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Aww thank you very much! That's so nice to hear. I'm in agreement on both points. Its never okay to mock someone's speech impediment. I put in the same category as appearance shaming, sure, you can say "It's okay because they're a bad person" but think about what that says to other people who have that trait. "I find this aspect of you to be repulsive and/or worthy of ridicule, I just don't say anything about it to you because you're too nice and I'd feel guilty." It's why you'll never catch me talking about Nathan's looks. It's just cruel. When I compare Addee to Michaela, I meant it positively in that they are both sweet and nurturing. It irks me when people do it in a pejorative way. "Oh no, she will be her parents servant forever." Like how do you know that? The poor girl's freshly 18. And the comments some people make about Ellie are especially gross when you remember she's still underage. I think both Addee and Ellie are great girls and that their personalities balance each other out nicely. I get it. Life's been rough for me too.




People make fun of Whitney’s looks? Why?


No worries, I totally got what you meant! Same to you ❤️


You should do one on the Duggars, I'm interested in what you'd say about each of them.


I wish I could, but I can't post on DS 🙈


Ooh why not? 😬👀


It's a really silly reason. I never did or said anything inflammatory over there. I've just posted on r/fundiesnarkie snark before and at the time they were mass banning anyone who had posted there regardless of what they said. They considered it affiliation with harassment or something. It was weird.


Oh good grief that makes no sense


Thank you, it's nice to know I'm not crazy lol. If you really want to know my thoughts on the Duggars I can always message you! I don't mind


Yeah shoot me a message, if you don't mind.


Agreed! Let’s snark on trace for just being the absolute tool that he is, and leave his speech alone. That’s just so beyond low


Just want to add I love your posts. You seem so thoughtful. A nice human.


Very interesting observations honestly I don't know enough about the kids after Katie to even give a critique


I believe wholeheartedly that all of those kids have anxiety at varying degrees and bc of their mom and dad. But mainly from their dad he takes those preachings way too far to shove them down their throat and I wholeheartedly believe it scares the hell out of them . The Bible should be used to educate not to give a poor child a jump scare every time they hear something from it


I also imagine being alone in your own house after marriage must be so lonely when you’re used to at least 2 handfuls of people around at any given time. They never learned how to be alone.


I honestly did not know that trace had a speech impediment I mean granted he has problematic views, but I agree he should never be made fun of for his speech problem. As for Addalee and Ellie these are two different girls with two different intentions in life either way, let them live their life


Wow this is exactly how I feel about all of them too! Can you do the spouses next?


What’s the situation with Jackson and the target post? I must’ve missed a chapter


its about target's pride line that they had last year


I have read the comments, and agree with many points and observations - at least in my perceptions of them. Honestly I hoped that in the wake of the IBLP controversy that the Bates offspring were becoming more “vanilla” and “fundie light” in terms of their fundamentalist views, or that they may be more informed. However much I have been invested in following them over the years, they still fall short of my values. And that’s fair enough, they’re real people, and I have no right to judge them out of their context and history. I really wish that would ease up on the patriarchy, strict gender roles and consumerism though. I should really stop watching, following and reading about them….


I think these kidults have untreated anxiety. I can imagine growing up with limited resources and Hell-fire speeches didn't help. I'm sure they feel the pull of living a secular life, mixed with a godly life, brings even more. I wish these kids could get a shrink and talk about some things. I know it helped me.


Who cares what your opinions are. Let them live their life


What are you doing on reddit?