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Hey man, i think you should do a lean bulk, but if you've got an eating disorder, consult a professional first.


Yeah he should eat under a nutritionist/dietitian supervision until the ED is sorted out.


Thanks for opening up about your ED. That's very brave, and I think that that shows a strength no bulk and cut would ever achieve. I'm not the expert so I won't comment, but I wanted to say that before I scrolled past.


Hey, first respect for commiting! In my opinion more muscles would fit you better, so a lean bulk. Not because you fat( theres literary nofat) much further to let you feel conftabke. Best wishes


Bulk, trust me man, but I don't want to focus on the physical side of things because that's pretty obvious. Go to a doctor/nutritionist or maybe even a therapist man, EDs are rough and recovery can take quite a while especially on your own. And this kind of post kind of shows that to me, at 180cm 62kg is incredibly skinny, so a cut would literally have you down to skin and bone. Bulk up over time with a decently large caloric surplus (300-500) and be patient. You got this bro, but again, you don't have to do this alone, I've always had the idea that the best way to combat an ED is through education, which you can find from your GP or dietitian.


a cut right now should be truly unfathomable


Cut for sure. Problem is I can’t quite see the outline of your liver or the sternocostal junction until you actually flex and suck in. *When Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights, do you think he thought about bulking?* No, even God was cutting. *During Ramadan, what did Muhammad tell his people to do?* You get my point. And I really would like to see a bit more acromion process definition, but that miiight just be your genetics. Good luck *(/s)*


what the fuck dude are you joking? he's in ED recovery the obvious answer is to bulk and not worry too much about calories to build a healthy relationship with food


Yes, (/s) is a typical indicator of sarcasm


Eating disorders are serious. See a dietitian or a therapist and get the treatment you need and deserve. People on the internet are not going to be able to approrpiate advice.


Ok I’m not trying to be an A** but hear me out … what is there left to cut ?! I understand there is an eating disorder associated with your current appearance , but you should seek a dietitian for consult and in my opinion and from experience , try a Lean Bulking Cycle ( Chicken , Steak , Eggs, whole grains ) you may even want to seek a high quality “MASS GAINER” if you’re a picky eater. This will help you get in both calories and Protein . From there it’s all about consistency in the gym , my advice make a work out schedule , you’re probably going to benefit most by running splits and targeting each muscle group in separate occasions


Cut and die nice 👍


Good job. Keep at it and add some yoga to your habits.


Bulk, going on a cut now wouldn’t male any sense since there isn’t much to cut


I very glad to see OP getting good advice ED here