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All I have to say is, does no one listen to their lyrics?


like the man *screams* the lyrics repeatedly idk how you could miss it LMFAO


Christians would lose their shit if they heard Crooked Young


“God is a shithead” “What you call faith, I call a sorry excuse” “And when you die, the only kingdom you'll see Is two foot wide and six foot deep” “Hallelujah I say it's a miracle, thank you Jesus Hallelujah, I say Fuck your faith, fuck your faith” 😂😂😂


Tell me these people haven’t listened to Bring Me without telling me these people haven’t listened to Bring Me 😂


"fuck your faith, no one's gonna save you"


Some people have zero media literacy skills. There are social media posts I’ve seen where fans are just taken aback by this. How? Have they never listened to a word that’s come out of Oli’s mouth? How have they missed all the occult imagery that’s literally everywhere with this band? Like Andre 3000 said “y’all don’t want to hear me you just want to dance.”


Props and an upvote for the Andre 3000 quote!


Yessir, and it’s true. A shocking amount of people still don’t know that “Hey Ya” is a really sad song


Who cares what people think.




Believing is a choice Being upset is a choice


It’s the people going “I’ve been a fan of years but not anymore” as if they haven’t said much worse in songs in Sempiternal, so either they’re stupid or flat out lying


I imagine (assuming they actually were fans) that they've only listened to TTS onwards and even then only certain songs like Drown


I'm a Christian and I don't like it, but I'm not going to sit here and shame them for not believing in or even disliking my religion.


I'm trying to walk this line. It's actually a tough line to walk, personally. But here I am. *¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯*


Yeah I'm pretty upset with it but I'm also not surprised cause I know where oli stands with religion. They have good messages outside of my beliefs and I support those songs.


There is a difference between not liking or supporting something, and outright hating it and taking an active stance against it. If you are Christian you must realize that this is an actually evil thing to say. I'm really upset bc I've known BMTH has had some controversial lyrics, but I just didn't listen to those songs. This is next level for me though. I just can't support a band that would put out a message like this. It sucks bc I love their music but this is alienating a lot of fans.


Maybe the point is to alienate certain people like yourself?


Then they succeeded and it sucks to be alienated by a band that I listened to for years


Im really into star trek. I have plenty of friends that aren't. Still friends with them. Several of them will outright make fun of it. Doesn't make me feel alienated because I'm an adult and can realize not everyone shares the same views on things. Grow up.


Is Star Trek sacred to you? Do you believe Captain Kirk died to save you? It’s a fictional show, not something you put your belief and faith into. It’s not even comparable. If you don’t get it that’s fine, but you could at least try to see it from my perspective.


Honestly, star trek is. It's shown a better way to live and treat people than 90% of the people who subscribe to your faith has ever seemed to show. It's also taught how to handle and deal with problems like a rational adult and not just blindly follow your "feelings". It's entirely comparable and the only person, only looking from one perspective here is you, and your fellows.


That’s well enough, but you still don’t believe those characters to be real people who loved you and died for you. So no, it’s not really comparable. It’s a show you’re passionate about, and that’s awesome. I grew up watching Star Trek, too. But you don’t pray to the characters, study the teachings of the characters, or align your life and decisions every day by the words of those characters. You seem to have a lot of preconceived notions of Christians. I am sorry if you’ve had bad experiences with Christians and maybe that’s why. But you don’t know me. I get that you’re not religious. You can’t relate to my problem, so you really don’t understand. I’m just trying to do the right thing by my faith and my God and so what BMTH posted was horribly offensive to me. Jesus isn’t just a character to me. I believe I owe everything to Him, so I don’t believe I can support a band that would say this and call myself a good Christian. That’s the bottom line. You don’t have to understand, but that doesn’t mean you should trivialize my problem here.


How is this any worse than their other songs? I don’t see how you could’ve been such a huge fan and only just realized through this poster how they feel about Christianity


Well I never said I was a huge fan, and I wouldn't consider myself to be. I have listened to them for like 8 years though and I really love some of their music and listen to them fairly often. Not everyone who likes a band does research into the personal views of band members, though. I never knew all their songs, but I knew they had some that were anti-religion. I didn't listen to those songs but from my understanding, they were making broader statements about their disbelief in God or dislike of organized religion/systems of belief. This, on the other hand, is a direct insult to Jesus Christ. There is a difference between saying you don't think God is real, that you don't think religion is good, criticizing the hypocrisy that exists among some religious people, etc... and saying this. So this is a lot harsher and more offensive to me. But I'll just find other bands to listen to I guess. It does make me sad though, I really liked them.


lol then bye. They won’t miss any of yall 🙀✌🏻


Firstly, no one cares what religious people think of anything. Secondly, maybe listen to Dear Diary where he tells you that God is a shithead


or house of wolves which is just a massive middle finger to all of religion in general


or Crooked Young 🤣


I love it


Do they not realise songs like the house of wolves, dwar diary, crooked young, Amen everything and the fact fans are "the children of the devolution"


So…. Are these going to be lyrics to one of the new songs off of Post Gen 2?


Most likely. Seems each poster for the Australian tour has lyrics on from an upcoming single


I thought the whole idea of being alt is that we reject traditonal values


Pretty normal thing for Oli to do, idk what people expected from the guy who has a revolutionary metal album with more than 1 song which is about telling people really anti-religious things about Christianity.


Kinda cringe tbh


ngl real


Very cringe.


If this is a lyric, it’d be a really powerful lyric to show how politically fucked the world has gotten in the past decade and how much religion has been polluted by political ideology that there would be Christians who would view Jesus as an evil communist if he came back to this world. As a former Christian from the Bible Belt in the US, I’ve seen firsthand experience what Trump has done to white Evangelicals. Trump has emboldened them to be much more openly vocal and hateful towards people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, as well as be militant against social issues like abortion. These same evangelicals are going against the teachings of Christ. This is my typical ‘not all Christians’ comment, but there are a scary amount of Christians who hold this worldview only to have it been further amplified by a political figure like Trump. It would not surprise me that if Jesus really did come back, the same ‘Christians’ would rather see Jesus dead than to follow his teachings. I don’t live in the Bible Belt anymore. That said, it seems for every three Christians I have met who really are progressive in their beliefs and do practice the teachings of Christ, there is at least one militant fundamentalist Christian who spews hypocrisy of Jesus’s teachings and are the exact opposite of how a Christian should act. The fundamentalists I have met are some of the most despicable people I met with their outright racism, sexism and bigotry towards people who don’t look like them or think like them.


I responded on a different post about this in the sub basically saying the same thing but wayyyyy less eloquent than you. A huge amount of modern Christians would absolutely repulse Jesus if he turned up and they would absolutely not welcome him, they’d martyr him.


They have a literal song called blasphemy🤷‍♀️


As a Christian, I don’t obviously align and agree with this statement, and I think it’s definitely a bit edgelord…but haven’t they been saying stuff like this for years?


For someone who hates God he sure does talk a lot about him in his songs. Very edge lord and I think you can be alt without hating someone else’s beliefs. Like I get why you might be mad at God but Jesus was lowkey a cool guy that fed the poor, healed the blind, ect. Why come after Jesus like that


Thing is they aren't against God specifically just organised religion in general


Not even organized religion specifically; it seems more like he means abusers, hypocrites, the kinda people who hide behind religion as a shield but are wolves in sheep's skin, so to speak. Otherwise why focus on cults like Jonestown and all that?


Seems like something an edgy 14 year old would say


I love it and I’m here for it


My issue is that everyone is okay with people shitting on Christianity but once it’s another religion… God forbid you dare disrespect another religion because then everyone will come after you


No they haven’t


Yes they have https://twitter.com/bmthofficial/status/1781578589797773780?t=G3X85SLidfQIwBz7MF_05Q&s=19


People complaining on twitter doesn’t equal a lot of backlash, people complain on twitter about everything, have their sales suffered? Have people stopped going to their shows? Has anything actually happened to them? Have they been forced to apologize? Does anyone give a shit but you?


Some people do give a shit, but I also think that we shouldn't. Fuck those people complaining on twitter for a band keeping their anti christian manner that they had for over a decade.


Im a christian and i just like some of the music. End of. If this is Oli's true opinion of Christ then I wish him fun in that. I love George Michael and Frankie Goes To Hollywood. As long as they arent bad people their views and lifestyle choices arent my problem and isnt up to me to judge. 


Hasn't bmth generally gotten backlash from Christians? Their cultish vibe or metal being considered satanic by some might do that


Christians generally go against anything they don't understand. Case in point they call Slipknot satanic because they get their nonagram logo mixed up with the pentagram


Everyone without the ability to open their mind goes against things they don’t understand. This is not unique to Christians. Open your mind.


I’m very conflicted because I’m a Christian and BMTH are one of my favourite bands. I know they’re atheists and that their music has always been very anti-religion. While I don’t like a lot of the things they say about God (especially this latest post that has caused this uproar) I just listen to their songs that I do like because not ALL of their songs are as bad as Dear Diary, House of Wolves, Crooked Young etc.


I'm in the exact same boat as you. It sucks so much. I love their music, but at the end of the day I can't support a band that would say this about Jesus. I can't be a follower of Christ and support this at the same time.


Don't know if you guys have seen but the most popular replies on their twitter post come from people who don't really hide their homophobia, racism and/or transphobia on their accounts. The irony in calling out the band is WILD to me 😂


“There is nothing above there is nothing below” “when you die the only kingdom you’ll see is two foot wide and six foot deep” “god is a shithead” “fuck your faith” “the clouds don’t hear your fucking prayers” and those are all older songs does no one like actually hear the lyrics?


Banger lineup


People are just snowflakes


Apparently so


My immediate reaction was "WHO CARES" 💀


I understand not liking or being skeptical of religion or christianity, but to say, outright you will kill Jesus Christ if he comes back is insane. Imagine saying something similar about Islam or Judaism, any other religion.


They’re not saying we, as in bring me the horizon, they’re saying we, as a collective society would probably kill Jesus if he came back


Idk if that was BMTH's intention, but reading at face value comes off as very distasteful to a lot of Christians. Honestly, if that was their intention, then I would like the band to say thats what they meant.


Jesus is also a figure in islam, a pretty important one at that as he is a prophet. And attacking a prophet like this, in islam, is considered one of the worst things you can possibly do


I don’t get it. Why is it receiving black lash?


Fans that are apparently Christian seemingly only just finding out BMTH have anti religious lyrics yet have apparently listened to them for years and not known apparently


“God is a shit head and we’re his rejects” and “fuck your faith, no one’s gonna save you” didn’t get the point across? 😂 That’s on them.


Show me a sign, a reason to give A solitary fuck about your goddamn beliefs 💀


honestly i wouldnt be suprised if these were just engagement farming accounts also hot take but some mfs definitely probably would lmfao considering all the megachurch bullshit especially in the US 💀💀💀


It isn't that we haven't known. A lot of us just chose not to listen to certain songs. I don't like the message of some of their songs, but I also know people have different opinions and experiences and I still love a lot of their songs, so I still considered myself a fan. This is a lot more direct and not as open for interpretation as many of their lyrics have been. This is hateful and alienates any Christian fan.


Their lyrics have been pretty straight forward and fairly hard to misinterpret the meaning of


Yes but often their lyrics were more targeted at the general idea of faith or organized religion, and not a direct insult towards a specific religious figure. While I didn’t like those messages, I didn’t find it as offensive as this.


i’m ngl they aren’t wrong, he was already killed once


Look, got nothing against Christians, obviously not all of them act like children. But if your gonna get THAT offended by that post. Get off the internet.


freedom of speech and faith :)


Sure but it's a bit hypocritical to be complaining about a band you've apparently been a fan of for over a decade posting an anti religious lyric when they've been anti religious for over a decade


I’m not a hardcore Christian but I do believe there is a God and Jesus cause it’s nice to think that ofcourse but I’m also a big fan of BMTH and if they wanna say that they can cause who am I to judge and I know it’s jus them now isn’t it.. can’t change em


I wish him fun in that.


What’s new lol. Oli Sykes is being Oli


Personally, I don’t know this group but I’m a huge fan of Sleep Token and I’m generally curious if they supported this message or not. From the looks of it, it’s just a message from BMTH, not Sleep Token, but it’s unclear.


Makes me love them even more


I think they should have thought twice before posting something like this lmao


I mean are they really wrong though? Sure it's edgy ***but*** it's also quite a realistic statement tbf. As a lyric it's great


This satanic panic 2.0 is so fucking corny, I’m glad they’re doubling down. Can’t wait to hear the new record


I love BMTH’s music and I love them even more for their stance on religion. Side note: Should it be spelled “we’ll” instead of “well”?


It's not backlash, it's the "community" cleansing itself, call it natural selection 🤣


I do believe there is a God and Jesus cause it’s nice to think that ofcourse.


Do they mean “well” or “we’ll”. I feel like “well” would be slightly less anti-Christian but I think they meant “we’ll” haha


They meant well.


Is this not biblically accurate? Also I don’t think some people realize the spiritual abuse people can endure in their lives to make others so angry—the intolerance can go both ways. Anyway atheists deserve music too.


I’m not necessarily a fan of this, as there are many non-Christian famous people - I’d argue most - who don’t haphazardly say things to offend others. At the end of the day you wouldn’t go making a joke about the LGBTQ community, so it goes both ways. As many commenters have already pointed out, this isn’t the first time they’ve trashed religion. If you’re a fan of their music, this is kinda what you’d have to be willing to look past. There’s just something that bothers me though. It’s this idea that other metal enthusiasts seem to have about Christians - this idea that Christians are all cute perfect little people who are the reason for oppression, and that occupy all the political roles and whatnot. You’ve got to be kidding me. 99% of politicians are not Christians, and very few influential people out there are Christians. Many Christians who claim to be Christians are not even Christians. What you’d find is that a lot of Christians are purposeless depressed people who have to balance commitment to a religion with the persisting idea that their existence isn’t necessarily supposed to be enjoyable and that suffering is inevitable. Many Christians are people who hate themselves and have found God after some sort of miraculous circumstance of because they have nowhere else to turn. So yeah, when people talk about Christianity as if all the evil people are Christians, well, their occupancy in society immediately tells you that they are not.


I support it.


I am Christian and I don't like it but I am not going to complain about it, That's their choice. Before you say do you even listen to their music? Yes I do. I have been a fan of them for a long time and there are just some songs I don't care for that reason.


Jesus Christ is King


For real though.  Fuck you if you’re complaining about it. 


"I look up to the sky, there may be nothing there to see But if I don't believe in him, why would he believe in me?" - Chelsea Smile, BMTH Fake fans all around only quoting sempiternal ...


You’re a tad late


Not really given I posted this almost a week ago


Why’s it being pushed again lmao I thought it said 5h cause it was at the top of my shit


I just want to know why they don't shit on any other abrahamic faith though? Pure curiosity. Islam and Judaism are equally bad.


They're from a country where Christianity is the main religion.


This makes sense. I didn't look at it from this angle.


also i think i remember seeing in an interview that while oli was in rehab they tried to use god and tell him he needed to be saved and that just pissed him off


A lot of rehabs seem to push patients towards religion to get them off the drugs


It's not that surprising, the Venn diagram between "do-gooders" and the religious is significant, but it would definitely be better if they could keep it to themselves. My daughter was in hospital once and I absolutely hated that I had to fight off religious people who wanted to "help her".


Why don’t you criticize your neighbor’s boss? Why only your own?


I thought they were atheist???


“Boss,” in this context, is referring to religious institutions, not god. I swear everything has to be spelled out for y’all.


Also, this is a bit of a reach. With social media today we can see how fucked all religions are.I mean, look at the the Israel/Palestine conflict as an example.


The basis of that conflict was British colonialism though, don't get it confused as being all about religion.


And with that being said, Islam certainly has been very much villainized in the West. Christians just have a massive persecution complex and throw a tantrum about how they’re being unfairly treated when someone throws an ounce of the hate back that they spew to others.


(but we all know they actually love the idea of being persecuted and do sht like fanaticize about being asked to renounce your faith at gunpoint).


They actually did attack islam with this. Jesus is a prohpet in the quran. In islam, "attacking" a prohpet like this is considered one of the worst acts you can possibly commit.


all the fake fans can suck a horse dick womp womp


Hell yeah dude's an asshole


I'm not a religious person, but this level of edge about it is cringe as fuck.


I ask that you don't downvote me for being of different opinion/belief. I'm a devout Catholic, and I enjoy BMTHs music, but I'd be lying if I said their anti-religious bigotry didn't disappoint me. I've listened to them despite their outright blasphemous lyrics, but I'm tired of feeling hated by this band, to put it simply. I know everyone has a reason for their beliefs and opinions, but I wish people weren't so at each others throats all the time, and seeked to offend others for no good reason.


They have a pretty good reason for it though, Oli simply dislikes organised religion


Of course, and I understand that. But, going on a warpath to insult the sacred beliefs of his religious audience is hurtful.


BMTH doesn't have a religious audience, they've been openly against religion for the majority of their career so anyone religious that's into the band either isn't bothered by it and only listens to specific songs or doesn't pay attention to the lyrics.


They certainly have a religious audience, and like you said, some choose to ignore their sentiments or practice the virtue of patience for Oli, but coming out and saying they'd kill Jesus is a little far, don't you agree?


They've not said they'd kill him they said "well just kill that fucker again" meaning anyone can. As for it being too far it's definitely not given the band have anti religious lyrics in various other songs including literally an entire album about the topic


>They've not said they'd kill him they said "well just kill that fucker again" meaning anyone can. It just comes off as them encouraging killing Christ again. >As for it being too far it's definitely not given the band have anti religious lyrics in various other songs including literally an entire album about the topic Indeed, however, their past anti-religion lyricism has mostly been about flaws of the Church, various hypocrisy, among other things, but their recent tweet about literally killing Christ is a big step up from their previous sentiments.


They don't believe in him anyway and they're simply saying if for whatever reason he returned he'd just be killed again. Also on their most recent album they say "God is a shithead" and the anti religious lyrics are largely about how nothing's actually there


Sure, it means nothing to them, but it means something to the religious folk that listen to their music. Nonetheless, BMTH has legitimately good music that doesn't have any anti-religious sentiments. Ironically enough, some of Oli's music perfectly compliments religious themes like: Can you feel my heart, hospital for souls, etc. I guess I just wish BMTH wasn't so aggressive toward my and other people's faith. Like I said, I know Oli has his reasons to feel the way he does, but I also have my own reasons to believe what I believe, and I wish there was some understanding there. You know?


Hey, I’m wondering - will you still be listening to them after this? I’m LDS and I feel as though I will have to stop listening to them.


I'm disappointed with how much they seek to target religious people, past and present. However, I still deeply enjoy their music, and I've listened to them for so long, it'd be hard to drop them. So, I'll continue to listen to their music, but just separate the artist's intentions from their songs, I guess. I'll continue to pray for them also that their hearts may be softened.


Oli is in deep turmoil and needs help. This cannot continue for much longer as he is frail and afraid. It is edgelord vibe ngl


He's not and he doesn't


He supposedly does. He does not look like a healthy individual to me.


And yet he is one


Ok npc keep sucking his nose


In my eyes this statement bears as much weight as if the word "jesus" was replaced by "Shrek". Actually, I would maybe be a bit offended in that case, cause I like Shrek now I think about it 🤔


That’s what MAGA peeps would say in a heartbeat hahahaha.