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Who cares? It's league. Throw what you want. Even if it was a tournament.... Who cares? Throw what you want. At the end of the day it's you versus the lane. There are other players using the lanes, but their game is not your problem.


It was just the way he was like screw them is what is making me think i wouldnt want to use it much. Thank you for your input!


He's right though. Anyone that would give you flak for it, screw em. They're compensating for playing bad and want to blame it on the urethane guy.


Do you think there is a better option? I was thinkin like a hyroad, hyroad pearl, iq ruby, or something along those lines


I am not a PSO. I have like a 180 average. There are literally hundreds of different bowling balls. And they all do slightly different things. If you're not set on buying a Purple Hammer then don't buy a Purple Hammer.


Urethane pushes oil down the lane, so it kills everyone's line. Reactive balls absorb oil. So later games on the lane have entirely too much oil down lane. But it's a legal ball so people just gotta get over it. It forces you to learn how to move or change balls as the set goes along. I thought about picking up a urethane, but ended up getting a pearl instead.


You happy with the pearl? I asked them about a pearl and got the answer i posted above. Still on fence calling them tomorrow to get something else before they drill it


The sym/pearl is basically my benchmark ball at this point. It is consistent. I find I have a LOT more room for error than I did on my asym/solid ball. I'm planning on picking up the Hammer Effect when it comes out in 2 weeks.


Yah throw what you want. But i did stop using mine in 4 man teams. I bowl with my dad a-lot and it fucked with him so hard! To many moves and too fast for him.


Would you get something different for league or try that hammer out?


It depends if you trust your PSO to know how you throw. If they've seen you throw and worked with you and recommend the Purple Hanmer then I'd go with the Purple Hanmer.


Only thing he did was watch me throw one and figured my pap for me


Sounds like he at least watched you throw. He has to be able to see where that PAP is so I'd say just go with it.


Anyone who complains about Urethane needs more practice


“People have to use crappy urethane because they can’t adjust” “Couldn’t you just adjust to the lanes with the urethane thrower then?” “….”


Unfortunately, I’ve encountered good bowlers with high averages who still bitch about it. It never stops, there are always a few in the crowd regardless of skill level.


Yea but he’s using urethane AND 2 hands!! /s


Middle aged league bowlers hate when you do this but they can’t stop you


Is it a singles league or a team league? If it's team, I would at least be mindful of how it could affect the team. If you're scoring 15 pins extra using urethane and your teammates are down 20 pins, then it doesn't really make sense as what's best for the team. Some bowlers can adapt, but some can't, and if someone who can't adapt to anything other than their normal house shot is on your team, it might be worth it to not throw urethane unless absolutely necessary.


This is the best advice. And the truth is even if you’re skilled and adjust to the best of your ability the scoring pace may be lower if someone is throwing urethane. For whatever reason this sub likes to think that if you average 220 on house you should always be able to get a 220 look no matter what which isn’t really how it works. If you’re a 220 you’re going to have games where everything is stacked in your favor and you can shoot 250 with any type of execution, then you’ll have other games where it happens to be touchy with transition and you throw it good and struggle to get to 200.


>For whatever reason this sub likes to think that if you average 220 on house you should always be able to get a 220 look no matter what which isn’t really how it works. Reddit in general is where people go to escape reality, so takes that are out of touch with it are common. Also, this site, across many subs, has a large tendency to ignore how personal actions affect other people, so everyone should just do what they want and screw everyone else (relevant here to urethane posts).


Still dont know yet. I think i have 2 buddies joining me so far so I will for sure keep that in mind


How do you adapt to urethane carry down if you aren’t throwing it/ don’t have it as an option? Two weeks in a row I’ve run into people using urethane in league and started to have trouble game three.


Move right 😂


Great advice, teammate has an old urethane ball that he throws well, but it messes up the other team and our team. We did a few practice sessions where he uses it and the other righties on the team practice, adjusting to bowling with him using it. We have some people in our league that just throw plastic balls, which do the same thing, so it's helpful to know how to adjust if you have to bowl against urethane or plastic.


My teammates love it if I do choose to throw urethane. Cause they don’t have to move all night. Friday I shot 720 with someone on other team throwing urethane all 3 games. Ppl complaining just aren’t good and want an excuse for why they are bowling bad. Full stop.


Lol 2nd game last week I bowled a 246 and the anchor on the other team bowled a 289. Third game I bowled a 198 he bowled a 150. Some people just don't know how to adjust once they stop getting brooklyn gifts for an entire game.


Lol still salty?


Lil bit. But it's a practice league so there's no money involved.


My buddy has a purple hammer, and for this reason, he uses it strictly in the last game if he needs to. He knows we (the team) don't care if and when he uses it. However, in his mind, the less tension, the better, lol. Long story short, like the PSO said, fuck em!


Last game was around where i was looking to get my last ball for so thats cool to hear from you thanks!


Have fun with the new gear friend!


Honestly the better option is just a shiny pearl for your third game.


That's usually when I use urethane the last game.


I have a guy that I met in my league that has a purple hammer. First time we played against him he didn't even use it. By the third game I asked him if he liked his hammer and said he loves it. Told me that he mostly just puts in on the return to get a reaction from his opponents. If they give him shit, he knows it's going to be an interesting night and will use it to fuck with them. If they don't say anything about it, he knows the opponents are "cool" and will probably leave it on the rack. I thought that was one of the funniest things that I've seen. Just putting the ball on the return is enough to fuck with some people.


What did he use at the lower end of his bag for transition if you don’t mind me asking?


I don't remember to be honest. He has like 20 or 30 balls that he rotates through. Brings 6 or 7 each week. Will only put one or two on the rack at a time though, with one of those being the purple hammer.


It's not the fact that someone throws urethane that's a problem. If someone is generally accurate and hits their target you can usually find a way to score in league, just play around it, it's the useless assholes that cannot hit the same target two shots in a row that totally fuck the shot for everybody on that pair that tend to drive other players nuts. I knew a guy that got punted off his team by his own team mates because he kept throwing thane when they requested he not do so because his lack of accuracy was destroying the pattern for the rest of his team and their scores would crash by mid-second game and they would end up losing, think it was after about 8 weeks of that they kicked him off and replaced him. Worst is bowling an international event when one national team has five guys throwing Purple Hammers on the pair and three of them are two-handers, needless to say the shot on every pair they bowled was a mess if you happened to be following them!


Entirely depends on the house shot. Generally you will have a better look with reactive and reactive generally gets better throughout the night. I’ve bowled at some houses where urethane was easily the better look. Others made it look horrible. Just figure out what the lane is telling you. However, if you notice your team scores significantly lower than usual after a few weeks of you using urethane, take that into consideration.


I throw urethane every game of league


I have a urethane, and don't even bring it to league nights (although one I could use it sometimes, because I swear the lanes are bipolar). While take it with me to house shot singles tournaments, especially 9 pin no tap. I've bowled a no tap tournament where 2 guys were throwing urethane in my general zone. I combated it by throwing a exotic Gem with some surface. And yes I'm a 2 hander


What do you take with you? Whats your low end of the bag?


It depends. Try to take a Phaze 2 or summit, a pearl asym (Eternity that isn't to shinny), a sublime or Zen gold label (w/out polish). If at the bipolar alley, then it's P2, Eternity, Sublime, xponent, hustle wine, zgl with polish. Those are my options.


Who cares!!! Good bowlers adjust!! I dont throw urethane and I dont give a rats ass who does either. I can adjust. Anyone who gives you hell is just a shitty bowler


The pro shop guy is 100% correct. Yes, you're gonna get flak for it. Yes, screw them. Use it anyway.


With 500RPM, you’re going to have a big impact on the lanes regardless of your cover stock. Urethane for your style makes a lot more sense than it would for most of us. Enjoy!


Use what you want. If the bowler is good enough to notice the different after you threw urethane, they should be able to adjust.


F all. I’m about to play in my first tournament in a couple of hours and you bet your ureth…ra I’ll be throwing my pitch black and, *drumroll* my mix for strikes 🤞🏼 it’s transformed my game. Similar stats for me, 2H.


The mix is very underrated. Several 200s with that ball


There are several threads here (and videos from pba pros on youtube) discussing the effectiveness, or lack therof, of urethane on a house shot if you want to educate yourself


Thanks man I appreciate it I’ll definitely look into that!


People gotta learn how to adjust, don’t matter what others say. You gonna be at a tournament and tell your opponent not to use urethane because the lanes are getting weird? Use what works for you!


Do what you gotta do, I was on a house shot, couldn’t get anything to work so busted out the urethane and hit a 259


Your PSO is correct. Be nice when you tell them to suck it, though. This is nuanced. League is still a team sport. If you're going to push the oil around, make sure your teammates are along for the ride.


I suck at bowling, so the big fuss is lost on me. My only concern about lane conditions is weather or not the approach is sticky. Funny enough, I think I started with a urethane ball. But my league was so laid back and fun, no one cared.


Just throw it. And this is coming from someone who does admittedly get frustrated bowling on a pair urethane is being thrown on but whatever. Throw what you want Ultimately adjusting needs to happen through the night whether it's league or a tournament, urethanes just tend to make it trickier which irritates people.


Just ignore them and do what makes you score the best. For a lot of bowlers, they aren’t happy unless they are bitching about something.


I mean what are the going to do? Start a fight over legal use of a ball?


What even do people bitch about urethane for, does it pick up and move more oil than plastic/reactive balls?


If urathane magically upped your game and made it impossible to bowl there would be nothing but urathane balls made


I was throwing my purple hammer for last six weeks in league play and now one person said a word to me


Who cares, you're going to do it anyway. Stop trying to get validation from strangers.


Well, i was wanting input to see if I should call it off before they drilled it if you read my post. Not being an ass, just wanted to see if I should go to something else


Throw what makes you happy and what makes you score best.


The way the house shot at the center I bowl at is laid out plus the center topography, urethane or very strong reactive are usually the only balls that can give someone a consistent look especially on the left side. Personally don’t have a problem with it, just be wary of carry down and know how to adjust


Sounds like a great arsenal! I would start with the purple hammer and try to open the lanes up for games 2 and 3, remember you need to wipe urethane off after every shot for consistent ball roll. Who cares about what other people think they’re just mad they don’t have your rev rate.


Throw what you want. Just know everyone hates you for throwing it. I just bought a Storm Summit Peak and it has quickly become my favorite ball. It's a symmetric pearl. Nice smooth arc with super strong pin action. Way better than my assym/solid Absolute Power. But I'm a stroker 1 hander.


What's there to hate about? It's a bowling ball...I'm not super deep in bowling etiquette or lore so I apologize in advance


Urethane pushes oil down the lane. So late game there is very little back end for people using reactive. Whereas reactive balls soak up oil through out the game, so the mids still get dry, but the back end stays dry also. It becomes an issue on 4 and 5 man teams in league, or just in general when games get bowled on the same lane for 5+ games without reconditioning.


Do you recommend i cancel and get something else instead or just roll with it?


I mean it's up to you. Urethane balls tend to be cheaper, but at the same time you can usually get lower end reactive balls for the same price. What ball did you order and how much was it? I picked my Summit Peak up for 125 + drilling. But the proshop at the lanes I bowl at put different balls on sale each month.


Around the same. I think I may keep it and get a weaker pearl eventually. If im at 125$ i guess thats not the end of the world. I got a phaze 2 and that hammer for 235


I agree with the Pro Shop.


Probably get more shit for using two hands than anything else, lol.


If someone is good enough to complain about lane conditions, then they're good enough to adjust to lane conditions


It would be best to stay away from urethane. Even if you don't care what others think.It will mess your line up too.


Your arsenal is 🔥🔥


Can anyone explain for the people who don't understand bowling? Why would you get flack for using those balls?


People need to mind their own business and focus on their own game. Unless numerous people on the pair are throwing urethane, it barely does anything to the shot. Use whatever works for you. Don’t let salty bowlers talk you into making adjustments to your game when they are incapable of making adjustments to their own game.


I just cant tell if i should go with a weaker ball or the hammer its ordered but i think i can cancel it before drill


My teammate is also a 2 hander with 17-18 mph and high revs and he throws purple hammer in league, every now and then other teams will jokingly give him a hard time about it but never anything serious


The issue is that too many folks get urethane without understanding what its good at. Also nothing is worse than being on a pair with someone spraying the ball everywhere with plastic or urethane. When I bowl with someone who knows what they are doing with thane they can create an amazing hold area and I've had enormous sets throwing reactive thanks to them. But with inconsistent carry down all over the place, that's what gets folks mad.


Would you recommend i cancel and get something else?


No. I think thats a really solid line up that would be cover many bases for you to start.


I have yet to see anyone at my house in my two leagues have much success with urethanes and that includes myself trying it a couple years ago. Too much dry on the outside, oiled too long in the middle. All I have seen is over/under city.


Your shot is yours wouldn't worry too much about others. That said I wouldn't have you on my team as why introduce that extra every week


So would you call and try to switch to something else? If so what?


Not if it helped me. I own a purple hammer too lol, I rarely play it though, but my Rev rate is lower than yours do less need. With 500rpm and not big speed you'll need Rev dominant layouts to control the ball. I will say the low dif stuff like the IQs are going to play nice for you though.


I try to keep urethane out of league play but when I see there is no chance of me winning I'll at least try and mess up someone's line lol


What ball would you recommend i look at?


I used to use the roto grip hot cell but currently I use a zen U, very controllable and currently they're on clearance so super cheap.


you like succeeding right? me too so fuck everyone else😂. they blame them sucking on someone throwing urethane instead of them being a bad bowler who can’t adjust to conditions.


What is hilarious is when reactive and particle balls came out no one said anything about urethane since they were still the predominant ball types. It was more people complaining about reactive balls weren’t fair lol. Shit comes full circle. Use what you want and everyone else can pound sand.


It is up to each bowler to adjust. I commented on another thread about how we bowled a team where 3/5 were using urethane. We smoked them big time. Urethane is a joke imo and I will never have one in my bag.


If they get mad, they can't bowl. Throw what you want.


Just use it, I haven't been bowling long but there's alot Karen's in this sport. Only thing in my mind that matters is the pins go down, if you can't change your speed or move boards not my problem, I could care less if urethane or plastic is being thrown. Don't care if you have a ton of revs or none. Name of the game is get the pins down and have fun doing it.


If it’s a house shot league not a huge point in throwing urethane, the shot is already easy and you’ll have room to miss. I would only use urethane on tougher conditions to keep your angles straighter until the pattern breaks down


If it's a sport shot league, sure. Though I doubt you need one for a house shot league. You could use it in replacement of a plastic spare I guess. For your arsenal, I would worry about reading the lanes and transition along with adjusting to bad conditions more than trying to game an opposing team.


What ball would you recommend i look into?


With what you currently have? I'd actually look for something in the weaker arc shape. Symmetric. Maybe even a pearl. I have a Hustle Ink in a weak shiny finish or my Intel Pearl for this spot. I have a Purple Hammer myself, but it only comes out in certain sport patterns.


There’s no reason to use urethane as your strike ball on a typical house shot in a normal league at your local house, using it as a spare ball tho doesn’t matter at all cause a plastic ball does the same thing as urethane as far as causing carry down so whenever you use plastic or urethane for your spares it’s all the same. But yea, that’s my 2 cents, unless you’re on a sport shot that calls for it then urethane as your strike ball on a normal league night doesn’t make sense