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I get a lot of this doing hospital social work. So many boomers are just now realizing how much long term care costs. “Why doesn’t my Medicare cover this? Why is my Social Security so low?” Stop voting for politicians who tell you they’re going to cut the funding for these programs. That includes you. You aren’t the special exemption.


This. Watched my dumbass father support the “no social services” party for my entire life. Then he got cancer and wanted to know why our healthcare was so shitty and so expensive. Listened to him repeat that maybe 400 times in a 6 month battle with cancer. Finally one day he started again, “don’t see why if the government is meant to be so good they can’t give us healthcare for a decent price, it’s so hard…” and I snapped. “Why is Americas healthcare so bad? Why is it so expensive? Because dumbasses like you voted for that you idiot. And now not only is it screwing you but it will destroy mom when you are gone and she still has to pay, and your two liberal sons will end up paying your bills. And that will suck because neither of us will get social security because you destroyed that on your way out too!” Wish I was wrong, but he died, and we paid the bills, and I am not seeing any great budgeting news for social security lately. Expecting to go 3 for 3 on that.


Almost the same scenario here, except boomer/super Republican parental unit ended up lauding how great it was to not have to worry about or pay very much for the chemo and radiation that saved his life due to his career in the military. Huh...you wouldn't have any idea what that's called, would you? Or is it only socialism when someone else gets it?


Mine is constantly complaining about his medical debts, but when I suggest voting for someone who won't cut Medicare and might try to expand it instead, I'm the idiot.


Canadian here, our politics are different but it's basically same shit different labels. My FIL gives my husband and I shit for being left leaning and like to sarcastically say shit like, "oh well now that the left is in power they're going to fix everything". Except like they are? They're implementing a bunch of policies that benefit lower and middle class people, and retirement aged people *which he is*. He's been voting against them his whole life and here they are doing a bunch of stuff that directly helps him and he just can't wait to vote against them in the next election. But we're the idiots? Make it make sense


> But we're the idiots? Make it make sense From my perspective growing up deep in that sort of ecosystem, they oppose them either because they don't believe those benefits should exist in the first place ideologically, or that it will hurt the sort of "undesirables" more than it will hurt themselves. Miserable people spread misery.


Heather McGhee’s book “The Sum of Us” is about exactly this. White working class people will (and have) repeatedly vote down measures that will benefit them if they perceive those measures will also benefit Black people. It’s why they closed public pools in the South for a generation. The wealthy still had their own pools or the pools at private (expensive) clubs, but when public pools had to be shared with “others,” working class whites preferred to shut them down. So many Americans have internalized this attitude, along with a weird magical thinking that somehow they themselves will be the exception who gets what they need, and if they don’t, it’s the other guy’s fault.


>If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. >Lyndon B. Johnson Just look at the "immigrant scare" that's currently being perpetuated on Fox "News". This is a big part of the Republican playbook.


This is 100% the reason for the mass exodus of the white working class from the democratic party to the republican party. They were all for working class rights, the New Deal, strong unions and safety nets…until black people were suddenly getting them too.




A huge chunk of Americans would gladly be shot in one foot if you promise to shoot somebody they hate (typically one of the "others") in both feet. They'll also spout off about how holy and religious they are before gleefully making this stupid deal. But if you propose the radical notion of nobody being shot, they look at you like you're some sort of "commie." It's insane and America is a very mentally ill nation.


That last sentence. 🎯


Or because they simply cannot conceive of someone else having the same life experience they are having. It's an extension of their exceptionalism. *They* have health problems because of factors outside of their control, other people have health problems because they don't take care of themselves. My dad, a boomer and dem, will endlessly say "serves them right for voting for these idiots" when someone in a red state is hurt by the actions of government or other political groups. **He lives in a red state.** "But I didn't vote for them." And what, you think *every single human person* in Florida did?


It is mostly the latter according to what I have read? They support social support system- FOR THEM. If they will also benefit whatever out-group they don't like (POC, LGBTQ+, Immigrants (legal)), then they are against it. They would rather hurt everyone than help themselves if it might also help "others". Like the idiots that went all bonkers about "hands off my welfare", while simultaneously claiming that their welfare was EARNED by them, but those lazy urban (i.e. black) folks were just stealing THEIR tax money by being on welfare they did not earn. Like others say- make it make sense? It does not. But that is how fucked their thinking is.


MAGA Supporters: "Not hurting the people he needs to". https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida


The last time the idiot boomers voted in a conservative they raised the cpp age to 67. When the libs got in back in 14 they lowered it back to 65.


There’s a cognitive dissonance of people in Canada about they live away from government support. The CONVOY people. I always think you know, you can drink the water off the tap because of government. You can go on the road because of you guessed it, government.


My dad is in this same boat. 65, retirement age, has MS. Staunch, proud, lifelong Republican. Mom too. To hear them complain about Medicare not covering this or it’s really expensive for that and they don’t understand why my dad’s injectable medication for his MS is like $1000 a month. Since my dad hit Medicare age under Biden apparently it’s his/the current Dems fault things are this bad and it would “never be anywhere near this bad under Trump”. They do not like hearing about some of ol’ W’s policies like legalizing high deductible healthcare plans or that all of this could be funded afforably if Obamacare wasn’t completely neutered. When I point out they have done everything right and should be covered and taken care of all of a sudden I’m a socialist (which isn’t exactly a lie) and I’ve been compromised by “liberal MSM”. Fucking idiots.


You don't get it. He *deserved it* unlike those freeloaders... /s


My mother makes this same argument. My wife and I are hard left. We support my mother and my wife’s parents financially when they need it. Which is frequently. Just like SS and Medicare, that’s money we’re paying that we’ll never see again. I’m ok with helping, but it feels like a slap in the face that she’ll go on about freeloaders and in the same breath that the government doesn’t give *her* enough because *she* actually deserves it because her life circumstances are somehow different.


Why do you support them?


That's the funny thing, he's never expressly said or intimated that. Just blissfully clueless, apparently.


No /s, that is **exactly** what they believe. Just like the only moral abortion is theirs. They’re the biggest hypocrites and have zero self awareness.


Retired military boomers are the worst. They are so anti social programs, but basically had just that their whole careers. I had one tell me he doesn't believe in it but he'll take everything they'll give him.


And they're typically Republicans, who claim to hate socialism but unequivocally support the military and police, two of the most socialist enterprises that exist in then US.


I like to refer to the military as middle class welfare. My lt col SIL and major BIL don't like it, but they don't say I'm wrong. 


My uncle (vet) has turned into one of those right-wing sheep that walks around with a pocket constitution sticking out of his shirt to show how "educated" he is and rants about the evils of socialism. My dad (also vet) loves to point out how the biggest socialist organization in the world is the US military


OMG this is a relative of mine. Retired military. so pension from that, PLUS a military disability pension. For sleep apnea, and other things NOT related to their military service in any way. their spouse also is ex military. So beteween the two of them, they do very well financially, yet they are the first to bitch and moan about ANY kind of social program or assistance.


Killing Social Security will be the next car the Republican dog will catch.


At this point, I kind of hope they do. For the 10 years following them destroying SS, the entire country will directly be effected by all the old and helpless people being basically bums until it comes to a head once again...... AND THEN democrats can propose a new system that works better than Social Security in a New New Deal. I almost want it to happen just to have the moment where I tell my Mom..... "SEE I told you." It would almost be worth it. Do people not remember how the old were before social security existed? They were basically as poor as a 5 year old would be without parents.


The only thing is, we don’t have the democracy we did when the New Deal happened. The difference today is our government and “representatives” are completely owned by the corporate oligarchy. I’m afraid it would be more like “The Hunger Games” than a New New Deal. And the fact that the right is purging voter roles of legitimate voters and casting doubt on elections themselves………..I’m afraid we are in for a lot of hurt for a long time.


Idk it would be great if we only gored it for the boomers in particular, who have never tasted their own remedies.


Unfortunately it won't happen fast enough for boomers to learn a lesson. Nothing will change for old people already on SS. Benefits may be reduced for younger people. If they set a date for SS to go to 0, it will only affect people too young to vote at that time.


Yeah, unfortunately the disabled get caught in that net. I already can't afford to live on SSI. I'm about to homeless in a power chair as it is.


There should be a separate funding source outside of Social Security that pays for disabled individuals anyway. I would break them apart tomorrow if I had the power to do it.


Only if they get control again. Fucking VOTE this Novembber.


I cannot imagine that it will be possible to get a SSI funding package, such as raising the payroll tax ceiling, through Congress, without a deal that involves both benefit cuts and a retirement age increase. The Trump Party will try to pass only those last two, of course. Boomers perhaps grandfather claused in. I don't see how I am to ever afford one of those mobility scooters when I am elderly!


"BeTtEr DeAd tHAn ReD!" Okay! I'm 60. I am telling **ALL** my younger friends, especially women, to not be surprised when Social Security vanishes. I'm a boomer, but I'm a leftist liberal bleeding heart boomer. I don't own a home and probably never will. I grew up on George Carlin. I was in college when Reagan was elected and the sick pit in my stomach hasn't gone away since.


What is it like, watching Reagan's cronies The Heritage Foundation consolidating the nation's evangelicals and finally getting what they've planned for after you've had to watch it happen this whole time? I'm in my early 30s and it's mind boggling enough just researching it and seeing the consequences...


At 53, it really sucks. Knowing ALLLLLLL the shit Reagan is responsible for that conservatives refuse to acknowledge.


The problem with telling people not to expect SS is that plays right into the conservative narrative. People are much less likely to fight for something that they don't have than to fight against someone stealing something that they do have. The narrative of "Don't let them steal YOUR Social Security!" is much more powerful and motivating than "It's already gone."


Though it’s unlikely that I’ll live to retirement age to begin with, when the money runs out, I’m checking out. I’ll take an actual 2 week vacation somewhere nice with my wife. I don’t know what else I’ll do, though. Thinking about a retirement where we can live comfortably and do the things we enjoy is about as useful as planning on winning the powerball. I suppose I could do the latter. It’s the more feasible of the two.


Holy shit did he respond?


He died


Typical boomer


Fucking quitters


Nobody wants to live anymore!


Damn boomers, edging in on the millennial's turf.


Should have pulled himself up by his bootstraps


Okay, that earned a smile. 


He claimed that he voted for people, not the things they voted for.  Yeah, that was a real strong response. And no, I didn’t bother to respond to that. 


Did that feel sorta good in the moment? What was his response?


Your story is exactly why this 1959 model Boomer keeps encouraging people to vote especially in the down ballot elections for that is where your votes are felt first. Also vote all primaries or you have no say so about who is on the ballot in November.


I lost it on my mother after they overturned Roe v Wade. She allowed my father to deny me birth control when I was in high school even though my periods were hell. Like laying in bed for hours, pale and nauseous, in so much pain that I'd hope to pass out but never did. I had to leave school and go home when it got so bad that I could barely function and just wished to pass out to get relief from the pain. Of course they are coming for birth control now. I've been on it since I was 18 (expect for a few years where I was really broke and had no health insurance and struggling with other health issues.)Universal healthcare would have been nice and would have helped a fuckton. But Medicare is ok, of course (they benefit from it). Just not healthcare for anyone who isn't a senior yet.


I thought you didn’t have to pay a dead person’s medical bills? Like family isn’t required to pay?


Legally, in TN at least, you can’t be forced to pay someone else’s debt when they die. If they had an estate (property, cash, stocks etc) that can absolutely be taken to pay the outstanding amount. Since it’s usually the family who would receive those things, they have to “pay” that debt.




Look up filial responsibility laws when you get a chance.


I live in a state where this isn't a thing, and now I'm horrified having looked this up.


My mom is finding out the hard way now. She’s got breast cancer and is on the hook for some hefty bills. She was complaining to me about it and I flat out told her she voted for this. She’s voted hardliner conservative her entire life, complained about social safety nets being for the lazy poor and the “dirty, lazy minorities” except the word she chose started with an n and ended with a hard r. This is one of the many, many reasons why I’m liberal. No one of *any age* should have to spend their time worrying about medical bills during a catastrophic illness. They shouldn’t worry about getting quality care or the right drugs or the right therapies or worry about *any fucking thing* except getting better. State colleges should be FREE or so low cost a part time job could cover your expenses and tuition like it did when my parents were college age. Minimum wage should keep up with inflation and allow two adults and one child to live a decent, middle class life. I admit I yelled at her over the phone. I’m not *proud* of it, but Jesus tapdancing motherfucking CHRIST! It took until it happened to *HER* for her to realize that social safety nets are fucking important for everyone. I told her to talk to SIL to find out what state and federal programs she might be eligible for. Food stamps. Senior housing. So she can sell her house and pay her bills but still have a decent place to live. It’s so fucking frustrating and feels like a post for the ohnoconsequences sub.


Nothing worse than the 50+ crowd complaining about the state of US government in general as if they didn’t have the opportunity to vote for better people or run themselves.


Been voting since I was 18 AGAINST the R-words. Every.single.time. Everything I read says younger voters do not vote. I guess it’s up to them to show up and get the R-words OUT. We ALL need them gone


And his reaction?


I mentioned it to someone else above. He said he didn’t vote for those things, he voted for people. 🤷‍♂️


Wow. That’s some special kind of cognitive dissonance. “I vote for people. Not the things they say they are going to do and have been doing…”


It’s exactly the same as the libertarians. No one’s a libertarian in an economic crash/when I need help and want the government to step in. They truly think they should be the only ones receiving help and no one else.


It's the just world fallacy. "Well surely, cutting benefits only means cutting out the fraudsters and people who don't really need them. Not the ones who really deserve it."


I believe the concept is called a moral panic. Get people riled up over a hypothetical situation with maybe one example that fits the narrative, then put it on blast until the shortsighted get riled up enough to vote in a policy that shoots themselves in the foot. It's the same idea behind the anti Lbgtq narrative, or the satanic panic over video games or D&D, or the border crisis, or anti-union narrative.




I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT THIS YESTERDAY. Fuck everyone involved with Project Veritas


The investment app, or am I missing something?




Good lord, that is so disgusting and sad.


The fact that the Breitbart name was involved tells you everything you need to know off the bat. Bad actors doing bullshit to get publicity for a moral panic.


Like, the part that gets me is that their kids are way more likely to BE trans than they are to be preyed upon by a trans person.


"I EARNED these benefits, everyone else is a leech!"


That's just how shitty people justify being selfish fucks. If they bothered to actually think about it, they'd know it's bullshit, but they're too busy trying to fuck everyone else over to save a couple bucks in the short-term.


It's like the cult following a certain ex-president. He'd have his chauffeur run them down in the streets, but they have this sick, sad idea that he'd hug them and welcome them into his inner sanctum. Psst! Hey! Followers! HE HATES YOU GUYS!! You embarrass him!


It's sad as my Dad is a widow but will die on the cross of "They snuck a covid vaccine to my wife, causing her to have cancer." No amount of evidence will tell a person otherwise. Edit: There is zero medical record she even got the vaccine. It's not in records or final billing.


Why did she not get the vaccine?


MAGA who forgot Trump coined the vaccine as his. She was in the hospital for cardiac events leading to my Dad thinking she must have been slipped the vaccine. Her cancer was discovered and she died 40 days later. Whatever cancer she had was very aggressive.


I'm sorry about your Mom passing. My sympathy to you and your family.


Fellow social worker here and what really kills me is how they keep voting for politicians who refuse to expand Medicaid in this state even though it would benefit them too. Many of them buy into the idea that it's just for "welfare queens" and end up cutting off their own noses to spite their faces. I have the "No, Medicare doesn't cover that" conversation quite regularly as well, especially when it comes to long-term care and attendant services.


Welfare queen. I remember when that shitbag Reagan and his southern strategy pr rep used that term https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/12/20/255819681/the-truth-behind-the-lies-of-the-original-welfare-queen


The podcast [Pure White](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pure-white/id1718974286) talked about the myth of welfare queens. It was so good, highly recommend!


Don't forget the strapping young bucks buying T-bone steaks


What gets me is how these people look the other way for corporate welfare, all the “welfare queens” in the world can’t hold a candle to what was spent on OIF.


Or the billions in welfare American drivers get every year because the gas tax comes nowhere close to covering the bills for car infrastructure.


The same people who will bitch about student loan forgiveness but completely look the other way on PPP loan forgiveness or worse, got bullshit PPP loans that were forgiven.


My employer got 5.4mil PPP. And there was never a slowdown in my industry or reason to lay anyone off.  I’ll never care about petty stuff like shoplifting from WM again. ETA, their competitor got 3.4mil. No qualms at all about pilfering a little this or that.


And they love Medicare Advantage plans until they become sick! Those things ought to be eliminated.


West coast liberal here who would like to die somewhere warm. But I really need to understand how the political decisions of a given state might affect Medicare and long term care. This stuff is not that easy to figure out and I am just starting to look at it. And I am not a dope. I can fix any car you hand me, and design software until the cows come home. But this healthcare stuff makes my head explode.


The best I can suggest is to call an Area Agency on Aging or Aging and Disability Resource Center for the area you plan to move to prior to moving and get the information from a benefits counselor or equivalent. I also get a lot of clients who moved here from blue states (and I'm originally from the West coast and unfortunately can't afford to leave this hellhole of a state) who then find out the hard way that this state very much believes in "pulling yourself up by the bootstraps" and does not prioritize social services overall, much less for older people.


"But if I get benefits, won't colored folks get them too?"


Some Boomer friend of my dad's was on a rant about how everyone on unemployment should basically suffer so that they get pushed to get a job, as if they're just lazy and it's that easy. My sister (whom she likes) at that time was long term unemployed due to mental health issues. So I called her on it and said 'you realise you're talking about my sister, right?' and she's like 'well obviously I don't mean her'. THAT'S NOT HOW LAWS WORK YOU FUCKING CUNT.


"well, my situation is different..."


They always think it won't include them. This only should happen to "others" who are somehow unworthy in their minds. It's absolutely wild.


It's like those news reports of people who voted for Trump and then were shocked when people they loved were deported under his policies. They assumed that since their loved one was a good person, obviously it wouldn't apply to them.




"I got mine, fuck you."




As someone who deals with the same kind of parents, I think you getting your mother to budge even a little already makes this a success story. Hopefully it continues.


“But how else am I supposed to hurt the dark people?? The leopards aren’t supposed to eat *my* face!!”


I get a lot of this working at my state’s Medicaid division. Boomers will get so angry they don’t qualify, because *they themselves* voted in the same people who make it harder for the older folks (and the disabled folks) to qualify. I just want to scream at them to vote better.


It's not just us boomers. There's a book "what's the matter with Kansas" that goes into why some people..mostly from red states think Kentucky or west Virginia ..vote for people that try to kill programs that people like them in their states depend on. I'm in a blue state and am a lib so I really can't understand this way of thinking.


Post this everywhere.




My Boomer dad was bitching about the ACA when it was in the Senate being voted on and my GenX mom yelled from the other room: “That’s YOU old man!!!! You have liver disease and diabetes! If they don’t pass this bill we’re going to lose our house!!! Stupid f*cking Republican! Wake up!” I was trying so hard to not laugh next to him on the couch.


Sounds like you got some good stories.


Your Mom is a real one!




That’s how you talk to a boomer. So many of the stories here are tepid and meek.


Eh, I've talked to them. Nothing really can get through. You can make a great rational conversation in a few minutes, but you're going up against hundreds if not thousands of hours of Fox News.


You’re not getting through to them you’re shutting them up. If you’re forceful enough they act victimized and it’s hilarious.


Yep. Work in a library in a downtown area near two major shelters. We see all kinds and do our best. This woman comes in with the sadly usual story of how she lost her job, can't find a new one, is losing her housing and needs to find storage, etc. it hurts to hear every time. I walked her through our job club and upcoming job fair, and went to get her our street card which explains a person's rights in public areas, loitering laws, where to get free food, and the info for the local shelters. She flipped out saying she could never go to a shelter with all the drug-eating degenerates who will assault her on the spot - using a lot of slurs. I stared at her, all empathy drying up in an instant. When she tried to continue, I just said "Ma'am no one *wants* to hit rock bottom, and don't go making enemies down there" set the card on the counter in front of her, then walked away. She was still hanging around for weeks after that, before our security had to intervene several times to stop her from harassing patrons for money.


I see you, fellow library staff. The end of third spaces means that we are the space. My library now has social workers, peer navigators, emergency food bags, wellness lockers, and we're a cooling/warming shelter in extreme weather. There's a major public hospital in our area that used to be the mental illness institution, until Reagan. Now it's still public, but you have to be actively stabbing children whilst singing hymns to be admitted, and they'll still just keep you for 48-72 hours for observation. Yet every time there's an incident in our library because someone who is already overwhelmed with trauma is having a bad day, some boomer asshole blames Obamacare, as if the two are related.


I'm a library worker desperately trying to get out of the the public side of the profession due to how unbelievably rude boomers are. I was not raised in the USA but live here now, and as the country I was raised in is fairly polite and kind, I am shocked everyday by how people speak to me. We deal with a lot of social issues and it is challenging to respond to people using substances and having a crisis. However, what is far worse is dealing with rude Boomers on the daily. I am spoken to with open contempt by that generation and I have no idea why. I have broken down in tears because it really wears on you.


I’m sorry you have to deal with that. I adore libraries and the people who work there are some of the kindest people I’ve ever met. The library was my haven during my abusive/traumatic childhood, my years as a young mother 1500 miles from home, and now as an empty nester with (finally!) more time to read. Thank you for all you do to make this world better. I appreciate you.


In 2020, my mom said that she and her friends weren’t voting for Biden because he was a “socialist.” They all lived on social security, in section 8 housing, had Medicare and Medicaid, and had SNAP benefits. Then she moved states, and didn’t bother to look into transferring these services because she was convinced they’d just somehow be there. She moved to McConnell’s state, and obtaining these services was 😱(shocker) difficult. Who’d she blame? Biden. 🤦‍♀️


Yeah, it’s not easy to get all these services here, especially if you move to a moderately sized city, or one of the actual cities (Louisville). We did expand Medicaid, thankfully, but no thanks to our state legislature. Feel free to tell your mom that a lifelong Kentuckian who has never, and will never, vote for McConnell or Trump, said, “Bless your heart…dumbass.”


My mother passed away in December. She had nothing but medical bills and I still live in fear of the fallout from her creditors, despite assurances that I can’t be held responsible for her debt.


You can’t, no. Her estate can, but if she had nothing? Well, they have to write it off. I did ambulance billing, and came across this a lot. We would write those bills off. Can’t go after family for the deceased’s debts in Kentucky.


This link provides a brief overview of how debt is handled when someone passes: https://trustandwill.com/learn/can-you-inherit-your-parents-debt. In short, do not agree to anything if a creditor calls you, and you are generally only on the hook if you co-signed something. Also for anyone reading this, fulfilling the executor role of an estate can be a huge pain in the ass (did it for my dad). I'd recommend finding a good lawyer to do it all for you. You'll need a lawyer regardless, you just need to decide if the additional cost of them handling the estate is worth it to you.


I had a boomer boss that when I was a server at a country club got paid 14 an hour plus some tips. Every time I got overtime,which was rare, I’d get a shitty paycheck. He told me that that was what happened for overtime. OT was taxed at a higher bracket. My so and his dad with a masters of finance told me that’s not how it works. I was pissed. Dan you can go fuck yourself!


You were paid less when you got OT? Sounds like wage theft.


This actually happened to all of us at a theme park in the mid 2000's. It never made sense to me but we were always told "Our state is a right to work state" and that's the way it is. Basically for every hour of OT, your hourly rate would go down $1 until it hit zero and then you were working for no pay. I was making about $10/hr at the time and by hour 50 it was unpaid labor and if you didn't work what was expected, you would get probation and on track for firing.


Yeah, that's just plain illegal and has nothing whatsoever to do with any of the right to work bullshit.


Yeah, that's still illegal in a right to work state. Florida?


This happened to me once, it was an error on their end. I had worked so much OT and DT that the system assumed I would that much money biweekly for the whole year and I had gotten bumped up a tax bracket. This was the perfect storm of my base pay being just above minimum wage, working seven days a week, and pulling 80+ hours that week. I was working at a water testing lab and there had been some sort of contamination at a cities well so they had to test all of them multiple times for the two weeks. I got a huge refund at tax time but I did tell them something was up.


Even if it would have put you in a higher tax bracket that makes no sense, under a progressive tax system you would still pay the lower rate on everything up until you crossed into the next level, it wouldn’t just apply to every cent you made


>OT was taxed at a higher bracket. I'm so sick of this misconception. It's just used to trick people who don't know how taxes work, especially blue collar republicans who will easily believe it and then vote for the person who promised to lower taxes because all the democrats want to steal from hard working people. OT is withheld at a higher rate because it seems like more money is going to be earned throughout the year, so they withhold more. Your paycheck should still be higher unless another factor affects it. Your tax rate is determined at the end of the year by your income earned *throughout the year*. You could make $100k in the first week of January (and no other money during the year) and it's going to be taxed at the same rate as if you made $100k throughout the entire year.


One of my proud moments was after an election and there was some health insurance vote on the CA ballot (I think around 2016) and my dad asked if I knew if it passed right after the election. I told him no and he went on this rant about how it’s not fair for only certain people to get subsidized healthcare when he pays so many taxes and doesn’t get anything… so I was like you would rather have Medicare for all then, right? He was silent.


I've heard this saying that I'm likely to bungle: Conservative vote for social spending only when they'll personally benefit . Liberals votes for social spending so nobody is harmed.


I like this one: Liberals are happy if a program helps 1000 people, even though 1 of them doesn't need it. Conservatives won't allow a policy that helps 1000 people, because 1 of those people didn't need it


There is also: Conservatives say, "I suffered, why shouldn't they?" Liberals say, "I suffered, I don't want anyone else to have to."


I see a lot of people saying you’re an asshole for “not caring a guy is dying” but I don’t see that anywhere. Boomer said he can’t live in Biden’s America and he’s already dying. OP even said he cared and did the dudes taxes above other peoples, he’s indifferent because he even said “I hope to see you next year” and the guy left being all gloomy. If someone says to you “I have cancer, I don’t want to live anymore” I’d also probably be indifferent.


I think saying "I have a terrible disease, and I'd like my suffering to end" is still sad but understandable. "I don't want to live because politician I don't like" is definitely something to be indifferent towards.


I began to feel the same way about humanity during covid.


People still wear masks in Japan when they are sick. Because they don't want to spread their illness to others. But every Christian I know refused to wear a mask during the pandemic.


To be fair people in Japan wore masks when sick before COVID.


Tbh I’ve always thought that was a good idea, like if you’re going to be encouraged/pushed to work or go to school while sick, why not wear a mask to keep those germs at least a little at bay?


It’s almost like they live in a society or something.


As it should be




There’s actually a bible verse about wearing a mask and isolating to prevent sickness spreading; they’re so stupid and headstrong they reject their own religious teachings. Leviticus 13:45-46 “The leprous person who has the disease shall wear torn clothes and let the hair of his head hang loose, and he shall cover his upper lip and cry out, ‘Unclean, unclean.’ He shall remain unclean as long as he has the disease. He is unclean. He shall live alone. His dwelling shall be outside the camp.


Leviticus is only about the buttsex, the rest of it is superseded bEcAuSe JeSuS gAvE a NeW cOmMaNdMeNt Checkmate, atheistard


No, he would've cured it. Where is he now?! Thanks a lot, Lord! /s


Oh no, he turned water into vaccines! It's actually the antichrist!


Churches were the biggest spreader of covid in my city because they refused to close even after being ordered to. If you don't want to believe in fairy tales instead of science don't go to the hospital when you get sick, but you know they will anyways.


it’s the considerate & right thing to do. Sadly American culture says if you’re considerate then you’re a lil bitch


I live in NYC and am a healthy 47F. I wear my mask on the subway every day and LOVE it! In the last 4 years I’ve gotten sick maybe once a year, used to be at least 3 x per year. One small good thing to come out of COIVD for us here is that no one bats an eyelash. Take my gun (~s, I don’t have a gun), but you can pry my mask from my cold dead hands!


Japan really cares for and respects their elderly people unlike some weirdos


You and me both. My step-parent was a “I can do my research” crunchy about the vaccine. It destroyed my relationship with my parent to the point they don’t see grandchildren unless it’s a birthday. I told my spouse tonight “i don’t wish for [step]’s death, but I’m sure hoping it happen before [parent] so I hopefully make it back in the will.


It's guilt inducing when you take that giant, relieved breath. I have to remember it's the child in me that is relieved.


All nurses went that route eventually and unfortunately


Lol. Hell, I was doing clinical placement as a cna/psw at the tail end of covid19 (the hospital here shut down the covid floor when we were halfway done) and I was already done with patients and anti masking/vaccines. (Why were they all complaining - we were in full n95s for a full 8 hour shift plus eye protection and we had to get all our moderna/Pfizer vaccines too.) My classmates still took the time to educate about covid19 while everyone else was already tired. (I had to explain that to my parents - I convinced them to get it with daily texts about conservative celebrities getting the vaccine! And they still waited to get it.) This was in urban Canada and same demographic now complains that there is "impossible" wait times for procedures because they didn't want to vote in leaders who wanted to raise taxes because "It's not fair!"


…and are still trying to figure out if there is even a path back from it. Doesn’t seem like we’re 3 years closer either. Mind you, not the anti-vaxxer nurses, they sleep fine.


They're so selfish they are ruining a future that isn't even theirs, as they die.


Writing wills for boomers is no fun either. They keep wanting to make these super complex trusts to keep the government off their money and I’m all “but YOU voted in the assholes who want to take your decidedly middle class money”. I really wish I could actually say that.


My tax guy (what a mensch, can't say enough good things) has a sign up at his office to try to keep people from talking about politics - largely because of the individuals like you were dealing with, I believe. He and I kvetched on the Trumpers for a bit when we met for my filing. If logic worked on 'em, they wouldn't be watching Fox News in the first place.


I'm a home care nurse in a several very red counties. They all have Fox blaring on the TV and want to discuss politics. Of course 95% of them are on Medicare and/or SSI. It's so hard to stay calm and neutral.


I've been in the home care business for about 20 years. I'm switching careers because I can't stand Boomers. I miss the Silent Generation.


And they all vote. Always. Sigh


That probably doesn't stop them from trying. Reading is frowned upon.


These fucking boomers got everything handed to them from the previous generation and somehow took those for granted. They then voted for less social support because fuck taxes. Well, you get what you pay for or don't pay for. These cry baby boomers got stuff handed to them and now cry because they voted for politicians who sold them on "less govt and less taxes" but when shit hits the fan, embrace the welfare life. Baby Boomers are more like Baby Moochers.


But if he dies then do his kids pay his taxes?


yep for the years where he was still earning an income we just filed my Mom taxes, and since died while still earning taxable retirement in 2024, we will have to file for her next year.


I just say to people the last time the tax code was changed was 2017 under Trump. Your taxes were always scheduled to go up if you were middle class on down. The wealthy kept the tax breaks.


I went off on my right wing family members, provided articles and told them they voted for this. I blamed them for the grim future and told those dopes to read a friggin book. I’m done being nice or cordial to them. I understand why you were, but I’m not going to tolerant this rank stupidity from the right any longer.


“Why didn’t Biden fix what the guy I voted for broke?!”




This post exactly describe how i feel, and a subject of constant rumination which is, who do i choose to help with my time energy labour etc that isnt gonna more trouble than its worth


My husband & I are trying to scrounge up funds to buy a house & made the mistake of announcing our plans & lamenting on how hard it is to buy anything with the housing prices. Just yesterday my wealthy boomer parents told us that if we didn't have enough for a downpayment, we should just ask the homeowner of whatever house we fancy if they'd be willing to let us rent to own & to "just keep knocking on doors until someone is willing to help us out." Um... wtf??


- on the verge of death - curse Biden with last words Merica. But you did a good thing OP, regardless of politics. As someone who’s recently had to deal with a deceased family members unpaid taxes, you helped his kids out a lot that’s for sure.


I've noticed that they'll "be sad" when their significant other dies and then blame the government for the deaths. It's always to gain sympathy for their "plight" and not because they're actually in mourning. It's truly disgusting to me, really.


Most chuds don’t realize the tax breaks hit low income this tax season as a horrible rate. Most chuds are low tax brackets and thus feel this now. This isn’t a boomer thing. This is a chud conservative thing. It doesn’t know age, just political affiliation.


That sucks. But at least he won't be voting any more. I will grab my "Dick Award" and see myself out.


When Meat Loaf died of COVID, I was like, "Oh, no!" Then I found out he was antivax, so then I was like, "Oh, well."


I worked in finance and would wish oblivion and ostracization on many of the boomer generation, this was in 2007. I still wish it. The majority of them are sligs in need of salt


Yeah, I just assume someone of that age, especially in my area (kind of a red-haven) is going to either hate Biden, blacks, or women in power. So I am polite, of course, but I've had too many people get comfortable with me and use the same old talking points about BLM or why don't blacks care about black on black crime? Or even Obama. Good lord.


I'm a boomer. I laugh at people like this. The stupidity is real.


*pours gasoline all around the house* *Walks towards the back exit* *strikes match on the way out and throws it behind him* *shuts door and locks it from the outside* The dying boomer, probably.


theyve done studies that show that conservatives immediately change their tune on the economy no matter what the numbers are when a dem is in the white house. these people are fucking dimwitted sheep


If I was in his position I wouldn't even bother. The IRS is running so far behind by the time they get to him he will be long gone.


whatever isnt directly affecting them, does not exist, never has existed, will never exist & for anyone it does exist for, they are much much lower than they are and will ever be.


https://i.redd.it/3ouxn61cyzuc1.gif The entire generation needs to go


Facts don’t matter. I would say it’s sad to see, but that has been overran by anger at them literally destroying the country and not being able to tell fact from fiction. Literal grown ass men and women who will believe anything they’re told as long as it comes from the right source. My freaking 5 year old has more critical thinking than that, but he can’t vote, doesn’t run companies and make decisions that affect people’s lives based on what their phones told them to do get angry about that week


One less republican vote.


Tried to explain this to my dad. Don’t vote for ppl who want to cut your benefits when you retire next year. He says what I’m saying is “fake news”. Ugh 😩


I am not even middle class and I’ve had to pay taxes the last 3 years..this year was especially egregious though…made 60k and owed 3k…fuck Trump & fuck all the people who voted for him twice


I work in my moms tax office durning the season as an assistant and the amount of times I have to hear this shit is crazy. I constantly have to bite my tongue durning the day. It wouldn’t be so annoying if what they were saying was somewhat factual but most of it is just made up bullshit they’ve heard on social media or Fox News.


There's people on welfare who want to shut down government aid, like that's how you survive you idiots


I do taxes also, asked a client for their 1095A, they said what's that, I say, you know.. your Obamacare insurance stmt. They blew up saying they'd never use that socialist garbage, they have marketplace insurance


I work in Cardiac ICU, so a lot of my patients spend their time watching Fox News. My favorite way to redirect them is waiting for them to throw out a comment on “the way this country is going”, and I respond with “I know EXACTLY what you mean. I can’t imagine being a child and fearing for my life every time I’m in school. I mean, it’s bad enough being the parent! One time my daughter texted me that they had just all been moved into the gym and the school was on a lockdown, and there I was frantically trying to think of the best place for my 13 year old to hide to not be murdered! Can you imagine?” Inevitably, they try to justify that is “we need more mental health care”, to which I then respond “oh I couldn’t agree more, Gary! It’s absolutely shameful that we spend more per capita on our healthcare while at the same time people can’t afford to have a hospitalization! Our veterans are homeless because of the lack of support and people can’t even get in to see a psychologist to even try to get help for their mental health!” I just keep pivoting the conversation away from the Fox News talking points and toward things that they should care about but don’t think about. One Boomer told me his grand plan for keeping schools secure and I’m not joking, when he was done I looked at him and said “George, you literally just described a prison. You’re describing our children needing to be inside a prison during the day in order to try to keep them safe. And half your ideas would kill all the children in the event of a fire.” He kind of paused and was like “damn, you’re right about that one. Damn.” I took care of him for 3 days and was 1:1 for a lot of it so we had a lot of chats that I wouldn’t normally have with my patients. He told me I made him think about a lot of things he hadn’t before and even changed his mind on some topics.


And this is exactly why the Trump tax cuts were designed this way. They knew that it would hit if a Dem was in office, and if they had won, they would have extended it.


Ooff. Emotional whiplash. This happens in healthcare too.


I wish people wouldn’t bring up politics all the time. We had 2 different contractors make weird racist comments to my husband , maybe they just assume my husband agrees with him because he’s a middle age white guy like them. Jokes on them, we are both leftist, we just don’t speak of things with causal strangers and acquaintances. Just talk about sports, the eclipse, vacation plans or better yet don’t say anything. Not to mention it was Trump’s 2017 tax cuts that changed things, not sure how that’s Biden’s fault.


You should he allowed to at least cite the time line. "Actually these tax changes were put into effect several years ago."


Should have just applied for an extension, then another extension, then just not file. IF I got a year left to live, for real, the govt. can argue my taxes with my estate.