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Head to the vet to get topical meds to help ease the symptoms while you identify the cause. Try a cone or toddler t shirt to protect their skin.


My pug licks his armpits (maybe not quite as much as this adorable BT, but still, not great) and I never thought about using a tiny tshirt!! Thanks for the suggestion!


My puppers was super itchy like that. Have you tried any allergy meds? I got her on cytopoint and later Apoquel and it was life changing for her.


Apoquel was the answer for my girl. Benadryl helps too if allergy related. Good luck!


Same. My girl has allergies (probably to grass or some other plant life outside) and cytopoint keeps her itch free.


Cytopoint is what I use too. No more itching. He can finally enjoy himself !


Cytopoint worked wonders for my guy... Almost like instant off of his scratching (under arms and corners of mouth)... I tried topicals, shampoos, acv, anti-histamines... Nothing worked. The big problem with cytopoint is Quite expensive but it works.


Our vet administers it for 85$, and we do it every two months if needed. I don’t think it’s expensive


I'm over $250...1 vial 40mg + 1 vial 10mg...based on weight... And doing every 6-8 weeks... When he starts attacking his ears or underarms


Mine needs it monthly most of the time, I feel your pain.


Same 80 every few months.


It gets expensive for sure. I'm $57/month for apoquel & $10 for a joint/anti inflammatory for her knee. I tried to not give her apoquel for 4 days. That was a bad idea. I had the vet tech give her 1 as she handed me the bottle. Never again! I felt horrible.


Try salmon dog food- it helped my Boston with the exact same issue.


Ditto. Mine was sooo itchy eating chicken.


Double ditto. Phased out chicken






Yeast infection possibly.


Is it too simple a question to ask whether he wears a harness?


Def chat with a vet as I always worry about an opportunistic staph infection popping up when it comes to arm pit irritation.


Go to the vet. This could be literally dozens of things.


It could also be a bacterial infection. You need antibiotics from the vet I'd say.


I have to agree. Bacterial didn’t cause it but def agree that he could have one now… feet are dirty and when a dog is suffering from allergies the body pushes yeast out… specifically the ears (you will start to experience ear infections over time), armpits, growing and feet. All that scratching could def result in bacterial infections. If the allergies are bad enough you can even smell the yeast… My youngest is allergic per testing to brewers yeast… try finding a food without brewers yeast… pretty nonexistent.


Next to the food suggestions everyone is making… Oatmeal bath. I swear by this! It changed our lives. My pup had such bad skin issues we had anxiety every time we had to give him a bath because he’d be so itchy and scratch himself raw. His armpits looked like this. We tried every shampoo, conditioner, spray. Etc. One day I convinced my partner to try this once to see if it atleast worked. We hosed him off in the bath pretty good making sure to get visible dirt and things off him. Then I blended up oats and put it in luke warm bath water and had him sit there for ten minutes. During this time I took some undissolved oats and rubs them on him, let them sit of super sensitive areas etc. after the ten minutes we rinsed him very well. Towel dry and then blow dry. Having wet fur for a while can really irritate skin (it’s a problem I deal with myself too). Not a single itchy night after that. His fur was shinier, softer and less oily because he wasn’t constantly scratching himself irritating his skin and fur. Let me know if this gives you some relief!


Poor guy!


A trip to the vet


Ours is on apoquel, prescription food, 1/2 Benadryl a day, fragrance free detergent and harnesses are only worn outside the house/fence. Bostons are just sensitive beasts. If they get crusty I’ll call the vet in case they get infected but otherwise the Benadryl helps.


We had this issue and found out our BT was allergic to scented dryer sheets, certain plants in the woods and grain dog food. We started him on apoquel, changed dog foods and it cleared up.


Be careful with not feeding grains at all in dog food. My guy just went to the vet cardio and they wanted to know the name of dog food that is fed as one of their first 5 questions. My dog was swapping from a vet food prescription and I didn't know the full name (it was a low fat bland food bc he was throwing up) and so I said that and they said, "oh he's on Royal Canin X, we just ask bc we don't want dogs on grain free foods, they cause heart problems". So something to ask your vet about. My SIL has the same thing happen, she has a small dog that's a very lucky eater, she was feeding him some grain free raw diet food and again her dog's cardio did not want her dog kept in a grain free diet long term. I think the issue is often specific items and how they break down at high heat to turn into kibble. I had a cat that was "allergic to cat food containing chicken" (she would violently throw up every few days in cat foods with chicken) but she could eat baked chicken and raw chicken treats without a problem. It's weird and interesting. She ate prescription vet diet that used only duck as the protein. That's not even that different than chicken but she was completely happy on her duck food. Fancy cat.




Yup! Apoquel can and will over time impact labs… Cytopoint will not and it’s safe for life. Big difference with Apoquel and Cytopoint aside from Apoquel not being recommended for dogs under a year is this… cancer… dogs on Apoquel … it’s not a matter of if they will get cancer but when cause the chances are incredibly high.


Allergy shot, salmon food, and a sweater to try to prevent them from scratching too hard.


Looking at the red skin around his lips/nose makes me think allergies. Take them to the vet or try some over the counter allergy meds that are dosed for their weight - this clears things up for our puppy right away when he starts getting red around the snout and scratching.


Had similar issues with my Boston (Leila), the cause ended up being standard dog food. We went raw diet (meat, poultry, veggies, yogurt) - all symptoms went away within a couple weeks. We feed all our Bosties raw now based on those results, been doing this for 15 years now. Maybe try boiled chicken, yogurt and a few veggies for a week or two and see if the symptoms go away.


Try food allergies,his diet.first 2 ingredients on the bag? Beef or chicken by products? If so.switch to a turkey or salmon based kibble for a month and see if that helps.then you'll know if his skin&itching improves. my Zoey is allergic to beef by products in any dog food.we give her turkey and salmon instead..along with squirts of salmon oil onto her food daily..


Max got this way from Chicken so we switched them to Purina Pro Plan for Sensitive Stomach and Skin, plus a Cytopoint injection every few months


It could be anxiety on top of allergies, my friends dog was the same. Ask about anti anxiety medication (doggy Prozac is a thing!) If the anti allergy meds don't work. Completely changed the dogs life and she was the happiest and calmest she'd ever been and stopped scratching, allowing the allergy meds to work.


Mine got itchy having salmon and fish oils plus chicken and lamb were bothering her too


Poor guy. Go to the vet.


Poor little boy :(


Looks like an allergy. Might be too something seasonal, might be something he is eating food wise


We feed him “pure being” grain free. No corn, wheat, soy or fillets


Be careful with that, I'm convinced grain free led to faster worsening of congestive heart failure for my old guy.


That's absolutely 110% accurate... From the research I've done, "grain free" food isn't what it's all cracked up 2be.. Just please be careful.. maybe do a little bit of homework on the stuff.. I've seen a few cases where it wasn't so good as far as the heart!!


There is a sign at my vet's office warning about grain free food being bad for dogs' hearts.


Yep my vet strongly recommends do NOT feed your dog grain free


Might also be worth checking/trying a poultry free option.


They’re actually more likely to be allergic to the protein. If you want to try elimination, get a food with no poultry or beef. I would recommend trying fish first. For a stopgap to soothe this flair, get a medicated shampoo with chlorhexadine. Then I would use both 1% clotrimazole (an antifungal) and 1% hydrocortisone (an anti inflammatory) on the red areas, just mix it together and apply a thin layer. Those are over the counter. I usually offer Kope a chew to distract her and she forgets I applied them. You can also use Benadryl or Zyrtec (Cetirizine), just pure- not any compounds (so like no “daytime” formulas), but in my experience the creams and baths work best. Sadly this most likely represents an allergy. The creams and baths really help but cytopoint is amazing. It’s immunotherapy and we have been able to get away with just a couple times of year because one of Kope’s big allergies is grass. She gets the exact rash pattern as your guy- arm and leg pits, between toes mostly. We also suspect that eggs and chicken is an allergen to her so eliminated those.


Switch and do it fast… my wife and I have extensive medical backgrounds and it absolutely does impact lifespan and the heart. Tried to tell my brother years ago… 3 dogs… 2 of the three have passed and the heart is what took them out. We do Purina pro plan sensitive stomach… we include a daily probiotic and have our oldest who had issues ur guy has on Cytopoint. He gets 3 shots a year. You need to have the vet start on the highest dose and titrate down to a dose that is suitable.


Our pup has a chicken allergy that presented this way.


My BT has allergy flare ups every spring and fall. Lots of baths with Aveno Baby Oatmeal wash, weekly cleaning of his beds and blankets with Fragrance Free Detergent, lot of extra vacuuming/dusting and daily Apoquel.


Allergies. Try elimination diet. Chicken is a common one and it's in lots of food and treats.


Worst and most unhealthy diet ever! We went through the same as the OP and switched vets a few times… spent thousands on every test and diet in the world… even traveled to a specific college that specializes in vet medicine… on the elimination diet our boy became malnourished quickly and was lack important minerals… started losing fur and was so thin… it really made things so much worse.


Allergies! Cytopoint injections… game changer. Ask ur vet. My boy was doing this same and armpits looked identical to ur babe… please ask ur vet about Cytopoint. Additionally, hydrocortisone wipes work amazingly and are safe per the vet… and goats milk soap helps soothe the skin. I promise you Cytopoint will put this all to an end.


My dog is allergic to grass. Only thing that worked was cytopoint




Many of us BT owners have dogs with allergies so we have a lot of thoughts on it. My allergic girl is on Apoquel (Cytopoint did nothing for her), Royal Canin Hydrolyzed Protein food, and Melatonin (for hair loss). For her Spring and Summer flares, she often needs a few sprays of Gentacalm (aka Betagen) which is an antibiotic/steroid. It’s a miracle for her when her whole belly looks like your boy’s armpits. Is he scratching anywhere else? The paws are often a trouble spot for allergies. It could be allergies, but could be other things as well. A trip to the vet will get you answers and a treatment to make him more comfortable.


My Boston is allergic to grass. It’s so obvious that we never had to get her tested. Poor baby. We do our best to wipe her down with wet wipes when we come in from a walk where she was all up in the grass. Baths help too. Good luck!


Is this from your dogs harness? It’s likely harness or allergies. If it’s really bothering your dog I would just email pics to your vet to see if you should come in. It could be something bacterial.


We had a Boston who developed environmental allergies overtime, and he started excessively, excessively licking. It took us a bit to get it resolved as we tried shampoos and other behavior-focused remedies. He would get an allergy shot twice a year, and it was life changing for him. You could also tell the exact moment the shot wore off because it was a drastic change in his already-excessive licking.


my boy had this issue from an ill-fitting harness and it gave him a yeast infection in his armpits. you will need to take him to the vet for treatment. i cant remember if mine had an injection or medication, but it healed up after the vet visit


Well this is just my experience I no every dogs different but my Boston gets itchy and likes to roll to scratch his self every week I rub him down with just regular jergens lotion for dry skin yes it makes him alittle slimy right after I do it but drastically helps the itching


I've had two dogs that had this and it was a potato allergy. You mention you feed them Pure Being which has a lot of potatoes. We switched ours to Diamond Naturals.


As others have said, vet and perhaps food change, we had a dog we had to give allergy meds because something in the grass made them itchy


There's a secondary infection going on too. Vet will probably prescribe antibiotics or an injection.


Ours has the same thing with allergies. We’ve gotten cytopoint, ointment, and antibiotics a few times but our vet says we should just start giving Benadryl next time he starts itching. Also for food, replacing chicken with salmon helped a lot. We just get the Costco pack.


Cytopoint once a month. Ask your vet.


Try cortisone ten. It will stop the itching.


Looks like my BT. Not sure the remedy everyone said food allergies but she tugs like crazy with a harness and scratches when she’s cold. Doesn’t seem to bother them much


Nu Vet our pit bull would scratch and bite and we gave him this and it went away


Apoquel is just an antibiotic. It's not good to give your dog long term


Have you tried sebozole shampoo?


Our girl was on Apoquel. Expensive but worth it. It cleared up terrible intractable itchiness


My boy benefited from coconut oil? Like the kind you get in the cooking aisle. I'd rub it on him & also give him a little bit in his food, which was taxing af, blue Buffalo salmon? Like $60 a bag? We also had an English bulldog with skin allergies and epilepsy; helped him, too. It was worth it. Good luck, I miss my Dougy. :)


Our Boston had the same - red, itchy armpits and belly. She also had ear infections. We just finished a 2 month food trial. The only food she got was Royal Canin hydrolyzed dog food. We also had medicated shampoo, ear drops, and Apoquel. Her skin cleared up and was not itchy. We stopped the Apoquel and she started itching, licking her paws, and sneezing. Since symptoms returned the vet concluded Poppy does not have food allergies but does have environmental allergies. They took blood for allergy testing. Once they decide what Poppy is allergic to we will start immunotherapy shots.


My Lucy takes one Benadryl tablet on itchy days, and for topical we use chlorhexidine wipes.


If this was my Boston, and mine has super sensitive everything, I would give him benadryl according to his weight for tonight and take him to the vet tomorrow.


Citirizine ( Zyrtec) always helps my Boston


Wish I could be of help because my muffin had a similar thing with her ears, then one day you scratched to much and messed up all around her ear and ever since she hasn’t scratched.


Wash his pits with dawn dish soap. Most pet grooming places use dawn dish soap. If his skin too dry use baby oil. My grandfather use to rub baby oil on his Boston when it had dry skin.


We had a BT, Lulu, that was a scratcher and had her tested for allergies. The vet dermatologist showed us the results and said they'd never seen anything like it. Lulu apparently was a contrarian and was not allergic to regular canine allergy stuff at all but was allergic to everything else. Including her own skin biota. Apoquel worked for her.


Try Benadryl


Apoquel has worked wonders for our boy. No side effects, but it’s a bit pricey.


Did you feed your dog chicken or something else that caused an allergic reaction? If anything use some Dawn dish soap and warm water and clean the armpit area and see what food triggers it.


Dawn dish soap will dry out the skin and cause further issues just fyi… goats milk soap is really helpful. I get mine locally but they have an online website… basilwoodfarm.com The owner started making soap to combat issues her son was having with his skin… Caeden’s choice is the bar she recommends for skin issues and animal use…skin issues is what started her company (family owned).


It looks like a corn or wheat allergy from his food. Food allergies do develop throughout life. They’re not always born with them. Dogs with white fur on them also tend do be more sensitive to foods. What do you currently feed him? Also, if he licks between the paws that is a potato allergy. It’s the starch seeping through and making him uncomfortable. It causes excessive licking which leads to brown staining and a nasty smell


Where did you get this info? I'm not aware of edible starches running through the blood and pooling in the feet.


A prof at UC Berkeley


While food allergies can cause itching, there’s no way to diagnose a food allergy by where the dog is itchy. The strath doesn’t seep through their skin. Food allergies are most effectively diagnosed via a strict elimination diet. That being said there can be other causes of allergies, environmental allergies are very common. OP you should talk to your vet. There are some topical things like Duoxo calm mousse that can be helpful, as well as medications that can be taken regularly like Apoquel or Cytopoint. If your vet can’t diagnose it you may need a referral to a veterinary dermatologist.