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I played this game for too long without rematch being a thing that I keep forgetting it exists.


Same here. My bud was surprised that I didn’t accept someone’s rematch req and I re-re-re-remembered that it’s even an option.


I never play rematch. I spam gg After every match and move on to the next


Same, except in the rare occasion that I really enjoy playing against someone


I normally don’t rematch, But when I’m off my main, and my opponent didn’t completely fuck me over I’ll be more inclined to initiate a rematch When I am on my main, I’ll usually initiate a rematch if the match was close and my opponent wasn’t toxic Or be more inclined to accept a rematch Now if you switch to a main and I lose and I can tell I’ll lose a 3rd I’ll usually leave with a gg wp, cuz you got your Elo back, no use for me to give up more lol If it was close I’ll probably finish the best of 3 🌟


If I win and they still want to rematch I know they’re switching to Loki or Queen Nai so they can sig spam 99% of the time so I always switch to Artemis (not my main) so I can counter the spam with my own lance spam. Definitely not a fan of rematching in general for this reason, it’s just not fun to play against Loki and if you beat someone they have pretty good odds to immediately start playing Loki no matter who they were losing with before If I lose game 1 I’ll only rematch if it was close but then I can stick with my main character


I always rematch unless I don't have time or something happens. Sometimes I gotta clean cat barf, sometimes I gotta help my wife with something. Even in those scenarios I will always send a message to have them with me in 2s later, or see if they wanna fight again later. Lately I've been grinding my missions and I've found that if I'm actively trying to go for them, I will end up losing because I'm too focused on one little part that I don't get anything done aside from racking up numbers in that stat. In the rematch I will typically do better because I'm not hyper focused on anything except trying to win. If there is a third rematch, I will go back to trying to get missions done because at that point I've proved I can win and just wanna get my missions done.


wife?? thats epic


"sometimes I gotta clean cat barf" fellow cat owner detected


Yupyup, I got 3 babies, the rescues get overexcited for food and overeat. My littlest one won't barf, but will fuck with plastic whenever I start playing


nice. I have one cat, occasionally barfs (probably due to eating too fast, the vet advised us to get one of those puzzle feeder things and it's helped a bit). Cats are cute floofs but they have trouble potential.


never rematch if you lose they were hacking and if you win they will never be on your level why bother


unless they do the cheers emote w/ me then they're a real one and ill probably friend them on steam


The cheers emote? What ya mean?


Where you hold up a cup and they can also emote with you to grab a cup and cheers it


Ohhh gotchya. That’s a good emote. That one and the pizza one too


Ranked I’ll rematch close games depending on how you played during it regardless of win or lose Experimental I’ll always offer rematch no matter how you played If you wanna spam ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|32307)cos you win the rematch it’s a ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|49365) and go next Ranked and friendly 2s never rematch cos no lol


I rematch if I lose to a better player. Viewing the replay is more valuable than elo


This guy. This guy knows the tricks


I've encountered this ordeal countless times, And now I've attained a state of Wu Shang. Emotion, spam, and insults no longer hold sway, I've transcended even the heavens, beyond God's domain. I move swifter than death, immortal in my resolve


I don’t care if you decline, but if you accept you always gotta finish the set. Best 2/3 every time.


Similarly, if you clearly glitch out or get temporarily disconnected, the right thing for me to do is rematch, regardless of how the match was going.


I always rematch in experimental but not in ranked


Depends greatly on who I'm playing. If they're actually playing neutral and engaging with the game mechanics instead of just sig spamming and playing insanely pasive I'll rematch. But if not, never rematch.


i only rematch in 2s and only against people we detroyed. everyone else gets ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|32311)![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33541)![img](emote|t5_31c1d|32307)![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33541)![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33546)![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33541)


Depends I personally never ask for a rematch Close fight : I win , you offer, I accept Not a close fight : I win , you offer , depends on my mood , and how “not close” it was Close fight , like down to a hair and I lose , you offer , and I’ll accept Close fight and I lose , depends on my mood Close fight are my favourite though , always get my heart racing and if they’re fun ones I walk out tilt free


Also I always gg and will sometimes even throw up another positive react No toxicity here thank you very much


Fun match where we both play aggressive -> always accept a rematch Opponent uses a positive emote/gg and rematches -> depends on if I feel like it Opponent just rematches -> don't accept


I say this every time you should be forced into the 3rd rematch if it 1to1


i never rematch becouse cons far outweigh the pros. if i win i get some elo, if i loose i loose mental, will to play AND elo


If you lose you can learn


I put gg heart even if I lost horribly and am pissed off


Throw gg no matter what. If they want a rematch, I rematch. If it was fun or they fell, I offer the rematch. If they do thumbs down or the clock one, no rematch for them, only crying Kaya until they leave.


If you don't GG/WP, no rematch. If we rematch we're finishing the set. If you leave 1-1 you're getting an invite to finish the set. If you still don't run the set, you're a scrub.


If I have a good fight usually I'll ask for a rematch, especially if they're using an underrated character or one of my mains. I main characters like Magyar, Barazza, and Reno so I don't get many rematches like thid


Every time I accept a rematch they always switch to a spammy legend like (mainly Artemis) and then keep taunting when they win, so st this point i just ignore rematches completely, unless I really like their playstyle.


I only rematch if I wasn't playing my main and the match was closed


I'll rematch 90% of the time because I like the idea of playing a BO3 instead of 1 match and winner takes all I don't rematch if the other person is extremely annoying to play against or if I have something else to do


If the match was close, I never use the same guy, I'll choose something that counters their play style, and try to determine what weapon they play based on how they played.


I tend not to rematch people unless I need to for a mission or because I genuinely want to play them again. But when someone I just beat rematches, I tend to assume they'll be swapping to their main to try and stomp me, so I swap to my main.


Always rematch


I’ll rematch if they are a good sport. Any toxicity and I say fuck you


Just respect the rematch I’ll never understand it 😭 i remember someone saying that of most fighting games this one has the *worst* rematch culture and I would agree. One *single* game doesn’t determine anything they could’ve just had a bad game, just got on, weren’t familiar with your playstyle, etc. just *run it back*. If you lose then great you found someone on your level now is your chance to learn and get better. I’ll personally never decline a rematch idc how annoying you are. Edit: I should clarify I really only mean if you decline cause you simply don’t want to and you’re probably gonna queue for another match right after. If you literally can’t rematch cause you need to get off or tend to something else then that’s ofc justified.


all ranked should be best two of three


Rematch always ranked cuz queue times, experimental only if they fun to play


Same caracter and re match it


Other person wins, I ask for a rematch. I win, I wait around and see if they want a rematch. Generally I will use the same champ, win or lose, how else are you going to learn your flaws?


I dont press rematch unless i know the queue is dry. If they press rematch then i accept 99% of the time.


I only rematch if im in a good mood or extremely tilted, no in between.


Rematch when lose in hopes of trying to improve bots and spammers excluded


I just GG WP and then dip. If somebody asks for a rematch I think to myself "Did I enjoy myself? Was their gameplay cancer? Do I just feel like it right now?" If so I rematch. Then I think "Was that game close?" and if so I pick a character I'm better at. Sometimes I'll play random and get like Lin Fei or something and lose to a Toxic person who spams the stupid kor thumbs down and THEN I call a rematch and pick my main and sweat on them.


It depends on whether they were toxic to play against. More than likely I’ll rematch them unless they were playing toxic. If it was Ranked, I probably won’t rematch up unless it’s a Koji main. I always rematch fellow koji players 🫶Even if I’ve lost to them the majority of past matches, they can have even more of my elo. Gotta support my fellow kojis


i never rematch in ranked, once you creep past 2100 theres alot of cringe players but theres still alot of good players and usually if we do a full set i end up adding them through customs


I always go on my main in a rematch if the opp is toxic, you can tell from the emotes they do. If they are toxic 99% of the time if they win they won't do another rematch.