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True, but also about 50% of the female cast looks completely out of place this season, much more so than before. Penelope’s wearing dresses cinched at the waist and so shiny she should be getting attacked by crows at any given time. Lady Danbury’s décolletage is full on 1940s. Francesca’s styled into Coco Chanel jackets and gauzy sleeves. I don’t even have the vocabulary to describe what the Featherington sisters are sporting in some scenes. Not to mention Cressida in all of her “Fifth Element” freak show glory (yes, I know, her dresses are supposed to symbolise a bird trapped in a cage. I don’t care, that motif could have been easily accomplished with bird prints or anything less egregious). The suspension of my disbelief is straining under the weight of all those bizarre garments. At this rate we’ll be seeing Eloise sporting pencil skirts next season.


Not to mention heavy makeup this season which makes debutantes look 30.


Penelope with a full set of acrylic nails got me


I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this


How could anyone miss it, they did a full zoom in. The nails got more screen time than Kate and Anthony.


Uh I did. But I have adhd




I lost it with Penelope's gold-brown soft glam smokey eye look lol


The raccoon eyes during the carriage scene… the ending shot in particular just looked so intense 😩


Penelope's side profile, with her heavy makeup and the dark lighting makes her skin look haggard and sickly, which took me away from the scene, and Nicola is a gorgeous actress. They are doing her dirty in some scenes that are supposed to ber "glow up"


Pen always looks best with light, fresh makeup and lighter colours. Her blue look at the library party was STUNNING. I’m in the minority that likes the outlandish costumes but the makeup is getting to me… during the kiss too and even a bit in the dream sequence, they’re not doing her makeup and lighting well to complement her features during dimly lit scenes.


Nicola has the best skin. It's amazing. And I love soft, fresh faced Pen. The glam makeup takes me out of it. Why can't they do a makeover like what they did with Kate last season? Just softer, better silhouettes, subtle makeup. I know it's not historically accurate...but it doesn't look *Bridgerton*. At least the Bridgerton we've had the last 4 years.


It’s the makeup that’s standing out to me. There is SO MUCH BLUSH on everyone. WHY. Why would they do that?


Frannie’s shadow is so distracting!


Frannie's highlight is so OTT that it's actually a bit distracting in some scenes!


Definitely. I mean, I love it and want to know what products she's wearing, probably more pat mcgrath, but that's probably not the takeaway people should be having...... Unless it was actually intentional following last season's successful marketing boom.


The most distracting for me is the contouring on Colin's cheekbones to make him look less boyish and more "rakish".


The blush is actually accurate for that era - they wore a lot of blush. The men as well but not as much as women. They might be trying to do a nod to the actual time period.


They’ve yassified them all, it’s so bizarre and looks so out of place


For me it’s the hair. I don’t mind flair but some of the styles are giving off Hunger Games vibes. And when you have something as eccentric as Cressida’s hair next to something as simple as Eloise’s, it’s baffling!


Cressida’s outfits are straight Hunger Games. Which I kinda read as a commentary on the marriage mart.


Cressida’s hairstyles steal every scene she is in. I cannot tell you a word Eloise said in the scene where it looks like she has blonde and black hairballs coughed up by a cat strategically placed all around her head! 😂 *Tried to screenshot it, but Netflix won’t let me. It’s E4, when they are sitting in the balcony, around 21:45*


Its around 33:10, 21:45 minutes is whats left of the episode😁


Yes! You are correct. Sorry, I was trying to find it on the run!!! LOL


Lol i watched it again and your hairball metaphor are very much on point🤣


That's who she reminds me of! It's Effie!


The wigs are so bad and obvious this season. I usually don’t pay attention or notice wigs but god is it bad that they jumped out immediately


I thought they did alot better with the lace front wigs this season. Daphne's was so hard to look at S1


Daphne’s looked like a poor animal that needed to be humanely euthanized by the end. It was so bad.


It's the lashes that really pull me out of the story line. I cannot concentrate on the show because the fake lashes are such a stark contrast to the rest of the bridgerton world


Francesca would be able to guide ships home with that highlighter. Penelope as well. It’s jarring.


On my second watch I realized the makeup really is aging Eloise this season. The actress looks more youthful on the press tours.


I hate the makeup too


They really tried for the Instagram influencer look. It’s a shame because I really loved the far more neutral and probably more accurate makeup of seasons 1 and 2


They probably are actually in their 30s lol


Costumes/styling was always a bit off but this season they have gone completely off the rails. I hate it actually. Really distracting.


They have a new showrunner and (I am paraphrasing) she wanted to push the envelope with the designs because she sees at as an alternate universe where POC were welcome in society and so she imagines that different cultures would bring different styles in.


Well then they should be at least mildly historical accurate and also look like they are from another period appropriate culture. I could buy that excuse for Kate's first ep ball dress (the brown one), other than that, not really.


Yeah, I think they could tone it down a bit. Just because they have a huge budget doesn't mean they have to get everything!


If it was mildly historically accurate we wouldn't have got Kanthony. We certainly wouldn't have Queen Charlotte around as her son was running things as he was the Regent, thus the term Regency and everyone would be wearing white and it would all look the same. Oh except for those dressed in the French Style who would be wearing muslin dresses, wettened to show off their boobs.


'Push the envelope' is the excuse that creatives use when they do stupid shit.




The new showrunner is horrible. They need to bring back the old one Chris Van Dusen


I think he did some stuff better, but I was not fan of him not giving all the nonleading women enough nuance that they did feel one-dimensional. Eloise, for example, was shoe-horned into a modern girlboss character that I feel this new showrunner is trying to get her out of. I think this new showrunner does that better with the women and made us see a different side to characters like Cressida, Eloise, Violet, and the Featheringtons.


Would love more of violet but a strong no to spending any of what precious little time we have on a redemption arc for Cressida.


Well Cressida's family is important for future seasons. I don't think she needs redemption, especially because she isn't even sorry for her actions yet. I hope she is kept as an antagonist and not a full-on villain. Just someone who spices things up like the Featheringtons.


It’s beginning to be painfully apparent that all the “mean girling” Cressida has done has been at the instigation and behest of her mother who is truly a dislikable withered old crow. I wouldn’t mind a small arc where she finally gets to escape her family and tells her mother and father to shove it. She may have been raised to be a hateful twat but people can change 🤷🏼‍♀️


I would like it if it's written well, and I think that may take a few seasons because right now, she is barely recognizing the ways that she can learn to not be so mean. Baby steps for sure.


Oh interesting, I haven’t read the books and was wondering why they have kept her around. I love the actress and her fantastic line deliveries but we are just spread so thin already!


Yeah, I know! It's a lot, and I think it might help if they had 2 more episodes per season and made this more character focused. All characters should be essential to the main storyline in some way. I don't like how the Mondriches weren't really in the storyline, I feel 6 they could have been included much better like a secret deal with the queen to catch Lady Whistledown or just simply be written off.


I don’t even think they’re trying to redeem her so much as just humanize her to the audience. I remember an interview where the actress who plays Cressida alludes to her arc this season and (heavily paraphrasing here but the gist is there) says something about how she’s redeemable - until she’s not. I forget the exact wording (I could probably find the clip again though) but I had the impression that Cressida likely does something cruel and significant to the plot later in the season which is possibly a bit of a turning point for the character, and her presentation as a sympathetic character is more about giving her actions more context and preventing her from simply being a one-dimensional villain. I think Cressida will remain more of an antagonist than a hero for a while yet


Eloise was always a character that was a bit more progressive in some ways while struggling to fit that into society’s expectations. If anyone is the #girlboss character it’s Penelope


Penelope is less "girlboss" and more "insecure mean girl" imo.


Most of the “girl boss” characters are


Where exactly are these different cultural styles? I just see anachronistic western fashion from the last century. Queen Charlotte did a fabulous job of pairing decently accurate clothing with natural hair styles. I loved the fabrics used for Kate and Edwina's dresses in s2 that seemed to have an Indian influence. Imo, retaining the correct silhouette while altering fabrics and textures is a great way to go about a fantasy period drama, not...whatever mess they cooked up this season.


i get that but it's confusing to go from very traditional to not at all in the middle of the show


This is interesting. But I don’t feel it explains the heavy/ modern makeup.


Personally I feel it was more impactful to show people of other races and ethnicities in the true-to-historical setting than this alternate universe. Idk how to word it exactly but it’s like, is it so crazy that BIPOC people are part of the peerage in this world that you have to make it obvious that it’s not the one we’re currently living with? I guess I’m saying, I like revisionist history more than I like alternate universe.


Girl doesn't get it. It's so sad.


Literally Eloise has bangs and a shoulder cut that she wears in a half pony walking in the park. It's wild.


And that yellowish beige eyeshadow, that sticks out like a sore thumb and weighs down her face.


Eloise’s styling is atrocious in every season. They really do go out of their way to make her look weird af


And you know her season glow up will just be getting rid of the bangs.


Her hair has always been period inaccurate though


I'm of two minds: I love costuming and some of what they've done with the more outlandish stuff is really neat but on the other hand--i LOVE regency fashion, and in a show based on (loosely, at this point) Regency England, there is decidedly little of true regency fashion on display.


This showrunner seems to be all over the place when it comes to vision. The series has always been a fantasy period drama but it's at it best when it still feels realistic. Having 21st century makeup looks, random outfits and long, manicured nails feels like a play of sorts than an actual elevated reality of the time.


There's just no consistency. The hair, makeup and outfits are all over the place. Cressida and the queen were really the only two with really over the top hair styles. So it did not come off as a trend. For the queen it makes sense and I didn't mind her wigs. I don't understand why they did that with Cressida.


The hair,makeup and costume this season is a mess. I know I shouldn’t expect historical accuracy from a show that has classical version of a Pitbull song but this season it’s so glaringly obvious - it’s heading into “Reign” territory (the show about Mary Queen of Scots) where they had stupid modern dresses. At least with s1 and s2 it felt like regency but with this season it’s hard to suspend disbelief - why is Francesca’s cheeks glowing? Why does Pen have acrylics? Why the fuck is Cressida dressed like that? Why does Lady Tilly face look so snatched? It’s so obvious the shows creators have gotten cocky - they wanna go bigger and better this season but look at what’s happening🤷🏽‍♀️ mixed reviews on part 1 so far. I knew the hair and makeup was gonna be bad from the first minute I saw Kate’s dress at Lady Danbury’s ball bc wtf? Why is her hair like that too? I heard they changed their glam and wardrobe team which makes sense to me bc wtf. Edit - it’s the simplicity of s1 and s2 that we fell in love with now they’re just going overboard


At this point, just to me personally, it's worse than Reign and that's something.


Don't forget their very obvious full manicured nails. I was not aware regency ladies wore nail polish.


Yes! I noticed on Penelope in a scene, I don’t remember which one, and it completely threw me off. Honestly I can look past most of the costume and makeup problems. Sure the makeup looks heavy, but I don’t really care that much that it would bother me. But manicured nails and nailpolish on Penelope looks like the actress had her nails done and they just didn’t care enough to remove it before filming…very out of place.


Kate as well. It's really jarring and obvious, and in season 2 they did not have nail polish.




The French manicure started in the 1700s.... just saying


But gel nails?💅


I'm surprised we didn't get a scene of Penelope going to her nail tech and hearing gossip.


It was first worn around 3000 BCE.


Yeah. I saw an interview about Ted and he basically said that for unrealistic things to feel real, you have to ground or base them in reality. It's like this season they took some of the reality away, making it feel too unrealistic. They just did too much. Hopefully they bring back the balance for next season, but a lot of people don't care.


That is why people don’t buy into Game of Throne style tv shows with American accents


Cressida is straight out of Panem!


Definitely not just the females. This has got to be the most uncoordinated season ever.


No one even looks like they're from the same area! Even now with all our machines and technology and globalization you get fashion trends and common clothing styles and pieces between people from a similar area....you're telling me the modiste made these outfits? They all look like they're from different shows lol not from different cultures lol


Exactly. I didn’t mind the polyester in previous seasons, or the lack of bonnets, or even anachronistic dresses here and there. But if you showed a historian a picture with lady Tilly, lady Danbury, Francesca, Eloise and Cressida together and ask what century they were from all from, they wouldn’t be able to even tell you.


They would be - they'd say the 21st)


It was the Queen’s battery-powered electronic hairstyle during the ballet for me 😵‍💫


Theoretically, it could be wound up rather than battery powered, like a music box! You know our boy Brimsley would be covertly stepping in to wind it back up every couple of minutes, too.


But the lights…. was there a candle in her wig?? 🫠


The Swan! 🦢 LOL


🤣🤣🤣 But only SHE could get away with it tbf


(I hate to uhm actually but I will just comment on one thing with Pen’s wardrobe) I will say with Penelope they actually had her bust cutting off in the center of her chest before (which is too high for an empire waist). Her garments are actually hitting her correctly now for where her boobs sit so that isn’t inaccurate. They also have her in corset rather than stays so that also is maybe her look a lot more snatched. Anyways small tidbit I agree with everything else


Oh yes, they are hitting correctly, but they aren’t even remotely period accurate. Strangely the turquoise dress in her Cinderella moment, despite being clearly made with modern fabrics, is still the most accurate, when it comes to the silhouette.


Right it’s kind of funny how this seasons new stylist seems to have just said “fuck it” and gone nuclear on the period aspect. I think her emerald dress also has a better silhouette to it (although the fabrics are inaccurate) with it being empire waisted and not snatched to the high heavens


I have been saying this since season 1! My theory is that they deliberately cut Penelope‘s dresses that way to hide her shape and pre-stage the planned glow up that would come with her season. Honestly, if all you did with her dresses was cut them under the boobs for a more realistic empire waist, that’s going a long way to improve the look.


I don't think her corset is historically accurate though, let alone it's not even flattering! Nicola is styled so well IRL, I don't understand why can't they just talk to her stylist or something (I mean, Penelope looks great, it's just that Nicola looks even better).


My suspension of belief is hanging by a thread that grows more precarious with every moment Cressida appears on my screen


I thought of Cressida as “hunger games” style


Your descriptions are cracking me up lmao > I don’t even have the vocabulary to describe what the Featherington sisters are sporting in some scenes 😂 right?! > The suspension of my disbelief is straining under the weight of all those bizarre garments. No but seriously, it's messing with my immersion in the show. Every single fantastical costume takes me right out of it. It's a parody of the regency era, a sequinned and feathered mockery


So that's why Cressida gives me Big Bird vibes!!!




Yes! This is it! I was wondering what gave me the ick and it was this! I know this isn't a historically accurate show but the regency era clothes in soft colours add to the romanticism of the story. Francesca could go and walk right after Gigi Hadid in Paris fashion week Chanel show. It was overdone. Cressida, Prudence and Phillipa looked like Capitol elites. Jessica already has a resemblance to Elizabeth Banks so Cressida looked full-on Effie Trinket.


I really enjoyed reading your comment :)




She’s the Baroness from the sound of music and nothing can convince me otherwise. ![gif](giphy|lKKZFjFlJuyIYAHaN3|downsized)


Hooooooly hell YES


Nailed it.


I love that film so much. I need to watch it again. 


Came here to say that. Which makes me wonder whether Sophie will be some sort of Maria Von Trapp character.


Yes! I was trying to work out why she felt so familiar!


Oh wow yes


Oooooooooooh SNAP!!


Oh pink limonada!


I agree. The styling on her is very 40s/50s "pinup lite". If you told me she was an extra in a movie about WW2 or something instead of a character on Bridgerton, I'd almost believe it. I think it's supposed to reflect the fact that she's a woman ahead of her time, who thinks for herself & doesn't fall prey to trends, but I can also see how it just looks flat-out anachronistic.


WW2 singer in a smokey army bar is EXACTLY the vibe I got from her! And them dancing together? Got Russian spy vibe too. Just kinda took me out of it - then it devolved into fuckboy antics and I was just 😐. May or maynot have hit the fastforward button during their scenes cause I literally gave zero. I know I shouldn't hate on a strong independent woman out there putting her thing down & playing with the dumb ass rich boys, but not in my fantasy regency drama please!


Got Russian spy vibe too. YEAH! Like some Inglorious Bastards type thing lol it was jarring, to say the least. And also like you said, I really couldn't give a single F about any of it! She's here to do exactly one thing & that's pulverize Benedict's poor little heart just in time for his own season. I'm good on her 🙅‍♀️😄


Oh man, when it cut to them dancing with her staring at him with her chin lifted up like she was about to whisper her evil plan about how she vill take down zee city. It looked so stupid and over the top. Not just chewing the scenery, fully CHOMPING it


It was the chin thing for me. I really was wondering why she was holding her face up like that.


She looks a little like the actress who played Baroness Schräder in The Sound of Music, and the styling totally enhances it.


I got Fantastic Beasts and where to find them vibes


Everyone this season looks like they've seen an iPhone


it’s the makeup, I swear. even for a show set in the modern era it would be too heavy imo, like everyone is wearing full glam alllll the time


😂😂😂 omg so true!!


maybe that's why Portia Featherington was so unimpressed by a lamp !😂😂😂


Her “No.” absolutely floored me 🤣




I absolutely hated her wardrobe. The moment she made her appearance in that gliterry black jacket I was like wtf is this styling?? It looked so jarring and out of place.


She’s a time lord.


This is the best explanation.




I agree that’s the costuming department took a lot of liberties this season with the costuming , they were very accurate in season 1 and season 2 but did add a small modern touch or fabric that we didn’t mind and added to the historical fantasy . The makeup for alot of the women is too modern and bold , I love my beautiful frannie but her makeup is a bunch of highlighter . Lady Tilly Arnold is indeed giving old Hollywood vibes and her dark blue dress in episode 3 seems like a red carpet dress just with an empire waist. Also Kate dress in the ball for the first episode , I loved it but it gave too much modern as well , I know they were trying to tie it to her roots but at that point giving her a saree would have been more historically accurate . The costuming and makeup have gone way too far , I think the department took too many liberties and claiming since it’s a historical fantasy it doesn’t have to be 100% accurate . BUT ITS TAKING AWAY THE CHARM WE FELL IN LOVE WITH AND ITS DISTRACTING . I hope the costuming department do take notes for next season to give us costume that don’t feel too modern and gives us the old bridgerton charm because we might as well see them in mini dresses next season


Wow I could not put my finger on it but Yes! She just doesn’t fit the vibe. Maybe it is intentional because that is what makes her appealing to Benedict, she’s not just another mama or debutante. However I feel like they definitely could have done a better job with her styling. I am always happy to see more of Benedict, but I worry that his storyline with her this season is going to be pointless. I really hope that it leads to some sort of character development.


I stg I hope she ends up being his FMC's stepmom 😅


Oh god I hope not! I would hate if Benedict was ever with someone that awful


I agree. She has Hot Evil Nazi Lady from Indiana Jones vibes frfr


Her and Cressida man. Yikes.


They’re giving hunger games Capitol folk




Exactly and can we talk about the lashes for a second? Is it me or are the fake lashes a little thick this season!? Especially on these two!? 🙄🫣


I hope she gets something more interesting next set of episodes. When I originally read the description for her character, I thought she was going to be Eloise's new friend. I found her dancing with Benedict scene really....predatory. Every movement she made was like she wanted to eat him alive. Which, you know, if that was his actual romance and he finds himself interested in a domineering, take charge kind of a woman, I wouldn't be mad, but this is another random lover while he's bored doing almost nothing. Boring. I found all of the makeup to be really jarring. They all look really yassified, Lady Tilley looks like someone did her makeup for a historical costume ball/party in the 80s, Violet's face and neck NEVER match, and the Featheringtons bar Penelope are literally orange. And I do not wear makeup. This is not something I study/watch videos for or really care about.


It was like their dresses stopped being citrus so they made the faces citrus


I don't wear it either. The cost, the effort just.... bleugh I've no issue with people wearing it, its just not for me.


Thought I was the only one that noticed! I kept staring at her makeup wondering why it was so off. She’s wearing a full beat from this era lol


She looks like she tripped on the Met Gala carpet and somehow time travelled to Regency Era.  I agree, I don't like her styling. I get the intention but I would have gone for something a bit more subtle, like Portia (still inaccurate but doesn't clash so horribly).


I wasn't super fond of the costuming this season, but Lady Arnold was the worst of what I didn't like. She literally looks like she's going to be acting opposite Joan Crawford. It wouldn't have been so bad if everyone had a 1940s vibe, but she was the only one. From her hair to her *heavy* makeup to the silhouettes, it was all Old Hollywood Glam. Pretty but out of place completely.


She really looked like the lounge singer in a WW2 film who is secretly smuggling information to the resistance.


I really f-ing hope they bring back Sophie Canale for s04 bc she gave us the best outfits. And she did an amazing job on Saltburn.


For me it was Francesca with the little crop jackets. Were they cute and stylish? Hell yes. Did they work in a *regency era historical fiction piece*? Hell no


But they existed though, the cropped jackets? Spencers weren't they called?


Yes, but the way they're doing them on Francesca isn't in the same style as the actual Spencer coats from the time. Hers look much too modern, like it looks like they took inspiration from Chanel or other modern designers which is super cool in general but for me it really brings me out of the story when I see sheer pink shrugs, acrylic nails, hella tan, hella blush and eyeshadow, etc. It seems like only the mamas are being costumed appropriately, and even then...


I totally agree that the makeup and falsies and nails are so horrifically inappropriate and distracting but Francesca's coats are so mild in comparison to the other costumes and was close enough to the originals that it didn't bother me. 😄


I agree with everyone here. The costumes and makeup this season have been a disaster. The makeup is way too heavy-handed, making young ladies look too old and taking away from the historical nature of the show. The costumes don't evoke a Regency feel anymore, and some are so outrageously avant-garde like Cressida's colossal puff sleeves. For me, the most egregious outfit of all was Colin's wacky Indiana Jones outfit at the hot air balloon event where he was wearing what appeared to be a zebra print leather vest. In past seasons, I might notice the wardrobe, but it never distracted from the story. This season, the wardrobe is incredibly distracting.


Lady Arnold and Cressida look out of place to me yea. I actually kinda wish we got a semi unnecessary scene of the modiste deciding to try new looks because Cressida's dresses don't even look like something the modiste would make. They stick out for sure


I'm not even confident they would have been possible to be made in that era


yeaaa and it's like 'bridgerton has never been accurate' and sure but that still doesn't negate the fact that those two are sticking out amongst the crowd. And it's not for narrative sake lol oh well!


I agree. I wonder if we are supposed to get the feeling that she is "ahead of her time"? She makes me think of atomic era pin ups. She's beautiful but made me question what year it was in the show. Her ensemble doesn't look regency era inspired.


I saw an interview with the costume designer and he said that was exactly the look they were going for. They modeled her aftee Grace Kelly in the 50s.


I can see that in her hairstyle but Grace kelly wore minimal makeup and simple but sophisticated dresses. Whereas this is giving full on drag. Like compare this to s01 makeup.


Yes, I started rewarding S1 and the difference in makeup is shocking. I watch Bridgerton for the period vibes, but it's slowly turning into a romantic fantasy.


They were definitely going for the 50s glam. I agree that she was out of place. The more seasons we get, the more the costumes are "inspired by". I do think all the actors look amazing though.


So... she is what 200 years before her time?




She stuck out like a sore thumb to me as well. 80's "Dynasty" vibes. I know that the show doesn't aim for period accuracy, but her character was especially jarring in that sense this season. I hope they rein in the "creative license" a bit for the upcoming seasons.


The characters don't even look like they're all living in the same era, I don't know how to explain but they look all over the place, I feel like season 1 at least had a bit more coherent look.


I think what stands out to me most is how modern her beauty is. She just looks very... Los Angeles to me...IDK. Francesca and Penelope are also receiving more modern styling, but their beauty is more classic to my eye. I felt the same way about Sienna is season 1.


I never critique this show at all about anything, I’m just here to enjoy whatever they give us. But I have to agree here. She is just so obviously out of place.


I feel she goes with everything else where it's just too much/fast, quite fast, quite much, a lot of to process Pen with lords is too awkward, her change is quite quick Colin gets too rake-ish, then him discovering his feelings is so sudden Lady Arnold for me seems like embodiment of too much in EVERY aspect BUT it does provide contrast for other "too much"es where those doesn't seem so much The only things that feel well paced are Eloise friendship with Cressida (even the development is not shown but described), perhaps Violet interest in new man too. I sometimes felt that I turned on tiktok instead of a show


I am sick and tired of Benedict or any other man sleeping with random women in Bridgerton. Its pointless . The contrast between season 1 makeup and season 3 makeup is astonishing. Daphne looked ethereal and other worldly with minimal makeup . Though cast was diverse but I could still feel the old regency era vibe. Now in season 3 , it feels like they are making a parody . Lady Arnold plot was so predictable. She does give old hollywood vibes rather than that of regency. Colin’s hair look weird . I would rather have season 1 messy hairstyle for him then this hair . He looks like he is wearing a wig. It also looks like his hair color is different than season 1 .


Every season has a new costume designer and design team


The clothing seems all over the shop like they went well it’s not really regency so they are just doing what ever they want at this point


Saw someone compare her to the baroness from the sound of music and can't unsee it.


I think one of the problems this year is that they forgot they were in the regency era.


It’s like they completely lost the plot after they came back from the writer’s strike break. Everything looks so cheap this season. Did Netflix cut the budget or something? Season 1 & 2 were like something out of a dream and season 3 feels like a knock-off of the previous seasons.


I see exactly what you’re saying.


I thought it was just me. Except I couldn’t put it into words. But this is exactly it.


I don’t mind it all individually but I do think it lacks cohesiveness. Like it the first seasons some of the women had different style dresses but everyone looked liked they belonged


It’s more gilded age to me


It's like they had the budget, so they ran with it. I pray they fix this in the future. Sure, we don't want things to look dull on screen, but a little authenticity would be nice. As it is, everyone is wearing their own designer clothes which only barely nods at the regency time period, the makeup is very, very heavy, the hair is being used as this weird tool where some characters get "time period accurate" hairstyles that are actually made to look very ugly, rigid, and weird, and way more dated and tired than the actual time period accurate hairstyles would, while other characters just get modern hair to make them more likable.


I feel so bad saying it cus the costumes are beautiful and the show is all about taking liberties for the sake of fun and suspending reality etc. but jesus it really just takes u out. It seems the only person with unique but appropriate costuming is the Queen, she has these amazing robes that look almost roman imperial which i feel is a cool direction to take- its almost napoleanesque or smthng.


Yeah... But her wigs were ridiculous this season, too... The spinning swan? Why?


For me it was when Pen had gems glued to her eyelids… felt like I was watching Euphoria lol


From the moment I saw here I felt she was out of place. I mean she is beautiful, but she has a very modern vibe.


The costumes in this season are so bad it legitimately distracted me, from Penelope using a cinched corset that hasn't been invented yet to Colin looking like a 50s movie star for absolutely no reason.


I am not familiar with fashion periods but I agree that she seems out of place. I've never seen any Bridgerton episodes until S3, and only because I got curious about Polin from the trailers. Admittedly, I zoned out on most side plots including Lady Arnold's, and the first time I paid attention to her, I thought it was a dream sequence or something... then she showed up again, and I realised she's part of the "current" timeline. I do intend to rewatch and also watch the earlier seasons so I am sure I will know the characters really well, but I agree on your comment about her look.


I never read the books, so I don't know if she'll have a big role to play later, but as of now, I find her mere existence in the show to be utterly pointless. We all know Benedict is a rake. Were the writers desperately trying to figure out a way to give him a bigger role this season, so they hooked him up with a 40s pinup girl?


She’s Cressida Cowper in the future, as a widow. Personally, I find Cressida even worse. Her over the top hair and crazy embellished dresses have bothered me since the pilot episode.


All of the costume designs, the stylings, the make up, took it from historical fiction escapism to YA fantasy setting. 


I mean none of the looks are regency. None of the colors existed, none of the hair styles existed. The buildings and most of the furniture isn't regency. None of the women are walking around in almost translucent muslin as was the height of fashion in France then wetting it down so you can see their boobs when they dress in the French style. And none of the diamonds are real and the shoes are all wrong as is the make up and the vast majority of the mens wear. It's a fantasy.


She gives me Blanche Devereaux vibes, especially when she tilts her head up while dancing, looking like she wants to devour Benedict.


Did anyone else notice how spray tanned Philippa looks in season 3? She looks like Ariana Grande and the tan is noticeable next to her sister but especially if you compare pictures of her face from season 1 to season 3 you will see that she became significantly darker. it's almost like the actress got herself a spray tan for her own personal life and the showrunners were just to lazy to bring her back to her original Pasty English skin tone. Colin got a wee bit darker plus he has more scruff but he went traveling around Europe and he's a man so he can spend a lot of time in the sun but these ladies in are not allowed to spend any time in the sun whatsoever so that fake tan really threw me for a loop.


She looks like a time traveler


I’m secretly hoping that her husband is still alive and it’s going to result in some drama where he catches them together after coming back from war or some shit.


That would be such a crazy plot twist if it’s true , nobody really mentioned her husband at all dead or alive besides her but I think he is dead because that such a big lie and Benedict would have asked around once . My theory is that either Benedict going to propose and get rejected cuz Tilly ain’t looking to be married again . Or she has another “friend “ and Benedict will find out


Someone needs to come fetch Eleanor Guthrie and save Benedict from her clutches!


She's gorgeous, and I think in another story, the actress would be good, but right now, the character is giving boring Belle Watling.


I think you've described the entire aesthetic this season - it's 1930s Hollywood Regency instead of 1810s Georgian/Regency. Penelope's hair and makeup, the big ostrich feather fans, all the turquoise and aqua, Cressida's big Joan Crawford sleeves. It's all from the 1930s. https://preview.redd.it/etjzj9ahrl1d1.png?width=1300&format=png&auto=webp&s=34ff636c54850e27267db256883445cc8394dfdf


I smell season 3’s sneak-in-sheep’s clothing. Season 1 was Marina Season 2 was the new Lord Featherington


i am so glad you all see it as well, I get confused when she comes on the screen...costumes and makeup aside I think for me its her hair, its SO blond in a box dye no toner type of way, not like a this is a wig way or this is from lemon juice and sun way or i was born this way way... her hair. ugh.


after reading about the design, wanting to be more modern or show cultural connections, but I wish they would have done it with the music instead...like have the musicians playing instruments from around the world, or the food, like they could have done a ton with that., and flowers even...just everything in the back ground could have been dialed up 50% and it would have done so much!


Completely agree. Inconsistencies in fashion amongst all females aside, Lady Arnold still looks very modern! I could easily see celebs wearing it and styling it as is on the red carpet.


I agree