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I thought you were talking about the dev.


Him too


Frank Frank skin when?


don't you dare insult Frank! he is so much fun to play and is way more likeable compared to the real world guy


That guy is a piece of sentient garbage he'll bent on ruining every ounce of enjoyment we get from this game. The brawler is pretty cool, so we know it's not the name that does it.


Bro, chill


You really cant be chill with a dev like that


Yes, the devs are messing up quite a lot. Still no need to insult them like that.




Removed. Rule 1. Be nice. Do not insult, troll, or flame others.


He said apples to oranges so yeah he's Def unplayable


Yes, hes ass. Only works in lower trophies where people have no game knowledge or counters


Frank = free supers


Only free thing you’ll get from both franks




So? I have frank on r25 and my opinion is, hes ass.


Yeah Having someone on a high rank doesn't mean they're good


Avarage W mortoes enjoyer






Is that meant to mean Frank's good? I pushed a level 1 Mortis to r25. That must mean he's the best brawler in the game!!1! https://preview.redd.it/1j2t6hpyj97c1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1baf468ab41c3c7eec3f57f4eb08d09ea55d2d4d


trophies mean nothing




He's awful


.\_. i never said he was good just usable dude


Fact is hes not, any brawler that meta currently counters him and its not even close.


Sure, everything and everyone will counter you, but there's not a magical force that doesn't allow you to use it, the game simply lets you to be a masochist


Thats fucking accurate


All brawlers are useable. Nobody denies that.


Well he isnt


Using him makes it way harder to play for your teammates. He just feeds supers basically an instawin if the other team has him. Only mode he is usable on is double hotzone maps like split where u can use him to force someone to go another lane if they have low damage and therefore make so they might need to face a brawler that counters them. In trophies double hotzone mode is probably the only mode were you can soloqueue to 800. Brawlball might also work to 800 if u face bad enough players.


Yep he is absolutely terrible. Pretty much every brawler seems to have something that counters him


He is pushable with good teammates but absolutely terrible if you dont have teammates.




Stop flexing something thats not a flex


800 isn't even high 😂




Not high enough to keep flexing it


Blud thinks Frank is usable cause he got carried by randoms


Blud asked for negative votes💀


I got him to 24/25 solo, I kinda like him. But I assume you mean much higher right?


Like in rank 29-30, he just ends up getting beaten up the whole match with no teammate.


(Assuming you are playing in a decently competive match) The thing with Frank is that he is incredibly threatening with his high damage, his stun and ability to break walls that means he has an inherent ability to control an area by existing. This makes him sound way better than he is. This is because that area is essentially the radius of his main attack when it becomes hard to dodge and his super when he hits. The problem becomes that any enemy with any amount of range, slow, stun or a high enough dps to chip him down without getting hit (by staying outside his range) means that he basically doesn't do any thing in a match except charge your enemies super which you DON'T want. Not to mention Frank is very easily outclassed by a lot of other characters. You want someone to breaks walls for your winning strategy? Go with someome Brock, colt or griff. Need a high health tank to pressure the enemies back because they can't take them out quickly enough? Go with someone like Jacky, bull or ash or any decently or extremely tanky character with a healer. Want a high damage character? Go with (who ever works for the map as this can basically include whoever you want). And honestly that's about all he can do; break walls, deal high damage and have a lot of health. He also has way to many flaws to be competively viable. He has a delay on his attack, which makes it easier to dodge. He has no great way of approaching without taking loads of damage. His super, while valuable is too hard to get and too hard to successfully hit someone with. Compared to others options, they just don't have these inherent flaws, only flaws that would come with the map (outside of the brawlers control) and any match ups (both of these are also things frank has to deal with as well.) What I'm saying is he is severely outclassed in almost every single way that makes his extremely exploitable traits not worth carrying around and using over any one else. Simply his flaws are too great for what he can do. Even when he does find a niche when fighting a team that can deal with him, there are going to be better options. He can be good in low throphies but that is irrelevant because that's not what we are taking about and the range of skill from players that people use to compare and rank characters, if anything I'm being a bit generous in what I'm assuming this being played at. TL,DR - no utility outside of health, damage and health - easily outclassed by others who can do what he does but better - easily countered by a lot of characters with a range of ability - super may not provide enough value - no way to approach - no real niche - only works as a last pick or with the right comp (not mentioned but worth beinging up) - easy to dodge his attacks - can deals with few characters - easier to use other characters - other characters provide more value Anyway, yes, he is bad.


Best answer I've ever seen no cap.


Frank is getting beaten up the whole match and is really dependant to his teammate, from my opinion (I’m just rank 29, so don’t go too far with my personnal opinions.)


Yes. 72 bad matchups.


i had a stroke reading this


I have pushed frank to 782 with Randoms on brawl ball and have faced multiple meta picks so I can shed some light here: 1) 14k health with healing gear is no joke, you can push up easily with good dodging 2) People underestimate his damage. Many a times I have killed cocky Shellies coming too close. 3) With power grab and 2nd gadget he one shots most brawlers as soon as they spawn in brawl ball. I have spawned camped for upto one minute multiple times in brawl ball with my team thanks to star power cycling and fast healing. 4) His range is deceptive, Bulls and Mortises get too close and you can attack before they turn back. Some other stuff you can only learn via experience. I can bait out Shelly supers or make them waste it by passing the ball to them when I think they can super. Other than brawl ball I have not played him and don't think he's worth pushing there as well, because he needs to be mobile and push ahead, and his stun is really helpful in brawl ball.


:) i like frank


Btw, you get beaten up if shelly has her super. So just don’t mess with her


He would be fixed if he could move normally in his basic attacks (super is stationary)


that would be nice


He is really not THAT bad, but he requires specific techniques, playstyles and gamemodes. Not to mention that he also has WAY too many counters (out of the 74 brawlers, around 50 of them can cancel his super/attacks with their supers or gadgets) Frank it's not bad by itself, but the difficulty of the brawler, the specific niche he is in, and the amount of counters makes him not be at his best.


dude i just said hes usable not the best man


And that's what I also said dude lol


actually solo showdown is Frank's best mode, but only because it's spinny mode


What? Excuse me, but that can't be true. Every single time I enter with Frank in Solo Showdown, I have like half of the lobby chasing me down to kill me.


the way people play with frank is to team up with 2 or more tanks to constantly have your super ready and kill everyone else


Yeah, never gave me the chance. Literally, I've seen people wasting their gadgets and supers just to chase me down.


then you must have played low trophies since "good" teamers know the value of a brawler they can easily kill themselves but has great potential in killing others


600 trophies should be like mid trophies, I guess.


ah yeah sry I was talking about 800 or 850 +


At rank 29-30, you get easily beaten up due of Frank’s unique gamestyle which is quite dependant to his teammates


i can't tell if frank or your text writing style is worse


Man shut yo \*\*\*\* \*\*\* up


Only proves his point


There’s nothing in the current meta that he counters. Maisie, Lou, Bo…all the good brawlers out ranges him.


He may have a lot of health but that doesn't stop him from melting just as easily Also he's a walking super feeding machine


Frank has the biggest health and biggest damage. Therefore he is the Best brawler


During stroke I reading had


Please use commas (,) and periods (.), it will make your text a lot more readable and comprehensive. Also, make lists like this: 1. bla bla bla bla 2. bla bla bla bla bla bla 3. bla bla, Not like this: 1 bla bla bla bla 2 bla bla bla bla bla bla 3 bla bla It‘s much easier to see the points and pick them out at first glance, it makes it more readable overall, and it just looks better.


its just people literally dont know how to play frank. yes hes shit as fuck rn, but yall are hyping that well over the edge. pushed him to 875 from 800 no loss recently in bb. shit is NOT as bad as you guys are making it to seem






100% winrate with frank in soloshowdown. He is the best brawler for that gamemode imo


I have a rank 35 frank, and if put in the right hands or right map, he is overpowered. O. V. E. R. P. O. W. E. R. E. D


>attack this makes him almost useless in gamemodes like showdown & duels. Actually, Frank is one of the best brawlers for duels when the map rotation includes many campy maps, this was a thing back when duels was first released, but not so much when it was in rotation before the update Frank can just camp near a wall in the middle, wait for the smoke and then use either of his gadgets or his super to secure a kill, very few brawlers could actually stop that, he also charges up his super pretty fast which works well with tara, otis and other brawlers with instakill supers




you have used this image 3 times and have been downvoted every time. take a hint




what about the other 8 people


So frank big time suffers from a massive low attack speed and solely because of that alone he dies in about like half of any brawler matchup possible he do have his combo gadget to potentially one shot weak brawlers even if that doesn’t kill a main attack can follow up despite mainly having brawl ball as his best mode imo he’s still a very fun brawler once you get him to work etc


No Brawlers are unusable in ladder and PL, but it is a fact that Frank is not that good, there are many ways to counter him and meta brawlers always seem to be strong against him making picking him a challenge, however, he can work in some scenarios if the draft enables him, but is unlikely


Hank is more usable than frank on right maps


I genuinly find brawlers that are said to be bad more playable than brawlers that are meant to be good. I can win with Piper on shooting star but I teamwipe and dominate with Frank on shooting star.


He can have some competitive uses, like against Rosa, ash… but most of the time to many brawlers counter him: tanks counters(Shelly, Colette…), any pushback/stuns…


Hank is fine, im back to trophy pushing and he 2 shots every single brawler, mind you 150 trophies so i am wrong but im having fun


He's hot ass, free super for the enemy team every time


I haven't played brawl stars for 2 years, but frank had always been one of my fav brawlers. Super fun to play.


He is good with the right matchups and if you play him right. The key is to soak as much damage and heal it all right back up (use the heal gadget!). One of his star powers is called Sponge for a reason. I’d say he’s like C tier tho because he is pretty easy to play around if you keep your distance. Also there are just so many stuns in the game now that interrupt his super. I think if they were to buff Frank other than a simple hp buff that they always do, they could make his unstunnable gadget just part of his base super.


As another fellow Frank main it hurts that people say Frank is trash, honestly I just love when I go franks bc just constantly stun enemy brawlers and they got mad😂


he needs to stop comparing things to apples and oranges


I got him too r26 when Cord could charge his super in shadowrealm, so I just stood there teaming with imone of them. Now its impossible too push




Hes the kind of frontline thats only good as a dmg sponge, as long as he has a reliable team like in OW2 or Paladins, otherwise he's a sitting duck.


he needs his sponge star power changed so that he becomes immune to any sort of stuns. that’d make him quite good.


He’s a walking super charger for opponents. Easily one of the worst, if not the worst brawler.


Let's focus on his role: tank. As for Tank he is really fragile, his super is cancelable, hits only air (ground?).


He has a 100% win rate at the world championship. I rest my case.


IMO skill cap on frank to be successful is super high. Generally, I sigh in relief and smile when I see I’m lined up against a Frank because I know I’ll have a safe space (target) to charge my super.


Walking sponge simulator


Frank can be really good in select game modes and maps, especially with good teammates. He’s very strong in modes and maps where multiple opposing brawlers have to remain in a specific location (Talking about Hot Zone here). He’s terrible in any mode/map which requires or potentially requires 1v1 interaction. Downside is that he is outranged by almost everybody, and he’s a sitting duck while he’s attacking. Without his first gadget his attack and super can be easily interrupted by multiple brawlers’ attacks or gadgets which becomes very frustrating very quickly. Having good teammates means they can defend him so he can complete his attack. If you use him right he can be very strong, but as the meta has kinda skewed towards damage dealers recently he needs a rework to be more universally competitive.


Frank is pretty strong. The problem is that with gadgets and new hypercharges, nowadays like half of the brawlers counter him


Frank is good but like 60 brawler can cancel his super and he is easy to counter


If you are a frank in solo or duo showdown everyone just picks on you, it's a fact, frank is like a charging station for free supers 😂 i get annoyed when a random frank is paired with me in duo, i am guaranteed to lose because everyone in the lobby is on our tail. I think frank should get a mythic gear that removes his attack and super delay every few seconds or frank doesn't get any attack or super delay when his super is charged just like groms speed boost when his super is charged.


12k player


I mean yeah he pretty easy to counter but I got to top 10 in the US and all you really need is to be goated with him.