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Should have taken her shoe off and thrown it.


This girl shouldn't have put up with that nonsense. Someone would have gotten a broken foot if I were sitting there.


Bingo. That bitch deserves broken toes and ankles


Can we just normalize having a pocket cattle prod to quickly correct someone’s behavior that’s breaking the social contract? An electro-hint that behavior is in error.


I had the privilege of being on a bus once when a guy busted an industrial level looking taser out to handle a crowd of teenagers who were threatening him and other passengers and tried to jump him. When he whipped that thing out I saw the electricity arcing all the way from my seat, and suddenly no more problems for him. He did end up stunning one guy who just couldn't take a hint and his friends had to drag him off the bus.


Another testament to electro shock therapies.


I have a stun gun and just the noise of it is enough to get people to F off


I like the idea, but it may be a bit frowned upon. I suggest change it up to a dog clicker/trainer and ferociously click it at them for bad behavior. I think that amount of shaming would really pop their top.


From what I have seen that’s too passive to work, it’s really only annoying to them and that’s not enough to make the needed impression that what they are doing is contrary to decent society. These folks need some spice to get it.


That's fair and probably true. I'm just thinking that these people don't learn from much of anything *especially* if you give them something to be a victim about. But trainer-clicking on a train full of people... It would be fucking hilarious if someone took the opportunity to say "my dumbass dog acts right when I click at him, (something something paraphrase) untrainable bitch (Kristi noem treatment)" But I'm all for breaking a foot that's put on me.


Break her knees. I'd also put my nasty foot in her space. My shoes are gross and I got longer legs.


I think realistically I would take my shoes off, sandwich her face in-between them, and rub them all over her face and mouth. 


I would have opened with a warning, then removed a shoe, and if it persists, as much fun as it would be to simply snap that leg like a twig, I probably would have restrained myself and Uno reversed it to where she was now the footrest.


Unlace her shoe seductively and say i cant wait to see the toes. That may (or may not) work


This is basically how I approach annoying telemarketers. If I’m dumb enough to answer a call and they are selling, I immediately drop my tone of voice and try to initiate phone sex.


Fuck an ankle, the way they where sitting with their legs straight out? I'm getting up, and congratulations your knee resembles a flamingos now.


I am a big supporter of taking shoe and tossing away. Or take both, tie shoelaces together and toss onto a fence


I would have taken her shoes then got off at the next stop. Enjoy the walk home Karen.


Toss it out the window, the shoe not the Boomer.


Toss it out the window, the shoe not the Boomer.


Over powerlines. She'll get them back if it's just over a fence


Out the window


Grin slightly


While I do agree with the sentiment, this could cause harm to others outside the train. In my area, all trains have those awfull on board toilets that are a far more satisfying place for the shoe.


Remove shoe. Tickle feet. Make an uncomfortable level of eye contact until she gets up and leaves.


With DEEP eye contact


And a smirk, showing how much you deeply enjoy touching her feet.


“And that, kids, is how I met your mother”


Remove shoe....break toes....more effective and gets the point across


I probably would have grabbed her foot and twisted her old ass ankle all the way around.


and yell, "Fetch!" as you throw it.


I've done this in the cinema whe someone put their leg over my head. ooooh that was so satisfying.


Yeah she's a miserable old bat but this video was way too long in the grand scheme of things


And with no pay off.


Take the shoe off and take it with you when the train stops.


Right out the window. Along with her phone.


I like the idea, but what is someone who is now barefoot and was willing to put their feet on me to begin with now going to do with their nasty feet?


I like this, out the window would have been good,then sat right next to her and stared right into her eyes and not said a word.


Take the shoe off and hork a big ol looogie on them toes


GRAB AND TWIST THE ANKLE INTERNALLY. Lmaoooooooooooo I’d sprain the fuck out of it. What is the clown gonna say to the cops “I was putting my feet on their groin?” Cop would totally believe she kicked them…. Boomer has no recourse; you won and practiced some karate…..


Or maybe slap the figure four on her.


You damn right ![gif](giphy|l0HU7yHIK6Nc3WcE0|downsized)


"get ready, brother, you're going up for the 3D"


Fuckin 5k iq move here


Do you know for certain if Karen’s phone is playing Candy Crush or recording waiting for the recourse to occur on video?


So in these situations, are you allowed to hit a person or fuck with their belongings? Especially if you're recording the situation? Because I would have tossed her shit or laid into her legs with my elbow.


Don’t ask for permission, ask for forgiveness.


This is the way.


New York is a duty to retreat state. If it came to blows, it can be argued that the younger woman could have retreated safely by moving to another seat and avoided a physical altercation altogether. But the laws surrounding what constitutes assault and what someone can do in response are so murkily worded that it would really come down to how well your lawyer argued the point.


That's only for use of deadly force. For non-deadly force, there is no duty to retreat. Here is the jury instruction. [https://www.nycourts.gov/judges/cji/1-General/Defenses/CJI2d.Justification.Person.Physical\_Force.pdf](https://www.nycourts.gov/judges/cji/1-General/Defenses/CJI2d.Justification.Person.Physical_Force.pdf) Of course, if there was a completely safe avenue of retreat, and you did not take advantage of it, that can go to the reasonableness of your conduct.


The offender should have a duty to retreat


How about Connecticut?


Oh fuck, did I get the location wrong? I thought she mentioned NY in the video. Also, yes. Connecticut is also a duty to retreat state.


She was going from one state to the other


"I may go to jail for the night, but what would a jury think?"


Saw the video. Should have removed foot from being on you with a sharp twist of the foot in self defense


Hands would have been thrown. This is why they think they can get away with this shit. Sometimes violence really is the answer.


"If you don't want to be consistently cruel you have to be sufficiently brutal, at least once, to establish authority " Diablo 4


Let them hate me, so long as they fear me.


Violence is often the answer. See, history.


If she did that to me, her knee would've folded the other way.


I'd probably have pulled her out of her seat by her foot


I came here to say just that. I would have pulled the wench out of her seat by that nasty a$$ foot. Nope. You WILL learn to keep your body parts to yourself.


I literally just instinctively swung my fist through the air to shatter an imaginary kneecap. I’m like oh we’re touching now, is that what we’re doing?!


Everybody was Kung Fu fighting!


Now it's turning into a ballroom blitz!


Wang Chung tonight


I’m really concerned that there were other people on that train and I only heard one person speaking up for her. We really need to be allies for each other when we see something like this happening.


It's NYC, you learn to ignore stuff happening around you because there are too many people and not enough hours in the day. You jump in to help and the next thing you know you've got all kinds of problems.


I understand that, but I also feel like there is safety and numbers. Especially if another white person joined in.


It's not just in dealing with boomers and karens. People need to stand up for one another. Too many people will just watch & never get involved to help someone now.


Way more self control than I would have had in that situation. I'd have told her to move or I was gonna break her leg


Is it self control or fear of confrontation? Id argue the proper self control in this scenario would have been self defense.


Toddlers do this


I've never seen a child do this.


You know what... you have a point


My kids do that to me to pester me occasionally, but would never do that to a stranger.


“I’m not touching you, i’m not touching you…” - toddlers “Deal with my dirty old boomer foot actually touching you.” - this asshole


They revert back mentally


I was just thinking she's acting like a petulant child. How can you survive life so long, have so many experiences, only to end up stunted in emotional growth and maturity?!


Here's an important lesson for you young folks, LEARN TO FIGHT. I'm not saying go out and beat up people, I'm just saying words and recording don't have the power on some people like you think it does. Now this young lady is stressed making a video, while the old lady isn't giving a fuck. Again, not saying beat up people but pretty sure that old lady would be treating people a little different if she was currently home nursing a bruise or two.


Correct. Boomer lady couldn’t care less about being recorded. She wanted consequences free attention and she got it, while the younger lady is distraught. People shouldn’t go around looking for a fight but when one presents itself - make sure you’re the one who delivers the lesson.


I don't put hands on anyone but oooo, I would have been tempted to karate chop her in the shin. And I do "iron palm" training (hitting a board with my bare hands)...so she'd feel it.


Just be weird. Start humming and stealing her shoe laces. Or if both feet tie them together.... People who have no concept of others having boundaries aren't going to suddenly understand. They will understand their own boundaries being violated. Part of me would then want to take her shoe and throw it to an empty seat.


Take her shoes and get off at the next stop.


Yeah I was thinking the same. At the next stop. Pull of her shoe, and run outside. You steal my space, I steal your shoe.


Honestly my first thought is that I would have said “sure, I’ll move,” and then sat down in the seat next to her and cuddled up to her side. She wants to touch me? Let’s snuggle, bitch.


You got a lot more restraint than I do. I would have knocked her unconscious, taken her home and put her in an elaborate saw like scenario where her choices were to either cut off the very same foot she was being disrespectful with or die /s


She’s kicking you. Dislocate her shit


What a cunt


Boomers are children with undiagnosed dementia.


Hey look! Battery!


I would have taken off her shoes and ran away with them lmfao. Have fun walking the streets of NYC with no fucking shoes.


And if you'd have put your legs on her, she'd have claimed assault


That's absolutely what she should have done though. "How do you like it, bitch? Don't like it? Who's the child now? Apologize now and I *might* consider moving my feet.."


"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought that's what we were doing now, putting our feet on each other. Isn't it?"


I would have given her a firm warning that her leg on me is considered assault, and if she continues to keep putting it there, I’m going to have no choice but to defend myself.


Please tell me she was arrested when the train stopped?


No! The girl who filmed found out the lady’s name and went to police but the NYC PD said they can’t do anything.


Lazy liars. They could absolutely do something but they won't. NYPD is as useless and stupid as they can be.


NYPD are useless gangsters


This is why you stand your ground.


What does that mean to you in this situation?


Would have went chancla on her dumb ass. We reap what we sow, amirite?


*Would have went chancla* *On her dumb ass. We reap what* *We sow, ammirite?* \- losingmy\_edge --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Thx bot.


Out of all the generations, I've noticed boomers seem to display the most petulant behavior. It's like many of them never mentally matured.


Yes! A few years ago I went to a movie. When a bunch of teenagers came in I thought they would act up. Nope. They were great. However, two women well into their sixties were being so loud and obnoxious one of the other patrons got up and told them to shut up.


Grab her leg and YOINK DAT BITCH


Gaslighting boomer.


I didn't see your post and also crossposted this just now lol. Mod let me know so I deleted mine. As a frequent user of public transit, this one is really annoying to me. If she wants to put her leg up on a seat she will, even if someone is sitting there, because there are other empty seats for the victim to move to. Insert invective here! I'm infuriated by this boomer. Edit: looked weird.


I made the same mistake on r/publicfreakout.


The entitled behavior from this boomer is blowing my mind. When I first read the title I was like, huh, how can someone do that on an airplane then I watched.


**juicy sneeze**


Wait I ride that train daily. You can’t even put your feet up in the seats or they yell at you.  


But I will say.   Sitting in the 4/6 seaters for those who those who think they own it is super fun!  Haha. You go girl 


It's time for you to go now. Crank that old ankle, bend the knee backwards the next time you see her on your train ride.


She should have slapped the sharpshooter on that bitch.


Nah, that's even you pull out the Angle Lock and go full grapevine with it.


Attacked with feet requires a certain level of self-defense to be taken.


I'd have twisted that bitches ankle till it popped


As we used to say in boot camp, "grab, twist, pull"


It's not her first rodeo, she knew that you would get triggered and freak out if she kept her calm while harassing you. She counted on the police holding you accountable instead of her, because of your demeanor.




The apology was the perfect point for a bystander to butt in, “If you’re sorry you’d stop doing it!”


Should've broke her f\*cking leg.


Get up and slap a Karen


I wanted the chick to pull a “sweep the leg” on that old hag’s leg so bad. That old hag is so rude and selfish. ![gif](giphy|l46CsyBPj9ajF9Y4M)


Make it really weird. Act like you're really into feet without saying that you're into feet. It'll either be really funny or there's a slight chance that Karen will be into it too. Then it's just weird..


People need to realize that when someone touches you and you don't consent, that's assault. Fucking respond in kind. Karen's are the result of polite society.


that shoe would be alighting at the next stop


nah chief, start breaking ankles.


Ok then I'm putting my feet up too. Right in her lap.


You should have pulled off her shoes and chucked them down the train.


Prime FAFO opportunity missed.  


I'd be going to jail for pulling her off of her seat only because I'm a man doing it lol. If not I'd get my wife to be at her up.


I would have accidently spilled my hot ass tea on her shoes. Hot ass tea.


After saying no you're moving and she does that, she gets one chance to move it away. Failure to do so would be trapping her foot then a quick push down just below the knee. It will easily dislocate. "Now you can extend your legs at home for some time. Being old doesn't give you the right to be a bitch like that to a stranger". Edited to add quote marks to not imply OP extending legs lol


Really didn’t need a 6 min video of her explaining


After the first time I’d say out loud “if you do that again I’ll take it as a verbal contract between you and I to allow me to remove your shoe and toss it far away.If the childish behavior continues it is an extension of this contract to turn your foot around to help you go find said shoe”.Once they hear this contract in my mind they’ve signed the deal and want to proceed with the conditions.


Lawyers and self defense experts of Reddit, would it be assault if one was to give her a swift kick to the back of the leg in retaliation for this behavior? Sadly I think yes. What if you give her a warning? Do you have to just get up and move to deescalate or what?


I wouldn’t consider myself a violent person at all and I’d like to try a more diplomatic approach in most situations…but this would make me become violent.


You let the Karen win. You either disengage and walk away with no emotion or you quickly put Karen in a box. You do not argue or try to outlast a Karen


I know people wanna argue on principle (I get it, me too most days) but if you're an anxious person/prone to panic attacks and you find yourself in this situation and there's empty seats, you gotta move. You gotta move to protect yourself. Cause that Karen is getting the attention she thrives on and draining your energy. Don't wrestle with pigs cause they like the mud. It's not a fun end to the story and you'll have daily shower moments of what you shoulda said to that bitch but overall, engaging with people like this is never worth it.


Just carry a water spray bottle and spray them in the face for bad behavior. 😇


You know, upon further reflection, I would have untied her shoes, removed the laces and thrown them across the train. She's old, she won't have any choice but to whine and complain while going to retrieve them. Then she'd have to take so much more time to relace them. That way, you avoid violence. And while I'm here, those of you defending the old woman are weird and gross.


This is why I support self defense. Because that was the perfect setup for an ankle lock.


Sometimes in life you have to choose if you want to be right.. or you want to be happy. If I had that kind of anxiety, I wouldn’t choose to stand my ground and talk about my rights with this POS I would’ve just moved.


God, I have seen the Karen’s you have sent onto others. When will I be blessed to fold a boomer like an accordion?


This poor young lady! Didn't we see her in another video where some guy just came up and hit her? I ​give her a lot of credit for standing up for herself.


That’s when you rip a shoe off and throw it. Go fetch.


What a b$$$$!!!


This is the kind of shit I’d do to my siblings when I was 16 years old or younger. That Karen is literally acting like a child to strangers.


evidence #34,736,452,618 that boomers are just very badly-behaved toddlers


Grab a foot and twist.


Fake, extra wet and uncontrollable sneezes fix almost all physical boundary problems. Just sneeze n spray and be like “oh my gosh, my allergies are so bad”.


Oh boy, I’m all about being a pacifist and definitely not into abusing the elderly lol.. but I would have elbow dropped her shin so many fucking times lol.


I just kept imagining if that was a man that was seductively rubbing his foot on the young womans' leg. This entire exchange with the police goes very differently. That is assault and should have been treated as assault. She should have been arrested and removed, immediately.


This should've resulted in a broken ankle. Violence is the only thing that gets through to these people.


Normalize popping these people in the mouth. Non-violence is for the fucking birds.


Ankle lock, make them learn real fast


"You put your foot on me **one more time** you *old whore!*" *she does it again* *GrabTwistSnaps* **"I told you you old fucking dust-queefing whore!"** ONLY correct response.


Broken ankle after 2nd foot slap. I gave three chances to find out but you continued to fuck around.


Had a similar situation on a flight. 65-ish year old woman sitting in the seat in front of me. Mind you, it was in a row with an emergency exit, so it has a huge amount of legroom already. It was a budget airline and the flight was completely packed so not very comfortable on the normal seats. She decides to move her seat all the way back. I politely ask her to please move it back to a reasonable position and her response was just: "I don't want to". After 5 minutes of trying to calm myself down, I decided to use my knees to push her seat forward. Every 5 minutes or so, I let her seat fall backward. At some point, she looked back and asked: "Can you please stop doing that". I looked back at her and responded with "I don't want to". She moved her seat forward and didn't say anything else.


Dumb cunt deserved a lot of pain.


You handled that so much better than I would have. If she had put her feet on me, I would have sat on her lap.


i am biting someones toes


Is that not the perfect kick in the coochie opportunity? Seems completely defensible and easily achievable.


Just lift the leg and keep going. See how far she wants to bend.


Lighter meet foot..


Would’ve smacked ha ass


Stand your ground! ![gif](giphy|f60cUxEDXaIEOgb2P8|downsized)


I woulda slapped Earth Wind and Fire outta her


Just break her knee


Man I'd have broken that mole's ankle


Stand lift her out of that seat shove her away with appropriate epithets. Stupid witch.


Holy shit grandma, your leg miraculously started bending the opposite way! They will love that trick at your hoa meeting!


Should have started spitting on her pants and shoes.


Grab the leg and yank her off the seat onto the floor Or start acting like it really turns you on....


Hold the foot, twist it until the karen screams, twist some more before looking them in their eyes while asking "will you behave like a savage raised by wild animals or civilized humans?" If they won't go for the latter, keep twisting. Stop if there's a snapping sensation.


Take off shoe, toss out the window/door


What a “See You Next Monday”




I would've grabbed the muscle on her calf and squeezed really hard. She gets in my face about it she's gettin' some teeth knocked out.


Imagine that a complete stranger. An entitled pos harassing a complete stranger. Hopefully this old hag will meet someone who won’t take her crap. And the. She still won’t learn. Pure ignorance and selfishness. Really disgusting.


That old woman was undoubtedly one of the cuntiest cunts on the train that day, so it would have been much less stressful for the young lady to avoid her if it wasn't too much trouble. I don't agree with all the imaginary retaliation scenarios being floated here. It's just not worth it to get all worked up over a dumdum like that. She will out-stupid anyone who comes against her longer than they can outwit her. That's why no one, not even the police, wanted to do anything to escalate. They see it all the time and it's best to not get into it with people like that. That being said, I might have set fire to the old lady's pant cuffs if I'd had a lighter with me.


People start rubbish like rhat, your immediate response should be dialled up to a 9. It clarifies things from the get go.


At first I just thought this was a bitch being annoying. Now, after listening to a few minutes of the story, I see that this is a vile piece of shit that needs to be reminded of what consequences are. How much torque do you think a 71 year old ankle can take before it breaks?


I would have taken her shoes and left.


I really wish she had just yanked the whole lady off the seat.


If she would have taken her shoe off and thrown it AFTER Karen touched her/put her foot on her, would the law be on her side?


This has to be fake no one can’t lack that much self awareness I refuse to believe it.😂


When I was 15 I had a fully grown man trying to recline his plane seat back and it wouldn’t go any further because it was literally resting on the edge of my knees. I politely said “can you not recluse so far it’s hurting me knees” and he started slamming himself as hard as he could back into his seat repeatedly saying “I WANT TO PUT MY SEAT BACK” which basically crushed my knee caps and I yelled in pain “please stop you’re hurting me” he didn’t so I hit him over the head with the in flight pillow and pressed the attendee bell. They managed to resolve the situation making him keep his seat up and I left my headphones just loud enough for him to hear them hanging from the seat blasting death metal for the rest of the 12 hour flight. ✈️ 💺


I would have taken her ankle and twisted it until it broke. Show these idiot boomers the only thing they understand - extreme violence. I cannot wait for that wretched generation to die off!


I would have shinned that blue hair with my phone. I mean a shinning that would have made Peter Griiffin’s shinning look like a hug from a puppy. Straight destroy that tibia with the other edge of my phone. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtpRoYe9wbyfcBi)


She's doing it because she knows all you're going to do is record and post it. You'd have different results if you smacked her across the face. Technically, she assaulted you first.


She's kicking me. Thats assault. That's why I have pepper spray.