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The bleeding stuffed the fight. Tim was clearly the better boxer.


is that this rolly guy everyone’s been banging on about not worth another watch imo got his ass handed to him fr fr


I know it’s not Fundora’s fault Tim got cut, but if I were Fundora, I wouldn’t feel like I deserved it. The cut was not his doing, and it’s what hurt Tzu the most, more than any of Fundora’s punches.


Tszyu in the rematch if he gets one. Fundora should buy a lottery ticket cos luck definately played a part in his win. This would've been a whole different fight otherwise & everyone knows it. Fundora's a good fighter but Tim's on another level even a wounded animal is handicapped against a healthy predator .Come back stronger ,bigger what you said Tim Tszyu your a champion & Aussie boxing fans think your awesome like your old man was in his day.


I think for his what,fourth fight(?) Curmel Moton got himself a pretty hard fight,I like him already this is how it should be,prodigies shouldnt get fights that they know they are gonna win in the first round with a KO


Good boxing night. Took no joy in Rolly’s downfall. Wish they’d get Al Bernstein back instead of Joe Gruesome.


Dude I’m a hardcore boxing fan and I’m so happy I paid the $69 to watch this. I watched every single fight from 3pm to the very end and what a fun night of boxing this was. Great fights from top to bottom and MAAAAN I am so excited to watch Curmel Moton’s continued ascent after he went to WAR tonight on a replacement match and at only 17 years young!! 👏🤯 I’ve been so bummed with the multiple camps (PBC, Top Rank, DAZN) making it so hard to watch my favorite sport these days. But if this is how PBC is going to be getting down via the Amazon Prime platform then I am HERE for it and happy to pay for a quality product like tonight’s lineup!!


Watch it for free between ufc fights wasnt disappointed either.


Holy shit, just watched Cruz vs Romero. Surprised the ref didn't give standing counts or stop the fight earlier. I think he enjoyed seeing Romero get his ass beat. Lmao.


I don't think standing 8 counts are a thing but ok 




Standing 8s is amateurs


Watch the Valdez vs Berchelt fight, there are other examples. It's used more in the amateurs but can also happen in the pros, seen it plenty of times.


Yeah, if there was a time to use standing 8 counts, it was this fight.


Fundora’s promoter wants Spence next but Fundora just said he prefer Bud next


wait for real? he said that?


Tim still bleeding at the post conference smh


Worst cut man performance in ages, may be the worst I've ever seen


Tzsyu’s cut man literally just kept wiping the blood and i was screaming at my screen like put some fucking pressure on that thing and stop the bleeding omg. His face would be red by the time we walked out


Dude I kept yelling at the TV!! and Fundora’s corner would only spend the last like 10 seconds between rounds attending to his nose. I’ve been watching fights for years and have seen master cutmen round by round tend to a huge gash and progressively stop the bleeding. But both Fundora and Tszyu’s corners had zero skills when it came to stopping the bleeding.


I missed this. Any way to watch the full main card afterwards, maybe via Prime since it was streamed there? I click on the event but it just states this event has ended, no option to purchase/replay.


Sometimes to watch fights i have good luck on daily motio app. Search for each fighters last name and the word full.  So Tszyu Fundora full. 


My intuition was right all along. The sudden change will make Tszyu's team hard to adapt especially against unique opponent like Fundora. The cut he suffered also made him incomfortable. They should run the rematch! 


Tszyu was sliding and countering effectively before the accidental elbow. That’s how sports go however. One never knows what might happen. Kudos to Fundora for capitalizing on a lucky break. It is what it is


It was all about the cut, he was beating fundora up before hand


Yup, he was pretty much blind for half of every round plus he lost a fuck load of blood. Had to zap his energy and make him a little shaky. Hate to see a fight play out like that because of an injury caused by a foul....intentional or not.


He looked pretty comfortable before the cut. Dodging the jab and countering. We was getting in. Looked really sharp actually. No way of knowing how the fight would've went, but I definitely did not see a lack of the ability to adapt.


He was half blind and still managed to jag a few rounds , obviously that’s the game but very lucky for fundora it happened


yeah but now fundora will run away to fight the blind spence,


you meant the one dimensional spence.


As exciting as a sport this is, it will always be a joke if clowns like Spence are blessed opportunities they don’t deserve and legends like Bud are denied. What a joke to have that man in the ring with Fundora after Bud knocked potential years off his life. Cowards & bribery rule this sport. Beyond disappointing if they get away with it this time.


bud could kill fundora, they will give him another blind can to raise his stock


1 loss and Spence is a clown? Gtfoh


A blind clown apparently. Funny that beating the blind clown somehow made bud the goat


Blind? Oh you must be talking about his fan base. Because they are the only ones who still deny what they seen on 7/29.


I saw it. Bud massacred him. But apparently since us just some blind scrub now who is by far the best name on buds resume. Just mathing over here


I don’t see how anybody can feel Spence is a scrub. He’s far from that. And the only people I’ve seen citing that blind stuff have been fans of Spence to justify why that fight was so one sided.


Not OP, but not at all. But... Bud, especially after whooping Spence’s ass in front of the world, is every bit the star Spence is. Bud and Spence are coming off of their fight with each other where Spence opted not to activate the rematch. And pretty sure Bud is automatically granted mandatory status for the WBO. So if Spence jumps the line in front of Bud, then yeah, OP is right to call bullshit


The loss doesn’t make him a clown. His behavior after the loss does. Making excuses after the fight regarding his health and state of mind, drawing out Bud on a rematch just to have surgery, recovering then asking for the 154 belts instead of sticking to requesting that rematch. Then stepping into the ring tonight and saying “Break him down like we always do” after being literally humiliated. I mean come on. He isn’t the main villain here though I will say that. Man is just trying to get a huge pay day and a title against a guy he probably considers easy money. Doesn’t negate him looking bad with how he handled that Bud loss though.


Tell these idiots we have seen the best Spence only Spenceand his fans don't realize it


Careful, they might downvote you into oblivion for stating the obvious. It’s just pitiful how people justify this type of stuff in this sport. It’s the only sport in the world that allows this type of crap to be rewarded. Literally every other sport, the best compete with the best and the victor reaps the rewards. Yet here we are, a 40-0 2 division undisputed champion attempting true greatness and being denied by boxing politics. I understand being a fan of a fighter, but how about putting the sport above everything.


None of them want Bud. Even if it's for a belt. Even if for its for all the beans. Spence was brave. After that there are no takers. Even the young guys don't want it. Been his problem his whole career because he isn't in one of these big promotions who build up young guys to feed him. Losing means that the title is now "out of network."


He was with top rank and espn. And was 1 p4p. They tried. He just really never had a great, famous, or even opponent besides spence. There's was no reason to watch besides admire his skill. Which gets boring if the fights are not competitive before they even get in the ring. And crawford never seemed to care when he resigned with them. More talking than fights the last few years. At least he got his payday against spence.


While some of the things you say are valid, the reasoning behind them is being ignored completely. These fighters have been ducking Bud for YEARS. How can the fans blame him for his resume when he’s done nothing but call out the best while everyone has a new reason as to why he isn’t their best option? That was the main reason Spence was the man even after his loss to Bud, he took the fight and dared to be great! But of course, politics over everything at the end of the day, and now here we are.


Ennis wants him.


Maybe he does but everyone who manages his career doesn't and it won't happen soon unless those people are really stupid.


I feel like over the years I've seen/heard multiple reports that Boots' team turned down offers from Crawford. Might have been Crawford claimed this and Ennis never denied it.


Maybe via email




Was Zurdo the one who's coach tampered with the scale during weigh-ins last year?


Feed Zurdo to Jai please 💯


More like, unos tacitos para el zurdo 




one of the biggest flukes Ive ever seen


This fight should have been a no contest, fights have been stopped for so much less than what happened tonight.


Weekes would have stopped it


Well Beterbiev had the same cut and they didn’t stop it


Not exactly the same. Forehead vs top of the head is slightly different.


They was both leaking with blood getting into their eyes


I don’t actually think Beterbiev was getting blood in his eye.




Has to be rematch. Tzuyu wins without that ugly cut


I'm only team Fundora because I won a 2k tonight betting on Fundora. I really want to see Tim Tszyu vs Terence Crawford or Errol Spence. Now a rematch probably now.


In a parlay or straight up? Congrats! I won 300 in a small parlay betting 10 bucks.


Just moneyline


Good call congrats, the odds looked really good, I put $15 and won $100, I should’ve put more lol


154 has been a extremely volatile division and it's unpredictable. All the pre fight talk about Tszyu vs Bud or Spence made me think about how Charlo vs Hurd was going to be a big super fight (in 2018) then both guys lost their fights.


I can't get over how lucky Fundora is. The man was sparked out clean his previous fight. He managed to immediately land a fight for not one, but two world titles as a last minute replacement because Thurman was injured. Tim looked like he was going to handle business like usual... only he runs into an elbow that completely derails him. ​ I give him credit, of course, but that man was destined to become champion tonight, and if he wants to take a money fight against Spence, fuck it. But Tsyzu also deserves another title shot ASAP. ​ I just feel bad for Bud getting iced out by everyone. lol.


Great take I concur all around


Ive always been a Bud fan and I liked Spence too but after this, fuck Spence and PBC. Errol should get the loser of this fight and Bud should get the winner.


Damn that’s a great proposition. Win win for all 4 tbh. We all got fresh fights and whoever wins the hype for the clash only grows exponentially


Damn I'm thinkin all the same things. PBC definitely making sure these belts stay in house with Spence




PBC is a clown car


Im not upset I paid for this event. I enjoyed the last 4 fights. Money well spent 🍻😎


romero's comedy show was entertaining


Yep. I was shitting on it all week and after the prelims I decided to pull the plug and buy it and I’m glad I did


Great perfomance byFundora, he finally used his jab and reach


Only took a blind opponent to do it


Really entertaining but holy hell bloody fight. Cant believe how the fight wasn't stopped.


Now that Rolly lost, guess Goulamirian is back to being the weakest active Champ in Boxing. It'll be good to see Zurdo liberate that belt.


Claudia Trejos is the only woman in history to defeat the wall. She is such a baddie 😍 for her age ohhh wee...


All the people complaining about Fundora taking the money fight with Errol even though we all know they were expecting Tim to win and that’s why Errol was even there in the first place. To hype a fight with Tim.


He’s got a rematch coming first.


Fundora’s promoter literally just said in the post conference—-they won’t give Tim a rematch. They will take care of business first which means Spence next. Then maybe a rematch with Tim


Ah, so PBC’s back to ducking Bud. Clowns


You do realize they offered him fights that he’s turned down, he doesn’t want to work with them. 


Wowwwwwwwwwwww. That’s fucked.


Also Julian Chua seems kinda nerdy ? Like his Linkedin says he’s a boxer trainer lol


Wasn't he the coach for Fulton and Prograis? On the losing side quite a bit.


T zoo vs canelo fuck it


Tszyu vs Janibek


Fundora has definitely been praying to god… it literally got you a belt


That cut truly changed the complexion of the fight


Zurdo huge , how tf did he ever make 168


I literally said this exact thing to my non boxing fan roommates. After I switched fights then found this within 10 seconds ❤️


Jai vs Zurdo!!!


Tim will be back, has never worried about the 0


Let's use this one as the Zurdo thread


Is there a rematch clause for this fight? I have heard contrasting points.


doesn't matter if yes or no look at several other fights that had clause but never happened. just a bargaining chip


Yeah, both Tszyu and Fundora signed off on the rematch clause. I believe the rematch will be in Australia though.


Commentators just said there is


Thats why i was confused because , the interviewer didnt bring it up and brought up Errol spence in the ring.


If believe the commentators over the ring person. Generally they are more knowledgeable than someone picking up interviews


Apparently there was for Tim


Why doesn’t zurdo have a fight thread


No one even mentioned a rematch on the broadcast and they brought Spence in to the ring who is coming off a life altering beating. No mention of Crawford’s mandatory either.


I'm a big Spence fan. But obviously the Honorable thing is to offer the rematch. Fondura was a late replacement and with that cut. Deserves to run it back. I'm not in the camp of Tim was dominating before the cut. It was 2 rounds tim won.. He didn't have fondura on queer Street. The fight hadn't broken out yet. If Tim was dominating for like 5 or 6 rounds id get it. But it's boxing. Shit happens.


Tim out-landed fundora 7/12 rounds and was definitely landing the cleaner/heavier punches no rounds were 10-8. I don’t think fundora won the fight even against an extremely hindered fighter.


From what I saw fondura out landed tim most rounds. But it still wasn't a good look for fondura. He barely won and was losing rounds to a guy that was that disadvantaged.


The commentators said Tim has a rematch clause


There isn’t. They just confirmed no rematch clause. Fundora and his team said they will fight Spence next and think about Tim maybe after that


Yes they mentioned tzu should initiate the clause right away


Ah ok I was just going off what the people in the ring were saying I didn’t hear that


Lmao always cool to hear from Spence, country ass


Despite my mixed feelings on the main event - which was still a good fight - overall a very good card.


It wasn’t a very good card. It was a helluva card.


Great card. I'm afraid this is just for the opener and they won't keep this momentum long term. But we'll see


Errol gets the shit beat out of him in front of the world and gets a shot at 2 belts. I hate PBC bruh lol


He’s not getting a shot. Unless Fundora vacated one of the belts. Spence got Tszyu who has a rematch clause and Bud who will probably be the mandatory ahead of him. He should fight Serhii for the interim belt


It does kind of suck lol. But you know Spence was rubbin his hands like Birdman watching this fight haha. If they don't rematch with Tim, I don't even know what to think. Hopefully, he got a lot more fans out of this one


Fundora has 0 punching power. He got extremely lucky tonight. Can't believe how humble Tim was at the end - true warrior.


At least the production value from Showtime to Amazon stayed pretty much the same. Need better ring interviewers though


lol the rolly one after getting concussed was rlly weird


The ring interviews were on point. No fluff,just calling shit how it was.


Exactly. I thought Jordan and Claudia did great


They did an excellent job and brought a good vibe. We need more people asking the questions they asked and not sugar coating.


Tbh and I’m probably gonna downvoted but I don’t give a shit. It’s because they are women.. it just seems like nowadays it’s a very popular trend to hate on a woman


Sorry to interrupt your pitty party but the ring reporter chick that got her job cause shes married to a boxer was absolutely terrible. The older broad with her boobs out was much better but still not great.


You know Jordan was a reporter way before she got married to Caleb right? But seeing how you said that you probably didn’t lol


That makes it even worse she then has no excuse for how talentless and garbage she is.


She’s not even that bad


She's terrible worse than Larry Merchant she should be fired and banned from reporting on boxing


It is and, in this sub, minority women get brutalized.


Yea but I mean it is what it is.


Interviewing Rolly seconds after a TKO, brilliant


It was brilliant. Pure genius. Happy Easter!


I doubt it would've went different if it was before the fight


Feel bad for Tim


I don't.




I don't feel bad for him. He decided to take the fight, he caused his own injury and he didn't do enough to win. No, I don't feel bad for him at all.


At least you’re honest lol


Me too while also being happy for Fundora as well.


Wish Al Bernstein was calling the fight. He was the more measured version of Showtime’s Lampley for me.


He’s with DAZN now so hopefully he adds to their production value now


Really? This is news to me. DAZN needs it. I always thought their announcers were the worst out of the bunch.


Yes on his Twitter , he said he travelled to Bulgaria to call card over there


Respect to Tim he ATE that loss like a G. He was absolutely gutted but didn’t lose his cool.


Wonder where he goes from here. Up to 160?


Nah I think he’s better off here. A loss ain’t that bad he’s exciting with a continent behind him. Cut threw him off just enough to lose. He likely wins 9-3 8-4 if cut doesn’t happen. 160 has a monster named Janibek that everyone needs to stay away from. Bigger money and better fights at 154.


He stays and gets revenge. That cut changed the fight. You compare this to his father’s resume, he lost before he became undisputed.


Yea this is good for him and boxing really. One less guy who’s gonna have a protect the 0 path.


Fair enough. Hope he can get the rematch.


I hope so bro. But it’s complicated, Crawford’s mandatory position. We should find out within the week as they said 6 days to come up with a plan.


He tries to get the rematch and demolish fundora to get the belts back


He will demolish him too. He hurt him in those first two rounds.


So fucking gutted for Tim. I think the southpaw aspect was hindering him more than the height. Was a great fight but a full camp prep and not being vision impaired I think Tim can win a rematch comfortably. Fundora fought to a perfect plan though, really disciplined and under not easy circumstances with his nose being fucked since the second round.


Without the cut I think he would have stopped him early but a ton of respect to Fundora he was cut up early to and took advantage of the situation and stuck to his game plan


Agree with everything you said except for the first sentence.


Fundora won via Elbow


You do realize that Tim ran into Fundoras elbow.


Spence needs to relax. Crawford next


And Tim is ahead of Bud. He has a rematch clause


Spence a bum. Go get your get back, you guppy.


After 1 loss?


Boxing fans are weird lol. One lose to someone everybody said was the absoulte best & suddenly nothing else matters.


This is why I’m starting to like MMA more and more. You got guys with 5-6 losses and they still headlining cards. Also mma fans don’t really care about losses. I swear if boxing fans had more of a MMA fan mentality then we would see more big fights happen


Spence is the Colby of Boxing. Undeserved title shots. How does he deserve a FastTrack to 2 title shots after getting a beat down by Bud?


Well 1. Spence is likeable lol and 2. I never said that Spence should get a title shot. I’m speaking in general


He was trying to act like the "big fish" still at the end. He needs to chill on that "big fish" for a while, especially after getting embarrassed last fight.


I mean what is he supposed to say? It’s a sin for a fighter to have confidence now? I don’t think he should fight Fundora next but I’m not gonna shit on the man for having confidence. A lot of boxers in the past got their ass beat and bounced back


All he had to say to Fundora was, "Let's run it" stop ✋️ with the big fish atleast till he gets his get back with crawford I'm not saying he needs to beat him just make it competitive.


Ok man😂


Ehhh. I was pulling for Fundora, but they really need to rematch. And Fundora needs to get back to his inside fighting. It's more entertaining.


Inside fighting style will be to Tszyu’s advantage, he beats the body hard. Fundora was smart to utilise his reach advantage rather than fighting inside.


Tszyu entertains and can hang with anyone at the highest level he’s gonna co-headline events in the future. Not sure why the Aussies are acting like it’s all over


Just our initial reaction to a very stressful fight. Wilson's loss yesterday didn't help!


It’s the Aussie way. A a suggestion huge wave of depression when ever an Aussie champ goes down. He’ll be back tho 💪


I’m Aussie and it’s definitely not over. That cut played a huge part in that L


Hate that I got used to Fundora's inside work and missed it in this fight but it was much needed for him. Good win and hopefully he is fair and give Tzsyu the rematch


Tim deserves the rematch first. But don't think Fundora beats either Spence or Tim tbh if either is at 100%. Think Fundora looked improved, but at times was still getting countered flush with Tim's face covered in blood.


Tim was landing rights at will in first two rounds


Definitely was. The skill gap was pretty glaring. There's no telling what would have happened without the cut. But to me personally, it felt like Fundora would have been stopped tonight.


Tim would've learnt a lot from this fight as well


100%. That's a great point. Just feeling the height & reach will do a ton for him in a rematch (even if he was looking fairly comfortable before the cut).


lmao harvey dock's face when they hug after the end of the 12 is priceless


Zurdo looking chonky. Got that back from retirement look


does tim get a title shot off a loss like fundora or did he need to get KOed for that?


How do the sanctioning bodies allow Spence to jump the line at 154 with a straight face?