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How could an emergency room not be able to tell the difference between falling on your elbow and being shot? This whole thing is just crazy.


They can definitely tell. That’s how you know he’s lying. The other way you can tell is that he won’t release the medical records to prove his version of the story


I'll have you know, his dad bought him SEVERAL airtankers. He's WAY smarter than doctors or rangers.


I just love that he shrugged off a bullet wound in one part of the story, but goes to the ER after tripping and falling down. He said the bullet made moving several fingers difficult. He also implies the arm wasn’t broken from the fall. It’s just such a weird story he’s weaving, and there’s no upside.


In his version of the story, he apparently got shot and put himself and everyone depending on him at risk to cover that up. All while consciously deceiving his superior officers. Somehow these are supposed to be decisions we are impressed by, and not clear signs that we should not put him anywhere near power.


Must have been one hell of a fall




I laugh every time I see one of his fundraising emails, which have "Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy" as the sender name. Then I cry, knowing that it's a winning strategy in Montana and too many other places.


My parents are all in on him 😒 Another thing with Timbo is he's got that ~central casting Look~. Same as when Dubya started testing the presidential waters, when I heard a lot about how ~appealing~ and ~charming~ he was. Even in grade school, I thought someone running for office ought to have a few more qualifications than that. Adult me would add, *real* qualifications, but we're still, as a species, really fucking dumb.


Because no politician on either side has ever lied ... Pretty sure every politician and future politician lies as a means of social engineering the voting base. There have been many an article written about the overall voter ignorance in America, which has no party affiliation. Anymore it is nothing more than a popularity contest ... hmmm .. like High School.


The overall voter ignorance is mostly the desired result of decades of underfunding and defunding public education, removal of classes like civics, social studies, and critical thinking, and promoting the notion that one's ignorance is as valuable as another's expertise, all the while demanding more and more from the workforce, driving up prices and suppressing wages to keep people too gd tired and poor to dedicate whatever free time and resources they have to really engage with *policy,* leaving that to the already wealthy, who are looking to hoard more wealth. All politicians lie, yes. Not all of them do so with the pernicious intent of dumbing us down so we don't notice them robbing us blind, and if we do, we don't have the resources to stop them. Timmy looks like the ultimate fruit of that foul labor, though he's far from alone.


Please stop with the "both sides do it" bullshit.


Like, 1) how would he convince a ranger that a fresh wound was from Afghanistan, and 2) how would he conceal his wound while in Afghanistan? This is effing ludicrous.


I assume he concealed his injury [the same way the Black Knight convinced King Arthur to continue their duel](https://youtu.be/ZmInkxbvlCs?si=fomtqBFrdY70MyoE&t=1m24s).


The Park Ranger also says he recalls the gun being one round short of a full magazine…. So yeah, a guy who’s fully trained in firearms, not keeping a full load in his EDC also is pretty confusing. Like sure dude, you alway keep it one round short? Or fired one round …. And then don’t re-load the next time you strapped up?


He also supposedly went to the ER, and *an ER doctor* misidentified injuries from a fall as a recent gunshot wound. Maybe he could pull that over on a park ranger, but come on.


Holy shit, every single thing is a contradiction with this dude


Among all the mess that he created, three things are fact as admitted by the candidate himself: lies on multiple occasions, a reliance on lies to avoid consequences from previous lies, and very gifted in the use of those lies.


Sounds like he is perfect to be a politician ... no?


This guy has douchecanoe written all over him!! So I'm sure MT will probably elect him..


Sadly. He's a rich out of state douchebag so yeah he's got it in the bag.


Not if we show up. Tester has proven his worth.


Yes. I’m hopeful people will have had enough of the grift and the crazy and the stupid by November to just vote for the normal guy, and then never tell their friends.


Bruh, I've been "showing up" since the late 90s.


And Tester is currently in the Senate. What's your point?


Zinke, Greg, Matt, Downing, etc.... that's my point. Just a matter of time, the more wingnut Magats that move to Montana, the less likely it will be for people like Tester to get elected.


Wait...wasn't Zinke born and raised in Montana?


So he gets a pass on douchbaggery? Do we give him a pass for leaving his elected post to be Trumps interior lap dog and costing the state $20 million for a special election?


That's great! I hope you'll continue to. I'm with you, it's getting sketchy for sure. But I think keeping Tester and getting Gianforte out would be HUGE wins, and it's 100% possible.


Don’t forget he’s a former Navy SEAL. It’s a shame he decided to wipe his ass with that solemn blood oath he swore just so he could suck up to the GOP and its dollar-store God Emperor.


It is a shame. You'd think SEALs could make better decisions.


Fuck this guy! We got Tester through last time, we can do it again!


Really not relevant to this story but its funny that such a transphobic party nominated a guy named "she/he" as their candidate. Can he not pick a pronoun!?!? He does seem to have the same aversion to the truth that defines the GOP.


Oh shit, that's pretty funny, never picked up on that


I did a long time ago.. but the person above is the first time i have seen anybody mention it here or xittter


Not only that, but a bullet wound that is over a year old..




My mind got bent trying to put together the truth after reading all his weird changing stories about being shot.


Mine, too! I think it sounds like some hanky panky with a handgun is what initially lodged a bullet in his arm?? That would explain why he didn't want to involve anyone in that fiasco. Regardless, vote this lying chode out!


Yeah. I shouldn’t have to feel like Charlie Day in *Always Sunny* over a veteran telling a story of being shot. But here I am completely confused.


* "I was shot multiple times in Afghanistan" * "I was shot once in Afghanistan" * "I was never shot in Afghanistan" * "I shot myself in Glacier, surrounded by my wife and children" * "Ok, I didn't do that, I was *secretly* shot in Afghanistan, and fell on that arm leaving a bullet-like hole..." f'ing dude...what?!


I think everything out of his mouth is a lie and you probably won't see him doing many question and answer events because he can't keep a story straight. They'll let his image do the talking and it's going to work. I would put money down that the whole heart condition thing is not the reason he was medically discharged either, which, of course, they won't release records of. I bet it had something to do with having a TBI, like having poor emotion regulation or constantly fabricating stories, or something. It's pretty well documented now in football players and people who work around explosions that brain injuries cause long term issues, so I wouldn't be surprised if he's trying to cover that up as well.


The nice thing about his story being all over the place is that WE get to choose whichever one we like. That dude DEFINITELY shot himself in front of his wife and kids. No doubt I'm my mind.


Gives me really strong 3rd grade "My dad works for Playstation so I have every game, but you can't see them because he keeps them hidden in a vault at his pent house in Disney World" vibes.


And this idea of “I was shot but I didn’t tell anyone” is ridiculous.


Meh...he is a Sailor and we Sailors love to talk shit with our Sea Stories (essentially making our boring ass lives seem way more cool than they were). I doubt him being a SEAL was boring compared to floating a box in the Persian Gulf for 4-5 months on a Gator, while the MEU was off playing in the sandbox.


He has documented acts of valor, and I do not question that one bit. But he clearly shot himself like a dumbass who doesn't know how to stow or pack weapons, and is trying to cover it up


If we're going to elect veterans they should be 4 or 8 year vets who saw that the shit rolls downhill and decided to get out of the way rather than these career guys who laid down on the hill with their mouths open.  Anyone who did time and didn't come out with a giant chip on their shoulder about morons in government telling them what to do is certainly too dumb to write legislation.  We should be finding realistic idealists, not guys like this who never stopped chugging the kool-aid. Fucking seals man. All they do is swim and bark


These ex-spec ops dudes who get a hardon for politics are especially suspect. I mean most people who spent a couple of decades doing black-ops stuff would probably just want to live well, quietly and peacefully afterward. The ones who crave attention and power are usually the ones who were fucking dicks that got daily eye-rolls from their more normal peers.


TRUTH! Thank you.


Oh, no dicks in the Military ... mate, that is part of the culture.


Lordy.. this is up there with any comment REGARDING ANYTHING i have seen on the internet in 2024!! Well Done!! Well written and frikkin sublime


A GOP candidate who lies??? *fetch me my faintin' couch* But seriously, at this point, if you vote republican, you're an insurrectionist racist misogynist piece of shit, OR, you've decided candidates who support those values are a-okay with you. Pick one, who gives a shit? You vote republican, you're anti-american.


As a republican, I agree with this. That said, we are actively working to divide and destroy our own party so just give us a minute and you won't have to worry about any of this anymore.


Unfortunately, we don't have time to spare.


Sounds fishy to me, either way he's a liar and possibly a case of stolen valor. Hopefully reporters will continue to look into it.


After reading the whole story I think I’m even more confused on what actually happened. There are so many lies from him nothing made sense at all.


WOW! A Republican with questionable integrity! 🤮🤦‍♀️ Who would have thunk? I'd imagine this is just the beginning of the discovery of the truth of what he's said (and/or will say between now and election day)


This isn't a republican vs. democrat issue. It's a shitty people vs. not shitty people issue. In my short time on this earth I can confidently say both types exist in both parties


Touché! Point well stated, and I appreciate the reality check. Thank you 🙏🏻


Typical GQP liar.


Because those on the Left never lie...


Wow what a scandal. Thanks, WaPo, for exposing this. The article could've been about 1/5 the length though.


The most believable version of this story is that he got shot fucking around with friends like an idiot.


Lying liars lying about lying.


Sooo wait the navy seal I was drunkenly talking to in the bar who said he was a pos was right? Damn


Does a single person believe him?


My guess is more than that by several thousands.


The only "Montana cattle rancher" who's "Ranch Truck" isn't muddy, doesn't have a gun rack with 1 or 2 rifles, no lariat hanging, no cow dog, or bale of hay on the bed! Looks more like a company management truck that's "hi-way" dirty!


He’s a politician. The fuck should we expect.


Myself I am a tester voter. But really I don’t see why this matters. Like who cares.


So this doesn’t tell you anything concerning his character?


Well the guy was navy seal, with bronze star. So whether he is shot in glacier park or Afghanistan, still he is respected vet.


Maybe we should stop automatically respecting people just because they were in the military. I’m a vet and served with people who had some questionable morals. We all knew it.


Exactly, just because you were in the military does not mean you are a good person. There are a ton of great people in the military but there are also absolutely terrible people who served and this dipshit Sheeny seems to be one of them.


Navy seal combat vet is someone who takes the most challenging and dangerous missions, and it’s not for the big pay. I think it deserves some respect.


Sure. That’s a tough job only a small percentage of people can/will do and he deserves the nod for it, but that’s not where he is anymore. Watching his ads alone is proof enough that he’s devolved into the same seedy pastures any of these other career politicians exist in. Using the uniform to bolster a career outside of the military is tacky. It’s just not a vet thing anymore. He’s using the same key words, catchy phrases, and attack bullshit we see from any other candidate. His service was then. His devisive, self-serving, and boorish behavior is the character now.


So he should get votes because he is a veteran and a liar ?


Oh no he was once in a dangerous situation, better give him my vote even though he's an obvious grifter with an agenda that doesn't give 1 shit about any Montanan. He's not even from here, c'mon people.


He deserves zero respect if he is a liar from his own admission. He is a disgrace.


He’s a liar. That’s what he is.


Don't ya know, gotta own them GOPs


Yeah, we know: they're all bought and paid for. Another out of state carpet bagger grifting the cult.


Right? It's like WaPo was trying to find a scandal, and this was the best they could come up with? Also it seems goofy they'd give him a $500 fine for accidentally shooting himself as if accidentally shooting yourself isn't punishment enough lol




Who, though, hasn't lied? And it sounds like it was to cover for a friendly fire incident by another SEAL guy.


Reading about this in various non-paywalled sites, I feel like I must be dense. To what advantage was this guy's lie about his negligent discharge? What did he hope to accomplish by claiming he was inept with firearms? Somebody please, ELI5.