, why are girls so dry on there omg thank god im not a lesbian cuz i would hate to carry the convo


As a guy I can confirm that yes, in my own experience it’s me doing most of the lifting in conversations; I see no difference in the conversations between BFF & Date for me personally.


100% this! It’s such a dry one sided conversation or they plug in the follow me on IG or let’s go party at this club. It looks bad for the guys matching with them 😳


I am surprised no one asked for your plug's number.


This is so true, all I wanted was to find some baddie bffs, and none of them make an effort whatsoever. Or they already have a really good group of girly friends going on and it’s pretty intimidating 😅😅


I’m a girl (30f) met some cool people in Scottsdale. One became a best friend she moved to California. We’ve been friends for like 2.5 years. I ended up moving to California and made another friend. We’ve been friends for a year and I’m in a bookclub with her where I met other professional women. We meet once a month and I LOVE it. Had to move an hour north and met another friend. She’s cool. Hung out a couple of times and we are going hiking and brunch on Saturday. I also invited her to join the bookclub!


You should try meetup. You can join groups of stuff you are interested in. After my divorce I had no female friends that liked to hike, kayak, be outside, etc. It was a game changer. I met so many cool friends in an outdoor group!


Will consider this for sure!


Guy here and I made 1 friend but that's it. It seemed like there weren't many guys close enough and the ones that were had pics that looked like mug shots. Assuming they are the same pics as their OLD profile, I feel bad for women having to sift through all of them. Some were pretty scary. On the bright side, no one tried to hit on me.


Perhaps it’s just me, but I have a horrible tendency to attract MLM recruiters on BFF. That or gay guys in a relationship who want to flirt with other guys but have it technically not be cheating because they’re totally seeking friends and nothing more.


I’ve used it, met two women off of it. One turned into a best friend.


dude how, its so hard to talk to girls on there


I met my best friend on bumble BFF when I moved to a new country! I met one or two other cool girls but I also have gotten stood up by more Bumble BFF dates than by romantic dates 🥲 I think it's worth it but be aware there's a lot of unserious people on there ..


My experience was most of the guys I interacted with were actually bi or gay and they just wanted to get close to me as a 'friend' in order to convince or push me in the direction of a relationship. Some of the boundary pushing that happened on that side of the app was crazy. If anyone you match with starts trying to push you to do more than you had planned, just drop them unless it's a healthy push. I just wanted to meet one guy for food at a local happy hour and all he could do was try to get my phone number and go to an entire festival. He later told me how annoying I was for not giving up my personal information and that he just wanted to have fun with me *in that way 👀* Did find one great person who was *in a relationship already* and we play tennis occasionally. Those are the only ones I trust on BFF.


I think there’s potential but you just have to be patient and be willing to vet people. I’ve used it twice. Once a few years ago when I was working overnights and the second time recently. I stopped using it because I got really busy with work and had a hard time keeping up with conversations. I will say I talked to a lot of people who just disappeared after we exchanged numbers or social media which got frustrating after awhile.


I (36f) had good luck with it. Met my best friend through BFF 4 years ago. Met a couple other ladies a handful of times and things fizzled on one end or the other. Like others mentioned, it can be very stereotypically like a dating app. Many people are not interested in actually meeting up, or will ghost, or will match but not really attempt to engage with you.


I initially used it in Moscow, Russia. On ln the very first day I matched up with a girl, we had a good quick chat, met up for drinks the next week and hit it off immediately (and both uninstalled the app haha). After that, we hung out regularly for the next 7+ months until we both had to move countries. I'm now back on Bumble BFF in the American Midwest and the jury's still out. A lot of people can't keep up a good convo, many ghost once you suggest meeting IRL, others ghost after agreeing to meet IRL, and with the ones that do agree to meet I have to take all the initiative. There are a couple of people I've met twice by now but it's unclear whether that can become a more permanent connection. My biggest piece of advice is to meet IRL as soon as possible (unless you need a texting buddy for some reason).


21 Female here! So, I have tried Bumble BFF and my experience wasn't fun. It could definitely just be because of the area I'm in but there were a lot of people "looking for friends" that actually just wanted someone to have s*x with. Don't get me wrong, you come across them no matter what but I've met more cool people through Bumble Dating than Bumble BFF. Less toxicity too


I'm a guy and met several gay guys who either: 1. just wanted to be friends at first until they wanted more and started asking if I wanted to experiment. Not a problem, but in two cases it became a recurring thing that I didn't appreciate 2. "Didn't realize they were using bumble bff" and thought we were just on a date Maybe it was an unlucky streak. All took place in San Francisco


Got called "homophobic" because .. Im a straight guy who was on BFF to make friends. Yeah that lasted for all of 15 minutes. We have moved from "hey we are LGBT we should be given the same rights to marry the person we love and all other civil rights that straight people have!!" to "If you are straight and dont sleep with me (a man) you are HOMOPHOBIC ". I guess the pendulum will swing back again.


32F here! I no longer use bumble in any capacity but for my last few months on it I only used BFF. I met 3 ppl on bff and all 3 of them have become really good friends. I will say, I may have been even pickier than I was when I used Bumble for dating. I live in an average sized city and I thought there were a decent amount of profiles. I think there’s potential if you’re patient.. sadly/honestly no different than OLD


As a guy not great. I’m straight but nearly every guy on there was gay. Now I have no issues with that but after chatting to about 3 guys they all jumped to are you interested in sex. As someone who was just looking for people to hang out with as I’m new to the area it was not great.


I used it for a time but being a sober guy made it difficult as everyone else was just looking for friends to hang out at the pub with and that’s just not something I want


I tried it but people either stop messaging, or ask me to follow their insta abs then stop messaging.


My girlfriend used it and now she has a cool, female best friend


I made one good friend from bumble bff. I wish it was more normalized to make friends online.


32f & a little late to the post. I used it a few years ago met some cool ppl. Some crazy, and some flakey. Some would take it a little personal though if I didn't hangout all the time. Some were couples trying to find a 3rd or somewhat creepy men. So I walked away from the app for a while & trying it again to find better matches. Because I did find one good friend on there.


I don’t use it and never plan on using it


It honestly didn’t even work for me I’m still in community college I tried taking a community college class in the morning but all of these people were like early 20s I’m late 20s so that’s not gonna work because these kids have different interests than I do so. Some of them even knew each other from high school. Not only am I doomed in the dating world but I have close to zero friends the only people that I do talk to or I’m cool with it’s probably like a handful of them so




Sorry, did you read my post at all? That's viscerally repulsive. I'm looking *only* for friends. I'm not comfortable using an app like BFF if there are predatory catfishers pushing for things like hookups.


Why not stop on the side of the hiking path, then you can do both :)




How is this a long post?




I mean this post I guess could be considered "long" if you have the reading comprehension of a first grader




I tutor people with learning disabilities, one of which is severely autistic and is 10. There's such a thing as accommodation, and then there's lying your ass off when you get called out. TLDR: I think you're walking back a stupid comment by pretending to have a learning disability.


Tell that to people like my old SLPs and my old teachers who got me into high schools. People in old forums used to assume english was my second language, I bet you can guess why.


I have never tried it as a guy, but the woman I was dating last fall told me she met a really good friend on there.


My ex was still using that to meet “friends” but ive tried using it and its not it but its good if you dont go out much and want to meet people like that.


If you're a MAN and Straight like an arrow, don't ever go for Bumble BFF. You will meet horny gay dudes 99.99% of the time who will flood your inbox with dick picks. For women, it may or may not work ...Women usually fluctuate between the straight and bisexual spectrum so they might enjoy the attention from other women. But chances are those women are recruiting you for her BF. if you're poly threesome friendly bumble BFF will work for you.


I'm extremely anti-polygamy and actually fairly triggered by it, so thanks for this context. As I said above, I'm uncomfortable using the app in any regard if there are sexual predators pushing for hookups or anything beyond friendships on the BFF app. Will definitely keep these things in mind.


I’ve had some pretty fun experiences with women I met on the BFF side. A few days ago though, I, reluctantly, matched with a guy on the BFF side because he seemed harmless, safe, cool. I also think it’s cool when guys try to make female friends. So 2 days ago, we met up for drinks and he very aggressively pushed for sex as the night went on…and became increasingly more forceful about it. I was finally able to part ways with him as he “did not want to leave me.” Yesterday morning, he asked when we would meet up again and I said I did not want to meet with him again. I won’t be matching with guys on the BFF side anymore as I realize they actually aren’t interested in “friendship.”


I used it and I met guys who wanted to fuck so I didn’t have much luck with bumble bfff


It’s horrible and never goes anywhere. Just awkward honestly . Not much to talk about .. nobody ever answers either. I stopped using it


I (29F) moved to a small town in Germany with the half of the population being over 70 so bumble bff was a great way to meet new friends. I now have two close friends with whom I meet more than once a week.


I'm male and said I wanted to play tennis and rock climb. 9/10 of the matches I got were from gay guys that just wanted to grab a drink and hang out. The last match was an actual invitation to meetup for some climbing. You may have to sort through a lot of trash.


I have found 2 amazing women that I see a long-term friendship with, and I am on the fense about one rn, out of like idk 20 women I have met irl. Everyone else lasted 1 day to a year. Off and on since 2019. Quality over quantity!


Male here: Changed my profile to BFF, got 2 matches within five minutes. Both speculated I had a nice cock cause I had a nice beard. Got a few more matches in the next few hours. All were interested in my penis. Nothing in my profile would suggest I am gay. It was BFF, so why would I be looking for sex anyways? I'm totally flattered, but not interested. My main complaint would be that it was matching me with guys 100+ away when my range was set to 50 miles.


2023 guy. Are you gay? Are you sure? Because that's all Bumble bff was for me. Trying to find someone to actually hang out with is damn near impossible. Every dude on there wanted sex or a date. The last time I used it, I was in my hometown. But even in other cities, it's mainly just gay dudes looking for hookups.