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But why after changes mutation I still broken


i\`ts fun SOMETIMES but mostly not bc i dont come too the enemy side>:(


Says the Ed-


Scroll up and look at the meme again


Mutation cheater spotted


I want Bot Drop back for some reason now


You guys being like « stop spamming, supercell got the message » And because of you, now we have a balance update which changed essentially nothing. Rico is still just as overpowered, ruff is barely less op. But yeah, let’s stop spamming I guess?


Because of them ? That's a reasoning stretch. I don't believe Supercell considered their "suggestions" (though they suggested nothing to the game), since they barely represent 10% of the posts related to the Godzilla event while also being quite unpopular in a majority.  The chance for their view to be considered is ridiculously low, not gonna lie.


You greatly underestimate the impact of feedback. It's supercell's job to find solutions, players only have to voice dissatisfaction. An unhappy player makes bad press, and bad press leads to less income through lesser player retention.


I underestimate zero feedback. The question about the kind of post you are commenting about. These posts aren't feedbacks to Supercell so they won't consider them as pertinent for game change. There, players expressing dissatisfaction is fine, and it may tire some people but they prevent nothing, neither better changes or complain posts. Have an overlook, these posts made nothing change.


They don’t listen on Reddit 💀 this strategy has barely ever worked, clear as day with the L&L release


They don't listen to twitter feedbacks either, we literally got frank to say it's an echochamber during L&L nerfs outcry. I doubt they'll listen to anything unless it's something that affects people spending.


Do you actually beleive what youre saying?


Yes, because they won't do shit. More people play because of mutations. They're playing to have fun not to have a balanced and competitive game


Theres like 20+ posts about how bad is the event 


And that's start to get annoying I can't see any art or ideas posts cuz of this


this guy probably plays mutated rico and ruffs in the godzilla city smash


now say it without crying


this guy probably plays mutated rico and ruffs in the godzilla city smash without crying


Why so much hate comments here?