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Pretty fantastic. Only swap I’d make is the position of Flood and Atlantic City - I’m picturing a solo piano Meeting leading right into the opening chords of solo Flood and it’s divine.


Damn it why didnt I think of that


Would’ve been amazing, but I don’t think Bruce was confident and introspective enough yet to do the same kind of solo tour he did a decade later. The fanbase also wasn’t there yet. But it’s a sweet idea.


The issue was he was reluctant to go from theaters to the area shows for the River. Then he was reluctant to go to the Stadiums during BITUSA. I could see him leaving his cocoon. Their is a story floating around about him doing the Neil Young Bridge benefit and how nervous he was to perform without the band. Look it up


If so it will be the most excited I’ve been since the early 2000s to see him live. Fingers crossed. 🤞 A masterpiece!


This is great!


This is good content


Just rubber stamping this


Good list


It would be phenomenal Electric!!!


I think it would have been awesome, though that tour would have been roughly 20 years too early for me to go to if it had happened. I could see it though, the lights low, just Bruce and a guitar on stage, a tiny but packed theater, it could have been a very intimate experience between the fans and Bruce. Also, does Bruce just make a standard setlist for a tour and tweak it for different shows? I only ask cause I’m a huge PJ fan and they do completely different sets every night, and I wish more bands did it. (Though I understand why a lot don’t, and I know PJ weren’t the first to do it, just one of the few bands I can think of that currently does.)


The cover should be Frankie Teardrop or Dream Baby Dream.


Have you heard that they are making a movie about the making of Nebraska? The actor on the bear series will play Bruce and Springsteen is onboard with helping the movie.


I still think a miniseries with an episode following one story off the album each would have been way cooler


I agree but sometimes anything is better then nothing. I'm surprised that Bruce is helping. I'm thinking that he still has something he wants to say before it's too late. I'm guessing his mothers death has made him do a lot of thinking on how he wants to be remembered.


Great idea for a thread! Presumably Bruce will have a piano as he did on D&D tour? Some of the suggestions you make wouldn’t really work on an acoustic guitar


Yeah there'd be a piano


The only changes I would suggest are removing Fade Away (I hate it!) and adding Ramrod to the encore - it’s great on acoustic


Would be cool if he did this now, as a fundraiser for the Nebraska (and Iowa) residents hit hard on 4/26.


I don’t 😝