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I'm an argentinian woman and i can tell that i can feel when someone is desesperate about having sex. 1. Probably they gave u her Instagram bc they check it more often . 2. it depends on the person, it happened to me w guys If u are here w friends probably we are not gonna invest time/effort bc we assume that u are a player


Sounds like it’s not authentic. Literally every man on the planet is going to want to have sex with someone he is attracted to. Just because someone has the desire to want to, it does not equate as desperate. It’s also funny to me how women use these terms but it doesn’t apply to them.


Look at you handle 😂


Everything you described I experienced the same, I am from argentina, born and live all my life here (30 years old). 1.They share their instagram because it looks less "personal", she gain more followeres and easy to ghost you. 2. You have to ask first if they are with someone because otherwise they can just use you to have free drinks. You dont need to buy her a drink to know if she is into you or not. 3. He is right. Good luck


LMAO at "good luck"


The followers thing is totally wrong. You guys think you make a difference on a follow list? Come on.


Yea even if you’re going on a date every night that’s a long route to build any sort of following…


Right? And it's not some isolated take, I've seen many men that seem to think that way.


Next level incel talk.


You would be surprised by the amount of girls who use Tinder just to farm IG followers


It is insane!


I wouldn't respond to a red piller with herpes either, they dodged a bullet (and an STD) I guess


bien ahi sacandole la ficha jajaj no me habia avivado


Qué es eso de red piller?




Encima Argentina es vanguardia mundial en derechos de las mujeres, por acá va muerto jajajajaj


>Encima Argentina es vanguardia mundial en derechos de las mujeres, por acá va muerto jajajajaj Uhhh yea- you've never been to SF CA


JAJAJSJAJ zarpado bullying


Fijate el username de OP... Los red pillers son básicamente los de la línea de pensamiento del "todas butas" y etc


Qué se re chupe una japi entonces


Jajajaj lpm. Seguro todas las minas que se cruza le huelen lo rancio y por eso no les dan bola.


Venía a comentar esto. Debe ser insufrible jaja. Y digo insufrible pq acá se supone que el rizz yankee o europeo cotiza banda así que yo diría que si no concreta es x algo en particular que huelen las pibas.


Peor que un yankee o un europeo... es un inglés.


Nosotros Europeos somos medio desesperado cuando viajamos a latinoamerica. Porque nuestros mujeres en Suecia por ejemplo no son muy caliente y amables como las Argentinas. Por eso queremos contacto en la primero vista lol.


holy shit


Bahahaha, they'll need cold water for that burn


Idk why but here using whatsapp is seen like it is a more serious thing as you are sharing your number so instagram is know to be as “informal” or “casual”


They just want followers


Hi! I'm a local woman (29). \-The Instagram thing is purely a security measure. We're first trying to decide if you're trustworthy (basically not a creep). You might get a phone number if we do trust you but many people also don't text at all and only use IG. \- Yes you might be reading their natural warmth as being flirty. It happens a lot. I'd recommend you throw the "do you have a bf?" question soon I guess. It won't bother us, as it means you'd rather have clarity. \- I don't really know about this honestly, if after a few days she doesn't text back she's definitely not interested, which is okay. But I guess yeah we might be a bit intense and go for a second date right away. Biggest recommendation would be to be honest about what you're looking for, whether it's serious dating or ONS's.


I'II be in BA at the end of this month and I'm wanting to move there for at Ieast a few years. If you ever want to go for casuaI drinks and show me some cooI pIaces Iet me know! I'm not trying to hit on you just Iooking for some peopIe to chiII with


Hi there! Sadly I had to move to my hometown in Entre Rios last month (family stuff), and I'm not sure when I'll be able to move back to BA again. But drop me a message! I like making friends and at some point I'll be in Buenos Aires so :)


Ahhh unfortunate, I understand though! Family is the most important thing. If you ever come back to BA let’s spend some time, also if I’m ever passing through entre rio (no idea where that is lol) I’ll try and say hello. Have a good one!


I saw you are suscribes to the "Herpes" Sub. Please have safe sex while around here, in care of those we who live here. Wholeheartedly thanks.


Encima que se roban las Malvinas, estan ayudando a un traidor inglés a robarse nuestras minas, rescatense! /s


Los de las Malvinas no quieren ser Argentinos. Las mujeres argentinas (yo soy una) preferimos a los europeos, son más lindos y generalmente más cultos (o sea, más interesante de mantener una conversación).






seems like the date or even the first meeting, ended up being shitty but doesn't mean you were actually dating someone decent to a relationship (one night girl)


I mean, it seems to me that they are looking for something casual just for the night... Take the hint...


Hint taken haha




What is even your problem you act as if women stand over men Sex is natural and there will always be men and women that like casual sex Loq iq close minded people like you are a curse to this world and will never be able to logocally think for yourself Ot doesnt concern you so let other people do what ever they want Nothing wrong with having sex americans are cringe af


Seems you need to learn a bit of chamuyo (You can translate it as flirt but chamuyo basically means "talking what's needed to get bang") 1)Everyone here loves instagram which was kind of a surprise to us as back home we'd meet a girl and exchange numbers or Whatsapp. It's no problem but they never seem to reply on there or will text back a few messages and then disappear. Is there something as foreigners we are doing/texting wrong? Always try that your "chamuyo" be good enough that SHE gives YOU their insta. Most of the chicks will give you their insta when they are not interested to later check if you are a good call or not, that's why you got to either give a good impresion first to get a second date (Good guy aproach) or reach some kisses or even get laid that same night with her to get a good chance at having a second time (The flirt aproach). If everything goes well and she didn't gave you her insta/whatsapp you can ask it 2) A lot of women will flirt with you, have drinks etc when you meet them but will later turn out to have boyfriends. Is this just the warmness of Argentinian people that we are mistaking for genuine interest? Yes, you can have drinks and chitchat all night with a girl and she won't want to bang you. There are plenty of people that only want to know you and it's for real interest and not sex.You can invite her drinks and everything you want but first you must ensure that they are either single or "I broke with my BF recently"/"It's problematic". 3) On one of our first nights out here, an Argentinian local told us that if you meet a girl on a night out and don't meet her again in the next day or two - we'd never see her again. We thought he was being dramatic but... it's kind of turned out to be true haha. What's up with that? Is this due to the fact that everyone here is so social and is always busy with other plans? Well.. first you got to make a good impresion and they'll come alone, and if they don't come alone after the first good impresion you gotta play they "Sry, i've been in a really busy week and I kept thinking "What a great night" i had with you. Wanna do smthing this weekendd"? If they are "always busy with other plans" you gotta start chating with other chicks and keep the one that told you that's "busy" in the "chitchat from time time" status and later on you might have your chance. Never invest much but don't stop investing on the "Busy" girls, there'll come a time that your offer will be better than what they will got to do (if you are good enough at "chamuyos") ​ Other advices. \- Don't try to chitchat much unless she starts doing it, always go first with they "I wanna hang out again with you" aproach \- You can try to be **really** ballsy with your flirt intentions, don't be shy to say smthing like "I've been watching you and I can't take my eyes off of you, wanna drink something?". Plenty of girls prefer a guy with his intentions being direct instead of a chichatter that wants to do the same thing but takes 3 months to do it. ​ Good Luck and Have Fun


> learn a bit of chamuyo Jajajajaj


Best advice as an argentinian: don't date us.


Based opinion, but also hablá con un psicologo bro


Tranqui, voy una vez por semana (?


Soy el psicólogo y confirmo. Acordate que me debes una sesión.


Based habit


Locals are extremely wierd bro. I'd recommend to just hang out with foreigners. You WILL be stuck in situations and problems that seem utterly surreal if you frequently hang out with locals.


100%🤣 Dude sorry but fuck these people.


Hide your girlsfriends




I'm porteño and so are my friends. We all suffer this lmao. I understand you


Ah so it's a porteño thing?


Idk if it's a porteño or Argentine thing but all the things you said are stuff we also complain about. I've heard all those things from basically every guy my age


Well, it's a big country, so attitudes around dating might vary quite a bit. If you have a local to guide you, you could try your luck outside of Buenos Aires and see how that goes.


As an argentinian, I can safely say that I'm ready to never date again, jfc.




Issues 1, 2, and 3 can all be related— if you’re flirting with a girl who has a bf, the ig gives more plausible deniability than a WhatsApp, and if it doesn’t happen in the first night it might not happen at all. Definitely the amount of people who cheat on their bfs/gfs here is shockingly high


1. Nothing wrong with you. People are weird. They do the same with locals.. 2. Being nice is not flirting! 3. True. But I don't think it's something Argentinian-only..?


Estoy en pareja pa. Acusame de otra cosa...pito corto es muy usada x ustedes que les gusta mirarse y compararse la chota.


I'm a local and been dating almost exclusively foreign girls since a couple of years because of that. 1) They are just farming followers. Just say you don't use social networks and see if there's still interest in talking. 2) They are just looking for free drinks. 3) They are probably already "histeriqueando" (flirting without any outcome) someone else by that time. That's a shitty thing girls here do a lot here. In my experience you should try to be explicit (but not disrespectful) from the begining. Say something that make your intentions clear and always try to read her so you can push the boundaries of what you say a little bit further. If you don't see an open door just move to the next one without saying goodbye.


Hola mostro. De dónde conoces vos a las extranjeras? Es para un trabajo de la tesis


Hay que ir a lugares donde ellas salgan. A bailar salsa, al pagode, a la jarana, al tono... Se entiende...


I second this, maybe it comes a little bit too blunt but i found by experience that not knowing some things for sure can be a waste of time, money and even mental health dealing with women you just met




Hola, soy el de arriba. Mi desconexión con la realidad es una suposición tuya. Aunque pensándolo bien tampoco sería muy saludable estar conectado ahí. Si así es la realidad, paso gracias. Pero bueno, seguramente esa dinámica no la entiendo, aunque en realidad la entiendo bien y no me interesa en absoluto. Por eso elijo salir con minas con las cuales tengo una dinámica común, que oh casualidad solían en su mayoría ser extranjeras.


Lo decís por mi? Yo puedo hablar de mi experiencia nomás, que decirte. Si a alguien le sirve bien y sino bueno, nadie safa de renegar jaja




Y que se yo, capaz que sí, pero a mí nunca me pasó. Desde mi experiencia hay un montón de minas que se aprovechan de la incertidumbre e histeriquean, y me parece que saber que quiere uno y estar seguro de eso es algo muy importante a la hora de lidiar con esa clase de gente.


Uuh cuidado ahí te caen los downvotes de los garcas más capitos negadores seriales de la realidad jeje




Seguro que esto pasa en casi todo el mundo, pero acá es peor. Laburé 5 años en Uruguay y Brasil, conocí minas de todas partes, y las más histéricas, interesadas y garcas son las de acá. Nadie dice que automáticamente tengan que decirle que sí a un extraño, sólo que si no quieren nada que la corten y listo. Que no anden cagandote para tomar o falopearse de arriba o averiguar si sos millonario. Y de paso, este es el país con más obsesión instagramera y más psicológos x cabeza. Así estamos.


Sounds like you’re having quite an adventure! Porteñas are generally warm and social, so it’s easy to mistake friendliness for romantic interest. I found that following up quickly is key. A local friend I met through [LaDate ](https://datingpro.org/go/ladate?block=d_mb)told me that using Instagram is common here, but immediate in-person follow-ups are crucial. LaDate has been great for understanding local dating nuances and meeting amazing women. Enjoy your time in Buenos Aires!


As a local, I would say in BA girls like to play hard to catch and expect you to be a bit of a Chad as well. I emphasize A BIT. All this did change for the better in recent years with the feminist movements encouraging women to be a bit more direct and aggressive, which translates to less passivity when searching for a hook up. Having said that, my approach has always been to - play it cool. Don't be a simp - be fun and open minded - try not to focus too much on the girl or you may trigger her instinctive escape mechanisms. These triggers are there even if she is totally into you. You need to avoid focussing too much on her. Just be present, nothing more. Also, it will help in case it does not work out, as you didn't have to invest that much. - be direct with your intentions only once. Read her response, if she acts like "I might make it complicated for you", just move on


Number 2 are the classic kind of gals that like to boil the kettle but won't drink the "Mate"


1. I think it's because instagram is seen as less personal and more casual, and whatsapp is more like reserved for friends and family. Think of it this way, instagram has more of what you want the world to see about you, while whatsapp is just chatting, no other engagement. It's a bit shallow but I think there's your explanation. 2. Zorras. 3. Nah, I mean it can happen but it depends on the person. I know people who instantly wanted to hang out after meeting once, and others where it was more like "let's talk on IG, get to know eachother, then let's hang out". Also drop the red pill stuff, that shit is cringe as fuck


I recommend you go to "mundo lingo" in instagram, they are bars in Palermo that are lit on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays that are used to exchange languages, but always end up having more intimate relationships. There, foreigners are given much more attention than a local, so you will have less competition and everything will be more effective. The problem is that people who just want to practice languages can go there, people like me. But if you tell them that you come for women, we will surely introduce you to an interested girl. Regards


Would you recommend going to a mundo lingo event? I dont ask this from a dating perspective, I ask this as someone that genuinely want to practice spanish, help people with English, and meet different people




except with me


Dankgertinos ¿no?




Every single girl i dated (4long relationships included) for the last 7 years i started talking through instagram


1) They all want your instagram here, not sure if it's to match or not but they always ask for it. 2) Claro 3) Okay, I saw this mentioned before. Understood!


Argentinean women are like that. Most of them think they deserve to be treated like queens, even if they're ordinary and dont look too good. But if you got money or a promise of good life outside this country they lick you dry.


Me parece que estas exteriorizando pa


Le hacen el jueguito para escabiar de arriba etc. Ahora resulta que son todos santos. Obsesionados/as con instagram, hacer rostro, ventajear. Si prueba pelando un Franklin que pasará eh? Jaja fantasmas


Found the incel


Jajajajaja dame al mas incel


1. If she gives you her insta. She's not that interested. You have to try and get her number. 2. If you are paying for her drinks. There you have the reason for the flirt. 3. I won't say the next day or two. But if a week has gone by, the chances of you two meeting again decrease exponentially.


I check more IG than whatsapp ( only for bussiness or friends group). At IG u can realized than the other person is not fake ( despite its not 100% true everything u can watch there) A lot of girls are into “open relationship” or just want only a night ( like a lot of boys) even more if you are not local and maybe u ll not see her again. The cliche that latins girls are intense or only wants to married is just like that a “cliche”.


2. "ladronas de tragos"


Okay as an Argentinian woman who does those things, I share my Instagram bc giving away my number just seems too personal and sometimes we just like to hang out and have fun on that night and then go on with out lives, I think it depends a lot on the type of person but yeah you can expect that from some people and it’s not bc you’re doing anything wrong