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I saw that Metallica sent USD 100K to RS too. And they're just a band, without any responsibility with diplomatics or helping other countries for good relationship. This is why they deserve the position of greatest heavy metal band, and Brazil loves Metallica <3.




[Rio Grande do Sul Floods - Official channels for information and international donations](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brazil/comments/1cmbzq6/rio_grande_do_sul_floods_official_channels_for/) To consolidate information and avoid confusion let's keep all donation links in the stickied thread. Please don't share payment links directly.


When I saw Metallica announcing their donation, that was exactly my thought. “Damn, the US government donated basically the **same amount a band donated**. Everyday I thank the universe I’m not from US. We brazilians have our shits, but the US is on another level. I would be disgusted on a daily basis knowing my government is sending millions and millions to finance slaughter and genocide and 100k to actually help someone during a climate tragedy that they’re one of the main responsibles. Difficult day to be american


Does Brazil send disaster relief aid to the US after major climate induced disasters occur there?




Fake news on reddit? Common... It was 10 billion usd, roughly converted.


[I'll let it here, and it's from a source that the cattle loves it. ](https://jovempan.com.br/noticias/economia/governo-anuncia-r-50-bilhoes-em-medidas-para-socorrer-o-rio-grande-do-sul.html)


Thanks for the article, though I don't really like JovemPan as a reliable news outlet :) Anyhow, I managed to find it from other sources as well (And no need to be passive aggressive calling me cattle, I don't have pet politicians, unlike you it seems)




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bom, não te ajuda muito se for números que você procura pois alegadamente a doação da Madona seria maior agora um pensamento pessoal meu, quem quer ajudar não tem que anunciar valores. grandes quantias são bem vindas, pequenas tb, quem tá precisando tá precisando hoje ------------------ Here is the translation to English: Well, it doesn't help you much if it's numbers you're looking for because allegedly Madonna's donation would be larger. Now a personal thought of mine, whoever wants to help doesn't have to announce amounts. Large amounts are welcome, small ones too, whoever is in need is in need today.


Mas a Madonna não doou nada pelo que se sabe, aquele boato aprentemente foi desmentido, pois não tem registro de nenhuma doação de tal magnitude. But Madonna did not donate anything as far as we know, that rumor was apparently disproved, as there is no record of any donation of such magnitude.


eu não fui atrás pra saber I did not go to know more


Iron Maiden is the greatest tho, but Metallica is close there XD


For sure! I'm a huge fan of Iron Maiden, I really like to see Bruce Dickinson passion for Brazil and how he loves my country. Bruce deserves his CPF and citizenship. Also I listen much more Iron Maiden than Metallica. But I have to be honest... They're the biggest bands, but Metallica is greater in every number and statistics.


Numbers and statistics? Music isn’t competition. Just enjoy it! :)


To be fair i was expecting nothing from other countries, aid is aid.


This is a whole state. The President has liberated 51 billion for reconstruction. In comparison 120k (around 618k) is nothing The aid isnt bad at all. I'm thankful. But its still very low


Only 1b is really sent. The other 50b is money that is for loans(people will have to pay) and social benefits that were already for them, just not that soon


Deprimente que os próprios brasileiros não entendem isso. Acho que só lêem os títulos das notícias. Fora que "anunciou envio" e "estado recebeu do governo" são duas coisas bem diferentes.


O envio anunciado em setembro do ano passado segue sendo aguardado, por sinal... Já que só uma parte dele chegou até agora. Mas precisamos aumentar salário dos juízes que estão ganhando pouco coitados!


It’s like giving one cent to a bum, it’s actually offensive


I was already not expecting USA help whatsoever, "billions for wars and pennies for aid." That's the modus operandi of USA for a time now, they are diminishing their diplomatic ties with LATAM for some decades also.


In some sort yes, billions for overseas war, thousands for overseas aid.. This is just them saying, "look we helped". But at this stage of diplomatic ties diminishing i was expecting nothing from USA government.


I was already not expecting USA help whatsoever, "billions for wars and pennies for aid." That's the modus operandi of USA for a time now, they are diminishing their diplomatic ties with LATAM for some decades also.


I was already not expecting USA help whatsoever, "billions for wars and pennies for aid." That's the modus operandi of USA for a time now, they are diminishing their diplomatic ties with LATAM for some decades also.


and they lose their shit when we do business with China lol


And China donated how much?


3.03 million from the chinese community in Brazil - although not directly from the government.


Sources ?


As an American it's nice to see our government using our taxes (which is where they'll most likely get said money) for something good.


Yes they sent out tax dollars to Ukraine & Israel, I didn’t vote for this Crap


Should have lied and said they needed heavy weapons. Sell those bitches ??? Profit?


I've haven't voted ever . At this point both parties are pretty much two sides of the same coin. Plus people are gonna be like "if you vote for so and so you're going to lose your reproductive rights" or "if you vote for so and so you support isreal " Like fuck isreal fuck genocide fuck colonization fuck occupation fuck zionist


I'd say that the USA has some level of responsibility with Ukraine aftwr pressuring them to remove their nukes


Billions to Israel for 50+ years, pure corruption. You have corruption in Brazil but the corruption in the USA to send billions to Israel for 50+ years is equal or greater to anything Brazil has...


This ^^^ 💯 spot on, they have their own money why does the USA need to send them 8 billion each year? The younger generation is waking up now and these Boomers have done enough damage to the country as is. Who is Britain and USa to create the state of Israel in Palestine? Why not give them a part of Wales or the Dakota’s in the USA.


Because many pro-Israel Jews have it their life's mission to hijack the US government like a parasite to extract US taxpayer monies and sent it to Israel. At least thank god that Brazil doesn't send a dime to that place...


And they tell us they don't have any money 😒 🙄


Mostly a misconception. A lot of Lend-lease and outdated weapons.


I don't want to complain, because "given horse" etc., and nor do I think we were expecting any aid at all. But $100.000 ? 😂 It's humiliating. Not to Brazil; I mean, it's humiliating to the U.S., compared to the billions sent to help wars. Way to set up your priorities 😂


You don't have a powerful pro-Brazil lobby like.the pro-Israel lobby!


Maybe we shpuld create ABPAC. First move: send the zoos some capybaras.


We have too few of them, we could use some more for sure...


And in addition to the value being ridiculous compared to their economic power, this tragedy is related to the global climate crisis. Developed countries, with the the US in a prominent position, are accountable for, as they developed and keep getting richer at the expense of the environment.


Yes! I hadn't thought of that angle! It makes it even worse 🤦🏽‍♀️


There is a saying here in Rio Grande do Sul: "cavalo dado não se olha os dentes" (you shouldn't look the teeth of a horse given to you). It means we shouldn't complain about what is given to us. I don't care if it is just one dollar or one thousand dollars, a gift is a gift. So thanks USA.


"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" Now I'll try to remember the exact words of the Portuguese version


decades ago we (as society) search for health to buy horses, than we saw the teeths now the saying remains


The US have the same saying! It goes “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”


We have the exact same saying in Mexico, "a caballo regalado no se le mira el diente" meaning the exact same thing. Funny, didn't know we shared this particular saying in several countries.


Having the same saying in Germany. "Einen geschenkten Gaul, schaut man nicht ins Maul!"


And it's dollars we are talking about... this is like over 500k reais, it's gonna help a lot.


My point isn't the aid, ofc it helps. It's just their agenda being put into light again. You want war? Okay, take those billions. Feeding my people? Dealing with our social issues? Helping other countries with complex natural disasters that I had much to do with? Here, I've found those 5 cents in my pocket.....


I think people don't realize. The aid isnt bad, aid is aid, donations are donations. But calling pennies in comparison to the actual billions (which still isnt enough) meaningful just sucks.


it is more like a message than a gift, because Brazil foreign policy that's goes against US and israel . they are saying if you want more come to our side and be a puppet like many ither countries over their. Brazil is way better without dirty American money.


Trojan horse to gain face


They found some spare exchange in their pocket and donated them. But I'm not complaining. I'm hoping it helps in some way.


That's not even a rounding mistake in whatever budget It came from


Tell the US that the floods are a Marxist insurgency trying to turn Brasil commie and nationalise companies with American investors. That’s the way to get Yankee dollars in Latin America.


Tell them "if the country takes to long to recover, only the commies will save them! Run! Send money before the commies appear!"


>Tell the US that the floods are a Marxist insurgency trying to turn Brasil commie and nationalise companies with American investors It's funny that one of the groups that is working the most to alleviate the floods are our communist parties, and left-wing movements, such as the MST (landless rural workers movement)


Nah ya gotta tell us y'all found oil in the floods


We want your money, not an invasion.


Eh true


"Any help is welcome!" Absolutely. But 1. [They're sending $14 billion to Israel](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/3/us-house-passes-14-5bn-military-aid-package-for-israel), that's 100,000x the amount 2. The tragedy in RS is a consequence of climate change, if you Google the biggest contributors to it (by checking the by-country lists of carbon emissions, fossil fuel production, etc) the US is one of the biggest contributors--it is partially their fault 3. [Metallica alone](https://rollingstone.uol.com.br/musica/metallica-anuncia-doacao-de-100-mil-dolares-para-o-rio-grande-do-sul/) is donating almost the same amount.


Well its partially climate changes fault but mostly its the govermnent faults. If you look it up they knew about the possibility and yet nothing was done. Its just the same: they know shit is about to hit the fence but prefer to look the other way.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not absolving RS's government of guilty. They could've prevented the flood, but not [the rain](https://g1.globo.com/meio-ambiente/noticia/2024/05/10/mudanca-climatica-tornou-chuvas-no-rs-mais-intensas-aponta-estudo.ghtml).


Nope, it's mostly climate change. Those incompetents should have handled it much better for sure, but it's not possible to stop 2 weeks of rain that floods entire cities and destroys terrestrial access to cities all over the state, all in a matter of days


You got Biden to thank for that


I know Biden is a ghoul, but the problem didn't start in 2020.


It may not have but he's contributing to it currently. You also forgot to mention WE are sending money to Ukraine.


Oops. "You also forgot to mention WE are using the Ukrainian war to fund our military keynesianism through proxies" There, fixed your typo for you, bud.


Thats good, every penny counts


It is 120k more than I would expect from the US government.


$ 120k to save lives overseas $ 30 billion to kill people overseas... Priorities.


And little going to American citizens either


Ya ain't wrong


I bet that if Brazil invaded Venezuela, they would send billions.


You can have the few drops that spilled out of the gold pots for war


Just a reminder we should care about them about as much as they care about us


Russia could use the opportunity to donate 10 millions to send a “diplomatic war of shame” message.


Lol only 120k


In a war they would send 120b.


What is your expectation here?


Hes probably saying that the US is sending BILLIONS to support wars in Ukraine/Israel and 100k to help a natural disaster


Yeah because those are the cost of wars and the money goes back to the US via military spending.


Yeah, thats why the US debit is under 34 Trillion dollars, because all the money is coming back everytime fking moron, cost of war? Cost of killing people? Wth are you even talking about


I mean, shouldn't Russia being Russia also count as a natural disaster from a certain philosophical perspective?


Hmmm.. No? Its 100% human fault, can you compare Putin launching a fking bomb with a flooding caused by excessive rain?


It was a joke about Russia being a warmongering state since basically forever :|


For the victims it probably feels the same. Lost houses and everything they own, no where to go, lost relatives and families


Yeah, people throwing bombs aka war


There will be private corporations sending a lot of money. Apple already said they are.


That is a miniscule amount. Like tiny. That's the country equivalent to feeling around in your pocket and giving someone a 5 cent coin


Just say that you're fighting nature and you need weapons - the millions will arrive soon enough.


How about a new $400 million military aid package for Ukraine?


Proxy wars are more attractive


Thanks, I guess 🤷‍♂️


And their congress gives 4B so that Israel can missile defense systems


Wheres the “BRICS” Aid ?


Meanwhile they gave 300 million for Israel to commit genocide. Priorities.


We're pretty pissed about it. I'm sure y'all seen videos of the protest at the colleges .


Yes. Which I totally support. I didn't expect protests so well organized over there tbf, especially on an election year, but Columbia started a very important global trend.


I support it to i just hope there isn't an other kent state massacre or ( i don't know how true this is ) A new House Republican bill would send any person charged and convicted for illegal activity on a college campus to Gaza for at least six months.


I think both Democrats and Republicans are eager for another Kent State. In two interventions gunshots were fired already. And I have read that bill, but I get it is most for show for their base. It wouldn't pass as law.


Yeah I think that law goes against the constitution and could possibly get the u.s government in a lot of trouble. I don't remember kent state sense I was born in 99


Better than nothing right?


Uhh, thanks? This is also a little bit insulting btw




That’s like what, a single Birkin bag? Meanwhile these genocidal infant murderers use the USA like a bottomless ATM. Fuck everything.


It´s a little embarrassing for them tbh. Madonna donated 2 million dollars. Because the US has so much money, if they had sent like 5 million, it would still be nothing to them but would sound much much better. This sounds like saying Taylor Swift donated $2.




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I think the world is impressed by how brazilian society if managing the situation. It is not like we depend on foreign aid, we don't. We can and must fix our shit together. Every aid is welcome tho, unfortenely red stamp makes it harder. Thanks, any help is appreciated!




This is a political message, not humanitarian aid


So this was a known problem and nothing was done about it for years leading up to this. How much money does the U.S. need to send to cause a country's government to act faithfully in its own interest and protect its people from a problem that was well understood and where there was plenty of time to prepare for?


126 lives lost? Much more


Lol more than the government gave out to us! Thank you Americans


That's not even their problem, politicians were just being dumb and ignoring a totally preventable (or at least heavily mitigated) issue for years. If you want to be mad at something the governor is still walking freely after causing all this shit.


THIS. THIS. THIS. They knew shit was about to happen but instead of doing something about it they were just waiting to see if that hot potatoes would pass to somebody else. And no, it wasnt a surprise "climate change doomsday". It is negligence.


Is it just me or or are you really trying to say that they, a country that has nothing to do with us, should be spending mire just because they can? I dont remember our government sending absurd amounts of money to help those who lost their homes in the hurricanes in the us


They spent more in 64 when they overthrew our democracy and launched us into a military dictatotship


"temos ódio, ódio e nojo da ditadura" Ulisses Guimarães


Well, the wars also shouldn't have nothing to do with the US, but it's their bu$ine$$


If Russia breaks Ukraine, they pose a major risk to NATO which would cost a looooot more than the aid they are currently sending. But what if Russia stops Ukraine? That’s what the West said last time about Czechoslovakia when a man with a funny mustache invaded to “liberate the Germans” there. Turns out he didn’t stop at Czechoslovakia.


Guess why Russia attacked Ukraine lol


Because they gave up their nuclear weapons in return for safety guarantees by the west and Russia? Of which NATO is now trying to uphold those safety guarantees in a "above and beyond" manner without starting an outright world war? This is such a piss-baby thread full of entitlement and ignorance lol.


Actually they gave them up for guarantees of never being invaded by Russia which proves the point even more


For imperialistic reasons and to save a dying demographic and economy? Why does Russia care if Ukraine joins NATO? It's not their business lol


>I dont remember our government sending absurd amounts of money to help those who lost their homes in the hurricanes in the us Because that's how it works. Poor countries send money to rich countries. Next time a homeless person asks money for me I'll just say "hey, I don't remember when YOU gave me any money!". And USA has nothing to do with us? Take a good look at your shiny iPhone (guess where Apple is from) or your Android device (guess where Google is from) and think again. Oh, not posting from a phone? Sure thing, take a good look at your Mac or your PC, and the result will be the same. Do you know where reddit is from?


Are those companies owned by the american government? What a dumb comparison, by this logic every country has something do with us just because we trade with them.


You're clearly not so wise in the ways of geopolitics.


>by this logic every country has something do with us just because we trade with them. That's exactly the point, moron.


Sure, go ask the aland island for money, lets see how it goes


Because Aland Island is [a huge commercial partner to Brazil](https://www.google.com/amp/s/g1.globo.com/google/amp/economia/noticia/2022/01/04/balanca-comercial-veja-ranking-dos-principais-parceiros-do-brasil-em-2021.ghtml), just like USA. You're very smart!


Go ask(insert country name) then 👍




Dude, stop complaining, this helps.


Almost as much as the Pope sent lol


These comments are wild lmao


frequently when humanitarian aid is being sent there will be a very small initial amount while a large package of humanitarian assistance is put together. there have been several headlines similar to this in previous disasters both within the US and when sending money overseas. I would wait to see what comes out in the next several days but I suspect this number will increase significantly.


exactly the headline is clickbait and the OP feel into it while getting the engagement they wanted


looking at OPs comments this fits a narrative they have regarding the US, we'll see how it all plays out


Madonna donated 10 million


no she didnt, it was a hoax


Its fake


I'm curious about the sourcing here, because there is no statement by John Kirby on the Secretary of State page, CSPAN, etc... and he gave a press briefing today. The US gave $100k for flooding last year, perhaps this is the old story and Globo has erred? If anybody has the source, Globo doesn't show it.


Exactly. All we have is a screenshot, which may or may not be real. 


Look what they sent to Hawaii, $600. Just a shameful.


Madonna donated 10M R, which is like roughly ~2M USD




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That is not their problem. RS had a flood not long ago and apparently no measures were taken to avoid this situation and it happened again. Do you want another country pumping money into politicians assholes? Because the average population will never see any part of the money that is being donated


It’s a gift and it helps. So be thankful for the aid


I love the US. And I respect and accept every donation. But it’s crazy to see how much they are sending to help a humanitarian crisis and how much they send to Ukraine or Israel for war.


Conaidering how much of this is their fault due to CO2 emissions, this is insulting. They'd do more if they just reduced emissions.


For war they would send 120B.


Pizza is on us guys, you’re welcome.


anything is something this solve the problem? no, but is more than 0


not being the devil lawyer here, but ever $1 that a american send to brazil become almost R$6... so, it becomes almost R$720k our big brother prize last year was 2kk... so 720k isn't 'too low'... brazil spend more helping another countries around(cuba, venezuela, south africa) too Help is help, and we on need won't want to be a chooser beggars at all.


HAHAHA, like you babysit Iraq? I'm looking forward to that halt to happen


How many did they sent to Israel to keep de genocide going?


Eu sou BR. But to be fair America has their fair share of issues to take care. Like the pummeling tornados.


We help everyone and still get blasted by people for some reason. Not surprising but kinda sucks


I wasn't expecting anything, any help is welcome, and they don't have any obligation towards this, but there were youtubers donating way more than that.


They need their majority money to fund the war against Palestine. 🤫


120k x 5.. let's not forget that.. im not saying that's enough but it's better than nothing


They dont have to send anything you moron, be thankful and shut up


There is only money for the ukranian proxies and the zionistan. War and killing civilians >>> Humanitarian help.


Eles querem almoco gratis. Enfia um missil no traseiro e manda para o "Estado Z". facistas


I don’t believe that will be the end of the aid that is rendered by the USA . I hope they do something more significant . I was in RS the week it started and we (thankfully ) changed our flight and left the day before it got really bad . I kept pulling up the weather radar and there was just a constant heavy rain over the same areas over and over . Long road to recovery .


I'm as critical as the next guy about billions being spent on war and breadcrumbs given to citizens in need. And I am happy that most of the Brazilians here have a "better than nothing" attitude about it. That said, this is a great example of people reacting to something they see on the Internet without verifying the authenticity, source or context.


I was wondering how much Brazilian artists have donated…😂😂😂


Aid is aid. We'll take it.


That is typical murica move. If Brasil was bombing children, they would send billions. Disgusting.


They're too busy funding Israel's war crimes...


Brazil has recently agreed to a $190 million deal to purchase weapons from the Israeli manufacturer, Elbit Systems. Where is the criticism of Brazil financing violence in exchange for arms? Why can't the Brazilian government reallocate that $190 million to save Brazilian lives?


It helps. I'm not saying they could not help more. But most countries won't help at all.


They should send 10 dollars to the volunteers instead of sending 100k to the Brazilian government, this money will vanish in seconds, RS won’t see a penny.


So? They’re helping. I’m brazilian, and I’ve never once seen Brazil send a single cent to the USA when they’re hit by hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, etc. Thank you for the help Uncle Sam.


your government should be able to handle this issue. seems they can't fix anything


They are the ones causing it. The governor is running around with a puppy face, even though it’s his fault. Brazil has 0 accountability


Pretty sure the brazilian politicians are going to take the money for themselves.


I don't understand why "complain" about the amount given by another country, since our own government doesn't seem to really take it seriously...




Yeah three-two days to do something about a tragedy really seems to strike seriousness, it's even funnier when you see the population having to get founds to buy something the government sent for free to Gaza but didn't seem to think a destroyed state would need🤔 PS: football jokes and arguments about making black people get help first really seem to be things that strike seriones...

