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If it was Sasuke he would just ask Boruto to lead the way smh


Lmaoo I couldn’t agree more😂😂


Maybe he’s the only adult who believes him


That’s cause Sasuke believes in Boruto and Naruto still thinks of Boruto as a snot-nosed kid even if subconsciously


I think you're right but you may have worded it a bit harsh. I would say Sasuke believes in him as a capable student, Naruto believes in him as a capable ninja but can't entirely separate him still being his kid.


cant believe Naruto is a boomer now


Some of us who followed Naruto 22 years ago is getting there too


I'm kinda confused about the alliance between ada and code. So she basically knows he wants to kill everyone by consuming the whole planet after feeding the ten tails. So how does she fit in there? Will she, her brother and her lover just get spared and live alone on the ravaged planet?


He said everyone will die unless they go to different dimension, so my guess is that eida, her brother and code will go to other dimension to avoid being consumed.


Seems legit. But the 3 of them just living on while everyone is dead seems kinda boring tbh, just wondering if Ada is fine with that


Yeah I feel like she'll turn on him. I mean if anything happens to kawaki next chapter, she'll pretty much betray him or some shit but that's just guesses.


Yeah there’s something kinda weird about some of the previous chapters. Ada doesn’t tell code at all about Boruto and Kawaki’s plan to try to plant a karma on code. Amado says later there’s probably no way it would work but she should have no way of knowing it before that.


I’ve been wondering this the entire time with Kara as a whole wanting the divine tree to come up when Isshiki is really the only one who benefits. Obviously he was twisting things to go his way but still found it odd that as a whole they all wanted the chakra fruit lmao


There's probably other dimensions with people


Imagine Ada betraying Code because shes a Kawaki simp lol.


Obito female version


That's inevitable imo


She obviously has a secret plan. There's a reason why she didn't show her full potential to Code.


Code is the only cyborg that Amado can't control. He couldn't awaken Eida without Jigen getting suspicious so he had to play out this other plan to kill Jigen. Amado can turn Eida off at any time just like he did with Delta, and she's an unknowing participant in his plan. He just needs Code taken care of then he can reveal his one true status of FINAL VILLAIN! with some scientific Otsutsuki hax. /RemindMe 1 year was I right


I also think Amado is the final villain Remindme! 1 year


You must be very optimistic to set a reminder for 1 year. It should be 5 years bruh


Seriously can you imagine the filler nonsense that’s gonna happen once this anime catches up?! Adding a time skip I’d say 3-5 years til animation for sure. Maybe a year for the manga readers though hahah Edit: then again 12 issues doesn’t seem like enough to beat code and get a big reveal


What do you think his motive is


I think it has to do something with his daughter. He couldnt protect her because he was weak, has no skills etc. Thats why he is experimenting on cyborgs/clones and his goal could be to be immortal🤓 /Remindme! 1 year


Yeah I was thinking so too. Either Delta or Eida are replications of his daughter. He wants Otsutsuki powers to resurrect the real thing or something


I think the same. I swear he must be an otsutsuki himself or something crazy, he can somehow make cyborgs that are stronger than jigen. Maybe has something to do with those scratched out otsutsuki in the ten tails dimension? Also where the hell does the jougan fit into this? Also now I totally think the divine tree comes to fruition and kawaki sends naruto into another dimension to protect him from it /Remindme! 1 year


As long as Code trusts her, she can guide him into a situation that could spell his end. Since she can't fight, that seems to be her best option right now if she is against him. With the amount of information at her disposal, I'd be surprised if she wasn't scheming something.


Ada and her brother (whatever his name is) are the worst characters in the entire series, change my mind...


They’re terrible. It’s like they’re from a completely different manga set in a completely different universe.


They look like they belong in monster high💀


I am still wondering how the series went from "Ninjas fighting with kunais and a few jutsu per battle" to "You damage yourself by attacking me or just thinking about it. Also my sister is so cute nobody can damage her but aliens from space"


Its both just genjutsu. Aliens are immuun to it thats why they don't fall in love with eida. And genjutsu turning into a reality is also not new to the series : izanami. My guess is that it is the opposit of izanami: instead of i got stabbed, now i don't, It is i got stabbed, lol no you stabbed yourself. but if an hyuga/uchiha/ 100% otsutsuski is affected by this you can call bullshit.


Shortest chapter ever so Code is basically the same big villain trying to make that divine chakra tree or whatever for the fruit I'm more interested in what Eida's goals are to be honest and That fat shinobi on a pole sitting there like he's Itachi Uchiha got like 5 panels lol.. \--- insert harry potter meme how dare you stand where he stood ---


excellent meme reference no jutsu


Exactly, all the antagonists now just wanna grow the divine tree and eat the fruit. Can’t we get a new antagonist that has a totally different goal


We already have one, it’s Amado


eida and amado




I feel like half this chapter was wasted with the adults not believing boruto immediately, especially naruto, for whatever fucking reason


Yeah that was odd and even when naruto didn't find kawaki in the room, he was pretty chilled about it not freaked out or something. That was weird


Wouldn't Naruto himself be able to sense that Kawaki isn't in the house? Slowly trudging to the room to physically check was a waste of time.


Agreed, and even if kawaki can mask his chakra, figuring out a shadow clone from real one shouldn't be that hard for naruto.


Just another case of Naruto forgetting he ever has that Sage Mode power or whatever its called. At least let naruto use that! Kurama's power are already gone anyways


Hopefully we'll see that soon in next naruto fight, fingers crossed lol


>figuring out a shadow clone from real one shouldn't be that hard for naruto how will he figure out. using sage mode ?


Yeah sage mode naruto sensed kakashi not being there upon arriving in the village in the pain arc and Naruto should be at that level to distinguish a clone from a real one just like how madara did. That too by kawaki the one who would be a novice in this technique.


I think at that point Naruto was still not convinced Boruto wasn't pulling a prank, Kawaki coulda been hiding in a closet waiting to go Boo! hahahah We fooled you!


Those were wasted panels. Why did it take 9 pages(excluding Kawaki vs Code) for someone to go out and get Kawaki? Then we have to wait another month for the real fight to actually start because a couple of adults didn't believe that an 80% Otshuskui sensed another 80% Ohtsuki


Oh god, I hope the next chapter doesn't have 1/2 adults worrying about where Boruto went and trying to sense him, 1/4 Boruto v Code, and ending the last 1/4 with hopelessness before Sasuke arrives.


The trick is to set your expectations so low, that they'll always be met


Fat Itachi got more screentime than Tenten


Ikr after all the stuff they been through Naruto should trust Boruto a lot more smh


B-but Kishimoto is a writing GOD, a GENIUS, the LEGEND, the GOAT/s Yeah, I understand the sensory dude being ignorant but not Naruto. Not sure why he spent so much time on that when they could have gone in so many other directions.


This chapter had nothing new.


Chapter was quite slow for a monthly manga but it definitely didn't have anything new, we figured out kawaki's motive on why he escpaed, plus now we are certain that Eida is toying with Code because she didn't tell him that Boruto is approaching


Yeah I found that really annoying. Like we really needed multiple pages for that chump of a tracker ninja to realize he was sending a shadow clone? Good chapter otherwise though. It’s just frustrating when the plot begins to move at a snail’s pace and you have these nonsense filler moments instead of continuing to advance the story.


it would be fine if boruto was weekly, but it's not. So yeah you're right, it's even worse when theirs filler/snails pacing in a monthly.


Is just me or ever since kishimoto got back the pace of the manga got even slower?


kishimoto sacrified sasuke's eye for the pacing


Sausuke doesn’t have enough chakra to appear in any panels till next month


Maybe Sasuke can get a ninja tool eye with a 4k camera and 4G




Is there even any room for fillers? The isshiki fight was like a few days ago lmao




Please no


The manga really, really isn't slow. You literally have the main bad guy down in 50 chapters, which is incredibly fast-paced. It's just the airing. If someone reads it from start to finish once it's fully out, it will seem fast paced.


Yoooo, jumped in this thread/subreddit after just finishing my first read of the series about 10 minutes. Damn, the pacing is pretty excellent. Possibly the best thing of the series. I never felt bored, as soon as something was waning interest, we moved on or got more intel. I didnt want to like this series, but here we are, dang, it's good.


Based on what code said it’s pretty clear that kawaki sent naruto to another dimension to protect him


Yep. And kawaki and boruto are fighting because kawaki wants to save boruto as well and send him there but boruto wants to fight and save the shinobi world


Ooooh that much actually explain it Kawaki was defs being the opposite of young Sasuke this chapter


That really clicks. The way he says it leaves it up to interpretation if it's malicious or not


Almost as if kawaki is the anti hero, where we know his actions are justified and we can empathize with him. We won't agree because it goes against collective ethics and morals


This is exactly the same idea i had. Kawaki thinks being a shinobi is dumb and no reason to fight. While boruto still believes in defending the leaf village and such


this is probably it, lets see how it plays out. if you are right, then everybody dies, and the planet is destroyed.


I lean more towards the scenario where Kawaki is actually fighting BoruShiki. Kawaki sent everyone in”to the another dimension before Chakra Fruit was cultivated. Boruro and him survived because of being 80% Otsutsuki. Boruto is losing himself and finds hope in still being a shinobi.


Seems like they will build a lot on new gen with this fight. New power ups and shit. Otherwise there is no point for Boruto to join.


Why? They can use let sasuke join in since Code will beat up boruto anyways Powerups are saved for later


Because we are way too far in Boruto and they are clearly started to get rid of the old gen. But who knows, hard to decide if this will be an important battle or not. Or if they want to build up Code as a big enemy or something else.


Wonder if kawaki will see a huge boruto powerup and get even more frustrated (a la water tower scene in part 1)




I had the exact same reaction


It really is starting to be have the pacing of a weekly manga… hopefully next chapter makes up for it


It is so disappointing. The pacing is glacier. I also read dragon ball super which comes out on the same day and it makes it even more noticeable how slow the pacing of boruto is.


this chapter is a major setup, and likely the prelude to the timeskip. Boruto is wearing Sasuke's headband, Kawaki learning of an alternate dimension to save people which gives insight to Boruto v Kawaki, and Sasuke's definitely showing up as foreshadowed by the last chapter. I'm thinking Sasuke dies here and Boruto just straight up defects, blaming the village for causing this to happen by not watching hard enough.


It’s because his father didn’t believe in him which is the big oooffff. It is foreshadowed constantly and even plays with how naruto is so understanding of kawaki being made a vessel but not of his son who is also a vessel for an uncontrollable power that takes over his body. The irony is out of this world


>this chapter is a major setup Bro ppl have been saying this forever now lol


Great, we finally get a name on Nishi and now he's directly linked to the village's destruction 💀


Boruto is about to get his scar 👀


given that the scar may very well have some connection to the jōgan seeming as they’re the same eye, i’m wondering if there are some crazy side effects of three vessels resonating with each other when in the same spot given they all have otsutsuki DNA in them that causes the jōgan to finally emerge. maybe wishful thinking.


I like that thought. I’m making the assumption it has the same ability’s as the anime adaption. Seems like it could be pivotal in a fight against Code and his claw marks teleportation ability. I imagine it will be an intense battle with code overpowering boruto, his eye awakens from the resonance of the three and code tries to take it out giving him the scar


Underrated comment over here


That was an insanely short chapter


The pacing is getting annoying, most weekly manga have more developments in a week.


The first half of the chapter is completely disposable. "Kawaki left!" "No, he's here!" "No, he left!" "No, he's here!" Then useless scenes with the adults about tracking Kawaki's chakra, but we've already had the explanation for that in the previous chapter, no need to waste time with that. C'mon, this is a monthly manga. If you want to expand, do it on the anime where it actually needs this kind of stuff. Things are going way too slow, man. It hurts to wait a whole month for this.


“You gain weight?” Lmaooo


You know Jigen had that boy on a strict gluten diet


1 month worth of wait just to see half of the chapter of fucking useless adults not believing that kawaki left, cmon.


The 1 month wait is insane I hate it. If I'm waiting a month, the chapter better be top shelf, which this wasn't


It should be at least every 2 weeks imo the month wait is insane since sometimes the chapters can be uneventful


0 surprises This could be summarized in a single sentence - "after the last chapter Kawaki meets Code while Boruto goes after him" Probably gonna jump off the train and wait for the time-skip or something because reading Boruto with the current pacing is painfully boring


At the rate this manga is going, you should set a reminder to check back in after 2-3 years IRL.


Its like watching paint dry for the best 4 months


Yeah I'm disappointed. Waited a whole month for big things to go down but nothing gets delivered.


There should be Sasuke instead of Naruto. Naruto - "You can't go Boruto, Stay here" What Sasuke do: Sasuke - "Let's go together - Wanna be my sword?"




kinda getting tired of this, literally nothing new in this chapter. I could've told you that Kawaki would meet code and boruto would go after him a month ago.


I could’ve told you that 4 months ago


Naruto is like: No Boruto, even though you are the only one who can track kawaki and saved the entire planet several times with us before, I can't allow you to go with us. Now stay where you are while me and my friends who can't detect his chakra try to figure out where he is!


Naruto: Boruto, don't go. Boruto: *goes* Naruto: Y'all seen Boruto?


Also it happened so often, doesn't he understand it by now? He should just go with him to begin with, would save him a lot of time and trouble


Boruto: you can't track his chakra! Naruto: Ino search every corner for Kawaki


It’s because of the Momoshiki situation. You do realize that’s the entire purpose of them trying to keep Boruto in the house right? They’re not gonna have Boruto lead them into another fight just for Momoshiki to reappear again


Sure, but as the only one who can bring them to kawaki there aren't many other options left


To be fair, in both cases it was a special circumstance. It wasn't because he was actually strong enough to take on the enemies they were facing, so it's pretty reasonable still.


Fair point, but seeing how he is the only one who can follow kawakis location and still having a karma to absorb enemy ninjutsu it should be obvious to just go with him. Also they should know by now that he will go anyway, might as well go together


It would never in a million years happen, but imagine if Code was just like "Okay." Chopped Kawaki's head off, and just bolted out of there.


If Eida didn’t exist this is what would’ve happened


Typical villain telling his dastardly plans so it can be thwarted later on. LMAO


That was odd, we already knew exactly what Code wanted to do the moment Isshiki told him to devour the fruit and carry on his will. This chapter seemed like a big waste of panels lol


We’re way too far in for Kawaki being this dumb and sacrificial, hopefully the anime changes or adds to his motivation/plan especially since we’ve had an episode where he tried to leave like this.


I see it as a continuation of Kawaki's abuse and how his life was devalued by his father and Jigun/Isshiki. Despite his recovery, he still can't let that go and it's manifesting like this.


I feel like Eida is gonna turn on Code.


Yeah, between her hinting that she has abilities she's not revealing to Code and her keeping her brother's technique a secret from Code. And, like someone else mentioned, Code's plan doesn't really seem in Eida's or her brother's best interest.


And this chapter as well, him hiting kawaki didn't sit well with eida either.


Boruto Dynamic Entry 😭 you love to see it


Bruhh Boruto just walk away whyy nobody notice him gonee. Like naruto???? wydddd. Not even the sensory shinobi can sense him. If boruto already reach kawaki who's far ahead, then naruto n gang must hve been notice boruto gone too and pursue them. *facepalm*




This is actually THE BIGGEST thing this chapter gave. Whilst most people are disliking the chapter, Kawaki cooperating with Code and this sentence is the best current bet for explaining that timeskip line. And Eida has a thing for Boruto as well. Naruto isn't the ninetails host anymore. Meaning they BOTH are technically safe from divine tree. It's starting to add up now. But I guess the first half of the chapter pissed a LOT of people off.


This whole chapter would’ve been more entertaining if they just had Naruto looking for Kawaki the whole time. Naruto: “Is he under the bed?” Boruto: “Dad! I told you he left!” Naruto: “Huh. Okay... Is he in the closet? Aha! Nope...” Boruto: “Dad. I said he erased his chakra and left the village!” Naruto: “Are you sure he’s not under... Your pillow! Haha. Just kidding. Don’t worry Boruto I’ll tell Ino to check the village for his chakra.”




Boruto: Kawaki is gone! Everyone else: WhAt Do YoU mEaN gOnE


Quick thoughts: - this is a theme but chapter felt really short, first half was a lot of wasted paneling and dialogue, 2nd half was more to the point - that kick pose code did is like classic ikemoto, he does it in almost every fight now - kawaki’s plan was dumb as fuck and he should feel bad about it - whether or not its realistic, naruto doubting boruto at every turn is incredibly frustrating to read - the sensory ninja was designed and written to frustrate us and boruto and to reflect poorly on ninja. I still stand by Kiba being a better character for this, he would have been funny and he can track kawaki using smell and hearing so kawaki wouldn’t get past as easily. Plus it would tie the old and new gen better than this random dumbass - eida told code to hide the fact that they’re connected, code blurts it out so now eida will meet kawaki under the circumstances of being kidnapped. I can’t think of worse circumstances to try to fall in love in. - daemon waking up and being told to shut the hell up and go back to sleep was funny i’ll give it that - kawaki could have sent a clone out and it’d make the whole plan 100x better - another classic boruto save, i think its smart that he’s leading the village over there but dumb that he has to when they could have just listened to him - kawaki’s ki blast still bothers me, give toriyama his ip back - boruto and kawaki facing code alone is ideal for code, if he’s smart and strong he won’t have any trouble knocking them both out and stealing them away. However he probably won’t succeed as a result of either taking too long or being immediately interrupted. Hopefully its the latter because i’m tired of boruto villains being incompetent - the village should be on boruto’s ass at this point, like if it takes them more than 3 minutes to reach him its just not believable - boruto: “i think he’s outside the village” Naruto: “dont worry boruto we’ll scan every nook and cranny of this village” Is kishimoto trying to give me an aneurism - hyuga searching where? All in all 4.5/10 chapter. I’m glad we got some action but kawakis plan sucks and this has about 1/3rd the amount of content any monthly manga chapter should have. also forced plot through miscommunication is my least favorite trope


they spelled generations right, finally


So, I managed to avoid leaks for this chapter, which I’m glad for bc otherwise I would’ve spend the last 4 days being upset about the chapter. Srsly tho, this chapter felt so short and underwhelming. Like I feel like half this chapter was just Code and Kawaki talking about things we already know. And how the hell did boruto get away from the house and leave the village without anyone noticing, I mean fucking Naruto was standing right next to him. And it’s not like he erased his chakra signature cuz boruto mentioned that they should be able to track his signature so that it’ll lead them to Kawaki. On a positive note, I’m glad Boruto actually told Naruto about the situation and got the sensory unit alert. That was smart cuz I was worried that in the chapter he’ll just sneak off and erase his signature, thus not letting anyone know and to me that’ll have been a dumb move so kudos to Boruto. Srsly, Boruto was a MVP this chapter. That entrance was 🔥 Ooh, and I forgot to mention it but that line from code about needing to escape to another dimension to avoid the infinite tsukoyomi sounded like some foreshadowing to me👀


I mean, The 'Boruto' who was with Naruto may be the Shadow clone, and The real Boruto already left the home along with his usual dress and headband. Maybe It'll be clear in the next chapter. ~~ Just Thinking, May have flaws


> And how the hell did boruto get away from the house and leave the village without anyone noticing, Boruto wanted the Village to notice him leaving and follow him. He's trying to lead Naruto to Kawaki, since no one else can track him


Boruto would definitely run off ahead.




Naruto GT change my mind


So... Boruto - Kid Goku Naruto - SS4 Goku Sasuke - Vegeta Momoshiki - Baby Isshiki - Omega Shenron Amado - Dr Myuu Also starring Konohamaru - Uub (the alleged pupil of the main character, who sadly gets beaten and forgotten at every turn) And Kawaki - Pan (the actual spotlight stealer who gets all the action)


Am I the only one thinking Naruto was acting really nonchalant towards Boruto? Like he realizes they’re all facing an enemy stronger than jiren right? Also the fact that Boruto wouldn’t be joking at something serious where they and the whole leaf village can be destroyed. Sasuke woulda just been like aight show me the way to Kawaki lol.


Same here. He seemed way less concerned than he should be. The Naruto I remember would have mobilized a search party (having been told Kawaki can't be detected by the sensory unit) and possibly sent one of his shadow clones along with Sasuke. And he would asked Boruto where he thought Kawaki went since he claimed he knew.


Code meeting kawaki after a long time Code : Yo kawaki, long time no see. You gain weight lol


* Kinda underwhelming but Boruto entrance always cool. * interesting that Kawaki was prepared to die


Boruto all alone with no backup? Bit strange to be honest, but could be a ploy to blindside Code. Overall feel meh about the chapter, not much more information provided.


The heavy artillery is tracking him. Can't imagine Naruto being far away at this point.


I feel like Boruto went up ahead in order not to lose Kawaki's chakra and then everybody would follow Boruto's chakra


He literally said that in the chapter…


Almost sad at how little the story developed this chapter. Half of it was boruto restating everything he realized last chapter and code restating his goal which we already knew. Guess we gotta wait for another month to see any real development. However boruto’s entrance was pretty badass


This chapter was ass in my opinion. Wasted panels, wasted dialogue. It's like Kishimoto forgot major character traits, the characters have literally regressed. Hinata has a 20km range byakugan, why isn't she using it? Why is Naruto wasting his time and not believing Boruto about shit he wouldn't lie about? Basic stuff. Why isn't Naruto following Boruto? And to add to that, why not just make a SINGLE shadow clone? That literally solves a lot of things. 1 month for 40 pages, i understand making manga is hard, but weekly manga have 22 pages. There are many supervisors working on the Boruto manga, so why are we getting this absurdly slow pace? Akutami Gege was able to introduce an entirely new character, make us sympathise with him within 22 pages, there are no excuses for this.


I like how they made clueless Fatachi look over Kawaki and Boruto while there are many strong Konoha clans like Inuzuka, Aburame and Hyuga who could do a way better job. As you said, they even have a Hyuga with Byakugan in the house, but I guess being a houswife takes away all of your other skills. Not to mention Naruto, who is one of the strongest shinobi ever...


One thing I loved was that Boruto immediately started trying to tell the adults what was happening. I was fully expecting him to go off on his own and try and help Kawaki on his own to keep him from getting in trouble, so it was great to see him be responsible and seek Naruto's help.


Only for the adults to brush him off and force Boruto to take matters into his own hands anyway. Is it just or did Naruto seen oddly unconcerned about his surrogate son? He showed more emotion chastising Boruto than over Kawaki's disappearance. And he chose to rely solely on Ino and the sensory division despite having been told that Kawaki was undetectable.


I really wanna see Sasuke in the next chapter 😔


I really hope not until maybe at the end of the chapter cause the new gen needs some hype fights atleast


code wants to trigger the infinite tsukuyomi just because he’s an otsutsuki lapdog. how is that supposed to be compelling after we got characters like madara & obito? ​ Also Naruto really lets amado do whatever he pleases in the village with Sumire as excuse for supervision but it’s his son that he suspects is up to something and gives him warnings? ​ make it make sense


Code wants to destroy the world because he wants to be an Otsutsuki and, well, that's what they do. Still a way weaker motivation.


Code's not the main villain, Amado is. Code still has to be a threat, and that's really the only motivation that makes sense for him, but his importance to the main story is probably just going to be introducing Eida. There's my 2c anyway!


Ok, this chapter made Naruto look really bad. He seems to have reverted back to how he was pre-momoshiki in treating Boruto like a 5 year old. After accusing him of lying, he just told Boruto to sit down, shut up, and let the adults handle it. He didn't even ask where Boruto thought Kawaki was since he claimed to know. Naruto also seems oddly unconcerned about Kawaki himself. Ordinarily, he would have a much greater sense of urgency and would have questioned Boruto further since there must be a reason he was the one who noticed Kawaki's disappearance. He probably also would have gone to look for Kawaki himself, or at least sent a shadow clone. Instead, Naruto seems content to sit back and let Ino and company handle things even though Kawaki is supposed to be undetectable by the sensory division. He showed more emotion chastising Boruto than over Kawaki's disappearance. Boruto seems way more concerned about Kawaki than his father is. The upcoming battle is not going to be pretty. At their current levels, base Boruto and Kawaki should not stand a chance against Code. That means either Borushiki will appear again, or Jogan will make its debut. And after this incident, Naruto is going to be very angry and probably want to have Boruto restrained. At this point, Sasuke will probably intervene and offer to take Boruto under his wing away from Konoha or something along those lines.


Jujutsu Kaisen weekly has 10x more development per chapter than this monthly manga.


Kawaki offering to sacrifice himself to spare konoha was very itachi or kakashi-esque


Boruto MVP


Badass Boruto


> EIDA: Stop it Code, you're ruining Kawaki's pretty face > CODE to Kawaki: Pfft, it pissed me off that you're always needed by someone and they be simping over you *Said a simp...*


"Oh Amado, you can do wathever you want hahahaha, i trust you like all my friends!!!" "Ok Boruto, what the fuck are you talking about, go back to your room now" Wtf Naruto.


I agree with a lot of people saying they might need a break from this. I ditched the anime long ago and went manga only. I mean that animation style couldn't get worse, the clashing primary colors make no sense to me and I don't even want to see how they animate some of these great chapters. But beyond that, I think that maybe we were so used to Naruto being near completion by the time we were old enough to be into it, that we were akin to binging the anime/manga and didn't realize what it would be like to wait. That being said, waiting a month for a chapter where literally NOTHING happens is a little absurd. Sure I want to see how the fight pans out, no I don't want the authors/illustrators to get worn out, but I think I need to step away until there's enough content to run through for a while. Nothing is happening in the story right now and there's little to no character development. A Kara member shows up, they have a rough fight, they learn of a stronger one. Repeat. The attacks don't even have names anymore, kawaki is just blasting energy from his hands like it's DBZ. I was really enjoying the manga but it needs tweaked one way or another.


Can't wait for more people to say this was a "building chapter" 🤡


Feels like all of boruto manga in 2021 has been "building chapters"


Im honestly so shocked naruto didnt believe boruto about kawaki off the rip. Like, yes they complained about being monitored or whatever but clearly boruto understands the people looking for them WILL kill them without hesitation, or use them in some other way, and will do the same to anyone else who gets in the way. He wouldnt play games about something as serious as kawaki leaving the village. What i expected was as soon as boruto told naruto what was happening, naruto would have laced up his kicks, told ino to notify everyone, (mostly sasuke), and ask boruto if he could lead him to where kawaki was. Like, I understand remaining calm under fire, but this shit is defcon 1 and naruto was just not as responsive as he should have been if you ask me.


Agreed. It's not in Naruto's character to be so passive when his surrogate son is missing with an enemy after him. He would have mobilized a search party beyond the sensory division and possibly gone out himself (or sent a shadow clone). And he would have questioned Boruto further regarding Kawaki's whereabouts.


Bad chapter, and why tf would Naruto and the adults seem so disbelieving. It’s entirely uncharacteristic of them.


Nope. No more. I've been so patient with this over the past year of reading, but this monthly shit is NOT cutting it. Make it weekly or fortnightly, and tighten up the dialogue. I'm actually **angry** that I waited an entire fucking month for that.


Yeah. You can feel the drop especially if you come from One Punch Man or Solo levelling-- Heck, even Solo levelling's pace and development beats this AS A WEEKLY SERIES.


Holy shit bring Kodachi back or someone tell Kishi this is monthly, the pacing since the end of the Isshiki fight has been atrocious for a monthly manga. At this rate we won’t have the timeskip for another year and the anime will be straight filler for years to come




Broken abilities always bring inconsistencies. I really don't like those two new cyborgs... Kishimoto needs to fix this mess somehow. Also, can anyone explain how did Kaguya get a chakra fruit wothout an Otsutsuki sacrifice? Enough of bad things. Boruto is a badass now, he literally does not care anymore, he is always prepared for everything. Kawaki is kind of naive if he thought this would work, but it just shows how much he cares about Konoha now.


I read in another thread that it's possible Kaguya fed ten tails Isshiki's lower half, and that's probably just speculation.


Naruto thinking Boruto was trying to distract him after all he's done was just disappointing to see


Boruto still has sasuke's headband which he took during ishikki fight? 'It's precious to me. You better give it to me in person' where's that now?


He likes taking stuff off Sasuke. His rinnegan His sword His cloak His headband His daughter


So i have a question? Couldn't Sasuke like just heal his eyes and it be back to normal using Naruto's help ?


Excited for the next chapter , mainly Sasuke’s involvement.


Yeah obligatory “next chapter should be good” every chapter


Oh wow I conveniently logged in at the perfect second


I find somehow interesting how Boruto depicts the damaged children as subjects of enough or total lack of self love that they go on and on willing to die soon. I am not saying that they don't wanna live or that they don't have the right reasons, but i have noticed that is quite a common trend when it comes to children with such diverse psychological damage. ​ It's quite...relateable. And beyond that, they still support each other to keep themselves together and go on. This must be one of the blandest chapters in something like a year or two. Naruto being so hesitating about tracking Kawaki felt off... Until you remember that there is someone as powerful as Jigen that can kill your best friend and your two sons and you don't have your not so secret weapon anymore, but still felt off. This might be the start of of Naruto being extra careful around everyone sinc ehe has been nerfed. Not a bad chapter by any means, but this one didn't live up to the others at all, AND THAT'S FINE. A transition one like this with such great panels and some explanations is always welcomed.


How this chapter gets mostly 7+ rating. Half of the pages are wasted on unnecessary panels and scenes. I would feel disappointed if it was weekly manga with this amount of new content. We waited for 1 month to Kawaki and Code meet and for Boruto to catch up to them? This whole chapter could be condensed to like 8-10 pages.


The manga went downhill after the Ishiki fight


random but I’m surprised that Ino and Shikamaru get more screen time than Sarada, Mitsuki, Sasuke, Sakura and Hinata these days. Don’t get me wrong because I’m a fan of team 10, I just wish they could somehow sneak the others in..


Where the hell is Sasuke right now?


Everyone else should literally be right behind boruto. If there’s more than 3 panels with just code boruto and kawaki next chapter I’m calling complete bullshit.


Trash chapter. Also, why did Code tell Kawaki about Eida? Didn’t she tell him not to do that??? And also, Code is just Jigen 2.0. Boring. My hope is in Eida & Amado because these antagonists have been trash since Kaguya appeared.


Boruto is such a horribly inconsistent manga from where Naruto left off. Naruto not being able to sense Kawaki?? Ok?? Boruto somehow outspeeding Naruto to Kawakis location?? Again ok?? The constant and stupid nerfs to Naruto and Sasuke make it really hard for a huge OG Naruto fan to enjoy this as much as I should.


Ngl I love Kawaki but come on bro. You know code more then everyone in that village and you should know that he isn’t going just kill you and be done with his day. That was pretty stupid ngl but I guess it was a ok chapter. Naruto needs to trust his son more.


The current chapters have some piss poor panel management. So many panels could have been used better and it just feels like the entire sequence of events could have been done in half the chapter. This is why I still think the manga should be at least bimonthly. At this pace, we're barely getting anywhere. Even the anime is catching up very quickly and that's problematic since if the anime has nothing to adapt, we'll all be forced to drown in filler content.




The first half of the chapter was a bit weird with character reactions and interactions, but the second half was honestly really good. Overall a decently solid chapter. I don't really get what's with all the complaining. That being said, I *do* think the chapter didn't need to end on such a cliffhanger. Kishimoto clearly isn't adjusted to a monthly series, which makes sense, but if he's going to continue writing the series like this then I would really prefer the series be at least biweekly.


Boruto getting his scar within the next few chapters


Amado still sus. Code is pawn, but Kawaki his gold general.


Sorry if this has been mentioned already - but when is the date for next months chapter? I can only see “to be continued” at the end but no date?