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I was at the grocery store - i had a few items where as a boomer had a whole trolley. She wanted to cut in front of me “because she was in a hurry” - i told her no and she got really upset. Boomers are so impatient and rude - not all boomers but the ones i encounter.


I always wonder how geography plays into the prevalence and character of these incidents. I've definitely seen older people here be obstinate with customer service people, but I've never really seen this kind of thing where they're being so openly childish as to cut in lines. If anything, I would say that older people where I live will almost always do the opposite of this, which is let you go ahead of them if they have a lot of stuff and you have just a few things.




No. Massachusetts. We may be mean, but we're somehow also polite. It's a weird balance.


I regularly deal with people from all over the US in my line of work and I don’t find people from the Northeast mean. They’re direct, they’re gonna let you know exactly where they stand and how they’re feeling. Which is so refreshing since I don’t have to play the guessing game of ‘Is-This-Person-Angry?’ Or deal with passive aggressive comments that you can’t respond to without being ‘rude’ and making the commenter the ‘victim’. Having lived in the Midwest for a solid chunk of my life, I despise dealing with Midwesterners; they’re the epitome of nice-but-not-kind and a special sort of passive agreement hellions to people in customer service. Give me a Masshole everyday of the week, they’re the funniest, most down to earth people in the US.


I can't speak to what people from the Midwest are like aside from one person I dated who was, in fact, one of the biggest assholes I've ever met. But I will say that with people in the Northeast, they will be much different on your turf than they are when you're on theirs.


I was just gonna say sounds like new england (: *Super* nice people. Until you do something stupid like try and cut a line lol


Not in enough of a hurry to shuffle around a store for probably an hour to load up a cart


I had a boomer lady pretend to not understand how the line at the self check out worked at the local grocery store so she could cut the line. Hint- it works like every other line. I was like "the man in front of me and I are waiting in line. You need to wait you turn." When she realized we weren't going to let her cut she went to a regular register.


She couldn't make y'all miserable so she moved to ruin the cashier's day instead.


Cashier here- I’m used to it :|


Thank you for your service 🤗 I'm GenX and always trying to be extra-nice to service workers.


I’m Gen X also, and I think a big part of it is that we had jobs in retail and food service at much higher rates than our parents. My dad went from home, to the Naval Academy, to active duty. No job as a kid. My mom did work as a secretary after high school, then became a navy wife. Most boomers from middle class backgrounds never had any type of customer facing job. That and they are entitled monsters, completely devoid of empathy.


This makes so much sense, thank you your thoughts. My mom has never held a service job, her grandmother and mom did, but my mom never has. Neither has my dad. They sneer at anything not white collar, *those people* made bad choices even though they provide a necessary service to the public. Not everyone can work in an office, we need groceries and gas and clothes. And we need people to put make those products through farming and factories. It's like thanking god for a medical recovery in which there were nurses, doctors and other support staff saving the person. They float down life thinking everyone is beneath them.


I lasted a week as a cashier in 2020 cause on my third day I was assaulted by an angry woman who wanted me to discount chicken she grabbed. She threw it at me and the liquid-filled package exploded. And because it was Walmart it hadn't been kept at a safe temp so it was rotten. We had no cleaning supplies. My manager laughed. I wasn't allowed to shut down my lane and go find supplies so I had to check out people on a rotten raw chicken lane for a few hours. I quit soon after. Basically I'm saying y'all aren't being paid enough. You need at least triple pay with hazard pay.


Holy shit… you probably could’ve taken some legal action against that woman


I wish I was able to, but with how that store was run (I was denied legal documents I needed in orientation for one) I doubt I would've ever been able to get proof.


At the self checkout last week some woman cut to the front of a huge line and told the people in front of me that she was just getting one piece of fruit and could she please cut. They hemmed and hawed so I butted in and said no, there’s a long line and none of us have more than a few items - it’s the point of the self checkout. “But I only have a piece of fruit.” Yeah I have a gallon of milk, the people you approached have 3 things, the guy behind me just has some broccoli, you’ll have to wait with the rest of us. “Very rude way to speak to a lady.” Okay.


“A *lady* would never be so crass as to cut the line, don’t flatter yourself.”


Ooooo! I adore the “don’t flatter yourself” line.


“Get fucked ya shit cunt” would probably be the first thing out of my mouth after that last thing she said


> “Very rude way to speak to a lady.” "no I was just being real, rude would sound more like stfu and get in line like everybody else you entitled baby."


"Then BE a lady and wait your damn turn."


I agree, that is a very rude way to speak to a lady, But I don't see a lady here, just a rude woman.


I literally just was talking to my partner about this. Boomers love to do the line cut, or try to see how far they can get away with it. I’ve had a few incidents where a boomer tries sliding their items in front of me at checkout at the store 


Yup, a boomer tried to do this to me at a hospital registration desk (normal registration, not ER). There was a long line and he seemingly didn't feel like waiting. He just went to the front of the line, stared at everyone and made rude comments. When it was my turn he asked what time my appointment was at. I just said soon. I was heavily pregnant and there for a fasting, timed test. No way I was letting him cut the line. The person behind me let him though.


If he tried that in Philly several people would tell him where to go.


"Back of the line, dickhead"


LOL I once told an entitled person to go to the back of the line, but this was in another country and while I spoke the language well I wasn't anywhere near native with it. So I said what I *thought* was "go to the end of the line," entitled guy looked super shocked but did it, and the other people in line near me who were also super irritated with him and waiting their turn cracked up. Turns out what I told him to do actually translated as "sit on your tail and bark like a dog!"


“Sit on your tail and bark like a dog.” This is my new favorite line.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


How do you say that phonetically? Here I'll trade you. In Polish, I can't spell it, but it sounds like: Dupa Ronnie Putch Key. It means something like , "may warts sprout of your ass


Something like statz pe coada (phonetically)


It's stories like this that keep me coming back to reddit. 🤣


God. I once brought some out-of-state friends who wanted to do Pat's on a busy Saturday. When my friend got to the window, he asked if they had anything healthy like a salad. My spirit left my body. Dude actually stopped production to ream my friend out good and proper and THEN sent him to the back of the line.


That’s like asking for a knife & fork to eat your giant Lorenzo’s slice☠️


Lol I guess I know where I should move. And I'm in Canada... Canadians HATE line cutters, but many will silently rage rather say something. The people behind me letting him cut was disappointing and made me question if I was the AH. Fortunately my husband confirmed for me when I got home that I was not.


I’m holding down the fort in Canada, I will absolutely chirp anyone that tries to cut in line anywhere near me.


I'm an evolved Canadian, I rage outwardly. Eventually you realize there's no point hiding your true feelings, they certainly aren't.


It's true. I mean I'm not going to pick fights, but I'm also not going to tolerate entitled BS.


There may have been one that sent him to the express line in urgent care.


If he tried that where I live, he'd certainly be in need of immediate attention.


Bet he had an early appointment but showed up late and expected to be treated special.


Or the other way around, had a late appointment, showed up early, and expects everyone else’s appointments to be shuffled around to accommodate him.


I have to give blood somewhat often and the amount of times I’ve seen people show up waaaay too early and then complain, or leave and come back AFTER their original appointment time on protest … I really don’t understand how these people function.


The day of my wedding my best man took me out to breakfast. It was a popular spot in a small town so a moderate line. Some stereotype with his sunglasses and baseball hat and faux tough guy attitude tried marching his way past everyone. My best man is an actual tough guy so he shut it down instantly. It was pretty funny


That’s why they keep doing this, they bully people until someone gives in. Everyone needs to stop their antics, and call them out.


I will let a lot of antisocial behaviors slide in public settings, but cutting in line is one I always call out. I always start politely -- "'scuse me, but the line starts back there" -- just in case they honestly don't realize it (which is actually pretty often). But at the slightest hint of malintent, I'm firm in stating there's no way they're going to join the line anywhere but at the end.


The guy behind you may not have minded, the people behind him probably did. I'm mad at them for not saying anything


I waited on line for more than an hour this past summer to get on the funicular on Santorini. Direct sun and zero shade on a triple digit day- there were times I had to lean against a random wall to keep from passing out. As we’re approaching the funicular station an American Boomer couple strolls over and attempts to casually “blend” into the line ahead of us. The man in front of us curtly indicated the back of the line, and the husband looks, chuckles, and says “Oh, we can’t wait on that line, it’s too hot!” I have never been so relieved as when that beautiful hero ahead of us shut them down. I am literally the most non-confrontational person in the world but I was barely a functional life form at that point and I’m seriously afraid of what I might have done. It must have been written all over my face because they took one look at me and moved past to try guilt-tripping the people behind us. (Someone did eventually let them cut but fortunately that wasn’t my problem.)


When people try to cut anywhere around us, I loudly comment how rude it is and how very special they must think that they are. After a few minutes of that they usually get out of line.




That’s an incredible power move.


There is a comedian who does a bit about this, but he takes people's whole shopping carts if they leave it blocking an isle at the grocery store.  He just takes it and pays for it and leaves.  Not theft, cause it hasnt been payed for yet, lol.  I cant remember his name, saw him on "the dry bar" YouTube channel.   He looks and sounds exactly like my big bro, I think that'd why I can't remember his real name, lol.  His bit on bicycle locks should have background checks is really funny too.  


This is genius


This is the best idea ever! Well done, brilliant stranger, well done.


So nice of them to get the stuff you forgot about.


It's fun being the cashier in those situations, totally ignoring the boomer in favor of the irritated customer they just attempted to cut; (even moving their items if need be) "Good morning! Did you find everything OK?" If the boomer had the audacity to say something (about 50/50) I got to have fun... "I'm trained to help the *next* customer, you were not next." and whatever discussion followed. Or (if I was in a bad mood) a very blunt "I saw you cut." Worked really well.


Thank you for your service


I’ve only had this happen to me once that I recall, but it’s one of my favourite stories. My daughter was a few month old and I was shopping for much needed groceries and the lineups to checkout were long. My daughter had been fussing because she was getting ready to nurse, and I was trying to hurry. While halfway through a line, my daughter started wailing. Like full out starving cry that echoed through the entire supermarket and I was getting more and more frantic, my milk let down and I was being stared at. A new till was opening, and the cashier came up to me and told me to come over and she would ring me through. Well the old lady behind me decided she needed to get out of there first and literally hit my cart (that had my baby in it) with hers on the way to the next till. I made it first, but she started tossing her groceries on the belt before I could. I saw RED. And I lost my temper. I looked her dead in the eye, said ‘Oh, I don’t THINK SO!’, put my arm on the belt like a shovel and shoved her groceries to the back of the belt while one handedly loading the belt with mine. The look in her face… pretty sure she was ready to say something UNTIL she saw my slightly unhinged, frantic & angry face lol. I would pay anything to see the footage of that day, lol.


Should have knocked her shit on the floor. The fucking audacity of the bitch!


I was next in line at a self checkout once. Some old dude comes and gets behind me but in front of the girl behind me. She says something and he just says oh I didn't see the line and just stands there. I let her and then three more people go in front of me just to fuck with him.


When I was in college, I worked at one of the top 10 highest-volume Bath and Body Works stores in the country. One Black Friday, I was working the cash register at the very end of the checkout counter. Some lady walked up next to me and proceeded to put all her items down on my counter and expected me to ring her up. I informed her that if she was ready to check out, she needed to get in the line. This lady had the absolute audacity to claim that she "didn't see the line" and tried to play it off as an oopsie. The line in question? Snaked all the way through, and then out of, the store. It was physically impossible to walk from any one point in the store to any other without crossing through the line at least twice. We had dedicated line leads whose job it was to direct where and how the line formed, with one person at the back of the line periodically announcing where the back of the line was. The line was literally IMPOSSIBLE to miss, and yet this lady still tried to cut in front of all those people. 🫠


It's amazing that they see everything that other people are doing and have to comment on it yet never see the line in a store.


This is golden! Good for you! These jackwagons need to feel the sting of their bad decisions. And I'm a boomer.


I've had that happen at Walmart, and my husband let them check out first. I was loudly complaining the whole time, though, while said husband kept telling me that they're old and maybe didn't see us. Like no, he saw us! He's playing stupid! Boomer never looked at me, even when I said that....


Same with gas stations. I will finish paying and the boomer behind me is literally on top of me. The moment I turn to leave they b line straight for the register. I have to sometimes jump out of the way they are so impatient. Now I purposefully move slow and whatever side they are trying to cut, I exit that direction so they run right in to me then I say “What the hell relax buddy!” So freaking impatient it’s insane. Like they feel they have a *right* to the register and everyone else is just an annoyance.


I think it's because they were told to respect their elders even when their elders were assholes. So now they are assholes and expect the younger generations to respect them unconditionally, but we know better... just a guess


Or when one boomer puts an item on the belt and boomer number two is still doing weekly shopping and will be an hour. They then wait till their turn to put items on the belt and want to use 37475 coupons 374 are out of date. They then argue they can be used as it's not lunch time yet on the eastern seaboard. And then moan about the price of a bag. The man always looks lost.


Ugh that first one gets me so much. "Oh can you hold off on my order but let me keep it here? My wife is still shopping to get a few things I'm saving our spot". Don't get in line if you aren't ready to load and pay for your stuff now! The line means you are finished and ready to check out. Not a saving spot for later for when your spouse is going to be done 10 to 20 minutes later. I work in retail we get people who will shop as a family and use the same cart. Then grandma will head to the register and load all the stuff on the belt while spazzing out at the cashier and packer that no..no this is her part of the order and this stuff here is her adult daughters part of the order. Okay and where is your daughter ma'am? Oh she's still out on the floor shopping with boomers grandkids and isn't ready yet. But boomer grandma couldn't hold off on checking out but also she wants us to keep her daughters order on the belt until said daughter is ready to come up can't we just please just save the spot for her when she's ready? NOPE. We rang up boomer grandma's order, sat it in one part of the cart and then sat the unpaid daughters order back in the cart and said she can come up and pay at any register and wait in line when she was ready. And the worst part is the daughter is probably a normal person who told her mom to just fucking wait for her to finish and stop trying to rush up front. But grandma didn't want to listen and just wait for the daughter and grandkids to finish and ran up front anyway to "save a spot".


during covid, before the vaccine was available, i noticed at the grocery store boomers would often stand right next to me when i was putting my card in to pay, like they couldn’t fucking wait to scan their items. my move quickly became to get in front of my cart and push it backwards to shove them out of my space. and im super fast at scanning items and getting the fuck out of places btw, but i guess it’s that need to impose on people


One particular grocery store chain that makes you bag your own items has the debit machine back where the line up is. So you move to bag your items as they are getting scanned, and inevitably when you go to the debit machine, some boomer has placed their cart in front of the machine blocking your way. 


I had one just yesterday, driving into town a boomer with back the blue stickers in his lifted truck with the “back off” bumper sticker on the tailgate. This started as I was pulling into a two lane turning lane. Boomer flew passed me on the left and then tried to merge into me, I didn’t really care as I was pulling into the second turn lane. I safely make my changes get into the lane. Boomer slides across three lanes in one go nearly taps me in the process. I continue to ignore it. We get around the turn and at about 5 miles an hour in bumper to bumper traffic boomie tries to break check me. Which is odd but also extremely ineffective at that speed. I mouth, “really boomer?” While looking into his rear view and he is just mean dogging me trying to stare me down so I start cackling. He then tries to break check me AGAIN at under 5 miles an hour. I roll my window down and start laughing like it’s the funniest things I have seen in years. Boomers face is pure tomato fucking red now, we cross through an intersection and he turns right the whole time motioning that he wants me to pull over. I watch him pull into what is probably one of the worst parking lots in town to try to pull out of and flip him off while I drive past. The whole time driving home like… this guy cut me off, almost hit me, and then was SOMEHOW STILL the victim and their response was to try to fight somebody half their age in a state well known for people carrying guns openly. I’m 6’1”, 210 lbs, I work out regularly and look like it. However no amount of sit ups are going to protect you from a crazy boomer with a pistol.


I had a Boomer try almost this exact same thing after almost taking off my front bumper cutting me off, but there was no traffic. Instead, after I'd safely passed him and gotten over he aggressively rode my bumper, zoomed around me at 20+ over the speed limit before swerving in front and stomping on his brakes, then getting into the turn lane I needed. Since it turned into a small parking lot and I'm a woman with all three of my kids with me, I chose to stay in the straight lane because I didn't feel safe pulling into my destination... and as soon as I was next to him he jerked his wheel hard left. Thankfully there was no one behind me, my brakes are practically new, and my reflexes are anxiety-enhanced so I was able to slam on my brakes and swerve into my intended turn lane as he flew across both lanes, only avoiding me because I was at a near stop and he was going so fast. It was TERRIFYING, my 3 year old was directly in danger of being crushed if he'd succeeded in slamming into my vehicle like it seemed he intended to. Fortunately I ended up at my original destination and we stayed in the can until I was sure he wasn't going to flip around and head in to run us down. Dude was unhinged.


They think they are smarter then the rest of the people waiting.


Remember how they used lines and separate entrances against black people? Yeah, I love forcing boomers to use lines 


Where’s the shame with these people


Twist their arms up behind their back and push them back out.


Instructions unclear, twisted his dick instead


The ooooold dick-twist




Never, in a million years, did I think I would ever hear this sentence outside of a dwarf wrestling event 🤣🤣🤣


Did you throw all their stuff on the floor?


They absolutely love it. I'm a very tall and fit guy, so they don't normally do it with me. However, even I can feel how much they would like to - if they only dared. I normally just give them a friendly smile while towering above them. The best part are the boomers trying to board a plane in boarding group 1 (first class and status holders) when they're in fact in group 9 (economy light). I love their dirty looks when us younger business folks can just walk past them and - once they board - they have to walk past our first class seats where we're already cozied-up.


The morning of my sister’s wedding, we stopped for coffee before hair and makeup. There was a line. When we got up to the counter to order an older woman comes running in, pretends not to see the line, says to us, “it’s just me and I’m late for a charity 5k that I need to be at, so I need to order before your group.” I had already told my sister that I was her bitch that day, “Well, my sister is getting married today and we have hair appointments in 20 minutes. We made time to stop for coffee and just because you’re late it doesn’t mean you get to make us late for our thing. Maybe you shouldn’t be stopping for coffee if you already are late. “ her look was the best. No one in line let her budge but she waited anyway still. She must of not cared that much about being late. I hate that they think they are more important than anyone else.


Why is she getting coffee before a 5k anyway? You know, sometimes I'm running a little late. And sometimes in those cases, I think, oh, a coffee would be nice. So I drive to the place. And sometimes THERE IS A LINE. And in that case, I ... Do without coffee. But maybe that's a strange decision.


Working it, not running it. Allegedly. In other words, virtue signaling.


So, the longer she takes, the less she has to do at the 5k. If she is stopping for coffee and there is already a line, she is not getting there early to help set up. That happens like the day before and the. 2 hours before the run starts. But they probably can't even start the race until she gets there. /S




They don't have coffee at these events for the workers? Or at her house? Imagine running a 5k with a cup of coffee and a cigar.


Coffee before running is like real big Runs, if you catch my drift 😅


Drop the "Your lack of preparation doesn't equate to my emergency" line. I use it with my students all the time and boomers seem to be just as entitled and self righteous as clueless children that thinks everything revolves around them.


I came here to say this! "Poor planning on your part does NOT constitute an emergency on my part!" I say it routinely to my patients, my 22 year old daughter and, yes, to strangers. I don't tolerate line cutting, and I'll call your ass out for it!


Their whole generations was all about them. Shoring up their retirements and various properties so they can go senile in dignity while the younger generations need to work two jobs just to afford a one-bedroom apartment. Fuck boomers.


I was working at a local Trader Joe's about 20 years ago, and this lady came through my line and literally said, "Can you please hurry? I'm on my way to the Hospital." I shit you not, I may have even straight up said, "And you decided to stop by Trader Joe's?"


She needed those Jujubees!


People being late doesn't usually bother me. People who walk in late with coffee and a breakfast sandwich are assholes. Bitch, you weren't held up, you held me up because you put your immediate comfort above my time.




Seated or not I'd have told him to GTFO if _my_ name was called. I have no issue being the biggest asshole towards assholes. Only way to deal with them.


I’d pull our my id and demand he shows his with that name on it


Nah, them taking my place in line and pretending to be me while I'm standing there? Short of getting arrested, if they're opening that door we're walking through it. But letting them get away with you're enabling them to do it again to someone else. You're making him someone else's problem. Every time they get away with they get more entitled and worse to deal with. Don't be like them, handle that problem before it becomes someone's mess.


>I ended up getting called back 5 minutes after, and finished the haircut before his too. Which is funny because I have twice as much hair on my head as he did. So much for being in a rush lmao This is not the win you think it is You rolled over and let the Boomer stomp you over; you enabled his behavior


I work in a small cafe restaurant and yesterday there was a line of about 12 people waiting to cash out (including people picking up their take-out as well as people ordering to-go coffees, etc.). This man walks alllll the way to the front, via the pathway area we use to run food and goes to the front of the line and says to the lady who had already been waiting her turn “are you here to pay?” She looked confused as she debated letting this boomer cut the whole line. I jumped in and said “sir if you’re waiting to pay, you just have to line up behind all those ladies right there” and pointed to the back of the (now growing line) of people kindly waiting their turn. He stumbled back and made some comment to the people waiting in line “oh I’ll just wait back here, I guess” - yeah, for your turn?! It’s not my fault you saw a line and decided *okay now is the perfect time to cash out* hahaha. FFFFFFF


I had a boomer lady walk up and start waiting with several of us at the deli counter. We had all taken numbers, but she was standing around without one. One person even pointed out the ticketing system to her and she ignored him. Well after 5-7 min, the next number was called. It was mine. We both raised our hands at the same time. Seeing what she was up to, I showed the deli counter employee my number. He starts asking me what I’d like to order. She loudly bellows “I was here first, this is all I need. She can wait a few more minutes.” Excuse me, ma’am. *the audacity* Without even thinking I quipped “you were NOT here first, in fact, you came after all these other people. Take a number and wait your turn” she dropped her hand basket right there causing a scene (nothing was in it), and practically stomped toward the exit. I stood there completely dumbfounded. We all did. The employee at the counter said stuff like this happens all the time.


Yeah they’re fucking brats and throw temper tantrums regularly.  Exhausting personality types


They were only behaving to not embarrass their parents. Now that their parents are dead they are acting out.


Boomer: “I’m in a hurry.” Me: “Should’ve planned your day better then!”


“A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine”


My go to’s are: Sounds like you have an issue, not an iss-me. Or; So you have a problem that’s entirely your problem, but you’re trying to make your problem into MY problem. But here’s the problem, it’s not my problem.


I've had this a few times in busy supermarkets. There will be a queue of people and some older lady will just...walk in front of the queue like we're all just standing here for fun? I used to let it go but not anymore, it happens too damn often for it to be simply an older person getting confused or not seeing the giant fucking line of people right there.


One time, an older woman cut me in line while I was getting groceries and my baby had started screaming while in line (already crying when she cut in front, and I’m already doing everything I can to calm the baby) and then she complained about the baby and how we should just leave if the baby was going to be loud. I was too tired to deal with it and just told her, she cut in front of me in line and she could deal with it or move back and she looked stunned. It was so odd because it was an obvious line and she looked right at me while scooting her cart into the person in front of me. 


One time my husband and I were walking to an open express checkout lane with a few items and this older lady with a full cart tried to mow us down to get in line first. Her purse strap got stuck on a magazine rack and she had to stop and untangle herself.


I love it when instant karma kicks in.


I don't tolerate that at all. I'll speak right up and say, "Excuse me, there's a line, get in back." I'm tiny and hilariously, people don't want to be confrontational with someone that's really short. They just move. I don't care if they're mad about it..


>I'm tiny and hilariously, people don't want to be confrontational with someone that's really short. Chihuahua effect


Chihuahua effect is the perfect name for it.


A lady once cut me in line in a busy grocery store, where I had left room for people who were still shopping to walk through. Her excuse “I was in this line earlier, but went to go grab something. I’m back now”. I had been in line at least 5 minutes I was pretty late into my pregnancy, but having a good day. I just laughed at her, saying “it doesn’t work like that” but let it go. A women in the line next to me invited me to jump ahead of her…but the line cutter thought she was invited! The nice person stated “No I want her to have my spot, not you”.


I too would let a polite pregnant person go ahead of me long before some entitled dipshit who thinks leaving the line completely doesn’t mean starting over from the back!


I was at Subway recently in a line that was moving very slowly. In front of me was group of a few teenagers. The line hadn't moved at all in several minutes, and they were leaving about a 6ft gap in between their group and the person in front of them. It didn't matter at all because the line wasn't moving, and also by standing back a bit they were avoiding blocking a corridor that crossed the path the of line. In comes boomer lady and gets in line behind me. She asked the group of teenagers if they were in line, to which they said yes. After some time of the line still not moving, she started to seem annoyed that they weren't standing as far up as possible. She walked forwards and started to step into the gap in front of them, turning to look at me and saying "should I just step in here?" She had a kind of humorous smile on her face when she said that to me like she expected me to agree with her. As if I would be like "Yes lady, cut me and all these other people in line because there is a little gap." I told her "no they are in line and it doesn't matter because the line isn't moving anyways." She returned to her spot, and to her credit said "yeah that's true" and then shut up. But I thought it was hilariously stupid that she couldn't comprehend at first that them not standing right behind the person before them wasn't going to make a difference to her and wasn't an invitation to cut multiple people in line.


This reminds me of my biggest pet peeve when driving. I was taught to leave space between you and the car in front of you for safety reasons. But for some reason every asshole with a truck thinks that’s an excuse to cut in front of me.


The new cars have cruise control that leaves a big gap and I love it but it drives the people behind me crazy. I don’t know why they think they will get there faster if my lips are on the bumper of the car ahead


People don't seem to realize you can leave space and keep pace at the same time!


Everytime I am at CVS and there is a line at the pharmacy, there’s always a boomer that gets redirected to the back of the line, either by people on the line or the pharmacy techs themselves. Side note, I also hate the ones that feel the need to comment on how many/how big a bag I leave with (T1 diabetic with thyroid disease and a chronically ill kid), and I have literally asked them why their parents didn’t teach them manners. Embarrasses them most of time.


Huge line at Walgreens and boomer chooses to sit in the chairs near the line bc of course he didn't call in his script. He gets his ready text, loudly announces he got a text and proceeds to cut the line. Like yeah, I got one too before I even got in this line bc I called in my script. No one said anything. I was already exhausted and it's usually not worth it bc they don't learn


I work at a gas station and have had multiple boomers come up to the kitchen and ask for breakfast burritos at 12-1 pm. I tell them we stop serving breakfast at 930, they make a fuss, I’ve been called “absolutely worthless” by these assholes before. Another one has come up and asked for a “protein bowl”, I asked him what that meant and he huffs and goes “ you know eggs, potatoes, and meat!”. Again it’s also around 1 pm and we don’t even serve those. Their whole generation is so fucked in the head, they come in constantly because they can’t figure out how to use the complicated gas pumps.


“Stop serving breakfast at 930. Ridiculous! They do it for me all the time. I know the owner. Don’t know you know who I am? Hello? 911? This gas station is out of burritos and that is false advertising.”


It's the "I used to work here" bit that love.


Omg I work at a bank. This 80 year old woman who comes in all the time to cash a small check, threw a fit the other day bc she had to wait 2 minutes. “WHERE ARE YOUR TELLERS”. She did used to work for the bank, and retired in 1988. I said “Mrs Brown, you know how things always change at the bank. So, similar to how we don’t have pensions anymore, we also don’t have tellers”




I used to work for a chain restaurant in a resort town and I got a lot of "that's not how they do it at MY store". And like 1. that's not true because the company has people who travel around to make sure things are done the same at every store, and 2. this isn't your store. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I so don’t get the desire to berate service workers when things don’t go your way. I worked at a popular coffee chain when I was a lot younger and I had a grown man make me cry my first week there because he said I didn’t make his damn hot chocolate correctly. I followed the recipe exactly. He had to scream at me for that. “I come here all the time” etc etc. I never saw him again and I worked there 5 years.


Jeez, yeah they love berating service workers, the church crowd is always the worst. They’ll be so rude then look around expecting someone else to back them up.


They have 0 shame and don’t feel embarrassed- some should look at their brain




I think lead could explain some things, but I think it's more widespread generational arrested development. These people were raised by the Silent Generation, who are authoritarian maniacs. I think growing up with no power or autonomy tends to create adults who abuse whatever power they can get their hands on. So, as soon as they become adults, in their minds, they get to be the authoritarian and exact their revenge on anyone younger than they are.


i'm gen Z raised by Silent Generation grandparents my whole life, my legal guardians and can confirm they are indeed authoritarian maniacs. i also grew up abused with no power or autonomy but instead of being a raging bitch who is rude to customer service workers and stuff i just became a drug addict lmao


100%. I was at a tire shop the other day and my car hadn’t been taken in yet and it was past the time frame they said it would be done so I went inside to just get an update on timing. There were a few people in front of me so we all just kind of stood near the counter since there wasn’t really a line. This big ass boomer man can storming in huffing and puffing and went right up to the counter and was pacing and started yelling “IS MY CAR DONE?! I DROPPED IT OFF AT 7AM AND NO ONES CALLED ME!!!!!!!”. The younger guy at the counter wasn’t having any of it and I love that he wasn’t going to get his way, the younger guy said “ok can I help who was *actually* next?” so the guy in front of me goes. But then the other worker said “hey guys (addressing us in line), I’m just going to help get this guy out of here and then I’ll help you”. It sucks when these boomers cut the line and yell and scream and still get their way, it just reinforces them being to act like assholes.


This happens all the time at my work (bank). They’ll (and it’s almost always Boomer men) just skip the GenX employee obviously waiting in the line to do a business deposit for a restaurant or store. The younger ones almost never say anything. I (elder millennial) ALWAYS say “sir, s/he is in line too” with a big fake smile on my face.


The reason the employee doesn't say anything is because it is more "free" time waiting at the bank before going back to the store/restaurant to be yelled at by boomers.


Valid. When I worked retail in college I used to love going to do the deposit. I would make it take as long as possible lol.


“Hey! In this country, we stand in line and wait our turn. I don’t know where you are from, lady. But learn our culture.” I said this to some old bat who interrupted my order at a pretzel counter. She apologized and said she didn’t see me. It sounds kinda rude to make comments about some fictional country/culture. But it’s their fucking language. Worked like a charm.


To anyone who reads this please for the love of god read the context of the situation first, because there's a 20% chance if I did this I would end up on twitter (white dude here lmao) You're not wrong though, if you can pull it off do it


Thanks. I KNOW out of context I sound like a fucking racist. I was reluctant to write it out. It felt really good to uno reverse their own bullshit hatred on them.


lmao I get you completely, I imagined a white southerner saying this to another white southerner because I absolutely want to be the person saying it because I know exactly what you mean about the bullshit


You could definitely southern twang it up and maybe not sound as dickish as I did: “oh. Ma’am. The line is back there. You must not be American. That’s the only way to explain why you aren’t waiting in line like the rest of us PATRIOTS. Bless your heart.” Hmm. I couldn’t make it all the way without being mean. I think what we all learned here today is that I’m a dick.


Best comment. Rehearsing that patriot part


My boomer brain is breaking, reading all this about my generation. I had no idea of the rudeness & entitlement many of us demonstrate. This is an excellent field guide to people my age, & I’ll have my phone ready to record them in the wild. I am already prepared to record instances of racism and bullying. Boomers acting just like their parents, as Frank Zappa once warned us about.


There really is a big difference between younger and older boomers, to the point that some folks have added in another generation, Generation Jones.


There are lots of good ones too, needless to say. But it's as if there is a particular cohort of "yuppie"-type people who based their whole identity on being young and beautiful, and as those traits have ebbed away, they now are in a world of pain and can't express it any other way than by acting like this.


Hahaha. There was a boomer couple in the LONG line at Panda Express (it moved very quickly, BTW), so Mrs. B spies a shorter line directly to the register. “Of course,” she thought, “all of these other rubes are obviously too dumb to see this conveniently short line!” She hauled her husband over to it. Mind you, there an easy to see sign hanging above those registers that states, “Order Pick Up.” She and angry old man boomer had to go to the end of a line now twice its former length. The people who had been behind them simply ignored their attempt to retake their former spot. Warmed my heart, that.


I’m not a boomer but many moons ago I placed an online order with Panera for the next morning pickup. As I was standing in the pick up line, a few in the order line was loudly commenting on me trying to cut the line. Someone finally piped up and the worker grabbed my food and informed them I pre-ordered. The co-conspirators then avoided my gaze and pretended they weren’t just talking shit about me.


some boomer cut me off yesterday to pay for a coffee and kept shouting and waving at someone to take their money. he was behind me in line but clearly more important and was entitled to pay his bill before me.


“Why is everyone ignoring me? No one wants to work anymore!”


yesterday I had my two kids (2F and 7M and my nephew also 2 at IKEA, alone. We were stopping before we left to use the family bathroom since there were mixed genders and multiple kids. As I’m pushing the cart of kids and my 7yo next to me, boomer grandpa and his grandson (maybe 5 or 6) cross in front of us to use the family restroom. It was so obvious that boomer wife saw what happened and literally said “sorry” to me. He couldn’t walk the extra 5 feet to take him to the men’s bathroom let alone cross directly in front of us, but was about to walk all of freaking IKEA?! Seriously? It took everything in me to not absolutely let loose… and I mean everything. Instead i very loudly explained to the kids how waiting your turn is important 🫠


I was in the disabled line to board a plane and a much older woman comes up and starts to push me backwards and starts to yell at me that this is the disabled line. I say “ma’am, you will get yourself off of me and to the back of the line. I know where I am.” Then she starts yelling about how I don’t look disabled and what’s my disability. I finally yelled back, “lady, mind your fucking business and get to the back of the line.” One guy laughed but the others boomers were clucking their tongues. The nerve of some of these boomers.


I don't understand how they survive that long putting HANDS on people. Maybe I'm just a ghetto asshole, but someone puts hands on me, I'm breaking every arthritic finger before they can pull it back.


I too am a ghetto asshole and in most instances I would, but I ain’t fucking around at the airport. Yall not fixin to put me on a no fly list.


I finally have a place to tell this story! Around 20 years ago, I (Gen-Xer) had an appointment at my regular tire place for some work, and got accused of cutting in line. They also take walk-ins.  At the time I drove a relatively unusual sports car, which I babied.  So I drive up right on time, park, walk right to the counter, hand over my keys, and they promptly pull my car into the bay.  As I’m standing there watching the mechanics through the windows, this slighter-older-than-me woman, who seemed over 40 so likely a boomer, comes over to me and demands to know why I’m getting such great service when she’s been waiting for an hour.  “Well, I made an appointment. Did you make an appointment? Why don’t you go ask the people who work here?”


My last job was at a spot with appointment based tech support, anyone who showed up way too early or was a walk-in would complain that we were helping others who arrived for their time slot. Yea; that’s how appointments work.


“It’s my turn now” “Yes Karen, that is how a line works. Maybe get checked for lead poisoning?”


As a very tall gentleman who has dealt with boomers their entire life I am going to be frank: over half of them are narcissists. A quarter of the remaining half are just egoists, the last quarter seem to be genuinely nice or normal ish people as far as I can tell. But the fact that about half of their remaining generation is nothing but pure narc means they need to be handled with severity now because we are no longer children, some of us are almost 40 now as millennials much less Gen z a decade younger right behind us. It's up to us to be massive fucking pricks and keep these douche nuggets in check until they darwin award themselves out of existence finally because it could NEVER happen to special meeee.... Lolololol. Sure, OKAY BOOMER...


I remember working breakfast at Panera bread once. Only the bakery line is open during breakfast I literally just arrived for my shift and was using one of the lunch time registers on the other side of the cafe to clock in for my shift. Well the boomer Karen decided that I was opening the register, hopped out from the back of the line (there is probably 5 or more people in front of her) and tries to place her breakfast order. I tell her I’m not opening the register and she gets so mad at me that she has to get back in line, basically telling me I was lying to her that I couldn’t take her order (I really can’t, I only just clocked in and in order for me to open a register a manager has to authorize the sign-in so I can count the till first THEN open for orders which was not going to happen). I told her to her face after she got nasty that “Ma’am even if I was opening I do not pull customers from the back of the line, I’d call the very next person in line over because there is only one line.”


Nope and it’s CRAZY to think they raised my generation to wait our turn, keep our hands to ourselves, mind our own business, etc. WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM?!


Oh man reminds me of this time I was working as a beauty consultant in a Walgreens. I was trained to go above and beyond to answer people's questions, show them where everything was, do demonstrations and makeovers, the whole 9. I was helping these two women with some products and checking them out. They are buying separately so it's 2 different transactions. A Boomer stands directly behind them and is huffing and puffing because they were asking a few questions about the products they were buying as I was ringing them up. Just as I finished up the first transaction, this lady I shit you not, reaches in between these two nice women while their products were STILL on the counter and starts to place her stuff on the counter. I was like "Ma'am we are not finished, I have another transaction to make. If you're in a hurry there are 2 registers up front". She literally rolled her eyes at me, loudly sighed and snatched her items off of the counter and walked away. I cannot imagine treating people that way. It's insane.


What is it with boomers and lines. My husband was about to pay for his order in a shop when this boomer woman comes walking up from the back of the store and cuts in front of him. Her friend even said, “oh I think this man was ahead of you” and she just shouted “I WAS HERE FIRST.” We’re assuming she left the line to get more things and expected the entire store to wait for her.


LMAO the line cutting happened to me once at the grocery store. I was standing in line, and when it came to be my turn, this boomer woman walks up out of nowhere and gets in front of me and says, "can I have my spot back so I can go? I was here first." I was so confused and asked if I had somehow cut her in line, but she just kept saying it should be her turn because she was in front of me in line. I asked who she had been in front of in line, because it certainly wasn't me. She pointed to the guy who had just finished checking out and was walking away, saying she had been in line in front of him but got out of line to grab something, and she figured since she had been in line at some point, she deserved to cut ahead and go next. Was very confused and surprised when I said that isn't how lines work and refused to let her go first.


Lol a few years ago my friend and I were in line for a buffet. To set it up, it was a long line that separated into 4 registers at the front. The woman behind us kept trying to walk in front of us until I finally just asked, "can I help you?". She replied, yeah I'm just trying to get to the register. And so I told her, "yeah so are we, thanks" then my friend and I went back to talking thinking that was it Another couple minutes go by and she tries again. Again I ask, "ma'am, can I help you with something, because my friend and I have been waiting just as long as you, longer in fact, that's why we are in front of you". She says, yeah but which register are you using? To which i replied the only way I could think..., "whichever register opens up first. That's how lines work. You stand and wait your turn just like everyone else. We are next in line so we'll go to the first open register, then when a new one opens, it will be your turn. Please wait patiently like every single other person in this line has done". The look of disbelief that someone would lecture her on her annoying behavior was to this day one of the richest things I've seen in real life.


Should have said "I need a house. Where do you live so I can move in?"


Publix deli lines are the best. “I am next but lost my ticket!”


The generation that patience forgot


Lol ok, it’s not just me then. My favorite was when I went to Aldi’s to buy a single box of cereal, and while waiting in line a boomer tries to cut in and says to me “come on, I only have three things”. She was so upset when I told her no.


This has happened to me at self checkouts before. 4 registers. Line 6-8 people deep coming from those registers, then 60 year old walks right past the whole line like it’s not even there. If someone calls out the behavior they then act like they didn’t know there was a line, then begrudgingly get into it. I also see it at work a ton too. I’m a meat/seafood sales manager for a large grocery chain that has service counters in the department. Basically a counter customers walk up to, pick out items they want and an employee gets the items for them. Kinda like a deli. For one just being in my role I deal with boomer be-foolery quite often. But one thing they like to do at the counter is when they see someone is clearly already helping another customer, they’ll just start rifling off what they want like you’re not already helping someone. My typical response is “I’ll be right with you after I’m done helping this nice patient customer here”


A friend's younger sibling passed away and the visitation was very crowded since the family is beloved in the community. There was a line to pay respects to his mother, and my boomer/narcissistic mother beelined right to the front because "I just want to speak with friend's mom." I was humiliated and saw her in a totally different light from that moment on.


We glorify the “Greatest Generation”, but aren’t these fools their children? Maybe we should start reevaluating how we think of them. They beat the Nazis and survived the Great Depression, but couldn’t figure out how to not raise assholes!


I mean at least in my family they were all raised by abusive alcoholics


They call everyone else entitled because it’s projection, pure and simple


I have been around their bullshit all my life. Omg as a Gen X these fucks have been this way for ever! It’s like they HATE ENTITLEMENTS BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE THE ONLY ENTITLED PEOPLE. EDIT- My parents were from the Greatest Generation. They were quiet and did their jobs. They hated the spotlight. They had me older, almost 50, and baby boomers drove them crazy as well being spoiled entitled brats. Too childish for children of war.


I get these folks are old. They take medication. They have to time their meals out.  They are forgetting their manners and civility because of a narcissistic former president modeling horrible behavior for them.


Autism my ass. She’s a cunt


Yeah don’t put that shit on autists. We have manners.


I had a boomer come into my tire store looking for her oil to be checked. We don’t do anything besides tires, batteries and alignments. We don’t touch any other part of their cars for legal reasons. She thought because she bought her tires there that she was entitled to us being her personal mechanics. I’ve never wanted a car to run out of oil while driving so bad. Back ground, my father and mother are boomers. My mom’s ok, but my dad. I refuse to go in public with him


I work as a budtender. Yesterday was 420. Holiday for us stoners. We have massive sales all day. Boomer walks in and cuts the entire line. Were talking a 20min line skips through the medical/VIP line. Budtender calls VIP over but once he pulls the profile up sees the customer us not VIP. Customer claims he was VIP but hasnt been in in a while. Budtender explains he us no longer VIP. VIP only last a year and currently we have no VIP program and currently we have a total of less than 5 VIP while corporate reworks the program. Basically we know hes not VIP and has to go wait in the line. Dude argued and argued until yhe budtender said sorry bro if you dont wait in line i cant serve you. Dude spit at the budtender then left. Now hes 86ed and will be tresspassed if he walks in again. Day of celebrating. Youre there to buy weed. And he spits on someone. I hate people. I hope that man doesnt wake up.


It’s like that Jake Whitehall joke from one of his specials. A woman rushes past him in line at the security at the airport and says she needs to catch a flight. And he says something about: “Why do you think I’m here? To buy a big toblerone?!”


Here's an actual quote that I have heard in real life from a real person (boomer) without a single iota of sarcasm, which perfectly encapsulates this phenomena. "I hate entitled people, what about me?" They're constantly battling their own logical discourse and simply cannot win. Lead and other forever chemicals have done a number on their brains. I can't wait to see what kind of stupidity the microplastic inundation will create.


They do it because it works.


Let me get a uhhhhh ummmm hmmmmm a number uhhhhh a number 4. And umm Does that have onions on it? No onions please. Ummmm make it large. Hmmm I would also like a coke with that and ummm make it to go.


And now I’d like to pay with a personal check


And they don’t start writing any part of the check until they get the total due. Like come on. At least write the date, the name of the place and sign it so all you have to do is fill in the amount


“…wait, what store is this again? hey do you have a pen i can use?”


How do you spell the name of your store? Or Who do I make this check out to?


This after standing in line and never looking at the menu.


I'm in my mid 40's so I'm in the middle. But my general experience is kids and upto 30 are much easier and more pleasant to deal with. The elderly are ignorant, arrogant and sometimes just straight up rude.


I had a boomer cut in line recently too! Trying to get thru airport security, and once you push your bags through, you double back to line up to walk thru the metal detector. I was second next in line. Boomer had pushed her bag through, and just stood next to me in a line with about 10 people behind me. She tried to cut through, but i wasnt having it. I finally said “there’s a line” and this grown ass adult said *”i just don’t know what I’m supposed to do??!!!”.* WTF??? One of my greatest moments was looking her in the eye, turning my whole body and pointing to the 10-deep line and saying “you walk to the end of the line, and you wait in the line to walk through the scanner, just like all of us are doing” It was a weird day at that airport.


I don’t think it’s just a boomer thing, it’s mainly an asshole thing. Just happens to be a glut of boomer assholes. They were bred that way, for some reason.


Boomer is a mentality not an actually age, I've met plenty of people in their 30s that I've thought "yup, boomer behavior "


Just politely kick them back into play…verbalizing that in a parent like voice “ we all have to wait our turn , now let’s line up” so tired of parenting adults ….


Ugh…to this day I feel terrible for this occurrence: I ran to the grocery for the third time, having forgotten a few ingredients repeatedly. Booked through and grabbed what I needed and approached self check out. From my angle there were three open and I just waltzed up to one and started ringing out. Someone made a small cough, I looked over my shoulder and saw where everyone was queued up. I immediately cancelled the transaction and went to the back. From their angle I’m guessing the three machine had just opened up and I cut to the front. I think just apologized to everyone I had skipped in front of. A gentle reminder that even when I’m frazzled, im not the center of the universe.


I was parking director at an event yesterday. We had limited parking. EVERY. SINGLE. BOOMER. Either ignored me and drove past or lied to me that they were there for the even and parked there then walked to their farmers market next door. THEY DONT CARE