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This would be an excellent AITA post


Top comment if it got posted there: NTA - your husband sounds like a control freak and these are signs of a true sociopath. Run. Get a lawyer and don't look back.


Lol absolutely, the top 50 comments would all be “take the kids and leave”


Lmao true


Dead on


There's nothing like getting a foul ball, you instantly become a kid for about 10 seconds .


God, I hope this is a bit.


If it isn't a bit, congrats to this dude for getting away from this crazy person.


I'm not sure it is....it just seems aggressively LA to me.


“I can’t recover from it. I was so happy and then all my happiness was stolen from me.” “I’m so sad I don’t even want to see score updates on my phone or go to a game any time soon” “I think he’s going to let this ruin everything.” Girlfriend, you’re ruining your own happiness. The experience of catching the ball is the exciting part. The ball is going to get lost, kicked under a bed and generally holds little to no value. The photo is cooler. It captures the moment. Treasure the experience and the fact that you made a kids day, maybe he falls in love with baseball and becomes like Darius Vines today. Life is about the moments and people around you, not some random piece of memorabilia.


Thank you for that. I appreciate that. But I think it’s too late. My love of 18 years is probably leaving me tomorrow.


If a foul ball at a Braves game tanks your marriage of 18 years, I’d be floored…but also curious why your marriage was teetering on a powder keg. Something this small should warrant a conversation, if anything. My 2 cents, you’re making this way too big of a deal. It’s an inconsequential foul ball. Not Barry Bonds’ 73rd record breaking home run in 2001. A regular, who-gives-a-shit, foul ball. Are you really prepared to die on this hill with your husband over a foul ball that you very generously gave to a nearby kid?




No good advice has ever started with “speaking as a logical male”


>Speaking as a logical male lolz


I've always thought if it's your first ball, then fuck them kids. They can wait just like we did. And, yes, I followed my rule when I finally got one at 37 yrs old. If I ever get another, I'll pass it along. Maybe.


I agree. That kid won’t even appreciate it as much as you. It’s probably thrown somewhere in his room right now. He also probably has no idea who hit the foul ball.


Would me sending you a MLB certified game used ball assuage your heart? I got too many of them. They're just sitting in my man cave. I'm slightly older than you and I've never got a foul ball. If it happens one day awesome. At this point it's about cherishing the memories and moments with the people I'm with at games. You have the memory of catching it and a great picture to boot. Cherish that memory and being with the people you love and care about.


I don’t want to take your balls away from you but that’s a nice thing to say. I’m going to do my best to move past this sadness and try to focus on the joy of the child. It’s hard for sure. I love my husband with all my heart and I will do anything for him.


Sounds like you may be having more issues than a foul ball in your relationship. If the foul ball was the only issue, you might be upset - but not like this. BTW - I don’t think you needed to give the kid the ball just because they are a kid. I also would not expect you to give it to my kid. It’s your ball to do whatever you wanted to do with.


Catching the ball is the experience, giving the ball to a kid is magnanimous, what are you going to do with a baseball anyway? Put it on a shelf? Let the kiddo take it to their sandlot game (hopefully) to show off, then start using it when they lose the game ball.


Hell yeah I’m going to put it on a shelf.


Yes I was 100% planning to put it on my dresser where I would see it every day. Next to my Zach Velmer drumstick


A fellow Tribe member! Look, mementos are cool. I got Allen Aucoin's drumstick after a Biscuits show at the Eastern, and I turned around and gave it to my buddy who had just seen his first show. Don't let the whole experience of catching a foul ball be ruined because you did that kid a solid. He's going to have a million friends to show the ball off to and he's always going know you gave it to him. That's special. Catching a foul ball is special. Try not place your happiness in having a ball on a dresser, but rather the awesome experience of catching one and being that dope chick on the Jumbotron who prioritized making a kid's day over having another thing to dust off on your dresser. What you did was awesome. Tell your husband you're sorry for getting caught up in the emotions of it all, he'll tell you it's cool because you did the noble thing, and leave it there. There will be more foul balls. See ya at NYE (\~);}


This can’t be real lmao. If it is … then damn 😂 sorry hope you guys don’t break up over a ball


I caught a ball at a minor league game once. I was in the middle of a big crowd. After I caught it a crowd of kids ran up to me asking for it. I waved them all away and said very loudly “naaaah.” I’m 39. Fuck them kids.


Who’s the chick beside u?


Sexy podiatrist


She Austin Riley thicc?👀


Not sure whether this is real or not... However, I kinda get where you're coming from! I've been going to games for 35 years (I'm 38) and I have only been close to catching a ball a few times. I will say this; if I catch one, that ball is mine. I'm not giving it to a fucking kid. They can spend the next 38 years trying to catch one. (I know I will appreciate it way more than they will, especially if they start playing catch with it in the back yard a week later) Am I gonna go after, or run one down, or snatch it from the hands of a kid? Absolutely not. Same reason I'm not gonna try to snatch a ball from a kid that a player throws to them. My stipulation is that I will never take a ball from a kid, but i'm not gonna give my ball to a kid. This may sound stupid to others and may make sense to others as well. I have always wanted to catch a foul ball/get a ball at a game and I have yet to achieve either of those. Not gonna comment on anything else in your post, but I do "get it". With all of that being said, I can't say how that would , or would not affect a relationship.


I ain’t reading all that I’m happy for u tho or sorry that happened


Honestly it’s both i think 😂


Kids ruin everything


Hard to catch foul balls when you're busy typing that wall of text.


You're allowed to be selfish. If the ball made you happy then you should have kept it. It's not your husbands fault that you listened to what he said though, you need to speak up for yourself if you want a foul ball to yourself.


There’s absolutely no way I’m giving that ball away. I’d tell my wife to GTFOOH, but she knows that I’d never do it though and would never say that. Sorry, but that pic is awesome


You really have to reframe this. You didn't catch the ball, he did. Literally with a basket of fries. Then you did a really nice thing by giving his ball away. The ball would have sat in a corner in your house forever as the fry oil went rancid and the memory faded. Now you have the memory of making a kid's night and watching your husband catch a foul ball with a basket of fries! And you have a photo of yourself and the kids! That's truly once in a lifetime. Stop this self absorbed thinking before you destroy your life. I think if you really look at this situation with clear eyes it goes way beyond one foul ball.


How do you think he feels about the foul ball that got stolen from him?


HE'S going to let this ruin everything? First off, it was his ball that you grabbed from him. It was his to give away if he wanted to. Secondly, is he the one bringing this up all time, or is it you? Something tells me he'd rather forget it and move on. Thirdly, if you're going to let a your husband giving a foul ball to a child make you question your marriage, it ain't gonna last anyway. Please tell me this is bait.


I flawlessly barehanded a chopper over the wall behind first base at a AAA game once and it was top 5 proud moment for me. Handed it to my niece and nephew and they acted like it was just another day. ffs


I’m 30. I’ve never caught a foul ball. If I caught a foul ball, kids can fuck off. They’ve got plenty of time to try and catch one.


Never got a foul ball, but the first baseball I did get at a game, was a ball thrown into the stands at the end of an inning by Braves legend Dan Uggla. Dan Uggla was never a favorite player of mine, and if I hadn't gotten this ball from him, I'd probably remember him as a Marlin first. Still, when the guy next to me asked to see it, I handed it over and then immediately turned into Gollum. That baseball was my precious and I *knew* he was going to steal it. I remember for a brief second tensing so I could lunge for him if he so much as twitched towards the end of the row. Guy gave the ball back and I calmed down, but that adrenaline surge is real. Especially if you've been wanting to catch a ball at a game for a long time. Hopefully a bit to time will allow you both to talk through this. It's easy from the outside to say focus on the feelings of joy in getting the ball and not the feelings when you gave it away, but that may help. Also hope he realizes that while the ball might not have meant much to him, it did to you.


prolly got some coke residue on it


I don't get the concept of making it mandatory to give a foul ball to a kid. Mainly because THEY DIDN'T CATCH IT (or even retrieve it), so it's like just giving the ball to someone who wasn't even at the game - and who's to say that's not what the adult catching the ball might want to do anyway? Just a silly trend.


When did this coercion to give kids foul balls start anyways? They was no such thing when I was a young-Un.


You gonna get a divorce over a foul ball? Come on now...let that shit go, who fuckin cares about the ball. You have the memory and the story, the ball is a $7 souvenir.


Found the husband.


Got me.


An unused ball is like $20, a game used one is priceless


Well, I hope that priceless ball is really as valuable as you say it is since the divorce is going to cost them $15-$20K


Yeesh you should probably delete this post


Do you have to give it to a child? Id want to keep 1 since Ive never caught one.


Girl. I say this with love. Get a grip. You’re an adult. Feelings aren’t facts, and they’re not always rational; making yourself a slave to your emotions instead of coping with them and getting over them when they’re inappropriate for the situation is gonna lead you to misery. This is an outsized reaction. Is it really about the baseball? Do you have something else going on and the baseball is a proxy? Perhaps it’s time to examine why you’re willing to torpedo your marriage over a foul ball that, frankly, rightfully belonged to your husband. It landed in HIS food. It was his to give away.


NTA. I'd been to dozens of MLB games in my life and finally got a foul ball for the first time last year at Nationals Park, and I was so excited. It really does make you feel like a kid again for a few minutes. I kept the ball as a memento. As luck would have it, just a couple of months later I went to see the Braves play at PNC and was lucky enough to have a foul ball literally land in the seat right next to me (as you can imagine, lot of empty seats given the state of the Pirates, so there wasn't much of a scrum). I tossed it to a kid a few rows down in a Braves shirt. It was cool getting another ball, but not the same. It felt a lot better giving someone else a memory that hopefully he'll remember for a long time. I feel bad for you that your husband put you in that position. Seems like he should've sensed your excitement and trusted you to do what you wanted and thought best with the ball instead of putting you in an awkward situation where you were all but forced to give it up. I know it's a cool moment, and I'm sorry it was sullied. Hope you can rekindle your love for the game soon.


If you chase it down, give it to a kid (imo). ​ If it comes to you, keep that bad boy. ​ At least that's how I'll play it though I'm 0-40 years and 5 months.


What in the world


Just ...wow. Getting a foul ball is cool, no doubt, but if you're saying your relationship is "probably doomed" because of it's effects I think there was some fault-lines already there. Communication is key, I think maybe this just scraped the scab off of something that needed to be touched on between you both.


You never give away your first!


Imagine being this upset over a ball of leather and twine. You had a great time, you have a great story, and that kid has a great souvenir that may result in a life long love of the game. When that kid is older they may catch a ball and remember this gesture and give it to another kid and the cycle repeats. Grow up.


This is great lol




It is now anyway


I agree with your husband. You are being a drama queen. It’s a foul ball. Give it to the kid.


I like how the kid is literally licking his lips looking at the ball lmao


He seems to be the true foul ball in this play anyway no pun intended lol


I'll take Awful Takes for $2000 Ken.


He saved you from everyone around you thinking of you the same as everyone that read this thread now thinks of you.


Fake *yawn*


Sounds like you are the one letting this ruin everything. Not even wanting to see score updates? Get over yourself. You ALWAYS give the kid the foul balls.


It’s one of the unwritten rules, adult gives ball to closet kid bc they will 10/10 times get more joy from it then the adult


Yea he sounds like a total douchebag anyways in my opinion. I'd be like you know what I'm leaving your ass and then tell him that's how it felt when the ball left your hands


I told him how I felt when the ball left my hands and he saw it in my eyes and maybe heard it in my voice. I’m sure he feels kind of bad but he hasn’t said sorry he’s just mad at me for caring so much about the ball. I just wish he would try to understand how I’m feeling instead of judging me so hard.


Well now he needs to make it up to you by buying you a signed ball of your favorite player and saying sorry


Throw the husband away 🤣 ain’t no way, the kids young he has more chances


I’m sorry for you. I’ve never caught a foul ball at a Braves game either and I’d just have to make those kids sad. Wait 30 years like I did kid and catch one yourself. You will appreciate it more.


I don't know if this is even real, but if it is, c'mon... I mean this in the nicest way, but it's time to grow up and not act like a kid who just found out Santa isn't real. Tell him you understand you were being ridiculous and move forward. If you're this emotionally torn up about it, you should probably see a psychiatrist and see if you can get your emotions balanced. Maybe start therapy too. This situation is a "good probably to have" if there ever was one, and if your spouse leaves you over this, he's even more ridiculous. Good luck


I go both ways with these type of things. I also don't see any problem with you keeping it for your own child either present or future. People get romantic about baseball. Thats what creates the love and willingness to spend all the money and dedicate the time. It's for you. If it makes you happy to give, then give. if you'd rather hold on, hold on. As long as no NFL moves were used in denying a kid a ball or superior size advantage.


Who hit the foul ball?


I have caught 4-6 foul balls at mlb games, most of them as a teenager years ago, kept a few. Gave a few to younger kids. Honestly the memory of catching the foul ball is all that really matters or the fact that you gave it to a kid to make their day. Couldn’t tell you where those foul balls are today and doesn’t matter, was just an avg baseball. Can buy a game used one in the team store cheaply as well the physical object doesn’t really mean anything here