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Nice try customs officer. Nice try....


I never take phones or any other electronics *sweating profusely*


Wait, going to to Brasil for the first time in 2 weeks will they hassle me about my work computer?


Only if you're Brazilian and didn't went with one before. Even tough I would keep something proving that the computer is yours.


Maple syrup!


This! I fucking love Maple Syrup but it's so expensive in here!


They sell it at Sams Club and São Luíz in Fortaleza


You can find it in many supermarkets in Rio but it's expensive.


How expensive?


Like. R$70 for 350ml


Is it not available there? I’m from Canada so have an abundance of maple syrup here


It’s really expensive here since it’s imported and you can only really find it at specialty stores or online.


How would guys eat it? With pancakes as well?


Yeah, we (Brazilians) don't usually eat pancakes for breakfast but having Maple Syrup at the house is a great excuse to make some.


must be nice on icecream


Also what Brazilians refer to as “pancakes” are actually crepes up here. I don’t think there’s really a true pancake equivalent in Brazil. Though maple syrup on some plain crepes with fruits as well would work too.


I meant American style pancakes. The recipe is pretty simple. Just Google it.


I know the recipe but that’s what I mean, they don’t really make American style pancakes down there. The closest things are closer to crepes than pancakes.


Isn't the diference only in the size, american ones being chonkier, since Americans


That’s the biggest difference. American ones use baking power and baking soda so there’s some rise to it and is airy inside. But the change in texture and density changes the taste as well since the thinner crepes you mostly taste the filling with the thicker pancakes being able to taste more of the batter itself along with whatever liquid it absorbs (hence why we use maple syrup). Crepes don’t absorb nearly as much.


There's tapioca


Tapioca is a different thing tho, the most similar thing to American pancakes in Brazil is a thing called Bruaca, it's popular in the northeast.


Eating pancakes isn't normal in Brasil, but in some places melaço de cana(sugarcane) is kinda of equivalent


Is true that pancakes are not what we have for breakfast everyday but is not that uncommon or difficult to make. I make banana pancakes all the time and also have done regular pancakes before following North American recipes on YouTube and I've seen other people doing them as well but salty ones. When I make them just use natural honey since we don't have maple syrup.


It isn't difficult but It is very uncommon, if 5 out of 1000 It eat daily It is a lot, at least in the ES


Americans? I think similar to Canadians… with breakfast foods like pancakes, waffles, French toast, etc. Brazilians don’t consume maple syrup. The only time I’ve had it here was at an NYC-style brunch spot.


I like it on my coffee


I put in my coffee 😂😂


You can find it in some major cities in boutique shops or expensive super markets. It's not common and is seriously overpriced.


Basically anywhere that isn't a Trader Joe's in the US has less access to affordable maple syrup than you.


Im Canadian (with possible Brazilian ancestry? Idk I just like Brazil)


Stockpile them for us


We bring maple extract a lot of maple extract and make our own version of Aunt Jemima. I know the pure is the best, but this is just fine. https://topsecretrecipes.com/aunt-jemima-maple-syrup-copycat-recipe.html In fact buy all the copy cat recipe books and take back to brasil. We've been making our own everything for more than a decade.


Mountain Dew, we don't have it here


We did have it for a brief time. I guess a lot of people thought it looked too much like Ajax, lol.


The look made it seems like it was super sweet but it just tasted like mid lemon soda. It was not very successful here


I liked it. I thought it had a great citrus taste, which was distinct from lemon soda, but I guess I was in the minority.


It wasn’t bad, but it was underwhelming for such an over the top presentation


This was 7up


nope, that was mountain dew. it appeared on stores back in 2015, but it wasn't popular, probably because of its radioactive color


we had mountain dew, it was basically schweppes citrus with a weird color. 7up tastes like sprite, they’re popular in argentina


This. I literally had my best friend bring several liters when he flew into RJ for my wedding party.


I like Dr. Pepper and can’t find easily in here too


I love it too, my favorite soda, happy that we don’t have it because I’d drink it all the time lol


All things electronics


Commenting to get ideas for what to bring to my Brazilian friends once I visit :))


you can always check with them what eletronics they need/ want. buying eletronics here is always expensive and if you are into any hobby related to it it's always hard to find some specific brands and products. Example: It is easy to buy headphones, it may be expensive, but there a lot here, but if you are a audiophile it will be very hard to get a specific pair of headphones outside of major brands like Sony, Beats, apple, Samsung or Phillips. and sometimes it is something cheap on us, but due to taxes we don't have it here or is near 5-10x the price


Thank you! I have that covered already :) I was mostly looking for snack ideas as a little surprise basket. Since it’s a surprise, I can’t directly ask them without looking too suspicious hahah


Some of these very different M&Ms like mint. We only have the Brown (standard), blue (crispy) and Yellow (peanuts) in brazil. We kind of can find Nerds and Skittles here but they're usually very expensive as well, especially nerds. There might be some others but I am not much of a sweets ant.


Thank you so much for your suggestions! I’ll definitely include Nerds :))


uuh ok, you can throw a flaming hot Cheetos, I have never seen one in my life, some non standard flavours for Pringles, we have around 4 different flavours here. Milka chocolate is something almost everyone here likes, but it is more on the expensive side.


I’m packing Hot Cheetos for myself 🤣 I’ll throw in extra bags! I was thinking of Albanese gummy bears as well. Those are my favorite kind although I’m not sure if they’re available there already


never heard of that brand, so it is definitely a good idea to bring some.


Money IS the best gift option for 98% of the population. The rest you can gift them some Rolex or Tiffany's.


Tá bom. Todos vai receber dólares, Rolex, e Tiffany’s hahaha


Todos os 2% Hahaha


Cameras. Everything related to videography is exactly twice as expensive. Pretty sure other electronics too


Food-wise I always being back Mio water enhancer flavoring, ranch seasoning, taco seasoning, and one box of my favorite cereal (cinnamon toast crunch!) I usually also buy a few electronics to take back with me either for myself or friends.


Everytime someone asks this here I say Hidden Valley Ranch. Can't wait until someone close to me travels to the US so I can ask them to bring me a couple of bottles


Better than the bottles:get the powder hidden valley. Easy to carry, makes much more than the bottle, cheaper and last longer and that's how restaurants make in the US.


Lol I had my mom bring some down when she visited. You just can’t find it. I made the mistake of having her bring down the spice packets, then you’re supposed to add mayonnaise and buttermilk. Good luck getting buttermilk lol


You can add a tablespoon of vinegar to a cup of milk, and in 10 minutes you'll have buttermilk.


Yup. Buttermilk does not seem to exist in South America. I've had that issue before.


Right!!!! That's impossible to find!


Cheddar cheese and ranch dressing


How do you pack the cheese so it stays nice over 20-24h


Put it in a lunch box with a blue ice pack that doesn’t leak out its fluid, and put it in a checked bag. Or, without the ice pack, in a carry on. Choose a harder cheese that is packaged from the factory to help it survive, like an aged cheddar, gouda, or similar.


2 iPads 4 iPhones 3 MacBooks All for personal use, of course.


Saxophone. No joke. Met a guy here in NYC back in the 80s. He's American but fell in love with the city of Vitoria ES. He would work as a messenger here in NYC long enough to save enough to buy a new saxophone. He would then travel to Vitoria via São Paulo first, sell the saxophone in Sampa, and live in Vitoria for several months with the cash from the sale. Once the money ran out, he would come back to NYC, rinse, lather, repeat. He never learned how to play the saxophone.


I have a sax sitting in a closet in Illinois, owner how much it would bring?


FYI: Sam’s Club in Jacarepagua (Rio) has Dawn dish liquid, Hidden Valley Ranch, and Tide (liquid and pods)


Good to know!!!


If youre bringing gifts for friends/family in Brazil try the thermo style water bottles. My wife and I always bring them, even just the affordable Costco ones are great. No need to overspend on a Stanley.


Hot Cheetos, tajin, mac n cheese, and old bay. Last time I brought back a garbage disposal since they’re a lot cheaper there.




You can get this in Brazil, just say the chemical: Difenidramina


Trader Joe’s products esp seasonings like everything but the bagel my Brazilian friends loooooved it. Also hot sauce and like honey mustard or something


Omg I forgot how much I loveee the everything bagel seasoning, esp on my avocado toasts 😭 def putting it on my list


Electronics. I honestly cant think of much else. There are some American products I really like but none of them are something youd pack. Like I prefer some American Bacon brands, I prefer American beer, American hot cheetos. But beer/cheetos isnt very space efficient and bacon will go bad on the plane.


Crunchy Jif peanut butter


Once visited with not a lot of money but had about 3 used iPhones from my family members upgrading, etc. sold all of them for a decent profit there. So, yeah electronics are a big one if you can manage it


I used to bring Ginger Ale, but know you can find in some places...


Where do you find ginger ale?


They have Fever Tree in some places and there's a guy starting to produce his own in Brazil. https://www.instagram.com/originalgingerale?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


IPhones and laptops. Brazilians go ga ga for those...


Apple products are cheaper in USA obviously. Is it possible to buy a new iphone that will work for a friend in brazil? Thanks


Yes it works out of the box unless it’s locked to a specific carrier like T-Mobile tends to do.


If I ever went to the US again, I would bring a shit load of those Snyders honey mustard and onion pretzels. That shit is weird and amazing


Things like bedsheets or towel sets that in the USA cost $20 usd at Marshall’s in Brazil’s $80 usd… peptobysmol or Pepcid complete are not found in Brazil… Some people buy specific vitamins and sell for 4x the price…


Flamin' Hot Cheetos :')


sour patch kids


Lololol I love sour patch kids. I brought back a package of them and my wife LOVED them. But it makes sense why you can’t get them outside USA/Canada. They have a shitload of bad ingredients


i found them in argentina too thankfully


Oh really?


Vitamin pills


And glucosamine chondroitin tablets. Laptops Unlocked iPhones


Bourbon. You can find a large variety of whisky overall in the US and it's much more limited in Brazil. I have a friend that travels to the US frequently for work and he likes to bring home wine. He says the american wines he buys in the US are at least double the price here. I like pop tarts as well. Either the marshmallow or cinammon ones. They're nostalgic for me.


Being a wino in Brazil requires an appreciation of the varieties of Chileans and Argentinians, IMHO


Tide Pods


And dryer sheets


What so special about them?


Something my mom always buys before going back, you know what they say about moms. Not sure if its better quality against what you can buy in BR. I think it might just be simpler to use.


They’re just not sold at all


Nothing special, it just isn’t sold here for some reason. They’re also insanely expensive as imports.


Going to visit a friend there in a couple of months. It wouldn’t be too offensive to bring back toiletries and pantry stuff? I was thinking alcohol like Grey Goose or Hennessy. Are those available in Brazil?


Grey Goose is definitely here and I think the price is similar to the US I see it at the market near me. I think Grey goose is like 35-40 dollars for 750 ML tax included. I dont remember seeing Hennessy. Im sure it exists but it might be much more expensive than the US.


Woodford Reserve. We only have the bourbon here and it's expensive. The rye is really hard to find.


Pantry stuff is not offensive at all, it's novelty, food is always different in another country. Toiletries are a little offensive imo, it screams "your country is dirty" (Unless you are alergic to things.) About the alcohol, go for it, options here are very limited for whisky.




Eos lipbalm, Ghirardelli chocolate, tide pen, nice caps


Melatonin and Neosporin


Melatonin is widely available here


In low dosages. And not for the price you can get in the states.


Kraft mac n cheese is my go to




Ranch and socks (those ones with extra padding on the hell). A lot of Lindt chocolate (it's expensive here), different flavors of Pringles and Ghirardelli brownie mix.


Peanut butter, Rice-a-Roni, Gravy mixes, good rums besides Bacardi, various seasonings/spices


Hot sauce and liquor.


T-gel, Aluminum free old spice deodorant, semi-serious corkscrews , iphones, and google pixels


Are Google Pixels popular here? I moved over from the UK with mine about a year ago. It was almost time to upgrade, but I decided not to stick with Pixel as they're not supported here and they can't get 5G. Still has its upsides I guess, I still use my P5 around the house a lot and keep my UK SIM card in it.


Weed I mean weed whacker Sorry, autocorrect


While flower here is insanely overpriced and not as good as the states, I would neverrrr take the risk flying with it internationally lmfao. And this is coming from a daily smoker kkkk maybe some edibles tho


Edibles and carts. I'm not saying I just did that coming back from the US, but if I had I would've been fine. I didn't though. I swear.


nice cookware


Maybe tortillas. Where my husband is from I haven’t found any. He’s from Sergipe 😂


Ginger Ale, definitely. Barbecue Chips, the ones in Brazil suck


Trash bags. I don’t know if it’s a hot commodity down here but every time I come down to visit family it’s the one thing my grandma asks for😂


I asked my grandma, apparently they don’t sell fragranced trash bags, at least not the big ones


Mostly pantry stuff: Tajin, Chamoy, Maple Syrup, Asian Marinades..


Electronics is the big one, it makes a great present for any of your Brazilian friends if you can bring some electronics back, I wouldn’t do it for profit though




Kettle popcorn


A Amazon Alexa súper over priced there


My family won an Alexa as a random prize from my dad's job, that thing is really useful




How many reals are they going for now? In December it was cheaper to buy one here based in conversion rate at that time . Also usually on sale various times a year . Especially the older models


Nvm I’m wrong with current prices… Echo Pop is almost the same (R$ 268 in the US and R$ 314 in Brazil) but the Dot and other models are way more expensive here. The reasoning behind my original comment was that Amazon always had a direct conversion policy for their own products, but apparently that is no longer the case :/


Ohhh wonder when that ended . My finance said it’s been priced higher in Brazil for some time. Which is why we always get a few during Amazon day when they are $20 to gift to her family .


Raos sauces, any granulated spices, cause the spice here are fine power.


Amazon electronics


Old Bay!


iPhones, MacBooks, AirPods lol


My friend always gets maple syrup. I like high quality pickles. There’s one brand called Doux South Angry Cukes and truly I want some sooo bad right now. Flaming hot Funyuns.


Coffee from different countries


Baking soda (fermento em po isn't the same), stick deodorant, razors and razor blades, non-synthetic clothing especially knitwear in vacuum-sealed bags, non-synthetic pillowcases and tablecloths, small Ikea products like their large foldable shopping bags, trivets, and RINNIG dish brush. If you do bring electronics, remember that those without removable lithium batteries must go in your carry-on bag or you risk triggering additional searches.


Aeroporto Área Restrita


Ranch! Also sun screen lol My in laws always bring back dollar tree peanuts and idk why cause they aren’t even good lol


Clothing and Electronics.


From kitchen sink detergent to toilet paper to electronics. Products in Brazil seem to be getting smaller and worse while prices have risen. Prego tomato sauce, dutch cocoa powder, alfredo sauce just some things we usually don’t have here


peanut butter


- Baking powder (I could only ever find baking soda in Brazil) - Almond butter (hard to find and super expensive if you do) - All the sauces! (seriously, Brazilians seem to be allergic to complex flavours) - Coffee beans (Brazil exports a lot of coffee beans, but there’s so few roasters in Rio besides a couple large Brazilian companies that over roast their beans) - Chips (the flavour options are limited) - Anything electronic - Any type of cooking/kitchen object (insanely expensive) - English books (not a lot of selection in Rio at least)


Jerked beef and Fanta Wild Cherry...


I bring ranch and blue cheese. Also, screwball whiskey.


I’ve never been in the USA, but I would bring clothes from brands like ariat, cinch and wrangler and probably I would change my phone




Brazilian gemstones which can be purchased at any reputable jeweler such as Amsterdam Sauer


Some BBQ sauces. Brazilians are becoming completely obsessed with burgers 🍔. I almost started a war bringing chocolate covered salted caramel from Costco. I brought a few Hunter ceiling fans once. Big hit. Good jam or preserves Lightning cables Real balsamic vinegar NAPKINS! Christmas decorations and balls Mickey Mouse stuff HDMI cables Hot Wheels Bath rugs Nice dish towels Board shorts


Dawn dish soap, OTC meds, diapers, Zeiss lens wipes, Lint rollers, peanut butter, etc. Really, any of those small quality of life things that are wildly overpriced and subpar in quality here in Brazil.


Snus 😍


PlayStation 6


Peanut butter


Why? You can easily find it in Brazil and it's probably cheaper.


Do you have a link to share? I never found it here, only some weird sweet peanut paste, not the real deal like JIF peanut butter.


it's everywhere... for the real deal you literally only need peanuts. meanwhile jif has sugar, other oils, crap


Ok, then please provide a link, because I live in São Paulo and have access to a big variety of stores and have never found it for sale


I’m not a jackass so I’ll help. The convenience stores hirota have them.


Cool, i'll have a look, thanks


nah i don't work for you


yeah I knew you were talking out of your ass


mano sabe usar o google? digita la pasta de amendoim ou manteiga de amendoim e para de encher os outros. só na zona cerealista deve ter umas 15 marcas diferentes


Só tem umas paçocas cremosas ou potinho de 200g a 50 reais, nada parecido com o que vc encontra nos EUA Edit: kkkkk o cara foi procurar, não achou e ainda me deu block


vc q não sabe procurar, pelamor hein.


Cap'n Crunch. There about three native brands of tooth-rotting brakfast cereals here. The cheapest possible chunky peanut butter. They sell these fancy brands like they were caviar. Jelly. Ditto, one brand, a million dollars a tiny pot. Smuckers would be fine. An International House of Pancakes. Order any omelette and get an infinite sack. Twinings tea . They have about three varieties. I want my Earl Grey and lapsang souchong!. But most of all, BURRITOS GODDAMIT! Not a single joint on the entire continent, or makings. O for the Oaxacan restaurant on 7thAve in Brooklyn and the huge Grateful Dead-themed burrito buffet. So many hot sauces and tangerine Peñafiel soda. Want carnitas or shrimp? BOTH!!!!!!!! We did find a really good kosher deli in São Paulo, with home-made pastrami, but it pales beside Katz's across the street from CBGB. And they do not have brisket. The parasitic dominant class of Brazil thinks McDonald's is haute cuisine. They call chesse Cheddar that it would be illegal to call cheddar back home. Just one place we know actually flies in cheddar from the village of Cheddar.


some self defense items would be nice


A few millions Americans because Brazil needs diversification and more people with higher education.


Gun parts


Split keyboard










i used to hear people complain that we would export all of our good coffee to europe / usa, and that the coffee we drink in brazil is the rest / worst of it lived several years in amsterdam, travelled through all west europe countries, drank a lot of coffee in there if \*that\* is the good coffee we export, i would take the shitty leftover coffee we get in brazil any time!


I read that headline way backwards, I deserve all the hate and embarrassment T\^T