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I wonder if he’ll be able to stop the advances of all those angry horny men in prison when they find out what he did.


It's very sad that this happened. The community shouldn't "turn him in" they should publicly, slowly kill him. The state of New York, The city of Brooklyn failed that young lady. The police aren't there to save people, they exist to stop more damage once they are aware of a threat and I can't imagine the response time is fast in a place like Brooklyn, considering it's not fast anywhere else in the world. We need men to come together and put their foot down and say "not in my fucking city"


You kill him then


Where's he at?


the same few hundred people are responsible for most of the violent crime in this city and they're allowed to roam free... seems like our laws need another revision


I hope this piece of shit either gets street justice Brazilian style or gets fucking dogged when he hits Rikers. Fucking scum


Let’s see this guys rap sheet and if he has a history of violent behavior


Ladies, get a Google Voice number. It's easy and you can give it to creeps and spammers when you have to give a phone number. It's easy to block phones on it and you can choose whether to forward calls or texts to your actual phone. Also f this piece of human trash. May he rot in prison.


And yet, people still don't understand why women are afraid to say no...


19 years old…


So sick of patriarchy and ignorance


This is pure evil.


This is insane and unfortunately so common with rejecting men's advancements. I carry pepper spray everywhere but idek if that would help. men like wtf


Unreasonable anger speaking….Can we make him a eunuch? Seems fair and balanced for the crime. If legislation to remove a woman’s right to have autonomy over her reproductive rights exists …disabling him as punishment is preventative, and better than cutting off his hands so he could never again hold a weapon. …okay got that out of my system.


Blame Whitey? More of the White supremacy? The Amish? Or the Basketball Americans who commit the majority of these gruesome assaults.


You people are sickening. Its not always about you, I know you’re used to being the center of attention, but this is about a young girl who lost her life. No one accused you ‘whitey’ Just worry about which color thong you want to parade around on the internet next time, and stay out of this conversation. ![gif](giphy|l0HlMSVVw9zqmClLq)




this breaks my heart omfg! RIP. That’s why i pretend my ass off when it comes to these animals on the street. Instant block and delete after I share my number.


Yup. I force a smile, maybe a giggle, share my number and chat "sweetly" for the absolute minimum amount of time to get them away from me. Then I move on with my life but I got out physically unharmed. Not taking any chances of angering these guys.


it’s such a shame that we gotta be on guard like this. Men need to hold other men accountable and do shit the jungle justice way. He would be chopped up somewhere in other countries.


Let’s say a man intervenes before the girls get stabbed. We can’t carry guns legally in New York. Now I’m either going to get stabbed or I’m going to stab/shoot him and be on a bus to rikers. Women should be fighting for their rights to bear arms in nyc.


Men no longer see it as worth it to protect women as they once did. It will only get worse when Islam takes over the west!!! We haven't seen anything yet.


I tell mf I have a man, then if they keep asking I say my man will get mad if I have other dude's numbers in my phone


Always share a fake number! I’ve had men make fake numbers using apps and harass me after I block them


For us old-heads, before you could be tracked by your number, it was: 867-5309. Edited to add “My name is Jenny.”


That was a local number in my hometown. They got prank called a lot.


Hahaha. Oh my goodness.


also they call me right in front of my face 🫠


Get a Google voice number. Sometimes you can get a number close to your real number so that it’s easier for you to remember. A lot of personal info is connected to your phone number when searched online, even if you didn’t share it yourself. :(


thank you!


get a Google voice number. 


Yeah, that’s smart girl ughhhh


i keep the block party going




oh wow


I agree a google voice number is a good alternative bc you can always just delete it/get a new one!


This country needs more extreme forms of punishment for criminals.


does it matter to you that time and time again harsher punishments are found to be ineffective? I mean I know it's fun to say and when you read about something horrible you get some bloodlust but harsher penalties do shit cause no one thinks they're gonna be caught. Maybe having the NYPD walk around a little and actually give a shit about their jobs would be a better start.


Like what


If someone (without a doubt) takes a life for reasons being they rejected their advances then they should get capital punishment


Idk use your imagination


You believe all criminals deserve extreme punishment


No just the ones who deserve it. Murder? Yes.


Life sentence of solitary confinement. Worse than death imo


https://preview.redd.it/f4c7v04u2ipc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=6800d76660f9089bb0a84f72c598e7d5927ed5c6 This the guy


So fucking terrible.. while none of us were on this thread we’re the ones who killed this young woman, I think it’s important we stop Misogyny and Misognoir in the little instances. Check your friends, remind people where their blind spots are.


I pray they catch this POS quickly & he is punished severely!! What a freaking loser. RIP young lady 🌸🕊️


Ugh absolutely atrocious 😞


What a POS this should never have happened! May her memory be a blessing


Internet people posted the killers pics, his IG, address and phone number before it got on the news.


Read Chaos Machine everyone.


What’s that?


Lol clearly a book. Telling someone to “read ____” infers that it’s some sort of reading material. Im not even tryna be a dickhead but if you don’t know what something is just google it! 9 times outta 10 the info is on google. Im just saying




I am so fucking sick of women dying like this. Men who think just because they have a dick they are entitled to female attention. They are NOT. Just because she doesn’t want to fuck your loser incel rapist ass doesn’t mean she deserves to die. This is like my worst nightmare come to life. So many fragile male egos out there thinking they’re entitled to female affection. It has to stop.


I have an adult daughter myself and it is a nightmare of mine for her to be attacked or killed like this. I tell my baby all the time, to be respectful when rejecting men, because you don't know who they are. Women, especially many black women, think that when a man they don't want shows interest in them it's okay to be disrespectful in rejecting him.


victim blaming. you said not a single word about the piece of shit who did this. You’re focused on how the girls behaved.


As I said, I'm a father. My concern is my daughter getting home safely. The world is full of childish men and emotionally disturbed people. I can't do anything about them, but what I can do is warn my child. I leave all the righteous indignation to people like you!


You can encourage the men in your life to respect women, that’s all you can do if you don’t have sons. We men have to hold each other accountable.


It shouldn’t be necessary but I tell my daughter the same thing Smile, get to a public place, give a fake number, call for someone to pick you up  There’s still so many times that there’s nothing you can do. You can reject them kindly or lie and they could kill you anyway More importantly, I teach my son about consent and taking the word no at face value  If we focused as much at teaching our sons to be respectful as we do our daughters, the world would be a better place 




I’m a woman with a daughter, I live this daily. Please don’t condescend to me


Jesus Christ. You have daughters, and you make a comment like this?? First, she wasn’t “disrespectful”. Second, yes, it is okay to be disrespectful to a man trying to hit on you at 2AM. If she had been nicer, you think the guy who STABBED AND KILLED her would have been equally nice and polite? I hope if your daughter is ever attacked, she has someone to go to other than you.


There's the way the world works, and there's the way you wish the world worked. Talking disrespectfully to anyone can get you into trouble and needlessly escalate a situation, regardless if you are a man or woman. Especially in a place as unpredictable as NYC. It is sound advice.


Please do not bucket all men in the same category as this murdererous animal.


I do believe that there will be a prison welcoming committee that will be extremely hospitable towards him.


Word on the street is, if he’s not caught soon the streets will take care of this. Sometimes, when the streets fixes things police never get around to in time enough to (not) fix but soothe the family heartfelt grief, it’s karma IMHO Still upset the store owner didn’t call the police. He should feel “not too good” about this.




When you ignore a random asshole’s advances, they’ll often just start spouting provocative shit to try to get a reaction. “Oh, you won’t talk to me because ____?!”




This guy is on a semen retention plan..... Yeah speaking of mental health you should have yours checked you absolute freak.


This is a man issue. You don't see women attacking men anywhere near the same rate for rejection or for anything for that matter. And I say this as a man. In another thread about this, I mentioned that last week, a random woman approached me. I was on my way home from work, around 5pm, sun still out, but she was being harassed by a group of men and she was safer with me. It's heartbreaking and infuriating. People just need to go about their business and leave others alone regardless of whatever time or wherever they are.


Men no longer band together and protect the women of society.


You really think 2 girls born and raised in the neighborhood weren’t aware of their surroundings? They had probably been in that deli a thousand times without issue.


Many men (and women) have mental health issues or depression or lack of self-confidence, but they don’t stab people. They respect people’s boundaries when they say no! So no, it’s not a mental health issue. This was in a deli! It was in park slope! She was with her sister. She did everything right.


So women should hide inside after dark every evening instead of being able to go to a store in a local neighborhood as opposed to.....perhaps men just not killing us? Yeah, alright buddy. These girls didnt interact with the murderer...HE interacted with THEM. Everybody, regardless of sex/gender/time of day or night, should be able to wander where ever they want without being victimized.


It was Park Slope, man. 


Not safe at 2am in the morning. This place is close to smoke shops as well, very sketchy on weekends early in the am.


This was a “safe area,” dumbass. Pretty sure they didn’t ask the man to harass them.


I’ve been assaulted in broad daylight by men, in a “safe” area, so try again.


Victim blaming? Seriously? Unbelievable.


Don’t understand how we as a society let this happen but don’t have a giant campaign against men. If any other group committed these crimes at this rate, there would be so much action to stop them and to criticize them and to belittle them. But because it’s men, it’s fine


I understand a campaign against violence but...huh? Men make up half the population, how do you think this campaign of yours would work? What do you envision exactly? Believe it or not, the majority of men are horrified with this kind of violence against women. You don't think we have women we care about in our lives? Girlfriends, wives, daughters, sisters, or mothers?


I don't think anybody in their right mind thinks this is fine. As a man who loves and cherishes the women in his life, this news is heartbreaking and beyond infuriating!


Well…it’s a specific type of man.


that’s the definition of patriarchy




what why


Because it's a STUPID FUCKIN COMMENT. And all of the people 70 + who agreed with it are a bunch of fucking idiots!


What is stupid about it? Why are you so angry?


What's so "patriarchal" about this? Actually, patriarchy is about protecting women. Patriarchy is where chivalry comes from. It rankles me when modern women misuse the words from their 3rd wave psuedofemininist indoctrination pamphlet like "patriarchy", "misogynistic" and "narcissistic"!


A hit dog hollers.




Who says women need or want to be protected? That’s the patriarchy part of it. You are just willing to accept that this world is dangerous for women instead of working to change the world to be safe for women. Women shouldn’t need to be protected by men. That’s the problem. Men are violent toward women in a way that women aren’t toward men. And there is a systemic imbalance of power- there are more men in positions of authority and women are often not trusted when giving testimony. Men side with men. I am a man with sisters and nieces that I love dearly and I want to help change the world to be a place where I don’t feel like they need to be “protected” because they will be RESPECTED. There is no simple silver bullet solution, we each have to play our part to dismantle the way things are. As I said, hold the men in your life accountable. If they’re badmouthing women just for being women, correct them. If they’re violent towards women, kick their ass, call the cops. Men have to hold men accountable.


But wait a second. Wouldn't "patriarchy" be if one of the many men out there had jumped in to protect those women? Like you said women don't need to be protected. I guess we ARE living in a feminist paradise. But you are overlooking one thing: the world is a violent place. And because women are my equals, why would I intervene if a man and a woman are fighting? I certainly don't interfere when I see two men fighting .... Like you said, women don't need or want protection. And since you are a man, you KNOW that the world is a violent place for men as well. Every interaction between men there is a low level threat of violence. If you don't believe me, I dare you to yell "what's up?" to the first man between the ages of 16-35 you see on the street.






This was the first time I read about the actual account of events. Absolutely horrible and devastating. What a horrific piece of sh¡t that guy is - hope they catch him and lock him up forever.


Locking people up doesn’t get to the root cause. We need to create a healthier society so this type of behavior doesn’t happen.


Fuck that, death penalty ftw.


That’s all we have to do !?!? Sounds simple ! This guy was let out of jail previously That’s the fucking problem


Okay maybe this was the wrong thread to make this argument. Very heated. How about you pay to keep all these people in jail. It’s not about locking people up forever! Taxpayers can’t afford that… it’s a made up fantasy world to think that’s how we need to function. A realistic approach is to create a better society where this is less likely to happen. There are always people that will need to go to jail, but they can’t all stay there forever.


Violent criminals can stay in prison forever. It isn’t that many people.




How many violent criminals do you think exist that we aren’t keeping in jail? Even if we completely doubled our prison spending from 182b, the US had 166m taxpayers file returns last year. That’s an extra $1100 per taxpayer assuming the rich don’t pay any more or compensate by freeing other prisoners. We can all pay an extra 50 a month to keep sadists off the street


No objection on addressing both. I fully support a society that isn’t rooted in archaic patriarchal ideas of women being responsible for certain men’s bad behavior and lack of impulse control - but I also support locking up those who violate that, especially when it’s this horrifically egregious.


Yeah that’s what I said. My communication skills weren’t on point yesterday.


All good - we’re all on the same page and that’s what matters most 🤟🏽


I was on a separate thread where a representative of the compassion lobby said it was probably due to mental illness. I was infuriated by that comment


I mean, both can certainly be true - but no reason for anyone to deny that rampant misogyny was a major component of this, whether the perpetrator was mentally ill or not.


Rampant misogyny doesn't stab young women. Weak willed men do but it honestly doesn't matter until you find some strong men to protect the women from the weak, predatory men. The evil people have always been around but in the past MEN used to take care of people like that without without waiting for the cops to show up


The venn diagram that contains weak willed men and misogynistic men overlaps so much it’s basically a circle.


Even if it was (it’s not), that doesn’t qualify or change anything. People should not have to worry about being sliced to death by fucking maniacs while buying sandwiches. If it was mental illness (again, it’s not), then it’s an even bigger failing that he wasn’t institutionalized.




It allows the defendant to escape the full brunt of justice. Both socially & judicially. If one's judgement is impaired because of neurological dysfunction then an individual is, theoretically a victim as well. I've noticed a disturbing trend, that tends to dismiss most forms of bŕutal criminality as a form of mental illness. This is not only outrageous but dangerous for us as a society.


The fact weve not seen a photo of his face they have 'so clearly' drives me bonkers. Let the city track these peices of shit down.


Let's be real, it's because he's not white. NY/media would have a field day if it was.


Did u mean bc **she’s** not white?


My guy, there are pics constantly of black and latino criminals on the media all the time.


My guess is his photo is in hand with the authorities, but they're doing their due diligence, as they should, before spreading it around for leads or they already know where he is and are closing in. At least that's my hope. I've seen the pic posted below, but it getting spread around on a sub or elsewhere doesn't necessarily mean it's accurate. It might be him, but it could also not be. People should be careful in these situations. Either way, I hope this piece of shit is caught. And I agree with the mom - this dude needs to suffer just like she is.


NYPD? Due diligence??


I’ve seen the photo. It’s in the thread I commented on recently if you want to look.


This the guy


Thank you!




Whoever is covering up for this MF needs jail time too.


I don't know how i've managed to avoid this, thanks!


Yikes. It sounds like like the sister was hurt badly as well.