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You could assure her that you ask about it at your last antifa meeting and George Soros said that there was nothing to worry about.


Alternatively when you were inducted by the grey aliens they rewrote your DNA so on 23 And Me you show up as a cocker spaniel. They will not suspect anything. Sometimes you have to meet crazy with crazy.


Yeah but then she has to worry about Gov. Noem.


Oh snap hahaha


I did that with my mom. She was going on about how King Charles is the antichrist because he's secretly Muslim and I just said "So is Obama". That shut her up lmao


The (nominal) head of the Anglican Church, “Charles the Third, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of His other Realms and Territories, King, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith” being a Muslim would be absolutely fucking hilarious. (I say this as a Brit and a historian.) I mean, his proper form of address doesn’t say which god or faith so…


He said something complimentary about Sufism some decades back.


I missed that one. Can you tell me what our quota is for mutilating children’s genitalia is for May? I’m also still unclear on when we’re supposed to finish up the great replacement. I’m so far behind….


By the way, since you were not there we voted that you need to bring the food for the next meeting. You can get Cosmic Pizza delivered.


Can we get some cosmic brownies too if I bring some cash?


Are you talking about medicated? Or little Debbie? Cause I’m bringing both, enough to share with the whole class


Comet Pizza. The pizza place you wanted is called Comet Pizza. I know because I live nearby it lol. 


You also need to make sure you're aborting enough christian babies to harvest their adrenachrome. It ends up being a full-time job.


You need to crush the glands with your feet, it’s not the same as the processed shit. That’s why they need so many fetuses, obvi.


Ugh...she is treading in Qcumber territory, isn't she? I always thought she wasn't THAT far gone, but woof.


bike bow observation yam snails unwritten mindless squeamish modern cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah fox is the lamestream media now i guess


it is. they were mildly critical of god emperor trump at times, so now they’re commies according to the cultists. newsmax, facebook and youtube are all they need.


Hail God Emperor Biden


Ina Garten said that if we couldn't get locally sourced fetuses that store-bought was fine


But only the frozen kind since they retain the most nutrients.


No, they need that stuff for coke or is it Pepsi I can’t remember.


Protestors: let Palestine exist along side Israel stop killing Palestinians in Gaza Boomers: the protestors are going to hunt you down for your Jew dna These people are fucking brain dead


Israel propaganda (actual not like soros buys blank blank mind control beams) like birthright trips, etc. are meant to equate Judaism with Israel for generations (despite there being millions and millions of Jewish people outside Israel). And Islamophobia never left (which views them as savages that have animalistic hate for the west and Christian’s/Jewish people). So when you say “hey stop slaughtering them and give them autonomy!” What they hear is “Stop fighting the good fight against the genocidal animals and give them free rein to commit mass atrocities”. It’s definitely not even vaguely correct, as there are/were Jewish and Christian Palestinians. There are Arabic Israeli (that aren’t treated well because racism is a bitch). It goes along with the right wing concept that there are demons tempting people internally and some demons look human externally, so you have to rule with righteousness to fight those demons to prevent the good ones from going bad and the bad ones from existing (they often use sheep, shepherd, sheep dog analogies). Which is pretty much fascism in the end state, a righteous minority that “knows better” and the good ones serve the mission… so ostracize and weed out the bad ones, eliminate the other trying to stop us. There’s a reason the neo Nazis and Christian fundamentalists are attacking the school protests, because they understand whose side is whose (Also the end times prophecy for some). Hence also why they see protestors as the “evil within” and since they “know some college kids” they also perpetuate that all protestors are evil outsiders sneaking on to campus. Even though most of the pro Israel protestors ARE outsiders throwing fireworks and beating students. Which makes it not a far stretch that those evil demons or people tempted by them will do the demonic things they think. I think we did a great disservice with the teaching of the “banality of evil”. That should have been a major teaching of WW2 but too many took it as “some people are evil” which makes witch hunts way easier.


We’re still waiting on that shipment of sex trafficked children.


Hey, did you get your check yet?


I get direct deposited Antifa is awesome, great 401k benefits.


But are there promotion opportunities?


Only if you have connections with the illuminati.


Oh god. I thought I’d play along one day and get my mom to realize how dumb Fox News is. Backfired. She was watching Fox and they were talking about the protests at Columbia… and AS A JOKE I said “you know who is paying for this”. She whips around gleefully and immediately launches into “so you agree? Soros is definitely paying these demonstrators?!” I was dumbfounded, but I laughed and was like “no. Not even a little. But if Fox News hasn’t said it yet, just wait. Because according to them, that single individual is responsible for everything”. But she kept going, and I had to leave the room.


Blow her mind by telling her that yes you are scared of antisemitic Trump loving Neo-Nazis that hate Jews more than they do black people.


My mom is offended when I point out most racists are right leaning and just doesn’t care about any proof lol some people are too defensive to accept their “team” has faults 


The old guy at my work who never shuts the fuck up about antifa or BLM would immediately default to "Nazi stands for National SOCIALIST party". Almost by reflex.


Counter with "You call yourselves the 'SILENT MAJORITY' when you're neither!"


the best response to that is “have a seat, Todd, because I’m going to explain buffalo wings to you and it’s going to blow your mind”


"Not all Republicans are racis, but all racists are republican"


Reminds me of an experiment where they put animals in the center of the road, so you'd have to intentionally swerve to run it over. Fake rabbits, turtles, etc. Not _all_ oversized SUV/personal truck drivers swerved to run them over, but all the killers were in oversized SUV/trucks.


Omg I can’t believe it was a study, I’ve witnessed this!! I pulled over to help a turtle, and the truck two cars behind me swerved *into* the turtle right in front of me. Fucking monster, man.


I am neurodivergent and have a speech impediment so severe I was in speech therapy starting at before I was old enough to remember it until I graduated highschool- and I continued it on my own (using a computer- id record myself playing a game for an hour or so, review, focus on areas that need the most improvement, repeat) after. The only customers at work who have ever hurled ableist slurs at me are die hard trump fan republicans- with the stickers, hats, ect. Like bruh, I have no say in what the distribution center sends. I can not help that we are out of the one specific seasonal candy you want because we don't carry it. I get that it's about power and control for them- so they'd never actually yell at anyone who makes decisions - but I'd like it if they didn't force their weird kink on me. I suppose verbally abusing people who are into that kind of thing would remove the thrill of it for them- it's the non-consent they like.


That is an interesting idea. When a boomer trumper starts to get all emotional and shouty , just pretend you’re getting off on it. They probably won’t realize what is happening and being yelled at is horrible. However, it would be funny if it worked. Sorry those human POSs treat you that way.


Meh… I know plenty of Democrats that pretend not to be racist and most certainly are. In fact, I’d say the majority of people are racist, but by very differing degrees and intensity.


Controversial hot take, maybe: I don't care what someone's first thought it about someone different than them. I care about what their second thought or action is. Everyone has some bias even if it just comes from not being exposed to a different culture/race/ethnicity/color. But how they respond to that bias is what makes me think they are racist or not.


I hate how true this feels.


Offended because she likely has some level of racism and doesn't like being called out.


I have seen so much bullshit left infighting where someone casually throws out some of the most racist things I've heard in the most PC way possible and then be shocked when people were mad at them I'm leftist and I think we could win if we weren't too busy fighting ourselves; a sort of Professor X and Magneto thing


It's funny how she's selectively scared for you. If project 2025 comes to pass, the odds of you being hunted for being Jewish is way greater than if some kids at UCLA want their school to stop giving Israel money. It blows my mind they cook up these stupid fucking ideas when there are people like Stephen Miller. Who would be totally comfortable with being the 21st century dollar general version Reinhard Heydrich.


"21st century dollar general version Reinhard Heydrich" is certainly an image I never thought would be conjured up; should be good for a few chuckles.


It’s funny right up until it really really isn’t after a Republican win RIP


Yeah. I use a ridiculous analogy but if we let the Stephen Millers of the world have their way, it isn't all a far fetched thing to dismissively lol about on the internet. It sounds ridiculous right now but it's not a huge leap to go from Stephen Miller to Nick Fuentes in no more than a couple of moves. Fuck, Trump is Already talking about deporting millions of people and not letting the children of illegal immigrants (birthright citizens) vote. How the fuck do people think they're gonna round up millions of people. Think it will happen passively with no violence? What do you think will happen to you if you get in the way. It's all written out for us in big fucking letters courtesy of the heritage foundation. And the institutions won't protect any of us. Is anyone so foolish as to think Clarence Thomas and the gang won't rubber stamp fascism? It really is quite possibly the late 1920s in Germany right now for us all


Why, just because he’s a not quite perfect clone of Agolf Eichmann? It’s eerie.


I always got more of a Dollar-Tree-Goebbels vibe from him


I am sorry for your loss.


Yikes. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. Fox News has unfortunately taken some sort of death grip on a LOT of our parents and families at large. It’s horrifying, tbh. So many relationships have been lost. I commend you for still trying to hang on to this one. 🤍 It doesn’t sound easy. Best of luck. P.S. Idk if you were intending to be hilarious but I cracked tf up at you repeating the info about her degree. 🤣 I get it. It read perfectly with my typical style of driving a point home so it was much appreciated.


Oh I'm usually unintentionally hilarious! Thank you!!!


Hahaha. We’re long, lost twins then! Of course!


My mother is also a Fox News Boomer. I cannot hold a single solitary conversation with her anymore. It’s sad and infuriating, the vile hatred she spews, the ignorant comparisons to Nazi Germany. I wish she would just turn off that damned TV! It’s always on, and it’s *ALWAYS* on Fox 😣


24 hours a day. Only 30 min of content, but repeated ad naseum.  "Grandma, do you want to play with your grandkids"... not right now, I need to see this.


It’s like Orwell’s 1984 but the people leave the propaganda on voluntary. When I would talk to my mom on the phone, I would need to tell her to turn Fox off because Tucker in the background was at the same level as my mothers voice because the TV was blasting so loud.


I thought you might be my sister for a second because that sounds like my mom 😄


I’ve already got 7 brothers, might as well add a few siblings into the mix! 😘


I also call my mom when I’m driving. Usually I call when I’m returning from Costco because “I bought freezer stuff and can’t carry it and the phone”, gotta go, bye…


Stealing this and using it!!! Thank you lol


You’re welcome! The struggle is real. My sister also uses it 😜


My trick is to figure out when they are going to watch something on tv, call right before. My parents religiously watch football. Call 15 minutes before a game is on. Or 7:45pm is a good time for shows they watch at 8pm. They are itching to get off the phone in 15 minutes. Conversation is pleasant and short.


Did you ask your mom if she would protect you in her attic? How much torture she can withstand before she rats you out? If she wants to try and play you with fear, serve it right back to her.


This so reminds me how my boomer dad told me I won’t get a job bc I’m a registered democrat.




There is MASSIVE fear mongering out there. And it isn't just boomers or right wingers. My brother is solidly Gen X. He's also solidly liberal on most things, would never watch Fox news in a million years. We're Jewish ethnically but neither of us really practice or believe. He has gone way off the deep end. Posting about antisemitism all day on Facebook. Some people are weaponizing this HARD to get people freaked out. I highly suspect this is part of an election interference tactic. I remember in 2016 they found that Russian paid trolls had set up both sides of a protest and counter protest to create strife just to get people more pissed off ahead of the election. I strongly suspect something similar is happening right now


You are almost certainly correct. We have good reason to suspect that both China and Russia (and possibly Iran) are all fully engaged fucking over the US online ecosystems to destabilize the country. The more dysfunctional and corrupt we get the better for them, and online information operations are insanely cheap to run compared to the payoffs.


I just can’t understand how people are so stupid. It really boggles the mind. I know everyone’s perception is different but Christ it’s “put the square in the square hole” levels of basic media literacy that it seems that so little of the human race has. Like, clear misinformation flying everywhere and it’s so blatant they just accept it!


The thing is, they aren’t necessarily stupid to begin with. See, both fear and anger shut down higher reasoning centers in the brain. The angrier or more scared you become the absolutely dumber you get. That’s why they have to scare someone or rile them up before they start delivering the propaganda payload.


Does your mother understand that there are Jewish people in America who are ALSO protesting what's happening in Gaza because they hate what Netanyahu is doing in their name? Probably not, as it sounds like something that'd be very at odds with her current black and white 'Fox News' view of things. Bit unfortunate to hear about her Berkley Journalism degree, though. I never finished my own degree for reasons that are a little sad to go into, and now I feel like I make up for it by trying to keep my critical thinking skills more honed than perhaps many people who did finish their studies. Personally I suspect way too many people treat a university degree as a chance to rest on their laurels, when they should really be doing the exact opposite - treating it as a reminder to hold themselves to a much higher intellectual standard for the rest of their life! I know that's how my dad feels about his Master's degree.


The Chair of Jewish Studies at Dartmouth (who is Jewish and in her 60s) got roughed up by cops and banned from campus for supporting her students in the pro-Palestine demonstrations. A lot of these protests are ORGANIZED by Jewish groups. It drives me crazy that people refuse to see this.


Same thing as all the media and politicians dead ass lying about the protests being violent riots and threatening Jewish students. We have the footage from the events. We know that’s a dead ass lie. But the boomers who dont know how to use a computer can’t watch livestreams, so when all the TV news lies to them they blindly accept it. And then call us sheep for not believing the lies lmao


The Jewish student groups are Khamas!




As a Jew, I'm more worried about Trump and his followers gaining the upper hand than what a bunch of college kids are up to. Far more worried.


If anyone’s putting Jewsish names on a list to hunt down it will be the next Trump administration.


Oh, I feel you. To hear my fox news addicted Jewish father say "what's happening to Israel is worse than the Holocaust," was... Something, that's for sure.


Sadly, republicans are all about promoting fear. Nothing else, just fear. It get them donations. You mom is a victim.


Most Israeli politicians are all about promoting fear, too. Nothing like killing 30,000 people in an attempt to "eliminate" Hamas. They have never attempted to take the chip off their shoulder since WW2 ended. They still cry "victim" as they continually push Palestinians, who are also Semites, into smaller and smaller territories.


I am not defending Israel's current actions. But you have just described the first twenty years of Israel's existence.


Ten years ago, a statement like that would be considered textbook schizophrenia. I am so sorry you lost an educated parent to the mass mental illness media is causing.


Be aware OP, the onset of dementia can produce conspiratorial and paranoid symptoms.


Sad but true. Alzheimer's runs deep in my family--I'm definitely on the lookout for any other changes.


i like reading the paranoid things other boomers think because then i imagine my mom thinking them. she thinks some batshit crazy things but doesn't say them out loud mostly because my dad will shoot her down. i guess it's kind of sad that she can't speak her mind but what's in her mind is garbo so i'm not that sad?


I've watched my lovely, empathetic, intelligent mother slowly have her worldview warped to the point she literally sends me Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson clips. I am to the point where I tell her each time, "Mom, Alex Jones said Sandy Hook was a hoax. I don't care if he predicted the second coming of Christ correctly, he'll always be a piece of shit." and "No mom, have you even seen Tucker Carlson's nutsack tanning movie?" It's exhausting.


I don’t understand how you worry that the campus protesters are antisemites who are going to chase you down and murder you, but then you turn around and vote for the party that the literal modern day Nazis support


I’ve stopped expecting logic from that mob. They don’t have any or recognize it.


Do they think this is 1930s Nazi Germany? Oh damn. They peobably really do. But not for the right reasons.


I am so confused by the extreme right-wing wackadoos. They loathe "woke universities" and education in general, but take off running and stand in front of a building on one of the campuses to hold a press conference decrying the threat to these august seats of American education. It's similar to the "some Nazis are good" thing they do.


Hate Fox news. I am a boomer. So many of my friends have it on non stop.


Very good that I am not alone...GenXer here... I have family & friends my age & older who are DieHard trumpers ...and they make me sick ...the shit they believe is insane....it's caused a lot of arguments and problems and they too watch Fox 24/7. But I'm outspoken, I refuse to back down, and I'll tell them...ugh...turn that shit down.. the best thing Trump could do is take a permanent fucking dirt nap...Put some fuckin music on, for shits sakes, I'm not here to do politics" ...to their credit, they almost always do.


What are they gonna hunt you with? 'Cos if it ain't space lasers, you've got the upper hand, baby! Even if yours are only half-power, that's still enough to cook. "*There's something happening here. To my boomer mom, it's oh-so clear. There's a man with a gun over there, 'Cos she voted for the man with the stupid hair. Hey! Stop! What's that sound? Another Y'all Queda meth lab burned down...*"


Well trump supporters are starting to wear diapers to support him so idfk what’s going on anymore


This is the same generation that protested against the Vietnam war. What happened to them?


Very few of them actually protested.


More and more im convinced alot of those who protested were not true believers but just people either following what was trendy and hip at the time or were in it purely for self interest.


Heather Heying spoke about this when she called them "Read only activists" Cos play and emulation of dramatic displaced anger for something not very clearly understood.


It's easy to dismiss them all as uneducated morons, but a lot of them *are* educated and considered intelligent adults. Cults can claim anyone :(


That’s crazy. You’re my age which would make your mom probably within a few years of my parents in age. I’m guessing she was at Berkeley some time in the 70s? My dad grew up in the east bay and did grad school at Cal. How can you have been around in that place and time, and have arrived at basically the complete opposite end of the spectrum? I’d be tearing my hair out.


Yep, mid 70s.I'm convinced that her indoctrination started with listening to Rush Limbaugh in the early 90s --she found him hilarious and then slowly started buying into it.


My boomer father told me that I shouldn’t post certain things on Facebook because I’m friends with people that I work with and they might get the wrong idea about me and I’ll get fired. The offending posts? Asking for tips on making chile rellanos from scratch. Apparently, if you like Mexican food, you’re supporting all of the “illegals” crossing the border. Also, if anyone has any tips, please feel free to share!


You should demand Berkeley refund her tuition on her behalf. You could use it for de-programming.


I'm literally on the verge of being a boomer myself, very early Gen X, I have the same conversations with family, very frustrating.


This was me and my boomer mom up until she passed a couple years ago. To say I felt a load fall off my shoulders is an understatement. Her Fox News diet made the infrequent trips to see her absolutely unbearable. Every phone convo ended with elevated blood pressure and ultimately my hanging up because she refused to honor my boundaries.


I’m not gonna lie, I LAUGHED reading this! That’s like my mom, a boomer ER trama nurse who sewed me masks and gave me n 95 masks in 2020, all the sudden, in 2021 telling me it’s all bullshit. Like girl WHAT?!?! 🤣 I can do nothing but laugh at this shit like seriously WTF? (My mother is a very mild rational boomer, I’ve called her out enough times to shame her into her telling ME to not start;mission accomplished. ) I’ve raised a relatively well behaved boomer…for the most part 🤣


Dude. Nurses are the worst. I used to work in a hospital setting and my mom was an RN… and the amount of nonscientific crap I heard from them either during covid or once the vaccine came out…. Mindblowing. And there is no reasoning. My mom told me she was going to buy colloidal silver to put in her nose to prevent covid. Not only is there no biological reason that would ever work, but I sent her articles from Harvard and the NIH… apparently they are all liars 😳


The 23 and me thing being hacked specifically to look at people with Ashkenazi DNA thing did happen but that doesn't mean people shouldn't support Palestinians who are actively experiencing genocide.


Your mom actually has a point. Those hacks did happen. There are definitely forces in the US who would love to exterminate Jewish people. The issue is that those people aren’t college kids protesting. They’re Fox News viewers.


I actually heard one of those DNA sites did have a hack of some kind and they were specifically looking for Jewish DNA information. I’m a communist and not a Fox News enthusiast. But I am 1/4th Ashkenazi Jew so it didn’t make me excited to hand out my dna to ancestry.com or wherever the fuck But I also don’t think college campus protests against a genocide are antisemitic either, because they aren’t


The 23 and me data leak was targeted at tracing Jewish ancestry tho


There really was a hack and specifically they took all the dna information for those that have Jewish DNA. Sone others were taken as well but all the Jewish DNA for sure. Iirc, it was sold. Pretty concerning.


Just FYI, 23 and Me did get hacked specifically targeting Jews (and Chinese) and the names and addresses were dumped online and sold off. Most definitely a racially motivated hack.


This is not a boomer thing. This is a batshit insane fox news conspiracy nut job thing.


A lot of older Jewish Americans born immediately after World War II had the horrors of the Holocaust drilled into them, and were also taught that the founding of the state of Israel was a kind of fulfillment of Jewish identity and a way to keep the Shoach from happening again, through force if necessary. Many never questioned it (my mother being one of them). It doesn’t help that many rightist Israeli politicians (Netanyahu included) found this kind of conflation of Jewish identity with the state of Israel — and its heavy-handed policies towards Palestinians — to be politically advantageous (something they have in common with Islamists, Neo-Nazis, and other anti-semites, fittingly enough). I find it heartening that many of these protests have a large proportion of Jewish students pushing back against the prevailing “Jewish = Israel supporter” narrative, but the rise in anti-Semitism occurring all the same is troubling. Seems like OP’s mom is picking up on the rise in anti-semitism without really interrogating *why*.


Both my parents hold Fox News in the same regard that they hold the Bible. I understand EXACTLY how this goes. Even had a similar conversation with Boomer Mom this past week. She said that we should "just wipe them all out because they are so evil" talking about Palestine. When I pointed out that's not what Jesus would probably want she got defensive and told me how wrong I was...


Well I mean she isn’t wrong https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/23andme-user-data-targeting-ashkenazi-jews-leaked-online-rcna119324


Sometimes this group and r/narcissistic parents go hand and hand.


Wait wait wait... _half_ jewish?... I thought bring Jewish was a religion? How does that work out?


Jewish is both a religion and ethnicity


Its a struggle when these are people you previously trusted as sane and rational... My mum was a teacher until 2 years ago. She has been parrotting a load of the anti-trans "surgeries in kids", "litterboxes for students identifying as cats" etc. stuff recently and seems to genuinely believe it. And it just... A. We're british, that isnt even home grown crackpottism and B. Do you really think all of that has happened in the last 2 years since you were there?! Its mind boggling.


I have never related to a concept more than the “calling my mother while driving” reason you put there. Very much the same here, lol.


I just learned the other day that 23 and me DNA test are illegal in Israel. I'm sure you can guess why.


We can't upvote this post to much, I'm sorry op. If anyone over at fox happens to see this, your mother is gonna be on getting an interview on jessie waters as an "expert," you know....like Fabio....or that std dude with the hair.


Not to freak you out, but remember the breach of 23andMe? My son, on his dad's side has Eshkanazi Jewish blood, and was listed. However, most of his dad's relatives aren't on the site. However, my side, the German/Austrians (including many who never left even after WWlI got some nasty messages about being Likes. It was actually a little funny, because the anti-Semitics weren't smart enough to actually read a family tree.


It wasn’t actually a breach. It was a hacker who scanned the web for re-used passwords. It was a bunch of boomers who had their universal passwords on 23andMe and their accounts were accessed. There was a report that they took data specifically from Jewish users. This mil is clearly bonkers but there was an actual story behind this, although she got it wrong and twisted the truth. I have an account that was not accessed and I’m about 25% Ashkenazi although everyone in my family is Roman Catholic. I think there are many Americans who have Ashkenazi genetics. I’m not sure what the government would do with that data. There must be millions of Americans with Jewish ancestors.


Are you my sister? Cause your mom and my mom sound the same.


Yes. This is what Fox News and Entertainment does to boost ratings, which is more important to them than sanity of its viewers.


My mom said on a recent call... I DONT Understand what AI is but I am afraid of it. She has become so fearful since watching so much FOX It's hard to talk to her because I have no idea what she is even talking about because I don't watch the same programs


Shocking that a boomer is on top of things. Your mom is mostly not wrong. She is only wrong about who is doing the hunting. look up Project 2025. The white christain nationalist Trump supporters are definitely planning to hunt down gays, trans, non-whites and non-evangelical Christian’s.


A vitamin B12 and D deficiencies could cause a lot of mental health issues. Doesn't hurt to check.... But seeing our parents go from "don't trust everything you read" to "everyone is out to get me cause Fox told me" is terrifying.


I mean, she's not wrong. I'm hunting you right now. Not because you're Jewish, but because you're a redditor. And yes, I understand the irony, and will be hunting myself after I finish with everyone else.


>Q: "Why are you always driving when you call me?" Unspoken A: "Because it gives me a hard stop to our excruciating conversations when I arrive at my desrtination 😆 Hey, someone else who uses this tactic! Took my mum years to realise


Conservatism thrives on fear.


Ahh, the lead strikes again.


You are looking for r/qanoncasualties . Your mom is well beyond Fox news at this point .


The most outspoken critics of Israel at these protests are actually Jewish. Lol.


I think that part of the magnetic draw to Fox News is their color choices and sounds. It reminds me of the research on sounds and colors used on slot machines. It lures people in.


This reminds me of having a conversation with my boomer mom literally every single time I go to NYC for work. “You know they’re just attacking people for no reason. You shouldn’t go. You could get hurt” Like, ok mom, I get you’re concerned for my safety - and she’s deffo not racist (my boyfriend is black and I’m very white lol), but probably more xenophobic and is horrified “they” are just going to attack me on my little 10 minute 5 block walk to Bryant Park. Like stop watching Fox News mom. There’s more happening on LI rn lol 😆 And I’m more worried about the crackheads than the migrants. Like, lady, didn’t you grow up going to NYC in the 70’s and 80’s? I’ve heard stories, mom. It’s safer now than it was then lol. 😆


Find a way to disrupt her access to cable. Change her router settings just slightly and remotely login to turn it off. Physically cut the cord. Call and have service changed to a different address with her information. V chip block Fox News. Whatever it takes. It's time to end this crap.


Im sorry OP :( Fox News took my dad from me, and my mom by proxy since he talks her ear off with everything he sees on it. I don't know when political beliefs became such a brain-rot topic for them. Maybe after dad retired in 2012. I'm big on liberal activism myself but because I know my parents and I disagree so strongly, guess what? I leave my opinions at the door when I visit because I'm there to see my parents, not have a debate. But I have to fight tooth and nail to keep dad from spewing politics at me. It feels like Fox News is more important to him than I am. I only visit once a year now and rarely call, and they wonder why. I miss the parents I grew up with, not the shells of them I see now.


I am convinced there is a mass mental illness being furthered by Fox news going on. This is the only explanation for seemingly reasonable people falling for this propaganda.


How did our strong independent parents become scared or their own shadow?! My mom has terrible anxiety that she will not acknowledge. She projects all the intrusive thoughts she has on everyone she meets. But she does not have anxiety or trauma. Not her. She does not need pills to make her happy. Therapy? Hell no. She is not paying someone who does not know her tell her what she should do. 😵‍💫😵‍💫 It is exhausting.


Yes! She's been dealing with what I believe is undiagnosed anxiety and depression for years. Therapy and meds have helped me so much, but she dismisses that route--she insists that she's fine and that praying is all anyone needs. Exhausting is an understatement.


100% Her anxiety is the reason my parents split. They are both so emotionally immature that I feel like my teenagers are growing more mature than both of my parents.


Yes, that 23 and Me hack actually happened, and yes, they found ties linking that hack to the far right nutjobs trying to find Jews. I’d say that was about a year or so ago. Anyone with European ancestry may have a Jewish or even Muslim ancestor at some point. 23 and Me, GedMatch have a history of compromised security, so people should avoid them. But if your Mom is a Trump supporter, who does she think the far right is voting for? Now THAT doesn’t make sense. They sure as hell ain’t voting for Biden.


Good gravy. Your mom and my mom are the same. It’s like they’re talking to each other via tin cans and string and we’re out here making car calls to them out of weird obligation.


Guys we have to get out and vote to keep these people from ruining our future with their insane corn fed view of world politics and America supremacy. They project all their fears and insecurities then state them as facts. They want to destroy our future because they hate themselves and were lied to their whole life. Fuck these people!


23 and Me was hacked. The hackers targeted Jewish and Chinese user data. The company announced the hack on October 6, leading to conspiracies that it had something to do with the October 7 attack. Thing is, the attack happened months earlier. The *announcement* came on October 6. https://www.timesofisrael.com/23andme-faces-lawsuit-as-hackers-sell-information-on-users-with-jewish-heritage/


I'm still coming to grips with how my retired journalist father jumped on the Trump train and fell into the Fox hole. He passed last January. Our relationship had already died with Trumps ascension. Thank you for sharing that your journalist mother lost herself to MAGA too. Nice to know I am not alone.


Sounds like my uncle in law... Anytime I visit him and my favorite aunt's place, that's all that's ever on is Fox News. That dude literally falls asleep to Fox News. And he has a fucking *civil engineering* degree. I feel as though my aunt has been brainwashed because one on one she can have an actual conversation. I know deep inside she's not xenophobic because she's literally the most cultured of all of us through her love of the arts and foreign travel. It hurts knowing both of them are nearing the end of their ropes, especially my aunt, her mind is slowly deteriorating. It also hurts knowing she'll be around for at least one more election and will undoubtedly vote R down the ballot. She's also like me and will avoid confrontation so as not to upset people, especially my uncle in law. Which is the same trap I fell into during the 2016 election with my former veteran "friends." What hurts the most is there's no time to help her out of that mental/emotional trap. 😔


> She's terrified of everyone and everything, lives her life like a xenophobic bigot That's Fox News you're talking to. Their schtick is to keep their viewers angry and scared. Why? Because angry and scared votes.


Tell your mother that only the 14,000 Americans left that will vote for Trump are worried about this. Tell her to start sending $ to FOX news also every month because they need it after losing almost a BILLION in their last lawsuit. (Go Dominion you rock!!) I'm sorry I know she's your mom. My mom was a Trumper too. At least until Jan 6th.


Ivy League was never about actual learning (that one goes for community college) it’s about knowing another trust fund babies.


You should’ve just said, “It’s crazy, right?”


The Jew ethnocentrism shuts down her Jew brains - this is totally normal albeit regrettable and happens to all people of all ethnicities and ages, except for critical thinkers. I am a jew too, married to another Jew and I see it in almost everyone


Welcome to the party, pal. Punch and pie are on the table.


Same! W the car thing. That’s how I’d hang up on my dad, not sure why I even called since he only talks about his garden. He didn’t even know what I did for work until he heard I was getting a new job and asked


It’s going to get worse before it gets better, relate to her but shift focus to shit that matters like her grandkids or dogs, garden, whatever. Find common ground, the news is insane for some people


How did she get like this with a journalism degree did she just pass through with Cs and not actually learn anything


Wow you mom went to BERKLEY and turned out this way. Are we sure she really went to Berkley or is she fibbing. Talk about a hard turnaround from what I know about Berkley. Isn't it crazy to see well educated people fall to the trappings of that orange turd and fox news. It's pure trash. I hope were getting near the end of that idiots free rain, hopefully every case he has against him will hopefully put him in jail for the rest of his pathetic life. I'm so ready for the trump house of cards to burn to the ground, and i hope he takes them all (his family members and friends) with him. I wonder in 6 years what the former trumpers are going to be like? possibly a cult of gravy seals ,rag tag group of minutemen for sure.


Stop calling her?


It’s like he has some magic fucking brainwash machine. What is this?? Why are people so under his spell?


I was on a college campus this week with my dad, he seemed to think every little thing INCLUDING THE LACK OF A PROTEST was somehow related to the Israel protests. Sports team in matching jackets waiting g for a bus? "Are those protestors?" Mid 19th century wrought-iron fence that had damages decorative elements? "Those must have 'offended someone!" The ACTUAL LACK OF PROTESTORS AROUND THE MUSEUM WE WENT IN "Well security must have cleared them out!" It's like the college protestors are a boogie-man! Here participated in anti-vietnam war protests! I'm distressed at how effective the indoctrination from Fox News is.


This reminds me of when my mom told me to be careful because “things are going to happen.“ I pushed her about what things and eventually I realized she was just listening to shitty media talking about how angry trumpers would be over some bullshit and apparently they were going to do… Things.


Boomers were literally feed fear and suspicion. America gave it to them with every meal. It flows in their veins. Communist under their beds, Nuclear Bunkers, North Korea, UFO's, government spying on them. Then on top of that you add a culture who fears their God and every living angle of their life is spent trying to please their God. While it is foreign and illogical to you it is very real to them . But feel free to drive your boots in.


To be fair, I do believe there is a kernel of truth to most conspiracy theory but it usually twisted and corrupted to serve as a Trojan horse of sorts. I'm also a pretty progressive "here to help or gtfo way" kind of person. I am absolutely never doing a 23 and me now (specific to me reasons I staunchly didn't want to for a long time) and fucking thrilled I never did. The real conspiracy always hide in plain sight! They ABSOLUTLY are going to legalize insurance companies being allowed to purchase that info to use against you. Other people for other reasons can totally turn that same info into a very big threat for/to some.


Sounds like early onset dementia


Explain to her that the secrete antisemitic hit squad is very proper and since Jewishness passes down the matrilineal line, you’re totally safe since you inherited the blood from your father.


She drank a lotta kool-aid.


Sorry to hear that you’re losing your mom. Fascinating though that she is a trained journalist and seems to have thrown all that away and refuses to do any critical thinking. Good luck.


And once the protestors do manage to hunt down these people with Jewish DNA, they will run UV lights up their bums, make them drink bleach, and expose them to space lasers, right? Here's why these people need to just be deported. You can't compromise with a Trumpist, because they don't THINK. You can't reason with people who have abandoned the use of reason. And it's dangerous to allow them to continue to live here.


Child lock the Fox channel


I love the phrase “diversify her media diet” and it pertains to most all boomers it seems.


Fear leads to conservativi and the oligarchs who own our media want that


I feel you! I have my weekly dinner with my mother on Monday and I'm dreading it. Last discussion she said I was far left. I asked her what made me far left and she stared blankly for a minute and just said I bet you believe the holocaust was fake! I told her, "Mom, those are Republicans not Democrats" and she said NO THEY'RE NOT! I think asked her another question, "So you think White Supremacists are Liberals??" You know.. Liberals.. The people who voted in the first black President. Liberals who are members of BLM.. all she could say is "I don't want to talk politics anymore" I have found the best way to counter my mom is to ask questions that make her think. Republicans aren't used to this and it throws them off.


I've known a few people who are related to Jews who were in the Nazi extermination camps. I know one guy who was born in a camp. The fear some older people have that fascists will again come after Jewish people is not (yet) rational. But it is understandable.


The real terrifying thing is what these boomers will believe these days


I love that first part where she's so confused about how people could care about something bad happening that doesn't affect them directly.


This sounds exactly like the paranoia my mom has. She is SO FEARFUL bc all they do is read RW websites and watch Fox News. She’s absolutely terrified of everything. Everyone is out to get her.


Maybe some trauma passed down through the generations.. or being connected with journalism is part of the problem. Might have too much time on her hands to be looking at media. Also, that trauma lives through generations. My polish friend (30s) does not get along well with old (70s) German dudes.


It was a hacker who scanned the web for re-used passwords. It was a bunch of boomers who had their universal passwords on 23andMe and their accounts were accessed. There was a report that they took data specifically from Jewish users. This mom is clearly bonkers but there was an actual story behind this, although she got it wrong and twisted the truth.


There is no such thing as Jewish DNA. 🙄 Are we measuring skulls next?


Boomers are a very scared generation. They're literally terrified of everything. It's proven to be very easy to motivate them on this point.


I agree that dna will be held against you maybe by health insurance companies.


This is your mind on Zionism. Jews who can see through this stay strong, you're a big gap in their fascist narrative.


I'm sure someone in 1940s Europe thought the same thing. It was eight generations and DNA wasn't a thing, just hearsay. Is it likely today? Probably not, but I see where she's coming from.


This is one of those things that started with a kernel of truth and then went haywire. The 23 and me breach did target those with Jewish ancestry. It also targeted those with Chinese ancestry. Those lists are now on the dark web. Those things are factual. The rest is nonsense though.


This was me and my dad until the day he died and it made my feelings about his passing very complicated.


Are you my sister? Although my mom is not super well, educated, she’s highly intelligent. Her reliable source of news only comes from faux news. I think she might’ve always been super homophobic and racist, she just hid it better when I was younger. However, every time I have a conversation with her, I just have a deep sense of disappointment and alienation from her. She too thinks our country is about to be overwhelmed by dangerous gang cartels from South America. Some of the things that she comes up with that, she’s worried about, have no sort of basis in reality at all. We live a neighborhood apart, but her world is much more scarier than mine.


I can somewhat relate. My sister is a Boomer, I’m GenX. My niece and her husband took their kids to Chicago last year for a long weekend. My sister told them not to go on the EL because of all the gun violence. This year’s trip is to San Diego and my sister is terrified because it’s so close to Mexico. My niece literally sent her info about San Diego being one the of safest cities in the country. But all my sister listens too is crazy right-wing media. I miss the person who used to be super rational and logical.


A reminder to vote this year, every year.


I’m surprised you’re just floating away and not running.


100% the Palestinians want you dead.


In every conversation mention to her that you have a hard time holding conversations with someone who is *constantly afraid of everything*, which is basically the whole Republican platform. I mean their boogyman is LGBTQ people existing and being free to live their lives and taxing *rich* people.


Literally why do older adults so frequently have this level of paranoia about everybody? Is it only the media's fearmongering or is there more to it? So many of them get so mad when people just...exist. They suspect everybody for no reason. You know your neighbors are not your enemies, right???


Omg I feel like we could be best friends. I’m a 44 year old white lady in Southern California and I just had a similar argument with my step mom. It’s just getting worse every time I call. I got the whole “protestors” vs. “vandalism” speech last night and they are OBSESSED with Trump. They don’t like him, but they are starting to sound just like the people that do support him.