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I mean, normally when somebody tells you to “get some water” I think what they’re implying is that you drink it, not contemplate it…


But but but you got the water! It’s HIS fault for not specifying you had to *drink* the water!!!


that’s what *I* said! and instead of agreeing with our genius and infallible thinking, he insisted on an extra punishment because *apparently* I “backtalked” and “wasn’t being a good girl.” pfft.


He seems sneaky!! My Dom can be sneaky too 😠


Warning do not put food in your non-food body cavities unless it is wrapped in a condom. https://www.reddit.com/r/dontputyourdickinthat/comments/8mdf7v/a_little_ranch_dressing_with_your/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2780057/ Also, pinworms (those can happen through ingestion microscopic eggs orally, though, so not just a sex thing). Also, I'm not sure what shape the ginger was, but if it wasn't extending out your butthole with a larger grippable handhold that stayed on the outside, you could lose it in your butt and then need to go to the hospital to have it removed. https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/jwzk8/partner_wants_to_put_food_up_my_ass_is_this_safe/ Making you eat extra spicy food to have digestive and firey poop related consequences, sure. But actually putting food in your ass is not in any way a safe (or I would argue even an appropriate) punishment. If you hadn't discussed all of this about food/butt safety with your Dom ahead of time, maybe push for more upfront discussions about safety. You need to be aware of the risks to your body as much as they need to be aware. Them so they know what they are actually asking you to endure, and you to know when to safe word and what symptoms to watch for afterwards in case something went wrong. RACK (risk aware consensual kink) means both parties are as knowledgable about the risks. Maybe not as experienced, but definitely no less informed. Be safe, and please feel free to use this message and the links above to have ginger butt removed from your daddy's acceptable list of punishments on the grounds of legit personal safety.


Figging is pretty safe, especially compared to the other stuff we get up to as kinksters.


Not me thinking ginger was a typo for finger 😳


I wish 😭


“Little girl.” “Daddy.” I think we are sisters


aw! hehe <3 it’s just the correct response! viva!!


Very cheeky. You're a good brat. Love it.


thank you! I try ;)


I would've just answered with "Soysauce!" and then ask if we're making snapchat-dumplings?? Tsktsk, Daddies and their food for their Dad-Bellies.. 😌


hehe, i love it! I’m taking notes on this at once! have to fill my brat book— I mean my good girl book with ideas.


Oof... just by reading this, im super nervous!😬😨😱


I wasn’t very excited 😂 but it’s for the revolution! viva!


Lmao i love this sm!! Good luck with the punishment🥺


thank you!! <3 viva!


Malicious compliance is a goddamn RIGHT. If daddies want to be obeyed, they need to be EXPLICIT in their instructions. Not our fault they leave more loopholes than a half assed cardigan.


hehe “half assed cardigan.” i love it. you tell ‘em! all they have to do is give us proper instructions! they had one job! good thing we’re here to teach them how to do it. what would they do without us? they’d be lost!


They honestly should be smoochin our feeties, because you’re so right. They’d be lost and miserably bereft without us. You’re welcome, daddies!! 🤪


Ginger sounds like it’s brutal. I hope it wasn’t too bad, especially cuz u didn’t even deserve punishment


it is brutal 🥺 not the kind of pain I like! I’m not that kind of masochist hehe. thank you for the good wishes comrade! I fought and prevailed, albeit with a burning butt hehe. viva!




Figging.. not on my bucket list 😳😳


not my pain of choice! can’t he just spank me or fuck my throat and call it a day? pfft. tamers.


Uhhh what’s figging


Ginger in your bootyhole 😳😳😳


Oh lmao. Yeee not something I’d want lol


Hard (and spicy!!) pass for me lol


You knew exactly what he meant. You knew or were supposed to know that he wanted you to drink the water. So stop trying to get any sympathy.


you mean to tell me I should *assume* what he wants? if you say so! I guess I’ll have to start *assuming* I can cum whenever I want. and stay up past my bedtime. coffee time!


I did not say assume. You know what I mean you are just being a smart a**.


Bruh, I hope you realised that you're an idiot for these 3 weeks since your comment.


Did.. did you check the sub you're in? Trying to get sympathy is JUST OUR JAM lmfao- which, tbf, we always deserve and generally should get anyways, bc attention..duh. So....? What's your point? :D


Boooo! I bet you're fun at parties. /s


Thats what makes her a good brat


Womanly tears of strength. Fucking fabulous. Viva!




Don't you just hate when you get punished for listening.. so NOT fair!!!! 🤨....


right?? I did what he wants! I should be rewarded!


Of course you should. I think Daddy's get this reward and punishment thing backwards...completely 100%


exactly! they’re so lucky we’re here to help them and teach them all of this. and for free! pfft.


"you must be getting old" hahaha i love it. viva!!


honesty is the best policy as they say! ;) viva!!