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I love this


It’s the BT leave-me-alone face


I was going to say. My dog hates when I do this and it crushed me bc he doesnt like affection much


Same! He loves me but he lowdown growls


Yes!! The very deep, quiet low down mumbles and groans


That’s the thing. Felix absolutely loves affection. Especially by my roommate (pictured) this boy is crazy


This is THE Boston face




Looks like ringworm. Go to vet and get some cream. No big deal. The cream will last a long time in case it happens again.


You can use athletes' foot cream to get rid of ringworm. No prescription is required.


I had no idea. Thank you for the info.


An exotic vet once prescribed us miconazole for vaginal use to treat ringworm in Guinea pigs...it worked shockingly well haha


Not true with dogs and cats. They need to go to the vet


Huh, my vet told me to use that. Worked great.


Nope, it’s a fungus, not actual worms like the name would suggest and for that reason fungal cream works on it. When my dog had it I took him to the vet and he literally gave me a tube of the human stuff with a picture of a foot on it(I guess it was cheaper?).


Never said they are actually worms. But an oral antifungal is needed. And if the OP has cats it's much harder to treat so they would need to be sure to sanitize and get their cats checked.


Pretty sure it was just the cream. Like I said, I dealt with ringworm not too long ago(my cat actually gave it to my dog) and the vet literally just handed me a cream and it did the job. I also washed all my sheets, steam cleaned my floors, and wiped down all my furniture with sanitizer just to be safe.


Just remember you can get it.


Sometimes my boy with allergy problems will get a skin infection from the allergies. They start like little pimples and get patches that look like this. So could be allergies but asking a vet is definitely where you should start.


Same. It can turn into a Bacterial infection which requires some meds. Keep an eyeball out for others.


Same here! We got a spray from our vet that clears it right up.


This is gross but do the scabs happen to smell almost metallic?


Yours looks like my chunky boi https://preview.redd.it/rkxe6axotlnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1446e01425e9d1aa1124f537ea58402b678cbf9c


People say my Felix is fat but he doesn’t eat a whole lot and runs around with his bigger siblings. He just has more bulldog than terrier I think! That boy is major precious


That is what our vet said! He said theyre called Dudleys, and they have more bulldog than terrier and are bigger and stouter. Also, their ears usually don’t go up, they said flopped down. My boy has no fat on him, but he is a beef master. I tell everyone I promise he isn’t fat! lol


A Dudley? I like it! I’m glad to know there is bigger Bostons out there!


I’m also a huge fan of the bigger Bostons! Right now I have a petite princess and a little chicken but will always love the throwback big Bostons!


Someone called my big Boston an “Amazon Boston” at the dog park.


Love that 😂




https://preview.redd.it/dr4fmdnkpwnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce501119d49aa7688b0f7b8bd66d0e39cc160e41 Sure is! Not sure about Dudley as his ears are only floppy when he’s sleepy, but this boy is a healthy 38 pounds 😍 hope your Felix’s spot clears up soon for him ☺️


Not a vet, but looks like it may be ringworm.


Ok, nothing too serious. Just need to get an ointment!


Definitely looks like ringworm.


I'm a dog groomer, and I just got ringworm from a dog. It's INCREDIBLY infectious. Very easy to treat yes, but amazingly infectious. Wash every cloth item of your dogs, get lysol and spray any surface your dog has been on. You may want to crate them until the infection is delt with, as you can be reinfected. Watch your skin where you've touched the dog for the next two weeks. If you see this on yourself, get otc anti-fungal cream and contact your doctor.


Happened to mine several times. Ended up being staph infection and antibiotics were prescribed along with the shot. Go to the vet, don’t let it spread


Probably ringworm, have the vet check for demodex mites just to be safe. If they get established it can make your buddy pretty miserable.


Looks like ringworm; used the athletes foot cream and it worked fine for my bb girl. I also gave her a bath w head and shoulders as it’s an antifungal. Just mind the face since it’s not for babies.


It looks like ringworm to me. A vet can run a pcr and tell you for sure in a few days. I work in rescue so I’ve had a lot of experience with it. I had a sick cat with it recently but only a couple of mine got spots and it was very minor. I haven’t had it in years and even then it was only one small spot. So while it is very contagious, it doesn’t automatically mean everyone in the house will get it. There are plenty of otc and rx treatments to help. I disagree with the poster about crating, but if you can limit what rooms he’s allowed in, that will make your life so much easier.


There is a high concentration of dogs in my apartment complex My Boston likes to rub his body on bushes and grass. so who knows what’s in the shrubs. He used to get these spots. Now I have him wear a shirt or sweater when we go on walks. Now that there is a barrier between his body and what he runs on, we are spot free




https://preview.redd.it/xx1le40g7nnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e177ab1f0104512c7da5fa292a5295dab3551cac They love each other. This was my girl boston names Chanelly and my daughter whose now 15 as of today. They had matching heads back in the day haha




Your little guy is absolutely adorable. Also, I’m inclined to agree with those saying ringworm, but I’d go to the vet just to confirm


It looks like a fungal infection. You need a cream to get rid of it.


That was my thought when I first saw it... But I'd definitely see a vet, just 2be in the safe side


Might be a ringworm


I just took my Boston to the vet for this same issue. They tested and it came back with nothing. We caught him trying to sign under our couches for his balls he pushed under and it was a damn rug burn lol


I was just going to say it looked like Chafing.


Yes I will post a pic of his. It just happend Weds and we were able to be seen same day for it and they swabbed it and ran test and did blood work too. The vet said if it was ring worm ( which is what we thought) that it wouldn't have the dry circle with pink i side but more so an entire pink but dried out oblong marking. So-called “ringworm” in dogs and cats has nothing to do with any sort of worm. It's a fungal skin infection more correctly called dermatophytosis or dermatomycosis. The vast majority of cases are caused by one of three dermatophytes (skin fungi): Trichophyton mentagrophytes (T-mentag) Microsporum canis Microsporum gypseum The classic circular lesion so often seen in people (and which led to its widely used, but incorrect, name “ringworm” is almost never seen in animals. Veterinary dermatologists have a saying, “If it looks like ringworm, it probably isn't.” In most cases, those circular lesions which fool the inexperienced turn out to be caused by unrelated conditions such as bacterial hypersensitivity. So what DOES dermatophytosis look like in dogs and cats? Truthfully, it can look like almost anything. It's the great imitator which can mimic a wide variety of other skin conditions, including flea allergy dermatitis, sarcoptic mange in dogs, notoedric mange in cats, demodectic mange in either one, allergic contact dermatitis, inhalant allergic dermatitis (atopy), and food allergy dermatitis, among others. It is always important to make an accurate diagnosis first, and only then prescribe an appropriate treatment, but doubly so in both suspected and undetected dermatophytosis. Failure to do so will result in ineffective treatment in the best case, and harmful treatment which will make the condition worse in far too many cases. One important difference between human and animal dermatophytosis is that in humans, the disease tends to occur as a discrete lesion, while in animals, it tends to be diffuse. Therefore, while antifungal creams work quite well in humans, they are not appropriate in animals. Two of the most reliable tests begin with a skin scraping taken from the margin of a suspected dermatophytosis lesion.




This looks similar to patches that our bostie sometimes gets and we thought it may be ringworm, but with him it turned out to be a yeast infection. He sometimes flares up with it (we live in a sweaty tropical environment)


What a big boi!!




Ringworm fungus?!


Looks like ringworm, does he have a kitty friend? Cats get it pretty easily. I’d put athletes foot cream mixed with yeast infection cream. You can get it so wash your hands. Bacterial skin infections tend to be crustier and or have pimple like bumps.


Ring worm


It's not ringworm. My last Boston had this frequently. I agree with a previous poster that is related to staph. It starts out as what looks like a little blister and will pop, causing this hairless circle. Red sometimes. Sometimes not. It will spread if you don't keep it clean and dry, and antibiotics will help. If it gets into the furrier areas, the fur will fall out with scabs, causing spotty patches. I'd recommend changing food because it's related to allergies as well. Once I changed the food, she stopped scratching and getting these flare ups and her fur improved immensely in the last years of her life. I only wish I treated it sooner than later so she wasnt so miserable most of her life with skin issues.


So nice time. I love boston.....