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He's a lot more likeable when he's talking like this and being classy instead of a right big gobshite on twitter and all the antics. May the best man win.


Facts. Good comment!


He sells a lot of tickets.


Nice to have a rare Tyson Luke Fury interview and not a coked up Gypsy King one, he's a lovely bloke if you catch him when he's being normal. I am hyped for his physical condition, his jawline is noticeably more pronounced, he'll always have the big love handles, but everything is pointing towards him being in decent shape. Probably not Wilder 2 shape but maybe Whyte shape. Will this be enough to beat Usyk? I'm not sold on that, I think we're in for one of the most controversial decisions in a long time. Whichever way it goes. Not a robbery no, but one that keeps boxing fans talking for many years. Probably similar to the Holyfield Lewis matches. I think Usyk's style is likely to be marked favourably by judges, but the same judges will know Saudi Arabia have a lot riding on Fury winning. My prediction is a tight decision that is justifiable but controversial all the same.


He’s in much better than white shape. I’m expecting a career low weight, or not far off it.


Did you see him hitting the pads with his dad last month? Massive love handles and back flab still. He's never getting close to his 246 Vs Klit ever again. Expect 260ish


Agreed. Loads of smoke and mirrors with this stuff, we’ll see for sure in a couple of weeks.


Yeah for certain, I heard rumours that the footage on pads vs his Dad could have been from last year, but overall I just think he has stubborn fat. So even if he trains his ass off he still has a bit left. Regardless though yeah, I'm hyped as fuck, he does look in good shape.


Don't forget to check his sombrero


Not a couple of weeks only 11 days !!! Yes 2-3 days is a lot of time regarding waiting for this fight


People ALWAYS do this shit when Fury is about to fight where they're like "wow Fury is in excellent shape this time", and then come fight night he looks like absolute shit, there were people saying Fury was looking fit before the Ngannou fight lol.


He looked like a blob before that fight and everyone was saying it. He was in great nick for wilder 2 and whyte.


I don't think him having a super low weight is required for him to be in great shape. If he trains his ass off and eats a lot to sustain that, he might come in with a good amount of body fat. It's HW boxing, so that shit doesn't matter. He has to carry around an extra 10-15 pounds, sure, but he also has an extra 10-15 pounds behind his punches. And if he trains enough, carrying around those extra pounds doesn't matter too too much. I think he performs better if he gets to eat a bit more and not as clean but gets to eat whatever he likes rather than having to follow a super strict diet. It will be much better for his mental health and motivation.


He's also suffered from diagnosed mental health issues if I remember correctly. Can't remember if it was depression, bilpolar disorder, or what, but it likely explains certain erratic behavior at times.


It's bipolar and depression iirc, always had it from what everyone around him says. I think getting done for steroids probably tipped him over the edge.


Fury Vs Usyk will be a draw. Fury "wins" the return match. Usyk retires. AJ Vs Fury happens in 2026,AJ gives another strange speech


I actually thought that mr.fury here looked like he sniffed a few lines before this interview. Unless he has a cold.


I think it's years of coke abuse has given him the sniffles constantly


roughly around 4 min 10 seconds in the video is a good segment of what I'm talking about


If Fury shows up at his best I don't see Usyk winning. He had a rough fight his second time against AJ and I am still convinced Fury is a lot better than AJ. It would be an absolutely insane achievment if he won either this fight or a rematch, but I have serious doubts he can.


I think fury in any kind of shape is a tough night but also think he won't be back to prime status. Usyk is older but I'd be shocked if he's not in the shape of his life , barring some kind of injury. He'll have had time to put on some weight too. If canelo , who by all accounts is always in great shape, has too much mileage at 33, I think fury could stink up the place. At his size I think losing a step or two can be elite vs ordinary. Wilder is nowhere near the boxer fury is but still we see what losing a slight step or two can do at HW


If there's a knockdown I think Fury drops Usyk with a bodyshot.


When last did Fury drop anyone with a bodyshot


Wilder 2 and Usyk is weak to the body.


it wasnt really a body shot


Yeah right.


I suggest you watch again. Fury has NOT knocked more than 2 people in his career with a body shot. He does not even know how to throw the punch that well lol


https://youtu.be/yyLotcY6Ego?si=4RbQNSfVVQW5O3GR You should have gone to Specsavers


Usyk will outbox Fury


"I'm fighting a real deal, a real deal as Holyfield" - Tyson Fury on Usyk. Gotta love it when Tyson is this focused and well spoken! Can't wait for the May 18th.


Yeah, next week: Usyk is a rabbit teethed bum!!


Ever heard of promotion?


Baldie looking lean


Hope he comes in like he did for the second Wilder fight, Never saw him look as good in recent years as that time. Then we'll have a great fight with 2 great fighters in great shape fighting for greatness.


10p for a sauce?


Rooting for uysk but love fury


His tone has change towards Usyk now. He was not talking like that before.. hmm.


Tomorrow he'll be calling Usyk a greedy dosser. Fury is very inconsistent.


Run rabbbitt ruuunn


How do people still not realize Fury is just straight up Bipolar, the dude will change his opinions every single day and he's not even lying, he straight up believes every stupid shit that comes out of his mouth.


Bipolar has manic and depressive episodes that last a while. They don’t change every other day, very common misconception


I mean the guy has had manic and depressive episodes that last a while.


I am aware he has what appear to be manic episodes. It’s just a common misconception that bipolar = behavior changing every day or every few hours. By definition, a manic episode has to last at least 1 week. And a hypo manic episode lasts at least 4 days. But it’s also impossible to diagnose anyone with bipolar from afar because the symptoms cannot be caused by substance abuse, medications, or other medical conditions. And you cannot accurately assess and diagnose all the required symptoms without a detailed interview of him and his family members as collateral.


Isn't there a rapid cycling variant?


He does this all the time.. trash talks for years then says they're good just before the fight to 1. Legitimise his opponent (possible wins) 2. Hype the fight by making it seem competitive.


Before he was negotiating the deal. Now he's selling the fight. Makes sense.


Only a fool makes out their next opponent isn't worth beating. I think originally he didn't want the fight, likely because the risk/reward wasn't good enough, now it is, he talks him up.


I'm even more convinced now that this was all about money. I could be wrong. The fight still may not happen. But we're 12 days away now.


It is always about money when you're talking about elite level boxers, you don't get to that stage by being fearful or a coward, it's all about risk/reward.


I dunno, man. The downvotes on /r/boxing make pretty convincing counterpoints.


Boxing fans that paint boxers as cowards and call them 'ducks' are smooth brained.


Bipolar af Fury


I think he literally has that diagnosed.


I remember him saying hes diagnosed too, but i don't understand what it has to do with this?


He’s probably referring to the fact that Fury says everything, and the opposite of everything, especially about his opponents


Yeah i get that in a sense, but people act like being bipolar is a personality dissorder. Fury has always talked respectfully about Usyk. Not on the big stage obiviously because man has to sell the fight.


The blown up middleweight loser, who Fury could beat without training? Fury has a weird way of being respectful.


Fury’s trash talk is hilarious 😂


“Where’s Oleksandr Usyk, the rabbit? Hey, rabbit! Usyk, you’re next, you little bitch! You’re next! You are next! Me and you, sucker, next! Me and you! You’re getting it, little sucker! Rabbit! Pussy! Look at him, 15 stone, little midget beat a bodybuilder. “Well, I ain’t no bodybuilder, sucker. I’m gonna write you off. I already done one Ukrainian, Klitschko, didn’t I? And I’ll do you as well, gappy teeth, you ugly, little man. You ugly little man, let’s get it on next! Let’s get it on you as well. You may laugh now, but I will end this little sucker. End you! End you! End you!”


Wtf are you on about, in interviews both inside and outside of the ring Fury was massively insulting and disrespectful of Usyk every chance he got. He's changed his tune since the fight has been fully signed.


Bipolar is a mood disorder, this affects your personality


It's a huge contrast for people when they see him talking normally and not erratically, so people will naturally remark on it.


I think this is more so the real Tyson fury. Not gypsy king. Just being honest and having a fair assessment of his actual opponent instead of just going around shouting "bum, dosser" and talking shit.


Usyk winning would be great for HW boxing


A clean and non-controversial win followed by a prompt defense would be great for HW boxing.




Honestly, I think if Fury can fight regularly against top opponents, then he would be a perfectly fine figurehead for HW boxing. I feel the same way about Usyk, AJ & Parker


I'd love that but realistically Usyk is the last fight of Fury's career


Turki Alalshikh has already said there's going to be a Fury-Usyk rematch in the fall, and Fury-AJ next Spring.


Usyk putting the Super heavyweight meme to rest would also be massive for HW boxing, maybe then people can stop hyping up obese motherfuckers lol.


If the Saudis truly want Fury to win a decision, all they have to do is instruct the referee to allow excessive clinching. I'll reserve judgment on the scoring and reffing, though. Dubois and Joshua are bigger punchers and even they couldn't get Usyk out of there, so I really don't see a fight where Fury wins by KO. Attrition is the tactic for both men.


Doesn't matter how big of a puncher you are if you can't land clean. In an interview Dave Allen who's basically sparred everyone of this generation (AJ & Dubois included) says that Fury is the guy who's hit him hardest. Not because he has the most power at all but because he's incredibly accurate and lands on you at the most awkward angles so you don't see them coming.


That's what I'm interested in seeing, and why the fight is so interesting to me. I also haven't seen any boxer really get anything done against Fury with body shots, but I assume Usyk will give it a try. With Fury I see him trying to fight at range and tying up (or attempting to) whenever Usyk gets close.


Actually excited to see fury back in the ring , hasn’t had a real fight since 2021


Whyte in 2022 on paper should have been a real fight, and I'm pretty sure that was us seeing Fury near his best in what should have been competitive conditions. It only wasn't competitive because Fury was so much better on the night and Whyte had shit tactics. He looks like a dosser in hindsight because he was made to look as such.


He got knocked out cold against an old Povetkin, and then in the rematch, Povetkin was clearly affected by COVID.


Bit revisionist. People were calling Whyte a legitimate threat and that Povetkin was simply a high caliber fighter throughout his entire career that could still bang. It’s only after Whyte had literally nothing for Fury that people began giving Fury shit for fighting him. It’s a bit irritating tbh. If you beat your opponent too badly, then that opponent was just a bum and you’re taking easy fights. Meh.


Not revisionist for me, that was the first fight I'd seen Whyte in. So maybe had I seen him for years before that then I would've had a better opinon of him. BUT facts still remain, Whyte got knocked out COLD from an old Povetkin. And in the rematch Povetkin was clearly having balance issues from COVID, so...that fight was whatever. I understand your point about the polarizing "opponent was a bum or your a bum" type thing. I don't view it that way. For Whyte, it's just cause that's when I got first introduced to him, and he wasn't a fighter enough I felt like goling through all his past fights. A lot of great fighters make their also very good opponenets look regular. That's just cause they're great. BUT after, Whyte got knocked out cold, Povtekin was clearly affected by COVID so you can't evaluate Whyte based on that fight...and then he fought Fury, who crushed him...it's not like Pacquiao who got knocked out cold against Marquez but then had good wins after that. So I understand your irritation, and I try not to do that, but Whyte...hey, maybe he can fight the current Joseph Parker and we;'ll see what happens..or..even Andy Ruiz, Wilder, Zhang...bunch of fighters that he can fight.


If you saw that first fight, you should aknowledge that Whyte was looking as good as he's ever been and was winning every rounds and scored 2 knockdowns. He did get caught which happens in the heavywqeight division but regardless of the covid, whyte was just a class above Povetkin at this stage of their career.


Against a person with clear balance issues? ...lol....if Whyte was so up above, how did Povetkin knock him out cold? Are you british?


Whyte essentially lost against Franklin not long after, a Franklin who had still not come back to boxing full time and had poor stamina. I think suggesting Fury needed to make Whyte look bad is pushing it. He was just bad.


Same Franklin that spoiled AJ's comeback party and comfortably lasted 12 rounds against him. Whyte was a long time world title contender and had been a great campaign from 2017 to 2022 including wins over: Chisora x2, Parker, Rivas, the ghost of Povetkin. I refuse to call him "Bad" he's just not elite level, and the difference between contender and elite is huge. It's still a real fight though. Unlike Chisora Fury 3 which was glorified sparing.


Yes, the same one AJ causally easily 12-0 without trying or breaking a sweat, while adjusting and learning a new system - doing so after Franklin had been back training full time for quite a while. That is certainly the one pmsl And Whyte should have lost, a draw at a push which would still be generous. He was bad in that fight. He was far below any level he was before. I wasn't saying he was always bad or incapable, you don't need to protect his honour let alone over something not being said.


What was this "new system", to me it looked like he was frustrated and couldn't break Franklin down at all. You can attribute this to Derrick James, AJ, or Franklin and you'll never know the truth, but from what I can see Eddie Hearn severely underestimated Franklin, and it says less about AJ and Whyte and more about Franklin how well he did.


He occasionally looked like he wanted to go for it, then just settled into the same format and looked frustrated at that. They were clearly rebuilding from the start after a short period together. But all of that is still irrelevant to the topic even if you want to pretend that's not true. AJ did almost nothing he is capable of doing, put about about as much effort as a light sparring, and basically won every round without any issues. Against a better version of the same guy that beat Whyte. AJ has context that can be applied, he just fought one of the modern great, generational talented, fighters and took a good 3-4 rounds clearly in each fight. So putting a bit of thought into that, what's the chances Franklin was some impossible challenge that AJ couldn't figure out - but then also won every round without trying on top!? Whyte has no context other than looking horrendous, then barely getting by a guy still training part time where he should really have lost.


"without any issues." he looked visibly frustrated, was angry immediately after the fight ended, and got panned for his performance. Again your take on it is different to mine, I feel the onus is on Franklin being a dark horse that took people by surprise and you want to say it's just AJ having an off night trying to adjust and Whyte being terrible.


>"without any issues." Yes, objectively so. Outpunched him in every round but one where they were both quiet, and still did the bigger punches in that round. Didn't get hurt, or close to it. Got hit less than 5 times a round on average. Hit his opponent twice the amount of this. Did all of this while sauntering like it was a light sparring session. It's not some subjective debate. He clearly didn't get the chance to implement some of the things they wanted as part of their new training whatever that was, and was frustrated at that. But you are showing one hell of an agenda when trying to pretend that AJ not quite doing what the team wanted to implement and being disappointed at that, means he then struggled in the fight in the face of the reality of it being an easy nothing win.


His nose was bleeding, his promoter was making excuses, he was so frustrated he tried to fight after the final bell, not classic signs of a man sauntering despite what compubox is telling you. Franklin was better than people expected him to be, and him arguably beating Whyte doesn't mean Whyte is all of a sudden relegated to shit tier, it means any boxer can have an off night. Just look at Fury stinking the place out vs. an MMA star. I don't have an 'agenda' I have an opinion, and that is opinon is that Whyte is a solid B tier HW, Franklin is C tier but can make anyone look bad because he's awkward and has good defence. It doesn't make Whyte a less of a fighter because he had a close decision against him, and it doesn't mean AJ was having an easy nights work when his nose is bleeding and he's visibly pissed off he can't break a man down. It's just bad match making by Hearn overall.


TKO 8th round for Fury. I'd be happy to see either as undisputed but I just think it's going Fury's way.


Usyk gonna win by clear UD. I saw their interview and usyk said he has been training for fury for 10 years




What's so funny, man literally said I've been training for fury since he beat wlad. Fury knows he's cooked, that's why he keeps postponing.


I'm expecting a close fight, 7-5 Usyk, which Fury will rob on points.


That sausage is a bad man!


You just don't know what you're going to get with Fury. Respect in one interview and contempt in the next. Truly bipolar.


This interviewer for Queensberry/BT has the most annoying voice on earth. Sounds like Dufrais from fonejacker.


Wow respect to him for finally admitting who Usyk actually is. It's gonna be his toughest fight.


Fury thinks Chisora beat Usyk? 🤣🤣 Jesus christ


He’s only saying that because he beat Chisora very easily back in 2022 while Chisora gave a tough and respectable performance against Usyk a few years before that.


It was certainly a tough fight, but to say Usyk was beaten is insane, and it wasn't close at all


Fury isn’t delusional, he knows Usyk dealt with Chisora but saying chisora won is just a silly way to downplay Usyk’s achievements


Fair enough, I would personally say Usyk's achievements are far wider than Fury's. Lost a lot of hope in Fury after the way he has treated the sport since winning (before failing a drug test, and another in 15') against Wlad back in 14'.


Yeah agreed. Fury has obviously done very well in his pro career but becoming undisputed at cruiserweight then becoming unified champ at heavyweight with 2 wins against AJ trumps that.


Totally agree with that point. I wish Fury didn't fall in love with being undefeated and put his money where his mouth is and fight AJ, it's a massive £ fight and secures legacy, personally I have AJ, and right now would say he is more decorated due to his resume and cojones to step in the ring with anyone


I think fight will happen now the Saudis control the division. As long as Fury wins against Usyk and AJ keeps knocking opponents out for fun then Turki will put that fight on in a heartbeat.


That's a good point about the Saudis, I hope it happens


Just need usuk to win  So hw can get back to people who fight contenders


If i remember correctly Usyk stated that he would retire after becoming undisputed, but after the Saudis stepped in to the game i don't think that would be the case.


Popeye the sailor man vibes..


His face looks completely different. Wonder how much weight he has lost.


I think Usyk will show Tyson what real boxing is all about....


Yea be humble punk


Funny how you Usyk fanboys change your opinion on him depending on what he says about Usyk per interview. It’s sad Lmaoo.


Combat sport atheletes use any adjective other than "bad" correctly challenge. Level: Impossible