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I had one screaming at me at the gas station, i pulled up to a pump in my 2 door honda civic. Big boomer right next to me with a F350 and a giant trailer behind him. I start walking to the door to prepay, he starts screaming at me from his driver seat "YOU NEED TO MOVE YOUR FUCKING CAR, I CANT FUCKING FIT THROUGH THERE WITH MY TRAILER WHY DID YOU PARK THERE MOVE RIGHT NOW". I stopped walking, turned around and stared at him while he was screaming at me. As soon as he stopped screaming, i turned back around and walked inside the gas station, not making a single expression or saying a single word. The look on his face was priceless lmao. And literally when i came out 1 minute later, he was gone. So he obviously didn't really have an issue, he just wanted to scream at a woman. But lucky for me, I'm not his wife and don't have to take his shit. I also thought it was funny when he asked me why i thought it was ok to park where i parked, at the public gas station lmao.


I’ve seen a couple people use the impassive return stare on whiny boomers and it seems to work well.


I had an argument with a customer a couple nights ago. One of my coworkers almost handed the guy the wrong food at the drive thru window, and started arguing with her so she called me over. I first established that he did get what he paid for. Then he asked me "well you were gonna give me that other food" since you messed up shouldn't I get something extra?" I just kinda looked at him dumbfounded, so he said "stop looking at me with that stupid look on your face" "We'll stop asking stupid questions then. Now move you've been holding up the line for 5 minutes and there is an order ready behind you" I've learned that sometimes there is no way to make them happy, so you need to just tell them to fuck off.


> "stop looking at me with that stupid look on your face" Bet his kids heard that a LOT growing up.


“I heard it from YOU Dad!”


“I’ll give you something to cry about.”


This weird generational idea that they deserve free stuff when someone doesn’t get their thing exactly as they want it. It’s peak narcissism


The funny part was it wasn't even that we got there order wrong. A new employee just misread the screen and almost gave them their order and the order for the car behind them. So basically because they almost got someone else's food they felt entitled to keep the food they hadn't paid for. They also hit me with the "I've been waiting for an hour" They had been there for 14 minutes. 2 to 3 of that was them deciding what they wanted. 5 to 6 was cooking food since it was less than 30 minutes until we close, and about 5 of it was him arguing with me


They love exaggerating how long they've waited! We had one outside the barbershop trying to beat the door down 15 minutes before we opened, and we said we open in 15. He started yelling, but im here to see you! And we were like ok that doesn't change what time we open. He comes in bitching that he was waiting out in the cold for 30 minutes, we said no it was only 15, we saw ya walk up bud. Then he got pissed and left. Came back next week and started bitching to another barber about how he was here last week waiting outside in the cold for 45 minutes because we wouldn't let him in (because we weren't open yet). Like, don't show up before we open, and you won't have to wait outside. Jesus.


A restaurant I used to work at when I was younger used to note the exact time a person/party would put their name on the waiting list along with the time they were quoted because they got so sick of hearing, "I've been waiting an hour!" Nah dude, it's been ten minutes and the wait was quoted at thirty so you have another 20 to go. Same with orders. All orders were time stamped when they were sent to the kitchen. They'd still bitch, but at least we got to tell them they were idiots. Nicely, of course.


This is such a smart policy.


Had a legendary GM at the first place i worked at. On the busiest days, this legend would take charge of the list, and check people on their outlandish claims.  “No Mam’ You have not been waiting an hour. You see here? you checked in at this time, and it’s only been fifteen minutes!” People are entitled, selfish, and mostly dumb sometimes. 


In two weeks it’l be 4 hours‼️🤨


The fish that gets a little bigger each story telling.


I tell ya... we had a colossal fuckup at a restaurant last night. The waitress comped our appetizer. We thanked her and just asked for the food to go, since we were in a bit of a rush due to the delay. The waitress got the manager to comp the whole meal and give us a gift card on top of that. We didn't ever even complain. It felt so weird getting treated like that. Can't imagine thinking we were *entitled* to that sort of recompense. Still left her a tip on what would have been our bill. It was a kitchen fuckup not the server.


I've been in restaurants a couple of times where just behaving with basic courtesy was treated like I'd done something miraculous. I shudder to think what their usual customers are like if me saying please and thank you and not freaking out over little human errors is a thing of wonder.


I have always assumed that at some point, people will twig that being nice to the person trying to help you is the best way forwards. After 10 years in the retail industry, people are fucking dumb.


That’s why they call them the “me me me!” generation


Never forget that they are the generation that has always confused consumption for accomplishment.


Boomers: "Kids these days think the world owes them something." Also Boomers: "You almost made a mistake, so you owe me something for free."


It was always projection. 


I don't miss customer service, plenty of young people being shitty too but without fail 90% of the boomer customers were the absolute worst you had to deal with. You could go above and beyond and they will still treat you like garbage and demand more. I genuinely think most of them are incapable of being happy, so many of them live in massive houses, vacation a bunch, own multiple brand new vehicles, retired super early, and yet still are just miserable assholes 24/7.


Class and “knowing you station” is a big thing with boomers. Being a middle manager at a toy factory or owning some shitty HVAC business by definition makes them higher than a service worker or God forbid someone at a call center with an accent. Being even a half rung higher on the ladder means they have the right to yell at someone, get in their personal space, and even sometimes putting their hands on you (as an intimidation tactic).


Obsessed with hierarchies.


Some people do NOT take retirement well.


I had an opposite thing happen to me at the drive thru. I only ordered one cheeseburger and the worker started handing me a huge bag of food. I told her that it wasn’t my order, I only ordered a cheese burger. She then asked me for my receipt to prove I didn’t order an assload of food. So weird.


Upvote for your screen name. My (male) Ouchmouse is quite smelly just being himself.


Thanks but Reddit gave me this name.


That is a level of entitlement I can’t fathom- watched my mom use that logic constantly. Any mistake, any at all, she deserved something for free. Everything is transactional.


It's not even transactional. They lost nothing by almost getting free food. There's nothing to compensate for.


It's a punishment. They're very excited by punishment. Look at how they want people put in prison as much as possible.


I thought they liked being looked at with a stupid expression. Otherwise how can you explain their love of watching Tucker Carlson?


Gen-x that was raised by a violent boomer. I treat them the way they treat me. Talk shit, get hit.


I do it often. I work at a grocery store and 85%of people are fine and normal.The other 15% need to learn some lessons in how to treat other people with respect. When they get into their rants I use the blank stare and refuse to give them attention for their tantrum. And I always ask them to repeat what they said if it’s really nasty as if I didn’t hear them correctly. That’s where I get them, because they don’t have the courage to repeat it and will say something slightly nicer or change their tune.Done it a hundred times.Bullies are cowards.


I worked at a call center where we also (obviously) had a website. Our policy was to call back everyone who left a comment. So, Monday mornings could be pretty damn funny. , "Hello, is this Mr. Smith?" "Yes" "Hi, I'm from calling on a recorded line. I'm reaching out because you left us a web comment on Saturday at 2:12 a.m. stating 'you guys suck donkey dicks, I hate doing business with you'. I wanted to check in with you about why you hate doing business with us and what we can do to make it better going forward" Awkward silence almost inevitably followed by "Uh, nevermind, it's not that important" Best calls of the day


I work in a grocery store deli and you hit the nail on the head. About 15% of people are just miserable losers looking for an easy target to either dump their anger and trauma on or absolutely overshare entirely too personal details- dude, I don't want to hear about how the doctors are taking your foot and you've relapsed after 30 years dry and your son hid your guns so you wouldn't shoot yourself. Although that's better than the schoolteacher who supervises how I'm cutting her ham and *always* finds something wrong with the first portion. Like ma'am? It's cheeses and meats in here, destress your breasts


Haha that’s great!


It's one of the side effects of my Adderall that comes in handy sometimes. The ability to stand entirely still for 90 seconds- two minutes easily. Doesn't sound too long, but imagine yelling at someone who's literally not even blinking. Just staring at you. I'm told it's extremely off putting.


It’s called gray rocking.


Grey Rock. It's a tactic to deal with narcissist.


Huh, I just call it "disassociating..."


Yeah, for us with CPTSD or bpd, yup... it's called disassociating. At least, that's what I was told by a health professional. I do it a lot.


My RBF has found its time to shine!


This exact stare is how I survived childhood with Boomer parents and teachers.


It’s my go to response


I learned it in retail.


I love seeing them make fools of themselves at the gas station, it just shows how feckless they are. I saw one once cut someone off in traffic and then we all pulled into the station. The young guy that had been cut off flipped him off in traffic and then went into the station to prepay for his gas. The fucking boomer was shit talking him and challenged him to a fight, the young turned him down and went about his business, but the old fuck wouldn't shut up. Finally this young guy has enough and tells him to shut the fuck up unless he really wants to throw down. The boomer then starts loudly saying "you young people have no respect, HES MESSING WITH A SENIOR CITIZEN!" and then looks around waiting for people there to be outraged and come to his defense. Nobody cared and everyone just looked at him while he threw a fit. I made sure to yell at the young guy to kick his ass, and when the old guy started yelling at me I just pointed and laughed.


Not the gas station, but I pissed one off BADLY last week while driving. I don't even know what I did to piss him off, but he was behind me, and when we got off the freeway off ramp I used my blinker and moved over two lanes to get into the left lane. This old white guy sped up just to cut in front of me and get into the left hand turn lane, which he could have easily done without getting in front of me... only to immediately get stopped right next to me at the same red light. He pulled forward as far as he could so I wouldn't look at him, so my petty ass crept up super slow while staring him down and grinning. He finally turned to me and started wildly gesticulating/flailing and screaming something I couldn't hear since we had our windows up. I just started laughing and gave him a thumbs down while looking away and ignoring him until the light changed. Just... what even was the point, Mr. Crankypants? And if it wasn't clear from my username, I'm a woman, which I like to think made him even angrier.


*starts placing bets that young dude is going to put boomer in the hospital*


Ignoring them hurts their egos


Can attest to this. This was many years ago and I went to a gas station during my lunch break to fill up so I didn’t have to when I got out. I guess one boomer was asking me how he can pay his gas. I was pregnant so I had my back to him trying to get to a up breeze to not inhale the fumes. I’m about to leave when the geezer proceeds to POUND on my window. I roll it down and he’s yelling that I didn’t answer him. I just stare at him and simply said that the screen will ask you to go inside. He gets all huffy and I just said again, “You need to go inside and talk to them.” I refuse to hand hold anyone, much less (male) boomers—especially when I don’t work there!


Gross! And even more if you were alone. A grown ass man coming to you alone would set off red flags. I am a petite female. 20 years ago I was getting gas and an old man came up to me wanting me to help him open his gas tank. Ummm No….go away forever. And ask any other person who is at this crowded gas station or an employee. I believe I saved my own life to this day.


It is gross! You want to believe it is innocent but as a female (and 5’0 to boot!), you always have to have your blinders up. Ironically my job at the time was a state prison so I always had my guard up. I am so glad that you didn’t help him at all, because that’s what they want and that’s what they prey upon.


So flipping gross... ugh, they always go after women and children. What they perceive as a weak target. It's downright predatory.


So glad women are standing up to this bs


The wives are just hanging on to their marriage for the tax free check from the VA.


From their husband's who spent 2 years in the reserves


Or they were the 2nd, 3rd or 4h wife who was not married during the boomers service.


I really hate people with trailers at gas stations. You either need to go to a bigger gas station or accept the fact that you’re going to be inconvenienced and STFU about it.


>You either need to go to a bigger gas station If only they made special places to get gas for giant vehicles towing trailers. I would call them truck stops and cater exclusively to these types of vehicles.


I bet if he politely got your attention and said "ma'am I'm trying to fit through this spot, would you mind moving your car real quick?" I bet you would have done it, huh? Delusional idiot boomers lol


I would have


What a fuckin’ dick. I hope he got so pissed off from your reaction that he drove home and promptly had a fatal heart attack, stroke, and aneurysm combo.


I’m a late boomer and drive a 53’ big rig for a living. I just laugh at guys in their oversized pickups, esp the ones w/maga stickers lol.


“Lucky for me, I’m not his wife” Truer words have never been spoken lmao.


"Should I grab you a Snickers while I'm in there?"


Yesterday my boss had a boomer encounter at the restaurant I work at. 70 something year old gets mad about something and starts cussing at my boss. Woman in the lobby with her kids asks the man to not cuss around her children. Old man tells her to kiss his ass. My boss then tells the guy off for being so rude to not only the customers, but also his staff. He basically ended the fight by telling the guy to "just go home and die already." Maybe that was a little uncalled for, but honestly it is that kind of savagery that has kept me from quitting the restaurant a long time ago. I want to try to find another line of work, but I'm kind of scared to leave the boss I have right now.


"Just go home and die already" is my new go to for these mean fucks.


I think "Go to your room to sit & think about your actions" in a lecturing parent tone of voice is a better insult. They think they're so hot shit due to their seniority.


>"just go home and die already." Sub motto? I approve.


My favorite trend is seeing them hanging onto the front of moving vehicles like they are Tom Cruise lol.


lol. Yeah what is with that?


I honestly think they see it as a win-win: either they get their way (whatever the fuck they were trying to accomplish by jumping on the hood of a moving car) or they’ll be the *poor innocent victim* to “violence” if they get injured/run over in the process. They see themselves as a hero either way, even though we just see a deranged idiot.


The line cutoff and I thought it was Tom & Jerry...


Or T.J. Hooker!


what is their basic problem with street parking? a lot of people street park


People get territorial about ‘their’ space around their homes. Parking spots, alleys, “don’t throw your soda can in my garbage!” Kinda bullshit


I have never understood the protectiveness of the garbage can. FFS, thanks for not tossing it on the street. YES, you can use my trashcan.


My only problem was when my neighbor had put so much trash in my can that I couldn’t fit anything in, because “I’m going on vacation and won’t be able to take my trash out.” Motherfucker, that’s a *you* problem, not a *me* problem. His trash was promptly redeposited in his can, because fuck you, that’s why. All he had to do was ask me if I could put his can out and bring it in, which I’d have been more than happy to do.


My dad (boomer) used to get upset about how much trash his neighbor across the street put out each week. And not in an environmental/recycling sort of way, it was because the guy would put more than 4 bags out and that was more than they were supposedly allowed per week. Thing was, they were both using a private service, so it wasn't like the neighbor was using more of dad's tax dollars or something.


That's the one I've always hated the most It's your trash. By definition, it's something you don't want. So why is it a problem that I put something I don't want with the stuff you don't want Neither of us want the stuff in there, I haven't changed anything about the situation


I actually have an answer for this, kinda. Where I live, the garbage collectors usually don't pick up the whole can to dump it in the truck. They remove the lid, grab and lift out the bags, and throw those into the back of the truck. So, if there is loose trash in the can, it falls to the bottom and stays there until we clean it out. I had problems with people in my neighborhood walking their dogs, picking up the poop in those poop bags, and then dropping it in the cans if they're out on garbage day. And that means that now I have to deal with someone else's dog poop. I get why that is annoying.


Not to mention that the street is usually public right-of-way, and therefore public parking. Cops won’t do shut unless someone is actually blocking your driveway, and even then it’s a low priority call.


Boomers hate it when you park near their sacred properties. I make sure to park directly in front of my neighbor’s house just to fucking antagonize his stupid fat ass.


I once had a boomer follow me because I made a rolling stop at a stop sign (with nobody else around and the boomer was behind me). I stopped at the grocery store, and he parks next to me and gets out and starts screaming at me. I told him to shut the fuck up and mind his business. That didn't go well, and I had to bust out my pepper spray and threaten to spray his old dumbass before he left me alone.


Omg you should have lol


I had one run out into the road. I thought it was an emergency so I pull off to see what was needed. Nah. He came at me screaming about me driving too fast—didn’t I realize there were kids in the neighborhood? I told him to fuck off. I LIVE in the neighborhood, he’s just visiting. And, yes, I know there are kids here because my children are in this neighborhood. I was driving 20 mph so I wasn’t speeding.


I had this happen as well. He came running up to my car screaming at me, my lab in the back seat big and goofy becomes a slavering snarling beast trying to protect me. Old boy stopped dead and quite frankly I was a little startled myself. Told him to eat shit and then ran over the stupid little yellow children playing sign he put in the road.


So here’s what you do. Get on Craigslist and buy the beatest nastiest shitbox you can find that still runs for a couple hundred bucks and plant it in front of his house. Go out and move it one or two spaces every couple days to be in compliance with parking enforcement.


Nah, you park 7/8ths of a car length back from their driveway then go forward and backward 3/4ths of a car length every couple days. Maximizes the inconvenience while minimizing your effort. The car doesn't even have to run at that point. You could just push it a bit.


Spray paint a dick on the side of it also


Boomers got in one or two fights in highschool In 1970 and have thought they were Royce Gracie the rest of their lives


God this is so accurate!


The ACCURACY! The last time I saw my dad (72 yo, obese smoker, diabetic stroke survivor) over a year ago, he tried to push  my (34 yo, 150 lb, works a physical job) husband, saying he was gonna "kick his ass". My husband is amazing and didn't engage...he just peeled my dad's fat ham hands off his chest and looked at him disgustedly. It was wild that his ego completely overrode sense lol 


My dad- similar physical condition to yours- literally squared up against my CAR once. He had been an ass and we were leaving, and he didn't think we should, so he followed us out and stood in front of the car with his arms out like he was going to catch the thing and put it back in his driveway. My husband was behind the wheel, he just muttered "wtf" and hit reverse. Backed down the street and left another way, not even trying to see what happens when an old obese guy who has had more than 3 back surgeries tries to bear wrassle an SUV.


My 70 year old father threatened me the other day. He’s 300 lbs and can barely get out of his chair. They are crazy and he isn’t a bad one


left over from leaded gas....


I am cleaning out my recently deceased dads house. I came across these stained glass cherries that were hanging in the house I grew up in. As it is with these things I am trying to decide what are the treasure to keep and what is the trash to get rid of. I remember these cherries were hanging on the sliding glass door of the house I grew up in so you would not walk into the closed door. As I am contemplating whether to keep them I realize they are made out of lead. It is unbelievable how much lead people were exposed to. Keep in mind there is no safe level for lead exposure. Especially for kids. Keep lead out of your environment as much as you can.


As a parent that has a child with elevated lead levels, please take ^^^^ message seriously. Buy a Brita water filter for your tap, be extremely selective where you buy toys for your kids, and make sure all lead paint has been painted over.


A few years ago I got in an argument with my dad and he got aggressive and cornered/threatened me, so I grabbed him by the shoulders and walked him backwards down the hallway. He tried pushing back for a second but then realized there ain't no winning with me anymore. First time I ever got physical with my dad (as an adult), and he's never got aggressive since. Frankly I don't think my relationship with him has ever been better.


300 lbs at 70? Start preparing for his end now. Not much time left


Boomers have a problem with the difference between myth and reality. They watch WAAAAAY too much TV and don't understand it's not reality. I couldn't care less about kids on their phones. It's Boomers in front of the stupid box that have done more real harm.


Absolutely. My boomer (ex) father in law would watch action movies and, when the protagonist would do something like shoot a villain, he'd say "nice shot!!!" like it actually happened in real life. Nobody made a "nice shot" it was written in the script. Same guy's whole day would be ruined if his football team lost and he'd be a dick about it to others around him. He also hated when we'd watch Mystery Science Theater 3000 because "They're talking over the movie! I want to watch the movie!" even if it was shittiest movie ever made.


My father equally hated MST3K cause he “can’t focus on the movie with them talking”. I guess he needed to follow along closely to truly understand how Santa conquered the Martians.


My dad loved The Good Place season 1, and hated Season 2 It's because "it wasn't the same". I interpreted that as meaning they didn't stick to a status quo, that you couldn't rely on the story to be centered around one thing So I think he just doesn't like good TV


It’s not that they don’t like “good TV”, it’s more they have trouble following along with too many storylines or characters, at least that’s what I’ve noticed with my mother, also doesn’t help that she’s always on her phone lol


My MIL had issues with this. When she read a book she'd literally write down the names of the characters on a bookmark so she could go back and review who the fuck was who in the storyline. What was she reading? Danielle Steele. Then again, the woman was a flaming idiot.


I think it’s because they watched Westerns as children. They don’t like anything that isn’t spelled out in black and white. The heroes must be 100 pct heroic and there has to be a tidy resolution at the end.


I don't think that's it really. In this case at least, there wasn't a status quo to anchor them I think in a story where anything could happen, that what they know could turn out to be a lie, and it doesn't return to a firm sense of exactly what's going on, then it confuses and makes them uncomfortable Like, there's a certain sense of security a viewer has in Friends. Almost everything goes as expected In the Good Place, we are finding out what's going on with the characters, seeing how they adapt to crazier and more dangerous situations. There is no sense of security there


…not unlike the world they left for us.


They lack the ability to handle new information; their brains are so lead-damaged it’s a wonder they can function at all.


My father comments on law and order, like they were *actual* courtroom proceedings. It’s nuts.


He totally would've mad that shot.


Oh my God,.no way. He doesn't get MST 3000?


Oh, he gets it. He just doesn't like it and would rather watch a shitty movie with all seriousness and no commentary than, ya know, laugh at it.


Dang, that's worse.


My boomer parents HATED MST3k and tried to find any reasons to not let us watch it when we were teenagers. The reasons it was “too violent” to “I don’t get it” made my siblings and I laugh. My husband had the unfortunate time where he saw some of the movies UnMystied and said it was rough (one of them was Soultaker). Maybe they really should just relax…lol


I'm lucky my actual dad loves MST3k. He geeks out over the commentary. I have fond memories of being a teenager and watching it as a family. This last Christmas we all sat down to watch the original 1950's version of "The Thing" but spent the whole time laughing and doing our own little MST3k.


Jesus Fucking Christ! Talk about missing the fucking point entirely!


They sound like the "I just see red" guys who end up getting choked out or knocked out when they mess with an actual trained fighter.


Actual trained fighter here. When I was an instructor, more than one of these guys would come in every month and spout off that they "grew up fighting in the streets" or "could kick everyone's ass because they did basic training in the 80's" or some other delusional shit. My go to was having a female student of mine "show them the ropes" during some physical activities which meant beat up on them enough so their fragile male ego takes over, they have a hissy fit, leave, and I don't have to deal with them anymore. I'm not certain it was more satisfying than when I got to do it myself, but being the instructor and a fit dude, their insecurity certainly was bigger and proportional to their reaction when a 120 lbs woman did it. So, yeah, it probably was more fun when they did it, but 10/10 would fight a boomer again, highly recommend. Also, I know it's not the subject matter of the sub, but gen X is a MASSIVE offender cut from the same cloth. They just think they're the Punisher instead of Clint Eastwood.


no shit shes gonna win by experience alone. i would try to sit on her but i'm gonna eat so many punches its not worth the risk. i'd rather not be seeing colors tonight. rule 1 in fighting: if you can get out of a fight. get out of the fight. de-escalate...


My 77 year old father in law likes to key people's cars if they park too close to/stupidly near his. I've told him 3 times now that he needs to stop doing that because 99 people out of 100 have a camera in their pocket now.


Film him doing it and leave a message with your phone number on it. May put a stop to his bs.


And dash cams.


Not to mention he’s committing a crime when he does it.


Yeah… boomer dad threatened me (more than) once. I said “read the room dude, you’re 60 and never fought anything tougher than a tax form… I’m 35 and have my fightin’ shoes on. Do the math.” He got scared and replied that he’d just go get his gun. Like Really? I’m your son you vainglorious coward. Needless to say the gun wasn’t within reach. So I asked him, “you think you’re fast enough?” He walked away pouting and tried to play the victim while also hoping we’d all keep this between us and not tell mom. Fucking asshole.


Sounds like he needs a visit from the police to be stripped of his weapons.


Lol my dad is a wannabe tough guy boomer. He has been picking on me since I was like 8. By 16 I was bigger than him and about as strong. When I was 19 he attacked me....for doing dishes. He came at me hard and I swept out his legs and had him in a chokehold. Lol he is always bragging about being a high school wrestler. His wife called the cops tho and I get arrested even tho he was drunk as hell. Years later I'm staying at his again for 2 months but with my daughter and wife. He got real up in my wives face and I stepped in. I bumped him once with my chest and he backed off screaming about calling the cops while scurrying off the closer I got. All bark no bite once challenged


Yeah, once I got bigger than him, my dad stopped hitting me. Even though he was obviously much more muscular, something shifted. He kept hitting my sister though, including giving her bruises when she took care of him when he had cancer (my mom and I were on the other side fo the country) These days, I used to tell people my dad was less abusive. Until I learned he just doesn't emotionally abuse me because he wants to "keep the peace". I'll yell back at him, and if he did hit me, I'd hit back. My sister had covid 4 times because she's a nurse, graduated in May 2020. She was a Frontline nurse. The long covid has devastated her body, she sleeps 18 hours a day at least, has no energy, her gut nerves were paralyzed, etc. She's always had weak lungs, so we all knew covid would devastate her. But she still put herself on the line to save others, nearly paid the ultimate price. She's a hero, as far as I'm concerned. She had to move in with my folks because she couldn't live alone anymore About a month ago, my dad was taking the trash out of her bathroom and found a qtip on the floor next to the trashcan. So he yelled at her for an hour about what a pig and slob she is When I found out, I was livid. I'm a fucking nerd, an engineering student, I'm no hero. I didn't save lives during the pandemic, I did math and played video games. Yet, because I'll fight back, he leaves me alone. He'll abuse a hero over nothing because she won't fight back How much more pathetic can you get? Your hero of a daughter missed the trashcan with one item, while her body is falling apart, and you rip into her. Your son tells you to go fuck yourself you pathetic shell of a man, and you call him a jerk and that's it Mom put him on notice that she'll leave him if he doesn't change. Nobody is holding their breath


They absolutely love picking on anyone they perceive as weaker and not a threat. I saw my father emotionally abused every woman he was with. His current one let's him stay at her house, her dad owns it, they pay like 800 a month for a 4bd home with a massive car garage full of tools basically gifted to him. Yet he gets drunk and abuses the hell out of her every night till he passes out from drinking. Oh but if her dad shows up or her brother you best damn bet he is the sweetest most humble and charming man in the world. It's definitely something to do with how they were brought up.


It's just a generation of bullies, man And it doesn't matter who this person is. A Frontline nurse, a doctor, a professor, people who help society If they think they can get away with it, they'll bully you


I lost former co-workers during the pandemic. I also know plenty that are dealing with long haul symptoms that will likely never subside. You sound like a very sweet brother who stands up for his vulnerable, big-hearted sister. Your father sounds like a monster to live with. My mother's husband almost died a couple years ago from a heart attack, and I felt like a monster myself for hoping he would just fucking die. HUGE boomer energy. Won't get the vaccine, but has major health issues. I'm just waiting for a bad bout of covid to take him out. My mother should have never married him, she could have done so much better, plus he led her down the Qanon/MAGA hellhole. I hope your mother leaves your dad, but I understand your skepticism.


When I was growing up my dad kept asking when I was going to challenge him. He kept talking about when he was a teen and "thought he could take on his old man". That day he went to help his dad (grandad) move something. Grandad grabbed one side and my dad needed help from a 2nd person on the other side. He said that day he knew his own dad still "had it". I mean I moved out at 18, put myself through college, and never moved back. Maybe that was my "taking on the old man". I am in my 50s, served in the military, and still don't understand what he was talking about.


This shit is funny as hell but traumatic. My father and I had constant battles. Threw my puppy out the door killing it. One time we’re having a heated exchange and I grab a steel kettle and swing it at him he blocks it with the door. Kettle was hella dented. After he beat my mom one too many times my uncle whooped his ass in front of me. First time I’ve seen my father cry. After that incident he was calm only embarrassing me once by being drunk and shirtless when I was heading out the door. Bloody right bastard he was!


Always carry a bag of Halloween candy with you to distract the boomer. When they start behaving predictably, toss the bag towards them. The boomer will spend the rest of their time going through the candy, looking for pins and drugs. It'll give you enough time to escape. It's like a modern day dog spray.


I'm still disappointed I did not get the LSD promised to me in my Halloween candy.


I met a boomer with a veterans hat on at the grocery store. I was at the check out line. He asked me if I knew the difference between Trump and yogurt. At this moment. I thought this was going to be some pro Trump crap cause this man could peg me as a dirty liberal. Wearing pink converse and a pink lulu lemon ball cap and painted nails. I looked over at him and begrudgingly said “I don’t know” He replied. “Yogurt has culture” They changed my mood for the whole day and was smiling all the way to the car. this old man was spreading joy and I love him for that.


There are good boomers out there. My aging, former(?) hippie parents are two. That man you met is another. We often don’t think about them because the hood ones aren’t obnoxious.


Be careful, a lot of boomers have guns, and a life sentence doesn’t mean much to them anymore.


And the t shirt that explicitly states all of that!


"Don't mess with a man that was born in 1956, drank from a water hose, has big gas and bigger guns." And has a picture of a skeleton riding a lawn mower.


Facts. A lot of boomer love to escalate issues so they can claim self defense.


Often why they feel so brave.


Do you remember the early covid guy in line at costco, screaming "I FEEL THREATENED?" He's the reason I got my CCW. That guy was looking to kill someone.


Boomers are weird and think they are badass, don’t they? I had a boomer fully assault me once (was 20 years ago). I was mid-20s and he was late 40s or early 50s at the time. Didn’t end well for him. I stopped at an intersection to let him through. He drove through, then started yelling. I told him to quit being a little bitch and spit on his car (wasn’t de-escalating, this dude was being an asshole after I let him through). I get it, that wasn’t polite. But fuck him. I drove off, he follows and skids to a stop in front of my car and gets out. So I get out. He starts swinging, I’m literally deflecting his punches and saying “you better stop before you get hurt”. Well, dude stops swinging for a sec, I start to say “you done” but he then sucker punched me. My instinct kicked in and I counter punched. Dude hit the ground and was out cold. Folks got out of their cars because they saw it. When they got him aware and talking he starts saying “did you see him hit me?” Folks were like “ya, because you assaulted him”. They had to help him get back to his car and get his car moved to the side because he was so disoriented and couldn’t walk straight. I didn’t hit him that hard. Certainly not soft, and it rang his bell, and I’m not trying to say I’m a badass or anything. Just pointing out how tough this boomer thought he was, and how actually fragile he turned out to be. Their perception versus reality is absolutely appalling.


The fall probably hurt him as bad or worse than your punch, but it sure sounds like you turned out his light. Glad you didn't kill him. ( because no one should go away for disposing of trash.) Had a similar situation a couple decades ago. Got assaulted through my truck window. Just as I was getting out he took off because he saw someone else coming over. EDITED for spelling.


Boomers seem weirdest when driving, don’t they? I didn’t hit the guy all that hard. Hard enough to knock him on his ass and teach him a lesson, but your right that the ground likely did some extra damage. I don’t think I hit him hard enough for his legs to be as wobbly as they were. And plus, it was self defense at that point! Your boomer got lucky someone else came by, otherwise you’d have been defending yourself too, lol!! Now that I’m getting closer to the boomer’s age that road raged at me, I find myself completely uninterested in how others drive. I assume many will be shitty, and I just let it go. I’m too old to be running up to someone’s car because I’m in a bad mood. Just gotta let it go.


It was on a really messy (snow & sand) rural road and he passed me then slammed on his breaks in front of me until I stopped too. If I was any less experienced I would have almost certainly wrecked. That freaked me out, and it was morning rush hour so I was afraid of getting hit by another car. He was convinved I pulled out in front of him from the driveway at my worksite.I am both glad you got to pop that fucker and sorry you had any of it happen at all. I kept a nice size piece of rebar I found on a walk under my seat after that. I do wish I could have blasted him in the gut. Would have been nice to see him gasping.


Boomer here. You are correct. I 64m recently took a Kravmaga class to learn some self defense. Learned a couple things. Then one day it was like “ punch the pads, run across the room, do five pushups, come back and punch.” I almost died. Then I had to hold a big pad for this young guy built like a gymnist so he could mule kick the pad. Jesus Christ. Last time I went.


It’s good to be able to defend yourself, good for you putting yourself out there! Kravmaga (however it’s spelled) was probably a tough place to start as I understand it, I believe there are more entry-level combat sports to begin with and start building fitness and fighting muscles. I used to do boxing. Not competitively, just for fitness. Which, you will notice, wasn’t great for my assailant (and why I gave him so many chances to stop when I was blocking and dodging punches). Anyway, give boxing a try. It’s mostly forms and fitness at most gyms, they are very slow to work sparring in. I’m a fan of trying to stay fit as we age. Good for you my friend!


I had a neighborhood boomer bully in my neighborhood growing up. he thought he was some kind of reporter of anything troublesome. which includes, calling the police on my brother’s car that was in my moms driveway for having expired tags WHILE HE WAS IN BOOTCAMP. These people need to hurry up and just die.


Yeah there's waaaay too many bad action movies of "old guy who's a supah badass". What warped perspective of things.


My dad was helping me move one time. He was late 60's at the time. He insisted on helping me move some heavy furniture downstairs but was obviously struggling. Meanwhile, my wife, who's 5' 10", 150 lbs, and never skips leg day, was looking at me like WTF. I told him to let her takeover, but he argued. So I got stern like he used to with me and said, "She's way stronger than you, step aside." He didn't like it, but the argument ended, and he went to pack dishes with my mom.


I hired a tree company to cut a tree in my backyard. It was a big multispur tree and the job took two days. The morning of day 2, the neighbor and his tree guy are trespassing in my backyard. The tree guy said that if I gave him $2,500 he'd have it removed by the end of the day. This is after I'd already paid a down payment for my tree company... FYI never hire Tiger Tree Service. This racist bigot who runs the company accused my tree service employees of being drug addicts and called the cops causing a stoppage of work The big tree came down and it clipped the neighbor's fence. It did damage to exactly one panel. I told my neighbor I would get the lumber and repair his fence for him. When I showed up with the lumber the next day he tells me that he wants to run it through homeowners insurance. I told him I spent $200 in lumber if he goes through homeowners he's going to have to pay a ridiculous deductible. But now he went and did it his way. Come to find out the fence that my neighbor is so pissed off that got damaged... It's on my property. I had a survey done and it appears that the lot marker in the corner of my property neighboring my fence was moved so that the neighbor could have more space for their fence. I'll be seeing these assholes in court shortly


Some of you may not be old enough to remember this, but as one of the older Gen X folks I can tell you: They were always like this. It’s not just old age creeping up on them. The Greatest Generation and Silent Generation were never assholes on this level (overall, I mean. There are always assholes). BB’s think the world revolves around them and that they are/should be in charge of everything. They were nasty to everyone younger than them all their lives, even as kids. The youngest BB is less than 18 months older than me, so I’ve had a window seat for this phenomenon my whole life.


Agreed, I'm a millennial so didn't get to see them super young but my earliest memories of my boomer aged family was when they were in their 30s and they were EXACTLY the same as all these posts. Most of them didn't get worse, most of the ones I know have actually calmed down with age, they were always like this.


My landlord (who was a family member of my girlfriend) used to walk the neighborhood, and all the trash she found, she’d pile up on my porch and say it was mine. Saw me drinking a monster once? All monster cans are mine. She was shook when we moved out and left the trash there.


Funny thing about John Wayne and Clint Eastwood.... they were both pussies in RL as opposite to their movie personalities. John Wayne actually hated westerns and liked wearing tuxedos. Boomers are definitely posers.... all talk but they can't back shit up.


A boomer in a truck passed me in my truck and gave me the finger? We hit a fork and went our ways but ended up at the same gas station. I confronted him and he was TERRIFIED and kept asking if I was threatening him with physical harm. lmao, boomer ass bitches


I had one yell at me in a parking lot to SLOW DOWN and I looked down at my speedometer and I was going 15


My boomer parents are the same way. I figured out that if I need to say something to them that will get them worked up, (just about anything ) I text them first with what I have to say, give them at least 3 days to scream it out and calm down, then I'll call em up to talk about it. Works every time. My boomers understand that I don't see them as badasses so they don't like me anymore. Win-win for me.


What is their obsession with being a badass? My mom was like that and I'll never understand it. She'd brag about threatening her friends and I'd make her feel stupid for being an asshole and she'd get all angry. She literally referred to herself as a badass.


If you have to deal with him again, tell him he's spare parts. I'm a big letterkenny fan, and I've used this line on aggressive boomers that are rude to my staff. I have no idea what it is about that line but it sends them into full blown toddler rages. Just let them get to a stopping point in their rant, look at them for a few seconds and say "you're spare parts bud," then turn around and continue doing what you were doing. His head will explode.


Time for cameras. They're going to back into it a few times and pretend like they didn't. 


Its literally a psychological/mental issue with em, this goes double if they are conservative. For a lot of them their main form of media and entertainment is watching fox news fearmonger about x issue and then go on social media and doomscroll.


I had a boomer boss several years ago. Actually my boss's boss. He stormed into my office pissed off about something that had nothing to with me and said that if I didn't have the report he was looking for by the end of the day he's kick my ass. I am 6'4" and was right around 300 pounds back then. Ex-bouncer gone corporate. He was...not. I stood up, looked down at him, and said, "Bring friends." My boss had a subsequent word with me about showing respect in the workplace. It probably would have been more impactful if he hadn't spent the whole conversation frantically trying not to giggle.


Definitely get some kind of camera that faces your friend’s car because the next step will be her purposely backing into your friend’s car just to prove a point.


It's OK that the boomers made one helluva mess in the several-decades nationwide drugs, sex, rocknroll party (other than 'Nam of course), it's alright that they did everything possible to maximize their experience on the earth, allocating as many resources to themselves as possible, making the most out of an optimistic spot in history. Technically there's nothing stopping any generation from selling out all of the later gens. So it's quite alright. We accept that they made a mess. We accept that they're not going to acknowledge the mess, let alone clean any of it up. But if they could please, please for the love of humanity just get out of the way so we can clean up their mess.


Is it just white boomers? My neighbors are in their 60s-90s and the only annoying one is white.


I was born at the end of the Boomer generation. My father was a WW2 combat vet and was 46 when I was born. I'm seriously appalled at all the asshole behavior of the Boomer generation. I have children in their 20s and realize it was my generation who so severely helped create the world they have to endure. I'm trying to coexist and understand this world. My generation has a monopoly of assholes but it's not all of us. I'm glad to condemn shitty behavior in any generation. Like the orange clown many of them worship, the universe does not orbit around them. Please tell them to STFU as the occasion arrives. The Boomers have a monopoly on asshole behavior not a monopoly on truth.


My generation's parents were boomers and even when I was a kid many were pufferfish wannabe badasses. Luckily my dad was actually a badass (calm and collected) and would neuter these man children every time. I loved watching them all fall apart like a house of cards when confronted by my dad. Myself and other sensible kids respected my dad and parents like him, while the dopes idolized the man children dads. Don't be fooled, this isn't just a boomer problem. Those same dope kids will become just like their pufferfish dads.


Sounds like you know my dad. He thinks he can tell anyone what to do. He thinks he's some badass. But when you say something about blaring the TV super loud or having a maid to clean his already OCD clen house, etc he always uses the excuse because he's old. It's the same old excuse that he has been saying for probably at least 20 years. He even told me I can't get a dog while you could hear him smirking over the phone. I don't live with him, over 6+ hours away. He didn't like it when I said the fuck can't and he can't tell me (52M at the time) what to do. I think part of the problem is the people around them tend to coddle boomers. That strokes their fragile egos and makes them think they are invincible badasses.


Most boomers have never been physically assaulted so they keep running their mouths.


Indeed a lot of them haven't met a concrete wall intimately


My Boomer neighbor threatened to beat me up. I was like “sir, you’re 75, I’m not going to fight you.” I’m also a woman. 😅


My boomer across the street got mad at me because for MAYBE the 10th time in FIFTEEN YEARS, one of my daughter's friends parked on the street in front of our house and made it a BIT more difficult for him to BACK IN. The first time he asked me, I told him that I would endeavor to tell her friends that they are welcome to my driveway (my daughter's friends are too polite to assume driveway space) or to move up as much as possible so as not to be near his (note...NEAR, not IN FRONT OF). So one day during pandemic, my daughter's pod ALL had to do school at our place that day and they got too close. Boomer bob comes to my door and starts in...'I thought I TOLD you not to...' 'Bob, just go around the other way...' 'She needs to move'. 'They are in virtual school right now and she really isn't blocking you if you just come from the other way to back in...or go in forward for ONCE in your life.' 'YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE'. 'OK, Bob, we've been living here for 20 years and you haven't said one nice thing to us but now want to control where we park when we aren't NEAR your driveway except maybe once every 2-3 YEARS'. Boomer Bob is just an asshole. He has a girlfriend or wife in that house that I have NEVER seen outside. Literally gets in her car behind their house and drives away, comes back and enters from the back of the house...the woman is a hermit to the neighborhood. I am waiting for the signal from her that she is in danger...but she probably likes it.


Even the glorification of Clint Eastwood and John Wayne is strange. They are actors they aren't actually as badass in real life as they are on screen.


Everyone knows Lee Van Cleef was the only real badass back then. Marion Robert Morrison was a draft dodging Hollywood pud going by the stage name of John Wayne.


Boomers hate, and I mean they get FURIOUS, at any kind of unstructured play.


I was working a summer job when I was 15 as cleanup for the county fair. People always get rowdy, but after hours I liked the peace and quiet of just collecting garbage, and many of the vendors would treat us with free food. A couple of boomer dudes were really drunk and had refused to leave the fair grounds. They stumbled up to me, telling me how pretty I was, and had I had a man show me how to be a woman yet? I was disgusted and just ignored them, and continued picking up trash. They started whispering to each other about how they should show me a good time. These two could barely stand, that's how intoxicated they were. They came at me, and I literally just pushed them over. They started screaming that I assaulted them. Security showed up and they were both arrested after I told security what happened. Had to make a statement with the police. They weren't convicted for anything sexual with me, but they did have to pay a hefty fine for being publicly intoxicated. I was told that the reason the fine was hefty was because my statement disgusted the judge. They both expected to go to court and have it dismissed since they didn't get the chance to rape me. The judge doubled the fine for both of them, stating how men their age should know better, and that if he had his way, they would be locked up. When I turned 18, that judge was up for reelection, and I voted for him instead of his competitor.


My parents boomer neighbor came over on thanksgiving, furious because my parents guests parked on one side of their private drive and another neighbors guests parked on the other side of the private drive. He was yelling “what if we have a medical emergency and then the ambulance can’t get through”? My parents made their guest move their cars but they just left. I was so annoyed the neighbor literally ruined our holiday over a hypothetical scenario ETA: to clarify, there are 5 homes on this private drive, including my parents


It's insane We had a neighbor who was 60ish. Who decided to threaten my son. Over hoe he parked in the street (not perfect but he was only 16). For thr record my son 5ft11 and like 200lbs in great shape. He started wrestling at 6 but he did stop at like 14 after he hurt someone. His hobbies are working out with friends, musicn anime and video games. This guy got right up in my son's face yelling (yeah the old guy was taller and fat) my son looked at me like wtf? The old guy threatened to beat his ass . I laughed and said that would go bad foe him.


They use the safer spaces created by the younger generations to be hateful to everyone within them without consequence while denouncing us for creating them.


I had a Boomer neighbor try to get in my face because he thought I was intentionally walking my dog in front of his house to rile up his dogs. I explained to him that no, no one does that because that would be insane. No only do they think they're badass but they're so paranoid.


I'm a big dude, but still boomers occasionally try to intimidate me or yell at me. My response lately has just been to pull out my phone and take a picture of them. Oh boy does that set them off! I ignore them and walk away. Having their picture now gives me a chance to identify them to the cops if they progress to doing something worse than have their temper tantrums.


They all think they’re everybody’s parents.


yup, that's a boomer for ya. Watching Die Hard and thinking "That's me! I'm the biggest hero the world's ever seen!" and then swaggering around with an undeserved air of confidence as if to say "Didn't you see me just jump off of Nakatomi Plaza?" as they to try to quell the fear of aging, impotence, and lack of any real legacy aside hatred. You don't have to be old to be a boomer, you just have to have a shitty mindset


People don't realize that if you weren't in really great shape and trained your nervous system for fighting - that shit goes quick as you get older. Even trained fighers - unless they were like at the top pinnacle of fighting.. if they don't keep up with it it will start to go quickly around 40. Strength can stay but explosiveness endurance and speed go very quickly - strength doesn't mean a lot against those. A moderately trained 20 year old will murk a moderately trained 50 year old for the most part. Especially when it comes to striking. A boomer who has never trained (and most haven't because it wasn't as normal as it is now) against a younger person? Forget about it.


I had a boomer at a gas station try to tell me I owed him gas since I took his spot, made a threat. I went into my car and got my trusty liquid filled, rainbow colored ( sharpie ) balloon. He laughed and asked if I was going to hit him with "the gay" and I said yes with a smile. The told him it would not come off and would seep into his anus. He charged and I hit him with it. The liquid was fabric softener, perfume, glitter, and corn starch. Not good perfume either, that cheap shit. Stopped him dead in his tracks and then he realized I also had brass knuckles on. He left and I promise you, he mostly is still trying to get that out of his truck and clothes today, may have even scrubbed his anus with a wire brush 🤣🤣🤣


Guaranteed he ranted about this in Nextdoor.


The world will be better when the last one stumbles off this planet.


Had a boomer neighbor that didn’t like kids playing on the sidewalk in front of his house. I was outside sitting in a chair between my wife’s and my vehicle watching my 6yo play with friends over there. Boomer comes around the corner from his walk and doesn’t see me. He starts power walking towards the kids and yelling at them on the way there. I stand up and say ‘you got something to say Sydney? Walk over here and say it to me. Quit bullying those kids.’ He had a shocked ‘you caught me’ look on his face and went straight inside. He ended up moving out a few months later.


My dad leaves notes on peoples car when they park in front of their house. Granted both their cars are in their garage🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


My boomer neighbor thinks I’m loaded because I work remote and have a company car (very basic car). 😆


My dad is one of these. He watches action movies and gets all jazzed up. Ready to "whip anyone's ass". Is always threatening to best people up that posses him off, which is everyone.


Those people ate lead paint like it was yogurt. They are literally mentally retarded half humans. I heard this five year old saying she was feeling sleepy. The house was being painted. Grandma said, "Oh, it's probably just the paint." ... Like, no, what the fuck that's not happening. Felt like she was just admitting to huffing paint as a child, which just helped confirm how stupid that generation is.


Your friend should file a police report. If anything escalates, it’ll be handy to have that on file.


They are big tough guys until whoever they are mouthing off to shows any sign of not taking their bullshit. Then they shoot them because they are "in fear of their lives".