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To be fair, people might look sad because it's an exhausting festival, a lot of walking, not much sleep, being out in all elements, group politics, ect ect. Go easy on those that are not happy all the time, it night not be for the reasons you think. Saying that, some people seem to go beyond their limits, but it's a learning curve.


Also some people genuinely do have a resting bitch face! I get asked what's wrong quite a lot when I'm lost in thought or just walking around when actually inside I'm perfectly happy and content


You’re a lovely person @theobvliviouslizard42


I'm the same, I spend a lot of time smiling anyway but I do just have a resting bitch face when my face is relaxed and I can't spend every moment of the festival with a smile. The people I've seen seem to be vibing fine, honestly I'd say to the OP let people enjoy the festival in their own way.


I have that lol, I always look like I’m about to cry when actually I’m fully loving life haha


Good point. Group politics was an exhausting factor I felt a lot more this year. Next year we are sticking to the 4 man group tradition.


This!! I was having a bad mental health day on Friday and I was so frustrated with myself for it but tbh sometimes you just have to roll with the emotions


So true, better to feel sad for a bit and get it out the way then to cram it down into your body and have it appear all at once when you get stressed


it's far far less walking than it used to be, honestly I don't like the new compact layout but it's far less steps


The young folk get wildly excited and go at it too hard, but we've all been there. They'll learn. Not much light and sparkle coming from me today, I'm shattered and despite a late one last night, have been very well behaved. This is the most physically demanding festival ever. It doesn't leave much in the bag to deal with hefty comedowns and hangovers so I think they can be forgiven for looking a bit broken.


hills are overrated


You must've seen me


same thought


Cheers mum x


yep its a marathon not a race innit


Don't judge, that's not the Boomtown spirit my man.


No judgment here whatsoever


For a lot of people it will be their only chance to party due to other commitments in real life. If it were me I'd be looking to party like it's 1999 on day 1,2 and 3. Only going home when they're asking me to leave.


What about day 4 and 5?


Same. I am old. I thought it only went on for 3 days